The Official ROH on Sinclair Broadcasting Discussion Thread

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They do the trash talking thing, so people that never watched before have a idea of the personalties of the wrestlers.

I also heard Jacobs has the same music, idk if thats true, and i believe the wrestlers can pick if they wan their TV music or their old music when they come to the ring now. Most of the new music is very generic.

Yeah, Jacobs is still The Haunted by Walls of Jericho.


AOTF is kinda on their last leg, but not officially dead (i don't think ) The reason i don't think is bc Jacobs/Brodie Lee seem team together. So really if they just added someone else they are back in business.

(or maybe i'm in denial)


I watched Show 3 last night and found it very entertaining although a couple things that annoyed me were:

Agreeing with SP here, they are giving the young guys from the ROH Wrestling School thing way too much offence, That Keenan guy who's name I forgot was in control for quite a while in his match with Erick Stevens when Stevens should have been since he was the favourite in the match and on the Main ROH roster, they also did this with a few others in the previous weeks.

The new announcer really pisses me off now, he always cuts Dave Prazak out when he goes crazy after a little jab to the eye and then says "that hurt *insert name here*", really gets frustrating.

Nothing major there. Dark City Fight Club impressed me, I hadn't seen them ever and I had only heard of them once before which was when they debuted at Proving Ground and faced Steenerico I think, I heard they were good and seeing them Vs Cheech and Cloudy showed me why they're called DARK City Fight Club and why people like them, they are awesome. It was a great squash match and they could be big sometime down the line, Cheech and Cloudy weren't bad either although they didn't really get much of a chance to show off their skills because DCFC destroyed them.

Main Event was awesome, as SP said I think, definitely the best television match this year. I think the ending would have been better if Danielson had won with the Cattle Mutilation but still, it was a great match and I saw Aries new gimmick which was cool. Awesome match and pretty good show, here's a link for all who may need one.


By best television match, you guys mean best ROH TV match, right? Because it was not better than HBK/Cena or Christian/Swagger.


I watched Show 3 last night and found it very entertaining although a couple things that annoyed me were:

Agreeing with SP here, they are giving the young guys from the ROH Wrestling School thing way too much offence, That Keenan guy who's name I forgot was in control for quite a while in his match with Erick Stevens when Stevens should have been since he was the favourite in the match and on the Main ROH roster, they also did this with a few others in the previous weeks.

The new announcer really pisses me off now, he always cuts Dave Prazak out when he goes crazy after a little jab to the eye and then says "that hurt *insert name here*", really gets frustrating.

Nothing major there. Dark City Fight Club impressed me, I hadn't seen them ever and I had only heard of them once before which was when they debuted at Proving Ground and faced Steenerico I think, I heard they were good and seeing them Vs Cheech and Cloudy showed me why they're called DARK City Fight Club and why people like them, they are awesome. It was a great squash match and they could be big sometime down the line, Cheech and Cloudy weren't bad either although they didn't really get much of a chance to show off their skills because DCFC destroyed them.

Main Event was awesome, as SP said I think, definitely the best television match this year. I think the ending would have been better if Danielson had won with the Cattle Mutilation but still, it was a great match and I saw Aries new gimmick which was cool. Awesome match and pretty good show, here's a link for all who may need one.

I don't think Sterling James Keenan is a student.


Well whatever, I was meaning young guys who aren't very well known yet or aren't even fully on the ROH roster :mad:


By best television match, you guys mean best ROH TV match, right? Because it was not better than HBK/Cena or Christian/Swagger.

I think they meant what they said. Perhaps just being loyal fans to ROH could be another factor too. But think about it peep. If you never watched WWE before....would Cena/HBK have been that great of a match? I think with knowing the history of HBK/Cena is what made that match great. But the same thing applies for Danielson/Aries, which you'd have to watch all the old ROH stuff. They really are the two cornerstones. With that being said, I'd probably rate HBK/Cena higher, soley based on the fact wwe it's getting on a easier/wwe entertainment scale so about 3.75. Where as Danielson vs Aries would get rated on a strict ROH scale of only about 3.5. Danielson vs. Aries in a match could easily put on a better match than Undertaker vs HBK. The problem is, the history of those two, and the whole WM factor. I actually thought Danielson vs Aries was quite watered down.

With that being said, i'd still probably say Aries vs Danielson was a better match, considering the tougher scale. And considering what they were able to do in that match. Christian / Swagger was good, but i don't its on the same level as these two matches. However i'm glad you pointed that out, because i myself questioned this after watching Danielson/Aries. (mostly because i was expected something out of this world good)


Agreeing with SP here, they are giving the young guys from the ROH Wrestling School thing way too much offence

Just a bit of a correction, Sterling James Keenan isn't a graduate of the ROH school... But he still sucks :shifty:

By best television match, you guys mean best ROH TV match, right? Because it was not better than HBK/Cena or Christian/Swagger.

To be honest, I don't even remember the Cena-HBK match. The only reason why I might put Christian-Swagger ahead of Aries-Danielson is due to the fact that one of them was for a "major title" (Lol, ECW).

dark patriot

Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
dont have HDnet or the required tv either so ive been watching them on the internet. waiting for a friend of mine to copy them to disk and watch them on tv but thats been slow going.


ROHBrazil on Youtube post the saturday episode on Weds.

I just caught last saturday's show. It was alright. Aries vs Omega in a nice opener. Then Delirous vs Dirty Ernie in a short little match. Then a womens match. Then Jerry Lynn vs Brodie Lee. Good match, only it was only about 10 minutes. The opener and main event were both about 3 stars.

Also on a side note...I could have sworn Delirous was a heel on the first show, and now a face on the 4th show. Having to due with tape delay. They also mentioned how this match was taped before Jerry Lynn won the belt.


Lance storms thoughts on ROH on HDnet.

I need to jump back to Hawaii before I wrap up. I know before I left, I said that it was going to be a Wrestling free vacation, but that turned out to be tougher than I though. My hotel got HD Net, a station I don’t get at home and one morning while my wife was in the shower I was flipping channels and came across ROH. As you know I’m a big ROH fan so with time to just sit around and wait anyway (my wife takes way longer to do her hair in the morning that I do) I watched ROH on HD Net. I’ve got to say I was really disappointed. Production wise I thought the show looked very bad. The venue and crowd looked small, and the ring looked so small I just couldn’t take the show seriously. I’ve talked to two close friends who have seen the show and both echoed my disappointment, one summing up best: “They've somehow managed to use the increased production values to remove almost everything that made ROH feel unique and special.â€

I don’t have all the answers and I don’t know the specifics of the HD Net deal but something has to change. ROH just can’t be done with the usually wrestling TV show format. You can’t get these guys over with short TV matches and attempting to do so is just destroying the atmosphere, emotion, and work rate that is ROH. If it were up to me I would completely change the format of the show and post produce and edit matches like ECW (The Original) used to do. I’ve always thought TNA should try this and I think even more so with ROH.

You have to be different to stand out and doing the same basic format of a “live†wrestling show featuring TV matches doesn’t work IMO. You can’t get young new guys over with short TV matches. Even WWE has a hard time with this, which is why so few new guys get over in that company. Paul Heyman was so damn brilliant with what he did on ECW TV. Our show was different it covered and showed highlights of great ECW events, it wasn’t just a TV Show with wrestling matches.

When you have 3-8 minute matches its near impossible to hook the crowd enough to make these matches seem important. When you have super established stars like The Undertaker of Shawn Michaels it can be done to an extent, but when you are trying to introduce audiences to new characters you can’t; the match is over before they get emotionally attached. Matches come off as unimportant and worse yet the guy who loses a 3-5 minute match comes off like such a jobber. Even the guy who wins short matches on TV doesn’t truly get over because how big of an accomplishment is it, if it took so little effort to achieve?

...(discusses PH and ECW TV)

Guys got more over losing in ECW than guys are getting over with wins on TV today. In my opinion post producing the show and airing highlights from great ROH events would give this show a completely unique feel, better encapsulate the ROH experience, provide a better opportunity for guys to get over, and as an added bonus better promote ticket and DVD sales. Airing 7 minutes of an amazing 30-minute Bryan Danielson match will make me wish I was their live when it happened, as well as make me want to order the DVD of the event so I can see the whole match of this amazing wrestler. Seeing him wrestle a 7-minute match in front of a not overly excited crowd in what appears to be a 14 foot ring, makes me think he’s a very small time wrestler who seems to wrestle well.

Had I not already been a huge ROH fan, and this show was my first look at ROH I would have no desire to see ROH again, which I think is very sad. ROH has a great talent roster and the ability to put on some of the best wrestling matches in the Country and I don’t feel this TV show makes that clear to the viewing public. Then again the same can be said for TNA Impact. I’ve been told Impact has actually improved greatly of late, so I intend to tune in tonight and see first hand, I’m keeping my fingers crossed.


I watched this week's episode, here's some thoughts.

I like that Prazak is now a heel. It makes sense having a clear-cut face and heel announcer, and Dave did a good of not going overboard with it. You could also hear the fans a bit more than in previous episodes. As for the actual wrestling:

Necro Butcher vs Jimmy Jacobs (**)

This was a decent brawl, but it only got 6 minutes. Necro hits the Tiger Driver, and goes for a stapler, but Brodie Lee runs in, attacks him and causes a DQ finish. Post-Match, Necro makes his own save because he's Necro.

Albright promo.. Didn't really pay attention to it (That happens a lot when Brent is talking :shifty:)

Eddie Kingston vs Sami Callahan (**1/2)

This match should have gotten more time. It was what you would expect from a Kingston-Sami match. Lots of chops, headbutts (One of which busted open Callahan) and stiff forearms. Kingston got the win with a Backdrop Driver followed by The Backfist to The Future. Kingston was insanely over with the Philly fans.

Promos by Claudio, Lynn and Dempsey follow. Nothing really noteworthy in any of the promos.

Bobby Dempsey vs. Orange Cassidy (N/A)

Squash City. Dempsey wins with the DVD in about 30 seconds.

We get some "buzz words" with Erick Stevens. Good way to learn a bit about the wrestlers' personalities.

Rhett Titus & Kenny King vs. Cheech & Cloudy (**3/4)

Very good match here. Both teams looked good, and C & C were given much more offense than in their previous match (against DCFC). Titus and King got the win with the AWESOME Springboard Doomsday Blockbuster. We need more Titus and King!

Claudio Castagnoli vs Brent Albright (***)

This was much better than expected. Good power display by Claudio early on, as he caught Albright (Who was going for a Plancha) only to slam him into a barricade. Castagnoli gets the win after countering a Half-Nelson Suplex attempt into a roll-up, and grabs the ropes for the three count.

Overall thoughts:I was pleasantly surprised by this show. On paper, it looked like the weakest show of the first tapings, but it ended up being a pretty solid show. Not to mention the positive changes that I already mentioned as the start.

I'm already excited for next week's episode, which has the following line-up.

The Dark City Fight Club vs Grizzly Redwood and Andy Ridge
Nigel McGuiness vs Alex Payne
Kevin Steen and Jay Briscoe vs Chris Hero and Eddie Edwards


Andy "Right Legg" Ridge made it to TV taping?!? He's only been doing preshow stuff for 6-12 months. He can't be much older than 18

dark patriot

Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Andy "Right Legg" Ridge made it to TV taping?!? He's only been doing preshow stuff for 6-12 months. He can't be much older than 18

yeah watching some dvds from last fall i see Ridge doing security.he looks decent on most of the preshows ive seen him on.


Thoughts on this week's episode.

The Dark City Fight Club vs Grizzly Redwood and Andy "Right Leg' Ridge (*)

Another DFCC squash, and once again they looked impressive. The highlight of the match was a Pounce by Davis on Redwood that sent him flying half-way across the ring. DCFF get the win shortly afterwards with the Dark City Street Cutter.

Nigel McGuiness vs Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne (*)

I loved this match because I really hate Sugarfoot. Payne actually manages to get a 2-count off of a roll-up. Nigel hits a Lariat and the Tower of London for the win in our second straight short match.

Chris Hero & Eddie Edwards vs Kevin Steen & Jay Briscoe (***)

Very good tag match with both teams meshing well. Jay played the face in peril before getting in some offense and tagging in Steen. At one point, Hero and Edwards hit a nice combo when Edwards hit a Codebreaker on Steen from the 2nd rope, then Hero hit the Roaring Elbow. Still, it wasn't enough as Jay and Kevin get the win following a Package Piledriver on Edwards.

Bryan Danielson vs Tyler Black (****)

Ahh, screw it! Nothing I say will make this match justice. Even with the draw, this was still the best match we've seen on ROH tv up to this point. Just watch it.