"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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the dark knight

oh yea monkey reminded me with sumthin . here's a new Q dr.phill lol :

1)are fans allowed to throw things on superstars during shows?
2)if u had the power to bring back any wrestler at his best day to the wwe today who would it be? name 3 plz :)


If everyone throws stuff at Cena, I doubt that everyone would get arrested.... Don't know if this has been asked but here it goes.

1. Who do you think will beat Morishima for the ROH title?
2. Who do you want to see beat him?
3. Should Edge and Matt Hardy feud for the WHC?


1)are fans allowed to throw things on superstars during shows?

No, they might get injuried from bottles n stuff. Plus its trashy. (WCW + ECW didnt care)

2)if u had the power to bring back any wrestler at his best day to the wwe today who would it be?

Stone Cold, Bret Hart, Chris Jericho.

It took me a minute to think. My first reaction was Hulk Hogan, but i figured he'd want the company to revolve around him. So then i thought of Stone Cold who was the biggest face of all time (argueably) I was thinking Rock, but he's a sell out. So i went with the mat wrestling skills of Bret Hart. Imagine Bret Hart vs John Cena. I think his traditional style would be good for today. The final person is another unselfish character, the man of 1001 holds. Great on the mic and in the ring.

If i had to pick 80's stars id go: Jake the Snake, Ricky Steamboat, Macho Man


1. Who do you think will beat Morishima for the ROH title?

Sounds like Danielson, although Nigel would be cool too.

2. Who do you want to see beat him?

Chris Hero, Roderick Stong, Dragon Kid.

3. Should Edge and Matt Hardy feud for the WHC?

Hmmm, which reminds me, that it was kinda odd for Hardy to beat Kennedy. Maybe Kennedy knew about this a few weeks ago. I'm sure we will see them fued on TV, some time or other. Although main eventing a PPV, i dont really know. Perhaps in like a triple threat or 4 way. But not one on one on a ppv.

Defiant One

Active Member
Apr 2, 2007
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St. Louis, Missouri
Are you kidding Hardy-Edge have had pretty good one on one matchs. But anyway ummm lets see

1. Who do you think Edge will feud with fist?
2. Of all of the Champions in the WWE who is your Best? Favorite?
3. Of ALL of the Champions in wrestling who is your Best? Favorite?
4. Do you see any new factions/stables being formed in the near future?
5. Random Question Should Khali star in a Broadway Musical?


Whooo, 700 views in 7 days

Are you kidding Hardy-Edge have had pretty good one on one matchs.

I just don't think its worthy of a PPV main event. Although if they have a tri branded PPV, it could happpen, but it wont headline (last match)

1. Who do you think Edge will feud with fist?

Probably Batista, or Matt hardy

2. Of all of the Champions in the WWE who is your Best? Favorite?

Edge, He was the star of the year in 06. He's my fav. Cena does deserve come credit, he's already put on 5 great matches this year.

3. Of ALL of the Champions in wrestling who is your Best? Favorite?

Probably Edge still, The Briscoes bros is the top tag team

4. Do you see any new factions/stables being formed in the near future?

No, i gotta think, but Elijah might grab some new talent to the new breed.

5. Random Question Should Khali star in a Broadway Musical?

Yes, as a tree

the dark knight

^^yea, more than dr.phill and oprah lol

from now on ur Dr.Montana. got a 1st name mate?


from now on ur Dr.Montana. got a 1st name mate?


Was the masked Kane a different person than the unmasked Kane

Well, the masked kane was more of a monster and didnt talk (see abyss) but without the mask hes more normal. But its the same guy.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Gasp, you didnt answer my question so I'll ask it again with some others.

is this crop of young guns (Kennedy, MVP, Burke, Punk, Helms) the next group of top guys after the era of Cena/Orton/Edge/Batista? With kennedy being the top guy. And can they be succesful as leading the company.

Best main eventer the WWE has at the moment?

If you could create your own match what would it be?


opps my bad truth, sometimes i reply while ppl post their Q's so i dont see them.

1) Colt Cabana, do you think he'll survive in the WWE?

Yes. he reminds me a bit of a 2007 Dusty Rhodes. The fans are going to love this guy i think. He doesnt have the look the wwe likes, but i dont think its going to matter. He seems like a hard worker, and hopefully the wwe uses him properly. I think as long as they give him a good chance, wiht his own gimmick, he will be fine and have a very sucessful career.

is this crop of young guns (Kennedy, MVP, Burke, Punk, Helms) the next group of top guys after the era of Cena/Orton/Edge/Batista? With kennedy being the top guy. And can they be succesful as leading the company

No i dont think you can really group guys together. I think Kennedy and Punk will be stand outs. MVP very close, but like i mentioned before, if he cant turn face, hes almost useless. Burke and Helms well stay around mid card i think. I dont see them as being stars. I think we will likely see 1 or 2 guys top up a year into main event. I even think Carlito may be next. I've been a fan of his for a while, and its time to give him a hard push (when raw needs it most) So to say those 5 guys coming up at the same time, i cant see it happening. I think Cena/ Edge/ HHH/Lashley will be the top guys for the next few years, with kennedy breaking it up.

Can they be sucessful? Sure, but building them up is a must. THey cant do a bobby lashley, and just throw the belt on them. As long as they have credible veterns, or over guys like HHH, HBK, Cena, Batista to put over the next wave, it will be sucessful.

Best main eventer the WWE has at the moment?

John Cena, for his "big draw " feel. Some people cant wait for him to lose the belt, some love the guy with a passion. He's by far the most over. As far as wrestling, Cena has to be in a no dq match. Hes much better in those.

HBK is the go to main eventer in my eyes, if you want a great great match. He's got in the ring psychologly down.

If you could create your own match what would it be?

Im thinkin of a few diva matches i wont mention.

Perhaps something like a "Tower of Doom" like a 3 level Cage With different pinfalls and submission you must do on each level to advance.

I've like alot of wcw ideas too. Halloween Havok was cool, world war 3 and war games was sweet.

For a non hardcore match, i think a 5 count match would be something different, Where you gotta hold them down for 5 seconds.


1. Do you think the E regrets jumping the gun on Kennedy and his MITB?

No, I think they knew either way was bad. I mean the guy is out at least 2 months still. They needed a new champ on SD. Batista has already ran through the whole roster. I felt they needed a heel champ too. Edge is a good choice, imo. They also needed a raw main event heel so it was down to (Edge, Orton, Umaga) I think his style fits Raw much better, and raw is without any main events heels right now. But SD is going to be real interesting this summer. So in a few months SD is going to be stacked, when Henry, Mysterio, Booker and Kennedy return. I wouldnt be shocked to see Mark Henry traded to raw sometime during the year. Or just show up on Raw. I dont really think he's a credible main event guy either, but a guy who can be easily moved for the brand to brand.

I still liked my choice of Umaga as world champ, because it would have opened a lot of doors storyline wise for SD. Without hurting raw. It also puts a real good wrestler as lead role. It also puts Umaga "Over" since hes already beat most of the Raw roster, except Cena. I think Edge deserved it more though. Great all around talent for the wwe over the years, and probably better for SD than Umaga BUT now raw has a huge void at the top heel spot.