"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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the dark knight

just a lil pimped out Q out of that previous post, how do u rank these superstars based on mic skillz?

the rock
stone cold
triple h
ric flair
dusty rhodes
kurt angle


Top 10 greatest overall professional wrestlers of all time?

Well, I havent been around forever. Heres my list from the past 20 years. ( I made this about a year ago, John Cena would probably be on the list now)

1) Hulk Hogan
Hulk Hogan made wrestling. Headlined 10 Wrestlemania's and is the reason wrestling is still around. No One will ever dublicate his sucess.

2) Ric Flair
16 World Championships, has been wrestling strong for the past 20 years plus. Certainly one of the best combination of in ring talent, and mic skills.

3) HBK
HBK has been in the WWE for the good and bad. Been main eventing show over the past 14 years in wwe. Has put over numerous superstars, and was involved in one of wrestling most prolific fueds with Bret Hart.

4) Steve Austin
Revolutionized wrestling in the 90's. One of wrestling most popular stars. Became the new "Hulk Hogan" for wwe.

5) The Rock
Perhaps over rated, but help revolutionized wrestling with Stone Cold. Probably the best ever on the mic, and a true Entertainer. Became too big for wrestling.

6) Bret Hart
Some could argue Bret should be higher, but Hart only had 5-6 years of major sucess, while the WWF wasn't exactly blooming with business. His had many classic battles with HBK that will go down as some of the wrestling business best.

7) Macho Man
Hogans sidekick. Never really got out of Hogans shadow. No telling what he would have done, with hogan. Top Heel/Face in the 80's

8) UnderTaker
We all know the WM streak. Good amount of championships and record. A True Legend. The reason he is not higher on my list, is because he never really was the man. He was always #2 or #3 in the WWE. Main difference between taker and HBK, is HBK has had more "other" championships and has fought more respectable opponents, where as taker was a monster slayer.

Ten Championships. Too bad he never beat Austin or Rock at a WM ppv. He was always known as the 3rd wheel, even though hes been beating everyone the 6 years. He also has Multiple championships.

10) Edge
Perhaps a little early to put edge on this list, but he has already won 19 championships, at is just hitting his prime. Has put on many Match of the Night performances and really risen to fame.​


Who are the Top 5 talkers of all time?

1) Rock
2) Vince
3) Ric Flair
4) HBK
5) Jericho

just a lil pimped out Q out of that previous post, how do u rank these superstars based on mic skillz?

the rock
Ric Flair
dusty rhodes
triple h
stone cold
kurt angle

Top to Bottom, all good on the mic.

Defiant One

Active Member
Apr 2, 2007
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St. Louis, Missouri
Damn hard to argue with any of what you said Montana
Y2J number 5?
JBL ahead HHH kinda weird but its close
but overall good answers man


Yea, HHH said the same stuff too often. .... "Are You Ready" Damn thats old

the dark knight

do u think that if shane mcmahon wasnt vince's son he would've became a top star like the rock and triple h ?


I'd like to add on to my response to Wrestling Station; again

1-Who do you think the next SD GM will be

I really don't want to answer this. It looks they may be leaning towards Krystal, like shes was trying to get into Teddy longs pants. I really hope its not Vickie. I'd like to see JBL as a GM on SD or Raw.

As far as assistant goes, i'd think the Miz will be selected. And Eventually Krystal uses them both to gain control. Krystal and Miz have a brief history together. It makes sense. The Miz can't wrestle for crap, and is useless, so he needs this type of role, and i think he would be pretty good in that role.

Good Lord, I was thinking they might go with Vickie/ Krystal Dike Angle, then i was like, NAH, no way in hell they would do that. Now they are "best friends" and have a interview next week, AH Fuck. Hopefully its just a swerve,

do u think that if shane mcmahon wasnt vince's son he would've became a top star like the rock and triple h ?

Oh Hell no. Look at HHH and Look at shane. Look at the rock, then picture shane. I doubt shane would even be in the wrestling business. He's very over rated in the ring, Anyone can
make a hardcore match look good.

I'd also like to change my opinon on Matt Hardy as world champ one day from Never, to probaly not. Like 15-20% chance of it. I was kinda impressed teh last couple weeks. I still dont think he has the look/ mic skills. But the fans love him and hes a hard worker.

the dark knight

ok i agree. maybe not a maineventer like triple h and rock but his mic skillz tops most of current superstars and his matches are good.

ok more Qs for Dr.Bill :
1)what to do u make of a rock/cena austin/cena feud ?
2)where do u see hbk goin from now?
3)can u draw the map of the WHC to wrestlemania?


1)what to do u make of a rock/cena austin/cena feud ?

You know, i just posted those two matches for the matches i'd like to see. The odds of it, arent that great. BUT Wrestlemania 25 is only two years away. I wouldnt be surprised if one of them came back brieftly for a short fued. I think Austin would would be a bit more likely, than rock. If it was Austin/Cena, i dont know if it should be for the title, because you know Stone Cold wouldn't win the title. Certainly The Rock would be the better match.

I really think Vince should dig in his pocket to bring Rock back for one more matchup against Cena. He was never properly "passed the torch" even though HHH did a solid job at 22.

2)where do u see hbk goin from now?

HBK vs Cena III, perhaps at SummerSlam. He should fued with Orton at the moment. Then perhaps Carlito. After Summerslam have his surgry and take a break

3)can u draw the map of the WHC to wrestlemania?

A couple scenarios

Edge to Kennedy at 24

Edge to Batista to Edge to Kennedy

Edge to Undertaker to Edge

I'd think it would look something like that.



what do u prefer tna or wwe?

WWE no question, TNA is a joke.

ecw or wcw

ECW, again no question. I was never big into wcw, but i did watch it. WCW used old wwe guys, where as ECW created their own stars (which i perfer) Not to mention ECW had action, great storylines, attitude and was a very good promotion. WCW was too focused on the wwf.


Feb 7, 2007
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Should the FBI came back to SD (Johnny Stamboli and Vito) and take control of the SD tag divsion?