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... Grass.Time for me to play police officer.
@The Anarchist
None of your guys' characters are uploaded onto CC with the required stats and other extremities. Just giving a heads up that should probably be handled.
Time for me to play police officer.
@The Anarchist
None of your guys' characters are uploaded onto CC with the required stats and other extremities. Just giving a heads up that should probably be handled.
Mine is made sure of it straight awayTime for me to play police officer.
@The Anarchist
None of your guys' characters are uploaded onto CC with the required stats and other extremities. Just giving a heads up that should probably be handled.
The second episode of Precision Season Two is well underway and now it's time for Andersen Vega vs Jason St. Pierre. "King Of My World" by Saliva blasts through the arena and is met by adoration from the Precision Universe.
This positive reaction gets louder as at the 25 second mark, Andersen Vega walks out from behind the curtain and onto the stage with a bottle of water in his left hand, the "Big Gold Belt" around his waist and a triumphant smile on his face. He pauses on the stage for a moment, taking a swig of his water and absorbing the love that he's getting from the audience before making his walk down too the ringside area, slapping hands with several members of the Precision Universe on his way down. Making it to the ringside area, Andersen Vega rolls into the ring and requests a microphone from the Timekeeper, to which he is given promptly. With the smile still on his face and faint chants of "Andersen!" resonating from the fans, Vega takes a deep breath and begins to speak.
Andersen Vega: "Ladies and gentlemen I consider myself an honest man, and when I say something, I truly mean it. So, when I say that I am the best damn professional wrestler that has ever put on a pair of boots... And I'm better that Noah Styles, since he didn't wear boots, which is rather unhygienic if you consider that he walked barefoot on a surface that's been covered in blood, sweat, piss and possibly shit and his skin is absorbing those putrid extremities... Di-fucking-sgusting... Anyway, point is that when I say that I'm the best, I mean it. When I say that I'm "King Of The World" then you'd better believe me because I ain't lying. If I tell you that I am the holder of the most Prestigious Championship in all of Professional Wrestling, then you had better agree with me because if you don't then I may just have to make an example out of you and last week I did just that! If anyone in the back had it in their heads that I wasn't the top dog in this industry then last week I reached into those heads and pulled those thoughts out and I shoved them straight up their asses because last week I proved that I am the the best! I proved that I am "The King"! And I proved once and for all that I am THE MAN in this industry!"
The Precision Universe shows their agreement of Vega's comments with yet more cheer and support as "The King" pauses and smiles with joy of the response that he's getting before continuing his promo.
Andersen Vega: "Now, I won't let just one match prove that I am the best in this business since with all the new, up and coming starts that have arrived in Precision, there are many competitors that I have yet to face. Tonight I get a chance to do just that against a man that had an impressive debut just one week ago in a match against fellow newcomer, Alex Hade. A man that think's that he's so different from the "Ass kisser's" and the "Asshats" as he calls them, and I guess I fall into the second category now, don't I? Hehe yeah, I'm a right prick... Hmhmhm, anyway, this man apparently doesn't like to kiss ass, but he likes to "Kick 'em" and he doesn't put people down with words, but he does with his fists... Yup, so different from the one million, seven hundred and thirty nine thousand, four hundred and twenty three guys that have stepped foot into a ring that has claimed that... Me, on the other hand? Well, I like to do both... But, other than his obvious misinterpretation of the word "Different", this man has proven himself a pretty damn good competitor in the ring, but he's only gone up against someone who is himself, new to Precision and therefore doesn't really prove anything. Tonight though, he's got an opportunity of a lifetime to prove himself against the top guy with the top prize in Precision and if he manages to beat me, then he will have truly proven himself as one of the best... But, we all know that's not gonna happen in this Universe. Still, though, I'm all for giving the man a chance and I don't think it's fair for me to judge him without first meeting him, so Jason St. Pierre... Lets see what you're made of shall we?"
Precision's reigning World Heavyweight Champion removes his World Title and his leather jacket and t-shirt, preparing for Jason's arrival, and after a few moments, his music hits.
@Gino Bambino
As requested, Jason St. Pierre makes an appearance on the stage to a widely tame reaction. He already has a microphone in his hand and begins to walk down to the ring very slowly, methodically. His blank glare never seems to deviate from his opponent for later on in the night. ASill in the ring, Vega stands firmly where he is, not being intimidated by the relative unknown approaching him. Rolling under the bottom rope, JSP pops up to his feet and stares at Vega for a few more moments. His height advantage over the World Champion can be distinguished with relative ease. Slowly, JSP raises his microphone to his mouth. He speaks, but with a very hushed tone.
"Oh, Andersen. I must admit, you have a lot of nerve to directly insult me. Not only have you insulted me, but you seem to have completely undermined my intelligence. You actually have the wherewithal to insult a man before you even come face-to-face with him; just to immediately follow it up by claiming that you won't judge him. The sheer ludicrousy of that is the dumbest thing you may have ever said, Andy. I mean...Did your mother ever tell you to be nice to strangers? Did she every say how good it is to have friends, allies...Or did she reach the end of her stay on this mortal coil before she could teach you any life lessons?"
Obviously striking a nerve, Andersen steps up a little closer to JSP, saying somethings that can't be picked up by either man's microphone. The crowd, has seemingly turned on St. Pierre, raining boos on him for making reference to Vega's mother, whose grave was horrifically disgraced by The Scat. JSP, who is clearly pleased with what he had done to set Vega off, begins to laugh in the face of the World Champion.
"Much better. This is the type of opponent that I want to see. Not a cocky child who would much rather pander by making adolescently immature remarks about his opponents. No, a champion doesn't play around and make jokes to try to get a positive reaction. A champion is supposed to stand above every man, woman, and child. Instead, you would rather bring yourself down to their level to seem more like the people's champion. As if you actually care that much about garnering the approval from the people in those seats. I may only just be making my presence felt here, but I am no stranger to liars and hypocrites. I see right through you, Vega. They may not, but I do. I've read you like a children's book. You're not their friend. You're not the voice of the people. In reality, you're just a scared little boy, who thinks that winning a championship, then taking a break is considered proving yourself, that you've actually accomplished something...You haven't accomplished shit."
Once again, this firmly sets the crowd against Jason St. Pierre, who doesn't seem to be affected by the crowd's continual booing of him. Meanwhile, Andersen is fuming across the ring from JSP.
The gall of St. Pierre and the disrespect that he has shown towards Vega's accomplishments and the mentioning of Vega's deceased mother has set off the normally calm and collected Champion, however, Vega keeps his composure and with a snarl on his face, he actually begins to clap his hand on the mic while pacing back and forth, giving JSP a round of applause.
Andersen Vega: "Congratulations kid, you've got balls but make no mistake when I say that the only reason that your teeth are intact and that you're not on the floor in a pool of your own piss right now is because I don't want you to have an excuse for after I make an example out of you tonight..."
The crowd pops for Vega's comment, while JSP himself smiles at Vega's anger.
Andersen Vega: "I'm going to make one thing crystal clear so that you never forget it... If you ever mention my mother or any other member of my family again, then I will take a great deal of enjoyment in caving your damn skull in with a baseball bat and cutting your career short like I have done to better men that you, got that boy?"
Vega stops pacing as he says this and gets right into the face of St. Pierre, who doesn't budge an inch, however the threat that Vega made did wipe the smile clean off his face.
Andersen Vega: "Now that we understand each other, let me explain something to you, kid... You telling me what a champion should be just isn't how it works, especially since you have no idea what it means to be a champion. Hell, you barely know what it means to be a professional wrestler. Now, I admire the fact that you've seized the opportunity and have gotten my undying attention right now, you're wrong about a lot of things and one of them being that you think that you know me, well let me tell you right now that you have no idea the kind of man I am, but I know exactly who you are, kid. You're so different, right? Doing and saying the same stuff that my dear brother Anthony Black had said during his brief time in Sony Storm, so much so that it's actually uncanny, but let me give it to you straight since you think that you're so good right now... You ain't even half the man that Anthony Black was, and quite frankly you're just a poor rip-off. You come out here spouting shit about liars and hypocrites like you just copied and pasted one of his promos and you hope that nobody would notice, well next time don't step into the ring with his damn brother when you go for gimmick infringement, you fucking idiot!"
Having turned the tables, now it seems that Vega's in JSP's head as the up and comer snarls.
Andersen Vega: "And that's all you are, kid... You're a gimmick. I come out here and crack jokes and make bad pop-culture references and talk about being "King Of The World" because that's who I am and that's real. Whether these people love me or they hate me they know for a fact that I'm real and that I mean every word that I say. When I say that I've proven that I'm the best in this business it's because I have, not just by winning a championship or by taking a break afterwards, which I might add was out of my control since the season was over, idiot. I've proven myself every time that I've walked from behind that curtain. I've proven myself every time that I've won and every time that I've lost. I proved myself when doctors told me that I would never wrestle again after The Scat damn near broke my neck at Wrestlemania, only for me to come back and put one of the best performances that anyone has ever seen at Wrestle Dynasty to finally become THE World Heavyweight Champion! I have outlasted everybody that I started in this business with and I've gone through entire eras and that's why these people cheer me, because I've risked my life for them and even when I was told that I can't do it anymore, I came back and I proved everyone wrong! So don't you EVER! Question who I am and what I've accomplished!"
The Precision Universe are well and truly behind Vega right now, and JSP, who's a little pissed by Vega's comments towards him, raises the mic to his mouth yet again.
How'd we do?After Andersen's little rant is over, JSP raises the microphone to his mouth...but he doesn't say anything. Instead, he simply holds it a few inches from his mouth, never breaking eye contact with the World Champion. This seemingly irritates Vega even more, as he continues yelling various obscenities at the newcomer. Finally, JSP raises the microphone to his mouth again, and he once again resumes his speech.
"Oh, Andersen. You are just far too easy to play. Look at you, you look like a ravenous dog, ready to tear into the next walking pile of flesh to enter your sacred domain. I'm starting to get the idea that you don't like me, Andersen. Maybe, the fact that you see your brother in me has generated a bit of self-loathing internally for you. Could it be that your anger isn't projected at me, but at yourself? Maybe, you're more upset at the fact that you couldn't protect your mother. Maybe you're upset at the fact that you couldn't mend the already tattered relationship that you have with your brother. I'm sorry Andersen, but your faulty claims of me being a pure knockoff of your brother cannot be any further from the truth. For unlike your brother, I don't let my own ego consume me. Let me say that you did fight hard for your title. I've paid attention. I've heard you ramble, I've seen you work, and it is much impressive, but do not think for one second that you are the ultimate ruler of this land. Because when the time comes, Andersen...The clock is going to strike midnight not only on your title reign...but on your entire career."
With that final sentence, JSP begins laughing into the microphone again, having one again gotten inside the head of Andersen Vega. In fact, Vega actually winds up to take a swing at the newcomer, who has sent him over the brink. However, before he can make contact, the lights to the arena cut out, with only the flashes of some fans' cameras going off creating any light. When the lights come back on, both men are still in the ring, but JSP is now standing behind the World Champion, who has no idea. Once Vega snaps around and catches a mere glimpse of his opponent, the lights cut out once more, only for them to return, and JSP to no longer be in the ring. Instead, he is standing at the top of the entrance ramp, staring down an obviously flustered Andersen Vega. The segment ends with both men staring one another down, as the show cuts to commercial.
-End Segment-
Great job making Vega cheerable and establishing the intelligence of JSP. Easy to read, good character work, well written. Nice work, you guys.How'd we do?
Just one question... How could you not want Andersen Vega? He's like, the 15th most successful competitor in league history... (WHY AM I NOT WANTED!)*The titantron cuts to an outside image of the Precision locker room, the door is wide open and as the cameraman steps inside, the locker room is destroyed. Benches are flipped over, chairs littered everywhere and Will Neilson sitting on a lone chair in the corner with the Survival Championship wrapped round his waist. The cameraman slowly approaches Neilson and he looks up, his face with cuts and bruises, and his arms are clearly bruised aswell. Will stands up and beckons to the cameraman to follow him, he obliges and Neilson walks him to the curtain. After a couple of seconds, he looks back and stares directly into the camera.*
Will: It's showtime...
*Wild Eyes echoes around the arena as the brand new Survival champion walks out from behind the curtain, some of the crowd are shocked at his appearance but boo him anyway out of pure hatred. Will ignores all of this and walks straight down to the ring and pulls a chair out from under the apron, he throws it in the ring, climbs in, and sets it up sitting down on it. Will asks for a microphone and his request is granted, he holds it up to his mouth and breaths heavily before speaking.*
Will: You all know why I... *coughs* look like this. The upcoming match is going to be something I will take very seriously, and something I refuse to give in to.. something I refuse to fall down and beg for mercy! My career in Precision began with Rhys Haze... and tonight will be the final nail in the coffin. 15 Minutes, Neilson vs. Haze II, Survival Championship up for grabs. I'm not fighting to keep my title, I'm fighting to keep my pride, to keep everything I stand for and to show Rhys that he has awoken the monster that has sat inside me since Day 1. There will be blood, there will be pain... and I will endure it all, my goal is to defeat Rhys Haze.. and that is the only thing I am set on doing! I don't want Joseph Diamond... I don't want Jack Rogue... and I don't want Andersen Vega.. I want Rhys Haze.. I want Rhys Haze... I want Rhys Haze... AND TONIGHT I GET RHYS HAZE!
*The camera zooms in on Neilson's face, the cuts and bruises much clearer to see. The bloodshot eyes and devilish grin shows that Will Neilson has lost it. He gets up and picks up the chair before repeatedly hitting the ring with it, over and over and over and over... it's relentless. He finally stops and takes two huge deep breaths before opening the chair up and sitting back down.*
Will: I... I... I've lost it all.. respect from everyone in the back, my World Championship I worked so hard towards... and tonight I could lose my Survival Championship.. the only thing keeping me alive and stable here in Precision... the company that I am proud to be a part of it, but not proud to have a General Manager like Ryan Blake... he is only relevant because of his brother... and look who turned up dead..
*The crowd booing level is nuclear, everyone person from child to adult is booing the ever living pudding out of Will Neilson. He goes to continue but suddenly, Neilson stops.. he twitches for a bit before looking extremely calm, it's like someone has flicked a switch.*
Anarchy Inc will cure this company, and we will demolish everyone if we have to.. and at TLC.. I accept Apollo Black's challenge for a match.. the only way to start is to rid of Ryan Blake's lackey, the man he sent to get rid of me from Precision, and I want No Holds Barred, I'll destroy him... and tonight he better tune in, Rhys Haze will define the word... broken, and so will Apollo when I meet him at TLC. The road to a new Precision has started, and tonight will be Chapter 1.
*Will picks up the chair and throws it out of the ring along with the microphone, and jumps over the ropes going to leave, but is interrupted by an all too familiar theme.*
I apologise if this promo is a bit over the top and it kind of messy, I've been going under a lot of stress and this is the best I could come up with, will take any constructive criticism but will respond to it when in a better state than I am in right now.
Just one question... How could you not want Andersen Vega? He's like, the 15th most successful competitor in league history... (WHY AM I NOT WANTED!):
Why would you even have a special Cruiserweight division? That'd literally change nothing. At least with the tag division, you can have tag matches and have tag team promo's to change it up. The tag division is a great idea since it offers everyone to have their ''own'' career, whilst at the same time tagging with another character. There's no point in two characters where the only difference is ''Ah yeah I'm 300 lbs here but I'm 180 lbs here'', especially when a lot of people are 5'11/6'0 already in the league. There aren't many big guys to begin with.How would people feel if we get rid of the Tag titles and go with a Cruiserweight title? I don't see any interest in the Tag team titles at all. People could use new guys just for this division. You would have your main guy for the league and your secondary Cruiserweight guy for that division.
Half the league is flippy, indie, smurfs anyway.That doesn't do much.How would people feel if we get rid of the Tag titles and go with a Cruiserweight title? I don't see any interest in the Tag team titles at all. People could use new guys just for this division. You would have your main guy for the league and your secondary Cruiserweight guy for that division.
But....why can't we use the secondary character for tag titles? I'd sign up if I had that option for tags, wouldn't do the same for cruiserweight.How would people feel if we get rid of the Tag titles and go with a Cruiserweight title? I don't see any interest in the Tag team titles at all. People could use new guys just for this division. You would have your main guy for the league and your secondary Cruiserweight guy for that division.
You can. I already said people could do that, but they still don't seem to want inBut....why can't we use the secondary character for tag titles? I'd sign up if I had that option for tags, wouldn't do the same for cruiserweight.
Well either way a cruiserweight title is redundant considering, as Gino mentioned, the league is pretty much nothing but flippy shit even when it doesn't fit charactersYou can. I already said people could do that, but they still don't seem to want in2: