Have you claimed yet? Because I'm not liking how you're trying to get everyone to claim.Generally speaking could all the guys who already claimed lay out their usage again? Just in case we missed something.
I'll take my MVP now.
Fuck off.Why are you taking credit for the work of T-Pein 1.0.
Looks to me like he jailkept ekko both nights and that is why there was no kills those 2 nights.
Maybe they would had given the results themselves if town didnt do town stuff like vote to pressure.??
That was the weakest thing Ive ever seen
Fuck off.
Nah dawg.No,
You are trying to hard to look town.
Taking credit for anothers players work.
You did nothing for that Ace slot lynch.
It was T-Pein 1.0 and sister abigail.
I am now able to form a solid town core.
Will catch another scum if we lynch necro.