Benoit/Angle @ Royal Rumble 03. I know people have boners for Angle, but Benoit gave Angle the best match of his career here. Angle has charisma, but as far as ring work goes, he isn't fit to clean Benoit's ass with his tongue.
I just watched this match, and i really wasn't that into it as much as others. Too me, the highlight was Beniot diving head butt which seemed like quite a leap. I had really high expectations, because i believe this match is rated in the 4.5-4.75 range, but it just didn't click with me and having high expectations didn't help. I liked the intensity, but i just felt it was very redundant. German suplex after german suplex...Crossface, after crossface, and Ankle lock after ankle lock. I typically like when wrestlers reverse finishers in matches, but this felt rushed, and overdone. The crowd didn't really get involved until the end as well, and thought it was quite the reaction for Benoit after. I thought the match would go a little longer. I'd probably rate it at about 3.75- 4 stars.