OOC The Out Of Character Thread

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The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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Will make a decision by tommorow if I'm going to cash it in for a shot at the IC Championship.
You can still hold the title until you lose it. no point going for the IC title without going full out until you lose it unless you don't want to compete for the world title?


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
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*The scene opens with a view of Reagan Cole's fight club, the camera shifts over to a car and the door opens, out comes Will Neilson, in a shirt and tie, along with jeans and trainers. He walks over to the front door, the camera following him as he goes but before he can greet Matt, Neilson stops and looks at the wall directly to the right of the door, on the wall is a traditional "Wanted" poster, which is strange to see around here nowadays. Will rips it off the wall and realises that his face is printed onto the Wanted poster! He scratches his head and scrunches it up, putting it in his front pocket and walks up to Matt.*

Will - Matt.

Matt - Will.

Will - Um.. Matt. Before I go in... can I just ask you a quick question?

Matt - Sure, go ahead.

Will - *takes the scrunched up poster out of his pocket and shows it to Matt.* Who... put... this... up!

Matt - I thought you'd notice soon enough, some fat dude in a suit and fancy clothes walked up here about a few hours ago and placed it on the wall. Then only an hour later, some other dude came up to the club, he was as tall as me and looked as tough as nails.... the dude stared at the poster before nodding and walking away. I left it up there to see what you'd think of it.

Will - Ryan that fucking bastard! Where's Reagan?!

Matt - He's in there waiting for you with your cousin, go right on in.

*Will walks past Matt, a look of anger and disbelief on his face, he's actually being hunted down. Neilson runs up to Reagan and his cousin, Yuri Williamson, Gabriel Kirkshaw is also there but is more in the background. Reagan begins to speak to Will.*

Reagan - Ah.. yes. Will, it has come to my attention that Ryan has really taken a step further than what was initially planned. He's actually hired a real bounty hunter to come find you, don't worry though, it's not a life and death situation... it's actually... *Reagan takes out an iPad and shows it to Neilson.* This guy, Martin Drake, he's only just signed for Precision and is a well known bounty hunter and prison guard, you'll be having a match with him this week, we've all been banned from interfering and it's extreme rules. However, Will I know you can do this, do it for us, and do it to be one step further in helping cure this company. *Reagan turns to Yuri.* Yuri, you remember Aaron Leon? Yeah, you've got him this week, no holding back, at Backlash I am expecting you and Kirkshaw to win those tag titles, there is no need for failure at this moment of time.

Will - I agree, we can't let Ryan Blake get the upper hand on me... or anyone else, I'll beat Martin Drake, I'll beat him to whatever means necessary, it's vital... my Survival Championship is just like my Money in the Bank briefcase... giving me that gateway to a World title opportunity, only I'll have to earn it with wins. Reagan, I won't disappoint you and Yuri... you better not disappoint m-

*A scream is heard from further away, and all 4 men react quickly, running to the source of the noise. On the floor is Antonio Stark, clutching his knee and in clear distress, Reagan is the first to react, helping Antonio up and onto a nearby chair, Williamson and Kirkshaw run to try and find the assailant, and the other members of the fight club join them. Will starts speaking to Tony.*

Will - Tony! What the fuck happened?!

Antonio - Some guy... he came in through the window, he had scratches all over his face, had long black hair and was wearing a black vest and black trousers, I went to go... AGH!!! I went to go try and get him out of the building but he pulled out a hammer from his pocket and... he hit me right in the knee.... around... 4 times. I don't know who he... was.. or what.. he was planning on doing, but it looks like... he's gone now.

Reagan - Did he look like this? *Reagan shows a picture of Martin Drake to Antonio, Stark nods and Cole turns to Will.* So it was him... it looks like he's the real deal, Will now you have a good reason to end this guys career... do it.

*Will nods and walks over to Antonio, patting him on the shoulder before walking out of the camera's view and the shot fades to black.*
This promo is really great, good job Sonic. Good character balancing and development, good plot, well written. My only slight criticism is that it's not easy to tell that this is a heel stable and that Neilson's a heel, but I get that because Drake's a heel and is attacking you here. Hopefully there's some heelness in Anarchy Inc's future.

Speaking of which, go you, carrying a five person stable... xD


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
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By the way, just wanted to say I'm really excited to get to know all the new members' characters in promos this coming week.

"Bitter crazy sort-of-masked man" Jack Rogue wants to know them all before he *annihilates* them. ;)


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
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oh no, you can't keep the survival title after cashing it in if that's what you mean
I think he means is he a triple crown champion in the same way that having held WWE, IC, US and Tag titles in WWE makes you a Grand Slam champion, because he won the world title in 2k16. I think the answer is yes. What other Grand Slam/Triple Crown champs have we had? League veterans, any names?


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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I think he means is he a triple crown champion in the same way that having held WWE, IC, US and Tag titles in WWE makes you a Grand Slam champion, because he won the world title in 2k16. I think the answer is yes. What other Grand Slam/Triple Crown champs have we had? League veterans, any names?

Mike Thunder

The Lunatic Fringe
Apr 14, 2016
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I think he means is he a triple crown champion in the same way that having held WWE, IC, US and Tag titles in WWE makes you a Grand Slam champion, because he won the world title in 2k16. I think the answer is yes. What other Grand Slam/Triple Crown champs have we had? League veterans, any names?
Justin Harrows (HawkHD90)
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