Geez, kids really take school for granted.
I'l tell ya, I was the same way as a kid. I hated going to school and couldn't wait to get out and live the adult life. I have a great high paying, comfortable job but I WISH I were in school. Bills are shit and when you start getting them, you'll want to hit your head against a wall.
In school, you pretty much have no worries, besides studying for a test. Big deal. You get to sit in a classroom for barely 6 hours and then get to hang out with your friends, riding your bike and whatever, with not a worry on your mind.
When you grow up and leave school, you'll be excited to enter the adult world but you'll see how it can get at times and you'll wish you were back in school again.
Depending on what job you choose to have, it's more the people who piss you off, not so much the job itself.