I gotta commend the Niners today whooping our asses Stone Cold style on Vince McMahon. I felt this Game was over before Hurts went out, or when the Niners went up 2 scores. I think the difference was those long drives for the Eagles that only gave them 6 points. You gave back momentum to the Niners who you were punching in the mouth and then they stopped your momentum and they started punching you in the Mouth. The Eagles put the Offense in a major whole provinding nothing keeping more often than not in his spot and when Purdy is allowed to go to his first Read he's damn near unstoppable. You saw it when the Eagles locked up that first Read he would get happy feet like Wentz did and that changed 2nd Quarter on for their Offense and it was doneso.
Today we got beat up in our place but if this Eagles Team really wants to make it back to the Super Bowl you gotta respond like you did with the Jets loss and take that anger on the Cowboys in their place next Week.