OOC The Out Of Character Thread

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Helo, dwi'n Gymry!
Apr 14, 2016
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Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, UK
The noise of static rustles throughout the sold out arena. Confused, most of the crowd directs their attention to the main titantron. The screen flickers rapidly, surely causing epileptic problems to at least one fan in attendance. After a moment, the flickering stops, and only the distorted face of Jason St. Pierre can be seen behind the fuzzy frame. His face is twisted and turned, but the ever intense look on his face is persistent. He speaks, his voice slightly altered and distorted to match the visual appearance of him.

"Y'know...The only real change in a man comes from the inside. His own struggles and suffering are what causes him to overcome the treacherous trials that he will encounter in his time. Growth is what is important within a man...But when someone grows...they eventually have to stop growing. He has reached his peak. He has no more room for growth and must now rest stagnant. Trapped within a man is an internal turmoil that cannot be controlled normally. As a man stops growing, he soon becomes-"

JSP is cut off by more static, signifying that his control over the feed is faltering. His speech is now fully distorted, only a few words sneaking out.


His control finally fades, the screen cutting back to black.

-End Segment-
I'm not even sure if I liked that or not... From the stuff that I understood, it was meh, but the static gimmick was so weird that I may actually think it's cool.

Ginothony Bamtano

I rate this forum a decent to strong 4
Apr 16, 2016
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I'm not even sure if I liked that or not... From the stuff that I understood, it was meh, but the static gimmick was so weird that I may actually think it's cool.


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
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A theme song that is quite unfamiliar to the Precision fans begins to play during the pre-show of UK Rampage and the lights begin to flash a violent red. The fans are, for the most part, confused about who it could be. Eventually, someone makes their way out to the stage. A person walking with one crutch and a massive knee brace on their leg, Ivy Hale. Despite making her way out to a Precision ring for the first time, the fans are quick to boo her. Some of them recognize her from her past ventures, others remember the footage they have seen over the past few weeks of her with Jack Rogue. She is wearing a black and white dress with her red locks flowing downward. She is quick to smirk at her reaction and she makes her way to the ring with a limp. Eventually, she makes her way to ringside and she places her crutch on the apron and slowly rolls into the ring. Willing herself up, she gestures for someone to hand her a mic which she rips out of the attendant's hands. Ivy heads towards the center of the ring where her theme music fades away. The fans continue to voice their displeasure as Miss. Hale leans on her crutch and giggles to herself before finally speaking in her usual calm yet cold tone.

"So...the rumors were true? The time has come for Precision to meet it's Empress. I almost find it poetic that when I finally appear here, in the very country people last saw me getting carted out against my will, where questions arose of "will she ever show herself again?" Ha...Well, finally, the Empress of Fear, Ivy Hale, is back and I'm here with a whole new mission. Some asked if I was here to chase someone I was familiar with? A person whom I have bested before and used their farewell as my arrival? People have wondered if there will be a battle of total Anarchy versus Ivy's Empire? For me, they already served their purpose and what they do is completely irrelevant to me. I'm not even here to compete, because, if you idiots still haven't realized..."

Ivy looks down towards her braced knee and rolls her eyes as some fans continue to boo her.

"I'm in absolutely no shape to compete. So throw out all these pathetic 'dream matches' you have craved. Hale against Thunder, Hale against Vega, Empress versus the Amazing, whatever your dream is, I'm not here for you to realize them. In fact, I wouldn't have even stepped foot in Precision without a real reason to join. I have already dealt with barbaric and while I know how to take down any man or woman...I don't need to do that anymore. Instead, I'm here for one reason and one person only...Jack Rogue."

At the very mention of her new ally, the UK-based crowd voice their displeasure, this time starting a loud and obnoxious chant towards the self-proclaimed 'Empress.' With their accents showing, the crowd shouts "Poison Ivy" over and over. Ivy Hale rolls her eyes and chooses to ignore them.

"You see, Jack...is special. Just like me, he has felt the pain of rejection, he had been stabbed in the back by those who he thought cared about, had those who are the real villains be praised for poisoning the minds of the world...yet he has been blessed with a madness I know all too well. He has the potential to do wonderful things, to stand up to those who have defied him. Just he needs someone to bring it out of him and make sure he doesn't fall into the trap he was once a part of. I knew that when I saw him. For the first time ever I felt, empathy. So now..."

She snickers to herself and bows her head down on top of her crutch. Eventually breaking out a somewhat diabolical grin.

"I'm the Empress he follows. I, Ivy Hale am the only person that matters to him and I'm the one with his best interests at heart. Now, anyone who is an enemy of Ivy is an enemy of Jack Rogue and vice-versa. Which that leads me to one person...Jordan Bull..."

As soon as Jordan's names escape her lips, the Precision fans begin to cheer the veteran.

"I mean, what is there to say about Jordan Bull? He is seen as one of the people who built Sony Storm, which is considered by many to be the place that paved the way to Precision. He is clearly admired by all of you and his career is looked back upon with fondness..."

Ivy looks towards her side and puts her hand on her forehead, almost pretending to swoon, but it is obvious she is faking it. Eventually, she almost switches gears, changing her demeanor from calm to vicious. She raises her voice as she talks.

"YET...Everything about Jordan Bull is nothing but a farce! He isn't someone that represents what you believe in, he certainly isn't a "champion" in the literal or figurative sense and while he is seen as a hero today, he is has done despicable acts in the past which make what Jack Rogue has done to him and what I have done in my career so far seem tame. Other than the fact he has never had what it took to be a proper champion, he has fooled you all with his little 'path to redemption.' If anything, Jordan has been on the edge of the ideal path that you wish upon your heroes, and a mad world like my own for quite some time. That is why he is able to do despicable acts like crushing the girl of a delusional man and made her into mince-meat and later on, joined a rag-tag group of rebels I am somewhat familiar with which have lead to the deaths of two promotions. Yet...you look ignore that history now because all that comes to mind for you all is..."

As Ivy imitates what she thinks the fans are like, she speaks with a mocking tone.

"Oh look! Our old favorite is back! He can make us feel happy, he can reassure us of our dreams and ignore the constant nightmare we live in with corrupt world leaders and a world of chaos! Yay, Jordan Bull!"

She lets out a cold and deranged laugh before almost yelling into the microphone.

"Well, guess what, Jordan? I'm here to help Jack fix Precision! I'm here to stop the double standards, remove this place from all its sick values that rot its very foundation and my....our Empire will rise from it. Jordan Bull, you can't do anything about it! You're nothing more than a very example of what makes Precision sick! I hope Jack crushes you tonight! I hope he breaks your spirit! All your lies will be exposed and when it is all said and done...Jordan, you can..."

@Sam?! You know what to do.

Jordan: I can take my ball and go home? Right? Believe me, I've tried to leave this place.

*Jordan comes out in his ring gear with his arm heavily taped and held against himself. In his other hand is a microphone.*

Jordan: Yet here I am, home.

*The crowd cheer for their hometown hero, Jordan Bull who was born just outside London and has sInce relocated to Cleveland, Ohio*

It's true, you and your little leprechaun have one up on me. The score in our series is 2-1, I'm basically fighting on one arm tonight and furthermore, I know you'll be lurking around ringside. Even injured, you're a dangerous one so I guess we have that in common. We haven't met by the way, I'm kind of a big deal.

*Jordan spits on his hand and outstretches it, which disgusts Ivy*

Jordan: I know you're aware of who I am though. I know you too. You pride yourself in sucking all the masculinity out of someone and proving that you're strong, despite being a woman. Don't get it twisted, I'm all about equality, I mean, you hinted at what I did to Powerful Porkchop.

*The fans chant "Sony Storm" which makes Jordan smirk*

However, I hear doubt in your words. You "hope" that Jack can break my spirit, you "hope" that he will walk out with a 3-1 lead over me. Doesn't sound too convincing, despite my current predicament.

*He points to his damaged arm*

Jordan: I'm not surprised that you doubt him though. I mean, he's not going into this match using his head. Also, honey, I hate to break it to you, but he isn't thinking with his heart either. No, no, little Jack is being controlled by his most important organ...

*Jordan's borderline sexist comment infuriates Hale, who goes to speak before Jordan intercepts*

Jordan: Did I touch a nerve sweetie? Are you going to hit me? Come on, I dare ya; make my day...

*Jordan certainly does appear to have struck a nerve with the normally reticent Hale. Ivy responds with audible fire in her tone*

Ivy: Do you really want me to go down to your level? I mean, how bad would it be for someone like you to beat down on a defenseless woman again, this time assaulting one with one good leg? But, Jordan, I don't doubt what Jack can do. I know he can do special things. After all, I don't do things without a reason. You said you know who I am. Then you really should have remembered that. I've changed my approach with reason, I went to Precision with reason, I approached Jack Rogue with reason and tonight I came out here with reason...

*Once again, Ivy's expression and tone changes. This time, she speaks with even more intensity*

Ivy: I mean, did you think I just came out here to run my mouth and speak my mind? I honestly don't care what these people think. They're not worthy of my message. I did all this with reason and that reason...

*While Hale continues, partial boos can be heard from pockets of the crowd, as Jack Rogue hops over the barricade in the back of shot, with a steel chair in hand, and slides into the ring behind Jordan*

Ivy: ...is you, Jordan...

*Bull, the veteran, realises the trap he has walked into, and turns around just in time to be met with a steel chair swing to the face. Jordan collapses onto his back, clutching at his potentially broken nose. Ivy cackles maniacally and steps backwards gingerly towards the corner, giving Rogue space. The boos in the arena are now deafening as the hometown hero is assaulted from behind with Jack's signature weapon*

*Rogue isn't waiting for Bull to fight back, though, as he plants a vicious shot to the unprotected sternum. As the metallic smack rings through the building and Jordan rolls onto his front, Jack begins a frantic rain of swings to the spine of Bull. Pain and desperation appears to strengthen Bull as he rolls to the ropes and goes to pull himself slowly to his feet. Rogue drops his chair and goes to grab him and continue his battering, but Ivy Hale stops him*

*She picks up her crutch that she placed against the turnbuckles, and hands it slowly to Jack, supporting herself on the ropes. Rogue takes it cautiously, looks down at it slowly, then shakes his head violently and swings it against the spine of Bull. The boos continue as Hale's control of Jack is evident to all in attendance. After several swings of the crutch, Rogue hands it back to Ivy. He then collars Bull by the neck and checks the position of the steel chair behind him on the mat. Jack hooks Jordan's arm over his neck, lifts him by his legs, cradles him in place, and delivers Annihilation onto the steel*

*Ivy loves what she sees, and slowly steps out of the ring under the middle rope to the floor with a wide grin, crutch in hand. Rogue takes a moment to bask in his destruction of Bull, then picks him up again. The crowd boo as they expect more punishment, but Jack pushes the semiconscious veteran against the turnbuckles, and hooks his arms over the ropes, holding him on his feet. He then walks to the ropes facing the aisle, and beckons to the the back. Hale realises his plan and begins to scream for a referee, before walking to the timekeeper's area and speaking menacingly to the ring announcer*

Announcer: The following contest... going ahead as planned, is a tables match. The only way to win is by putting your opponent through a table. In the ring: from London, England and now residing in Cleveland, Ohio... weighing in at 225lbs... Jordan Bull.

*The crowd cheer loudly and this appears to rouse Bull from his daze, though he is still unable to fully support himself, and clutches at the top of his skull where it was spiked onto the steel by Rogue*

Announcer: And his opponent, also in the ring: accompanied tonight by "The Empress of Fear", Ivy Hale... from Birmingham, England... weighing in at 220lbs... Jack Rogue.

*While the ring announcer completes the formalities, a referee has made his way cautiously down the ramp and entered the ring. He checks on Jordan Bull, asking him if he is fit to wrestle. Bull nods gently and waves him off, slowly walking out of the corner and attempting to shake the stars from his vision. The referee appears conflicted and unsure but sees Rogue raring to go in the other corner, and calls for the bell*

-End of segment-
Please read, all feedback appreciated! [HASHTAG]#STORYTHINGS[/HASHTAG]
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The Architect
Apr 21, 2013
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Gonna try making logos/arenas/posters for all of the PPVs from now on, starting with Viewers Choice.

Here's the logo. Poster and arena to follow
