So their career rises aren't similar? Or how they were featured heavily in the mainstream media? Or the hatred some members of the IWC had for them? How about their wrestling ability being limited to their position on the card? People compare Hogan and Cena all the time to little complaint so why can't we compare Rock and Cena?
@[KevinLockard23] The Rock utilized a limited moveset during his main event run, I'm sure anyone could admit that. Watch his matches, they consisted of slaps, a Samoan Drop, belly to belly throw, Sharpshooter, Spinebuster, People's elbow and the Rock bottom. Not to mention Rock and Cena do target the same demographic in all honesty. They target the marks, hence we see a lot of grown men with Cena merch on today. All this his audience is kids is horse crap. The adults you hear chanting Cena sucks are the smarks. There voice has grown due to the internet being more available.