My predictions/hopes:
30 participants. RAW/Smackdown/NXT/Returns/Others (e.g. MYC competitors)
Becky wins and challenges Alexa for the title
The match will be okay but nothing special
A fair call...but I doubt Becky would challenge Alexa...seeing as they are on different
brands & the Becky/Alexa feud dragged on for long enough last year & early this year.
I doubt the WWE would use this first ever Rumble match to step up a match we have
already seen before AND a match that has never really been that good to watch...and
yes...most of that blame goes to Alexa.
BIGGEST match the WWE could set up would be...
Ronda Rousey vs. Charlotte vs. Asuka...and they could easily book
it through this "Mania" season.
Simply have Asuka SQUASH Alexa for the title between now & the
Rumble...Charlotte retains her title at her Rumble title defense, Ronda
enters the Rumble match & wins it...and instead of challenging one
Champion...she challenges both of them.
Ronda Rousey vs. Charlotte vs. Asuka at Wrestlemania...if Ronda
pins either women...she becomes that brands champion...if Asuka
or Charlotte pin each other...they Unify the titles (which won't happen)
and just to keep the excitement at an all time high...Carmella cashes
in during the match...pinning or submitting Charlotte to keep Asuka
undefeated & Ronda protected.
Then you book Ronda vs. Asuka 1 on 1 to main event for the first RAW
pay per view after Wrestlemania (Payback?) while Charlotte feuds with
Carmella for the title on SmackDown.
Done & Dusted...Book that WWE!