Luckily in todays world a quick google search will confirm any geography question you have.That's simply what not properly funding your Education departments and facilities does in the long run.![]()
Luckily in todays world a quick google search will confirm any geography question you have.That's simply what not properly funding your Education departments and facilities does in the long run.![]()
Sort of what I meant. Republicans had like overall control right? Like President, The House, Senate, all that right? So it should've been easy to get passed. But they knew if that happened, they lose a talking point in the future. It's the type of game both Republicans and Democrats play with not wanting to do anything about some of the bigger issues, because then you lose stuff to run on. Sadly a lot of people don't notice it, and still vote for the same people over and over again, who aren't doing anything instead of voting in new people. I feel if they knew their seat wasn't safe, they would actually do stuff but, sadly it just doesn't seem to wanna be something that will happen.Kinda, but I mean Trump tried really hard to. That’s like the only thing he campaigned that he wanted to address. He just wasn’t affective in getting Congress on board to fund it and when he tried to use military spending on it, the courts stopped him. And what he was able to pass, Biden cancelled when he won in 2020.
I don’t have the exact numbers on me, but the vast majority of Republicans that I am aware I’m voted for anything Trump wanted to do when it concerned the border, but the Senate has a rule that you need a certain number of seats in the Senate to avoid the Democratic filibuster, and I don’t think they had that. That was the problem.Sort of what I meant. Republicans had like overall control right? Like President, The House, Senate, all that right? So it should've been easy to get passed. But they knew if that happened, they lose a talking point in the future. It's the type of game both Republicans and Democrats play with not wanting to do anything about some of the bigger issues, because then you lose stuff to run on. Sadly a lot of people don't notice it, and still vote for the same people over and over again, who aren't doing anything instead of voting in new people. I feel if they knew their seat wasn't safe, they would actually do stuff but, sadly it just doesn't seem to wanna be something that will happen.
Maybe idk. I just know it seems to been an issue for like many years.I don’t have the exact numbers on me, but the vast majority of Republicans that I am aware I’m voted for anything Trump wanted to do when it concerned the border, but the Senate has a rule that you need a certain number of seats in the Senate to avoid the Democratic filibuster, and I don’t think they had that. That was the problem.
Any republican that was caught voting no concerning the border, would have lost their seat in the next election.
The border is one of those issues they somewhat campaigned on it, but it was mainly Trump who campaigned on it. I would argue the bigger, never ending campaign cycle is on abortion because Republicans know that’s an issue. They’ll never be able to do much about, but they always get those staunch pro life votes.
Oh I mean it’s always been an issue but I know pre-handedly as someone that was pro Trump in the beginning that they tried really hard on the border and the thing too is they lost the house in 2018 as well and I think that was when a lot of the bills they were trying to get through Congress passed because for the first year he was trying to negotiate with Mexico to pay for some of it. It was a whole mess. It was an obstacle after obstacle they’ll get in their way. But he did get quite a bit of it earmarked and then Biden came in and wiped it all away for whatever reason.Maybe idk. I just know it seems to been an issue for like many’s one of the few things I remember from like the 2000s but maybe it’s the same thing there.
Abortion is another one that I almost did mention however haha
Oh, the hard-core, Magas probably are more afraid of rainbows. Unfortunately.Do ppl even care about the border anymore? I thought they moved on from being afraid of migrants to being afraid of rainbows
Do ppl even care about the border anymore? I thought they moved on from being afraid of migrants to being afraid of rainbows
Tbh, I think the main reason a lot took a turn on it is more so how Trump wanted to handle it and whatnot, and the way he about it. I don't know.Oh I mean it’s always been an issue but I know pre-handedly as someone that was pro Trump in the beginning that they tried really hard on the border and the thing too is they lost the house in 2018 as well and I think that was when a lot of the bills they were trying to get through Congress passed because for the first year he was trying to negotiate with Mexico to pay for some of it. It was a whole mess. It was an obstacle after obstacle they’ll get in their way. But he did get quite a bit of it earmarked and then Biden came in and wiped it all away for whatever reason.
It’s interesting, though as far as like how far back the issue goes. If you go back and watch interviews with both Obama and Biden, and even Hillary Clinton. All before 2010 they all also agree the border was an issue, but the moment Trump campaigned on it they completely turned on the issue.
Oh, I’m all for any reform that can make things safer for everyone involved and speed up the process in a way that isn’t detrimental to the process. Definitely have to make sure though that we are still doing things the way they do that is best for both the immigrants and the country as a whole.Tbh, I think the main reason a lot took a turn on it is more so how Trump wanted to handle it and whatnot, and the way he about it. I don't know.
I know my opinion on it has always been like it's something that needs to be fixed for sure, but like I wanna see a better, faster system. Cause a lot of people come here for a better life, and to get away from a lot of the shit going on there., so a better quicker process(not not to quick so people don't get through thr cracks) to help them out, would be wonderful.