OOC The Out Of Character Thread

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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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There go my chances of winning two years in a row...

At least you have the feud of the year with Ivy, Jordan Bull, and Vega.
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Helo, dwi'n Gymry!
Apr 14, 2016
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Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, UK
On a side note... After this, I really don't know what to think. I mean, sure, all this shit was said and put out there, but as I have no intel of my own to go on, I ain't judging. There's so much bullshit in this world that it's hard to separate it and so I just won't try. I am completely neutral here and I hold no ill will towards anyone.

God damn, I've changed from the 2k15 good old days.


The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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Although this is quite possibly the shadiest thing that's happened in the league, the commitment is impressive.
  • Convincing people that you've been in contact with another league and get some of their members.
  • Set up at least 5 different accounts, gamertags, caws.
  • Promo (occasionally) and take part in the league with all these accounts plus your own.
  • Play multiple matches throughout the week, especially when the tournament took place.
  • Actually win the belt with a fake account.
  • Make no-one suspect a thing (league wise) ever.
It's impressive. It truly is.


Helo, dwi'n Gymry!
Apr 14, 2016
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Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, UK
Although this is quite possibly the shadiest thing that's happened in the league, the commitment is impressive.
  • Convincing people that you've been in contact with another league and get some of their members.
  • Set up at least 5 different accounts, gamertags, caws.
  • Promo (occasionally) and take part in the league with all these accounts plus your own.
  • Play multiple matches throughout the week, especially when the tournament took place.
  • Actually win the belt with a fake account.
  • Make no-one suspect a thing (league wise) ever.
It's impressive. It truly is.
Can't deny that... Also, if this is true, then he gave me TWO World Titles, so I guess he knew what was best :)emoji_stuck_out_tongue:)


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
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Although this is quite possibly the shadiest thing that's happened in the league, the commitment is impressive.
  • Convincing people that you've been in contact with another league and get some of their members.
  • Set up at least 5 different accounts, gamertags, caws.
  • Promo (occasionally) and take part in the league with all these accounts plus your own.
  • Play multiple matches throughout the week, especially when the tournament took place.
  • Actually win the belt with a fake account.
  • Make no-one suspect a thing (league wise) ever.
It's impressive. It truly is.
I was thinking about this too, it was a big operation. I didn't like Frosty as you all well know, he definitely struggled to see past whatever he thought was a good idea regardless of other people, but he wasn't stupid and I think a lot of the time he wanted to do what was best for the league, even if he didn't have a good idea of what that was.

Oh, except for the bits where he continuously gave himself titles and title shots. That was just fucking stupid.

Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
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United Kingdom
I feel like I need to do this, but after this, I'm done with the situation. My response to Frosty's response. I'm putting it in here because I don't feel like another thread is needed.

I'm here to explain myself because KingSonic kind of banned me.

That's a suprise.

The basics of what is believed is I used the accounts of Rogue One to get on the creative team with my own account (Means I could vote for myself etc) and Voin to start arguments. The other accounts were Deathlock and others. I admit I used different accounts.

At least you admit it, I'll give you that.

However, Voin and Rogue One were not my accounts. Both of these account owners were my friends.

Same. IP. Address. You have literally no defence at all to this.

Voin joined to start trouble it seemed after he got bored (He is autistic) and I know that for a fact. I never lied about anyone being autistic and I would be the last person to do so with my past.

The matter of the fact is that all of those accounts including Voin's have the exact same IP address, so if Voin really does exist then he must be living with you as if he had his own computer in the US (which is where it says he's from and I'm pretty sure you're from Ireland) then the IP address would be different. You know that you're wrong, and you know that I can easily get Solidus to prove you wrong. Stop hiding behind admins.

I never had any interest to check the Voin accounts because I didn't care. The guy in fact just wanted to mess around. He does have a PSN account and he was the ONE to win the Precision championship. He beat ME for the title. However I couldn't control him so he just went wild until he got bored. He's done now. Not my account.

Nope it is your account, and if it isn't I'd be surprised, and by the way to everyone wondering about the PS Plus thing with accounts. As long as one account on that user's PS4 has PS Plus and you activate the system as your primary system then the PS Plus carries over to those accounts. All of those accounts only have WWE 2K17 (I'm almost positive that's the case), the only friends on their friends list are from the league itself and all don't have PS Plus, put the pieces together people.

Rogue One, this one seems to be a big one since he was on the creative team. The person is still my friend to this day, and we're planning to meet each other tomorrow in fact.

So you flying to the Netherlands or is he flying to Ireland? I'm sure you two will have a great time.

The guy liked wrestling and the games. I told him about the E-Fed and he wanted on the team. I said sure because he was my friend. Probably not the smartest thing, but still my friend.

It's not a very smart thing to make 8 other accounts to win more titles in both RWK and the league as well as have 2 sets of votes in RWK matches, especially if they involve your other accounts.

I'm going to send proof to Solidus for this because I feel hurt for what was said.

You want a tissue mate?

Rogue One and Voin are not MY ACCOUNTS.

They have the same IP Adresses as your main account, Solidus told us that. You have literally no defence here.

KingSonic, you kid got me mad.

Oh shiiiiit.

"In the league and due to the increase in members, Frosty created the Precision Championship tournament which included all of the names you see above. The first round went well, no real issues happened and then the second round came. Reese Glover (MainEventPlaya) and Karl Senn (Voin) were both matched up, meaning that Frosty just picked the winner automatically and that was Karl Senn."

Nope, Voin beat me. Turns out I can't use new characters and still win with a challenge.

Turns out that Voin and all the other accounts were made by you. Cool story huh.

"I faced DeathLock and I beat him, I even have video proof of me beating him, but here's the kicker. Frosty lied, saying that he was in a Skype call with DeathLock and said we split as soon as I hit my finisher to pin him, which didn't happen as there was no lag/signs of a split throughout the match, so in all I got screwed out of a World Championship."

You didn't beat me. You split. You admitted that a split must've happened. I pinned you. Even your split story is false anyway. The match went on another 20 seconds before a pinfall happened. You didn't get screwed - You lost. I admit there could've been a split, and hey I probably would've given a rematch. But you GAVE ME THE MATCH. You yourself said take the win. You know as well as I do you can't beat me on your best day when I'm on my game. I played different with that account, but I won. The same as I won with Ryan Blake and Apex. You didn't get screwed. You in fact screwed yourself by giving me the match. A rematch could've been done and I would've won. This is nothing other than a lie.

Lol ok, you could've at least added the last bit on where I talked about how I don't care about the situation now but at the time it was pretty big. I'll admit, yeah I said you could have the win, due to the sheer fact that I had an IC title match (I even said this in the PM) awaiting me at UK Rampage. I could've won both titles, which I'm pretty sure is a rule that someone can't hold two titles at once. No need to gloat about how you're better at the game than me, I have other things to do in life then spend my days practicing at the game. I've improved over time yes, but there are people out there better than me, you included.

"Frosty was holding BOTH world championships in Precision."



"Voin especially caused multiple arguments in the OOC thread and flamed several members because they disagreed with Frosty's points. Every time Frosty would be disagreed with, in comes his little gang to help him out. Frosty also threatened to BAN someone from the league for asking Voin to do a promo, considering that he hadn't promoed since he first came in, it was a reasonable thing to ask of the new Precision Champion. All in all, Frosty nearly controlled everything that went on in the league through his use of multiple accounts and the arguments they caused."

Well no, Voin wasn't my account. I didn't hold both World titles.

Well no, Voin was your account. You did hold both World titles.

"The falling numbers were primarily due to him running the league and the rules installed,"

The league was always stable when I was running it. Numbers fell when you started and the rules were fine for the last year. Don't start picking things out of the air just to make me look bad. It's fact the league did great with me running it. Just look at its history for that. Stupid.

You can't say that everyone left when I got in charge, people left as well because of you in charge and the way you handled things. Some of those people are coming back, some new people are coming in.

"most people can agree that the leagues are for FUN."

No shit sherlock. When you come up with that? Why did you stick around for a year or more if they were not fun? @SupaHeeroh why you stick around if they were not fun? @Welsh-Wizard-97 leagues not fun? @everyone. If the leagues were not fun then why were you there? Huh? The leagues were always fun. That's why they did great.

I was making a general point, you've overreacted to this quite a bit.

" He blamed me for killing the XBOX league as I didn't reply to a message soon enough about ending both leagues for one massive show, which is absurd and with me initially declining the offer in the first place."

.....From King - "Actually.. I'm thinking of doing this idea right now after all." He was thinking about it after declining. Make your mind up! I never said you killed the Xbox league. I said you were a reason why it didn't end with a show because you never replied back. Nothing at all. Thanks bud.

It's not like I have school and that week I had mock exams and was revising non-stop, I was considering it in order to shut you up so I could be left in peace.

Good luck with the league, King. Enjoy.

So nice.

I had to post something like this. In fact I don't want any replies causing arguments because I want this to stay up.

So you don't like being proven wrong and you have to get admins to lock the thread? Seems like a Frosty thing to do.

You can't defend the fact that all of the accounts have the same IP address.

Rant over, back to usual business. I just hope this is the end to all of this now.


The Lunatic Fringe
Feb 1, 2017
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Marbella, Málaga, Spain
Rogue One, this one seems to be a big one since he was on the creative team. The person is still my friend to this day, and we're planning to meet each other tomorrow in fact.

So you flying to the Netherlands or is he flying to Ireland? I'm sure you two will have a great time.
That bit killed me LMAO


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Brooklyn, NY
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It totally isn't your fault the Xbox League ended anyway, @TheKingSonic. I was against the idea and was only going to do the idea if Frosty did all the work involved and you agreed. Either way, I was probably going to back out and kill off the league anyway because there was no point in keeping it on life support anyway.


The Architect
Apr 21, 2013
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Shoutouts to me, @Beavporeon and @Zap Kenobi who had this shit pegged months ago (back in MARCH)
