Then youll keep being used by politicians, your history sucks for the most part . Change is good, stop playing their game n pretending this is a yeam sport. Stop just accepting mediocrisy because "its always been like this", thats a terrible, lazy and dangerous reason to maintain the status quo.
You have to get 350 million to all agree to stop thinking how we’ve thought for over 250 years.
Also, humans love to play team sports. It’s what I said in my original comment. Humans for whatever reason love to form tribes and pit them against each other.
Just going outside parties themselves, most people are what we call left and right. 95% of humans will agree on a set of policy beliefs. It’s pretty rare for people to be strictly down the middle of the two sides.
I think the most realistic thing would be maybe getting a third party on the ticket, but they have to represent a certain threshold to get on debates and whatnot, but it’s not entirely out of the realm. There have been a couple notable third party wins in the main election, but with how divided the US is right now, you’d have to get a third party that hits all the right policies that are most popular from both sides of the aisle.