Total Divas The Comedy Wrestling Alliance {The C Tier Sim League by Blaine}

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Dirk Dickbutt

Dec 3, 2020
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Jersey Championship!


Ariel vs Rhea Ripley! ~ Qualifier

Winner: Rhea Ripley after reversing a Hurricanrana into a Powerbomb. Ripley then deadlifted Ariel and laid her out with a Riptide!

Round 1 Match!

Becky Lynch vs Jillian Hall

Winner: Jillian Hall after busting Lynch open with a boot, she rolled up the man to move on.

Round 1 Match

Stephanie McMahon vs Demon Allie

Winner: Stephanie McMahon after hitting Allie with a Pedigree.

Round 1 Match!

Maki Itoh vs Rhea Ripley

Winner: Maki Itoh after rolling up Rhea Ripley with the Breast Plex

Round 1 Match!

Lita vs Chyna

Winner: Lita after hitting Chyna with two Twist Of Fates and a Moonsault!

At The Royal Rumble, it will be Maki Itoh vs Stephanie McMahon and Lita vs Jillian Hall. Itoh and Hall have been offered contracts for the CWA! Royal Rumble coming to you soon


Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Maki Itoh mada fakas!

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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@Blaine gonna have an aneurism when Maki wins the title

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Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Dirk Dickbutt

Dec 3, 2020
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The Royal Rumble


Match Card!

Kenny Omega and Johnny Gargano vs Roman Reigns and Funaki

Tag Team Titles
X-Factor {c} w/ X Pac vs The Brood w/ Gangrel

The Debut
Natural Disasters w/ Simon Dean vs Tokyo Paris

30-Man Royal Rumble for the CWA Title
w/ Andy Kaufman as #30, RVD as CWA Champ, Dan Severn and Disco Inferno, Orange Cassidy, Mosh and Thrasher, Kobald , Rhea Ripley, Kenny Omega and Johnny Gargano, Roman Reigns and Funaki, Renee Dupree, Jeff and Matt Hardy, Scott Steiner, Triple H, The Miz, Gillberg, R Truth, Spanky, Shockmaster, The Rock, Dean Malenko, Eric Young, Crimson, Jesse Neal, Spark Plug Holly, Jon Moxley

Final 4 Match
Maki Itoh vs Stephanie McMahon

Final 4 Match
Jillian Hall vs Lita

:SUPWC Title Match:
Steel Cage
Barry Horowitz {c} vs Kizarny

Dirk Dickbutt

Dec 3, 2020
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The Royal Rumble!

Your Moms Garage!

Pre Show:

Winner: Kizarny after throwing Horowitz headfirst in the cage. Horowitz stumbled backwards into a Rear Naked Choke. Kizarny would choke Horowitz out for the win.

Following the match, Mosh and Thrasher would come out and start beating on the cage. The pairing tried to climb the cage, which lead to KIzarny going for the door. The ref fumbled with the keys, which allowed Horowitz to roll up Kizarny for a shocking 1 2 3

New SUPWC Champ: Barry Horowitz

Horowitz managed to kick open the door and escape

Main Show:

Winner: NC
after Simon Dean attacked the referee when Suzuki was in control. The Natural Disasters would proceed to batter Tokyo Paris with slams and power, cultivating in their big splash/seated senton combo onto Dupree. The referee would get up as The Natural Disasters left with Simon Dean

Winner: Stephanie McMahon after Maki Itoh refused to let go of a Knee Bar while Steph was grabbing ropes. After the match, Maki Itoh would flip off the referee before giggling.

Barry Horowitz made his way into your moms kitchen, grabbing an apple. But the apple shot out some mist. A Man in a clown suit wiped his face paint off. WOAH! IT'S R TRUTH! Truth grabbed a full coke can and slammed it on Horowitz's head. NOT LIKE THIS! Truth covered Horowitz for the SUPWC Title.

New SUPWC Champ: R Truth

Truth would eat the apple then, and he passed out. Turns out it was rotten. Gillberg came in and pinned R Truth.

New SUPWC Champ: Gillberg

Winner: X Factor after Albert throws Robbie E onto Gangrel from the outside. X Factor would then hit Tajiri with a Spinebuster/Neckbreaker Combo to retain.

Winner: Jillian Hall after she reversed a Moonsault from Lita into a Makeshift Codebreaker. Jillian would then lock in a Boston Crab to make Lita tap out. In June @ The King Of Extreme Tournament, Jillian/Stephanie will face off for the right to be called CWA Jersey Champion

Winners: Kenny Omega and Johnny Gargano after Gargano and Reigns took each other out. Reigns speared Gargano through the barricade, leaving Funaki and Omega alone. The two fought until Funaki had Omega down. He went for a Rising Sun. BUT COUNTER! OMEGA PULLS FUNAKI ONTO HIS SHOULDERS! ONE WINGED ANGEL! 1 2 3!

Post match, Omega would cut a promo on how the Kingdom Title will be combined with the CWA Title

#1 Triple H
#2 Kobald

Kobald and HHH started off by battering each other, cultivating in a double knee strike to the head. Hunter would be the first up, hitting Kobald with a Spinebuster. Hunter would then work on Kobald's leg, stomping on it. And now it was time for number 3!

#3 Dan Severn

Severn made his way into the ring and hit HHH with a brutal haymaker. Kobald got up and stumbled to Russo's Bodyguard. Severn didn't take this lightly and began to choke Kobald out with a Chickenwing. HHH got back to his feet and hit Severn with a lariet. Afterwards, he hit Severn with a Scoop Slam Backbreaker. As Hunter had his back turned to Kobald, the leader of The Batiri would hit Hunter with a cross chop to the back. And then an Irish Whip Superkick. Now it's time for number 4.

#4 The Miz

The Miz was out next entering the ring to see Kobald and a now up Severn. Kobald charged at Miz, who slid under the bottom rope. Kobald was leaning on the ropes, so Severn attempted to dump him out. Kobald would hang out though, nailing Severn in the back of the head. Miz made his way to the ring and reached under it. He pulls out .... a table? Miz slid the table in as Severn and Kobald were fighting. Miz climbed into the ring and set the table up. Hunter had just gotten up as Miz made his way to him. Miz slammed HHH headfirst into the table, before trying to push him up onto it. Hunter fought back as #5 came in.

#5 Kenny Omega

Here's Kenny Omega! Kingdom Championship in hand, Omega entered the ring and hit HHH with a V Trigger. Miz attempted to attack him, V-Trigger. Severn turned his attention to Omega, V-Trigger. Kobald was on the apron as Omega ran at him. V-Trig- WAIT! Kobald pulled the ropes down. Omega just skinned the cat, barely dangling on. Kobald rolled under the ropes and went for a baseball slide dropkick. Omega pulled himself over the top rope as Kobald flew straight under the ropes. Omega ricocheted off the other ropes and OMG! Suicide Dive! The crowd was electric as Omega threw Kobald in the ring. As Omega followed, Miz began to stomp on the Kingdom Champion. One Miz-DDT Later and Omega was out. And number 6 was next.

#6 Shockmaster

Shockmaster ... WAIT THAT'S NOT SHOCKMASTER! THAT'S RANDY ORTON. Orton entered the ring and we has RKOs a-Blazing. The other five were down as Orton made his way to Kobald. HANGMANS DDT! Orton then picked up Omega and hit him with his signature slam. Orton would then turn into a massive clothesline from Hunter. Hunter began to nail shots in at Orton, before lifting the Viper up and hitting him with a Spinebusted. Severn and Miz were fighting near the table, with Miz attempting to suplex Severn into it. And Kobald/Omega were still down. Number 7!

#7 Mosh

Mosh entered the frey with a huge pop. Mosh came into the ring and hit HHH, Severn, and Miz with brutal headbutts. Mosh then picked up Kobald and hit a Pumphandle Facebuster. Mosh was on a roll, but Omega ruined that. Omega threw Mosh over the top rope, where Mosh landed on the apron. Omega hit a Superkick, but Mosh hung on through sheer will. Before Omega could follow up, he was nailed in the back of the head with the Kingdom Championship. Orton stood over Omega before picking him and laying him out with an RKO. Miz got to his feet and leaned on the table for support. BUT HHH WALKS UP TO HIM! MIZ GETS SPINEBUSTERED THROUGH THE TABLE! HHH fell to the side of Miz as Severn was working Kobald in the corner. Mosh got back into the ring and rested in the corner. Number 8 now!

#8 Thrasher

THRASHER IS HERE! Mosh had a visible smirk on his face as Thrasher made his way to the ring. Thrasher entered the ring and helped Mosh up. Kobald was on the apron as Severn backed up into The Headbangers. The Headbangers would throw Severn into Kobald, tripping him up. As Severn bounced back, the Headbangers hit him with a double Russian Leg Sweep. Kobald was struggling to stand up as Omega got up. AND THIS TIME IT HIT! OMEGA V-TRIGGERS KOBALD ON THE APRON! Kobald stumbled on the apron a bit before falling off and hitting the floor below.

1st Elimination: Kobald { 10:02} [By: Kenny Omega]

Omega would then turn into a Double Superkick from The Headbangers. The head bangers would then go after Dan Severn, who locked in a double Beast Choker. Oh look! Number 9!

#9 The Rock

Here comes Dwayne Johnson. The Rock brang the slamma to the hamma and hit Miz with a Double Decker Spinebuster Ramma. Rock would then hit Dan Severn with a big Boot. HHH made his way over to the Rock as Kenny Omega stared them down. Before HHH and Rock could attack Miz got back into the fray and hit them both with a Clothesline. Orton would then slither and go after Mosh and Thrasher. Orton. I can't think of anything else ... queue in number 10.

#10 Jon Moxley

Moxley is here! Moxley came out with a neck brace. Moxley entered the ring as Miz looked at him. Then Mox took off his neck brace. AND NAILS MIZ WITH IT! Miz falls on the floor limp as Kenny Omega stares at him. The two go face to face. They go to punch each other. WHAT THE HECK! TOO SWEET! TOO SWEET! MOXLEY AND OMEGA ARE ALLIGNED! Omega and Moxley go ham on everyone. Knee Strikes, Superkicks, Suplexes, even a One Winged Angel onto Thrasher. The two waited for the next entrant.

#11 Gillberg

THE ROYAL RUMBLE HAS GOTTEN BRUTAL! Gillberg entered the ring and well. Speared Mosh. Gillberg would then go face to Face with Omega and Moxley. Then Gillberg ate an RKO lmao. Orton would then stare down Omega. Omega went for a OWA, Orton RKO'd him instead. Moxley attempted to lock Orton in the Paradign Shift, but Orton reversed it. CRANKS HIS ARM! ORTON THROWS MOX OUT! MOX IS ELIMINATED!

2nd Elimination: Jon Moxley {15:46} [By: Randy Orton]

Omega, angry, tried to dump out Orton. But Orton hung on to the ropes. Gillberg stood up but ate a chair shot from BARRY HOROWITZ! Horowitz covered Gillberg to be the NEW SUPWC CHAMP

#12 Matt Hardy

Out came Matt. Orton slithered back into the ring to greet Matt as he entered. AND CLOTHESLINE! ORTON ELIMINATES MATT! Matt looks shocked as he was barely in the ring.

3rd Elimination: Matt Hardy {16:37} [By: Randy Orton]

Orton would be distracted long enough for MOSH TO DUMP OUT ORTON! OH MY GOD!

4th Elimination: Randy Orton {16:42} [By: Mosh]

Mosh went back and began to work on The Rock. Rock was leaning on the ropes as Mosh went for a clothesline. BUT MOSH TRIPS! Mosh missed rock completely and tripped over the top rope. Bye Mosh!

5th Elimination: Mosh {16:57} [By: Mosh]

Rock was confused and Thrasher was angry. So Thrasher dumped Rock out.

6th Elimination: The Rock {17:12} [By: Thrasher]

#13 Spanky

Spanky was up next. Spanky hoped into the ring and went after HHH. Severn was busy choking out the Miz and Omega was fighting Thrasher. Severn got done with Miz and went for a Beast Choker on Gillberg. BUT GILLBERG POWERS IT UP! Gillberg deadlifts Severn up and dumps him out. Goodbye!

7th Eliminated: Dan Severn {18:29} [By: Gillberg]

Nothing else of note really happened, besides a reversal of a sliced bread into a powerslam from HHH. And uhh

#14 RVD as CWA Champ

RVD came out all mad and all. The CWA Champion entering this early meant good signs for the later competitors. RVD began to throws weapons in the ring. Chairs, Thumbtack Bags, Tables, and a Sledgehammer. RVD entered the ring staring down HHH. Who now had the sledgehammer. RVD tried to plee with Hunter, but Hunter was hit by a running Headbutt by Thrasher. HHH was busted open now. Thrasher then grabbed a chair and went to whack Omega over the head. BUT OMEGA V-TRIGGER IT! Thrasher fell to the floor before Kenny Omega got face to face with RVD. Omega said he was the greater champ. So the two began to fight. Lookie here a shiny number 15!

#15 R Truth

R Truth came down to the ring. Truth entered the ring and was met with a Sledgehammer to the head. A bloody HHH stared down Truth, before picking him up. He had him in the pedigree hold! BUT WHAT THE HECK! Spanky grabbed a chair and whacked HHH over the head. HHH stumbled on the ropes. SPANKY LIFTS HHH UP! SPANKY ELIMINATES HUNTER HEARST HELMSLEY!

8th Eliminated: Triple H {21:31} [By: Spanky]

Spanky looks shocked ... so does HHH. RVD is laughing while stomping on Omega. And uhh nothing else happened. NUMBER 16!

#16 Dean Malenko

Malenko came out. Miz wanted a piece of Malenko, but Malenko backed away. Miz decided to throw R Truth outta the ring as a message.

9th Eliminated: R Truth {22:49} [By: Miz]

Miz would be distracted enough for Malenko to enter the ring. Malenko and Miz began to pound at each other. Miz however would hit Malenko with a low blow. Miz then clotheslined Malenko outta the ring. Thrasher then became behind Miz and attempted to dump Miz out! BUT SCISSORS HIS TORSO! THRASHER IS OUT!

10th Eliminated: Dean Malenko {23:04}
11th Eliminated: Thrasher {23:12}

Miz began to chant that "He's awesome". Listen, I don't know how he got 3 eliminations it wasn't even a purge round. Miz turned into a V-Trigger. Number 17!

#17 Eric Young

Young entered and went hay on everyone ... except Kenny Omega. EY teased a Too Sweet, but Knee to the gut! EY hit Omega with a Piledriver, before being taken out by RVD.

#18 Scott Steiner

Steiner entered the fray and hit RVD with a spinebuster. Steiner then eliminated Eric Young with a Powerbomb to the outside. Omega tried to eliminate Steiner, but was fought off. Oh yeah ... now Miz is busted open due to a spear/superkick combo from Gillberg and Spanky.

#19 Spark Plug Holly

Holly came to the ring and set up a table on the outside. Holly then entered and set up a table on the inside. Steiner and Omega were fighting and Gillberg/Spanky were fighting with Miz. Holly picked RVD up and laid him through the table with a uranage.

#20 Roman Reigns

Out came Roman Reigns. Reigns entered the ring and laid out Steiner. He then hit Omega with an uppercut to a superman punch. Reigns would continue to attack Omega. Holly is trying to eliminate RVD while Miz fights off Gillberg and Spanky.

#21 Johnny Gargano

Out came Gargano, bent on going after Reigns. Gargano superkicked Reigns, allowing him and Omega to get the advantage. They would Too Sweet each other and hit Reigns with a Golden Trigger.

#22 Disco Inferno

Inferno was up next. Inferno entered and went after Spanky. Miz took Gillberg down and turned to Omega/Gargano. Miz went after the two, attacking them. Holly and Steiner were brawling and RVD was getting to his feet.

#23 Crimson

Out came Crimson. Crimson entered and speared RVD. Crimson would then lay out the lest of the ring except Gillberg. Gillberg and Crimson would fight. Reigns got up and speared Gargano.

#24 Orange Cassidy

The sly Orange Cassidy was next. OC entered and swept Gillberg/Crimson down with a Baseball Slide. Spanky went after Holly while Steiner and RVD were busy focusing on Miz in the corner. Omega got up and was met with OC in his face.

#25 Jesse Neal

Out came Jesse Neal. Neal entered and was hit with a Boot from Inferno. Yeah nothing else happened really. Miz hit Steiner with a Skull-Crushing Finale though.

#26 Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy was here! Hardy entered and went after RVD. Reigns had Gargano on the Apron. Uppercut! Gargano was barely dangling. Roman went for a spear! BUT SUPERKICK!? MAMA MIA ADAM COLE IS HERE! Cole helped Gargano to eliminate Roman Reigns, before laughing with Gargano.

Gargano then turned into a superkick from Spanky. Bye Bye Johnny Gargano! Spanky then got Cole outta the ring. Spanky then turned into a V-Trigger from Omega. Oh yeah, Jeff Hardy Twist Of Fated Disco Inferno out of the ring.

#27 Renee Dupree

Dupree came out and was met with a Double Superkick from Gargano/Cole. Reigns would chase those two off though. Miz would be powerbombed onto a table on the outside by Gillberg.

#28 Rhea Ripley

Ripley came out. Hit's a Riptide on Hardy and Spanky. RVD is tryna eliminate Steiner. Nothing else really happened.

#29 Funaki

Funaki entered and went after Omega. Omega would take Funaki out with a OWA though. Hardy went for Omega though, but was hit with a back body drop out of the ring. Bye Jeff Hardy

#30 Andy Kaufman

Last but not least .... ANDY KAUFMAN. Kaufman tripped on his way to the ring though. Ripley would powerbomb Renee Dupree out of the ring.

Gillberg attempted to eliminate OC, but I kid you not. OC did a Dodeca Corkscrew Springboard Stunner and eliminated Gillberg. OC then hit Crimson with a dropkick, eliminating Crimson. FINAL 10!

Funaki was leaning on the ropes. He just knocked out Kaufman. RVD RUNS AT FUNAKI! FUNAKI PULLS THE ROPES! RVD IS ELIMINATED! WE WILL HAVE A NEW CWA CHAMP!

Ripley would Riptide Spark Plug Holly out of the ring and Funaki was surprisingly eliminated by Scott Steiner.

Jesse Neal throws out Rhea Ripley and Kenny Omega then dumped out Jesse Neal.

It is time for the final 5. Andy Kaufman, Kenny Omega, Spanky, Orange Cassidy, and Scott Steiner.

Orange Cassidy looks for a Hurricanrana on Steiner. BUT NO! POWERBOMB! ORANGE CASSIDY is eliminated. Spanky attempts to eliminate Kenny Omega, but ANDY KAUFMAN DUMPS OUT Spanky. FINAL 3!


Winner: THE NEW CWA CHAMP! Kenny Omega

Out came Adam Cole, Jon Moxley, and Johnny Gargano. The four embraced. Omega held his two belts high in the air! Keny Omega lets us know ... Bullet Club reigns supreme.



Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Now that's a Royal Rumble match :WOW
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Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Am I double champ ???? OMEGAAAAAAAAAA
  • Wow
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Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Toru yano with the briefcase full of dvds baybay

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Lol that maki finish. Great show by the way, really fun read.

Dirk Dickbutt

Dec 3, 2020
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King Of Extreme Tourney

32 Stars
One Winner who will get a CWA Title Shot next month
Sign Ups {ask to get in}:

Also on the card

Stephanie McMahon vs Jillian Hall for the CWA Jersey Title

Kenny Omega {c} w/ Bullet Club vs Kodama w/ The Batiri
}CWA Championship{

X Factor {c} w/ X Pac vs Roman Reigns and Funaki
}CWA Tag Titles{
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Dan Severn wants in the tourney
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