THE Renegade's Rant on the Section, and its members

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THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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The Introduction:​

This is a rant, and I will not be holding a damn thing back. I am in full throttle on the opinionated mode right about now. If you don’t like what I say about you, negative rep me I don’t care. I’m giving my criticism, and that’s about it. I mean everything in here, and no this isn’t a farewell rant. Far from it. If anything this is an introduction rant. An introduction to a new Diesel, well that won’t be my username come 20 more days. So enjoy, and sit back kiddies. I have more than two pockets full of things I wan't to get off my mind.

The Bookers:
Yes you, and you, and definitely you!

THE Brian Kendrick’s Biceps: You, and I have had our spouts, and disagreements in the past. Well despite all of that, your one of my favorite bookers. You were on SWA, and I although I didn’t read all of your shows, NEW was pretty influential on me. It got me into that mood of wanting to write shows. HOW seems good, and I hope it gets rolling soon. You‘re a great writer, and probably one of the top bookers on the site. This may be weird, odd, and awkward, but you, and CMS are some what of my BTB Idols. Call this kissing ass, but I hope to one day reach your level of IWF stardom. I wish you well into your future endeavors, and I cant wait to get to reading how. Before I move on, I cant say anything I dislike about you, so sorry I couldn’t point no faults there may be out. Your booking is always spontaneous, and the matches are your forte, but the promo’s are just as strong.

CT Styles: Is it me, or are Aussies usually the more successful writers. You haven’t hit that BIG BTB yet, in my opinion. I still believe that you are the next BKB, hell allow me to correct that. You’ll be the one, and only CT Styles. Your matches are swell, and promo’s are average. A little bit of work on your promo’s can go very far. It isn’t really an issue on character, but more on your wording. None the less, that’s not your issue at all. Your writing is overall above average, but you have to find a project you enjoy, and feel comfortable with, and stick with it. I’m not one to talk, as the farthest I’ve gone is three shows -.-. Your graphics are amazing in my opinion, and they always attract me to your BTB’s lol.

CMS: As I said on BKB, you’re my BTB idol. I love BTW. You’ve reached a mile stone with it, and your work is amazing. Your booking in general is well planned, and the storylines are awesome. I’m digging the whole entire Wrestlebowl line up, and I cant wait to have Brock Lesnar win the strap off Triple H. :shifty:. My only complaint is when it comes to pay per views, and stuff. Your winners are sometimes predictable. I’m not saying your bland at all, but its just that a lot of your booking is often predictable. Despite that: Your one of the best bookers on the site, and I’m proud to have you on IWF. Good luck with the future man.

Levi: HEW writer.. Leviathan! Your awesome man.. To date your best pay per view in my opinion was “Adrenaline Rushâ€, and I cant wait for “Explosive-festâ€. You have such a unique, and intriguing roster that I find awesome. Not to mention you were one of the first ones to do that? A pioneer of weird. The cross over with SWA was a bomb shell, and I loved it. You’re a veteran on IWF, and your BTB is also about to hit the ‘one year’ milestone. “Explosive-fest†should be well.. Uh… Explosive! Hah- get it? Your promo’s are good, and your matches are average in my opinion. I think your more of a promo-based writer, but that’s not a bad thing at all. I hope OMEGA goes the distance as well, and I wish you good luck. Although I doubt you will need it. This is a rant though, and I’m going to be flat out honest. Although I am a fan of HEW, I think its growing stale. I don’t think it can last very long after “Explosive Festâ€. Technically, it isn’t a bad thing as you can start writing new BTB’s. I still have the utter most respect for you man.

King Lennie: IPW is what this rant (on you) is more, or less based on. You’re a very solid match writer, and I enjoy the distribution of action in the matches. I believe your promo’s need some work in them, in both character wise, and wording wise. I still think you, and CT Styles are the two of the big players in the future of the section. Really that’s flat out every thing there is to say.

Moonlight Drive: Your writing is good. Your promo’s are awesome, as you shine, and excel in. I remember reading a classic HBK, and Bret Hart promo. That was amazing, and I only wish I was as good at promo’s as you. Anyways, you’re a pretty B average writer. NOW is, or was a good BTB, and gave me that momentum when putting GWF together. Anyways, your booking is fun, and easy going from what I have read, and skimmed through.

Xtremebadass: You my friend are a badass. RAW was a very inspirational BTB, not on GWF, but on me as a sole writer. You’re booking is far from predictable, and one of the most memorable matches for me has to be the Falls Count Anywhere match with Batista, and Jeff Hardy, The Elimination Chamber, and the rematch to The Undertaker, and Goldberg. You’re writing puts readers so into it, as me being a huge Undertaker mark, thought I’d never choose Goldberg over Undertaker. But in that feud, I was hoping Goldberg pulled out the victory every line. XBA please return to the section.

Chessarmy: Well I’ve hardly seen a thing from you. I’m not surprised as you’re probably the biggest TNA mark known to the internet. I know if you’re into a project you can most likely capture the wrestlers good. I suggest you explore the horizons, and become a WWE mark or something, so you can maybe write with more than TNA.

Beer: You, I saw you as the leader of the whole UWA thing honestly. This isn’t a rib to Lennie, or anyone else, but I saw you as the lead booker. You are far from a bad writer, but I haven’t seen anything worth remembering from you really. Sorry man. I know you have potential, and hopefully you take it to the fullest with The Rumble BTB.

X-Power: I didn't care to look what you're current username is really. Anyways, I haven't seen much from you, and can't offer anything really to say about you.

Andrew Walker: This is more of a farewell rather than comments. You’re hands down a framer of the art of BTB. You had such an effect on the amelioration of match writing. SWAR was just an awesome come back. You are just plain godly in BTB. I wish you stayed, but I know you will return from time to time. Farewell.

Gards JR:
Ah, here is someone who is a well rounded writer but suffers from the common disease known as “Gards-ill-itusâ€. You are pretty good with both match writing, and promo writing, yet you suffer in terms of consistency. This has been told you numerous times, and I will add once more to the list of times. Find a project you like, and stick to it. Its not easy, but then again its not difficult. I know you have potential in becoming a great writer, but the faith I have in you is dieing somewhat.

Headfirst For Hardcore: PRIDE is awesome. Its what got me into the whole independent scene really. If you asked me who, or what Delirious was before I read PRIDE, I’d say, a feeling. You’re a good promo writer, and even better match writer. Some proper graphics for you’re BTB, and you might have one hell of a fancy BTB. You’re flaw to me is that I never see you around other’s BTB’s. I guess you’re to busy with your own. Kind of makes you seem shallow to me.

Switchy: Mr. Hall of Fame. Quite frankly, I don’t think (judging by you’re stuff; trust me I’ve done research) you deserve the spot just yet. No offense to you in any way, but I just don’t think you earned it yet. You’re a fine booker indeed, but you don’t have that much of an edge, that you earned that covenant spot yet. I don’t see you around anymore. Possibly you left the site, IDK.

WCW Rules: Change you’re user name to “I Ruleâ€. Hands down, as you are the most underrated booker, and poster in the section. I’ve seen you’re reviews, and comments around the section and you’re one hell of an asset to almost everyone. I have had conversations with you, and I enjoy talking with you. You’re pretty cool, and I’m pretty sure the last BTB is dead. I know you have to find you niche, as you suffer from a slight case of Gards-ill-itus.

Ninja*Star: You my friend, I must flat out say, are not liked by several members on the site. I am not one of those members. You’re an alright guy really, and I think you are rode way to hard by certain Australians. But you do have to take into consideration what they say, as you must improve with grammar, and booking. I find you’re booking kind of bland really. You’re matches are without a doubt you’re largest strength. Yet, you need to well round you’re self, and stop getting into petty wars with other members. In other word, leave the bullshit drama.

Lethal Combination: I see you more as a stage hand rather than a role player. I see you as someone who contributes to the section but nothing more. I’ve seen some of you’re BTB’s, but have read far more back stories, than I have matches, or promo’s.

The Anigma: Funny how you, and I hardly chat, but I feel like I’m kind of close to you. I had a rough introduction, when I ripped off you’re main event, and I have paid dearly for my deeds. I was bashed, accused, and the whole nine yards, but I can say that I have improved from that Eddie Gurrerro want to be whom lied to people, and stole matches. You’re a legendary writer. No, not a match writer, nor a promo writer, but just a writer. You’re describing, and wording is phenomenal. You’re BTB has been losing steam to me as of late, but I tried rolling back into it. I suggest organizing shows better, and that’s about it really.

-TJ-: You, Dylan, and xtremehighflyer have somewhat of a clique I guess. Not like the NWO but more like the FBI loll. You guys seem to stick together a lot, but neither of you really has consistency, nor is too good at anything else. I know I’m harsh right about now, but its true. You guys don’t really seem to give to much into BTB’ing, as you guys do it for fun really. Which is what BTB is truly about right?

Dylan: Read the above comments.

Xtremehighflyer: Read TJ’s comments.

RLF: Ah, the guy who did that women’s BTB. Although I’ve never really been by the BTB, you are creative, and unique. I gliding through a match recently, and it seemed good. Nothing else to say really.

Spiralshock: From what I’ve seen you’re probably the biggest guy on the independent scene. You seem to have good match writing, and you’re current BTB has stayed alive for quite awhile showing good characteristics in you. You can improve though, and I will try to be around you more.

-_-Magnus-_-: Well rounded everything really. I don’t see anything you’re too good at other than consistency, as you have had the same BTB for quite awhile.

Comicgeekly: I’m going to go out on the limb here, and give you a very high honor. You are like the next version of The Anigma. You’re so consistent with you’re stuff, and I forgot to ask weather you wanted a Decimation review from me, or not. Anyways, you’re match writing, and you’re promo’s can improve. Yet, you are good at keeping things interesting, and detailing matches.

The State of The Section:​

The section is in a coma as of now. Its starting to wake up, but the problem in my eyes isn’t lack of actively. I think the section is getting boring, and dull. This is my opinion, but there are hardly any exciting things going on right now. Wrestlebowl, and Explosive fest are the biggest things going on imo. I think we need BKB to kick it in full gear with his BTB, as he is a huge gear in the heart, and engine of this section. I hope GWF can contribute to the adding of the spice.

I hope you guy’s don’t take it in a wrong way, but I think we need more change in the section. We need more spontaneous BTB’s, and I’m going to be abrupt, and say it. We need the death of a long lasting BTB to happen. I know that statement will be bashed to a pulp, but our greatest writers with the exception of BKB, are caught up in these year old BTB’s. We need to mix it up at least. BTW, its been the same thing since the beginning. Add some more stars to the roster, cut off some, make a new character, we need a change, and BTW will be getting bland come Busted Open. Either you go into another project, or you add a batch of spice to the project. I’m trying to be as nice as possible here, but you’ve had almost everyone on you’re roster feud with each other already. I think its time for a change. HEW, you’re BTB isn’t exactly getting bland, but its just been around to long, and in my eyes doesn’t appeal to everybody on the section. Don’t get me wrong, you’re a great writer, but I think you’re style isn’t for everybody. I try to get into it to much, but with guys I hardly watched like Rosy, and Siaki in the main event scene I’m not sure what to say. The mid, and under card is innovative, but I’m not sure what to say. This state we are in, can easily be managed, and I have a feeling it will get better soon. Also, a change in the trends writers are having would be nice. I see to many same things going on.

The new thread GWF, and my well being in the section:

Global Wrestling Fucking Federation. I put my heart, and soul into this, and I’m going to try my best to take it places. I promise to pass a second pay per view by all means. If taking long with shows is the price, then let it be. I am taking this BTB places. I have though out many storylines, not feuds, storylines. Long term feuds if you may. I will try to keep things interesting, and add my own amount of zest to the section. I hope I only get better from now on, and I hope I go onto becoming a great, and infamous writer. Yeah I know, high talk for a low dude. I’m going to try my best to contribute 100% more to the section, be around more BTB’s, and add as much as I can to discussions, and improvement in other writers.

This has been a pleasure writing, truthfully. I hope Things are going to go better from here on out.

The Rated R CMStar

Uhmm, that was...actually really good. I expected to read an all out rant from a bitter member, and me getting crucified, but it was a nice, really honest column.

As for BTW, I really hold your comments really high as you are one if not the most loyal reader I have. I have a little storylines under my sleeves coming from the fall out of Busted Open. Not wanting to spoil much, but expect something with the Edge/Hardy storyline and something with management (we all know how I love to give Crushing C angles)

I also have a storyline amongst the lines of the "Teddie" Guerrero angle, in which you either love it or hate it, so I think that will spark either more hate or bring BTW back up.

Good post, and I agree, we need an established booker ending his long time BTB and kick off with something new, like what Xtremebadass did. I just hope it isn't BTW, and that the storylines I have planned save it.

Evil Austin

Thanks for the comments 'New' Deisel. I agreed with most of what you said not just about me but about lots of people as well.

And I agree that BTW no offense does show the same thing not every week but there isn't anything new and spicy to get into. For 9 months Edge was the champion that was -re run after re run- (my thoughts I read some of the old shows.) And then you had Lesnar and Goldberg and Sapp going at it for about 4 PPV's in a row. Something new and spicy pweeze. :eek:


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
That was a damn good read. I was really suprised that I was called the next Anigma. Thanks for that.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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No problem Comic.

Ninja*Star, keep in mind I meant all the long time running BTB's in general. Not just BTW, nor HEW. I had just addressed the two biggest BTB's imo. Hell, if HFH was to drop PRIDE, and suprise us with something else then that would be just as good.

CMS, I can't wait.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Lol sorry for the mistyped username, and its not really a bad thing. I just have to check you out more. I'm well aware I used to be around you're BTB a lot.


Just read this and I must say it was pretty interesting to see your views on the section and bookers, thanks for the kind words too. (Btw, me and Hometown Kid were only helping Beer out a little, it was actually pretty much just his BTB.)

Anways, goodluck with your new BTB Diesel :y:


FBI? Fun Booking Inbreeds?

Ahhhh^ See Howz good I am?

Anyways.... no need to be harsh on my booking skills. Afterwall I remember beating you in the Btb Promo Tourny :) Just messing with you....

It was a good read, will you do more rants in the future? :)


Dylan come on....... He announced a new faction in IWF btb. THE FBI!!! :)


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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I thought me and him were cool lol.. Little harsh I supose. But I'm glad he's honest.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
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You were spot on with mostly everyone, and have to a gree with what you said about me. All I can do is try and change that.