So, I really wanted to do this, sort of just a thread for all things Hip-Hop, and R&B. I know we have some Hip-Hop Heads here on the Forum, so I wanted to make something exclusively for them. Basically this is General Hip-hop Discussion, and everyone's welcome. If you find something new, and would like to share, this is the place to do so. If you have questions about an Artist, or comments, or anything I'm sure we'll strike a good conversation here. If you're simply looking for a good talk, I'm sure we can make it happen. I'll be relatively active here, the more fella's the better. This could also be a good place to do short album reviews, or group streaming.
Group Streams
So, earlier on this year I discovered , a site used for groups of people to enjoy music together. Everyone sets up a playlist, and it switches from person to person after every tune. It has a little chatbox, and its nice and fast. Theres also a like and dislike system, if enough of the users dislike the song, the song skips. Its a whole lot of fun. Basically just go on the site, and set up a profile.
Be free to do so. Also, if you hear any news, spoilers etc, share em.
Yeah do that too, everyone likes hearing music early.
So, lets get to it.