The link between man & 'God' is FAITH. That's all that keeps things moving & alive.

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Unless you live a secret double life and you somehow know me in real life, no lmao. Unless your sayin your that kind of person.

Italian Outsider

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Apr 19, 2007
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nah, lol i just guessed wrong. but you said 90% of the atheist '' here'' bad i misunderstood.
Apr 22, 2009
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Well most people know my feelings on organized my one friend says "Religion is the worst thing to happen to God." Faith is one thing, and faith can come in many forms not just the spiritual. Organized religion though is just evil. How does a just, and loving God bring out such hatred, violence, and the absolute worst out in people? It should be enough to just be a good person, not what church you go to. Christianity claims Jesus was an ideal of peace, and a muslim friend told me that nothing in the Koran says a thing that justifies terrorism, or abuse of women( and yeah Christians are just as guilty of terrorism, and oppression of women).

How can we believe peace, and love can be gained by annihilating millions of innocent people? We just can't. Do you even know WHY you hate Jews C4? I always hear people say " I hate Jews" but nobody can ever tell me why. I do not understand how people can be so quick to hate without any reason. I can't hate an entire race of people just because they exist.That's why I don't have faith in ANYTHING a mortal tells me about a supreme creator. Religions are nothing but lies created for the wealthy, and powerful to control the poor, and powerless. I do not know if there's a God. I'd like to think so, but who knows? I also believe evolution and God CAN co-exist. The day I let religions' venomous teachings shrivel, and rot my soul into a dark pit of hate is the day I would truly be damned.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Undertakerthegreat pretty much hit the nail on the head, only in a different sense of the truth.

Religion in itself is like a gun. Bear with me now I may of just lost you there but here it out. lol

The gun is there, its ideal purpose and message, that of self defense and security in the name of protecting you and your family, is good. It's a good concept that if used in responsible hands, is a safe and effective tool to prevent bad things from happening to good people.

However, used in the wrong hands, it is a tool for murder, fear, oppression and hatred. Used by the wrong people, the message of guns has sent a chill of fear down our spines, some people creating institutions in place aimed at destroying guns because we can't trust people to be responsible enough NOT to use them for selfish gains.

Religion is essentially the same in a more spiritual and emotional sense. At its core, it is in place as a great uplifter of spirits. It provides security, inspiration, and a willingness to do good for not just you and your family, but your friends, neighbors, co-workers and even complete strangers. Religion at its most basic forms is not meant for oppression of other life or overbearing ignorance. It is simply a tool for bettering your own life, helping you gain a better understanding on why you should treat others with respect too.

But in place of the wrong hands I.E., government and greedy individuals, it is twisted into a weapon against others, and not for yourself. Inserting itself into governement policies dictating who is good and who is evil, who is damned and who should be destroyed.

Religion in itself, like the gun, is not inherently bad right from the outset. It is in the hands of the right or wrong person that will dictate how Religion and guns are perceived and how they are used.

Ghandi once said, "I would most likely be a Christian, if I were to ever meet a real Christian".

This is incredibly true, because A REAL christian is someone who is humble, who lives his life in servitude of others. He realizes that he himself is also a sinner and has NO right to judge others for their own beliefs. He spreads the word of Christ through good deeds and helping others, being generous and not seeking worldly gains.

Instead, we have a world full of false christians, people who say "We are killing those in the middle east because God has sent us to do so". Complete and utter bullshit. I am far from a real christian, and far from a perfect servant to God. And I have never met a man or woman who was a real christian. Hence was Ghandis whole point. He could never become a Christian because there is no such thing as a real christian. Our ONLY saving grace is the death of Christ himself, and that we believe that he died for our sins.

We are not meant to battle the merits of science, we are not meant to argue evolutioniary theory > creationism or intelligent design. We are meant to be working WITH science, seeking answers along with them for ourselves.

If our studies lead us into doubt and make us feel as if there is no God than you have naturally and with full conscious came to the conclusion that you feel there is no God, then you've done all you can intellectually, and although I do not know God as much as I would love to, I am fully confident that he will NOT punish those in the after life who have reasonably and consciously decided against his existence.

We can only do our best, that's all God has ever expected of us. He does not expect us to foam at the mouth arguing with atheists as to his existence. Religion is not and has never been a debate about logic and probability. Its entire basis is upon the prophets and Christ himself doing THE PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Performing acts that are not scientifically justifiable or defendable. THAT is where faith comes in. It does not ask you to become comopletely ignorant to the origins of the world. It does not ask you to become aggravated at scientific discovery, it does not ask you to fight against the tide of knowledge. Instead it simply asks for you to believe in God as best as you can, and follow in his footsteps that message from which he died for.

Moonlight Drive

Why are we still debating this?

Interesting little read, but about 80% of it I'd say is pretty irrelevant to the point the story was trying to make.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
So a college professor is doing a lecture on God in front of his college students, and how if there was a God there would be no war in the middle east. He gets up on a platform and exclaims,

"If God is real, he will strike me off this platform. If he does not do this in five minutes, there is no God."

And so the students wait, counting down on their watches and computers for each minute to pass by. As the clock reaches around 4 minutes and 45 seconds, one of the students, who was a member of the United States Marines, got out of his seat and punches the professor in the face, knocking him off the platform.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" said the professor.

The marine replied "God sent me to knock you off the platform. He also wants me to let you know that our military gives their lives so jackasses like you can spout your bullshit. Have a nice day"

★Chuck Zombie★

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Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
Undertakerthegreat pretty much hit the nail on the head, only in a different sense of the truth.

Religion in itself is like a gun. Bear with me now I may of just lost you there but here it out. lol

The gun is there, its ideal purpose and message, that of self defense and security in the name of protecting you and your family, is good. It's a good concept that if used in responsible hands, is a safe and effective tool to prevent bad things from happening to good people.

However, used in the wrong hands, it is a tool for murder, fear, oppression and hatred. Used by the wrong people, the message of guns has sent a chill of fear down our spines, some people creating institutions in place aimed at destroying guns because we can't trust people to be responsible enough NOT to use them for selfish gains.

Religion is essentially the same in a more spiritual and emotional sense. At its core, it is in place as a great uplifter of spirits. It provides security, inspiration, and a willingness to do good for not just you and your family, but your friends, neighbors, co-workers and even complete strangers. Religion at its most basic forms is not meant for oppression of other life or overbearing ignorance. It is simply a tool for bettering your own life, helping you gain a better understanding on why you should treat others with respect too.

But in place of the wrong hands I.E., government and greedy individuals, it is twisted into a weapon against others, and not for yourself. Inserting itself into governement policies dictating who is good and who is evil, who is damned and who should be destroyed.

Religion in itself, like the gun, is not inherently bad right from the outset. It is in the hands of the right or wrong person that will dictate how Religion and guns are perceived and how they are used.

Ghandi once said, "I would most likely be a Christian, if I were to ever meet a real Christian".

This is incredibly true, because A REAL christian is someone who is humble, who lives his life in servitude of others. He realizes that he himself is also a sinner and has NO right to judge others for their own beliefs. He spreads the word of Christ through good deeds and helping others, being generous and not seeking worldly gains.

Instead, we have a world full of false christians, people who say "We are killing those in the middle east because God has sent us to do so". Complete and utter bullshit. I am far from a real christian, and far from a perfect servant to God. And I have never met a man or woman who was a real christian. Hence was Ghandis whole point. He could never become a Christian because there is no such thing as a real christian. Our ONLY saving grace is the death of Christ himself, and that we believe that he died for our sins.

We are not meant to battle the merits of science, we are not meant to argue evolutioniary theory > creationism or intelligent design. We are meant to be working WITH science, seeking answers along with them for ourselves.

If our studies lead us into doubt and make us feel as if there is no God than you have naturally and with full conscious came to the conclusion that you feel there is no God, then you've done all you can intellectually, and although I do not know God as much as I would love to, I am fully confident that he will NOT punish those in the after life who have reasonably and consciously decided against his existence.

We can only do our best, that's all God has ever expected of us. He does not expect us to foam at the mouth arguing with atheists as to his existence. Religion is not and has never been a debate about logic and probability. Its entire basis is upon the prophets and Christ himself doing THE PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Performing acts that are not scientifically justifiable or defendable. THAT is where faith comes in. It does not ask you to become comopletely ignorant to the origins of the world. It does not ask you to become aggravated at scientific discovery, it does not ask you to fight against the tide of knowledge. Instead it simply asks for you to believe in God as best as you can, and follow in his footsteps that message from which he died for.


So a college professor is doing a lecture on God in front of his college students, and how if there was a God there would be no war in the middle east. He gets up on a platform and exclaims,

"If God is real, he will strike me off this platform. If he does not do this in five minutes, there is no God."

And so the students wait, counting down on their watches and computers for each minute to pass by. As the clock reaches around 4 minutes and 45 seconds, one of the students, who was a member of the United States Marines, got out of his seat and punches the professor in the face, knocking him off the platform.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" said the professor.

The marine replied "God sent me to knock you off the platform. He also wants me to let you know that our military gives their lives so jackasses like you can spout your bullshit. Have a nice day"

That's actually pretty funny.....I would lose it if I ever saw that happen.

Luke Flywalker

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Religion is the worst thing that ever happened to Jesus & God.


Maybe the Professor should shut the fuck up and let people believe what they want to believe? Preaching atheism is still preaching of some kind. it just gets annoying how people feel the need to say "Hey, there is no logical/scientifical proof that this happened, that means you can't/shouldn't believe that it did." people should just let people believe what they want. if they want to accept God/Jesus into their lives, who are we to tell them that they shouldn't?

★Chuck Zombie★

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
Maybe the Professor should shut the fuck up and let people believe what they want to believe? Preaching atheism is still preaching of some kind. it just gets annoying how people feel the need to say "Hey, there is no logical/scientifical proof that this happened, that means you can't/shouldn't believe that it did." people should just let people believe what they want. if they want to accept God/Jesus into their lives, who are we to tell them that they shouldn't?

that's exactly why the story with the Marine is funny. The Prof. was a dick and got what he deserved.