The Official Wrestlemania 25 Thread.

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Feb 8, 2007
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Bronx, NY
See, thats my point. BEST case scenario for have those four matches. But Batista is injuried, so now Cena is left with an unknown opponent. HBK is no where near a fued with Taker, and Hardy/Edge TLC is the best thing SD can provide at the moment. Do we really think the wwe is giving to give up the MITB match for a Edge/Hardy TLC match?

For you to say that Taker and HBK are no where near a fued is crazy. Come on Montana - I KNOW you're like me in what we want out of the E - Have you not seen the last 2 Royal Rumbles???? Everyone doubts the ability of the WWE creative staff and Vinny Mac to have things planned in advance and it's astonishing to me that no one believes or thinks that HBK/Taker will NOT happen at WM25. This feud will get another kick in the ass at the Rumble when HBK eliminates Taker for JBL, just watch.

Batista will be back at NWO in an advertised return because you just can't do the same thing that they did with Cena at last years Rumble. He will not win the EC, he will face JBL at Mania.

Edge will win the belt back at the Rumble and will probably face off against Hardy or Christian or both at Mania.

I still don't see anyone's interest in having Austin vs. Orton. It does nothing for Austin to win and it will be a horrible in ring match. Orton winning does nothing for him either. He's already over as all shit and I see no reason for this match as the Legend Killer gimmick is not in full swing now and I really don't see Austin losing at Mania in Texas the night after he gets inducted into the HOF.

Umaga is returning, Kennedy should be in full form by then, Kane should be in with whoever is with Kelly Kelly, which should be a huge surprise, Jericho could also be involved with Edge/Christian/Hardy or he could very well be in the MITB again. I am eager to see how the E plays this out and I for one am excited about the endless possibilities that we have right now. The unpredictability is what we all SAY we want but when no one can SEE or Figure out what the future holds they CLAIM they lose interest. Really? Makes sense? Nope. If you want predictable shit, watch Raw and Nitro from 97-2001 and then watch TNA now and you'll figure out everything TNA is gonna do and then you can be happy.

The Rated R CMStar

Agreed. We can't even start talking about a WM card when most of the storylines leading into Mania start at the Rumble the earliest, this couple of years they have started after NWO.

We are yet to see what they do with Y2J, HHH and Taker, who even the dream cards have contradictions on what they will be doing at Mania. We are yet to see how they book other main eventers like CM Punk, Umaga, Rey Mysterio and Big Show, as they can't all be in MITB, and odds are they HAVE to have a match at Mania.

We are pending to see the return of Vince Mcmahon.

And we are yet to see which celebrity will get involved with Mania this year.


I think it's too early to say I'm not excited.
That's be like asking if we are pumped up for Summerslam in March. The obvious answer would be no.
Not many people will be excited for WM yet, because it's not even being built to (yet). They still have the RR and No Way Out before Wrestlemania.

It's all well and good for you to say you aren't feeling it yet, and I think most people would agree, but it's not like that means the product is sucking. The reason noone is excited too mcuh for it yet, is because they haven't gotten to the point of building towards it yet, which will start after the Rumble.
Then would be a better time to judge how they are doing in terms of getting us excited.

To answer the question though, no, I'm not excited yet, because it hasn't started yet, but I am intrigued and hopeful about the potential of the show.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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I always get excited for Wrestlemania because there is always a big surprise or half the matches are really fucking good. And lets not forget about the grand entrances and the usually hot crowd.


I seriously think this is how it will go down...

WWE Championship
Edge* vs. Big Show
(Vickie's "lovers" collide)

World Heavyweight Championship
JBL* vs. HHH
(Battle for HBK's contract. HHH wins the Rumble and Steph gets him to jump to Raw.)

John Cena vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
(Dream Grudge Match)

HBK vs. Undertaker
(Undertaker gangs up on JBL for what he is doing with HBK, in return JBL forces HBK to "take care of business")

Jeff Hardy vs. Christian
(Survivor Series Night Revenge)

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Kofi Kingston vs. John Morrison vs. the Miz vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. R-Truth vs. Evan Bourne vs. Finlay vs. MVP

Intercontinental Championship
CM Punk* vs. Chris Jericho
(Long time rivals collide over gold)

Raw vs. Smackdown Diva Tag Team Match
Maria and Michelle McCool vs. Beth Pheonix and Rosa Mendes
(Basic SvR Diva Tag Match)

Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase
(Dibiase returns and tries to overthrow Orton and get Rhodes and the gang back with him.)

ECW Championship
Extreme Rules
Jack Swagger* vs. Matt Hardy
(Final match of this rivalry)

The Rated R CMStar

BTW, I am totally clueless at who will Cena face. Orton seemed as he replacement for Batista, but now it seems he will be involved with Vince.

That, and in a house show days before Mania they have Cena vs Orton, and I doubt if that match was main eventing Mania they would have it in a house show mere days before they wanted people to pay $60 to see it.

With all this Cena/HBK thing, I wouldnt be too surprised to see HBK vs Cena


BTW, I am totally clueless at who will Cena face. Orton seemed as he replacement for Batista, but now it seems he will be involved with Vince.

That, and in a house show days before Mania they have Cena vs Orton, and I doubt if that match was main eventing Mania they would have it in a house show mere days before they wanted people to pay $60 to see it.

With all this Cena/HBK thing, I wouldnt be too surprised to see HBK vs Cena

House Shows are like practices. They are a pretty decent indicator of where storylines will be heading. Its always a good opportunity to practice your spots for a televised show.

The Rated R CMStar

I know, but I doubt WWE would run their WM main event in a house shows just days before Wrestlemania, especially considering how Cena and Orton have already worked together before.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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I'm agreeing with CMS. I understand where CM54 was saying, but they wouldn't like to reveal such a huge main event in practices/house shows. If anything, for practice, they have tag team matches. As of right now, I think this is how things will unfold.

WWE Championship Match
John Cena* vs. Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho
The cards are played against Orton as he is the bad boy with the whole sidelining Vince thing, but he wins the Royal Rumble keeping the McMahons from eliminating him from the roster until Wrestlemania. Randy Orton's only way to stay in the WWE is by winning the title, and he does so. Chris Jericho is an add on, as the McMahons try to ruin Orton's chances.

WHC Match-TLC?
Jeff Hardy vs. Christian
I doubt anyone will see this coming, but right now think about it. They aren't going to repeat the main event of RR at Mania with Hardy v. Edge. I doubt Hardy loses the title yet, because he just had the reign, and things are JUST getting tough for him. Hardy discovers the attacks, and inccidents are caused by Christian, and all hell breaks lose.

Grudge Match
Shawn Micahels vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

Grudge Match
Triple H vs. The Undertaker
If HHH isn't going to be in the title scene at 'mania, then he's going to play with the big boys. HHH is either going to be involved with HBK, or 'Taker. I doubt we see Edge v. HHH.

Grudge Match
Edge vs. The Big Show
With the way they are signalling it. I hope I'm wrong, but I call them as I see them.

Money In The Bank
Kofi Kingston vs. Evan Bourne vs. MVP vs. CM Punk vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. The Kendrick vs. Matt Hardy vs. Killings/Mysterio

Monster's Match
Umaga vs. Uncle Kozlov

ECW Championship
Jack Swagger vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz
honestly this is what I see, and it can go well for any of the three imo.

Legends Showcase
Team Priceless/The Legacy vs. Two Legends/possibly SCSA, and another inductee.

Thats all for now.
Dec 14, 2008
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Melbourne, Australia
Does anyone think Austin will be involved at Mania anymore?

Unlikely. If he were to put Randy Orton over, he would have to endure an RKO or be punted and well ... fill in the blank.

Your card is interesting TRD but how many grudge matches? I see 4 inc. the WWE Championship match.

I truly have no idea about any matches. I don't know where Chris Jericho, Triple H, Randy Orton, The Undertaker fit in the XXV picture. Jeff Hardy vs. Christian TLC grudge match is all I'm calling.

CT Styles

Was it ever really official? I mean, he said he'd have one last match and people just assumed he'd be at 'Mania 25 because it was in Texas. I think someone just assumed and it had the rolling snowball effect.


My updated prediction:


WHC - Austin(*) vs Cena

WWE - Austin(*) vs Hardy

IC - Austin(*) vs Punk

US - Austin(*) vs Shelton

Raw Tag - Mizzorison(*) vs Austin (Handicap match)

SD Tag - Colons vs Austin(*) (Handicap Match)

Interpromotional Raw vs SD - Austin vs Austin... Ends in a No contest - He passes out before he's prepared to submit to himself, there is a double-heel/face/heel/face-and-back-again turn during the course of the match and he spends the next 20mins after the match trying to spit beer into his own face.

MITB - Austin vs Austin vs Austin vs Austin vs Austin vs Austin vs Austin vs Austin.. Take your pick! ;o]

Austin has a clean sweep, leaves with all the A & B brand titles + MITB (setting up an interpromo rematch against himself for ALL titles at Backlash09), the blinkered Attitude marks all go home happy and all is right again in the world of WWE and wrestling in general. :)

Oh, I forgot one....

ECW - Austin vs..... NAAAAH, that's a bit too much of a stretch of the imagination, innit! ;o]