Total Divas The Comedy Wrestling Alliance {The C Tier Sim League by Blaine}

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Dec 3, 2020
Reaction score

Las Vegas, Nevada

World War 4!

The commentators welcome us to some War Reenactment Site in Vegas. Oh well, we have a ring set up. There are trenches everywhere, helmets, and other stuff. But the first match tonight will be!

The Over The Top Rope Match

Everyone came down to the ring separately ... except Orange Cassidy. He somehow had a Helicopter. He hopped into the ring in a way only he can do. And the action got started.


Right at the get-go, everyone was Kung Fu Fighting, and the kicks were fast as lightning. Except for Chyna. She immediately picked up OC and tried to eliminate him. But as he exited the ring, he caught the ropes without his hands and flipped back in. You sneaky boy Orange Cassidy. Mosh and Thrasher were busy beating up on Shockmaster before Gangrel hit Thrasher in the head. Gangrel threw Thrasher over the rope for elimination, but Thrasher caught the ropes. Thrasher and Gangrel would begin to fight. As Thrasher got his balance, OC came over, simply blew on him, and Thrasher fell into a Trench Eliminated. As Shockmaster got his feet, Chyna clotheslined him over the ropes. Shockmaster landed on the ropes, chopping her on the left breast. But he lost his balance and began to fall. Chyna dropkicked him outta the ring for the elimination.

Spanky went for a Sliced Bread on Truth, but Truth would reverse the move into a cutter. Truth hit Mosh, Rawley, and Pentagon with a spinning forearm before laying Spanky out with a Scissor Kick. Truth covered Spanky for the three, being the first Title Change of the night. This didn't last long as Gangrel would pick Truth up and sent him straight over the ropes. Truth couldn't get his grip in time as Gangrel eliminated him to be the new SUPWC champion. This also didn't last long as Chyna would heave Gangrel into the air. She threw him out of the match, becoming your new SUPWC champ.

OC and Mosh decided to team together to take on Chyna, but she leveraged them both. Spanky was next, but he was Powerbombed onto the mat. Rawley attempted to hit her with a Shoulder Tackle, but she avoided it as Rawley went straight through the Middle Rope. Now it was Pentagon and Chyna. They went at it, trading stiff blows and hard-hitting attacks. After 4 minutes of fighting, Chyna hit Pentagon with a Brainbuster. As she went to eliminate him, Robbie E and Tajiri came from out of nowhere. Tajiri hit Chyna with a Buzzsaw kick and Robbie E hit Chyna with a Full Nelson Suplex. The two would then throw Chyna out, heading to the outside with her. The two began to beat Chyna with a chair before Gangrel came over. The two ripped off their jackets to reveal a new logo, one that Gangrel also had on. {think of Gangrel's logo can't find it on Google}. Since Tajiri and Robbie E eliminated her, they were the new champs. They didn't go backstage though

The fans were shocked as Gangrel had some allies. But don't get distracted like Pentagon was. As he was watching the action, Rawley reentered the ring and dumped out Pentagon, getting a heavy amount of Boos from the crowd. But Rawley turned into a chair shot from Mosh. The fans began to cheer as Mosh would hit Rawley with a Headbutt. Rawley seemed out of it as Mosh picked him up. And he threw Rawley to where Gangrel's Gang was. But Rawley reversed it and sent Mosh flying into Gangrel and them. Rawley rolled under the ropes and pinned Robbie E to win the SUPWC title. He then re-entered the ring to meet Orange Cassidy and Spanky. And the three began to fight. Blood splattered as the three hit each other with weapons. Cassidy had Spanky up onto the top rope. OC then lept up, going for a Hurricanrana. Spanky held onto Cassidy though, heaving him up. Spanky then powerbombed OC off the Top Rope onto the floor. Spanky took a little to long admiring his strength though, allowing Rawley to push him off the Top Rope. Rawley was still the SUPWC Champion

Mojo Rawley {12:38}

Rawley celebrated his victory ... but not for long. He was picked up and slammed down with a suplex by ..... Dean Malenko? Malenko transitioned the Suplex into a Figure Four, locking pressure on. Rawley would tap out like he did during the Oklahoma show.

New SUPWC Champ: Dean Malenko

Malenko didn't get to celebrate for long as Gangrel's Gang came out. Tajiri went for a Buzzsaw kick, which allowed Malenko to get an opening. He climbed onto Orange Cassidy's helicopter, much to his dismay. OC was on the Helicopter as well as it began to fly up. The two came to a mutual agreement to wait until they got on the floor. Until then, the New Brood would wait.


We were alerted to our next match, which would be the first even World War 4 Match. The environment was different. It was a Steel Cage surrounded by a Cell. The rules were simple. Each member will enter at different intervals. If a member gets pinned or submitted, they are officially eliminated. The order of Entrance is random.

We got this match started off with .... 2 members of team Gargano? Disco Inferno came out with his Disco Divas while Gargano came to the ring with a chair. The two entered the steel cell and then the steel cage and waited. Then out came .... Dan Severn. Now Team Gargano had 3 members. The three waited for the next participant to come out. Then that's when Battlecry hit. Despite being a heel. the fans loved Omega. He came out with a barrel of weapons. As he entered the cage, Gargano began to beat on the cage to try and get out. Omega instead taunted him as he brought the barrel in. Inside were chairs, sticks, sledgehammers. Severn said screw it though and grabbed Inferno. He threw Inferno through the cage wall, busting it down. Gargano went for a Suicide Dive onto Omega, but he moved out the way. Gargano went headfirst into the cell as Severn exited the ring.

Omega turned into a hard right from Severn, before being speared to the ground. Severn began to beat down on Omega, showing his MMA background. He eventually turned this into a Triangle Hold, choking Omega out. Omega however managed to pick Severn up and powerbombed him onto the cell. He then turned this into a Sitout Powerbomb, standing above Team Gargano. Omega picks up Inferno and threw him back into the ring. Taking a chair from his barrel, he entered the ring and began to beat the ever-loving crap outta Inferno. Then, Gargano got up. As Omega went for a One Winged-Angel on Inferno, Gargano grabbed a Kendo Stick from the barrel and whacked Omega in the ankle.

Omega dropped Inferno as the countdown hit. Gargano hit Omega with a Spike DDT as the next participant entered. And it's! IT'S! SPARK PLUG HOLLY! Holly had a bag of Thumbtacks and a sledgehammer. As he entered the cell, he dropped the sledgehammer and nailed Severn in the head with the bag of nails. Gargano exited the ring to attack Holly, but was hit with a chair in response. Holly entered the ring with Omega, staring down Inferno. Holly unleashed the Thumbtacks onto the floor as Omega picked up Inferno. The fans began to cheer as Omega hit Inferno with the OWA onto the Thumbtacks. The crowd was electric as Omega covered Inferno. And there was no chance for a kick out as the referee hit 3

First Eliminated on Team Gargano: Disco Inferno

Kenny Omega and Holly agreed to take out Severn next. They exited the ring and walked over to Severn. But Omega took a hard-hitting uppercut, knocking him cleanout. Holly and Severn began to brawl, with Severn locking in the Beastchoker for a submission. This didn't count because you gotta be in the ring for it to count. As Holla was out cold, Severn let go of him. Before he could pick him up, the sounds of a landing helicopter came down onto the top of the cage. And then out came OC and Dean Malenko fighting. Malenko went for a Figure Four, but he accidentally ripped of OC's pants. But OC had double pants and pinned Malenko when he was distracted to win the SUPWC title.

New SUPWC Champ: Orange Cassidy

Cassidy left on his helicopter as we see the action again. Severn threw Holly into the ring onto the thumbtacks. Severn then climbed into the ring and went for another Beast Choker. But the next song hit. And it's KIZARNY. Kizarny entered the cage and entered the ring. But he was hit square in the face with a Haymaker. Kizarny fell into the ropes before Severn locked in a Beast Choker. And Kizarny was out cold.

First Eliminated on Team Cage: Kizarny

Severn threw Kizarny out of the cage as he turned toward Holly and a chair. Somehow Holly had a chair and he wacked Severn in the head with it. Severn fell onto the thumbtacks as Holly hit a running elbow drop. But a Pinfall attempt failed. This didn't keep Holly down as he grabbed a chair. He rolled Severn onto his stomach poking him with more thumbtacks. And then he wacked the chair on Severn's back, digging Thumbtacks into him. Holly then picked up Severn and went for a Piledriver. However, Severn reversed the Piledriver and threw Holly to the outside. I forgot about the outside, but it's ok. It's just Gargano and Omega fighting and trading signatures. And then the countdown went. And the cannons fire as Andy Kaufman comes down to the ring! ANDY KAUFMAN IS HERE! Kaufman entered the cage and picks Holly up. He throws him into the ring and follows. Kaufman pats Severn on the chest.

Kaufman picked up Holly, but Holly threw Kaufman at Severn. Then he pulled out a potted plant named Mitch. He wacked Severn in the head with Mitch for the three count ... making someone very unhappy.

Second Eliminated on Team Gargano: Dan Severn

Holly stood up over Kaufman and picked the poor soul up. As he went for a Powerbomb, Johnny Gargano leaped onto the apron. Gargano hit Holly with a Spike DDT onto some of Mitch's remains, giving them the upper hand. Kaufman rolled under the ropes over to OMega, before slamming his head against the Steel Cell a few times. Gargano picked Holly up, and hit a Brainbuster, transitioning the move into a GarGaNO escape. Holly had nowhere to go and tapped out. Now it was a 2 v 1, but not for long. The countdown hit as Brian Cage came out. A Murder Hungry Machine. Gargano didn't know where to go. He tried climbing the cage, but Cage ripped the cell wall off to enter. Kaufman attempted to attack him, but was thrown into the ring by Cage. Cage then entered and hit Kaufman with a Powerbomb, eliminating him.

Second Eliminated on Team Cage: Spark Plug Holly
Third Eliminated on Team Gargano: Andy Kaufman

Gargano was cowarding at the top of the cage, trying to somehow escape. Cage began to climb as Gargano tried kicking him. But Cage grabbed Gargano's leg and pulled him down. BUT WHAT'S THIS?! GARGANO CATCHES CAGE WITH A SPIKE DDT! The fans are chanting "Holy Sh!t" as Gargano stumbles to his feet. Gargano looked shellshocked as Omega began to get up. Gargano needed to do something fast. So as Omega got into the Ring, Gargano hit Omega with a Superkick. Taking the BBM down. Gargano stalked Cage. He hit Cage with a few Superkicks and a Spike DDT before locking in the GarGaNO Escape. Omega attempted to get himself to his feet, but not in time as Cage tapped out.

Third Eliminated on Team Cage: Brian Cage

It was down to Gargano and Omega. Both were in bad shape. Omega stood up, and the two stared each other down. Gargano looked to pick up a chair, but he was caught with a V-Trigger. Cover! Kick out at two. The two traded blows, signatures, at one point Omega hit a OWA. But he couldn't get the pinfall as he pulled his shoulder. Now ... 35 minutes in, and Gargano had a table set up. He sat it facing the Turnbuckle as he sat Omega on it. And then, as Omega stood up on the table, he went for a Springboard Spike DDT. But Omega caught Gargano before he could go through. He then maneuvered Gargano onto his shoulders. The fans rose to their feet as Omega went for it. AND HE HIT IT! HE HIT THE ONE WINGED ANGLE! The fans went batsh!t crazy as Omega hooked the leg.


WINNERs: Team Cage [Soul Survivor: Kenny Omega] {38:37}

Omega stood up over Gargano as Battlecry Blared. Omega fell to the ground, bloody. It was over. A star-making debut if I've ever seen one. Omega is joined in the ring by Brian Cage, Kizarny, and Spark Plug Holly. They celebrated like they won the Superbowl. We cut to a short ad break!

Read the TEW BTB's way more interesting than mine. Also #MakeABTBChris.
Also, join BBBB

All the carnage was swept up and Vince Russo came to the ring, with Dan Severn by his side. He announces a Weekly Television show, and how the first main event will be a Best of Five Series for his new CWA Kingdom Championship. And it will be between Kenny Omega taking on Johnny Gargano, to capitalize profits on their match. He would also introduce the Dan Severn Beat Down Match, where he would challenge anyone on the roster to a match. Plus with Wrestleraid coming up, the Yearly "Raid City Mayhem" Match for the CWA Title needed its challengers. So one of them would be decided at CWA Weekly between a new Triple H and the Brood Leader Gangrel. But now, we had some Uncensored Violence. Oh yeah, the Weekly Shows don't always have a Gimmick Match

Jon Moxley vs Shawn Spears
GRAND Inferno Match

Moxley and Spears went to War here. Fitting for the name. There were ropes on fire, tables on fire, ladders on fire. And everything had gasoline on it, including a few tanks. Moxley and Spears played with the fire, using it to almost kill each other. At one point Spears tried splashing some gasoline into Moxley's eyes. This would be a big mistake for Spears as Moxley took em both over the rope, burning them. As they spilled to the outside, Moxley grabbed a Barbwire Bat that was on fire.

And then Moxley killed Spears. The flaming barbwire bat collided with Spears skull. Moxley would then take Spears and put him through a Flaming Table with a Paradigm Shift. Moxley threw Spears back into the ring but didn't get the Three Count. This would lead to Moxley scaling the Top Rope. And he lept off for an Elbow Drop, the flaming ropes rising. BUT NO! Spears caught the elbow with a Crucifix Pin. Spears only got a two count though, leading to Moxley nailing him with an Elbow to the Head and a Paradigm Shift for the three count


Moxley stood over Spears, being the winner of the Grand Inferno. His ... "celebration" didn't last long as he rushed backstage with a vengeance. While he was backstage, the Cages were being set up. And once they were set up, Team Hardyz vs Team Batiri were set.

World War 4 Match
Team Hardyz vs Team Batiri

#1 Randy Orton
#2 Obariyon

Orton and Obariyon kicked things off. There were still missing pieces thanks to Severn and Cage. Orton got the quick advantage over Obar, hitting him with his signature backbreaker. Orton would continue to play with Obar, before going for an RKO. This would be reversed into a Back Breaker as the next person came out.

#3 Jeff Hardy

Hardy ran down to the ring to help Orton, catching Obar with a Solid Springboard Moonsault. Orton and Hardy would then hit Obar with some double team maneuvers, before Hitting an Orton Backbreaker/ Top Rope Leg Drop combo. But this didn't put away Obar. Instead, Obar bounced back up and clocked both Orton and Jeff with a DDT.

#4 Papa Shango

Shango came out next as he saw Orange Cassidy walking by. However Orange Cassidy was caught with a weak-looking Pedigree from Stephanie McMahon. But Orange Cassidy wasn't able to be put away, stumbling to the back.

Oh well, Shango entered the ring and began to brawl with Obar. Soon enough Orton and Jeff joined in. It was now 3 on one as the three hit their finishers on Obar. and then Orton went for a Punt Kick. As he ran at Obar, Obar moved and hooked the leg!


First Eliminated from Team Hardyz: Randy Orton

Orton was angry now. So he attacked everyone. Clotheslines, Backbreakers, RKO's. He knocked everyone out, including the referee and Tony Schiavone. Orton stormed to the back as the countdown went out with everyone down.

#5 Scott Steiner

Steiner entered the cell and dragged Hardy out of the ring. Steiner bashed Hardy in the head before laying him out with a Powerbomb. Steiner then entered the ring and began to beat on Shango, before helping Obar hit a Uranagi/Spear combo. Then the next person came.

#6 Kurt Angle

IT'S KURT ANGLE. Angle rushed to the ring to begin the help. Suplex onto Steiner, Suplex onto Obar, suplex onto the Referee. SUPLEX MADNESS! But now that the referee was dow, Angle's Ankle Lock onto Steiner was in vague. Even though Steiner tapped, no referee was available to see it. So Kurt let go of Steiner and went to lock in an Ankle Lock on Obar. BUT NO! ROLL UP! 1 2! KICK OUT! Angle kicked out. And he hit Obar with an Angle Slam. and a SWANTON FROM HARDY! No time to rest as #7 came out.

#7 Mable

The worse Man on a Mission is here, it's MABEL! Eww. His fatness made his way to the ring as Shango came to fight. As Shango punches his gut, he kinda bounced off. Mable then splashed Shango and covered him for the pinfall.

Second Eliminated from Team Hardyz: Papa Shango

Now it was 3 v 2. Steiner, Mabel, and Obar began to trade blows on Jeff and Kurt. Then number 8 came out.

#8 Toru Yano

Mr. DVD Man himself. Yano came to the ring, and single-handidly kicked the other three square in the Testicles. But the three of them didn't flinch. Except Obar, who was rolling on the ground like a Baby. MAbel was about to attack Yano when suddenly! Angle took his straps off. And ANGLE SLAM to Mable! And then Angle and Scott began to fight as Yano looked at Jeff. Jeff looked at Yano. And then Yano called for Mable to get up and hit a 634! Mable didn't go down yet as Jeff hit a Twist of Fate. and then 9 came out!

#9 Matt Hardy

Matt ran down to the ring as Jeff and Yano got Mabel up. THe fans began to chant delete before Matt hit Mable with his own Twist of Fate. A Swanton bomb later from Jeff put the Man on a Mission Down.

First Eliminated from Team Batiri: Mabel

While those three eliminated Mabel, Scott and Kurt were on the outside bashing each other with some virgins stiff sock. Obar stood up, staring down Jeff, Matt, and Toru. Before anything could happen, number 10 came out.

#10 Kodama

Obar's tag team partner came to the ring with a kendo stick wrapped in duck tape with thumbtacks on it. As he entered the cell, Toru Yano came running at him. And Toru was now on the floor with Thumbtacks in his head. Kodama then dropped the Kendo Stick and entered the ring, staring down the Hardyz. And then the two teams went to war, long enough for

#11 Rick Steiner

To come out. Rick joined Scott in the beating of Kurt with a Sock. Matt and Jeff were busy fighting the Batiri. That's all that really happened in these 5 minutes. And then out came.

#12 Kobald

The leader of the Batiri was here. It was now a 4 v 5 as Kobald entered the ring. The Batiri hit the Hardyz with a few tag team moves, including a Seventh Circle on Matt, Matt almost went out but what's this!? ANGLE TAKES THE STRAPS OFF AGAIN! Angle suplexes the Steiners before zipping into the ring. Angle took the fight to the Batiri because the let-down straps means it is business time.

Angle locked in an Angle Lock onto Obar, forcing Obar to tap out.

Second Eliminated for Team Batiri: Obariyon

Angle pulled the straps back up as the Steiners went into the ring. The Batiri and the Hardyz stood back up. It was 4 v 3. Keep in mind Toru is basically dead on the outside. The two sides collided. The first elimination of this war went to Jeff Hardy as he would cover Rick after hitting him with a Whisper in the Wind.

Third Eliminated for Team Batiri: Rick Steiner

Jeff would be taken out by the Batiri, but not pinned. That honor would go to Matt, who fell to a Seventh Circle for a three count.

Third Eliminated for Team Hardyz: Matt Hardy

Now that Matt was out, it was a 2v3. Kurt and Scott were still duking on their side of the ring as the Batiri toyed with Jeff. After 6 minutes of toying around, they went for a Seventh Circle. BUT JEFF reverses it! Jeff took Kobald out with a Dropkick and hit Kodama with a TWIST OF FATE! Kodama was out.

Fourth Eliminated for Team Batiri: Kodama

Jeff would roll to the corner as he eliminated Kodama, taking a breather. So was Kobald. But not Angle and Scott. Angle had the Angle Lock locked in, on the floor with his legs wrapped around Scott's leg. But Angle's shoulders were on the ground! 1 2 3! And as the three count hits, Scott tapped out! A DOUBLE ELIMINATION!? The fans are on fire as Kurt and Scott eliminate each other unknowingly.

Fourth Eliminated from Team Hardyz: Kurt Angle
Fifth Eliminated from Team Batiri: Scott Steiner

Now it was a 2 v 1, with Toru slowly getting up. Hardy and Kobald faced each other and began to duke. They threw everything they had at each other. Submissions, high risk maneuvers. It's been 67 minutes. Hardy shouldn't be in this right now. But he went for one last Twist of Fate. BUT KOBALD REVERSES IT! HE HITS A POTTY BOMB! JEFF IS OUT!

Fifth Eliminated from Team Hardyz: Jeff Hardy

Kobald thinks he won it all, celebrating. As he turns around to face the entranceway hoping to see the Batiri, instead he see's Toru Yano. Kobald is way to tired and worn out to get the first move as he's hit with a 634! Toru covers Kobald, using the ropes for leverage! 1 2 3!

WINNER: Team Hardyz {Soul Survivor: Toru Yano} (69:42)

It's over! Toru stands over Kobald, whose clutching his cream factory. It's over.

We head backstage to see a fight broken out between Jon Moxley and Spark Plug Holly. Moxley is going insane on Holly, yelling at him about "Mitch." Moxley hits Holly with a Paradigm Shift before leaving this scene. This greatly transitions into our Main Event!

Crimson {C} vs RVD
CWA Title

Crimson and RVD went to war, nailing each other with hard-hitting moves. Yet throughout the 15-minute long action, 1 finisher was hit. They both went hard still, hitting dropkicks, arm drags, top rope moves. The ending came when Crimson went for a Red Alert. RVD got out of the move and hit a Jumping Spin Kick. HE went for a Monkey FLip onto Crimson next, but Crimson landed on his feet. And then Crimson took RVD down with a Spear. IT got to a count of 8 before RVD got up. Crimson then went for a Red Sky, but RVD reversed it as well. Crimson was hit with the Jumping Spin Kick again, before being hit with a Five-Star Frog Splash! Crimson almost made it to his feet in time, but collapsed as it hit 9! RVD was your new CWA Champ!

WInner: RVD (15:23)

The show ended with RVD standing over Crimson before an X shot up on the screen. And then we cut to dark.

CWA Weekly #1 Card​
Johnny Gargano vs Kenny OmegaMatch 1 in the Best of 5 Series for the CWA Kingdom Championship
Dan Severn vs ???
Gangrel vs Triple HSpot in the WrestleRaid "Raid City Match"
Dean Maleko, Mosh, Thrasher, and Orange Cassidy
Mojo Rawley, Shockmaster, El Torito, and Stephanie McMahon w/ Lita
Ask for a match, will limit it to 7 matches per Weekly Show.

Current Wrestleraid Card
#1RVD {c} vs Crimson vs ??? vs ??? vs ???CWA ChampionshipRaid City Match
#2The Hardy Boyz {c} vs The Headbangers vs The Steiners vs Funkin' and Punchin' vs The Batiri vs The Brood vs Tokyo ParisCWA Tag Team TitleTLC Match
#3Randy Orton vs Papa ShangoSnake Pit Match
#4Chyna vs GangrelUndecided Stipulation
#5Robbie E vs Toru Yano vs Shawn Spears vs ???
??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ???
Money in the Bank Ladder Match
(Taking first four people who ask to get in, other four have to earn it.)
Last edited:


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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:lmao amazing Blaine
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Canadian Dragon

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Lindsay, Canada
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toru yano gonna low blow his way up the ladder!
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Canadian Dragon

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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gargano omega is a feud im here for all day too!
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Bobby Barrows

Trans Rights
Mar 7, 2019
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2020
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Loving the Gargano and Omega feud coming up. Also if possible Shawn Spears in the MITB>


Fancy a slice?
Mar 30, 2020
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A really phenomenal show Blaine! I don't think I really fault anything that took place - certainly going to be one of the best events in the section in February. World War Four was a big read! You deserve all the praise you get for this post.
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Dec 3, 2020
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Official CWA Weekly #1 Cardpog
Johnny Gargano vs Kenny OmegaMatch 1 in the Best of 5 Series for the CWA Kingdom Championship
Dan Severn vs ???
Gangrel vs Triple HSpot in the WrestleRaid "Raid City Match"
Dean Maleko, Mosh, Thrasher, and Orange Cassidy
Mojo Rawley, Shockmaster, El Torito, and Stephanie McMahon w/ Lita
The Hardyz and Toru Yano
The Batiri
Kurt Angle
Scott Steiner
2/3 Falls Match
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Reactions: Chris


Dec 3, 2020
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CWA Weekly #1

Hosted By: KIF's Jail Cell

We open up CWA Weekly #1 inside of a giant jail cell that reeks of weed. And to kick things off, who better than the 8 men tag? I mean, it's the least hyped match on the card. Oh well. The 8 entered the jail cell, which somehow had a ring, in handcuffs.

Given this is Vince Russo, we are likely gonna get a less than 10-minute contest.

8 Man Tag

Sum Up:
Uhh .... this happened. Mosh, Malenko, and OC were the MVPs of this match, Mosh still riding the momentum from last night.
He even got some moves off on Rawley, eventually taking him out with a Headbutt. One of the highlights showed Shockmaster accidentally knocking Stephanie McMahon into a stache of weed, leading to her being arrested by the police. But that's besides the point. In the final minute, OC is stumbling around after getting high off the smell. And then El Torito entered the ring. Don't ask me how, but he managed to lock in a submission move. Blame the Simulator Man. OC would Tap Out to award El Torito the Title and the win.
Winner: El Torito, Mojo Rawley, Shockmaster
The Real Loser: Stephanie McMahon

Torito was now the SUPWC Champ as Shockmaster held him on his shoulders. Hey, you guys remember Evolution Turning on Randy? Well it's for a title. Shockmaster suddenly turned Torito into a Powerbomb Position and came straight down with one, covering Torito for the title.
New SUPWC Champ: Shockmaster

This bumbling idiot is champion now. He stumbled out of a jail cell as we cut to a backstage scene. And by Backstage I mean an Insane Asylum Room. Moxley is sitting in there, talking to larger potted plants. We hear him call them "Mr" and "Mrs" Mitch. He talks about how he will hurt Spark Plug Holly, telling them he will destroy Holly at WrestleRaid in a "Super Ultra Hardcore Japanese Style Death Race Match." No clue what that is but it sounds fun.

Dan Severn's Beat Down

Dan Severn is next, with Russo spitting Nonsense on how Severn can beat anyone. This leads to a Mr. Disco Inferno turning up. Inferno says he respects Severn, but he wants to get his hands on him. He makes it clear he still wants to team but also wants to fight. Severn accepts the challenge on his own behalf.

Sum Up:
What better than some friendly brawling. Inferno and Severn absolutely beat the crap out of each other. Inferno was crippled with a back injury though after being thrown through the cage by Severn. That didn't hurt him terribly as he matched pace with Severn. He even lifted Severn up from a Beast Choker and slammed him down with a suplex. The action continued until the 12-minute mark. Russo told Severn to wrap things up so Severn went for a Beastchoker. BUT NO! EAT DA FEET! COVER! ONE TWO THREE!

Winner: Disco Inferno

Inferno helped Severn up, and the two stare each other down. But the stare down ended in an assault as two masked assailants attack the two. Chair Shots ablaze, the two hit Severn with an Irish Whip into an STO. The Two left the scene before shouting "TOKYO PARIS."


After being helped to the back, we see Shockmaster enjoying a nice steak dinner downstairs but then, a skinny police officer shows up. He talks to Shockmaster for a bit before grabbing his neck into a cutter position. Running off the table, he hit Shockmaster with a Sliced Bread as an Inmate counts 1 2 3!

New SUPWC Champ: Spanky

Spanky takes the title before making a turn. And he see's Santino and R Truth dancing to some music. Spanky is confused long enough for Mosh to come up from behind and Roll Him up for the SUPWC Title.
New SUPWC Champ: Mosh

The fans in the prison cheer as Mosh runs away with Thrasher as Spanky hits the floor.

Now that that was over, it was time for Angle vs Steiner.
2/3 Falls
Kurt Angle vs Scott Steiner

Steiner and Angle beat the crap out of each other. Like last night, they were set to hurt. And the first instance of hurt was an Electric Chair from Steiner. Steiner would continue to brutalize Angle, striking him in the face. However, Angle avoided one punch and managed to turn it into a German Suplex. Steiner wasn't out yet, hitting Angle with a brutal piledriver. One brutal enough to knock him out. Steiner covered Angle.
First Fall: Scott Steiner

Steiner would pick Angle back up despite the referee trying to stop him. Steiner then went for another Piledriver. BUT WHAT'S THIS?! REVERSED INTO AN ANKLE LOCK! Angle reversed the Piledriver into an Ankle Lock, almost forcing Steiner to tap out. Steiner would kick Angle in the gut though, before hitting a Cactus Clothesline over the ropes. The referee began to count as Steiner brought Angle over to the railing. KIF's jail cell was on the 2nd floor ya know. Steiner attempted to powerbomb Angle off, but Angle escaped, barely holding onto the railing.

One punch two punch. Steiner backed off a bit as Angle teetered on the edge.
But this would all be in vain as Steiner would boot Angle in the head. Angle let go of his grip and plummeted to the floor below. Angle fell onto the Cafeteria Table, shattering it on impact. The referee rushed down to check on Angle, before signaling up the X. This one was over.
Winner: Scott Steiner

Steiner looked down at Angle as medical personnel came to get him. Steiner looks to the Batiri coming to the room. Kobald began to speak about how the leader of the Batiri deserves a spot in the Money In The Bank. Jeff comes out and says he gave Kobald a run for his money. Russo comes in and announces winning team's member joins the Money in the Bank.

Toru Yano and The Hardyz vs The Batiri

Sum Up:
Jeff and Kobald immediately spill out to the outside, leaving it a 2v2. Obar and Matt traded a few blows before Toru got into the match. Toru took both Obar and Kodama out but also was hit with a Potty Bomb by Kobald.
Matt took Kobald out but was almost rolled up by Obar. So he hit Obar with a "Broken Driver" AKA an Emerald Flowsion. And the put Obar away
Winner: Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and Toru Yano

The match end didn't end the fighting. AKA Jeff Hardy hitting Kobald with a Twist Of Fate. As Jeff stared at Kobald, suddenly he was hit with an Impaler. and from behind the Brood attacked Yano and Matt. In the end, the Brood stood over their opponents. Gangrel was about to take on Triple H for a spot in the Raid City Match

Gangrel vs Triple H
Raid City Qualifier

Sum Up:

This match was about to get started before

"Yo' you dealin with the X Factor!"

And then this happened. the poorly voiced over X Factor Theme Song as X Pac came out to the ring with Justin Credible and Albert. X Pac called out Triple H and Gangrel saying he was gonna win the Raid City match. He entered the ring and the three got into an argument. This lead to Dan Severn and Vince Russo coming out, saying screw it, and putting X Pac, Gangrel, and HHH in the Raid City Match. And he said Chyna vs Gangrel will be night 1 @ WrestleRaid. But Russo said this wouldn't be without a cost. X Pac would take on Triple H next week in a Texas Chainsaw Massacre Match! How this will work? NO CLUE! This lead to though a certain someone to come out and argue with Russo. Brian Cage came in and said why put in X Pac for free. Russo said he would handle stuff after the show.

Main Event
Match 1 in the

Sum Up:

This was match of the night for obvious reasons. These two traded moves. Superkicks, Clotheslines, DDTs. Everything they did looked like it came from an angel. V-Triggers, Snake Eyes, Death Valley Drivers. But neither man went down. Omega almost had the match won, going for an Avalanche One Winged Angel. But Gargano somehow managed to reverse the move into an Arm Bar, keeping all the fans on their toes. Everyone thought Omega was gonna tap, but he didn't. Omega powered through and somehow got Gargano up onto his Shoulders. This time the reversal didn't work and Omega came down with a One Winged Angel. And that was enough to win Match 1 in the Best Of 5 Series.
Winner: Kenny Omega

Omega celebrated his victory over Gargano as the ending logo shows.



{ CWA Weekly 2 Matchcard Will Be Up in the upcoming hours }
Two Night Card By The WayWant an Angle or Match. Simply tell me who and when.
#1RVD {c} vs Crimson vs ??? vs ??? vs ???CWA Championship
{We don't know yet. We do know 4 people wanna get in. Russo will address it later on}
Raid City Match
#2The Hardy Boyz {c} vs The Headbangers vs The Steiners vs Funkin' and Punchin' vs The Batiri vs The Brood vs Tokyo ParisCWA Tag Team TitleTLC Match
#3Randy Orton vs Papa ShangoSnake Pit Match
#4Chyna vs GangrelPillow Fight on the Heights Match
#5Robbie E vs Toru Yano vs Shawn Spears vs ???
Jeff Hardy vs ??? vs ??? vs ???
Money in the Bank Ladder Match
(Taking first four people who ask to get in, other four have to earn it.)
(Last free spot is available)
#6Jon Moxley vs Spark Plug HollySuper Ultra Hardcore Ultimate Death Race Match
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