That sounds about like what happened in mine (I'm a little over two years in). FCW died towards the end of 2021. CWW just upgraded production values stupidly and were losing money like crazy so I imagine they'll follow soon.
As I'm looking at everyone's financials I predict within the next few years if I sim further:
5SSW will go red in 25 months' time if things stay the same for them. I am predicting the AI will change nothing and they'll be bankrupt or bought out by another company in 3 years' time.
ACPW will hit rock bottom in six months unless they start drawing crowds soon. They'll be bankrupt by 2024.
Canadian Women's Wrestling Federation continues to lose money at a slow drain, and with only 28k left in the bank, it's not looking good. They have 68 months at the pace they're going before they go red, so certainly they'll probably bounce back and start making money soon.
CZCW is 300k in the hole. They'll be bankrupt in 6 months' time. Unless they somehow can cough up 300k in two months.
Deep Impact Wrestling is 50k in the hole and has been losing money every month for the last year. They'll be bankrupt by the end of the year.
Exodus2010 lost money in the last three months, but not really enough to put a dent in their financials, they have 3 million dollars and have only lost at most 75k. They'll bounce back.
Lethal Ring is losing money because a Hawaiian promotion is a bad idea. They'll be bankrupt in two years' time.
London SS, a UK Joshi Strong Style company, lost 20k in its first month, which was December. They have over 1.2 million in the bank, so chances are they'll be able to take the losses for now. I think they'll eventually find a good broadcasting deal and become a good wrestling company to look out for.
SNP continues to lose money over the last year but somehow has 5 million in the bank? They're not dying anytime soon unless somehow Mark Carnie fucks up everything.
VWA is such a weird company that I can't gauge whether they'll go bankrupt in three years' time or not. They lose money every few months, but it's like barely anything. Then other months they barely break even and just continue to live on. I'm predicting VWA dies in five years' time though.
Youth Energy Pro Wrestling is in the red and probably gonna die. They'll be bankrupt by the end of the year.