The Grimpact Zone: Rebooking WWE History

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Mar 7, 2019
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Part 11:
The Austin Era


We return to the grand retelling of WWF history; in the last episode, we saw the shocking twists and turns that led to Steve Austin becoming crowned the WWF Champion at WrestleMania XIV over Owen Hart, Vince McMahon's corporate champion. The aftermath, on the next night, is rather vitriolic coming from the owner of the WWF. We're finally headed into one of the greatest rivalries in wrestling history: Austin vs. McMahon.

The night after WrestleMania, Vince McMahon comes out with his group: Owen Hart (whom had last to Austin the night before), the WWF "President" Sgt. Slaughter, Arn Anderson, and the *NEW* European Champion and the man who may have retired Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair! Vince has the newly designed WWF Championship in his arms. He declares that last night was an absolute travesty; he couldn't believe that *his* chosen champion could lose to that disgraceful and disgusting jackal Stone Cold Steve Austin. He does point out that at least Ric Flair got rid of that degenerate Shawn Michaels once and for all-- He finally gets to the heart of the matter; he's out here to present the new WWF Championship to Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Out comes Austin with the old championship, hesitant to come into the ring, knowing that Owen, Arn, and Flair want a piece of him. Vince holds them back and tells them that it'll be okay. Austin gets into the ring; he stares at the championship in Vince's hands. He then TOSSES the old championship right onto Vince's foot and takes the new championship, causing Vince to howl in pain! Austin celebrates in the ring while Owen appears pissed off. Arn and Flair are rather nonplussed, though Flair, as usual, has a grin on his face. Vince and Austin finally get a chance to talk though, and Vince tells Austin that even if he thinks Austin is someone that has potential-- Vince thinks that Austin can become the greatest WWF Champion of all time with his guidance.

Austin responds telling Vince, "What you see is what you get. I don't need you, and I don't need any of those idiots around you. I whooped Owen Hart's ass, and as much as I respect Arn Anderson and Ric Flair, if they get in Stone Cold's way, I'll shove my boot up their asses and hit them with the Stunner." Vince replies trying to appease to Austin, but sternly tells him, "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way..." Austin acts as if he's seriously contemplating this, looking up and scratching his chin-- STUNNER! STUNNER! AUSTIN JUST CAUGHT VINCE WITH A STUNNER!

Austin gets the hell out of dodge before Owen and Flair could get to him, with Arn and Slaughter checking up on Vince. Once Vince comes to, he's angrier than ever. Later on in the show, he brings police officers to RAW to arrest Austin. Later that night, Vince explains that he's going to give Austin another chance next week, if he comes out and does "the right thing for business". Owen talks to Vince and vociferously argues with him, but Vince whispers something to Owen, who sighs and nods his head.


The next week, Vince McMahon comes out with his Corporation, he grins and welcomes out to the crowd, the *new* Stone Cold Steve Austin! Out comes Steve Austin with a suit and tie, holding the WWF Championship in his arms. Once again, Owen looks on disgusted while Ric Flair actually has a big smile and rubs his hands together. Austin gets in the ring and shakes Vince's hands. Vince declares that Steve Austin made the right choice and says that together, Austin is gonna be greater than ever. Austin asks for a picture; after which, he says, "I want you to get that film developed, because that will be the absolute *last* time you ever seen me wear this dumb ass shit!" Austin is stripping off the nice clothing for his 3:16 shirt and wrestling trunks! Vince is distraught at what is happening-- He angrily shouts, "Alright dammit, if you don't want to do it the easy way--"

OWEN IS ATTACKING AUSTIN FROM BEHIND! FLAIR AND ARN DESCEND UPON AUSTIN AS WELL AND NOW HE'S GETTING WHOOPED! The match is set for Unforgiven! Owen Hart vs. Steve Austin for the WWF Championship at Unforgiven: In Your House! During the build-up, Vince revealed that he would be at ring-side accompanying Owen Hart; furthermore, Mr. McMahon's Corporation expanded, including Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson. Austin told Vince that, "The odds don't matter, Vince, I'm gonna walk into Unforgiven as the WWF Champion; I'm gonna raise hell and chaos, and I'll whoop Owen Hart's Canadian ass; when I'm done, son, I'm gonna walk out still the WWF Champion, and that's the bottom line, cuz' Stone Cold said so!"


We arrive at Unforgiven, where we see Owen Hart coming out with Vince McMahon; Owen and McMahon look confident in themselves that they'll be able to defeat Steve Austin. Out comes Austin to a massive ovation. Shockingly, Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson sit in the bell-keeper's area and watch on. This sight is not particularly lost on Austin, he goes over and insults them and flips them the bird, offending the two soon-to-be stooges. Vince frowns and angrily stomps off, shouting to Owen, "Beat that bastard within an inch of his life!"

During the match, Owen and Austin have a fairly different affair compared to their previous encounters, especially at WrestleMania XIV. Here, Owen is brawling more, making his hatred for Steve Austin clearly visible for everyone to see. Vince outside looks pleased when Owen is dominating, and distraught when Austin is. One of the best spots of the match sees Owen and Austin on the outside; Owen throws Austin into the ring post. Austin stumbles over to the announce table, where Vince laughs and taunts Austin. Owen runs full steam at Austin, intent on throwing him over the table... AUSTIN JUST BACK BODY DROPPED OWEN OVER THE TABLE! THE SPANISH ANNOUNCERS ARE DOWN! Vince's eyes bulge out of his skull as Austin grabs him by the neck AND STUNS HIM! Austin is screaming at Vince, "Ya' dumb sonuvabitch!"

The finish of the match comes shortly after this spot, as Austin drags Owen into the ring and prepares for a kick to the gut and Stunner, but Owen catches it-- ENZUIGIRI! DOWN GOES AUSTIN, DOWN GOES OWEN! Both struggle to get to their feet as Austin is knocked loopy from that kick! Owen comes up behind him and locks in a sleeper hold! Austin fights with everything he's got to get out of it, but he drives Owen back to the turnbuckle-- THE REF IS THERE TOO THOUGH! DOWN GOES THE REF! Austin gets Owen off of him, and struggles to walk awa-- What the hell is this!? Vince McMahon has a chair and is in the ring! Austin points at Vince and tells him to, "Come here and get your ass whooped."

Owen is coming up behind Austin! Austin turns around AND DUCKS THE DOUBLE AXE-HANDLE WHICH HITS THE CHAIR VINCE IS HOLDING! VINCE IS KNOCKED OUT! VINCE IS OUT COLD! Owen can't believe what just happened and AUSTIN JUST HIT THE STUNNER! Austin smirks as he notices the ref is still out cold-- he grabs the chair and is swinging for the fences on Owen! Patterson and Brisco pull Vince out of the ring before Austin can get to him. He jaw-jacks with them as the ref is coming to, and Vince, recovering, starts insulting Austin as well, checking his head to make sure it isn't bleeding. The ref sees Owen crumpled in a mess, and Austin holding a chair-- DING DING DING!

Austin turns around and sees the ref calling for the bell. Austin throws the chair down and argues with the ref angrily. Austin may have lost the match, but he's successfully defended the WWF Championship. Austin is not happy with the outcome though, as he wanted to make sure Owen lost for sure against him.

The following night, Vince comes out with a bandage on his head, helped to the ring by Patterson and Brisco. Owen limps behind him, shaking his head and muttering to himself. Vince decries Austin's actions last night as most unbefitting of, "a champion within the World Wrestling Federation!" He tells the crowd that Austin is going to pay for this indignation. He then points to Owen Hart, who sullenly looks at Vince. "Owen here is a true company man who can get things done; I believe in him as I do the European champion Ric Flair. So next week, I'm gonna put them to the test; they're going to face off against the Tag Team Champions, The New Age Outlaws... not only that, it will be *for* the championships. If *you*, Owen and Ric, fail to secure the tag-team championships, then Owen, I'm afraid I'll just have to find someone else to challenge Austin at Over the Edge..."

Austin joins the commentary booth for the match, while Arn Anderson stands at ringside for Flair and Owen. X-Pac stands at ringside for the Outlaws. Austin calls it as he sees it, saying he respects the hell out of Flair, but if Flair is gonna be with Vince, he'll whip his ass. He also talks about how much he truthfully, honestly, hates Owen Hart with a passion. The New Age Outlaws look as though they're about to win... when suddenly...


OHHHH YEAHHHH!!! MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE IS HERE! Nobody can believe what is going on, especially Steve Austin! Everything suddenly stops, as New Age Outlaws and Owen & Flair watch on, not knowing what may happen. Savage gets up on the ring and the ref tries to talk him down-- ARN ANDERSON HANDED FLAIR SOME BRASS KNUCKLES! Billy Gunn argues with Savage, who beckons him on.

Road Dogg is also distracted and DOESN'T SEE FLAIR BLAST HIM FROM BEHIND WITH THE BRASS KNUCKLES! DOWN GOES DOGG! Owen tackles Billy Gunn as the ref turns around; HE SEE'S FLAIR PINNING ROAD DOGG! NOT LIKE THIS!!! 1... 2... 3...! OWEN HART AND RIC FLAIR JUST WON THE WWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS! Austin is in complete disbelief over this. Savage climbs into the ring and stares at Flair and Owen... and SHAKES THEIR HAND! OH MY GOD! TWO MORTAL ENEMIES ARE WORKING TOGETHER!

Vince McMahon comes out the next week with a huge grin on his face (as well as the four men), shaking Owen, Flair, Arn, and Savage's hands. He declares, "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the CORPORATE HORSEMEN!" He tells everyone how he wanted a man who was willing to do anything for him, someone willing to "do the right thing", and that's why he brought back Macho Man. Savage takes the mic from Vince and looks at Flair and Arn, "You know, we've had a lot of words in the past, you and I, Ric. I used to hate your guts. As much as we've been enemies, I think I can live with working alongside you, if ya' dig it." Vince nods his head and smiles as Flair affirms this, "Welcome to the Horsemen, Macho! I know better than anyone that you're one of the toughest men alive, and one of the best wrestlers on the planet!"

Steve Austin's music goes off and out comes Steve Austin, who has had enough of this self-congratulatory bull crap. He tells everyone in that ring to shut the hell up and for Vince to just get to the point of this charade. Vince angrily shouts at Austin that he can't just galivant around like he owns the place, because, "I own this place, Austin." He finally gets to the point though and points at Owen Hart, "Mr. Hart, I gave you a challenge last week and you and Mr. Flair succeeded with flying colors. As such, I am giving you another opportunity to challenge for the WWF Championship." He then mentions that he has a surprise for Mr. Austin, "You see, Austin, at Over The Edge, I guaran-damn-tee that you will not be walking out of Milwaukee as the WWF Champion... because the Special Guest Ring Announcer will be... Pat Patterson; not only that, the Special Guest Timekeeper will be... Gerald Brisco! Last but not least, is the Special Guest Referee... VINCENT. KENNEDY. MCMAHON!"

Austin scratches his beard and thinks this over carefully, "Vince, I don't care how much you stack the deck, son, if I gotta kick Owen's ass, Brisco's ass, Patterson's ass, and your ass to get the job done, then god dammit, I'll get it done. You say you guaran-damn-tee that I won't be walking out as champion? Put your money where your mouth is, and why don't you get your little puppet Sgt. Slaughter to declare that Flair, Arn, and Savage are banned from ring-side." Vince hesitates for a second and thinks it over, but Owen angrily shouts, "Alright Austin, I don't need them to beat you, anyways! I'm my own man."


We arrive at Over The Edge, where the odds are completely against Austin's favor, but it doesn't dampen him one bit as he comes out and jaw-jacks with Vince. During the match, Owen takes Austin to the outside and blatantly cheats with a steel chair to Steve's knee. Pat Patterson declares that the match is No Disqualification! Jim Ross on commentary is livid over this. Owen takes Austin down the aisle-way, beating the absolute dog-piss out of him and taking advantage of that possibly broken knee. Pat Patterson goes and declares that it is now a Falls Count Anywhere match.

All throughout, Austin plays the babyface in peril, in another dynamically different match from their previous encounters. The ending sees Austin mounting a comeback and finally shocking everyone by hitting a Stunner on Owen, and going for the pin. Vince merely crosses his arms and stares down at Austin trying to pin Owen; he's had enough of this shit; Austin stands up and argues with Vince, finally punching him in the face! Vince falls flat on his ass and looks up at Austin, who's mad as hell!

Austin is going outside and Pat Patterson is arguing with him-- STUNNER! DOWN GOES PAT! Gerald Brisco rushes to his friend, DOUBLE STUNNER! BRISCO AND PATTERSON ARE OUT! Austin grabs a steel chair, and he climbs back in! Owen is only starting to stir, and Austin notices! HE'S SWINGING MADLY ON OWEN AGAIN! Owen howls in pain! He's now bleeding! OWEN IS BLEEDING BADLY! Austin screams to Vince, "Count the damn pin or you're next!" Vince visibly gulps as Austin goes to pin Owen. 1... 2... Where's the third count!? Vince isn't counting anymore! AUSTIN'S SNAPPED! STUNNER ON VINCE! It's not enough for Austin as he forcibly pulls Vince back to his feet, flipping him off and GIVING HIM ANOTHER STUNNER! He drags Vince over and pins Owen... Austin is forcing the pinfall by moving Vince's hands on his own! 1-2-3!!! AUSTIN WINS! AUSTIN WINS! Steve Austin somehow overcame the odds!

Vince afterwards lambasts Owen Hart and ponders firing him, but Ric Flair and Randy Savage put themselves between Vince and Owen and they talk to the two of them. Vince relents and admits, "I partially share the blame for our failure to secure the WWF Championship... I'm sorry, Owen. However, I don't believe you are a right fit to capture the WWF Championship from Stone Cold Steve Austin. Therefore, I believe that the right choice is your fellow WWF World Tag Team Champion, *and* the European Champion, THE NATURE BOY, RIC FLAIR!" With this, the match is set for King of the Ring: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Ric Flair for the WWF Championship. It is arguably the most hyped match of 1998, as a legend of this business faces off against now the biggest star in the wrestling world. For weeks the two would talk about respect and what it takes to get the job done.


We've arrived to the dance, a special occasion between two of the biggest superstars in wrestling history. Ric Flair comes out with Arn, Savage, and Owen in tow, all intent to watch his back. Austin goes it alone, seeing the Corporate Horsemen but isn't afraid one bit. He gets into the ring and time stands still; Ric Flair vs. Steve Austin is actually happening! Austin talks trash with Flair, while Ric does what he does best, be cocky and make people hate him; he woos right in Austin's face, who SLAPS THE PISS OUT OF HIM, AND IT'S ON!

Flair and Austin have an incredibly spirited back and forth, filled with many well known Flair spots: the Flair flop, the over the turnbuckle to the floor irish-whip, the stylin', the profilin'. During the match, Savage and Owen find ways to interject themselves within the match while Arn keeps his distance and cheers Flair on. We get a great spot where Austin preps for the Stunner, but Flair catches Austin's leg, pulls him in for a headlock, and away from the view of the ref, he starts raking and pulling the eyes of Austin. Jim Ross on commentary lambasts this site, "He isn't known as the dirtiest player in the game for nothing."

The finish of the match sees these two titans put through the ringer, but the interferences of Owen and Savage start to take their toll on Austin. Flair finally locks in the Figure Four Leg Lock, and Austin is reeling in pain; his knee hadn't completely healed from that beatdown by Owen the month before. Austin refuses to give up though! He slowly... SLOWLY... GOT HIM! The tables are turned, Austin turned around the leg lock and now Flair is crying out to Arn. Flair gets to the ropes and Austin releases the hold... the both of them struggle to get to their feet-- Flair goes for a sleeper hold-- STUNNER! STUNNER! DOWN GOES FLAIR! Austin goes for the pin! 1, 2, 3!!! AUSTIN WINS! BUT HE DOESN'T GET TIME TO CELEBRATE AS SAVAGE AND OWEN DESCEND ON HIM! Austin is getting whooped by the Corporate Horsemen and this rabid crowd desperately cheers Stone Cold on to make a comeback! Flair finally recovers and now is leading the charge on the attack. Suddenly...


IT'S SHAWN MICHAELS! SHAWN MICHAELS IS HERE AND HE JUST SMACKED FLAIR WITH SOME SWEET CHIN MUSIC! THIS CROWD IS LOSING IT! The Corporate Horsemen flee the ring as Shawn Michaels shouts expletives at the four gentlemen outside the ring as Austin recovers. The two men stare each other down; Austin especially has some words for Shawn Michaels. He didn't need help, hell no! "I don't give a rats ass if you're after the WWF Championship, son, I don't need your help." Shawn shouts back, "It ain't all about you, you idiot!"

On Monday Night RAW the next night, Shawn Michaels comes out to a standing ovation. Vince McMahon angrily stomps out alone demanding to know just what the hell Michaels is doing there. Shawn barks at Vince, "You thought you got rid of the Heartbreak Kid, Vin-man? Well I got news for you and your Corporate Horsemen. I do what I want, when I want, and wherever I want. What do I want, Vince? I want Owen Hart and Ric Flair, and I want you. So come on down and come get the ass-whipping you most assuredly deserve by the greatest wrestler who ever lived, Vince."

Vince chuckles and declares that that isn't going to happen, stating that it appears the Corporate Horsemen are going to have to escort Mr. Michaels out of the building-- forcefully. BUT WAIT! DX IS OUT THERE! Vince doesn't realize that it's DX and not the Horsemen! This crowd is going rabid! Vince turns around and his eyes pop out of his skull! Triple H and X-Pac just grabbed Vince and are dragging him to the ring! THE HORSEMEN ARE OUT NOW AND TRYING TO SAVE MCMAHON! AUSTIN COMES OUT OF THE CROWD NOW!

In the ring is Austin, Shawn, and McMahon! On the outside are the Corporate Horsemen battling with DX! Shawn and Austin are arguing with one another, BUT THEY TURN AND ATTACK VINCE TOGETHER! McMahon is getting his ass whipped by Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin! Shawn hits a vicious Sweet Chin Music on McMahon, and afterwards, Austin picks up the boss and hits him with a Stunner! Finally, The Horsemen get to Vince and save him-- but the action isn't quite over, as Austin and Michaels continue to argue with one another in the ring.

Two weeks later, we finally see Vince McMahon to make a response to the events of previous weeks. He says that what happened will never happen again as long as he lives, and that ever single person responsible is going to pay for it. To DX, he allows Ric Flair and Owen Hart to defend their WWF Tag Team Championships against the New Age Outlaws next week (the go-home show for Fully Loaded), and that Randy Savage will take care of Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Now to the two biggest pains in his ass, Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels. He declares that Shawn and Austin are going to have to find out a way to work together... because at Fully Loaded, they are going to go up against the Corporate Horsemen in a Six-Man Tag Match! It'll be Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H vs. Ric Flair, Owen Hart, and Randy Savage! Furthermore, he makes the biggest declaration of his life: If the Horsemen lose, they will *never* be able to challenge for the WWF Championship as long as Austin is champion.

Later on in the night, Savage would defeat Hunter thanks in part to interference by Arn Anderson, but the story would be the WWF Tag Team Titles match, in which Steve Austin himself interfered in the match, giving Owen a stunner while the ref's back was turned, to give the New Age Outlaws their incredible 2nd WWF Tag Team Championship reign! After the match, Shawn and Hunter get in the ring with Austin and the two of them argue with the WWF Champion!


We've arrived at Fully Loaded! All the wait is over, the crowd has packed into the arena to see a historic six-man tag match between The Corporate Horsemen and Shawn Michaels, Triple H, & Steve Austin. The Horsemen all come out together, a united front ready to destroy their challengers. Then, D-Generation X's music plays, and out comes Shawn Michaels and Triple H together! Last but not least though, is the WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin who comes out, as usual, alone. Hunter and Shawn seemingly ignore Austin, who ignores them as well.

Much of the match plays into the fact that Austin and DX cannot work together; the Corporate Horsemen take full advantage of this and separate Austin from the other two. Austin takes much of the heat for the match, with Owen getting plenty of offense in, focusing on the knee. However, Austin finally mounts a heated comeback on Randy Savage. TAG TO HUNTER! In comes Hunter like a house of fire and he's clearing house! He knocks all of the Horsemen to the floor and they have to recuperate. Hunter and Michaels take turn tagging in and out, leaving Austin to himself. Finally, we get to the finish: the Horsemen retake control and begin beating down on Michaels. They target Michaels' back and look to cripple him. Finally though... SURPRISE SWEET CHIN MUSIC! DOWN GOES OWEN AND DOWN GOES MICHAELS! Both men crawl to their corner and Owen tags in Flair-- BUT MICHAELS JUST TAGGED IN AUSTIN!!!

It's a schmoz! Everyone is in the ring and pandemonium is breaking out! Hunter is attacking Savage, and Flair and Austin are going at it! Michaels is still down in the corner; Owen is coming to and is attacking Hunter with Savage on the outside! Flair is dominating; Flair attempts an irish-whip into the turnbuckle, but Austin reverses-- SWEET CHIN MUSIC! STONE COLD STUNNER! SHAWN MICHAELS AND STEVE AUSTIN JUST WORKED TOGETHER IN PERFECT TANDEM AND DOWN GOES FLAIR!!! 1... 2... 3!!! THEY DID IT! DX AND STEVE AUSTIN JUST DEFEATED THE CORPORATE HORSEMEN!

Owen Hart and Randy Savage turn around from beating down Hunter to realize what just happened and they are beside themselves! They can't believe that they just lost! Arn Anderson slams the mat angrily and grabs Flair to pull him out. Hunter climbs into the ring to check on Michaels while Austin celebrates alone. Finally the three of them turn to each other. Austin stands before Hunter and Michaels. What's gonna happen? The tension is palpable-- but Austin extends his hand! AUSTIN SHAKES THEIR HAND! He shouts to them, "Just this once, son, but don't think I trust either of ya' one bit!" The three celebrate in the ring as the show goes off the air, with Vince McMahon coming out in dismay and talking to the Horsemen.

The RAW after Fully Loaded, Vince McMahon is still disgruntled over the results of the night before, stating, "As much as I hate the fact that three complete idiots won over my chosen Horsemen, I have to accept the results. I am a man of my word, after all. The Horsemen will *never* challenge for the WWF Championship as long as Steve Austin is the champion. So what do we do? Well, it appears we'll--" DONG! THE UNDERTAKER HAS ARRIVED! Out comes Taker, who has spent the past several months feuding with Kane and Mankind.

He grabs Vince by the collar, and demands that he become the #1 Contender for the WWF Championship, "I've done my waiting for over a year. In that time, I've taken on Shawn, I've taken on my brother Kane, and I've defeated Mankind. I've waited long enough; I want what is rightfully mine, and you are going to give me what I want, right now. At SummerSlam, I want Stone Cold Steve Austin for the WWF Championship."

The wheels are turning in Vince's head, and he begins formulating a plan. He smirks and tells The Undertaker that he absolutely can go face off against Steve Austin. The Undertaker doesn't let go of Vince though, he warns McMahon, "If any of your lackeys interfere in this match, I will wreak my vengeance upon you with the furies of a thousand souls." Vince gulps and nods his head. Austin comes out and lets it be known that he doesn't give a rat's ass who he faces off against, he's gonna continue to be the WWF Champion as long as he can.

During the build-up, Kane would make his presence known as a potential contender for the WWF Championship picture. He had lost to Taker at WrestleMania, but defeated him in the subsequent rematches at Unforgiven and Over The Edge, losing one last time to Undertaker at Fully Loaded. Kane would appear in both Taker and Austin's segments, looming ominously and patiently waiting for his chance.


SummerSlam has arrived and among the major main event between Austin and Undertaker, we see Shawn Michaels defeat Ric Flair in a non-title match in his last match of the 90's, and the New Age Outlaws defeat Randy Savage and Owen Hart to retain the WWF Tag Team Championships; Triple H also defeats The Rock for the WWF Intercontinental Championship in a ladder match. The main event is what the people came to see, though.

The Undertaker comes out to his new theme (his Fully Loaded theme), and the crowd is rabid for this match. GLASS SHATTERS! Austin makes his way out and the two men come face to face. What a difference a year makes; a year ago, Austin was the challenger, and Taker was the champion. The two men stare each other down and time stands still for a moment.

The clash begins. Taker utilizes his size and power to push around Austin; Austin uses his brawling ability and his technical prowess to fight back. These men are evenly matched, and this crowd knows it. What's this though!? KANE IS COMING TO RING-SIDE! Austin and Taker each take turns being distracted by the monster of a man. Kane doesn't do anything though, he merely watches the match, looking to see what happens. The fight goes to the outside and Austin is thrown right over the barricade! The brawl is in the crowd and the ref is trying to get both men back in!

The biggest spot of the match sees Undertaker toss Austin over the Spanish Announcer's table. The ref is barely maintaining control, and from what we understand, there are no count-outs by order of Vince McMahon! Taker drags Austin onto the table and climbs up onto it... Taker's getting ready to chokeslam Austin through the other announce table! COUNTER INTO A STUNNER! THE TABLE COLLAPSES AND BOTH AUSTIN AND TAKER ARE DOWN! Jim Ross goes mad on commentary. Austin throws Taker into the ring and goes for a pin... ONLY TWO! Austin tries to go for another Stunner... TAKER GRABS AUSTIN'S THROAT! Could it be a chokeslam!?

LOOK! Kane climbs to the ring apron! Undertaker tries to ignore Kane but the momentary distraction is just enough for Austin! HE COUNTERS THE CHOKESLAM INTO ANOTHER STUNNER! AUSTIN GOES FOR THE PIN! HE GOT IT! HE GOT IT! AUSTIN RETAINS AGAIN! Austin begins celebrates, but in comes Kane... The two stare each other down, but Kane attacks Taker! Kane attempts to chokeslam the Undertaker, BUT STONE COLD STUNNER! KANE GOES DOWN! He sits up immediately, but Taker and Austin are ready to fight him; Kane exits the ring and continues to stare at Austin. The Undertaker grabs the WWF Championship, and although anger at Kane flashes in his face, he calms down enough to hand the championship to the rightful winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin!


With SummerSlam through, the choice was obvious for the opponent of Steve Austin at next month's Breakdown: The Big Red Machine Kane! If the aftermath of SummerSlam was any indicator, it was that Kane wanted to become the WWF Champion, and he didn't care if he had to go through Steve Austin or his brother The Undertaker. There was just one little problem...

The Undertaker wanted Kane to come out and pay for his actions in costing him the WWF Championship at SummerSlam. A shocking surprise though would be Kane coming out, but in tow was Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Indeed, Kane was now at the side of Mr. McMahon! The Undertaker sees this for what it is, McMahon going back on his word. Taker is too angry to care now, as he tries to go after McMahon, but Kane catches him by surprise with a HUGE CHOKESLAM! Taker sits up, and comes back on Kane, but not for long, because McMahon is in the ring and has a chair!

McMahon thwaps Taker in the back with the chair-- NO EFFECT! McMahon is on the run from Taker, but KANE TURNS UNDERTAKER AROUND AND TOMBSTONES HIM ONTO THE CHAIR! TAKER IS BUSTED OPEN BADLY! Kane isn't done! He wraps the chair around Taker's ankle and stomps on it! TAKER IS WRITHING IN PAIN! His ankle might be broken! Kane keeps stomping on it-- STEVE AUSTIN OUT OF NOWHERE JUST HIT KANE WITH A STUNNER! Steve Austin has marked Kane as his challenger for the WWF Championship at Breakdown!

For weeks leading up to the event, The Undertaker would be missing, AWOL as it were, recuperating from the attack by Kane. Austin would continually mess with Vince McMahon and his stooges, while Kane would do nothing about it, because in truth, all Kane wants is the WWF Championship. Thus leads to the dynamic of Austin going up against a monster that is obsessed with defeating him. It would be yet another highly anticipated match in a year chock full of them.


Breakdown comes to town and with it, we see what will happen between Kane and Steve Austin. Much unlike the SummerSlam match against The Undertaker, Kane is a completely dominant force, beating Austin's ass pillar to post. A memorable spot sees Austin attempting to do a diving attack to the outside, but Kane uses his power to catch Austin mid-air, and redirect him right into the Spanish announce table. As a consequence, Austin clips the barricade railing, busting his head open.

The match is now a struggle of survival for the WWF Champion, whom barely manages hope spot after hope spot-- the biggest one of them is when Kane goes for a tombstone piledriver... but Steve Austin shifts himself off the back of Kane... STUNNER! STUNNER ON KANE! Steve is too out of it to make a pin, and this allows Kane to SIT UP! The Stunner didn't have much of an effect it seemed on Kane, that is until he tries to lift up Austin! Kane slowly collapses from the after-effects, and now both men are struggling to their feet!

Kane gets up first! Austin however is desperate, he low-blows Kane when he grabs Austin from behind! Kane stumbles back a bit and now the heat is on! Steve is trying to get Kane off his feet with clotheslines, but it isn't working-- BIG BOOT! DOWN GOES AUSTIN! Kane grabs him quickly and now CHOKESLAMS HIM RIGHT DOWN TO THE DEPTHS OF HELL! It's all over for Austin-- but wait! DONG!!! THE UNDERTAKER IS BACK!


The Undertaker just appeared in the ring after the lights went out for a few seconds! The ref is down too! Jim Ross believes The Undertaker knocked out the ref!!! THE TWO ARE NOW BRAWLING BIG TIME! Taker takes control and throws Kane out of the ring! Austin is down, the ref is down, and all that's going on is The Undertaker and his brother Kane duking it out! Taker grabs a chair and SMACKS KANE SQUARE IN THE HEAD!

Down goes Kane! The Undertaker is full of fire and fury! Finally, the Undertaker throws Kane into the ring and sets up the TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER! Kane isn't moving; neither is Steve Austin! The ref is starting to stir, and as that happens, Taker throws Austin on top of Kane! Taker leaves and the ref is counting the pin! 1... 2... 3!!! KANE KICKED OUT BUT IT WAS ONE SECOND TOO LATE! AUSTIN RETAINS! A bloody and broken Steve Austin is helped up by the referee, Austin doesn't really know what happened, but he celebrates in the ring anyways.

The next night on RAW, Vince McMahon is backstage angrily throwing stuff around. He just doesn't understand why Austin can't lose. In comes Mankind, who brought McMahon a cup of coffee. Vince thanks Mankind and starts to think to himself. He proposes to Mankind an opportunity to become the #1 Contender for the WWF Championship... all he has to do is... defeat Steve Austin next week on RAW. Mankind blindly accepts, since he'll do anything for McMahon. It is here we see the debut of Shane McMahon as well, as a more even-keeled and face-like foil to his father's villainy. Shane personally sides with Steve Austin and would do everything in his power to protect Austin, much to Vince's fury.

The next week on RAW, we get Mankind vs. Steve Austin, where if Mankind wins, he will get to challenge Austin for the WWF Championship at Judgement Day. Austin and Mankind have a pretty solid match here, but with the Corporate Horsemen watching on and helping Mankind out several times. The finish of the match would see Mankind accidentally knock out the referee, which would lead to the surprise appearance of the Big Boss Man! Boss Man came out and knocked out Austin with a chair shot, and Mankind took advantage of it with a pinfall. Like that, Mankind became the new #1 Contender for the WWF Championship.


Judgement Day beckons, with Mankind clearly having an advantage over Steve Austin after having defeated him a few weeks prior on RAW. Mankind comes out with Vince McMahon, and Austin comes out alone, needing nobody and caring not. The two men exchange words, Austin flipping Vince the bird and grinning whenever he gets angry from it. Foley and Austin start off by just initiating a brawl between the two. Punches are flying everywhere, and Steve takes advantage by winning the initial fight.

Throughout the match, Mankind would subject Steve Austin to some incredible pain; one such spot includes when Mankind back-body drops him right onto the steel steps. Both men just beat the dog-piss out of one another. Mankind takes the biggest bump of the night (obviously), when as he attempts a top-rope maneuver, Steve Austin grabs him from the apron AND THROWS HIM ALL THE WAY TO THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE! EVERYTHING IS OUT OF CONTROL! Austin looks on at the carnage that has befallen before him. Vince has a look of complete and utter shock on him.

Austin grabs Mankind and is about to throw him in-- MANDIBLE CLAW! MANKIND HAS THE MANDIBLE CLAW ON AUSTIN! THE TWO MEN ARE OUTSIDE THE RING THOUGH! Vince screams at Mankind to get inside the ring, and Mankind obliges. Mankind goes for the pin but it's ONLY TWO! Mankind angrily slaps the mat and pulls Austin up. Austin starts attacking Mankind with fury and vigor! Irish-Whip, Austin goes for a clothesline, but MANKIND DUCKS AND AUSTIN HITS THE REF INSTEAD!

AUSTIN STUNS MANKIND IN THE CONFUSION! Down goes Mankind, but out comes Big Boss Man! Austin sees this and-- STUNNER ON BOSS MAN! Boss Man got caught by complete surprise with that Stunner from Austin! Vince has his hands on his head, and is about to burst into tears here! He has to take drastic measures! McMahon grabs a chair and rushes into the ring to attack Austin from behind! STUNNER ONTO MCMAHON! EVERYONE IS DOWN! Austin is standing tall over everyone, and he is now beating down on McMahon!

Austin doesn't even notice that Mankind has come back to and has also grabbed a chair from the outside! Austin turns around and sees Mankind with that chair, and he immediately grabs the chair from Vince's body! These men stare at each other for a few seconds and and are reluctant to move-- the ref is awake too! Neither man notices as they both charge each other and swing at one another! THEY CONNECT WITH EACH OTHER'S HEAD! DING DING DING! It's a Double Disqualification, but that doesn't matter! Both Austin and Mankind crumple into piles of flesh, blood, and bone! Referees and medics are one the scene in a flash to check up on the both of them after that nasty sight.

On RAW, Vince McMahon declares that Mankind is absolutely deserving of a rematch at Survivor Series due to the circumstances of the finish of the bout. He goes on to say that at Survivor Series, the WWF Championship match will be a Hardcore Match! He tells Mankind that as a reward however for (technically) not losing the WWF Championship match against Austin, he has a reward for Mankind: The WWF Hardcore Championship! Vince then shouts to the crowd that Mankind is going to take Steve Austin apart and finally rip the WWF Championship from his--


DO YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING? It's The Rock! The Rock is here! Rocky comes down to ringside and before Vince can speak, he holds out his hand to shut him up! "Know your role, and shut your mouth, Vince. What the hell is all this? Did you seemingly forget, jabroni, that The Rock won a #1 Contender's match at last night's Judgement Day? Now you're giving The Rock's title opportunity to this mutilated freak right over there?" Vince tries to calm down The Rock and explain that because of what happened at Judgement Day, his contender status is on hold until after Survivor Series.

The Rock is most displeased with the response he is getting, "You think you can sit there and mess around with The Rock? The most electrifying man in all of sports entertainment? Uh-uh; that isn't how this goes. You, what I want you to do is to shut your mouth and give The Rock what is rightfully his, or else he'll have to whoop this jabroni clown's candy ass." Vince relents but give The Rock a challenge instead; if The Rock can beat the Big Boss Man next week, he'll be included in the WWF Championship match at Survivor Series.

During this, Steve Austin cuts promos with Shane McMahon, whom lets Austin know that regardless of the outcome, he'll make sure he gets a fair shake. Austin tells Shane that he doesn't give a rat's ass if he only has to face off against Mankind or if he has to face off against two men at once, he will do what he always does, and that's arrive, raise hell, and leave. Shane tries to ingratiate himself to Austin, to little effect though, as Austin sure as hell doesn't trust anyone.

The next week arrives and we get the hotly anticipated match between The Rock and Big Boss Man. The Rock comes out first, noticing that Mankind and Vince McMahon are already out by ringside. He talks trash with the two of them and wanders around the ring waiting for Big Boss Man... Boss Man's music plays-- Boss Man isn't coming out though? WAIT! HE'S SNEAKING UP ON ROCK FROM BEHIND! The Rock is smarter than that though and turns around on Boss Man, who's charging at him! ROCK BOTTOM! ROCK BOTTOM! 1... 2... 3! HOLY COW! JUST LIKE THAT, THE ROCK IS GOING TO SURVIVOR SERIES! Mankind immediately hits the ring and Rock and he start brawling--

GLASS SHATTERS! Out comes Austin and Shane is in tow! Shane runs to Vince and holds him back from interfering, as Austin rushes the ring! All three men are going right at it now! It's a massive brawl between the three members of the WWF Championship match at Survivor Series! Vince McMahon grabs a mic and screams that next week The Rock and Austin are going to TEAM UP in a tag match against Mankind and Big Boss Man!


The tag match arrives and The Rock and Steve Austin just cannot get along whatsoever. During the match, the two of them would argue back and forth and it would lead to either Boss Man or Mankind just taking full advantage between the two of them. The finish would even play into this storyline; Mankind and Boss Man would shockingly win the match after pinning Steve Austin. The Rock would come in afterwards and clean house, giving Boss Man a Rock Bottom and hitting Mankind with the People's Elbow-- STUNNER! Steve Austin just hit Rock with a STUNNER! What the hell is going to happen at Survivor Series!? Nobody knows!

We arrive at Survivor Series, and on the undercard, Kane and The Undertaker finally settle their differences once and for all in a Hell in a Cell match, with Taker winning. DX and The Corporate Horsemen also finish their rivalry, with the team of the New Age Outlaws and X-Pac surprising the world and winning. Triple H successfully defends the Intercontinental Championship against Big Boss Man as well. However, the story is the main event, which is of course the Hardcore Match for the WWF Championship between The Rock, Mankind, and Steve Austin.

The Rock comes out first to a respectable applause, as he is pretty well the other face in this story. Mankind comes out next, to major heat... then of course comes Austin, who has the biggest pop of the night. The three men stare each other down; the tension is palpable and a feeling is in the air that something awe-inspiring is gonna happen. Earl Hebner waves the WWF Championship around for the crowd. Everyone knows just what's at stake, and perhaps none know more than Steve Austin.


The Hardcore Match begins and the three-way brawl is on! Austin, Mankind, and Rock each exchange turns dominating the match. Of the more memorable spots in the match, Mankind attempts to attack The Rock with the Steel Steps, but Rock hits the steps with a Steel Chair and viciously attacks Mankind with the chair while he's pinned under the steps! Steve Austin and Rock also brawl into the crowd, with Rock hitting a back body drop on Austin over the barricade!

The finish of the match is an intense stand-off between Rock and Mankind in the ring. Austin is collecting himself on the outside, busted open and waiting for his chance to strike-- BUT IT DOESN'T HAPPEN! BIG BOSS MAN IS OUT THERE AND HE ATTACKS STEVE AUSTIN VICIOUSLY WITH THE NIGHT-STICK! Vince McMahon is out there and Shane McMahon is trying to keep Vince from doing so! Austin is indisposed!

Boss Man climbs up to the apron and now the ref is having words with him! The Rock and Mankind are still brawling, but The Rock has a momentary advantage and notices the Boss Man. Boss Man tosses the night-stick to Mankind-- ROCK CAUGHT IT! THE ROCK JUST KNOCKED OUT MANKIND! Big Boss Man jumps off the apron with his head in his hands and he walks away angrily! Vince is at ring-side and what is going on!? The Rock seizes the opportunity and he grabs the loopy Mankind... SHARPSHOOTER! The Rock has Mankind in the Sharpshooter, but Mankind refuses to give up... DING DING DING-- Wait a minute! MANKIND NEVER TAPPED! VINCE MCMAHON JUST CALLED FOR THE BELL!


Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon are climbing into the ring with The Rock-- THE THREE ARE HUGGING! OH MY GOD! The Rock has colluded with Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon this entire time! Mankind is confused and doesn't understand what's going on! Steve Austin on the outside is climbing to his feet and he is beyond pissed off! He watches from the outside, a sneer in his face, shouting obscenities. Mankind walks up to Vince and asks what the hell is going on? Vince on the microphone tells Mankind, "You don't know what's going on? Here's what's going on Mick--"

THE ROCK, SHANE, AND VINCE MCMAHON ARE ATTACKING MANKIND! Mankind crumples to the mat and this crowd is livid! Steve Austin jumps the ring with a chair, but the three men escape before Austin can get to them! Shane McMahon on the microphone declares, "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your CORPORATE CHAMPION: THE ROCK!" The show goes off the air with The Rock celebrating his WWF Championship victory as Steve Austin's bloody face stares daggers into them, and Mankind slowly begins to crawl towards them.

With Steve Austin's reign over, the World Wrestling Federation is a different environment. The Rock has turned his back on the fans and now is Vince McMahon's golden boy. Mankind had been betrayed by McMahon and is now set to become the second biggest face next to Austin. Austin's loss of the title will set him up for the mission to take it back. Kane and The Undertaker have finally moved on to different things. DX is stronger than it ever has been, and Shawn Michaels reaped revenge on Ric Flair and could retire in peace. What will happen next time? Tune in next time to find out...

Next Time:

Part 12:

Rock Bottom

Buddy Rogers - 4/11/1963 - 5/17/1963 [36 Days]
Bruno Sammartino - 5/17/1963 - 1/18/1971 [2,803 Days]
Ivan Koloff - 1/18/1971 - 2/8/1971 [21 Days]
Pedro Morales - 2/8/1971 - 12/1/1973 [1,027 Days]
Stan Stasiak - 12/1/1973 - 12/10/1973 [9 Days]
Bruno Sammartino (2x) - 12/10/1973 - 4/30/1977 [1,237 Days]
Superstar Billy Graham - 4/30/1977 - 2/20/1978 [296 Days]
Bob Backlund - 2/20/1978 - 12/26/1983 [2,135 Days]
The Iron Sheik - 12/26/1983 - 1/23/1984 [28 Days]
Hulk Hogan - 1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
Andre The Giant - 2/5/1988 [<1 Day]
Vacant - 2/5/1988 - 3/27/1988
Randy Savage - 3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
Mr. Perfect - 8/29/1989 - 1/21/1990 [146 Days]
Hulk Hogan (2x) - 1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
The Ultimate Warrior - 4/1/1990 - 6/24/1990 [80 Days]
Rick Rude - 6/24/1990 - 8/27/1990 [64 Days]
The Ultimate Warrior (2x) - 8/27/1990 - 11/22/1990 [87 Days]
Earthquake - 11/22/1990 - 3/24/1991 [132 Days]
Hulk Hogan (3x) - 3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]
Jake Roberts - 8/26/1991 - 11/27/1991 [93 Days]
Randy Savage (2x) - 11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
Jake Roberts (2x) - 12/3/1991 - 1/19/1992 [47 Days]
Hulk Hogan (4x) - 1/19/1992 - 4/5/1992 [77 Days]
Ric Flair - 4/5/1992 - 6/21/1992 [78 Days]
Randy Savage (3x) - 6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]
Ric Flair (2x) - 8/29/1992 - 11/25/1992 [89 Days]
Randy Savage (4x) - 11/25/1992 - 1/24/1993 [61 Days]
Ric Flair (3x) - 1/24/1992 - 4/4/1993 [71 Days]
Hulk Hogan (5x) - 4/4/1993 - 6/13/1993 [71 Days]
Yokozuna - 6/13/1993 - 8/30/1993 [79 Days]
Lex Luger - 8/30/1993 - 1/22/1994 [146 Days]
Yokozuna (2x) - 1/22/1994 - 3/20/1994 [58 Days]
Bret Hart - 3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
Owen Hart - 8/29/1994 - 11/23/1994 [87 Days]
Bret Hart (2x) - 11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
Diesel - 1/22/1995 - 4/2/1995 [71 Days]
The Undertaker 4/2/1995 - 8/27/1995 [148 Days]
Razor Ramon - 8/27/1995 - 10/22/1995 [57 Days]
Bret Hart (3x) - 10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]
British Bulldog - 12/17/1995 - 1/21/1996 [36 Days]
Bret Hart (4x) - 1/21/1996 - 3/31/1996 [71 Days]
Shawn Michaels - 3/31/1996 - 8/18/1996 [140 Days]
Vader - 8/18/1996 - 1/19/1997 [154 Days]
Shawn Michaels (2x) - 1/19/1997 - 2/16/1997 [28 Days]
Sycho Sid - 2/16/1997 - 3/23/1997 [35 Days]
The Undertaker (2x) - 3/23/1997 - 6/8/1997 [77 Days]
Bret Hart (5x) - 6/8/1997 - 11/9/1997 [154 Days]
Shawn Michaels (3x) - 11/9/1997 - 12/7/1997 [28 Days]
Owen Hart (2x) - 12/7/1997 - 3/29/1998 [112 Days]
Steve Austin - 3/29/1998 - 11/15/1998 [232 Days]
The Rock - 11/15/1998 - Current

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]

(4 Years, 7 Months, 26 Days)

Randy Savage:

3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]

(1 Year, 7 Months, 20 Days)

Ric Flair:

4/5/1992 - 6/21/1992 [78 Days]
8/29/1992 - 11/25/1992 [89 Days]
1/24/1992 - 4/4/1993 [71 Days]

(7 Months, 26 Days)

Bret Hart:

3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]

(9 Months, 8 Days)

Shawn Michaels:

3/31/1996 - 8/18/1996 [140 Days]
1/19/1997 - 2/16/1997 [28 Days]
11/9/1997 - 12/7/1997 [28 Days]

(6 Months, 15 Days)

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]

(4 Years, 10 Months, 11 Days)

Randy Savage:

3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]
11/25/1992 - 1/24/1993 [61 Days]

(1 Year, 9 Months, 20 Days)

Bret Hart:

3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]
1/21/1996 - 3/31/1996 [71 Days]

(11 Months, 18 Days)

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]
1/19/1992 - 4/5/1992 [77 Days]
4/4/1993 - 6/13/1993 [71 Days]

(5 Years, 21 Days)

Bret Hart:

3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]
1/21/1996 - 3/31/1996 [71 Days]
6/8/1997 - 11/9/1997 [154 Days]

(1 Year, 4 Months, 21 Days)

Bruno Sammartino - 5/17/1963 - 1/18/1971 [2,803 Days]
Pedro Morales - 2/8/1971 - 12/1/1973 [1,027 Days]
Bruno Sammartino (2x) - 12/10/1973 - 4/30/1977 [1,237 Days]
Bob Backlund - 2/20/1978 - 12/26/1983 [2,135 Days]
Hulk Hogan - 1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
Randy Savage - 3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
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Mar 7, 2019
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Part 11.2:
The Other Guys


With all this history happening in the World Wrestling Federation, there is a real mystique that looms over the competition of the biggest company in the world... World Championship Wrestling was doing just as good as WWF during the early-to-mid 1990s. All this came to a different kind of wrestling that World Championship Wrestling presented in contrast to the WWF, a classic Southern-style of realistic wrestling in comparison to Vince McMahon's "Sports Entertainment".

The story of the WCW World Heavyweight Championship lays its foundations several decades earlier in the National Wrestling Alliance. Jim Crockett Promotions was a major proponent of the NWA World's Heavyweight Champion. In 1990, however, a rift grew between the now-christened World Championship Wrestling and National Wrestling Alliance over the title itself. It was here that WCW and NWA came to an agreement to split by the end of 1991. With this agreement, the World Championship Wrestling created a new world championship, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.

The current NWA World's Heavyweight Champion, Ric Flair, was awarded the WCW World Championship title in conjunction with the NWA Championship on January 11th, 1991. Flair would hold onto both titles consecutively for several months. During this time, Ric Flair proclaimed himself the "Undisputed World Champion". His pay grade was big, but his ego was bigger. The Four Horsemen were continuing to ride high with the grouping of Flair, Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, and a returned Tully Blanchard (though even this was short-lived as he would be released shortly after Flair left in August). Trouble was brewing for the Horsemen, however, as after they put down Sting and injured him, one of their former rivals would appear to bring down the thunder for his friend.


Lex Luger, a former Horseman himself, and one of Ric Flair's biggest rivals. These two hated each other as far back as 1989, and for Luger, this was his chance to not only avenge his friend Sting but to finally climb to the top of the mountain and become the WCW World Champion. The two would finally meet at The Great American Bash on July 14, 1991. Earlier in the night, Flair had retained the NWA World's Heavyweight Championship against The Great Muta. With that match out of the way, the double-header was only going to get worse, because he and Lex Luger would be wrestling inside the confines of a cold steel cage.

It was grueling, to say the least, Luger was a rabid animal and unlike in the past against Flair, he used several dubious techniques to attack and maul Flair. Flair for his part defended himself admirably; busted open and bleeding buckets from his forehead, Ric Flair was between a rock and a hard place and could only struggle to survive, while Lex Luger continued to dominate this match as it continues. In the end, Luger broke the Nature Boy. He put him in the Torture Rack and Flair was helpless to the pain. He passed out and the ref begged to stop the match. Luger had done it, he became the WCW World Heavyweight Champion... but the way he had done it left a sour taste in many fans' mouths. He took the title and stared down at the unconscious Flair- What the hell happened to Luger?


Luger as champion was aloof, cold, and arrogant. Something had changed Luger from the beloved partner of Sting into a calculating champion. Sting had come to congratulate Luger on his win, but Lex merely brushed him off and wanted to be alone. It became more apparent as the months dragged on that Lex Luger cared only for one man, Lex Luger. It all came to a head at Starrcade 1991, during the Battle Bowl battle royale. The final two were... Sting and Lex Luger.

Luger and Sting stared each other down to the delight of fans. Both men had something to prove, even if they were friends. Luger had to assert his dominance over the WCW and show that the champion continues to win, while Sting wanted to win and prove that he was deserving of a WCW World Title opportunity that Lex had been dismissing him of... and thus it began. Sting and Luger dug into each other! Scratching and clawing and fighting a rough brawl between one another.

Luger started to win and almost eliminated Sting, but dammit, the Stinger can't be stopped that easily! Out of frustration, Lex began to claw at Sting's eyes and showed a cheating streak! This crowd couldn't believe their eyes as Luger was winning against the beloved Sting! BUT LOOK! STING IS WILD-EYED! He stands up straight, stares down Luger, who realizes what is happening but can't stop it! STING IS RUNNING WILD ALL OVER LEX LUGER! DIVING CROSSBODY! LUGER IS PICKED UP AND THROWN OUT! STING WINS! STING WINS!!! Sting is declared the 1991 Battle Bowl Champion! This victory solidifies his legitimacy for a WCW World Heavyweight Championship title opportunity! Sting is celebrating in the ring when suddenly DOWN GOES STING!


LUGER IS ATTACKING STING FROM BEHIND! Luger screams to Sting "Why couldn't you just lose!" and is beating him senselessly! Luger gets out of the ring and grabs a chair! He climbs in and SWINGS IT RIGHT OVER STING'S HEAD! STING IS BUSTED OPEN! Referees and several major officials keep distance between the downed Sting and the champion; Luger merely stares down Sting... much in the same way that Luger did when he defeated Flair at the Great American Bash!

For weeks after Starrcade, Sting proclaimed that he knew what needed to be done; it was the Gold that got to Luger. It turned him mad; he needed to take the WCW World Heavyweight Championship from Lex before it consumed him. He still wanted to believe in Lex Luger; but after Starrcade, there could not be any mercy. Lex Luger on the other hand finally welcomed Sting's challenge, stating, "Take this title if you can, Sting. I will rip the skin from your bones and tear your muscles apart in the Torture Rack. Once I'm done with you, Sting, you will never be able to challenge for *my* title again."


We finally arrive at SuperBrawl II. Luger and Sting met in the ring and with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line, there is no time to lose. They begin beating the ever-loving hell out of one another in the eternal game of one-upmanship. Sting controls the early-going with his bevy of power moves frustrates Lex Luger into starting a series of dirty tactics. A thumb to the eye here, a closed fist there, and of course, the occasional usage of the ropes during a submission. Luger attains the advantage after Sting mistimes a diving crossbody and hits the ground like a sack of potatoes!

Luger is now in charge here and he wastes no time taking aim at Sting's ribs and stomach! He's trying to soften Sting up for the Torture Rack and is doing so with solid football kicks to the kidneys! It looks like this could be it for Sting! TORTURE RACK! Lex Luger has the Torture Rack on Sting, but Sting refuses to give up! Luger has the Stinger in the Torture Rack for several long moments, finally releasing the hold when it becomes apparent Sting refuses to give up... Once he hits the ground, Sting starts coughing up blood! The Rack had to have done major internal damage to him! Luger looks down at Sting with... almost a look of pity.

There is no room for pity in wrestling, however, as Luger has a championship to defend. He picks up Sting and pushes him into the corner, delivering some punishing kidney shots! He then starts punching Sting in the face for added measure... LOOK! STING HAS GONE WILD-EYED AGAIN! LUGER IS FREAKING OUT! "Not Again" he's thinking to himself! BUT HE CAN'T DENY STING IN THIS STATE! Luger punches Sting rapidly in the kidneys, but Sting is POWERING THROUGH THEM! HE'S LIKE A MAN POSSESSED! STING IS ALL OVER THE RING AND LUGER IS FLYING! STING GETS LEX LUGER IN THE SCORPION DEATHLOCK! Luger is howling in pain! He can't hold it in! Luger is desperate to retain his WCW Championship, but the pain is simply too much! LUGER PASSES OUT! LUGER CAN'T ANSWER THE THREE COUNT! STING IS THE WORLD CHAMPION!

After the match, Sting is celebrating with his newly won World Title, and the crowd is going nuts. Luger finally climbs to his feet... there's a tense staredown between the two... Luger extends his hand! Sting isn't sure if he should take it... but the two shake hands! THEY'RE EMBRACING ONE ANOTHER! Luger knows he's been defeated and he cedes victory to the Stinger! He leaves to let Sting finally celebrate in the ring. In the following weeks, Luger admits that he let the World Title get to him, that desperation to remain World Champion nagged at his mind, turned him into something he hated, a man like Ric Flair, so consumed with the weight of success that he abandoned his friend Sting. Now, with Sting as the World Champion, Luger had to focus on himself for a while, which would lead to his disappearance and exile from WCW into the WWF by 1993.


With Lex Luger behind him, Sting focuses on becoming the best WCW Champion he can be. However, a tough bevy of challengers would arise in the wake of Ric Flair and Lex Luger disappearing, including Rick Rude and the man they call Vader. Vader for months had been a domineering presence in both World Championship Wrestling and in Japan, and led by Harley Race, he was poised to be a true challenge to Sting's WCW Championship reign. Sting, however, relished the challenge of the big man and when the opportunity arose, he welcomed Vader to a championship match at the Great American Bash! Could Sting truly overcome this mountain of a man? Tune in next time to see...


Next Time:

Part 11.3:

It's Vader Time!

WCW Championships:

Ric Flair (1/11/1991 - 7/14/1991) [184 Days]
Lex Luger (7/14/1991 - 2/29/1992) [230 Days]
Sting (2/29/1992 - Present)
Last edited:


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
Reaction score
Part 11.3:
It's Vader Time!


We've returned to the Grimpact Zone, where all history is neither here nor there, and the world is a different place. Last time, we took a look at World Championship Wrestling from 1991 until mid-1992. Here we return to WCW in the midst of their first golden age, with the rise of Big Van Vader. The weeks coming into the Great American Bash of 1992 saw the man they call Vader dominating some of the bigger stars in WCW: Johnny B. Badd, Flyin' Brian, Great Muta, and Ricky Steamboat. This set him up well against the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting.

For weeks, Vader and Harley Race would tell the world that come the Great American Bash, Sting would never be the same again. Sting would reply that he relishes the challenge of a big monster of a man and that when the Bash is over, Sting will show everyone that he is simply the best wrestler in the world.

The Bash has come, and the man they call Vader finally comes face to face with the man called Sting. Vader dominates the early portion of the match, which is all about Sting trying to mount comeback after comeback but continually being cut off by the Mastodon. Vader finally sets up Sting for the Vader Bomb... STING GOT OUT OF THE WAY! Vader lands right onto his stomach and howls in pain! Sting has breathing room... and the two climb to their feet, Vader goes to attack while Sting is in the corner... STING GETS OUT OF THE WAY! Vader slams right into the turnbuckle and this gives Sting enough time to rebound off the ropes and slingshots back for the STINGER SPLASH! Vader comes out of the corner and is hit with the BULLDOG! Down goes Vader!

Sting is right back in this match and the crowd is on fire for this! Harley Race on the outside looks to be sweating, but waits patiently to see what happens, slapping the mat a few times and shouting words of encouragement to Vader... Sting climbs to the top rope, as Vader gets up again... Sting goes for the Diving Crossbody... BUT VADER CATCHES HIM AND HITS A POWER SLAM! Sting just got the wind knocked out of him... 1... 2... BARELY KICKED OUT! Vader picks up Sting, and with *authority* hits the Powerbomb on Sting! 1... 2... 3!!! BIG VAN VADER JUST DEFEATED STING FOR THE WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!


With Big Van Vader reigning supreme, World Wrestling Championship was under notice, nobody was safe from the wrath of the Man they Call Vader. A few weeks after the match, Sting would return and ask for a rematch against Vader. The championship committee of World Championship Wrestling would allow a rematch to occur at the next major pay-per-view: Halloween Havoc.

The build-up to the match saw Sting begin rigorous training, determined to win back the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. He claimed that there would be nothing to stop him from winning back his championship. Vader on the other hand was confident that he would retain the title because if Sting fell once, he's going to fall again.

We finally arrive at Halloween Havoc. Sting looks more intense and focused as he enters the ring. Once Vader gets in the ring, it's all business as Sting goes on the attack immediately! It's a different environment from the last match; in the first match, Vader dominated early, but in this match, both men have a back and forth that leads to Sting actually seeming to maintain control! It doesn't last for long as HARLEY RACE TRIPS UP STING IN THE ROPES! Sting stumbles... POWERBOMB! VADER CAUGHT STING WITH THE QUICK POWERBOMB! 1... 2... KICK OUT! HOW THE HELL DID STING KICK OUT OF THAT!

Vader can't believe that Sting kicked out, he stares at Harley Race and asks, "What the *&%#?" Vader picks up Sting and lifts him up for another powerbomb... Sting escapes and rushes to the ropes... CROSSBODY! CROSSBODY! STING IS A HOUSE OF FIRE! Vader climbs to his feet... BULLDOG! That bulldog looked especially nasty as Vader starts to get up in the corner... and it BUSTED WIDE OPEN! Sting is absolutely ready for it... STINGER SPLASH! Vader struggles to get out of the corner as Sting gets on the top rope... DIVING CROSSBODY! STING HAS VADER PINNED! 1... 2...

KICK OUT! Vader somehow found the wherewithal to kick out! Sting doesn't want to let up though, because he grabs Vader and plants the SCORPION DEATH LOCK! Vader howls in pain as he is in the middle of the ring and with nowhere to go! He struggles and struggles to get to the ropes... BUT WAIT! WHAT THE HELL!?


IT'S CACTUS JACK! CACTUS JACK JUST RUSHED THE RING WITH A STEEL CHAIR! SMACK! Cactus Jack just hit Sting square in the skull with that steel chair! The referee is calling the bell as Sting collapses. What the hell is Cactus Jack doing here!? He's attacking Sting viciously! Vader is slowly climbing to his feet as Cactus Jack keeps beating the hell out of Sting with that chair... The two were working together! They team up to beat the piss out of Sting, who's busted open now... BUT OUT COMES RON SIMMONS!


Ron Simmons rushes the ring, and he saves Sting from the slaughter! He power slams Cactus Jack! Vader turns and rushes him... POWERSLAM! VADER AND CACTUS JACK ESCAPE THE RING AS RON SIMMONS IS PISSED OFF! Sting climbs to his feet and he and Simmons shake hands as the two men stand in the ring ready to fight Vader and Cactus Jack.

On television, Ron Simmons explains that he's had issues with Cactus Jack all year, and he wants to make sure Cactus Jack pays for screwing over Sting at Halloween Havoc. Sting wants a piece of Cactus Jack as well, but can't forget about how close he was to winning the WCW World Heavyweight Championship from Vader. The championship committee makes the declaration that at Clash of the Champions XXI, there will be a tag-team match: Vader & Cactus Jack vs. Sting & Ron Simmons... furthermore, should Sting and Simmons win, the one who makes the pinfall will be declared the #1 Contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Champion for Starrcade 1992.


It's time for Clash of the Champions, and this tag-team match has major implications: If Ron Simmons scores the pinfall, he becomes the new #1 contender, if Sting scores it, he becomes the #1 contender again... If Cactus Jack or Vader score the pinfall, Simmons and Sting can not challenge for the title at Starrcade. Simmons and Cactus Jack start the match off and they begin by throwing some wild punches! It's a back and forth match all throughout, each wrestler having a chance against one another... The finish sees Cactus Jack having a sleeper on Sting... it looks like it's all over, BUT STING IS COMING ALIVE AGAIN! Sting mounts a comeback against Cactus Jack! Both men go down after a desperate Bulldog from Sting!

Sting is crawling... crawling... crawling... Cactus Jack tags in Vader... BUT SIMMONS GETS TAGGED IN JUST IN TIME! RON SIMMONS IS A MAN POSSESSED AS HE SUPLEXES VADER! HE SUPLEXES CACTUS JACK! Harley Race climbs onto the apron and distracts the ref! He's trying to throw brass knuckles to Vader... BUT STING INTERCEPTS THEM AND SMASHES VADER IN THE FACE! RON SIMMONS GOES FOR THE PIN! The ref turns around having not seen anything! 1... 2... 3!! RON SIMMONS IS THE #1 CONTENDER! RON SIMMONS IS THE #1 CONTENDER!

The issues between the four men would not subside afterward, as Sting and Cactus Jack would continue to have something akin to a blood feud, and Vader would repeatedly tell Ron Simmons that he will not survive Starrcade when all is said and done. The two teams would continue to battle and fight one another. At Starrcade it would be decided: Ron Simmons vs. Vader for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, and Sting vs. Cactus Jack in a Street Fight.


At Starrcade, Sting and Cactus Jack beat each other pillar to post, running around all over the arena, into the crowd, even backstage in one of the first true Street Fights in wrestling. Backstage Cactus Jack suplexes Sting onto a table and both men are just devastated, busted open, and tired. Another spot sees Cactus Jack thrown down some arena steps by Sting, right in front of the entire crowd. These two absolutely hate one another and this crowd loves it!

The two crawl back into the ring, both men's bodies broken, and there's a steel chair left in the ring from earlier in the match... Cactus Jack grabs it and prepares to swing it... but Sting dodges, rebounds... AND DROPKICKS THE CHAIR RIGHT INTO CACTUS JACK'S FACE! Cactus Jack just collapses onto the ground and Sting crawls over and pins him... 1... 2... KICK OUT! Something deep inside of Cactus Jack is keeping him alive here! He refuses to quit. Sting can't believe just how much drive this psychopath has...

Both men climb back to their feet, and it's just big punches to the face back and forth... Sting steps back and comes back from the ring-ropes for a clothesline, but Cactus Jack ducks it! Back around comes Sting... DOUBLE ARM DDT! STING JUST GOT FLATTENED BY CACTUS JACK'S FINISHER! 1... 2... STING KICKED OUT NOW! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Cactus Jack just laughs at the occurrence and picks up Sting for a second DDT... but STING drives Jack into the corner, Jack goes down to the ground... Sting is climbing to the top rope! He's got some life left as Jack gets to his feet... DIVING CROSSBODY! Down goes Jack! But that's not enough for Sting! SCORPION DEATHLOCK! Jack howls in pain but refuses to submit! Sting keeps it locked in for several minutes as Jack desperately crawls and fails to get to the ropes! Finally, after some time, Cactus Jack refuses to quit, but the blood loss from the match is too much for him! Cactus Jack has passed out! STING WINS! STING WINS! Sting weakly celebrates after the bloodbath witnessed by this crowd, but everyone knows for a fact that Sting barely scraped by the raging psychopath in Cactus Jack.


It's time now for the main event of Starrcade 1992: Ron Simmons vs. Big Van Vader! Both men stare each other down in the beginning of the match. Ron Simmons knows for a fact this is one of the biggest matches of his career, and he cannot be careless for even a moment. The match begins with a big back and forth bevy of power punches and power moves between the two men, but eventually, Vader starts to take over. In a different kind of match, Vader takes his time and picks apart Ron Simmons slowly, cutting off any and all comebacks from Simmons.

The middle though sees Ron Simmons start to find some fire. Ron reverses an Irish-Whip on Vader, who comes back... SPINEBUSTER! HOW THE HELL DID RON SIMMONS FIND THE SPINEBUSTER! Ron Simmons is ready to dominate this match, but Harley Race has something to say on the matter, tripping him up on the ropes... IT'S JUST LIKE THE MATCH WITH STING! POWERBOMB! RON SIMMONS IS LIFELESS IT SEEMS! 1... 2... KICK OUT!

Ron Simmons kicked out just in time! Vader is incredulous at the sight of this, only two men have ever kicked out of the powerbomb: Sting and Ron Simmons! Vader picks Simmons back up and shouts to Simmons, "You're a dead man!" Up Simmons goes, but he wriggles his way out of it! Vader rushes him... POWERSLAM! Simmons goes for the pin! 1... 2... VADER KICKED OUT TOO LATE!!! SIMMONS HAS WON! RON SIMMONS HAS WON THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

A CORNUCOPIA OF WRESTLERS FLOCK THE RING AS RON SIMMONS IS ASCENDENT IN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING! Starrcade 1992 has come and gone, but the world stands in awe, as Ron Simmons defeated the nigh-unbeatable monster Vader to claim the world title. Sting has defeated Cactus Jack, and now one wonders what could happen here in the world of wrestling. We'll just have to see when WCW enters 1993 in the midst of their first golden age.


Next Time:

Part 11.4:

The Return of the Nature Boy

WCW Championships:

Ric Flair (1/11/1991 - 7/14/1991) [184 Days]
Lex Luger (7/14/1991 - 2/29/1992) [230 Days]
Sting (2/29/1992 - 7/12/1992) [134 Days]
Vader (7/12/1992 - 12/28/1992) [169 Days]
Ron Simmons (12/28/1992 - Current)


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
God this is so much better than what the company was actually doing with these dudes for the most part lmao


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
Reaction score
Part 12:
Rock Bottom


We return to the World Wrestling Federation following that shocking Survivor Series finish: The Rock has won the WWF Championship in a match against Steve Austin and Mankind thanks to the help of Vince McMahon. After the match, Steve Austin watched onwards with rage and fury, and Mankind was beaten down while in a confused state, having never tapped out. With The Rock as the WWF Champion, one has to wonder just what the hell is going to happen in the World Wrestling Federation!?

The next night on RAW, The Rock and the Corporation (Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, Sgt. Slaughter, Big Bossman, Kane, and the Corporate Horsemen). The group personally celebrates in the ring. The Rock takes the microphone and taunts the crowd, "Every single person in this crowd is a damn fool for thinking The Rock and Vince McMahon weren't working together! The Rock says every single one of you pieces of trailer park trash is just like Stone Cold Steve Austin- Every single one of you just don't know what it's like to be a winner in life; The Rock however is a winner. Just look at this here World Wrestling Federation Championship."

Throughout the segment, Vince McMahon would smugly congratulate himself and everyone in the Corporation for their efforts at last night's Survivor Series: Owen Hart & Randy Savage defeated the New Age Outlaws to claim the WWF Tag Team Championships, and Ric Flair defeated Triple H to claim the Intercontinental Championship. With that, the Corporation owns nearly all of the titles within the company, save for the Hardcore Championship, held by Mick Foley, the European Championship, held by X-Pac (Shawn Michaels vacated the championship after SummerSlam following his retirement), who also co-holds the Light Heavyweight Championship, and the Women's Championship, held by Sable.


Out from the back comes Stone Cold Steve Austin, who is less than pleased at the sight of The Corporation and their shenanigans. "Alright, I've had just about enough of this damn circus. Vince, as far as I'm concerned, you made the biggest mistake of your life, because you pissed off Stone Cold Steve Austin, so now I'm gonna have to do something about it. If anyone wants to see Stone Cold Steve Austin kick the Corporation's ass, gimme a 'hell yeah!'" Before Austin can walk down and climb into the ring, Vince grabs the mic, "Austin you really wanna walk into this lion's den? Everyone in this ring right now is the finest wrestlers alive today, and most of them have championship gold to prove it! You wanna fight so bad? We'll just take you out back behind the woodshed, Austin. I know what you're really after anyway. You're after the World Wrestling Federation Championship; every idiot in this crowd knows it, so why wouldn't I know it? Tell ya what Austin, you want the World Wrestling Federation Championship so bad, I'll give you a title shot down the line if you can defeat The Corporation in four weeks in a tag match. It'll be five of my men versus you and any four losers you can scrounge up Austin. Good luck finding anyone willing to take on The Rock, Ric Flair, Macho Man Randy Savage, Owen Hart, and The Big Bossman!"

Steve Austin stands in the aisle-way and thinks to himself before speaking, "Vince, I don't really give a damn if it's one-on-five or five-on-five, Stone Cold Steve Austin is coming for his World Wrestling Federation Championship and that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so." The rest of RAW sees Steve Austin approached by various wrestlers wishing him good luck... except one.


Steve Austin walks down the hall and is turned around by Mankind, whose eyes are glazed over and full of insane hate. The two stare each other down; for months, these two had hated one another and fought their asses off against each other in pursuit of the WWF Championship. Steve Austin scowls at the angered Mankind, who points his finger at Austin... "I don't like you, and you damn sure don't like me, Austin. But I hate Vince McMahon even worse than I do you. I'm not asking; I'm demanding to be in that tag match so I can get my hands on The Rock." Austin scoffs but points right back at Mankind, "Steve Austin doesn't need any mutilated freak to beat Vince's group of jackasses. I don't care if you show up or not." Mankind stares down Austin before turning and walking away, giving Steve Austin his first ally in the tag match.

The next few weeks would revolve around who Mankind and Austin would recruit to their team, Mankind offers several lower-level wrestlers, but they want no part of Steve Austin's problems... Steve Austin himself refuses any help that came his way. Steve Austin is aloof, wanting to go it alone, while Mankind looks for other wrestlers to help, including Al Snow, Ken Shamrock, and Goldust, but all declined.


The week before the tag team match (which is the go-home show to Rock Bottom: In Your House), D-Generation X comes out to give a pretty big announcement. Triple H tells it like it is, "So next week there's supposed to be a big tag match between Steve Austin and The Corporation. Well, who other than D-Generation X has had just as much, if not a bigger problem with that big collection of damn bozos, huh? Steve, I know you and I have a history, but I'm gonna do you a favor, X-Pac and I are gonna join you, because DX is gonna take what we want, and that's all the titles the Corporation took from us. Vin-man, The Rock, Flair, all you losers, we got two words for ya..." So with that, the tag-match became a 4-on-5 confirmed: Steve Austin, Mankind, Triple H, and X-Pac vs. The Corporation... but not everything goes to plan, does it?

At the top of next week's RAW (December 7), X-Pac is viciously ambushed by The Corporation in the parking lot and left a bloody heap, thanks to The Rock knocking him unconscious with the belt. Vince McMahon laughs in the background as the rest of DX come from out of nowhere to protect their fallen ally. Throughout the show though, Vince is wondering just where Kane is, as he went missing after the parking lot assault (which he took no part in). He'd send Patterson, Brisco, and Slaughter out to find Kane, but to no avail. On the flip side, Triple H talks to both Steve Austin and Mankind, wondering what the hell they're gonna do; Steve Austin tells it like it is, "We're just gonna have to whoop all their asses by ourselves, son." Mankind on the other hand has a smile on his face, "They're in for a real surprise tonight, and I know you guys will love it." Triple H nods his head and pats Mankind's shoulder, "Alright, Mick, let's kick some ass then."

We arrive at the main event, out comes the Corporation in its entirety, sans Kane. In the ring is the group of The Rock, The Corporate Horsemen, and The Big Bossman. All of them look extremely confident in themselves as if they have the match won already. Steve Austin, Mankind, and Triple H (flanked by other DX members) come out separately. Mankind has a microphone in hand and points at the Corporation standing in the ring, "Ya know, Vince, I figured you'll pull something like this. I had a backup plan in case you decided to attack one of us. It's a shame you decided to attack X-Pac, but Vince, you son of a bitch, you fucked up big time. I talked to an old friend of mine, a man I still respect; I talked to Uncle Paul. Paul Bearer, Vince. He agreed to help me out for old times' sake, and you know what Vince? He got me two men: One screwed by you, and one used by you. These two men don't have a lot of love-loss for Steve Austin or me, but they hate your guts even more."



WHAT THE HELL!? IT'S THE UNDERTAKER AND KANE! They're together, and not only are they together but they're also being led to the ring by Paul Bearer! Vince McMahon's eyes are bulging out of his skull; The Rock and the rest of the Corporation are half-scared to death, realizing that they are facing off against a terrifying group here. Vince's plans are falling apart before his eyes! The Undertaker and Kane stare each other down, knowing all the bad blood they have had over the last year; both of these men still don't trust one another, but they agreed to work together to get back at Vince. Steve Austin dives into the ring and IT'S A MELEE COMING ON! STEVE AUSTIN AND THE ROCK ARE BRAWLING, MICK FOLEY AND THE BIG BOSSMAN, TRIPLE H AND OWEN HART, KANE AND THE MACHO MAN, AND THE UNDERTAKER AND RIC FLAIR! In this ring are 10 men and between them are 13 world titles (Randy Savage 4, Ric Flair 3, The Undertaker 2, Owen Hart 2, Steve Austin 1, and The Rock 1). The match finally starts to settle down as Owen Hart and Steve Austin end up fighting in the ring. The story of the match is the Corporation working as a collective while Steve Austin and the others find it difficult to work together. Mankind and Triple H are tagging in everyone, while The Undertaker only tags in Triple H, and Kane & Austin only tag in Mankind. The Undertaker gets worked over in the match by the enemy, including The Rock hitting a Rock Bottom... 1... 2... KICK OUT! The Undertaker powered his way out... SIT UP! The Rock backs up and tags in Ric Flair! The Undertaker is on his feet, dodging a clothesline from Flair and countering the return into a BIG BOOT! Undertaker looks to his group, having never tagged Austin or Kane in...

HE TAGS IN KANE! THE BROTHERS ARE WORKING TOGETHER! KANE RUNS WILD ALL OVER THE CORPORATION AND ANOTHER BRAWL IS ENSUING! Kane chokeslams Ric Flair, Owen Hart, and Macho Man, but in the confusion, while the ref is distracted The Rock smashes Kane over the head with the WWF Championship! Kane is down! The Rock throws Owen Hart on him... The ref notices! 1... 2... KICK OUT! SIT UP! KANE WILL NOT DIE LIKE THIS! He gets to his feet and looks around, picking up Owen Hart, but there's The Rock again! KANE GRABS HIM BEFORE HE CAN DO ANYTHING! BUT OWEN LOW BLOWS KANE! KANE STUMBLES, which gives The Rock enough breathing room to drop Kane to the ground! He sets up the Corporate Elbow! Back... and forth... RIGHT INTO A TRIPLE H SPINEBUSTER! Triple H is jaw-jacking on The Rock, but he's met with a HUGE spinning heel kick by Owen Hart, and down goes the both of them... Kane doesn't sit up, but he climbs to his feet. He looks... THERE'S MANKIND IN THE CORNER! TAG IN! Mankind is in and he goes hog wild on both Owen Hart and The Rock while The Bossman and Ric Flair are busy with The Undertaker and Macho Man and Steve Austin are beating the hell out of one another. Head-noggin knocker on Owen and Rock, the Rock is clotheslined out of the ring, and Mankind climbs back into the ring, and he HITS THE MANDIBLE CLAW ON OWEN HART! Down goes Hart! Hart is struggling and trying to get away! Vince McMahon on the outside is screaming for someone to get to Mankind... BUT NOT IN TIME! THE REF IS RINGING THE BELL! STEVE AUSTIN'S TEAM HAS WON! STEVE AUSTIN WILL CHALLENGE THE ROCK AT ROCK BOTTOM!


We come to Rock Bottom: In Your House, and the last pay-per-view of the year gives us a major match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship: Steve Austin vs. The Rock. Other matches however include The Undertaker & Kane defeating Owen Hart & Randy Savage for the WWF Tag Team Championships, Mankind defeating Big Bossman to retain the Hardcore Championship, and Ric Flair defeating Triple H for the Intercontinental Championship. However, it is time for our main event. The Rock comes out with Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, and The Big Bossman. The Rock looks at the other three and is poised and confident for this match-up. Vince McMahon grabs a microphone to make an announcement, "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Corporate Champion: The Rock! Tonight, I just want to say, *when* Steve Austin loses tonight, he will *never* challenge for the World Wrestling Federation Championship as long as The Rock is the champion!"


Out comes Steve Austin to a massive pop, he has a chair in hand and he rushes down to the ring! The Rock vacates the ring immediately as Steve Austin swings that chair wildly! The ref tries to maintain order and get Austin to calm down... The Big Bossman comes in from behind here! The match hasn't started and Bossman goes after Austin! AUSTIN SWINGS THE CHAIR AS HE TURNS AROUND! RIGHT INTO BOSSMAN'S HEAD! BOSSMAN GOES DOWN! This gives just enough time for The Rock to attack Austin from behind, and this match is on! It's a brutal back and forth between these two! Austin knows this might be his last shot!

The two brawl back and forth and each share near falls with one another. Just as Steve Austin looks like he's about to win... Big Bossman trips him up at the ropes! The Rock plants Austin with a Rock Bottom! 1... 2... KICK OUT! The Rock doesn't believe it! He picks up Austin again to plant a Rock Bottom... Austin escapes... STUNNER! STONE COLD STUNNER! THE ROCK IS DOWN! But the Big Bossman is on the ropes and distracting the ref!

OUT COMES MANKIND! THE HARDCORE CHAMPION JUST TOOK OUT VINCE! THE BIG BOSSMAN AND MANKIND ARE GOING AT IT AGAIN! Their feud doesn't seem to be done yet, but it's distracting the referee! Austin picks up The Rock again and looks to be ready to plant another Stunner! Shane McMahon is behind Austin though! LOW BLOW! SHANE MCMAHON JUST KICKED AUSTIN RIGHT IN THE NADS! THE ROCK PLANTS A ROCK BOTTOM! It's pandemonium as the ref sees the pin and counts it... 1... 2... 3!!! OH MY GOD! STEVE AUSTIN JUST GOT SCREWED!

Mankind is thrown over the barricade and left there as the Corporation celebrates in the ring, Austin lying in the corner... Austin will not be able to challenge for the WWF Championship anymore! Vince McMahon got one over on Steve Austin, despite his best efforts! Austin climbs to his feet... while nobody notices... HE STUNS SHANE MCMAHON! Bossman grabs him... STUNNER! HE STUNS THE ROCK! AND NOW IT'S JUST HIM AND VINCE... STUNNER! STEVE AUSTIN JUST STUNNED EVERYONE! This crowd is going mental as the show goes off the air.


The next night on RAW, as Vince and company celebrate, Shawn Michaels makes his much-awaited return, to the surprise of everyone. Vince demands to know what Shawn wants this time. "Well Vin-man, I imagine you know already how much of a pickle you've found yourself in. Steve Austin hates you, Mankind hates you, The Undertaker and Kane hate you... what is there to do huh? Someone has gotta keep law and order and make sure that the World Wrestling Federation is kept chugging along. So there's a new sheriff in town, and who better than me?" Vince is apoplectic and cannot believe he's hearing this, "Who the hell died and made you in charge, Shawn? I sure as hell didn't, so why don't you get out of my ring, out of my building, and out of my company." Shawn smirks and laughs, "Well, I wouldn't say they died, otherwise you wouldn't be here Vince. But if you must know, the person who made me the official commissioner is your *wife*, Vinny." Vince angrily talks with Shane who shouts, "I didn't have any idea! You did make her the President!"

Shawn declares that he's his own man, not in the back pocket of Vince McMahon or anyone else, and he's here to represent the interests of the fan. "One of my first declarations, as the Commissioner of the World Wrestling Federation... is to announce that Stone Cold Steve Austin will get one last shot at the world title!" Vince's eyes bulge and he pushes Shawn, "What the hell are you talking about!? I said he'd never get another title shot again!" Shawn grabs Vince's shirt and shouts, "You never put it on paper, you idiot! You didn't even let me finish, rude Vinny, real rude. Steve Austin will get one last shot, just one... and that is if he can win the 1999 Royal Rumble match!" Vince angrily argues with Shawn, who just walks out of the ring. Vince is pissed off at Shawn Michaels coming in and thwarting his plans once more! "Oh, by the way, Vince... one more thing. Remember that tag team match last week? The one that Mankind won? Well, I think Mankind has earned himself a title shot as well, hasn't he? So you listen here Vince... it'll be The Rock vs. Mankind for the World Wrestling Federation Championship... on January 4th, here on Monday Night RAW! Additionally... it'll be an Anything Goes Match! So you better have a damn good plan Vin-man!"

The next couple of weeks are built up to not only the Royal Rumble but the fateful WWF World Heavyweight Championship match between Mankind and The Rock. Vince McMahon announces the week after Steve entering the Royal Rumble that he will officially put together a bounty to whoever A.) keeps Steve Austin from being able to enter the Rumble or B.) Eliminating Steve Austin from the Royal Rumble. Austin's story sees him escaping attacks from so many superstars looking for a big pay-day, all the while, Mick Foley anxiously awaits his title match in the coming weeks. The Corporation even screws Mick Foley out of the Hardcore Championship with Big Bossman defeating him. The week before, Triple H pulls him aside, telling him he's gonna make sure there's no funny business in Mick's title match...

We finally arrived to the dance, the showdown between The Rock and Mick Foley... Mick Foley comes down first, with D-Generation X in tow, while The Rock comes in with the Corporation. It's a back and forth match for the WWF Championship, and Mick Foley is desperate to finally attain glory. With it being Anything Goes, Foley utilized weapons to get at The Rock. However, it being Anything Goes also brings forth The Corporation's involvement...

The Rock gains the advantage and is working over Mankind... He gets the Rock Bottom set up... MANKIND COUNTERS INTO A DDT! Mankind grabs a chair... and he lays it on Rock's face... ELBOW DROP RIGHT ONTO THE CHAIR! The Rock is bleeding! Mick goes for the pin! 1... 2... KICK OUT! The Rock kicked out! Mick Foley picks up the Rock... LOW BLOW! Mankind stumbles badly as The Rock runs to the ropes... and back... RUNNING DDT! The Rock sees his moment... THE CORPORATE ELBOW! 1... 2... KICK OUT! How the hell did Mankind kick out of that!? The Rock is unable to believe that Mankind kicked out.

The Rock picks up Mick Foley... he's gonna finish this once and for all... Sets him up for the Rock Bottom... but Foley fights out of it! The Rock and Foley exchange punches, but The Rock irish-whips Foley into the ropes... Mankind ducks a clothesline... rebound... MANDIBLE CLAW! MANKIND HAS THE MANDIBLE CLAW ON THE ROCK! MANKIND'S GONNA WIN... MANKIND'S GONNA WIN! BUT LOOK! Owen Hart has a steel chair... and he BASHES FOLEY OVER THE HEAD! AND NOW IT'S A BIG HEY, RUBE! D-Generation X and The Corporation are fighting together.


OH MY GOD! IT'S STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN! STEVE AUSTIN TROTS DOWN TO THE RING! The Rock is getting up, he's stirring! Steve Austin climbs into the ring and grabs the steel chair that Owen Hart just used... THWAP! DOWN GOES THE ROCK! Steve Austin throws Mankind right on top of him... 1... 2... 3!!! MANKIND DID IT! THIS CROWD IS ABSOLUTELY ELECTRIC!!! MICK FOLEY HAS WON THE WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION CHAMPIONSHIP! Vince McMahon is pissed at Steve Austin, who laughs and flips off Vince! We are witness to one of the biggest upsets in all of wrestling history.


The next week Mick Foley comes out with the WWF Championship in tow to raucous applause. "Y'know, it's been a week, but I gotta admit, this still feels pretty damn good! I never thought the day would come that I'd hold this championship, but I wanna thank each and every one of you for believing me!" Foley's celebration is cut short as Vince McMahon comes out of the ring and points at Mick Foley, "Alright, you've had you're fun haven't you Mick? Well, I just want you to know that you're gonna defend the World Wrestling Federation Championship against The Rock at the Royal Rumble!" Mick Foley smirks and shakes his head, "I'm afraid that's not how this is gonna go, Vinny. You see, Shawn Michaels saw fit to give me the night off of the Royal Rumble to prepare for WrestleMania, so... The Rock is *not* getting a world title shot."

Vince angrily shouts, "What the hell do you mean!? I'm the owner! I can change these decisions!" Foley pulls out a piece of paper, "I've got a contract right here, Vince. Signed by Shawn Michaels, and it says, and I quote, 'Mick Foley is exempt from participating in the Royal Rumble event unless stated parties choose to waive their rights and enact a championship match with whomever they choose.' You're just out of luck, Vince." Vince paces back and forth for a few moments but then waves down Mankind, "Alright, alright, what will it take for you to accept a championship match with The Rock!?" Mankind thinks and then replies, "I'll do it on one condition, and that is that I choose the stipulation Vince!" Vince thinks for a few moments and hesitantly nods his head.

"Alright, Mick, what kind of match are you thinking? A cage match?"

"A cage match would not be enough, Vince."

"Alright, fair enough. A Hell in a Cell?"

"No can do, Vinny."

"I... well... what about a No Holds Barred Match?"

"Absolutely not, Vince."

"Well, I give up with trying to make you-"

"I'll take that!" Mick Foley cuts off Vince quickly, "An excellent suggestion Vince. You see, remember back to the Survivor Series? The Rock won by submission... but I don't seem to remember Mankind ever uttering the words, 'I Quit.'. So if you really want this championship match so bad, it can *only* be under the stipulation that one of us must say the words 'I Quit.'. We both know that I will never say those two words. Whaddya say, Vince?" Vince rubs his mouth and face, not sure what to think, knowing how badly things could turn out for The Rock. "Dammit- Alright, you got a deal Mick. It'll be The Rock vs. Mankind at the Royal Rumble in an 'I Quit.' match!"


The other major stories revolve around Steve Austin, The Brothers of Destruction, and D-Generation X. The Corporation made many enemies, and Vince McMahon wanted to see fit that all of them were taken down. First came The Brothers of Destruction. After defeating the Corporate Horsemen to attain the WWF World Tag Team Championships, they drew the ire of Vince McMahon, not just for winning, but joining Steve Austin's team in that fateful tag match that gave him one more chance at the WWF Championship.

The Corporate Horsemen saw fit to fight back against the Undertaker and Kane through violence and warfare. Owen Hart, Ric Flair, and Randy Savage fought hard against them. Though they had the numbers advantage, they still would get whooped from time to time by the sheer size of the brothers. So what were The Corporate Horsemen to do? The answer was to expand. But who would become the fourth member of the Corporate Horsemen? The answer to that would come in due time. For now, the Horsemen needed to deal with the Brothers of Destruction.


D-Generation X was a thorn in The Corporation's side all of 1998, and in 1999, they're looking to keep the group distracted by being a major nuisance. Vince needed to find a way to deal with D-Generation X... what Vince would end up doing is bringing more men into The Corporation. Ken Shamrock would enter the fold, and then Test, and finally the team of Mark Henry and D'Lo Brown. These men would act as a buffer between D-Generation X and Vince McMahon.

Would it help keep them occupied? One wonders to what degree of success it would be, but for Vince McMahon, it took away one distraction. Vince McMahon had no time to deal with DX for now anyways. He had his eyes on one man, and one man only.


Stone Cold Steve Austin. Since nearly March of 1997, Steve Austin has been a personal pain in the ass for Vince McMahon, ruining his plans to screw Bret Hart out of the title because of personal issues, attacking Vince over and over, defeating Owen Hart at WrestleMania XIV, and the rest of 1998 to show for it. Vince McMahon wants Stone Cold Steve Austin gone. But he can't just fire him; after all, Austin's (kayfabe) contract from 1996 has him guaranteed until 2000, he can't just fire him. He'd be practically giving away millions of dollars to Steve Austin! One thing he *can* do, however, is control Austin's fate within the WWF...

If Steve Austin is to enter the Royal Rumble then Vince can manipulate that to his advantage. The final RAW before the 1999 Royal Rumble has Vince McMahon come out at the top of the show, he has only a few members of the Corporation with him. "Well, I've had weeks to think about it and let me tell you: I've been most disappointed with everyone. Nobody has been able to take Steve Austin out, and frankly, I'm getting pretty sick and tired of waiting, so lets up the stakes. Steve Austin, you want the WWF Championship so bad, you're going to have to run the gauntlet. The Royal Rumble match will have Steve Austin in it, oh yes, but Stone Cold Steve Austin will have to survive... as the first entrant of the Royal Rumble!" Vince has stacked the deck against Austin, not only will he have a bounty on him, but he will be placed in the first spot of the Rumble... what the hell will happen to Steve Austin?


Royal Rumble 1999 has arrived; the major matches see Kane and The Undertaker defeat Owen Hart, Ric Flair, and Randy Savage in a handicap match, while Triple H defeats Ken Shamrock for the Intercontinental Championship, X-Pac loses the European Championship to Test, and The New Age Outlaws defeat Mark Henry & D'Lo Brown; additionally, Big Bossman defeats Al Snow for the Hardcore Championship. The two biggest matches however come in the form of the 1999 Royal Rumble, and the I Quit match between Mankind and The Rock.

The Rock and Vince McMahon chat about a game plan throughout the night before the match, while Mankind waits quietly, contemplating just what he's gonna do. It's time for the WWF Championship match before too long. The Rock comes out without any of his Corporation teammates, but he has something that may protect him... a steel chair.

Out comes Mankind, and he himself has a host of weaponry inside a trash-can, some steel pipes, a 2x4, and a kendo stick... AND IT'S ON! An absolutely brutal match between the Rock and Mankind ensues, much like in real life, save for the extremely gruesome finish. Mankind would take a hard dive to the floor right onto the trash can he brought out, and The Rock would be smashed right through the Spanish Announcer's table. Overall, both men beat the absolute hell out of one another... that is until The Rock brought out the handcuffs.

With Mick Foley cuffed, The Rock took his sweet time dissecting Mankind. In the end, Foley refused to give up, even at the point of near-unconsciousness. The Rock saw no other choice than to take his ruthlessness to new heights. He dragged Mankind to the backstage area, where the cuffed Mankind was unable to respond with a defense or an offensive. The end saw The Rock throw Mick Foley from a loading bay onto a hard concrete parking lot. The unmoving Mankind could not respond, but that did not stop The Rock from shoving a microphone in his face...


... What? Wait a minute. Mick Foley... gave up? This entire crowd is confused as nobody can believe it. What the hell just happened!? The Rock is... your new World Wrestling Federation Champion!? He returns to the ring area and celebrates with his brand new WWF Championship, much to incredible boos from the crowd. This crowd is livid, they know somehow that Mick Foley never gave up. Backstage we see Shawn Michaels running from the hallway into Vince McMahon's office, where screaming can be heard.


In the main event though, Steve Austin rises through hell and high water, entering the Royal Rumble at #1 and outlasting the early competition. The Final Four consists of Owen Hart, Triple H, Ric Flair, and Austin himself... Each man has something to prove in this match themselves... Owen Hart one year ago was the WWF Champion, he wants to prove he still belongs. Ric Flair was a three-time WWF Champion and a Royal Rumble winner himself, he has so much to show for and yet not enough glory. Triple H is desperate to prove that he is a bona fide star and worthy of challenging for the WWF Championship. Steve Austin himself needs to win to earn one last shot at the WWF Championship and to become the only three-time Royal Rumble winner. For these men, this win means everything.

Steve Austin and Triple H have an uneasy alliance against the two members of the Horsemen... Ric Flair is eliminated when Triple H hits the Pedigree and Austin stuns Flair out of the ring... but this distracted Triple H too long! SPINNING HEEL KICK RIGHT OVER THE TOP ROPE! Over the top goes Triple H, who cannot believe he lost this... but the big story is in that ring, the two men who hate one another stare each other down; Owen Hart and Steve Austin watch each other's movements. Austin is breathing heavily after having been in this match for nearly an hour, while Owen has only been in for 15 minutes. This crowd knows just what is at stake, and of the history of these two men.

And they go right after one another. It's a tremendous back and forth between the two and the fans are eating it all up. Austin and Owen brawl like two men who want to see the other disappear from the face of the earth, desperate to win and full of rage. In the end, Owen would fall to the Stunner one more time, and Austin THROWS OWEN OVER THE ROPES! STEVE AUSTIN HAS DONE THE IMPOSSIBLE! STEVE AUSTIN HAS SUCCESSFULLY THREE-PEATED THE ROYAL RUMBLE! The crowd celebrates like rabid animals as Austin has broken the record for the Royal Rumble at 1:05:13, but more importantly, has punched his ticket to WrestleMania XV.

The next night on RAW, Commissioner Shawn Michaels storms down to the ring to address what all went down at the Royal Rumble, namely the "I Quit." match. He says that he went straight to Vince McMahon's office after the match. The two had a heated argument, and, "I know for a fact Mankind never said the two magic words. I know for a fact it was taken directly from one of his promos earlier in the night. Vince McMahon wants to deny it all he wants, but you all can see for yourself." Shawn then plays the exact promo he is speaking of... "So as far as I'm concerned, Mick Foley is still your WWF Champion... but I cannot change the results of matches. What I can do is change the future, however. There is only one way to settle this between The Rock and Mankind... at St. Valentine's Day Massacre coming up this February, the two of them are going to have a Last Man Standing match... both men will fight until one cannot stand any longer- there is nothing that Vince McMahon can do about it either. Try as he might, this match *will* happen."

Vince and co. come out later to protest this, but he's got bigger problems on his hand, namely Stone Cold Steve Austin. "Alright dammit, fine, Steve Austin won the Royal Rumble. But I guaran-damn-tee that Steve Austin will never make it to WrestleMania!" Steve Austin busts into the ring and STUNS VINCE MCMAHON! The rest of the Corporation chase Austin out of the arena, but the message has been sent to Vince McMahon: You won't kill this Texas Rattlesnake.

The next couple of weeks building up to the February pay-per-view, and stories continue to collide. At one point we have an Austin & Mankind vs. The Rock & Bossman match, which of course ends in Mankind getting the victory... but Vince attacks Austin especially, trying to beat him into retirement. This leads to Shawn interfering on behalf of Steve Austin the next week. "Vince, you have a problem with Steve Austin, and Steve Austin has a problem with you... I know you want to make sure Steve Austin never makes it to WrestleMania... so tell you what. I'll give you just what you want..." Vince McMahon nods his head in approval on the stave, "Well thank you, Shawn, I'm glad you've become able to see reason-" Shawn Michaels interrupts, "You didn't let me finish, Vin-man. You see you'll get your chance to make sure Steve Austin never makes it to WrestleMania... because in a Steel Cage Match... it'll be Stone Cold Steve Austin versus... VINCE MCMAHON." Vince goes pale, a look of utter disbelief washing over his face, "Y-you can't do that to me! I'M VINCE MCMAHON!" Shawn laughs and states, "You want Steve Austin gone so bad, now's your chance. Good luck Vince."

The build-up for the other major story, that being The Rock vs. Mankind. At the very last week before the Pay-Per-View, Mankind comes out during a Rocky promo, and looks very serious, even though he's wearing his Mankind mask, "You know, Rock... I had a lot of time to think. I had to think about how important this match is. How much pain and suffering I've had to go through by you and Vince's hands. I realized that perhaps... perhaps Mankind doesn't have what it takes to really get the job done. I won the WWF Championship, but I couldn't hold onto it for very long. Both you and Vince have done all you can to stack the deck against Mankind. I've thought about this for a very long time, a very tough decision. I thought about walking away and giving up, I really did. But the conclusion I came to, Rocky, is that... Mankind just isn't enough to defeat you." Rocky and Vince laugh in the ring as Mick Foley sighs and looks miserable. Foley takes off his mask to reveal his face, "However, Rocky... I know someone who *is* enough to defeat you. Someone who is going to give everything he's got, and leave it all on the line to win..." Foley slowly pulls open his shirt...


CACTUS JACK!!! CACTUS JACK IS BACK! The Rock and Vince McMahon cannot believe their eyes; The Rock steps back and shakes his head, not wanting *any* part of Cactus Jack! This crowd can't believe it either as they cheer wildly for Cactus Jack! Jack rushes the ring, and The Rock immediately vacates it, leaving Jack to The Big Bossman and the Horsemen. Jack runs wild on them and Vince tries to get away as well... STEVE AUSTIN STUNS HIM OUT OF NOWHERE! IT'S STEVE AUSTIN AND CACTUS JACK KICKING ASS AND TAKING NAMES!


We arrive at St. Valentine's Day Massacre, and what an event... The Brothers of Destruction lost the WWF Tag Team Championships to Owen Hart and Randy Savage after the interference of a giant man known as Paul Wight... Triple H defeats Test to retain the Intercontinental Championship, and X-Pac defeats The Big Bossman for the Hardcore championship. However, there is another match everyone wanted to see. Vince McMahon vs. Steve Austin in a Steel Cage match. Try as his associates might to get into the cage, Vince is all by himself here.

And boy howdy is Vince McMahon beaten black and blue by Steve Austin. Humiliated, busted open badly, and alone with a man who hates him more than life itself, Vince McMahon is overwhelmed. The ending sees Shane McMahon breaking into the ring and attacking Austin... TO NO AVAIL! STUNNER! Down goes Shane! Vince slowly gets to his feet... STUNNER! DOWN GOES VINCE... But Steve Austin has one last message to send to McMahon... he picks up both Shane and Vince... DOUBLE STUNNER! Austin laughs and flips the bird to both men and walks out of the ring, with incredible ease. Steve Austin is going to WrestleMania XV and there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it.


Our main event of the evening sees Cactus Jack challenging The Rock for the WWF Championship in a Last Man Standing match, and The Rock was not prepared for Cactus Jack to bring out his favorite weapon... a barbed wire bat. They're off to the races though, beating the absolute hell out of one another. They beat each other pillar to post all across the arena. Cactus Jack brings a lot more brutality than Mankind had in the past, shocking The Rock and overwhelming him in so many ways. The ruthlessness that Rocky had given Mankind at the Royal Rumble is returned tenfold.

The finish of the match sees Jack and The Rock fighting all through the backstage area and even through the crowd. The biggest spot sees Cactus Jack thrown from a balcony onto electrical monitors and circuitry, causing a massive electrical explosion and shorting the lights of the arena. They fight their way back to the ring area... and Cactus Jack grabs a steel chair... so is The Rock... THWAP! BOTH MEN JUST SMACKED ONE ANOTHER WITH STEEL CHAIRS! DOWN GOES CACTUS JACK AND THE ROCK! Is this the end for them? Neither man is responding... The ref has no choice but to start the count. It gets to the count of five, and Cactus Jack is stirring! He's slowly struggling to get to his feet! The Rock isn't responding still! The count is at 8! Jack is almost to his feet! 9... JACK COLLAPSED! CACTUS JACK COLLAPSED ON HIMSELF! BOTH MEN WILL NOT RESPOND TO THE COUNT! TEN!!!

This crowd cannot believe it! Cactus Jack had come so close to winning but at the last second his body gave out on him! The referee calls for the bell and it is declared a draw... Therefore The Rock has retained his WWF Championship! This crowd boos the hell out of what just happened, while The Rock stirs and gets to his feet, starting to celebrate his pyrrhic victory over Cactus Jack... but that only leads to STEVE AUSTIN RUSHING IN AND STUNNING THE ROCK! THIS CROWD IS GOING WILD! NEXT STOP: WRESTLEMANIA XV!!!


The weeks leading up to WrestleMania XV are filled with major storyline developments. First is addressing the finish of the Last Man Standing match between Cactus Jack and The Rock... Shawn Michaels argues with Vince McMahon over what to do, and in the end, Michaels declares that Cactus Jack deserves to be involved in the championship match in some capacity... so The Rock and Cactus Jack will have one more match. If Cactus Jack wins, he will be included in the WrestleMania XV main event between The Rock and Steve Austin. If Cactus Jack loses, however... he will not be allowed at WrestleMania. Coming to the big match on RAW, however... Cactus Jack would defeat The Rock one last time (thanks to an assist from Stone Cold Steve Austin) to punch his ticket to WrestleMania!

The second story would be the continuing saga of The Brothers of Destruction against The Corporate Horsemen... Owen Hart and Randy Savage reclaimed the WWF Tag Team Championships thanks to the Horsemen's newest member: The Big Show. Leading up to WrestleMania XV, Kane and the Undertaker want a piece of the two biggest annoyances for them, Kane going after The Big Show, and The Undertaker wanting a piece of Ric Flair... with that, it would be set... At WrestleMania XV, it would be Kane vs. The Big Show and The Undertaker vs. Ric Flair. What are the WWF Tag Team Champions to do though?

Well, obviously deal with D-Generation X. The New Age Outlaws want their titles back, and now is as good a time as any to beat the Horsemen for their titles again. X-Pac has been dealing with Big Bossman for weeks since winning the Hardcore Championship, and so that match has been set. Triple H, the Intercontinental Championship has shifted to feuding with Ken Shamrock himself. So more matches for WrestleMania are The New Age Outlaws vs. The Corporate Horsemen for the Tag Team Championships, X-Pac vs. Big Bossman for the Hardcore Championship, and Triple H vs. Ken Shamrock for the Intercontinental Championship.

The European Champion Test has been a bit player thus far and for him he'd end up feuding within the Corporation between Mark Henry and D'Lo Brown; Vince McMahon would have enough and demanded they settle their differences at WrestleMania in a European Championship match. Vince is hoping these boys can play nice afterward since they're all on the same team. Right? Right!?

The last major feud not involving the WWF Championship would be... well, between Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels! For months, Shawn has been a major pain in the ass for Vince McMahon, and after Cactus Jack won his RAW match against The Rock, Vince snapped. He demanded Shawn Michaels come down like a man, "Shawn, give me one good reason why I shouldn't fire your ass right now! You've ruined *everything* these last few months. Most of all, you've made me an embarrassment. I will not stand for this at all." Shawn Michaels retorts, "Well Vin-man, you don't have the power to fire me. But tell you what; you want *me* gone? Then why don't you fight me? Or are you too much of a chicken-shit?" Vince looks around, flustered, "What the hell are you talking about!?" Shawn points at Vince and smirks, "Vince McMahon; at WrestleMania XV, you'll get your shot at getting rid of me once and for all. I'm going to put myself into a match at WrestleMania... if I lose, I will resign as WWF's Commissioner. It'll be Shawn Michaels... versus..." Shawn is cut off by Shane McMahon, "You? Do you think you'll be wrestling at WrestleMania? Sorry, Shawn, you're not good enough to wrestle anymore. Hell, I'm more worthy of wrestling at WrestleMania than you, and I've never wrestled once in my life..." Shawn thinks to himself and nods his head, "Let's put that to the test, shall we? Shane, you say you're more worthy? Let's find out: It'll be Shawn Michaels... vs. Shane McMahon... at WrestleMania XV!"


But the biggest story is the rising rivalry between The Rock and Steve Austin, the hatred is palpable, and thanks to the inclusion of Cactus Jack, the tension is even greater for the WWF Championship to hold onto the title. But time marches on, and we finally arrive at the biggest show of the year: WrestleMania XV. Running down the major matches: Test defeats D'Lo Brown to retain the European Championship, X-Pac defeated The Big Bossman to retain the Hardcore Championship, The New Age Outlaws defeated the Corporate Horsemen to win the WWF Tag Team Championships, Triple H defeated Ken Shamrock to retain the Intercontinental Championship... Kane lost to The Big Show in an extremely impressive showing by the big man; meanwhile, The Undertaker extends his undefeated streak at WrestleMania by defeating Ric Flair. The biggest shock of the night however came when Shane McMahon *defeated* Shawn Michaels thanks to some help from not only Vince McMahon, but the rest of the Corporation... Shawn Michaels must resign as WWF Commissioner.

It's our main event though: Steve Austin vs. Cactus Jack vs. The Rock for the WWF Championship... what a back and forth match is is between all three men. The Rock suffers the most from attacks by Cactus Jack and Steve Austin. The Corporation comes down to ring-side to help The Rock, but AUSTIN AND JACK ARE FIGHTING THEM BACK! IT'S PANDEMONIUM!

The Rock climbs back into the ring after his massive beat down... ROCK BOTTOM ON CACTUS JACK! ROCK BOTTOM ON STEVE AUSTIN! The Rock goes to pin Cactus... 1... 2... KICK OUT! The Rock quickly pins Austin... 1... 2... KICK OUT! BOTH MEN KICKED OUT! HOW THE HELL DID THEY DO THAT!? Vince McMahon outside the ring is pissed off. So close and yet so far. The Rock picks up Cactus Jack and throws him out of the ring... He's gonna set up The Corporate Elbow on Steve Austin! Cactus Jack slowly climbing up on the ropes though...

The Rock rushes to the ropes... HE'S MET WITH A MANDIBLE CLAW BY CACTUS JACK! THE ROCK STRUGGLES TO GET OUT OF IT... LOW BLOW ONTO CACTUS JACK! JACK FALLS OUT OF THE RING! The Rock struggles and stumbles, but he doesn't realize what everyone else does! Steve Austin is up! The Rock turns around AND CATCHES AUSTIN'S BOOT! He spins Austin around and sets up the Rock Bottom... AUSTIN FIGHTS OUT OF IT! He elbows Rock's head and spins him around... BOOT TO THE GUT! STUNNER! STUNNER! STUNNER! AUSTIN GOES FOR THE PIN! 1... 2... VINCE MCMAHON JUMPS INTO THE RING, BUT IT'S TOO LATE!!! THREE!!! STEVE AUSTIN WINS! STEVE AUSTIN WINS!!! THE AUSTIN ERA HAS RETURNED!

Austin sees Vince McMahon jumping into the ring and stands up! Vince is trying to run away now, but Austin grabs him and STUNS VINCE MCMAHON! The WWF Championship has finally returned to the hands of Stone Cold Steve Austin! Cactus Jack looks on the outside, before climbing into the ring and staring down Steve Austin... BOTH MEN SHAKE HANDS! THE RESPECT BY THESE TWO IS IMMEASURABLE! Steve Austin leaves WrestleMania XV as the World Wrestling Federation Champion for the second time in his career, a year ago becoming ascendant in the same show! We leave the Grimpact Zone on this scene, Steve Austin and the world celebrating together in an incredible moment... Until next time though...


Next Time:

Part 13:

The Attitude Era

Buddy Rogers - 4/11/1963 - 5/17/1963 [36 Days]
Bruno Sammartino - 5/17/1963 - 1/18/1971 [2,803 Days]
Ivan Koloff - 1/18/1971 - 2/8/1971 [21 Days]
Pedro Morales - 2/8/1971 - 12/1/1973 [1,027 Days]
Stan Stasiak - 12/1/1973 - 12/10/1973 [9 Days]
Bruno Sammartino (2x) - 12/10/1973 - 4/30/1977 [1,237 Days]
Superstar Billy Graham - 4/30/1977 - 2/20/1978 [296 Days]
Bob Backlund - 2/20/1978 - 12/26/1983 [2,135 Days]
The Iron Sheik - 12/26/1983 - 1/23/1984 [28 Days]
Hulk Hogan - 1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
Andre The Giant - 2/5/1988 [<1 Day]
Vacant - 2/5/1988 - 3/27/1988
Randy Savage - 3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
Mr. Perfect - 8/29/1989 - 1/21/1990 [146 Days]
Hulk Hogan (2x) - 1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
The Ultimate Warrior - 4/1/1990 - 6/24/1990 [80 Days]
Rick Rude - 6/24/1990 - 8/27/1990 [64 Days]
The Ultimate Warrior (2x) - 8/27/1990 - 11/22/1990 [87 Days]
Earthquake - 11/22/1990 - 3/24/1991 [132 Days]
Hulk Hogan (3x) - 3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]
Jake Roberts - 8/26/1991 - 11/27/1991 [93 Days]
Randy Savage (2x) - 11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
Jake Roberts (2x) - 12/3/1991 - 1/19/1992 [47 Days]
Hulk Hogan (4x) - 1/19/1992 - 4/5/1992 [77 Days]
Ric Flair - 4/5/1992 - 6/21/1992 [78 Days]
Randy Savage (3x) - 6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]
Ric Flair (2x) - 8/29/1992 - 11/25/1992 [89 Days]
Randy Savage (4x) - 11/25/1992 - 1/24/1993 [61 Days]
Ric Flair (3x) - 1/24/1992 - 4/4/1993 [71 Days]
Hulk Hogan (5x) - 4/4/1993 - 6/13/1993 [71 Days]
Yokozuna - 6/13/1993 - 8/30/1993 [79 Days]
Lex Luger - 8/30/1993 - 1/22/1994 [146 Days]
Yokozuna (2x) - 1/22/1994 - 3/20/1994 [58 Days]
Bret Hart - 3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
Owen Hart - 8/29/1994 - 11/23/1994 [87 Days]
Bret Hart (2x) - 11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
Diesel - 1/22/1995 - 4/2/1995 [71 Days]
The Undertaker 4/2/1995 - 8/27/1995 [148 Days]
Razor Ramon - 8/27/1995 - 10/22/1995 [57 Days]
Bret Hart (3x) - 10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]
British Bulldog - 12/17/1995 - 1/21/1996 [36 Days]
Bret Hart (4x) - 1/21/1996 - 3/31/1996 [71 Days]
Shawn Michaels - 3/31/1996 - 8/18/1996 [140 Days]
Vader - 8/18/1996 - 1/19/1997 [154 Days]
Shawn Michaels (2x) - 1/19/1997 - 2/16/1997 [28 Days]
Sycho Sid - 2/16/1997 - 3/23/1997 [35 Days]
The Undertaker (2x) - 3/23/1997 - 6/8/1997 [77 Days]
Bret Hart (5x) - 6/8/1997 - 11/9/1997 [154 Days]
Shawn Michaels (3x) - 11/9/1997 - 12/7/1997 [28 Days]
Owen Hart (2x) - 12/7/1997 - 3/29/1998 [112 Days]
Steve Austin - 3/29/1998 - 11/15/1998 [232 Days]
The Rock - 11/15/1998 - 1/4/1999 [50 Days]
Mankind - 1/3/1999 - 1/24/1999 [20 Days]
The Rock (2x) - 1/24/1999 - 3/28/1999 [63 Days]
Steve Austin - 3/28/1999 - Current

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]

(4 Years, 7 Months, 26 Days)

Randy Savage:

3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]

(1 Year, 7 Months, 20 Days)

Ric Flair:

4/5/1992 - 6/21/1992 [78 Days]
8/29/1992 - 11/25/1992 [89 Days]
1/24/1992 - 4/4/1993 [71 Days]

(7 Months, 26 Days)

Bret Hart:

3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]

(9 Months, 8 Days)

Shawn Michaels:

3/31/1996 - 8/18/1996 [140 Days]
1/19/1997 - 2/16/1997 [28 Days]
11/9/1997 - 12/7/1997 [28 Days]

(6 Months, 15 Days)

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]

(4 Years, 10 Months, 11 Days)

Randy Savage:

3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]
11/25/1992 - 1/24/1993 [61 Days]

(1 Year, 9 Months, 20 Days)

Bret Hart:

3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]
1/21/1996 - 3/31/1996 [71 Days]

(11 Months, 18 Days)

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]
1/19/1992 - 4/5/1992 [77 Days]
4/4/1993 - 6/13/1993 [71 Days]

(5 Years, 21 Days)

Bret Hart:

3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]
1/21/1996 - 3/31/1996 [71 Days]
6/8/1997 - 11/9/1997 [154 Days]

(1 Year, 4 Months, 21 Days)

Bruno Sammartino - 5/17/1963 - 1/18/1971 [2,803 Days]
Pedro Morales - 2/8/1971 - 12/1/1973 [1,027 Days]
Bruno Sammartino (2x) - 12/10/1973 - 4/30/1977 [1,237 Days]
Bob Backlund - 2/20/1978 - 12/26/1983 [2,135 Days]
Hulk Hogan - 1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
Randy Savage - 3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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"The Corporate Mania!"

WWF Championship
Steve Austin d. Cactus Jack & The Rock (c)

The Undertaker d. Ric Flair

The Battle of the Biggest
Big Show d. Kane

Intercontinental Championship
Triple H d. Ken Shamrock

Battle For Commissioner
Shane McMahon d. Shawn Michaels

WWF Tag Team Championships
The New Age Outlaws d. Owen Hart & Randy Savage (c)

European Championship
Test d. D'Lo Brown

WWF Women’s Championship
Chyna d. Sable (c)

Hardcore Championship
X-Pac (c) d. The Big Bossman

Corporation Record at Mania XV: 3-6​
Last edited:


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
Reaction score
The Undertaker's Undefeated Streak (1991-1999)



The Undertaker vs. Dusty Rhodes



The Undertaker vs. The Ultimate Warrior



The Undertaker vs. Jake Roberts



The Undertaker vs. Bam Bam Bigelow



WWF Championship
The Undertaker vs. Diesel (c)



Intercontinental Championship
The Undertaker vs. Goldust (c)



WWF Championship
The Undertaker vs. Sycho Sid (c)



The Undertaker vs. Kane



The Undertaker vs. Ric Flair



Aug 3, 2011
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Favorite Wrestler
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