OOC The Out Of Character Thread

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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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I owe an apology to both schools as this week I have been inactive with it and next week will be another week off. But just to put it simple the past while for me has been a bit of a strenuous time for me both in school and out of it. The school will have a week off (again) next week as it is exam time for me. But the week after I will return with scenarios for both. Scat, I will give some "feedback" soon. I'm really sorry dudes and I will try to fix that in the coming while.

Also, another thing is, if at any time you think I myself need to work on something for how I'm running the promo schools, let me know kindly. I personally like constructive feedback and frankly, I'm far from perfect myself.

Thank you.
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The Architect
Apr 21, 2013
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Joseph Diamond managed to walk backstage under his own power after being sent flying through two tables laying on the outside of the ring from the top of a ladder. Not before Andersen Vega pedigreed Rhys Haze on a chair, and not before Andersen Vega climbed the ladder to retain his World Championship. When he gets backstage, Alexander Diamond just stares at him, unable to speak.

Joseph: I know this wasn't what we planned, but Rhys being in the match totally threw off our pl-

Alexander: I know, you don't need to explain anything to me...but...Joseph....he's here.

Joseph: What?

Alexander: He's been here all day, wanted to congratulate you on your title win in person. But...you didn't win...and he isn't happy. He's taking a smoke break so he can clear his head before he talks to you. You know how much he had riding on you tonight, Joe.

Joseph: I know, I just need more time t-

Suddenly a silence rushes over Joseph, it's like he's seen a ghost. The camera pans to reveal Christopher Diamond, the father to both Joseph and Alexander Diamond.

Joseph: I know what you're gonna say, but there was nothing I could do about what happe-

Christopher: Yes there is. You coulda won. But ya didn't, did ya, Joey?

Joseph: No...but only because Haze was there, if it was me and Vega one on one I would be world champion right now.

Christopher: Then maybe you shoulda beat Haze last month then.

Joseph: I was sidetracked then, we already tal-

I've heard just about enough out of you, Joe. Next week, you're not gonna be on Precision, you're going to be with me, in Vancouver, training.

Alexander: I really don't think this is nec-

Christopher: Let me finish. Alex, with me keeping Joey busy next week, I'm gonna need you to stand in for him next week.

Alexander: But I haven't had a match in three years, I retired for a reason, dad.

Christopher: And you're coming out of retirement for an even better reason. For the good of the family, for the good of your brother. Maybe he'll even learn a thing or two

Alexander: Bu-

Christopher: No more "buts", you're doing this. For me. For him.

Joseph: Do I not get a say in this?

Christopher: Prove your good enough to be here and you'll get all the say you want.

Alexander: I really think pulling Joe off of shows is a bad move, he's just starting to gain some momentum with the people.

Christopher: Well I don't want the people cheering for a loser, and that's why I'm putting you in for this.

Joseph: You know what? I don't need this. For two months you have tormented me with this whole "Joe, you need the people, the people will lead you to victory" but look at what it's gotten me, Chris. I was UNDEFEATED FOR FOUR MONTHS and now I can't beat RHYS HAZE. Because you insisted that I needed to change. I WAS FINE BEFORE, THEY HATED ME BUT I WAS SPECTACULAR. MY BEARD WAS SPECTACULAR. I WAS UNTOUCHABLE. I WAS THE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION. I'm not training with you and he's not managing me, because I quit.

Joseph storms out of frame as Alexander follows, while Christopher stands stoically, a knowing smile on his face. As the clip ends, we hear a door slam and a car skid out and drive off.

Pretty big implications off of this one, suggest giving it a read so you're not completely confused going forward.
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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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*TLC has officially begun with the pyrotechnics going off and the crowd cheering loudly and chanting the company's name "Precision!" over and over again. The official theme of TLC fades away, and the crowd are left anticipating what is to come next.*

*Unknown music blasts through the speakers, and the crowd are clearly in confusion. This isn't TLC's theme, Ryan Blake's theme and it isn't even the theme of an existing roster member. After 20 seconds of waiting, out walks a man from behind the curtain and the lights, titantron and mini-tron start to play, with blue lights spreading all over the crowd. The unknown superstar looks around at the crowd in attendance, he is wearing Adidas tracksuit joggers, a black jacket with Japanese text written on the back, along with the words "TAKING OVER" across the bottom. The man flicks his white hair back and begins a walk to the ring, muttering the words "So this is Precision?". After a lengthy walk, the man jumps onto the apron and climbs into the ring as well as requesting a microphone.*

??? - I can see by looking at all of your faces... that you don't know who I am. I have to admit, it's a valid question, and I shall give you all an answer. My name.. is Yuri.. Yuri Williamson, a name that you do not want to forgot now, and into the foreseeable future, because I am here to take over! *Mixed Reactions from Crowd* The card for TLC is looking pretty stacked might I say, especially one match... and if you were smart enough, you'd be able to tell that I am in the Tag Team Championship match against Lance... um... yep, just Lance will do for now, and Aaron Leon, who's name is more generic than the black sock I am currently wearing on my foot. *More Mixed Reactions but mainly Boo's due to Yuri's clear cockiness.* I've been all around the world, but my main career began in Japan, I was born in Portsmouth in the great country of England, and moved to Japan when I was 19 years old to continue my studies. While I was in Japan... I met someone, and he was the man to help me start my wrestling career, and the man that brought me here to Precision in order to help him and his cause.

*Yuri unzips his jacket to reveal a T-Shirt underneath, he smirks before taking off his jacket and the shirt is revealed to be an Anarchy Inc T-Shirt. Some of the crowd gasp, and the boo's begin to roll in.*

Yuri Williamson - Yes! Anarchy Inc! Only the greatest group of people that you will ever see in a wrestling ring, and I am just one of them, Will, Antonio, Chris, Reagan... it's all about building an empire! The reason I was brought in was to not only help out Anarchy Inc, but to bring all of the gold to Anarchy Inc. It starts tonight with the Tag Team Championships, Lance and Aaron... you see me right now, but you don't see my partner? Do you? I'll just say this, I know who my partner will be, and me and him will not only win the Tag Titles, but we will bring prestige to those titles and hold them until the end of time! I am apart of a great and mighty empire, and it will take more than the superstars in the back to bring.. us.. DOWN!

*Yuri drops the mic and holds his arms out to the crowd who are booing him like they would boo any other member of Anarchy Inc, Williamson gets out of the ring and walks over to the timekeepers area before hopping over the barricade and walking through the fans, the latter booing him every chance they get. Yuri points to the ring before climbing up the stairs and quickly exiting the arena.*

Because no one saw this coming... ;)

*In the ring awaits both Aaron Leon and Lance Dondelinger, ready for the challenge of Yuri Williamson and his mystery partner. After 34 seconds, Yuri still hasn't come out, but suddenly the lights go out and come back on quickly with Yuri's titantron and music playing.*

*Here he comes, Anarchy Inc's newest member, Yuri Williamson emerges from the curtain in his ring gear and a microphone in his hand, he makes a gesture to cut the music and begins to speak.*

Yuri Williamson - Aaron! Lance! How are you guys doing? Hopefully your feeling great, because you won't be feeling that aaaany longer once me and my partner get through with you. Your both just losers, you'll never make to the top.. especially you Lance, from what i've heard you seem to want to be friends with everyone and the "Ultimate Good Guy" in the locker room. I'll tell you this now... if you keep acting the way you act, and pass it on to people like Aaron... you will never be respected in the locker room. Sometimes being the good guy isn't the way to go, your anger, spirit, resilience and momentum are the main factors that make a name in wrestling, not going around shaking everyone's hand... hoping they will go easy on you. That... just isn't the way.

*Yuri drops the mic and grins at both Aaron and Lance, both unaware of what Yuri has in store for them... 'CRACK'..... Lance falls down to a chair shot to the back, and Aaron goes down the same way, not even having a chance to react. A masked assailant is in the ring with a steel chair, staring over the bodies of Aaron Leon and Lance Dondelinger, he continues to hit both fallen men with the chair constantly before being stopped by an entering Yuri Williamson. Williamson backs away to the corner, and the masked man takes a deep breath before removing the shroud covering his face, revealing none other than Gabriel Kirkshaw. Kirkshaw looks at Yuri, and back down at Leon and Dondelinger, Gabriel exits the ring and grabs both tag team championships from the timekeepers area and heads back into the ring, giving one of the titles to Yuri and they subsequently raise them in the air. The boo's from the crowd echo around the arena, as the show cuts to a commercial break. The situation of the tag titles is unknown at this moment in time.*

Two good promos, minus one minor detail that urks me as a Political Science major who is taking an International Relations class and learned these two things on day one...

Empire: a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or other powerful sovereign or government: usually a territory of greater extent than a kingdom, as the former British Empire, French Empire,Russian Empire, Byzantine Empire, or Roman Empire.

Anarchy: absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

Are you guys Anarchy Inc...or Empire Inc...YOU CAN'T HAVE AN EMPIRE WITH ANARCHY! THEN THERE IS AN HIARCHY AND THAT MEANS THERE IS NO ABSOLUTE FREEDOM AND *a group of guys in masks take me away and use a sleep dart to calm the nerdy beaver*


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Since Backlash is listed as the next event I made this since I was bored and wanted to create something.
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Ginothony Bamtano

I rate this forum a decent to strong 4
Apr 16, 2016
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*The Precision after TLC opens up not with the usual pyrotechnics and greeting from the commentators but with a view of the ring, the spotlight is shown on 4 men who are in the middle of the ring easily identifiable. Will Neilson, sitting on a chair with his Survival Championship on his shoulder, Reagan Cole, who is standing directly by Neilson with a smug grin on his face, Yuri Williamson and Gabriel Kirkshaw linger more to the back of the ring, with no Tag Titles in tow. Will begins to speak.*

Neilson - Saturday Night Precison... the land of opportunity some will say, this company is my life, it's what I wake up for every day, and it's what I go to sleep thinking about every day. Most wrestlers here are some of the best performers in the Wrestling world at this moment in time, Me, Me, Antonio Stark, Yuri Williamson.. Urgh.. Gabriel Kirkshaw and.. maybe Andersen Vega and that JSP guy considering they are the current champions, BUT they are nothing compared to people like me, and though I hold the lowest championship that this show offers, it doesn't mean I can't hold a title like the World Heavyweight Title and like the Intercontinental Title, it won't take much longer to start racking up wins with this title and then it's a cash in for a title match and I'm pretty sure everyone knows how my last cash in went. *Neilson laughs and the crowd boo.* Apart from Rhys Haze, there is one major problem in this company... and that is Ryan Blake, current General Manger/Owner/Dickhead, the man does not know how to run a company. Considering I beat his dead brother for the World Title... it doesn't seem much of a shock to me that he has targeted me, I threw my jacket over him at the Awards show and stole all his biscuits from his office... and then I started World War 2.5 with Ryan Blake. He sent Apollo Black after me.... and I beat him, your next Ryan, Will Neilson is better, Will Neilson will beat you... Will Neilson will beat you as bad as he did to Robert.

*Will drops the mic with a straight faced expression and goes to stand up and walk out of the ring with the rest of Anarchy Inc (and Gabriel Kirkshaw) however the lights go out, Neilson is dumbfounded but looks at the titantron displaying various images of Robert Blake, Ryan Blake and finally Neilson throwing Robert Blake off of Hell in a Cell and hitting him with the Neilson Clash for the 1, 2, 3. They images fade away and the titantron displays three single words that send chills down Will's spine.*


*Suddenly, a very familiar theme starts to play through the speakers, a theme Will knows all too well, and sends him, Anarchy Inc (and Gabriel Kirkshaw) and the entire crowd into a state of shock.*
If Robert Blake is suddenly alive, I will write a XXX segmwnt between Hulk Hogan and a wrestler of somebody else's choice.
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