The TL/DR basically:
The DFL had a slight lead and since two seats were under contention, this lead to a 67-67 split between the DFL and Repubs. Republicans took this as a victory and tried to strong-arm the House by voting in their own speaker, which the DFL did not take kindly to, and so every DFL member walked out, making it so the House of Representatives did not meet the proper Quorum. This went before the Minnesota Supreme Court, who ruled that the Republicans violated proper procedure because they did not meet the Quorum of 68 members.
The DFL currently has two seats under contention, one of which was won by less than 20 votes, and another voided by the SCOMN due to residential issues. So the Republicans tried to claim because both seats were technically vacant, the Quorum was less than 68, thus meeting the qualified number of members.
So it's a huge win for Minnesota to buckle Republican attempts at strong-arming the House for their own ends.
Minnesota thus maintains their trifecta government for now.