"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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can you take "addicted to love" Rhett Titus seriously? and have you seen the video "Rhett Titus gets his Swagger back" yet?


Do you think I give interesting questions? You seem to give longer answers for them

Generally the better question, the better answer. But sometimes it depends how much time i have. Like for example no, i have 15 minutes left at work.

Does ROH need TV to grow? Or a would a global PPV deal do the trick instead? Could we see an ECW-like death if they get a TV deal?

Im not sure how a global PPV would help at all. They would have to fine tune that PPV deal so well, to make it work, at the moment.

I do think they have a few options. I would Imagine there best bet or goal would to have PPV's be sucessful and on a frequent basis. I think if they did live PPV's on bi weekly basis, that would be a great start to build off of. If they could be sucessful with that, i think they would be happy. I also think if ROH does television, they should try something new, and make it a weekly 30 minute recap show. Much like the videowires, just in a weekly 30 minute verison. Add a match here and there, and HYPE!!!! the PPV's. If they could pull those two off in sucess, ROH would be doing great imo. So thats where i think they should strive to get to.

Is Matt Hardy a good ECW Champ? It seems he's never on ECW half of the time.

I think he's good in the since he's a big name. He's in his prime. I havent watched ECW religously lately, but from what i saw Hardy did fine. He's not a promo guy. But overall hardys matches have been good. So by the time Hardy drops the belt, i think he will have a more than sucessful run as ECW champ.

can you take "addicted to love" Rhett Titus seriously? and have you seen the video "Rhett Titus gets his Swagger back" yet?

Yes, and that was pretty funny, in a odd way. I really like his character, but i DO think its overkill on the video wires each week. Its basically the Titus show. I feel ROH has strong enough personalities to where it doesnt need to be titus all the time. But i do like his character, and ill go out on a limb and say he is already better than Rick Rude and Val Venis, at that charater

See Jack Swagger's promo on ECW about Dreamer? Thoughts?

nope i will


See Jack Swagger's promo on ECW about Dreamer? Thoughts?

Yeah, i was kind of indifferent about it. I didn't think it was anything special. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great. I think its tough cutting the same tommy dreamer promo that everyone has already did 10x in the past year. I think he's a great talent, and they may have wanted to wait a little bit for him to debut. No point of having 10 people debut at the same time. But wrestling wise, Swagger was better than most the development wrestlers. So with better booking, i think we will see a better promo.

Wrestling Station

Do you think that there will be a huge twist in Batista's gimmick to turn ino a heel character soon?
Why im asking this, is because the way they made Batista lose the title was so damn harsh. Im feeling that they wanted him to snap to get the biggest face or maybe the second biggest face to have the chance to finally turn back to a heel.


Do you think that there will be a huge twist in Batista's gimmick to turn ino a heel character soon?
Why im asking this, is because the way they made Batista lose the title was so damn harsh. Im feeling that they wanted him to snap to get the biggest face or maybe the second biggest face to have the chance to finally turn back to a heel.

I dont think very soon. If i had to predict a time it could be around the Royal Rumble, Or at/after Wrestlemania. Its hard to tell the direction they want to take his character. I think they are slightly scared to turn him heel, and someone like Orton face. In all fairless to Jericho, he really didnt get a good title run, which was probably deserved. It looks like we are still going to get Cena/Batista at mania, now who will turn, we kinda just have to wait and see. They could go in as faces again, and end up with a mixed reaction. Or they turn Batista heel before then.

Plus you have to figure, to turn Batista heel, its going to take some thought and effort. If he comes out a batista bombs cena at a show, in all reality, half the people may like it. At the moment, i'd imagine they are still brainstorming.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

On Nancy's theme of developmental, is there anyone that could be big that you see down there, apart from the one's who are already on the WWE roster? I'm not too convinced by anyone down there really.

Evil Austin

out of any brand in wrestling ie TNA, ROH, WWE etc.... out of all of them which is your favorite match of 2008 so far?


Have the WWE really since 2002 focused on the indies as much as they should?
Such as hiring wrestlers to developmental contracts and the likes?

I don't think their process has changed all that much. There isn't a velocity show anymore for tryout matches. I think the wwe has brought in some good talent for try out matches, but im not a big fan of the FCW wrestling training program. Take someone like Low Ki for example. He can wrestle circles around those guys in development. Its almost a slap in the face to put him in there for more than a few matches. There are some really bad wrestlers there. As far as focusing on Indies, the WWE likes to find its own talent. Guys with size that no one has heard of, rather than big name indy stars. If thats how they want to do it, thats fine. It would be easy to raid the PWG/ROH roster for talent, but the wwe picks someone, they are bringing them into to development based on potential, NOT what they've done on the Indies. Thats a important note to remember. So I think they've done a fair job. There are some names that make sense in the WWE, but there are reasons they haven't been picked up yet.

On Nancy's theme of developmental, is there anyone that could be big that you see down there, apart from the one's who are already on the WWE roster? I'm not too convinced by anyone down there really.

I know what you mean about not being convinced by anyone in FCW. To be honest, they pretty much blew their load with the new talent they've recently brought in. I thougth Jack Swagger was one of the best (non-roh) guys they brought in. I do think they brought him in a little early though. They could have waited on him. Someone like Manu, although good in the ring, didn't need to come out of development so quickly. Guys like Evan Bourne, Cabana, Ryan Braddock, Ricky Ortiz, all made sense to me. And i was a fan of those guys. Shawn Spears sucks. So maybe im getting a little off track, but basically i would have waited until 2009 for Swagger and Manu, because i think there is going to be a gap before some good new talent comes in.

And now to actually answer your question. There are a few big name guys to will likely debut in the upcoming years. First name would be Joe Henning. I've heard nothing but good things about him. Reid Flair is going to be a star no matter what. Sheamus is the champ i believe. I seen one match of his, and he looks solid. Nothing to write home about. Elijah Burke will likely return some time or another. TJ wilson and DH smith are going to be WWE tag champs one day. Bret Dibiase of course should be big. Another 3rd gen. guy the wwe has a hard on for. A guy who might not make too far, but has a decent look is lupe martinez.

But not much in the way of unknown talent to come up.

out of any brand in wrestling ie TNA, ROH, WWE etc.... out of all of them which is your favorite match of 2008 so far?

Well, im a little biased, but I'll say Nigel vs El Generico from Age of Insanity. I was there live front row, and it was a hell of a match. The Video is in the media section, although when i watched it again, it wasn't as good as it was live. But its still my favorite. There has been some really good tag matches too Aries/Ibushi vs Briscoes was great. Steenerico vs DOi/Yoshino and Steenerico vs BxB and Shingo. Those were certainly MOTYC.

Favorite WWE match was Taker vs Edge Hell in a Cell from SummerSlam.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
Question 1: "So like, what do you think of the TNA video game?"

Question 2: "Do you like it more then the smackdown ones?"

Question 3: "Mr.Kennedy, better as a face or as a heel?"

Question 4: "Are you tired of being asked questions 'bout Batista?"

Question 5: "How Far do You think R-Truth could go in his new WWE run?"

Question 6: "Should Somebody else be Intercontinental Champion instead of Santino(lil' batista) ?"

Question 7: "What if Rey Mysterio won the world title again, would you hate it or love it?"


Question 1: "So like, what do you think of the TNA video game?"

Well, I haven't played it. Don't really play wrestling video games much. Or Video games in general. If i do, i mostly just try them out over my friends places and stuff. I like more old school arcade games and stuff too. Street Fighter, Mario, Zelda, stuff like that. Wii is pretty cool in small doses. Call of duty is pretty sweet. My neighbor just got fable II and Fifa 09. Those are pretty cool. I just have a ps2, which is mostly just used for dvds.

But looking at it, it doesn't look too bad. I dont think its better than SD vs Raw, looks kinda fun though.

Question 2: "Do you like it more then the smackdown ones?"

The last one i bought was 07, and that one was pretty cool. I doubt the TNA would be better. Plus i heard 09 is pretty bad ass.

Question 3: "Mr.Kennedy, better as a face or as a heel?"

I like the face verision. Its tough for guys to get over as faces, and Kennedy seemed to have no problem. The fans want to cheer for the guy. He's more of a likable heel.

Question 4: "Are you tired of being asked questions 'bout Batista?"

Nah, my opinion really hasn't changed much about him. He should be a top guy, just not champ. I hate his entrance. He should go heel, but now is not the time. Thats about all. I just word it differently.

Question 5: "How Far do You think R-Truth could go in his new WWE run?"

I was thinking about that the other day. I don't think he will world champ. Not to say he doesn't have the potential. I just don't think the wwe will put him in a good enough position, to get up to main event/champ level. I'd assume he will be a very good mid card and tag champ in the years to come. But if used right, he could be a important assest to the wwe. He has a good mix of mic/and in ring skills.

Question 6: "Should Somebody else be Intercontinental Champion instead of Santino(lil' batista) ?"

Thats crazy. Let me bring up the honk a meter. Jou see, de Honky tonk man was champion for 64 WEEKS! Satino Marella has been champion for 12 WEEKS!

Sorry, i dont know why thats funny to me. He's the most entertaining part of raw, and deserves the belt. Theres only a couple guys on the raw roster that would be in contention for the IC belt. I think Rey/ Koffi Kingston would be good IC champs. I'd like to see Santino hold it for a little longer though.

Question 7: "What if Rey Mysterio won the world title again, would you hate it or love it?"

I think he's better suited for IC champ to the at moment, but. I wouldn't hate it. Im a fan of Mysterio, hes one of the best in ring workers. I don't think I'd love it if Mysterio won, but i think the build is important too. SO im kinda in the middle, but more on the love it side.

Millzy Pt. 2

Active Member
Nov 15, 2007
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Erie, PA
Q1.Since the TNA iMPACT! video game has tanked so badly, do you think that TNA should really continue with the "Who Is Suicide" hype?

Q2.What are your thoughts of the misuse of Paul Burchill and Katie Lea?

Q3.Do you know any members on YouTube who normally make wrestling tribute vids from hip-hop songs?

Q4.What's the funniest shit that's happened at an Indy show while you were in the audience live?


Q1.Since the TNA iMPACT! video game has tanked so badly, do you think that TNA should really continue with the "Who Is Suicide" hype?

I think people are making it out to be worse than it actually is with the video game sales. I'd say it takes a good 6 months if not longer to find out if a game really fails. Plus the Xmas season is coming up. On top of that, the main goal of TNA was to get more exposure from the common folk.

But anyways, NO i dont think the Who IS Suicide should continue. I dont mind the concept all that much, but WHY use Kaz. Thats pretty dumb to me, they should have selected someone new. I believe SP meantioned Paul London should come in as Suicide. That would be pretty cool. So basically i just dont like the idea of KAZ being suicide.

Q2.What are your thoughts of the misuse of Paul Burchill and Katie Lea?

Ehh, you knew that gimmick was doomed from the start. At least he hasn't been totally jobbing out. They might as well throw him and Regal on a team. (again i believe) I dont mind the misuse so much of Burchill. Although a good wrestler, not the best fit for the wwe style.

Q3.Do you know any members on YouTube who normally make wrestling tribute vids from hip-hop songs?

Not really, i seen a ROH one with Kanye stronger. Most seem to be rock, so idk who does hip hop ones.

Q4.What's the funniest shit that's happened at an Indy show while you were in the audience live?

Well, the first one, which is probably the funniest. Is one of those things you have to be there for, for it to be funny. We were standing in line waiting to go into the michigan state fairgrounds for ROH, i believe it was Tag Wars 08. All of a sudden Jimmy Jacobs comes walking through the line with no shirt, stops grabs a pack of cigarettes off the ground, holds them up and kinda waves them a bit and does a head nod, and then goes backstage. It was just kinda funny how it all happened. Jimmys look was priceless.

Then i thought i saw Jay Briscoe pissing in a sink at WM 23, although idk for sure if it was him.

Another noteworthy thing i've seen was from Age of Insanity Claudio and Erick Stevens were battling on the outside, and i think stevens threw claudio in the guardrail (maybe other way around) but some chick in the front row decides to put her face in front of the rail. You can imagine what happens next. So she stands up and is bleeding, and everyone is like wtf, shes bleeding. So then she left to get stitched up. It was odd and shocking when it happened. Everyone just kinda stood still for a minute.