So I’m gonna edit a database and make probably the Ultimate Fantasy Booking. Going to have it where there is an alliance between WWE, AEW, Impact, NJPW, and maybe a few other companies(like AAA or something, maybe ROH also) but I was wanting some opinions on what be the best to use. I’m not really a fan of some of the current databases RWC and that one that who guy games are kinda uh but RWC is the better one of the two. HOWEVER, I could do one that’s not exactly up to date but not far behind either and do KTB, which hasn’t been updated in awhile. I could probably move a few wrestlers around and stuff, of course.
Plan is also to use a generic version of Big Gold(so no WWE logo) as a title shared between them as the one true World Title(so I’ll take world out of any companies titles, and lower their prestige as well a little bit)
but yeah, should I use RWC or KTB(despite it being a few months or so out of date but arguably better)
@Chris @Hoss Delgado @Daddy Mecca @The Fourth Wall @Heel Looch @Blainebino @Gambitto
I’ll probably upload some place also so you all can use it