CT Styles

I think HHH will get eliminated by Taker in the final 2 and then run back in the ring and attack Taker and get out the sledge hammer then turning heel and go onto win the Elimination Chamber.
^I'm not going to waste my time with that comment.(In reference to rawkus' comment.)
Timmy T,
How do you know Lashley is back. He wasn't on tv last night and unless he comes back tonight on ECW or SD! then I'm not sure he'll even be in the rumble much less win it.
I would seeing Taker winning two years in a row. However I see Y2J winning it! I mean, he needs the title, being WHC, or WWE title, he's over-do his shot. So I would have to say Y2J.
Y2J isn't even in the rumble match. I agree he should win it but it's not going to happen.
Who ever said he wasnt? He can wrestle JBL and still go in the RR, He has done it before.
I'm telling you Bobby Lashley mark my words you hear it here.
lashley will enter but not win. how can you promote a wm main event with a guy who has the promo skills of batista, yet at the same time sounds like a chick. undie for two in a row