I miss Air Boom...I miss Bourne. I really don't care for Kofi, idk why, I don't dislike him I just stopped caring about whatever he's doing. But with Bourne I got happy and then bye bourne and Truth someone else I don't mind but don't really care about is teaming with him.
Also Justin Gabriel is great, and Tyson Kidd is up there on my list of current favorites, But I still don't see how they tag team. I just don't see any mesh it seems so off to me I don't know why like idk ummm Edge and Benoit they were a tag team for a while but I just never saw how they fit into a tag team mold. But that's just me. honestly anything to get Kidd some exposure I'll be happy with, seeing him in the final four of the Battle Royal put a smile on my face tbh.
Ziggler/Swagger is cursed. Cursed because they let swagger fall so deep between the cracks that they had to lose Ziggler with him and kept them as such. I like Swagger, I don't know why I just do and I like Ziggler but Swagger ever seen he lost the world title it seems they want him to fail. I'll admit he isn't perfect he could stand to be told "work on the leg more throughout the match, add more psychology to the match" but I think he can do pretty good. But they've thrown mascots, random father, Michael Cole, Losing streaks, everything that can possible kill anyones momentum was thrown at Swagger and now he's so far behind that Ziggler is at the same spot as him because of it and Ziggler should of gone so much farther after feuding with punk.
O'Neal/Young....I don't....I just don't care...
Hunico/Camacho, Not gonna lie I'm at the very lowest level of fandom you can be while still saying your a fan. I think one being the power one being that fast, likes to talk, show off little guy. It works out But I mean have they really been in any tag team matches except for the loss to the tag champs? they need to be built up some more in my opinion.
The Usos, not bad and I don't mind them, I'm not a fan but honestly good for them if they go up a level.
Hawkins and Reks, I like them, but more them than their tag team and by that I mean I like Hawkins and Reks but just not to the point where I wish they were tag champs on Friday.
Epic and Primo I don't mind them their good in the ring I just don't take them seriously.
Honestly the problem with the tag team division is that there is no feuds, No reason for anyone to care about any of the tag teams. Edge and Christian came out annoyed everyone and did their heel antics, people cared that the Hardys were going to do their high flying moves to try and beat them. People cared about those damn dudleys. Now If there's a new team formed that team will beat every other team in the span of a month, and become tag champs REALLY and I mean REALLY fast and do nothing until another tag team forms. Air-Boom vs. Awesome Truth got my hopes up so much because it looked like they were gonna feud, not just have one on one matches leading to the tag match actually feud but instead they took the heat of Awesome Truth up to the main event and let Air-Boom do a whole lot of nothing until Primo and epico showed up, then Primo and epico were looking good even with Hunico for like a week until they did a whole lot of nothing until Kofi and truth formed, Kofi and Truth won the titles now guess what? their doing a whole lot of nothing.
They need to stop worrying about getting New tag teams, and start trying to make the ones they have mean something, have the tag teams actually say they want the titles instead of just putting them in title matches. Maybe with A.W they might push home the feud aspect of the tag team division but for now it's just random tag matches and random tag teams with a pair of titles that'll go to whoever looks like the crowd might care about.