Also, Enzo makes a great point as far as the admin structure, as I mentioned to Outsider in some thread last year, there should ABSOLUTELY be admins that follow wrestling and wanna talk about it here. At least one. I also think it's clear that a purely technical admin should be on-hand to counteract all the problems and has a good hand for changing things like Chaos could. Perhaps it would be a team of 4 guys I could see, that would all their hands in different parts of the forum, and add different things, instead of just being two or three guys who have similar strengths and limitations.
Overall even after saying that, I think things could be a lot worse actually, and I believe the core group of guys here are way way way better than the core on any other wrestling forum period. I think we're just a few tweaks away from being at least on the '09 level again. (Which everybody was complaining about too, just sayin'.)