The Grimpact Zone: Rebooking WWE History

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Roy Mustang

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Aug 21, 2019
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BTW watched the OSW episode on Survivor Series of that year. I always thought Bob Backlund as champion is fucking dumb in 1994. OMG WWE were dumb for making him lose it so quick
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Dreams are Endless
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The Grimverse seems to be shockingly less grim than real life :jade
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Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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Part 6:
The New Generation's Height


Where we left off, The Undertaker had defeated Diesel at WrestleMania XI for the WWF Championship, while Bret Hart was busy combating with his brother Owen. Though the war was never over between the two of them, Owen Hart had brought in Bob Backlund as backup for his battle against Bret Hart, keeping the two former WWF Champions busy for the summer. The Undertaker had several challengers approach, such as Diesel (In Your House 1) , Sycho Sid (King of the Ring), and even a rare appearance from Yokozuna (WWF RAW). He would rebuff them all, perhaps most impressively at In Your House 2, where the very first Four-Way Elimination Match for the WWF Championship would preside between Taker, Sycho Sid, Bret Hart, and Diesel. Bret Hart would suffer the first elimination at the hands of Owen and Bob Backlund. Sid was eliminated next after a dual-effort by Diesel and Taker. Finally, the odds were overcome by The Deadman as Diesel fell victim to two entire Tombstone Piledrivers. But it would not be the last time that Diesel would have enough of The Undertaker. Cue the next challenger...


Cue the 1995 King of the Ring, and the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion in WWF history (with a whopping 595-day reign), Razor Ramon. Razor Ramon had held the Intercontinental Championship from September 1993 all the way until In Your House on May 14th, 1995, which saw him lose the championship to Shawn Michaels. Ramon had garnered a reputation of one of the best wrestlers within the company based on his sheer amount of title defenses and length of his reign. After losing to Shawn Michaels, Ramon instead eyed the WWF Championship, held by The Undertaker. After winning the King of the Ring, he was scheduled to face whoever would win the Four-Way Championship Elimination match at SummerSlam. And so it was set: Razor Ramon vs. The Undertaker for the WWF Championship at SummerSlam 1995.

The match was a solid back and forth between the two, the story being that The Undertaker took whatever offense that Razor Ramon gave and kept getting back up. However, the end of the match saw something nobody could have seen coming. Out comes Diesel, who had had problems with Undertaker all year. Diesel is distracting the ref... LOW BLOW!

Razor Ramon just his a low blow on The Deadman! Razor takes the chance and... WHAM! Razor Ramon just cracked The Undertaker's skull with a chair-shot, and the ref still isn't able to see because of that damn Diesel! Not yet satisfied, Razor lifts up Taker for the Razor's Edge, and slams him onto the chair! Razor quickly throws the chair out of the ring, and goes for the pin... The ref didn't even know what happened as he counted to three right then and there... and your NEW WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION CHAMPION... RAZOR... RAMON...

The next night, Razor and Diesel celebrate together in the ring. They tell the crowd how for months Diesel was always close, how he could taste the championship but the Deadman cheated with that urn; that mystical urn that always powered him. So Razor and Diesel decided that they'd beat the Deadman the only way they know how; by being "The Bad Guys"... Suddenly...

Out goes the lights... on they come... TAKER HAS THE URN AND HE JUST SMACKED DIESEL OVER THE HEAD WITH IT! Diesel is slumped to the ground and bleeding from his forehead; Razor Ramon has just barely realized what happened before The Undertaker is on him like a bat out of hell! Razor flees immediately, trying to save his partner in crime, but it's too late. The Undertaker is stalking him ruthlessly like a man possessed... Razor Ramon has just invoked the wrath of the Deadman...

The rematch was immediately set on RAW the next week for In Your House 3: The Undertaker vs. Razor Ramon for the WWF Championship in a steel cage. This match, unlike the SummerSlam match, saw The Undertaker absolutely way-lay into Razor and keep the Bad Guy from even attempting to escape. However, the more things change, the more they seem to stay the same. As Diesel arrives onto the scene to cheer on Razor. The Undertaker nearly won the match as well, if not for that damned Diesel; as Taker looked to have finally been finished with Razor, he attempted to escape via the cage door... his head was sticking right out, and Diesel rammed full speed into the door. Taker's head collided with the door, and then the door frame; busting him open and knocking him out almost entirely.

Diesel took the advantage and shoved the ref out of the way, climbing into the ring, grabbing Razor, who at this point is bloodied and beaten to a pulp, and tossed him through the cage door for the victory and title defense. Once again, The Undertaker had been screwed by his biggest rival, Diesel.

With The Undertaker out of the way (for now), Razor Ramon's next challenger was Bret Hart. Bret had spent the entire summer dealing with Owen Hart and Bob Backlund, finally ridding the WWF of Backlund in a submission match at SummerSlam, and defeating Owen Hart definitively at In Your House 3. With In Your House 4 a month away, Razor and Diesel taunted and essentially told Bret Hart that what happened to The Undertaker would happen to him at IYH4. Bret, however, was more than confident in himself to be able to deal with The Bad Guys.

In the title match between Razor and Bret, Bret had looked to have the match won... but here we go again. Diesel, at ringside, starts jaw-jacking with the ref, distracting him. Razor Ramon once again performs a cheap low-blow to gain an unfair advantage... and once again, grabs a chair from ringside. He prepares to thwack Bret Hart over the head with this chair... but...

Out goes the lights... the lights back on... AND THE UNDERTAKER IS IN THE RING! Razor Ramon and Diesel are absolutely speechless, and Bret Hart takes the opportunity to give Razor a little taste of his own medicine as the ref now has his attention turned to Taker. LOW BLOW TO RAZOR RAMON! THWACK OVER THE HEAD WITH A CHAIR! DIESEL ATTEMPTS TO INTERJECT BUT TAKER CUTS HIM OFF!!! IT'S PANDEMONIUM AND THIS CROWD IS GOING NUTS! Bret Hart locks on the Sharpshooter! Razor Ramon is tapping! RAZOR RAMON HAS GIVEN UP! BRET HART IS NOW A 3-TIME WWF CHAMPION!


After an insane series of matches, The Undertaker & Bret Hart vs. Razor Ramon & Diesel storyline would culminate at Survivor Series, perhaps in one of the most hyped matches since Bret/Owen SummerSlam '94: Razor Ramon & Diesel vs. The Undertaker & Bret Hart Falls Count Anywhere. However, an additional caveat was added: If Razor Ramon and Diesel lose, they could not challenge for the WWF Championship as long as Bret Hart was champion.

The match of course was a massive brawl, Diesel and Taker went after one another all match, the hatred spewing from their punches, while Razor and Bret attempted to have a semi-normal match that was full of piss and vinegar. The ending saw The Undertaker get a Jackknife powerbomb onto the Announcer's table, leaving Razor and Diesel to pounce 2-on-1 against Bret Hart. They nearly won too after a Jackknife and Razor's edge combo, but who should come back from... well... the dead, than THE UNDERTAKER!

With help from Paul Bearer's urn, The Undertaker gives Diesel another blast on the head with it, knocking him out stone cold. Taker, still wincing in pain from the Jackknife, brawls with Razor, who has a slight advantage. That is until Bret Hart finally recovers... but so does Diesel. The two of them stare each other down, with Diesel finally having enough and kicking Bret right between the legs. Diesel climbs out of the ring and grabs... a pair of handcuffs? Oh no...

Diesel stalks Bret in the ring and corners him, and prepares to cuff Bret to the ropes so that Diesel and Razor can work together. However, Bret, in an act of desperation, claws and bites at Diesel's eyes, incapacitating him for a second and allowing Bret the chance to enact some justice, as he grabs Taker's urn lying in the corner of the ring and twice in one match, Diesel is out cold. Bret believes that turnabout is fair play and so cuffs Diesel to the turnbuckle. Razor and Taker had still been brawling outside, but Razor had enough of a breather from Taker to realize what had just happened. Razor was now alone with two very pissed off men and his only support handcuffed to the turnbuckle.

Taker and Bret Hart would immediately descend on Razor, kicking the ever loving shit out of him and bloodying him up. The finish finally saw The Undertaker tombstone Razor in front of Diesel, who is desperately trying to tear off the handcuffs. Bret Hart locks on the sharpshooter, and Razor, so out of it, is unable to even submit... The ref has no choice but to declare the match for Bret Hart and The Undertaker...

The biggest rivalry that the WWF had seen in some time had finally concluded with Bret Hart raising the WWF Championship once again, and the Undertaker having wreaked some vengeance upon Diesel and Razor Ramon... or so it seemed. The rivalry wasn't quite finished yet, as the aftermath would show in the coming months... but that is for another time.


Next Time...

The New Generation's Sunset

Buddy Rogers - 4/11/1963 - 5/17/1963 [36 Days]
Bruno Sammartino - 5/17/1963 - 1/18/1971 [2,803 Days]
Ivan Koloff - 1/18/1971 - 2/8/1971 [21 Days]
Pedro Morales - 2/8/1971 - 12/1/1973 [1,027 Days]
Stan Stasiak - 12/1/1973 - 12/10/1973 [9 Days]
Bruno Sammartino (2x) - 12/10/1973 - 4/30/1977 [1,237 Days]
Superstar Billy Graham - 4/30/1977 - 2/20/1978 [296 Days]
Bob Backlund - 2/20/1978 - 12/26/1983 [2,135 Days]
The Iron Sheik - 12/26/1983 - 1/23/1984 [28 Days]
Hulk Hogan - 1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
Andre The Giant - 2/5/1988 [<1 Day]
Vacant - 2/5/1988 - 3/27/1988
Randy Savage - 3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
Mr. Perfect - 8/29/1989 - 1/21/1990 [146 Days]
Hulk Hogan (2x) - 1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
The Ultimate Warrior - 4/1/1990 - 6/24/1990 [80 Days]
Rick Rude - 6/24/1990 - 8/27/1990 [64 Days]
The Ultimate Warrior (2x) - 8/27/1990 - 11/22/1990 [87 Days]
Earthquake - 11/22/1990 - 3/24/1991 [132 Days]
Hulk Hogan (3x) - 3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]
Jake Roberts - 8/26/1991 - 11/27/1991 [93 Days]
Randy Savage (2x) - 11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
Jake Roberts (2x) - 12/3/1991 - 1/19/1992 [47 Days]
Hulk Hogan (4x) - 1/19/1992 - 4/5/1992 [77 Days]
Ric Flair - 4/5/1992 - 6/21/1992 [78 Days]
Randy Savage (3x) - 6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]
Ric Flair (2x) - 8/29/1992 - 11/25/1992 [89 Days]
Randy Savage (4x) - 11/25/1992 - 1/24/1993 [61 Days]
Ric Flair (3x) - 1/24/1992 - 4/4/1993 [71 Days]
Hulk Hogan (5x) - 4/4/1993 - 6/13/1993 [71 Days]
Yokozuna - 6/13/1993 - 8/30/1993 [79 Days]
Lex Luger - 8/30/1993 - 1/22/1994 [146 Days]
Yokozuna (2x) - 1/22/1994 - 3/20/1994 [58 Days]
Bret Hart - 3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
Owen Hart - 8/29/1994 - 11/23/1994 [87 Days]
Bret Hart (2x) - 11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
Diesel - 1/22/1995 - 4/2/1995 [71 Days]
The Undertaker 4/2/1995 - 8/27/1995 [148 Days]
Razor Ramon - 8/27/1995 - 10/22/1995 [57 Days]
Bret Hart (3x) - 1/22/1995 - Current

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]
(4 Years, 7 Months, 26 Days)

Randy Savage:

3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]

(1 Year, 7 Months, 20 Days)

Ric Flair:

4/5/1992 - 6/21/1992 [78 Days]
8/29/1992 - 11/25/1992 [89 Days]
1/24/1992 - 4/4/1993 [71 Days]

(7 Months, 26 Days)

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]

(4 Years, 10 Months, 11 Days)

Randy Savage:

3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]
11/25/1992 - 1/24/1993 [61 Days]

(1 Year, 9 Months, 20 Days)

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]
1/19/1992 - 4/5/1992 [77 Days]
4/4/1993 - 6/13/1993 [71 Days]

(5 Years, 21 Days)

Bruno Sammartino - 5/17/1963 - 1/18/1971 [2,803 Days]
Pedro Morales - 2/8/1971 - 12/1/1973 [1,027 Days]
Bruno Sammartino (2x) - 12/10/1973 - 4/30/1977 [1,237 Days]
Bob Backlund - 2/20/1978 - 12/26/1983 [2,135 Days]
Hulk Hogan - 1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
Randy Savage - 3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
Last edited:


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Holy fuck that was so much better than real life :homer:

Ricky Smarks

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Cue the 1995 King of the Ring, and the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion in WWF history (with a whopping 595-day reign), Razor Ramon. Razor Ramon had held the Intercontinental Championship from September 1993 all the way until In Your House on May 14th, 1995, which saw him lose the championship to Shawn Michaels. Ramon had garnered a reputation of one of the best wrestlers within the company based on his sheer amount of title defenses and length of his reign. After losing to Shawn Michaels, Ramon instead eyed the WWF Championship, held by The Undertaker. After winning the King of the Ring, he was scheduled to face whoever would win the Four-Way Championship Elimination match at SummerSlam. And so it was set: Razor Ramon vs. The Undertaker for the WWF Championship at SummerSlam 1995.
This whole paragraph gave me a woody. Greatest Intercontinental Champion of all-time takes his rightful place as the 1995 King of the Ring.

I like that Taker and Diesel got a proper blow-off at 11 without Bret fucking things up for them during the build to 12. Taker goes over with the belt.

Now we get The Undertaker and Razor Ramon squaring off for the WWF Title at SummerSlam? Sounds way better than what we might have gotten.

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Ricky Smarks

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The match was a solid back and forth between the two, the story being that The Undertaker took whatever offense that Razor Ramon gave and kept getting back up. However, the end of the match saw something nobody could have seen coming. Out comes Diesel, who had had problems with Undertaker all year. Diesel is distracting the ref... LOW BLOW!

Razor Ramon just his a low blow on The Deadman! Razor takes the chance and... WHAM! Razor Ramon just cracked The Undertaker's skull with a chair-shot, and the ref still isn't able to see because of that damn Diesel! Not yet satisfied, Razor lifts up Taker for the Razor's Edge, and slams him onto the chair! Razor quickly throws the chair out of the ring, and goes for the pin... The ref didn't even know what happened as he counted to three right then and there... and your NEW WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION CHAMPION... RAZOR... RAMON...
I like how you came back to Diesel since Taker took the belt from him at 11 and this kind of winks at those in the know.

I also really like the possible alliance with Razor and Diesel on WWF TV since it was always Shawn and Diesel or Razor and Kid.
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Ricky Smarks

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The next night, Razor and Diesel celebrate together in the ring. They tell the crowd how for months Diesel was always close, how he could taste the championship but the Deadman cheated with that urn; that mystical urn that always powered him. So Razor and Diesel decided that they'd beat the Deadman the only way they know how; by being "The Bad Guys"... Suddenly...

Out goes the lights... on they come... TAKER HAS THE URN AND HE JUST SMACKED DIESEL OVER THE HEAD WITH IT! Diesel is slumped to the ground and bleeding from his forehead; Razor Ramon has just barely realized what happened before The Undertaker is on him like a bat out of hell! Razor flees immediately, trying to save his partner in crime, but it's too late. The Undertaker is stalking him ruthlessly like a man possessed... Razor Ramon has just invoked the wrath of the Deadman...

The rematch was immediately set on RAW the next week for In Your House 3: The Undertaker vs. Razor Ramon for the WWF Championship in a steel cage. This match, unlike the SummerSlam match, saw The Undertaker absolutely way-lay into Razor and keep the Bad Guy from even attempting to escape. However, the more things change, the more they seem to stay the same. As Diesel arrives onto the scene to cheer on Razor. The Undertaker nearly won the match as well, if not for that damned Diesel; as Taker looked to have finally been finished with Razor, he attempted to escape via the cage door... his head was sticking right out, and Diesel rammed full speed into the door. Taker's head collided with the door, and then the door frame; busting him open and knocking him out almost entirely.

Diesel took the advantage and shoved the ref out of the way, climbing into the ring, grabbing Razor, who at this point is bloodied and beaten to a pulp, and tossed him through the cage door for the victory and title defense. Once again, The Undertaker had been screwed by his biggest rival, Diesel.

With The Undertaker out of the way (for now), Razor Ramon's next challenger was Bret Hart. Bret had spent the entire summer dealing with Owen Hart and Bob Backlund, finally ridding the WWF of Backlund in a submission match at SummerSlam, and defeating Owen Hart definitively at In Your House 3. With In Your House 4 a month away, Razor and Diesel taunted and essentially told Bret Hart that what happened to The Undertaker would happen to him at IYH4. Bret, however, was more than confident in himself to be able to deal with The Bad Guys.

In the title match between Razor and Bret, Bret had looked to have the match won... but here we go again. Diesel, at ringside, starts jaw-jacking with the ref, distracting him. Razor Ramon once again performs a cheap low-blow to gain an unfair advantage... and once again, grabs a chair from ringside. He prepares to thwack Bret Hart over the head with this chair... but...

Out goes the lights... the lights back on... AND THE UNDERTAKER IS IN THE RING! Razor Ramon and Diesel are absolutely speechless, and Bret Hart takes the opportunity to give Razor a little taste of his own medicine as the ref now has his attention turned to Taker. LOW BLOW TO RAZOR RAMON! THWACK OVER THE HEAD WITH A CHAIR! DIESEL ATTEMPTS TO INTERJECT BUT TAKER CUTS HIM OFF!!! IT'S PANDEMONIUM AND THIS CROWD IS GOING NUTS! Bret Hart locks on the Sharpshooter! Razor Ramon is tapping! RAZOR RAMON HAS GIVEN UP! BRET HART IS NOW A 3-TIME WWF CHAMPION!
The Bad Guys plural? :garrett2 Move over Good Brothers, we're the Bad Guys.

I really like Diesel playing heater for Razor. Makes me wonder if the end goal is to fuck with Taker or take the belt from Razor?

Bret and Razor for the WWF Title is fitting considering the 1993 Royal Rumble in real life. I mush prefer it going this way.

The Undertaker costing Razor the match and title to Bret brings it back to Diesel costing Taker. It's all full circle, baby.
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Ricky Smarks

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After an insane series of matches, The Undertaker & Bret Hart vs. Razor Ramon & Diesel storyline would culminate at Survivor Series, perhaps in one of the most hyped matches since Bret/Owen SummerSlam '94: Razor Ramon & Diesel vs. The Undertaker & Bret Hart Falls Count Anywhere. However, an additional caveat was added: If Razor Ramon and Diesel lose, they could not challenge for the WWF Championship as long as Bret Hart was champion.

The match of course was a massive brawl, Diesel and Taker went after one another all match, the hatred spewing from their punches, while Razor and Bret attempted to have a semi-normal match that was full of piss and vinegar. The ending saw The Undertaker get a Jackknife powerbomb onto the Announcer's table, leaving Razor and Diesel to pounce 2-on-1 against Bret Hart. They nearly won too after a Jackknife and Razor's edge combo, but who should come back from... well... the dead, than THE UNDERTAKER!

With help from Paul Bearer's urn, The Undertaker gives Diesel another blast on the head with it, knocking him out stone cold. Taker, still wincing in pain from the Jackknife, brawls with Razor, who has a slight advantage. That is until Bret Hart finally recovers... but so does Diesel. The two of them stare each other down, with Diesel finally having enough and kicking Bret right between the legs. Diesel climbs out of the ring and grabs... a pair of handcuffs? Oh no...

Diesel stalks Bret in the ring and corners him, and prepares to cuff Bret to the ropes so that Diesel and Razor can work together. However, Bret, in an act of desperation, claws and bites at Diesel's eyes, incapacitating him for a second and allowing Bret the chance to enact some justice, as he grabs Taker's urn lying in the corner of the ring and twice in one match, Diesel is out cold. Bret believes that turnabout is fair play and so cuffs Diesel to the turnbuckle. Razor and Taker had still been brawling outside, but Razor had enough of a breather from Taker to realize what had just happened. Razor was now alone with two very pissed off men and his only support handcuffed to the turnbuckle.

Taker and Bret Hart would immediately descend on Razor, kicking the ever loving shit out of him and bloodying him up. The finish finally saw The Undertaker tombstone Razor in front of Diesel, who is desperately trying to tear off the handcuffs. Bret Hart locks on the sharpshooter, and Razor, so out of it, is unable to even submit... The ref has no choice but to declare the match for Bret Hart and The Undertaker...

The biggest rivalry that the WWF had seen in some time had finally concluded with Bret Hart raising the WWF Championship once again, and the Undertaker having wreaked some vengeance upon Diesel and Razor Ramon... or so it seemed. The rivalry wasn't quite finished yet, as the aftermath would show in the coming months... but that is for another time.
This is a power main event that gives me those Mega Powers vibes.

Bret Hart and Diesel have incredible chemistry and Hart and Taker always make good unlikely partners.

I can envision the brawling and it's glorious. Lots of good fuckery including the urn.

I am bit curious how strong the Diesel and Razor alliance can be now that neither can challenge the title and Taker seemingly won the rivalry.
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Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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Part 7:
The New Generation's Sunset


Following one of the biggest matches in Survivor Series history, Bret Hart comes out on RAW telling everyone exactly how he and The Undertaker defeated "The Bad Guys" Razor Ramon and Diesel. With Survivor Series over, Bret Hart announces that since Razor Ramon and Diesel lost, there is no official #1 contender... The Undertaker on the other would be taking some time off to heal up from his injuries.

Out comes Jim Cornette, who tells Bret Hart that he has a contender for the WWF Championship that Bret may be interested in. It's the one man that Hart has never been able to beat; the man that beat Bret Hart for the Intercontinental Championship three years ago... THE BRITISH BULLDOG!


For weeks leading up to In Your House 5, Jim Cornette and British Bulldog would try to convince Bret to take up his challenge. Two weeks before IYH 5, Bulldog had enough waiting and during a match between Bret and 1-2-3 Kid, attacked his brother-in-law viciously. Jim Cornette announced on the mic that Bret should have done things the easy way. The next week, Bret announced that he'd put his title on the line against Bulldog at IYH 5.

The match would see Bret use his technical skills to outmaneuver Bulldog, but Davey Boy Smith fighting back with his impressive strength. Jim Cornette stood at ring-side while Owen Hart was on commentary (since after losing at IYH 3, Owen teamed up with Bulldog, winning the WWF Tag Team Championships at Survivor Series). Owen even mentioned that he has zero intention of getting involved in the match as he knows that Bulldog will win... whatever that means...

Bret appeared to start a comeback, when out of nowhere, Bret dodged a clothesline from Bulldog... which hit the ref. That didn't stop Bret from coming back on Bulldog... while Jim Cornette and Owen Hart stay oddly stoic... Wait a minute!?


DIESEL AND RAZOR RAMON JUST FLEW INTO THE RING AND ARE ATTACKING BRET!!! Cornette is now laughing hysterically, and Owen is cheering on the carnage! Were the five men colluding to screw over Bret!? I DON'T BELIEVE IT! Jackknife Powerbomb, Razor's Edge, and British Bulldog's Powerslam seal the deal on Bret Hart... Razor and Diesel shake Bulldog's hand and vacates the ring as the ref begins to stir... and with that... THE BRITISH BULLDOG is your NEW WWF World Heavyweight Championship!

The next night on RAW, British Bulldog, Jim Cornette, and Owen Hart come out with Razor Ramon and Diesel to explain their actions. Razor claims that since they lost at Survivor Series, Razor and Diesel couldn't challenge for the WWF Championship *as long* as Bret was champion. Diesel tells the crowd that Jim Cornette offered them a deal to help British Bulldog win the championship... Jim Cornette confirms to everyone that the deal was that if Razor and Diesel helped Bulldog beat Bret at In Your House 5, that Razor *or* Diesel would get a WWF Title shot at the Royal Rumble.

Despite all of this, out came justice to prevail. WWF President Gorilla Monsoon tells the group that just because they thought it could work doesn't mean it *will* work. Instead, Razor and Diesel are *not* getting a WWF Championship title shot at the Royal Rumble... instead, Monsoon has something else planned for them...

For Razor Ramon, he is going to face up against Owen Hart at the Royal Rumble as punishment for both being involved. For Diesel, he's going to revisit an "old friend" when he faces... The Undertaker... in a No Holds Barred match. As for Bulldog? Bulldog will defend the WWF Championship in a rematch with Bret Hart... this time, any interference will not be tolerated... because if Razor, Diesel, Owen, or Jim Cornette appear at ring-side, Bulldog will FORFEIT the WWF Championship to Bret Hart *and* those who interfere will be FIRED.


With the Royal Rumble set up, Razor Ramon and Owen Hart fought to a no-contest, and actually served to grow tension between Camp Cornette and The Bad Guys, who now had zero reason to be allied with one another. Diesel fell to The Undertaker one final time, this time definitively. Meanwhile, Bret Hart and British Bulldog went about the way you'd expect. Bret Hart officially reclaimed the WWF Championship for the 4th time, joining the 4+ Club.

After the Royal Rumble, a rematch was announced for In Your House 6. During the match, Diesel and Razor Ramon appeared at ring-side, but instead of messing with Bret... they're jaw-jacking with Owen and Jim Cornette! It looks like the Bad Guys want a piece of Camp Cornette here! The British Bulldog is too distracted with all the commotion and... ROLL-UP! 1! 2! 3! BRET HART RETAINS!!!

Following the match, Bret Hart watches the scene unfolding as Jim Cornette and Owen Hart attempt to attack Bret, but Razor and Diesel interject and scare off Camp Cornette... they turn to Bret Hart, the man for whom they've had a blood feud for months now... and they... raise his arms? Unbelievably, The Bad Guys accept Bret as champion and now look to challenge Camp Cornette for the WWF Tag Team Championship at WrestleMania XII. With Bulldog behind him, Bret now looks to challenge the 1996 Royal Rumble winner...


Enter Shawn Michaels. For years, the man had risen slowly from a Tag Team performer to a long-time Intercontinental Champion; having won the 1996 Royal Rumble after entering #1, Shawn Michaels looks to challenge Bret Hart at WrestleMania XII. Shawn for so long had been told that he could never win the WWF Title; Bret tells Shawn that as long as he's champion, he won't lose to Shawn. Shawn and Bret both decide to put their money where their mouth is and cue one of the biggest matches in WrestleMania XII: Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart in an Ironman match for the WWF Championship.

Much like real-life, a boyhood dream would be realized, and much like real-life, Shawn Michaels would finally climb atop the mountain and become the World Wrestling Federation Champion. With this victory, Shawn Michaels now leads the WWF into a time that while still called The New Generation Era; it would become known in years later as "Pre-Attitude". That is for next time, however...


Next Time:

Buddy Rogers - 4/11/1963 - 5/17/1963 [36 Days]
Bruno Sammartino - 5/17/1963 - 1/18/1971 [2,803 Days]
Ivan Koloff - 1/18/1971 - 2/8/1971 [21 Days]
Pedro Morales - 2/8/1971 - 12/1/1973 [1,027 Days]
Stan Stasiak - 12/1/1973 - 12/10/1973 [9 Days]
Bruno Sammartino (2x) - 12/10/1973 - 4/30/1977 [1,237 Days]
Superstar Billy Graham - 4/30/1977 - 2/20/1978 [296 Days]
Bob Backlund - 2/20/1978 - 12/26/1983 [2,135 Days]
The Iron Sheik - 12/26/1983 - 1/23/1984 [28 Days]
Hulk Hogan - 1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
Andre The Giant - 2/5/1988 [<1 Day]
Vacant - 2/5/1988 - 3/27/1988
Randy Savage - 3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
Mr. Perfect - 8/29/1989 - 1/21/1990 [146 Days]
Hulk Hogan (2x) - 1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
The Ultimate Warrior - 4/1/1990 - 6/24/1990 [80 Days]
Rick Rude - 6/24/1990 - 8/27/1990 [64 Days]
The Ultimate Warrior (2x) - 8/27/1990 - 11/22/1990 [87 Days]
Earthquake - 11/22/1990 - 3/24/1991 [132 Days]
Hulk Hogan (3x) - 3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]
Jake Roberts - 8/26/1991 - 11/27/1991 [93 Days]
Randy Savage (2x) - 11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
Jake Roberts (2x) - 12/3/1991 - 1/19/1992 [47 Days]
Hulk Hogan (4x) - 1/19/1992 - 4/5/1992 [77 Days]
Ric Flair - 4/5/1992 - 6/21/1992 [78 Days]
Randy Savage (3x) - 6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]
Ric Flair (2x) - 8/29/1992 - 11/25/1992 [89 Days]
Randy Savage (4x) - 11/25/1992 - 1/24/1993 [61 Days]
Ric Flair (3x) - 1/24/1992 - 4/4/1993 [71 Days]
Hulk Hogan (5x) - 4/4/1993 - 6/13/1993 [71 Days]
Yokozuna - 6/13/1993 - 8/30/1993 [79 Days]
Lex Luger - 8/30/1993 - 1/22/1994 [146 Days]
Yokozuna (2x) - 1/22/1994 - 3/20/1994 [58 Days]
Bret Hart - 3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
Owen Hart - 8/29/1994 - 11/23/1994 [87 Days]
Bret Hart (2x) - 11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
Diesel - 1/22/1995 - 4/2/1995 [71 Days]
The Undertaker 4/2/1995 - 8/27/1995 [148 Days]
Razor Ramon - 8/27/1995 - 10/22/1995 [57 Days]
Bret Hart (3x) - 10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]
British Bulldog - 12/17/1995 - 1/21/1996 [36 Days]
Bret Hart (4x) - 1/21/1996 - 3/31/1996 [71 Days]
Shawn Michaels - 3/31/1996 - Current

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]

(4 Years, 7 Months, 26 Days)

Randy Savage:

3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]

(1 Year, 7 Months, 20 Days)

Ric Flair:

4/5/1992 - 6/21/1992 [78 Days]
8/29/1992 - 11/25/1992 [89 Days]
1/24/1992 - 4/4/1993 [71 Days]

(7 Months, 26 Days)

Bret Hart:

3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]

(9 Months, 8 Days)

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]

(4 Years, 10 Months, 11 Days)

Randy Savage:

3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]
11/25/1992 - 1/24/1993 [61 Days]

(1 Year, 9 Months, 20 Days)

Bret Hart:

3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]
1/21/1996 - 3/31/1996 [71 Days]

(11 Months, 18 Days)

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]
1/19/1992 - 4/5/1992 [77 Days]
4/4/1993 - 6/13/1993 [71 Days]

(5 Years, 21 Days)

Bruno Sammartino - 5/17/1963 - 1/18/1971 [2,803 Days]
Pedro Morales - 2/8/1971 - 12/1/1973 [1,027 Days]
Bruno Sammartino (2x) - 12/10/1973 - 4/30/1977 [1,237 Days]
Bob Backlund - 2/20/1978 - 12/26/1983 [2,135 Days]
Hulk Hogan - 1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
Randy Savage - 3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
Last edited:


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Def a tad weaker than the previous one but also a MUCH better version of Camp Cornette :mark:

Also pls do Vader right :homer:
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Sep 6, 2007
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Crawford County, GA
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Owen and Razor so far my favorites to get title runs in this.

Perfect close behind them.
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Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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Shawn Michaels being the start of the pre attitude era is a great idea hes def the star of future.


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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Part 8:


The new season begins in the WWF following what many historians consider the "end" of the New Generation Era and the beginning of what became nicknamed "Pre-Attitude". Shawn Michaels defeated Bret Hart for the WWF Championship at WrestleMania XII, and is now on the top of the mountain. However; a small dilemma has arrived in regards to the top contenders for the prestigious championship. There are no viable challengers.

Bret Hart has gone on hiatus, and is contemplating retirement from wrestling, The Bad Guys (Razor Ramon and Diesel) are the *new* WWF Tag Team Champions after defeating Davey Boy Smith and The British Bulldog, whom want their titles back. The Undertaker is currently busy with a new monster named Mankind, and thus Shawn Michaels' six best potential challengers are unable to answer the call.

However, for Shawn Michaels, Jim Cornette harkens back to one of his earliest clients, whom had been also on hiatus beforehand, but was ready to return: Yokozuna. Jim Cornette had obfuscated and vociferously claimed that Yokozuna was perhaps the best man to test the Heartbreak Kid on his first ever title match. Gorilla Monsoon demanded that Yokozuna prove himself by facing off against another former WWF Champion: Mr. Perfect. On the April 14th edition of RAW, Perfect and Yokozuna challenged in a #1 Contender's match for the WWF Championship; Shawn Michaels himself provided guest commentary to the match. That match saw Yokozuna defeat Perfect after Perfect was completely unable to hit the Perfect-Plex on the big man. Thus the match was set for In Your House 8: Yokozuna vs. Shawn Michaels.


At In Your House 8,
Shawn plays the champion-in-peril against the massive mountain of a man. However, that fighting spirit keeps him alive through thick and thin, and in spite of Yokozuna's best efforts, he can't keep Shawn down. The finish of the match sees Shawn beaten and broken by the big bruising offense of Yokozuna. Yoko proceeds to jump as high as he ever has for a big leg drop... BUT SHAWN GETS OUT OF THE WAY! Yoko crashes to the mat hard, landing on his rear-end and in massive pain. Shawn gets to his feet and starts stamping! The crowd is on their feet for Sweet Chin Music! Yoko stands up... BOOM! Yoko stands still for a few seconds, but eventually topples over like a big redwood tree, and Shawn immediately jumps onto the big man. 1... 2... KICK OUT!

Shawn and this crowd can't believe that Yokozuna had enough wherewithal to kick out after taking a massive Sweet Chin Music. Shawn gets to his feet and goes back to the corner, readying himself for another big superkick. Out comes *new* WWF Tag Team Champions British Bulldog and Owen Hart! Even after the war they just had with The Bad Guys, they are desperate to save their friend Yokozuna! They immediately pounce into the ring and converge on Shawn Michaels! Shawn Michaels is getting whooped like a government mule! Yokozuna has finally recovered enough and the three just continue to beat down the WWF Champion... UNTIL THE CAVALRY ARRIVES! THE BAD GUYS ARE HERE! Owen, Bulldog, and Yokozuna clear the ring as Razor Ramon and Diesel wield steel chairs and help their fallen comrade, who was busted open during the beatdown.

Following the Pay-Per-View, Shawn Michaels and The Bad Guys go out and talk about what happened at In Your House. Shawn declares that he may have won the match by DQ and successfully defended the title in his first run-around, but he was robbed of the opportunity to win the way he wanted it. He calls Jim Cornette's "band of thugs" gutless and without honor; he then mentions that *his* "band of thugs" may be thugs, but they will always stick by their friends through thick and thin, and that's Razor Ramon and Diesel. Razor and Diesel tell everyone that they have Shawn's back and come In Your House 8, they'll all be champions again.

Jim Cornette comes onto the Titantron and has a big smirk on his face. He demands that the trio put their money where their mouth is, and if they're so determined to get back at Camp Cornette, they'll sign this contract next week to a match at In Your House 8: Camp Cornette vs. Shawn Michaels and The Bad Guys. All three men agree to sign it next week in person. The next week on RAW, after all three men sign the contract, Jim Cornette drops a massive bombshell to shock the entire company: If Shawn Michaels and The Bad Guys lose... Razor Ramon and Diesel are *fired* from the WWF. The three men are absolutely livid and they fire up at WWF President Gorilla Monsoon. On the final RAW before In Your House 8, Monsoon does the most unpopular thing he has ever done, and states that the contract is legally binding, and that his hands are tied.


The moment comes for the Main Event of In Your House 8. In addition to being a six-man tag match between Shawn Michaels and The Bad Guys going against Yokozuna, Owen Hart, and The British Bulldog, it was revealed that it is also a No-DQ match. As such, the match breaks out into a big brawl: Shawn Michaels goes up against Yokozuna, British Bulldog against Diesel, and Razor Ramon and Owen going at it. In the middle of the match, there's an incredible spot where Yokozuna is lying on the mat, and Shawn places a chair on Yoko's head, and hits a flying elbow drop off the top rope onto the chair. All six guys are eventually busted open, and it appears that Shawn Michaels and The Bad Guys will win... but where did Jim Cornette go? Shawn Michaels and co. finally isolate Owen Hart, and he is absolutely demolished! SWEET CHIN MUSIC! JACKNIFE POWERBOMB! RAZOR'S EDGE!

Shawn goes for a pin, but Yokozuna and Bulldog are back in this! They break up the pin and start brawling with Razor and Diesel again on the outside of the ring, when suddenly... LOOK! THERE'S JIM CORNETTE! HE'S BROUGHT VADER WITH HIM! VADER CATCHES SHAWN MICHAELS BY SURPRISE AND POWERBOMBS HIM RIGHT ONTO THE MAT! Oh. My. God. Vader hits the Vader-bomb onto Shawn and throws Owen Hart's lifeless body right onto Shawn... Razor Ramon and Diesel have just noticed what's happening! The ref has no choice! 1... 2... RAZOR AND DIESEL ARE ALMOST THERE! BUT IT WASN'T FAST ENOUGH! OH MY GOD!!! RAZOR RAMON AND DIESEL ARE OUT OF THE WWF!


Immediately after the match, Yokozuna, British Bulldog, and Vader drag Owen Hart, the victor of the match, out of the ring as Diesel and Razor Ramon look on in complete disgust and dismay. They have been royally FUCKED over. The show ends with Shawn Michaels, Diesel, and Razor Ramon hugging each other one last time...

The next night on RAW (The same night on Nitro, a certain Bad Guy would appear unannounced),
Shawn Michaels would tell everyone just how he felt about his two best friends in the world being completely "fucked over by this company!" Vince McMahon on commentary can't believe in the words being used by Shawn in this utterly scathing promo. Shawn finally finishes that he wants Vader's ass as soon as possible. Jim Cornette comes out on the entry-way and tells Shawn that if he wants Vader so badly, he'll put his title on the line against every member of Camp Cornette until SummerSlam. Without even flinching, Shawn agrees to it, and says, "Come hell or high water, Jim, I'm going to kick Vader's ass!"

Up first is Yokozuna. In a match that would surprise nobody though, Shawn Michaels, through sheer force of will, defeated Yokozuna at King of the Ring 1996. Following the match, Shawn, to prove a point, throws the ref out of the ring and takes Jim Cornette's tennis racket. He stands over a downed Yokozuna and proceeds to smash him over the head with the racket. Vince McMahon on commentary goes absolutely nuts demanding that Shawn stop such brutal violence. Shawn finally leaves Yokozuna a broken and bloody mess before Owen Hart, British Bulldog, and Vader can get on the scene. This would officially be the last time Yokozuna would appear on WWF programming.


On the July 6th, 1996 episode of RAW, a special WWF Championship match between Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels would commence and it would be considered one of the best matches in RAW history. Shawn showed real anger and fire, something that had been lacking until after IYH8. Shawn would overcome the odds and defeat Owen with not one, but two Sweet Chin Musics for extra oomph. Shawn would be stopped from doing any further damage to Owen though, as British Bulldog and Vader were at ringside (though held back by security during the match, alongside Jim Cornette). This just left The British Bulldog at In Your House 9: International Incident.


At International Incident, Shawn would defend the title against British Bulldog. Once again, security sat at ringside to keep Vader, Jim Cornette, and Owen Hart from interfering with the match. The match would be an underrated classic as Shawn definitively defeated Bulldog by the skin of his teeth. The story was after the match though, as Owen hits the ring; Shawn pre-emptively smashes him with a Sweet Chin Music and so completely out cold are Bulldog and Owen. BUT VADER WAS HIDING THIS WHOLE TIME! SHAWN IS POWERLESS AGAINST VADER! Vader hits the powerbomb and the Vader-bomb onto Shawn... but he's not quite done yet. Vader throws Pat Patterson to the ground and steals his chair, goes back into the ring and smashes Shawn's ankle to bits! HE'S BROKEN SHAWN MICHAELS'S ANKLE! SHAWN IS WRITHING IN PAIN AND VADER IS LOVING EVERY SECOND OF IT!

The following RAW, Gorilla Monsoon announces that because of Vader's actions, Shawn Michaels has suffered a broken ankle and may have to forfeit the WWF Championship. Shawn Michaels himself comes out on crutches and a walking boot, getting right into the ring and demanding that Gorilla Monsoon doesn't force him to forfeit the title. Shawn declares that broken ankle or not, he wants Vader, not for himself, but for his friends. Gorilla Monsoon still argues that he has a job to do. Shawn, angered by Monsoon's threat, slaps him in the face, and declares that Gorilla Monsoon "ought to shut the hell up and stay off your high horse, if you know what's good for you". It's Shawn's very own manager and trainer Jose Lothario who calms him down and keeps him from snapping.

The following week on RAW, Gorilla Monsoon makes the decision that if Shawn really wants to do this, the match at SummerSlam will be a "Cleveland Street Fight", no DQs, falls count anywhere, and all weapons are legal. Jim Cornette and Vader taunt Shawn Michaels, telling him to heal up nice and quick because Vader's going to break Shawn's ankle again just because he can.


At SummerSlam, Jim Ross mentions on commentary that Shawn Michaels had been off the walking boot and crutches for a mere week. In the main event, Shawn Michaels looked to destroy the man who screwed Razor Ramon and Diesel and forced them out of the WWF: Vader. The match starts off with a big brawl and slowly devolves into a massive fight. In the seminal spot of the match, Shawn Michaels and Vader brawl near the ropes, with Shawn on the apron and Vader in the ring. Vader stuns Shawn for a second and runs into the ropes at full speed, sending SHAWN FLYING ONTO THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! SHAWN MICHAELS JUST WENT THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! JIM ROSS, VINCE MCMAHON, AND JERRY LAWLER ARE GOING MAD! Vader goes for a pin, but Shawn SOMEHOW kicks out!

The finish of the match sees Shawn mounting an incredible comeback despite all odds! Down goes Vader, and he prepares himself for the Sweet Chin Music! This crowd has been waiting for it for months, they want to see Shawn finally get some vengeance on Vader! He goes for the kick... BUT SHAWN HAS COLLAPSED IN AGONY! HIS ANKLE BUCKLED! His ankle gave out on him and Shawn Michaels is in major trouble! Vader seizes the opportunity and begins stomping hard on Shawn's ankle! Vader drags Shawn to the turnbuckle and smashes his ankle against it! Finally, heaves Shawn out of the ring, grabbing a chair and wrapping it around Shawn's ankle again! HE'S TWISTING SHAWN'S ANKLE WITH THE CHAIR! VADER IS TRYING TO RIP OFF SHAWN'S FOOT!

Shawn Michaels, in intense agony and pain, succumbs to his broken ankle and eventually passes out from the pain. The ref has no choice but to declare the match for... the *NEW* World Wrestling Federation Champion... VADER! After the match, Vader and Jim Cornette celebrate their title victory over Shawn Michaels, and Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith come out as well to celebrate; the three loom over Shawn and it looks like they're about to attack Shawn again when suddenly...


SYCHO SID IS HERE! SID IS AT SUMMERSLAM AND HE WANTS A PIECE OF VADER! Camp Cornette vacate the ring and leave as Sycho Sid, wielding a long iron chain and protecting Jose Lothario and the injured Shawn Michaels. The next night on RAW, Jim Cornette and Vader demand that Sid is fired from the WWF for ruining the greatest moment of his life. Gorilla Monsoon says that, instead of firing Sid, he's going to reward Sid as punishment for Vader purposely attempting to retire Shawn Michaels. So at In Your House: Buried Alive (Mind Games and Buried Alive will be switched around), Vader will defend the WWF Championship against Sycho Sid.

At Buried Alive, Sycho Sid and Vader face off against one another in a big damn hoss match. Power moves galore as these two big galoots just beat the ever-loving crap out of each other. In the end though, even with Jose Lothario in his corner, Sid cannot overcome the damn problems made by Jim Cornette, Owen Hart, and Davey Boy Smith at ringside. He is screwed out of the WWF Championship after Davey Boy Smith distracts the ref, and Owen Hart smashes Sid right between the legs with the Tennis Racket, setting up Vader to hit the Vader-bomb and retain the title.

The next RAW, Gorilla Monsoon has enough of Camp Cornette continuing to ruin pay-per-view after pay-per-view, and unilaterally declares that at the next Pay-Per-View, In Your House: Mind Games, Jim Cornette and company are banned from ringside in the rematch between Sid and Vader, and once again, any interference will result in termination from their WWF Contracts. Not only that, a new #1 Contender will be announced; and since Mankind defeated the Undertaker in the Buried Alive match at the pay-per-view, he is eligible to compete... the other man, of course, is Shawn Michaels, who will be back from injury by Mind Games.


We finally arrive at In Your House: Mind Games, and with the extra stipulations added, it becomes nothing but a big brawl between Sid and Vader. Sid looks to have the advantage, but as he prepares for a chokeslam, Vader pushes him right into the ref! The ref is down, and now Vader sees an opening! LOW BLOW! VADER JUST LOW BLOWED SID! Vader takes out Sid with a clothesline and quickly hits the Vader-bomb! He isn't done though, because the ref is still down! Vader goes outside and takes a chair, setting it on Sid's head! VADER-BOMB ONTO THE CHAIR! OH MY GOD! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, DAMMIT!

Vader throws the chair out as the ref recovers and pins a completely still Sid. 1... 2... 3... Vader retains but he damn well may have injured another wrestler. Vader celebrates in the ring like he just won the presidency; suddenly out of nowhere comes SHAWN MICHAELS! SWEET CHIN MUSIC! VADER IS DOWN! SHAWN MICHAELS JUST MADE VADER PAY, AND THE NEW #1 CONTENDER IS GOING TO GET A REMATCH AT SURVIVOR SERIES!


Shawn Michaels discusses over the next few weeks how Vader injuring him and taking his WWF Championship made him realize that he knows Vader is scared to face him one-on-one in a normal match where the playing field is even. He says that at Survivor Series, Shawn Michaels is going to "drag your fat-ass carcass all over the ring and beat you into a fucking corpse". Jim Cornette and Vader laugh off these idle threats and tells Shawn that he and Jose Lothario better get ready for Survivor Series, because a surprise may be coming their way.

At Survivor Series, Shawn Michaels and Vader have a hell of a match. Over the course of the match, Jim Cornette only grins and shouts at Jose Lothario; the commentary team question what the "surprise" for Shawn and Jose is. Finally, Shawn Michaels SMASHES Vader with the biggest Sweet Chin Music we have ever seen! SHAWN MIGHT WIN THE MATCH... Wait!? What is Sycho Sid doing out here!? Shawn just notices Sid and is confused... but not for long as SID IS ATTACKING JOSE LOTHARIO!

Shawn Michaels cannot believe what it happening! SID CHOKELSAMS JOSE ONTO THE CONCRETE! WHAT THE HELL!?!? Shawn Michaels immediately dives to the outside to stop Sid, but the damage is done; Sid walks away, laughing and pointing at Jim Cornette, who has a shit-eating grin on his face. Shawn consoles his fallen mentor, but the match is still going on! Vader attacks a distracted Shawn and throws him into the ring for a powerbomb! VADER-BOMB! SHAWN JUST GOT SCREWED AGAIN!

On RAW, Sycho Sid explains his actions clearly, he was offered an opportunity to become the #1 contender for the WWF Championship; all he had to do was hurt Jose Lothario. He doesn't apologize to Shawn Michaels, because Shawn knew that Sid would do whatever it took to win the WWF Championship. Camp Cornette confirms that they had arranged a conspiracy to screw over Shawn Michaels yet again. Gorilla Monsoon is right on the scene and laughs in the face of Jim Cornette yet again, telling him that it frankly isn't going to happen. Instead, Shawn Michaels and Sycho Sid will face off in a #1 Contender's match for the WWF Championship... and as for Vader? Vader will be going up against the *new* #1 Contender, the man who returned and beat the 1996 King of the Ring Steve Austin at Survivor Series: Bret Hart.


For weeks, Camp Cornette protested the decision made by WWF President Gorilla Monsoon, but they were essentially powerless. Bret Hart would say that now that Steve Austin is defeated, he could focus on the WWF Championship, and at In Your House: It's Time, Bret Hart will defeat Vader. However, Steve Austin would say he wasn't done with Bret by a long-shot.

At WWF In Your House: It's Time, Shawn Michaels defeated Sid Vicious, getting revenge for the attack on Jose Lothario, and in the main event, Vader and Bret Hart put on a classic. The momentum continually shifts throughout the match and by the end of it, both men are barely hanging on by a thread. Bret looks like he's about to finally get something done, when suddenly... LOOK! STEVE AUSTIN! STEVE AUSTIN JUST ATTACKED BRET HART! THE REF IS CALLING FOR THE BELL! Following the match, pandemonium breaks out, Shawn Michaels comes out to a massive pop and he starts attacking Vader, Steve Austin and Bret Hart brawl on the outside, and Jim Cornette is holding onto the WWF Championship for dear life!

Bret Hart bemoans the fact that Steve Austin screwed him over at the Pay-Per-View, and since Gorilla Monsoon won't grant him a rematch at the Royal Rumble, he's going to enter the Royal Rumble match and prove everyone wrong. Steve Austin says that come hell or high water, he will not allow Bret Hart to win the Royal Rumble. Shawn Michaels is coming after Vader and the WWF Championship, but this time, he has a surprise for Camp Cornette. At the Royal Rumble, Vader and Shawn Michaels will compete... IN A STEEL CAGE MATCH! Vader doesn't seem worried, but Jim Cornette sure as shit is.

At the Royal Rumble, Vader and Shawn step foot into the dreaded steel cage, and before you know it, blood is flowing like wine! Shawn Michaels has busted open Vader! Vader fights a tough fight, but he is outmatched by the intense anger and hatred that Shawn has built up over the last 10 months. Look! Out comes Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith! They knock over the ref and climb through the door... BUT SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON OWEN HART CAUSES OWEN'S HEAD TO SMASH DAVEY BOY SMITH'S! THEY'RE BOTH KNOCKED OUT! THE DOOR IS WIDE OPEN! SHAWN DIVES OUT OF THE RING! SHAWN WINS! SHAWN WINS THE WWF CHAMPIONSHIP! This crowd in San Antonio, Texas, has gone ELECTRIC!


After the pay-per-view, on RAW, Bret Hart comes out on live television, and declares that he was not only screwed in the WWF Championship match against Vader in December, but he was screwed by Steve Austin in the 1997 Royal Rumble match; since the WWF won't change the decision in his favor... he quits. Steve Austin "bemoans" the fate of Bret Hart as a quitter and a whiny bitch. However, Gorilla Monsoon notes that while he cannot change past results (meaning Steve Austin *is* the 1997 Royal Rumble winner), he can change the future. He declares that due to several unforeseen events at the Royal Rumble, he is going to make a blockbuster match at In Your House: The Final Fight, one that may never be seen again: A six-man match for the WWF Championship! WWF Champion
Shawn Michaels and Vader will compete in the match, and so will the final four combatants at the Royal Rumble: Steve Austin, Bret Hart, The Undertaker, and Sycho Sid.

The match at the pay-per-view is absolute pandemonium, as all six men respectively fight against each of their rivals: Shawn and Vader, Sid and Taker, and Bret and Austin. The finish of the match sees Sid taking out everyone except Bret, who takes him down and manages to lock in the Sharpshooter! WILL BRET WIN!? The answer is a resounding NO, as Steve Austin just brought a chair in the ring and whacked Bret with it! Austin slams the chair down and turns around INTO SWEET CHIN MUSIC! SHAWN JUST FLATTENED AUSTIN! Shawn looks like he's ready to pin Austin, BUT HERE COMES VADER! Vader tosses The Heartbreak Kid out of the ring but turns around into a MASSIVE Chokeslam by UNDERTAKER! TAKER GETS PILEDRIVEN BY BRET HART! BRET IS GOING TO WIN..!? NOOOOO! POWERBOMB BY SID! SID HAS BRET PINNED! 1... 2... 3...!? SYCHO SID IS THE WWF CHAMPION!


The aftermath is something to behold, as Sid holds the WWF Championship up high, Shawn Michaels looks dismayed, Vader angrily slams his hands on the mat and shouts insults at Shawn. Steve Austin looks pissed, and Bret Hart, who took the brunt of everything, crawls out of the ring and looks like he's ready to kill Austin. There is only one man who stands up to Sid... The Undertaker. Taker stares daggers into Sid, and Sid stares back.

Following this Pay-Per-View, the stage was set for WrestleMania 13. Shawn Michaels would face off against Vader in a Grudge Match. Steve Austin and Bret Hart would face off in a Submission Match. As for the WWF Championship? It would be none other than The Undertaker facing off against Sycho Sid. On the March 17th edition of RAW, Bret Hart would have one last chance at walking into WrestleMania as the WWF Champion, when he faces off against Sid in a Steel Cage match... Steve Austin interferes on behalf of Bret, but UNDERTAKER SLAMS THE CAGE DOOR INTO BRET! BRET HAS BEEN SCREWED YET AGAIN! It is here where we finally see Bret Hart snap at Vince McMahon, with the infamous quote, "Frustrated isn't the God damn word for it! This is bullshit!", ending the show with the famous brawl between Sid/Taker and Bret/Austin.

At WrestleMania 13, Shawn Michaels finally defeats Vader to put an end to the rivalry between Shawn Michaels and Camp Cornette. In the Submission match, the same as reality happens, with Bret Hart defeating Steve Austin in arguably the match of the show. Then in the main event, we see The Undertaker defeat Sid Vicious for the WWF Championship. The Undertaker has claimed the WWF Championship for the second time in his career. It was the perfect end to what was known as "Pre-Attitude". The lines began to be blurred, and the language more profane. The matches became more high risk, and bloodier than ever. How would The Undertaker lead the WWF into the new era: The Attitude Era?


Next Time:

Part 9:
The Rise of Attitude
Buddy Rogers - 4/11/1963 - 5/17/1963 [36 Days]
Bruno Sammartino - 5/17/1963 - 1/18/1971 [2,803 Days]
Ivan Koloff - 1/18/1971 - 2/8/1971 [21 Days]
Pedro Morales - 2/8/1971 - 12/1/1973 [1,027 Days]
Stan Stasiak - 12/1/1973 - 12/10/1973 [9 Days]
Bruno Sammartino (2x) - 12/10/1973 - 4/30/1977 [1,237 Days]
Superstar Billy Graham - 4/30/1977 - 2/20/1978 [296 Days]
Bob Backlund - 2/20/1978 - 12/26/1983 [2,135 Days]
The Iron Sheik - 12/26/1983 - 1/23/1984 [28 Days]
Hulk Hogan - 1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
Andre The Giant - 2/5/1988 [<1 Day]
Vacant - 2/5/1988 - 3/27/1988
Randy Savage - 3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
Mr. Perfect - 8/29/1989 - 1/21/1990 [146 Days]
Hulk Hogan (2x) - 1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
The Ultimate Warrior - 4/1/1990 - 6/24/1990 [80 Days]
Rick Rude - 6/24/1990 - 8/27/1990 [64 Days]
The Ultimate Warrior (2x) - 8/27/1990 - 11/22/1990 [87 Days]
Earthquake - 11/22/1990 - 3/24/1991 [132 Days]
Hulk Hogan (3x) - 3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]
Jake Roberts - 8/26/1991 - 11/27/1991 [93 Days]
Randy Savage (2x) - 11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
Jake Roberts (2x) - 12/3/1991 - 1/19/1992 [47 Days]
Hulk Hogan (4x) - 1/19/1992 - 4/5/1992 [77 Days]
Ric Flair - 4/5/1992 - 6/21/1992 [78 Days]
Randy Savage (3x) - 6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]
Ric Flair (2x) - 8/29/1992 - 11/25/1992 [89 Days]
Randy Savage (4x) - 11/25/1992 - 1/24/1993 [61 Days]
Ric Flair (3x) - 1/24/1992 - 4/4/1993 [71 Days]
Hulk Hogan (5x) - 4/4/1993 - 6/13/1993 [71 Days]
Yokozuna - 6/13/1993 - 8/30/1993 [79 Days]
Lex Luger - 8/30/1993 - 1/22/1994 [146 Days]
Yokozuna (2x) - 1/22/1994 - 3/20/1994 [58 Days]
Bret Hart - 3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
Owen Hart - 8/29/1994 - 11/23/1994 [87 Days]
Bret Hart (2x) - 11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
Diesel - 1/22/1995 - 4/2/1995 [71 Days]
The Undertaker 4/2/1995 - 8/27/1995 [148 Days]
Razor Ramon - 8/27/1995 - 10/22/1995 [57 Days]
Bret Hart (3x) - 10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]
British Bulldog - 12/17/1995 - 1/21/1996 [36 Days]
Bret Hart (4x) - 1/21/1996 - 3/31/1996 [71 Days]
Shawn Michaels - 3/31/1996 - 8/18/1996 [140 Days]
Vader - 8/18/1996 - 1/19/1997 [154 Days]
Shawn Michaels (2x) - 1/19/1997 - 2/16/1997 [28 Days]
Sycho Sid - 2/16/1997 - 3/23/1997 [35 Days]
The Undertaker (2x) - 3/23/1997 - Current

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]

(4 Years, 7 Months, 26 Days)

Randy Savage:

3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]

(1 Year, 7 Months, 20 Days)

Ric Flair:

4/5/1992 - 6/21/1992 [78 Days]
8/29/1992 - 11/25/1992 [89 Days]
1/24/1992 - 4/4/1993 [71 Days]

(7 Months, 26 Days)

Bret Hart:

3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]

(9 Months, 8 Days)

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]

(4 Years, 10 Months, 11 Days)

Randy Savage:

3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
11/27/1991 - 12/3/1991 [6 Days]
6/21/1992 - 8/29/1992 [70 Days]
11/25/1992 - 1/24/1993 [61 Days]

(1 Year, 9 Months, 20 Days)

Bret Hart:

3/20/1994 - 8/29/1994 [163 Days]
11/23/1994 - 1/22/1995 [61 Days]
10/22/1995 - 12/17/1995 [57 Days]
1/21/1996 - 3/31/1996 [71 Days]

(11 Months, 18 Days)

Hulk Hogan:

1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
1/21/1990 - 4/1/1990 [70 Days]
3/24/1991 - 8/26/1991 [155 Days]
1/19/1992 - 4/5/1992 [77 Days]
4/4/1993 - 6/13/1993 [71 Days]

(5 Years, 21 Days)

Bruno Sammartino - 5/17/1963 - 1/18/1971 [2,803 Days]
Pedro Morales - 2/8/1971 - 12/1/1973 [1,027 Days]
Bruno Sammartino (2x) - 12/10/1973 - 4/30/1977 [1,237 Days]
Bob Backlund - 2/20/1978 - 12/26/1983 [2,135 Days]
Hulk Hogan - 1/23/1984 - 2/5/1988 [1,474 Days]
Randy Savage - 3/27/1988 - 8/29/1989 [521 Days]
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Holy shit man another awesome write up. Love this version of Camp Cornette's push and also how you did the 6-man match instead of a final four like real life for the IYH before WM 13.

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