OOC The Out Of Character Thread

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The Architect
Apr 21, 2013
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they're moves dude. You have your own moves that stall considering half the moves in this game are broken. Your spin kick thing has that 2 second delay but I didn't give a shit. Running springboards are good if you can somehow make a run for it.

Most people wouldn't be fans of leaving the ring for the amount of time you do. But as I said I don't really care considering it's the final month. Just ask people before your matches if they're cool with it.
The most I usually do is about a half-trip around the ring, and its not like there aren't ways to stop it if it bugs them so much. Its pretty much a part of my moveset at this point, I use it in pretty much every match, and I've just now started getting complaints about it.


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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The most I usually do is about a half-trip around the ring, and its not like there aren't ways to stop it if it bugs them so much. Its pretty much a part of my moveset at this point, I use it in pretty much every match, and I've just now started getting complaints about it.
I think @Welsh-Wizard-97 did bring it up at one point after one of your matches outside the league


The Architect
Apr 21, 2013
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Joseph Diamond is still your Intercontinentlal Champion.
After dispelling Jack Rogue with an Unbreakable Facebreaker (to the face!), the crowds boos faded and as Diamonds from Sierra Leone finished playing, Joseph Diamond remains seated in the corner, a position which he has been seated in since the referee called for the bell. Jack Rogue has only just started to stir. Diamond slowly begins to sit himself up, grabbing onto the ropes to help him get back to his feet. The referee, with Diamonds Intercontinental Championship already in hand, tries to help Diamond to his feet, but is shooed off by Joseph. After what feels like an eternity, Diamond makes it back to his feet under his own strength. Diamond then snatches his Intercontinental Championship from the ref, but he looks to immediately regret that decision as he quickly grabs his taped up shoulder and lets out a very manly yelp. The referee tries to assist Diamond out of the ring but is again shooed off by a very annoyed Joseph Diamond, before Diamond begins barking orders to the nameless ref.


The still nameless referee (slightly begrudgingly) complies and quickly retrieves Diamond a mic from the time-keepers area. The carnage of the match still very evident, with the announce table still destroyed from the awe-some fall that Jack Rogue took through it, and a piece of the cell still laying outside the ring. The ref slightly trips on his way back, which gets a sensible chuckle out of not just the announcers but the sold out American Airlines Center as well. As all this is going on, ringside trainers begin helping Jack Rogue to the back. After making his walk of shame back to the ring, Diamond snatches the microphone from the ref in a similar fashion to earlier, except he didn't hurt himself this time (yay!). Diamond orders the referee to set the chair up for him, and he reluctantly does as Diamond asks. Diamond then orders the ref to leave the ring, and to not "fall on his ass on the way out". After he's through thoroughly humiliating that poor nameless referee, Diamond collapses onto the chair (in a form that would make the Posture Police wince), placing the Intercontinental Championship on his lap, and he begins to speak....slowly......

Time and time again...I step into this ring and I leave everything I have in this ring, and time and time again you boo me.......

The boys in the back, oh, they don't respect me. Oh no, because I got here a bit later than they did and because I fight smart I'm some kind of coward.

They think because I didn't pin the champion to win this I don't deserve it. And the sad thing is, I can put myself through a match like this, where I'm doing it for all the right reasons. I'm putting myself through hell for my family. I fought clean, I fought fair. As always. And even after I beat Jack Rogu-
A flurry of boos cut off Diamond, visibly upsetting him
Yeah, that's right I BEAT Jack Rogue. And even though I beat him so bad that he can't even walk out of the ring under his strength, somehow I'm the coward.

I beat Jack Rogue not because I'm a coward, or because I got lucky. I beat him because I am better than him. I am better than every single person that has faced me....

And I guranteed you, that even after tonight, people will still act like I didn't earn this championship. MY CHAMPIONSHIP. Week...after week....after week, people have said to themselves "okay, this is the week where Diamond's gonna lose.", and week after week I have proven those people, YOU people, the voice in the back in my head telling me I'm not good enough wrong....
I have shown every performer back there not only that I can hang, I can show every single one of them up on any given night. Even after I fell through Hell in a Cell, even after enduring EVERYTHING Jack Rogue threw at me, I could beat anyone back there right now and that's a fact.

Joseph Diamond is finally able to bring himself back to his own feet, although he is still favoring his shoulder as he stands up. His look of anguish quickly terms into a look of determination, and Diamonds eyes go from glossy to lighting up with a fire only seen by firefighters (ha, get it, because firefighters...fight....fires, forget it), his stance straightens and he strings the Intercontinental Championship over the top rope, probably so he doesn't have to hold it anymore, that\s simply efficient.

Joseph Diamond:
Only three things are certain in life. Death, Taxes and Diamond. And if I have to personally get in each and every one of your faces to get you to understand why I am undefeated, why I am at the top of Precision, why I keep destroying your heroes. It's not because I'm a monster. It's not because my dad taught me how. It's not because I cheat. It's not because I keep getting lucky. It's because I am the BEST at this. I am a third generation superstar, but my granddad and my dad couldn't dream of reaching the heights I've reached. You may say I'm full of myself but that's simply not true. I just know how good I am, and I need everyone else to realize it.

Week after week I've shown you what I can do. But maybe it's because I don't do moves off the ropes or dives outside the ring, maybe its because I know exactly how to get in my opponents head and I exploit each and every one of their weaknesses. Last week, I actually had the GM, Ryan Blake himself tell me to my face that I was an even bigger dick than Buster Gates. But what did I do to deserve such hostility? I won matches, and I won them with no doubts in anyone's minds as to who the better competitor was. I should be in the main event, I should be in the Elimination Chamber match for the Undisputed Championship. But I won't be, because apparently the age old sentiment of wins equals championships doesn't apply in this upside-down backwards world that we live in. I can't cash this in for an Undisputed Championship shot in spite of being the most successful European, Intercontinental, whatever other names its had champion in the history of Precision. I don't understand. And I know, and I'm sure all of you know, deep down, and I'm sure that even Rob knows that on my worst day I could still wipe the floor with Robert Blake.

And so this....is my shout into the void, my message in the bottle. And I just want Ryan Blake to hear it, to hear me, to listen to my plea, for him to give me what I deserve. Give me...the undefeated sensation, me, Joseph Diamond, an Undisputed Championship match at WrestleDynasty. Any person you're going to put into that chamber is someone who I've beaten before, and no doubt someone who I can beat again. If anyone in this company has earned a shot at that title, it's me. Because, as I've told you a million times before, and I'll tell you a million more times if I have to. I am undefeated, I am unbeatable, I am the Intercontinental Champion. I am the UNCROWNED UNDISPUTED CHAMPION. I AM THE FACE OF THIS COMPANY. I AM THE OLD PRINCE. I AM THE UNBREAKABLE ONE. I AM JOSEPH DIAMOND.

And in case you didn't already know. Diamond. Is forever.

Diamond grabs the Intercontinental Championship from the top rope, once again aggravating his shoulder, and as he goes to roll out of the ring, a noticeable limp begins to emerge, and as he walks down the ramp and backstage, a number of trainers run out to try and assist Diamond, but he refuses any of their help, as Diamond makes his way back, he puts the Intercontinental Championship around his waste and begins to favour his right shoulder. He slowly and triumphantly walks to the back, as Kanye Wests soulful production fills the arena for the third time in the night. He may not be 100%, but Joseph Diamond is still your Intercontinental Champion.

New promo, was originally going to save the "Undisputed" title for later but given how the promo turned out and its subject matter, I thought it was fitting. Seriously happy with how this one turned out, hope you are too.
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First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
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New promo, was originally going to save the "Undisputed" title for later but given how the promo turned out and its subject matter, I thought it was fitting. Seriously happy with how this one turned out, hope you are too.
Fucking great. Step up, league. We'd have something special if all characters were as deep and well written as this - everyone can step up. Ofc including me. Ya boy has lots of writing to do today. ;)

Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
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United Kingdom
Fucking great. Step up, league. We'd have something special if all characters were as deep and well written as this - everyone can step up. Ofc including me. Ya boy has lots of writing to do today. ;)

I'm gonna have a bit more fun writing promos because I'm a heel now, as I said before I just can't get into the rhythm of face promos if that makes sense. Therefore my promos should improve.
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Dark Side
Apr 16, 2016
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Joseph Diamond is still your Intercontinentlal Champion.
After dispelling Jack Rogue with an Unbreakable Facebreaker (to the face!), the crowds boos faded and as Diamonds from Sierra Leone finished playing, Joseph Diamond remains seated in the corner, a position which he has been seated in since the referee called for the bell. Jack Rogue has only just started to stir. Diamond slowly begins to sit himself up, grabbing onto the ropes to help him get back to his feet. The referee, with Diamonds Intercontinental Championship already in hand, tries to help Diamond to his feet, but is shooed off by Joseph. After what feels like an eternity, Diamond makes it back to his feet under his own strength. Diamond then snatches his Intercontinental Championship from the ref, but he looks to immediately regret that decision as he quickly grabs his taped up shoulder and lets out a very manly yelp. The referee tries to assist Diamond out of the ring but is again shooed off by a very annoyed Joseph Diamond, before Diamond begins barking orders to the nameless ref.


The still nameless referee (slightly begrudgingly) complies and quickly retrieves Diamond a mic from the time-keepers area. The carnage of the match still very evident, with the announce table still destroyed from the awe-some fall that Jack Rogue took through it, and a piece of the cell still laying outside the ring. The ref slightly trips on his way back, which gets a sensible chuckle out of not just the announcers but the sold out American Airlines Center as well. As all this is going on, ringside trainers begin helping Jack Rogue to the back. After making his walk of shame back to the ring, Diamond snatches the microphone from the ref in a similar fashion to earlier, except he didn't hurt himself this time (yay!). Diamond orders the referee to set the chair up for him, and he reluctantly does as Diamond asks. Diamond then orders the ref to leave the ring, and to not "fall on his ass on the way out". After he's through thoroughly humiliating that poor nameless referee, Diamond collapses onto the chair (in a form that would make the Posture Police wince), placing the Intercontinental Championship on his lap, and he begins to speak....slowly......

Time and time again...I step into this ring and I leave everything I have in this ring, and time and time again you boo me.......

The boys in the back, oh, they don't respect me. Oh no, because I got here a bit later than they did and because I fight smart I'm some kind of coward.

They think because I didn't pin the champion to win this I don't deserve it. And the sad thing is, I can put myself through a match like this, where I'm doing it for all the right reasons. I'm putting myself through hell for my family. I fought clean, I fought fair. As always. And even after I beat Jack Rogu-
A flurry of boos cut off Diamond, visibly upsetting him
Yeah, that's right I BEAT Jack Rogue. And even though I beat him so bad that he can't even walk out of the ring under his strength, somehow I'm the coward.

I beat Jack Rogue not because I'm a coward, or because I got lucky. I beat him because I am better than him. I am better than every single person that has faced me....

And I guranteed you, that even after tonight, people will still act like I didn't earn this championship. MY CHAMPIONSHIP. Week...after week....after week, people have said to themselves "okay, this is the week where Diamond's gonna lose.", and week after week I have proven those people, YOU people, the voice in the back in my head telling me I'm not good enough wrong....
I have shown every performer back there not only that I can hang, I can show every single one of them up on any given night. Even after I fell through Hell in a Cell, even after enduring EVERYTHING Jack Rogue threw at me, I could beat anyone back there right now and that's a fact.

Joseph Diamond is finally able to bring himself back to his own feet, although he is still favoring his shoulder as he stands up. His look of anguish quickly terms into a look of determination, and Diamonds eyes go from glossy to lighting up with a fire only seen by firefighters (ha, get it, because firefighters...fight....fires, forget it), his stance straightens and he strings the Intercontinental Championship over the top rope, probably so he doesn't have to hold it anymore, that\s simply efficient.

Joseph Diamond:
Only three things are certain in life. Death, Taxes and Diamond. And if I have to personally get in each and every one of your faces to get you to understand why I am undefeated, why I am at the top of Precision, why I keep destroying your heroes. It's not because I'm a monster. It's not because my dad taught me how. It's not because I cheat. It's not because I keep getting lucky. It's because I am the BEST at this. I am a third generation superstar, but my granddad and my dad couldn't dream of reaching the heights I've reached. You may say I'm full of myself but that's simply not true. I just know how good I am, and I need everyone else to realize it.

Week after week I've shown you what I can do. But maybe it's because I don't do moves off the ropes or dives outside the ring, maybe its because I know exactly how to get in my opponents head and I exploit each and every one of their weaknesses. Last week, I actually had the GM, Ryan Blake himself tell me to my face that I was an even bigger dick than Buster Gates. But what did I do to deserve such hostility? I won matches, and I won them with no doubts in anyone's minds as to who the better competitor was. I should be in the main event, I should be in the Elimination Chamber match for the Undisputed Championship. But I won't be, because apparently the age old sentiment of wins equals championships doesn't apply in this upside-down backwards world that we live in. I can't cash this in for an Undisputed Championship shot in spite of being the most successful European, Intercontinental, whatever other names its had champion in the history of Precision. I don't understand. And I know, and I'm sure all of you know, deep down, and I'm sure that even Rob knows that on my worst day I could still wipe the floor with Robert Blake.

And so this....is my shout into the void, my message in the bottle. And I just want Ryan Blake to hear it, to hear me, to listen to my plea, for him to give me what I deserve. Give me...the undefeated sensation, me, Joseph Diamond, an Undisputed Championship match at WrestleDynasty. Any person you're going to put into that chamber is someone who I've beaten before, and no doubt someone who I can beat again. If anyone in this company has earned a shot at that title, it's me. Because, as I've told you a million times before, and I'll tell you a million more times if I have to. I am undefeated, I am unbeatable, I am the Intercontinental Champion. I am the UNCROWNED UNDISPUTED CHAMPION. I AM THE FACE OF THIS COMPANY. I AM THE OLD PRINCE. I AM THE UNBREAKABLE ONE. I AM JOSEPH DIAMOND.

And in case you didn't already know. Diamond. Is forever.

Diamond grabs the Intercontinental Championship from the top rope, once again aggravating his shoulder, and as he goes to roll out of the ring, a noticeable limp begins to emerge, and as he walks down the ramp and backstage, a number of trainers run out to try and assist Diamond, but he refuses any of their help, as Diamond makes his way back, he puts the Intercontinental Championship around his waste and begins to favour his right shoulder. He slowly and triumphantly walks to the back, as Kanye Wests soulful production fills the arena for the third time in the night. He may not be 100%, but Joseph Diamond is still your Intercontinental Champion.


My rating for this...


*wait, if I am not allowed to respond to the threads Frosty, move it to the OOC thread....*

Ginothony Bamtano

I rate this forum a decent to strong 4
Apr 16, 2016
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I wanna say that I'm hyped for 2k17, I got some shit brewin up for next league.


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
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Crowd: 1... 2... 3!

*As Andersen Vega pins Antonio Stark off the Pedigree to pick up the win at Hell in a Cell, the arena fills with a strange mix of booing and cheering as the audience are left wanting neither competitor to be victorious. Vega stands up and practically pulls the referee away from checking on Stark to raise his hand in victory. Andersen smirks cockily as he walks around the ring, looking at the hostile audience with infinite smugness. He notices his opponent lying supine on the canvas, after being beaten by the Pedigree, and his grin widens. Vega suddenly rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope, towards the announcer's desk, and walks towards the crowd. A fan reaches out for a handshake and Andersen bats it away haughtily before jumping up to sit on the barricade wall. He smirks once more into the camera, then extends his arm and makes a very exaggerated beckoning motion out into the crowd*

*The boos in the arena escalate as many of the fans know what's coming. Within a few seconds, Jack Rogue can be seen emerging from another part of the arena, walking towards the ring through the crowd. He's wearing a hoodie, tracksuit trousers and trainers, all black. Some audience members reach out for high-fives which Rogue accepts, but his heart isn't in it, his expression is blank, and his eyes are focussed on his employer. When Jack reaches the barricade, Vega has jumped down from the wall and rolled back into the ring where the referee is still attending to his possibly injured opponent. Rogue hops the barricade and follows Andersen into the ring*

*Suddenly, the ref gets an idea of what's happening at directs his attention towards Vega, asking him to leave the ring and putting himself between Andersen and Stark. While Jack is getting into the ring, Vega grabs the referee by the collar, who writhes frantically in an attempt to escape. Rogue can only look on, speechless, as his employer toys with the official, who is audibly begging Andersen for mercy. Suddenly, Vega grabs both of the ref's arms and pulls them behind his back, then turns towards Jack*

: Do it, Jack! Do it or I WILL fire you!

*Rogue appears astonished at the new lows Andersen is forcing him to sink to, he looks out into the crowd with desperation etched on his face. He searches the audience for support, but all he can hear are the boos for Vega's vicious, merciless actions. Without warning, Rogue turns sideways on and superkicks the referee, the crack of the official's jaw filling the arena for a moment before the booing returns with a vengeance. Andersen grins widely at Jack's compliance, then turns to see Antonio Stark just beginning to stir where he sits in the corner*

*Smelling blood in the water, Vega grabs the still weak Stark by his neck, and holds him in the same position again, despite a limp escape attempt from Tony. This time, Andersen says nothing but the threat is implicit and Jack steps back to deliver a second superkick. The booing in the arena is now deafening as the fan favourite is forced to deliver a brutal assault to a defenceless official and his employer's already beaten opponent. Vega's music starts again and Andersen climbs up the turnbuckles to soak in the wrath of the crowd. Meanwhile, though, Rogue has fallen to his knees in the ring, and as the camera approaches him a tear can be seen running down his face. He clamps his hands to his ears and shakes his head furiously as if to dispell the thunderous heckling of the crowd from his head*

*Slowly, Jack stands up, his face a mess of tears and now visible froth at his mouth. Then, all of a sudden, Rogue pounces with a frenzied assault on Antonio Stark, a vicious rain of forearms and elbows to the temple of Vega's wounded opponent, then he begins with knees to the ribcage before standing up and delivering stomps to the head and chest of Stark. Andersen is unaware of this momentarily, but then his music cuts out and he turns around to witness a wholly new brutality being showcased by his employee. After a leaping stomp to the chest, Rogue pauses and turns around to look at Vega. He points at Andersen, then at Antonio, and rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope. When it seemed the boos of the crowd can get no louder they begin to, and Jack scowls at them with unguarded fury as he walks towards the announce table before picking up the timekeeper's steel chair*

*Rogue folds the chair into position with a clang, and the cameraman captures a maniacal grin forming on Jack's face. Andersen Vega is slowly pulling the unconscious Stark back to his feet as Rogue re-enters, chair in hand. Jack takes one final slow look at his weapon, before driving it edge first into the gut of Antonio, and then smacking it against his spine. As Stark writhes in agony, Rogue notices that the chair has been bent out of shape by the impact, and drops it to the canvas, where he stomps it flat. Jack takes a final look at his employer before dragging Antonio back to his feet. Rogue turns Stark to face the hard camera and as the deafening boos continue, he drops him into a reverse headlock. Jack slowly turns his body as if to rotate to his left, then suddenly spins to his right, bumping onto his back and driving Tony Stark face first into the steel*

*Rogue gets to his feet, now openly grinning at the hard camera, then slowly begins to laugh - a crazy shriek heard even over the thunderous noise of the audience, loud enough to chill to the bone. As Andersen Vega's music starts up again, the camera zooms to show the twitching, giggling Jack Rogue, with the devastated Tony Stark at his feet, as the show cuts to commercial*

-End of segment-

WHY DID ALL OF THESE HAVE TO HAPPEN AT ONCE xD I've had these exact events planned for over a month and had the intention to turn heel since before I began to feud with Welsh. Just unfortunate timing means we've been left with basically no babyfaces. Sorry everyone. Why not let us know (@Mike Thunder @TheKingSonic) in the OOC thread who did it best? :p

Anyway, more on these events on the way today hopefully - if you only skimread the promo I'd recommend reading it in full because I'm pretty proud of it (though I'll probably outdo it with the next one if things go to plan), and it's possibly the most important promo for Jack Rogue ever. Thanks. <3

Hey everyone!

This is a very important promo for my character and I'm quite proud of it so I'd really appreciate anyone who has a spare few minutes reading and giving some feedback. Thank you! :) <3

Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hey everyone!

This is a very important promo for my character and I'm quite proud of it so I'd really appreciate anyone who has a spare few minutes reading and giving some feedback. Thank you! :) <3

That was an awesome promo, nice to see the EVIL side of Jack Rogue.

Ginothony Bamtano

I rate this forum a decent to strong 4
Apr 16, 2016
Reaction score
The Blunt Edge?

Hey everyone!

This is a very important promo for my character and I'm quite proud of it so I'd really appreciate anyone who has a spare few minutes reading and giving some feedback. Thank you! :) <3
smurf, I'm the only face now