not my fault you didn’t read this.
i can read it, u mentioned it like 2-3 hours before the night phase ended and SOMEHOW expect me to take it as a reasoning for u not co-operating with us
you had the full night to tell us so. You can't expect us to be present 2 hours before the night end to tell us that.
again we made it clear
1. you target a player at night to hide behind. if they r town nothing happens to u and u can confirm that player as town next day.
2. if they are mafia you will die, but your sacrifice will not be in vain since we will know who u were hiding behind and we will lynch them, ofcourse thats assuming you tell us who u r planning to hide behind. one town death for one mafia death is a pretty solid trade imo
3. we gave you possible targets to hide behind and wanted to discuss with u who u think is a good target, but u do not wanna co-operate
now reasons why you should ALWAYS use ur ability:
1. at the very least u can confirm a player as town if you dont die, meaning we will know someone is town and will trust them
2. if your target is mafia, we end up lynching them next day = very good gain
3. if mafia tries to roleblock , redirect , or kill you, they will hit the target you are hiding behind, meaning u r always safe from mafia and should use ur abilities always.
and reasons why it is bad if you dont use ur ability
1. we cannot believe ur claim. its simple. you should help us confirm townies or find scum with ur ability, yet u refuse to use it.
2. a hider is normally untrackable because every time we track u, it goes to the person u r hiding behind and we track them instead, so right now if you do not co-operate we will not know if we are tracking you doing some evil stuff, or we are tracking someone that you are hiding behind.
3. if you are town, mafia can kill u if u r not hiding behind anyone.