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Feb 8, 2008
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Looking forward to the next show, any idea on when it will be up?


Nov 29, 2007
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Carnage Episode #8: Aftermath Of Unscripted!

After Unscripted, we witnessed Samoa Joe retain the SWF Championship agaist Dave Batista, who put up an amazing fight agaist the champion. On Carnage, Samoa Joe will be teaming with one of his biggest rivals, CM Punk, who was decimated at the hands of Rated RKO at Unscripted. Randy Orton and Edge have pushed the line over the past few weeks, by taking out competiton. On Carnage, Joe and Punk look to take out the 2 men, who could just take over SWF completely by the end of November. Who will take the victory, and will Samoa Joe and CM Punk be able to co-operate together as a team?

Scotty 2 Hotty and Chavo Guerrero had their dispute after Unscripted, and now after Colony's rundown, Chavo put himself in the match, agaist Scotty. Carnage will get crazy, as these 2 ego's clash in the ring. Chavo is pissed, after he was defeated by X-Pac, to loose his SWF Lightweight Championship. He has Scotty to take his anger out on. Will Chavo be able to beat Scotty, or will Scotty have a plan for his rival, Chavo Guerrero?

Big Show pushed Colony infront of a moving car. As sick as that sounds, Big Show doesnt regret it at all. He will be appearing on Carnage tomorrow night, to address the nation, on why he did that to the boss, and for what reasons. Big Show has been a bit strange ever since Turning Point. It is said, Big Show has a shocking announcment. What could it possibly be?

Hardcore Holly is un-defeated in SWF as of now. He has asked Colony a thousand times for a match, but hasnt been accepted, or booked a match, untill now. SWF Board of Directors has decided to give Holly a match agaist John Morrison, one half of the SWF Tag Team Champions. A few weeks back in Carnage, MNM won the Tag Titles, and making history by creating the first ever title change on a weekly SWF show. John Morrison promises to not let Holly win, and with Miz by his side, will Hardcore Holly be able to score a victory over Morrison?

That, and lots more on Carnage tomorrow night!!!!


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Carnage Episode #8: Unscripted After-Math



SWF Pyro goes off and the Carnage Weekly Show is brought to you by Slipknot ‘Before I Forget’. (Before I Forget plays on the tron and afterwards the pyro goes off and the crowd go nuts)



Stapled shut, inside an outside world and I'm
Sealed in tight, bizarre but right at home
Claustrophobic, closing in and I'm
Catastrophic, not again
I'm smeared across the page, and doused in gasoline
I wear you like a stain, yet I'm the one who's obscene
Catch me up on all your sordid little insurrections,
I've got no time to lose, and I'm just caught up in all the cattle

Fray the strings
Throw the shapes
Hold your breath

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
I wear you like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to win, I'm just caught up all the battles

Locked in clutch
Pushed in place
Hold your breath

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

My end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade
The end of the road and my end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, OH


* Big Show is seen backstage, as he sits in the GM's chair *

Show: Welcome to Monday Night Carnage. You might remember this talk from last week on Carnage with Colony. This week, im here to announce that im taking over SWF, as the new General Manager of both shows. Now that im GM, I can do whatever I want. I took out Colony, to help SWF. I am twice as better as Colony is, and I promise you all higher ratings, and better shows. Now that im General Manager, I have made the next SWF PPV, In Your House, an all extreme rules matches. Which means that every match will be extreme. And to add to that, there will be an Elimination Chamber for the SWF Championship. I am here to announce the first 2 entrants into the Chamber. The SWF Champion, Samoa Joe. And ME! I will become SWF Champion, and truely own this company! With the next 2 weeks, there will be qualifying matches. I warn any contender, that I am a dominant force in SWF, and I will not give up, till I get what I want!

* The screen closes, as the camera goes to Joey Styles and Tazz *

Tazz: Wait a minute, Big Show is the new General Manager of SWF?!!

Joey Styles: That is what the situation appears to be, Tazz.

Tazz: How suprising is this!

Joey Styles: This is sick! Big Show injured, almost killed Colony, and he has the right to take his place as GM!

Tazz: It was probably after his suspension a few weeks back.

Joey Styles: Back to Carnage, we have a great night of action planned for tonight!

Tazz: Im looking forward to the main event, Rated RKO .vs. Samoa Joe & CM Punk!

Joey Styles: But first, were going to see Chavo Guerrero take on Scotty 2 Hotty.

* Chavo Guerrero's theme hits!! * Chavo walks down the ramp mad, after he lost his Lightweight title last night to X-Pac. He enters the ring, as he stands at the turnbuckle, inraged.

Joey Styles: Chavo doesnt look to pleased tonight.

Tazz: I wonder why, he lost his championship last night at Unscripted!

* Scotty 2 Hotty's theme hits!! * Scotty 2 Hotty walks down the ramp, as he enters the ring. He smiles, as the crowd goes wild for him. He looks at Chavo, pissed from the altercation last night, as he is ready for the match.

Match 1-
Singles Matchup
Chavo Guerrero .vs. Scotty 2 Hotty

* Bell Rings *

Chavo and Scotty both circle the ring, as the match goes underway. Chavo studies Scotty a bit, as Scotty looks more calm than Chavo. They both lock up in the middle of the ring, both in rage after last nights confrontation, and Chavo gains over Scotty. Chavo throws Scotty to the mat, and headlocks him in a harsh grapple. Scotty ends up breaking the submission, grabbing onto a nearby rope. Chavo lets go, as he gets right on him again, stomping on him. Chavo continues his outburst of stomps to Scotty's chest, pushing him into the turnbuckle. Chavo runs agaist the ropes, and he runs back, but Scotty dodges it, by sliding under the ropes, and escaping the ring. Chavo yells at Scotty to come back in, but Scotty holds his chest in pain. Scotty runs back in, and he spears Chavo to the canvas, and starts attacking Chavo. Scotty runs agaist the ropes, but Chavo dodges it, and he goes to clothsline the running Scotty, but Scotty dodges it again, and he runs back, and jumps ontop of Chavo, onto his shoulders! He starts punching Chavo in the head, as Chavo wobbles in the ring, with Scotty on his shoulders. Chavo losses balance, and he falls, as Scotty's face hits the turnbuckle!

Joey Styles: Oh My God!! Scotty 2 Hotty's jaw could be broken right now, after Chavo dropped him!

The crowd chants Scotty's name, as he lays out cold on the canvas from the jaw buster. Chavo crawls, as he puts his hand over Scotty, 1..........2.....Scotty kicks out at 2! The crowd cheers, as the Former Lightweight champion looks mad. He gets back up, and he drags Scotty into the turnbuckle. Chavo climbs out of the ring, and he grabs a chair from the announcers. He folds it into a flat steel chair, and the crowd boo's Chavo. He puts the chair into the ring, and the ref grabs it, and goes to throw it back out. Chavo grabs the chair from the ref, and he argues with the ref. Chavo goes in rage, as he grabs the steel chair, and he smashes the ref in the head with the chair! The crowd goes wild, as Chavo mouths off to the layed out ref, but as he is mouthing off, Scotty is behind Chavo. Scotty runs agaist the ropes, as he runs back, and Chavo turns around, but his reaction time was bad, and Scotty spin kicks Chavo in the jaw, knocking the chair out of his hands, and sending him to the mat. Scotty picks up the chair, as he holds it up, and the crowd goes wild. The ref is still layed out, as Chavo is on his knee's, trying to get back up. Scotty grips the chair, as he puts alot of pressure, and swings down to Chavo's back, hitting the chair shot on Chavo! The shot can be heard all the way up in the cheap seats!

Tazz: Oww! Chavo is not in a good position right now Styles, he is getting a beating.

Chavo lays on the mat in pain, as Scotty gets ready to do a second chair shot. Scotty pulls Chavo into the middle of the ring, but Chavo gains momentum, and he pushes on Scotty's chest with his foot, and he throws Scotty into the turnbuckle. Chavo stands back up, as he runs at Scotty, but Scotty runs at Chavo weilding the steel chair, and he swings it at the running Chavo, as it connects with his head! Chavo is knocked right to the canvas, as he lays out cold. Chavo opens his eyes, as he try's getting his vision back. Scotty throws the chair to the outside of the ring, as he goes to pin Chavo. He realizes the ref is just on his knee's, and Chavo kicks out. It would of been a pinfall, but the ref was not up. Scotty stands beside Chavo, as he is getting ready to hit the Worm! Chavo all of a sudden gets up somehow, and he pushes Scotty's head into the exposed steel of the turnbuckle! Scotty falls about 6 feet away from the turnbuckle, as Chavo climbs the turnbuckle, that is nearest to Scotty. He uses Eddie's taunt, as he shakes his shoulders, and he leaps off of the turnbuckle, and hits the 5 Star Frog Splash! He holds his ribs in pain, as he goes to pin Scotty, and the ref is able to get back up in time. 1..........2........3! Chavo Guerrero takes the suprising victory in this brutal matchup!


After the match, Chavo looks pissed, as he is handed a mic. He walks around the ring first, as he looks back at the crowd, with a smile, but an evil grin on his face.

Chavo: Last night at Unscripted, I lost my Lightweight Championship to X-Pac!

* crowd goes wild *

Chavo: He isnt championship worthy, he has discriminated the Guerrero name. And im not going to let it happen anymore!

Joey Styles: What is he talking about?

Chavo: X-Pac, I want you right now in this ring! I deserve the title, not you!

* As Chavo waits, Scotty 2 Hotty runs into the ring, and attacks Chavo. He kicks him to the side of the head, as Rikishi enters the ring. Rikishi picks up Chavo, and walks him over to the ropes. He throws him over, as Chavo crashes to the hard floor. Scotty kicks the mic out of the ring, as the crowd goes wild. Chavo looks pissed, as he holds his head in pain. *

Tazz: Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi ambushed Chavo Guerrero!

Joey Styles: Chavo cheated to beat Scotty 2 Hotty, so he deserved it.

- Commercial -

{ Highlights from Last Nights Unscripted PPV Play }

Joey Styles: What a night that was! Samoa Joe defeated Dave Batista.

Tazz: I cant belive Samoa Joe won, I forsure though Batista had the win there.

Joey Styles: Wait, something is happening backstage, lets go live!

* Big Show is walking backstage, as he meets up with Randy Orton and Edge *

Edge: Big Show, wait, should I say boss?

Big Show: What do you guys want?

Orton: Why ask the question, were here to thank you for the match you booked us tonight.

Edge: Me and Orton were thinking of ruling SWF, but not by pushing Colony infront of a car!

Big Show: Look, your welcome, now I have busniess to run, so I cant talk right now.

* Big Show walks off, as Rated RKO looks on. *

Tazz: Orton and Edge look suspicious in that promo there Styles!

Joey Styles: They do, but what could they possibly have up their sleves? They shouldnt be worrying about Big Show, they should be worried about their opponents tonight!

* John Morrison's theme hits!!! * John Morrison walks onto the ramp, with The Miz, as they hold the SWF Tag Titles. He enters the ring, as he holds the title high, standing on the turnbuckle. Miz stands outside of the ring.

* Hardcore Holly's theme hits!! * The crowd goes wild, but half of the arena boo's. Holly makes his way down the ramp, as he enters the ring, and he taunts Morrison.

Match 2-
Singles Matchup
John Morrison .vs. Hardcore Holly

* Bell Rings *

Holly and Morrison both circle the ring, as Miz stands on the side of the ring, holding the Tag Titles. Morrison and Holly crash in the middle of the ring, as Holly overcomes the champ. Holly irish whips Morrison agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, he goes to clothsline Holly, but Holly dodges it, and he dropkicks Morrison! Morrison holds his torso in pain, as Holly gets on him, and starts beating him down with hard blows to the head. Holly awaits for Morrison to get back up, and as he does, he runs at Morrison, but Morrison dodges it, and he throws Holly over the top rope, and he crashes outside of the ring. Morrison causes trouble with the ref, as Miz runs, and he hits Holly in the head with the Title plate! MNM gets boo's, as Miz walks back to where he was before. Morrison hops out of the ring, and he grabs onto Holly's tights. He irish whips him back into the ring, as he elbows Holly in the head. He slides into the ring, as he studies Holly. He goes ontop of the turnbuckle, looking to hit a corkscrew moonsault, but as he is in mid air, Holly dodges it, and Morrison hits the canvas hard. Miz looks worried, as Holly headlocks Morrison.

Tazz: Hardcore Holly has a vicious headlock, and he has just locked it in on John Morrison!

Holly apply's more pressure to the head of Morrison, and begins knee'ing him in the arm, looking for a weakness. Morrison grabs onto the ropes, as the ref pulls Holly off of Morrison. Holly kicks Morrison in the neck, as he goes on rage. Morrison ends up slipping out of the ring, as Miz gives him water. Miz tells him to hurry up and drink it, but Holly is coming. Miz grabs the bottle, and throws it at Holly, spraying him with cold water. Holly gets it in his eyes, as the ref gives Miz a warning. Morrison runs into the ring, and rolls up Holly for the pin, 1........2...Holly kicks out at 2! Morrison looks suprised, as Miz looks mad. The ref points to the crowd that it was a 2 fall, and Morrison starts beating on Holly more. Morrison runs agaist the ropes, and runs back, and hits a high backflip, looking to land on Holly, but Holly moves out of the way, and Morrison backflips onto the canvas! Holly runs agaist the ropes, and he runs back, and clothslines Morrison hard down to the mat! Morrison lays out on the mat, as Holly goes for the pinfall, 1.......2......Morrison kicks out at 2 and a half! The crowd boo's, as Holly helps Morrison back to his feet. Morrison kicks Holly in the gut, and hits the Moonlight Drive!!!

Joey Styles: What a counter! John Morrison just hit his special on Hardcore Holly!

Morrison lays on the canvas, as Miz cheers. Holly lays out on the mat, as Morrison moves his body beside him, and goes for a pinfall, 1........2........Holly kicks out at 2! Almost a 3! Morrison bangs his fists on the mat, as Miz looks suprised. Morrison helps Holly back to his feet, as he kicks him in the gut again, and is going to hit his second Moonlight Drive, but it is dodged, and Holly irish whips Morrison to the turnbuckle! Holly runs at Morrison but Morrison dodges it by climbing the turnbuckle. Holly backs up, as Morrison leaps from the turnbuckle, but Holly catches him, and hits his Old Finisher, the Hollycaust! The crowd goes wild, as they have not seen that move in a long time. Miz grabs Morrison's foot, and pulls him outside of the ring. Miz mouths off to Holly, as he aids Morrison. Holly climbs out of the ring, as he big boots Miz in the head! He grabs Morrison, and irish whips him back into the ring. He grabs Morrison, and puts him on his shoulders, as Holly sets Morrison up for his Finisher! The Alabama Slam! Holly gets loud cheer, as he drops back, smashing Morrison to the canvas! Miz gets back up, and his head is red with anger, as he looks over, and see's Holly pinning Morrison, 1.........2.........3! Hardcore Holly holds a victory over tonights match, as Miz runs into the ring, but Holly climbs out.


After the match, Hardcore Holly celebrates, as it is his first win in SWF history. The Miz helps Morrison back up, as they hold the Tag Titles up high. Holly exits the ring, as SWF Carnage goes to commercial.

- Commercial -

Joey Styles: Welcome back to Monday Night Carnage, and the night has been amazing so far. Hardcore Holly scored his first win this year!

Tazz: Its truely a celebration for him, but coming up next, could be a start of a new feud!

Joey Styles: I would say, Christian will take on Matt Hardy, as the Coalition continues, with Tomko.

Tazz: But, Lance Storm has joined it at Unscripted, so he will be ringside aswell.

* Carlito is backstage, as he is reading a book, sitting on a leather couch. *

* knock knock *

Carlito: Uh, come in?

* The door opens, and Rob Van Dam walks into the room *

Carlito: RVD, why are you here?

RVD: Listen Carlito, I think our match last week was one of my best fights. You put all you had into the fight, and I liked that.

Carlito: So, I lost. I could of done better anyways.

RVD: Could of done better? Whats that supposed to mean?

Carlito: It means, I can beat you. Yes, I can beat you. I can also beat Jacobs.

RVD: If you could so called beat me, then why didnt you last week?

Carlito: I wasnt prepared enough!

RVD: Ok then, next week on Carnage, il face you again. So you have 1 week to prepare! Then we will see who the true winner is.

Carlito: Fine, its on. This book is crap, im getting out of here.

* Carlito slams the book down on the ground, as he gets up off of the couch, and walks out of the room, leaving RVD smiling. *

( Camera goes back to Commentators )

Joey Styles: Wow, next week here on Carnage, Rob Van Dam .vs. Carlito!

Tazz: What a matchup that will be, but coming up right now, is Christian .vs. Matt Hardy!

* Matt Hardy's theme hits!!! * Matt runs onto the ramp, as the whole arena goes wild. Matt slides into the ring, as he taunts for the crowd.

* Christian's theme hits!!! * Christian comes onto the ramp, as he gets boo's around the arena. He walks down the ramp with both James Storm and Tomko on his side. Christian enters the ring, as Tomko and Storm wait outside the ring.

Match 3-
Singles Matchup
Matt Hardy .vs. Christian

* Bell Rings *

Christian and Hardy both look at eachother, as Tomko and Storm stand outside of the ring. Christian starts taunting Hardy a bit, before they collide. Hardy gains over Christian, and he throws him down to the canvas, in a crazy headlock. Christian breaks out, and he headlocks Hardy. Hardy breaks out, and they both stand at opposite turnbuckles. Christian shakes his hands, as Hardy stretches his arms. They cirlce the ring a bit more, as the rest of the Coalition cheers on Christian. They collide in the middle of the ring again, but this time, Christian overcomes Hardy, and he irish whips him agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, and he hits a Running Arm Drag! Christian grabs onto Hardy, as he helps him back to his feet. He pushes him into the turnbuckle, but Hardy breaks it, and he throws Christian back into the turnbuckle. Hardy starts pounding Christian into the turnbuckle with his foot. Hardy grabs Christian off of the turnbuckle, and he hits a Forearm Smash! Matt goes for the pinfall, 1.......Christian manages to kick out at 1. Christian stands back up, as him and Hardy look eye to eye. Matt runs, and he hits a dropkick on Christian, knocking him to the canvas.

Tazz: Matt Hardy is a talented human being. I cant say this any other way but, he is SWF.

Hardy stands back up, as he starts punching Christian. He throws atleast 5 blows to the head of Christian, before getting off of him. Tomko tells the ref, that he isnt fair, and Tomko and the ref have an arguement. Storm passes Christian a steel chair, as he grabs it. Matt turns around, and Christian swings the chair. Matt dodges it, and kicks Christian in the gut, and hits the Twist Of Fate! The crowd goes wild, as Storm "storms" into the ring, and he starts attacking Matt. The ref turns around from Tomko, and see's Storm attacking Matt. He grabs Storm, and forces him out of the ring. Christian grabs the steel chair, and he swings it at Matt, connecting with his head! The ref misses the shot, and Christian had already dropped the chair, making it un-noticable. Christian pulls Matt, as he goes for the pinfall, 1.........2.......Matt kicks out at 2! The crowd goes wild, as Matt stands back up groggy. Christian grabs hold of him, and he kicks him in the ribs, weaking the torso of Matt. Matt dodges it, and he irish whips Christian into the turnbuckle. Matt runs, and hits a corner clothsline, but doesnt let go, and hits a running Bulldog! Tomko and Storm look worried, as Matt is setting up for the Twist Of Fate!

Joey Styles: Christian needs to pull himself back together, or the Coalition will be picking him up off of the mat!

Matt signals that he wants to win the match, and he circles the knocked out Christian. Christian is on his knee's, as Matt helps him back up, and he kicks him in the gut, and goes to hit the Twist Of Fate, but Tomko runs in, and clothslines Matt! Matt lays on the canvas hurt, as Tomko slides out of the ring, cause of ref's orders. Tomko claps, as he cheers on Christian. Christian lays ontop of Matt, and goes for the pin, 1.........2.......Matt kicks out at 2! The crowd goes nuts, as Matt is getting back up. Christian cant belive it, and he punches Matt in the head. Matt falls back down to his knee's, as he irish whips him agaist the ropes. Matt runs back, and he lifts him up high in the firemans carry, smashing him down to the canvas! Storm claps, as he wants Christian to win. Christian picks up Matt, as he is getting ready to hit the Killswitch. Matt dodges it, and he kicks Christian in the gut, and he goes for the Twist Of Fate, but Christian dodges it, and he dropkicks Matt in the back, sending him head first into the steel turnbuckle! Tomko runs, and big boots Matt in the side of the head, almost knocking him out. Christian grabs Matt, and hits his Finisher, the Killswitch! Christian goes for the pin, 1.........2........3! Christian takes the win, as the ref holds his hands high.

Your Winner: CHRISTIAN!

After the match, Christian, James Storm and Tomko celebrate in the middle of the ring, as Matt lays out on the canvas. The Christian Coalition begin to beat on Matt Hardy, as the crowd boo's them.

* Motor City Machine Gun's theme hits!! * Alex and Chris run down the ramp, as they slide into the ring, and attack the Coalition. Alex throws Storm over the top rope, and Chris throws Tomko over the top rope, as Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Christian! Alex, Chris and Mat all stand in the ring, as the Coalition escape the arena.

Tazz: Wait a minute, its MCMG! They have came to rescue Matt Hardy!

Joey Styles: But, Christian scored a victory over Matt, that was suprising!

Tazz: Not suprising Styles, I think Christian is gifted with his talent!

* Dave Batista is seen infront of the camera, as he is being broadcasted via satellite. *

Batista: Last night, me and Samoa Joe went into the books, as we put on an amazing 5 star match. A match like no other. Yet, the outcome was Samoa Joe, retaining his SWF Championship. On Uproar this Thursday, I will have my qualifying match, to enter the Elimination Chamber at In Your House. I can guarantee you, I will win. I will be the best man in the Chamber match, and I will be SWF Champion! Its just a matter of time. Will it be next week. Will it be this week. Will it be at In Your House? All I know, is that my time is soon! And Big Show can do anything in his power to make himself win, but there is 1 power he cant beat, and thats the power of the animal. The power of Batista!

* the crowd goes wild, as the camera cuts back to the commentators *

Joey Styles: Batista will be at Uproar this Thursday, as the qualifying matches for the chamber go underway.

Tazz: 3 Qualifying matches, 4 more spots left. Next week here on Carnage, we will have the final qualifying match.

Joey Styles: Coming up next, the main event, Rated RKO will take on SWF Champion, Samoa Joe and CM Punk!

* CM Punk is seen walking backstage, as he stretches his arms. 'Next' appears in the corner of the screen, as Carnage cuts to its final commercial. *

- Commercial -

Joey Styles: Welcome back to the final half of Carnage, and coming up next is the main event!

Tazz: And what a main event it is going to be! Rated RKO .vs. Samoa Joe & CM Punk.

Joey Styles: I have been waiting for this match all night Tazz!

* Rated RKO's theme hits!! * Randy Orton and Edge both walk out, as they stand on the top of the ramp, looking at the attendance. They get mostly all boo's, as they walk down the ramp, smiling about their victory last night. They enter the ring, as they pose for the camera's, but the arena boo's them.

Joey Styles: The whole crowd is giving Rated RKO alot of heat!

Tazz: I know, did you ever figure, that it could be from what they did last night!?

* CM Punk's theme hits!! * The crowd goes wild, as CM Punk enters the stage. He pauses, as he looks kind of upset about his loss last night. He begins walking down the ramp, but he pauses again, as he points to the stage. Orton and Edge look confused, as a familiar theme hits.

* Samoa Joe's theme hits!! * CM Punk smiles, as the crowd goes nuts. Orton and Edge rest on the ropes, as they think they have this match clean. Joe walks onto the ramp, holding the SWF Championship. He greets Punk half way down, as they both talk. Orton and Edge look focused, as Joe and Punk run into the ring, and Edge and Orton escape. Orton gets back on the ropes, and Edge climbs back into the ring, in warn of Joe and Punk.

Main Event -
Tag Team Matchup
Rated RKO .vs. Samoa Joe & CM Punk

* Bell Rings *

Samoa Joe and Punk both talk, as Punk steps in first. Orton decides to go into the ring first, as Orton and Punk circle the ring. They both collide in the middle of the ring, but Orton over-weighs Punk, and pushes him down to the canvas in a headlock. Orton apply's more pressure, as Punk breaks it. Punk stands back up, and he kicks Orton in the knee. Punk runs, and he jumps up infront of Orton, and locks his arm around his head. Orton throws Punk back, but as Punk falls back, he DDT's Orton! Punk locks in a leglock, hoping for an early pin, but Orton breaks the lock. Orton stands back up, and so does Punk, as they go face to face. Orton shoves Punk, as Punk has a smile on his face. The crowd goes wild, as there is Punk chants all around the arena. Punk throws a large punch to the head of Orton, as he continues the hard blows to the head. Orton falls into the turnbuckle, as Punk runs at him, and knee's him in the jaw, but runs back holding Orton, and hits a running Bulldog! Punk goes for the pin, 1...........2..Orton kicks out at 2, as the crowd boo's. Orton reaches to tag Edge, but Punk grabs his leg, and stomps on it. Punk walks over, and he tags in Samoa Joe!

Tazz: Oh no, the SWF Champion is in with the weakened Randy Orton! Orton needs to tag Edge....fast!

Joe climbs into the ring, as he walks over to the layed out Orton. He kicks him in the side of the ribs, as Joe lifts him back up to the canvas. He irish whips Orton agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, Orton dodges it, and he clothslines Joe! Orton tags in Edge, as Edge runs into the ring, and he dropkicks Joe. He helps him back up to his feet, as he irish whips Joe agaist the ropes, and as Joe runs back, Edge goes to hit a wheelbarrow kick, but Joe dodges it, and he bodyslams Edge back down to the canvas. Joe headlocks Edge in the middle of the ring, making him unable to reach for a rope. Edge called for Orton, but Orton was still resting on the ropes. Edge manages to reach his foot on the rope, as Joe breaks the hold. Edge gets back up, as Joe throws a few punches to the head of Edge. Joe goes to lift Edge, and hit a facebuster, but Edge dodges it, and he hits his signature move, the Edge-Cution on Samoa Joe! The crowd boo's, as Edge goes to pin Joe, 1............2.....Punk breaks the pin by kicking Edge in the neck. Orton is healing, as Edge wants to tag him in. Joe makes a suprise attack, and he pushes Edge into his partner, Orton! Orton falls off of the ropes, as he crashes to the hard floor below.

Joey Styles: Samoa Joe just used a great manouver! I think Punk and Joe have this match covered up.

Joe tags in Punk, both Joe lifts Edge on his shoulders, as Punk stands on the turnbuckle, and flips in the air, hitting a DDT to Edge off of Joe's shoulders! Punk begins to beat down Edge with many kicks to the skull of Edge, and Punk weaken's Edge, by putting him in a vicious headlock. Edge is choking, as he is trying to make his way to the ropes. Orton runs, and slides into the ring, and he runs at Punk, Punting him in the head!!! Orton has a evil grin, as Joe runs in, and clotheslines Orton over the top rope! Orton crashes to the floor, as Joe wants Punk to tag him. Edge grabs onto Punk's foot, and he brings him back into the middle of the ring. Orton stands on his corner now, wanting a tag from Edge. Edge is setting up for a Spear, as he stalks Punk. Edge runs at Punk to hit the Spear, but Punk moves out of the way, and Joe sticks his foot out, as Edge crashes his face into the knee of Joe! Joe jumps off of the ropes, and he walks over to Orton, who has his hand out, and wants a tag from Edge. Punk lifts Edge for the GTS, as he hits it, smashing Edge's face into Punk's knee. Joe runs at Orton, who is still standing on the side of the ring, but Orton goes to kick Joe. Joe catches his foot, as Orton looks worried. Joe pulls, as Orton slips, and he hits head first into the side of the ring, knocking Orton out! Punk hits the Anaconda Vise on Edge, as Edge screams in pain. Edge taps, as Punk and Joe win the match agaist Rated RKO.

Your Winners: SAMOA JOE & CM PUNK!

Edge lays out in the ring, as Orton lays outside of the ring. Joe and Punk celebrate, as Joe holds the championship high. Punk holds Joe's hand high, as they celebrate. Orton is getting up, as he holds his head in pain. Edge is still out, as Punk and Joe begin walking up the ramp, getting the crowd going wild.

Tazz: What a Night! Rated RKO won agaist CM Punk at Unscripted, but with help of the champion, they had no success.

Joey Styles: Its amazing, on how just adding one more talent improves the match statistics.

Tazz: Well, thank you for watching Monday Night Carnage, and we will see you next week!

Joey Styles: Make sure you check out Thursday Night Uproar aswell.

Tazz: Good Night.

{ Carnage Closes }


SWF Championship Elimination Chamber Match
Samoa Joe © .vs. Big Show .vs. ? .vs. ? .vs. ? .vs. ?

Evil Austin



SWF Pyro goes off and the Uproar Weekly Show is brought to you by Linkin Park ‘In the End’.

(In the End plays on the tron and afterwards the pyro goes off and the crowd go nuts)

It starts with one thing
I don't know why
it doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind

I designed this rhyme
to explain in due time

All I know
Time is a valuable thing

Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
watch it count down to the end of the day

The clock ticks life away
It's so unreal

Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window

Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
Wasted it all just to watch you go

I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when

I tried so hard
And got so far

But in the end
it doesn't even matter

I had to fall
to lose it all

But in the end
it doesn't even matter
I’ve put my trust in you
pushed as far as I can go

and for all this
there’s only one thing you should know

I tried so hard
and got so far

But in the end
it doesn't even matter

I had to fall
to lose it all

But in the end
it doesn't even matter!
*Crowd goes wild

Don West: “Welcome ladies and gentleman to another weekly edition of Uproar, SWF’s flagship broadcast.â€

JBL: “This show is going to be huge; MVP has himself a VIP lounge later on tonight with Bryan Danielson as the guest.â€

Don West: “That is indeed right but first on the agenda is the tag team contest between the former tag team champions Beer Money Inc taking on the Motor City Machine Guns.â€

JBL: “That is going to be a rocket buster of a matchup for sure.â€

Don West: “And the winner most likely will get themselves closer to facing MNM at in your house.â€

JBL: “MNM are on a roll and it is hard to stop them.â€

The music of the Motor City Machine guns play throughout the arena and the crowd give them a standing ovation.

Don West: “Well if anyone could do it, and get the job done are these guys.â€

JBL: “Actually I would think it would be Beer Money Inc as they have a pin fall victory over the champions three weeks ago on Uproar.â€

Don West: “That’s true, either way MNM have their hands full come IYH and they are watching backstage.â€

Beer Money Inc’s music then goes through the PA system and Robert Roode and James Storm make their way down to the ring taunting and drinking beers as Storm does. They enter the ring and stand opposite their opponents.

Match – 1
Beer Money Inc vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Bell rings

Robert Roode and Chris Sabin start things off with a lock up where Sabin hits a few hard kicks to the back of Roode’s leg to make him wobble back before Sabin hit a few elbows on him to the side of the head. Sabin then grabbed him and threw him hard at the ropes; Sabin leant forward on the rebound and then Robert Roode stopped, put the brakes on and then hit a hard DDT on his opponent. Roode rolls Sabin over onto his back and then covers the inside leg for the pin fall; the referee counts along with him and reaches one and a half before Sabin kicked out with high energy making Roode sit up. Robert Roode grabs Sabin by the head and takes him up to his feet before throwing him hard at the ropes and leaning forward in hope for a back body drop. Sabin on the rebound leap frogs over Roode and keeps running; when Roode turns around unaware of what is going to meet him on the way back, he gets hit with a jumping side kick to the jaw with a mid air shinning wizard. Sabin crawls over to his corner and manages to tag in Alex Shelly just moments later that jumps in with high energy and hits a hard elbow in the back of Robert Roode.

Alex Shelly taunts James Storm who tries to get into the ring but the referee stops him; meanwhile Alex Shelly drags his opponent over to the corner of the ring where Chris Sabin is at. He high fives Sabin back into the ring and as Robert Roode is on the mat; Sabin goes to the top rope and hits a hard flying leg drop from the top rope. Chris Sabin goes for the pin fall but James Storm runs in and kicks Sabin in the back of the head. He then runs at Sabin who drop toe holds him down into the second rope. Alex Shelly runs into the ring and when James Storm turns around he clotheslines him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. Meanwhile Robert Roode was able to slowly get up to his feet in the middle of the ring behind Chris Sabin and when he turned around and noticed it ran right at Robert Roode who grabbed him with a small package and rolled him up catching him off guard out of nowhere. 1………..2… but Chris Sabin was able to kick out.

Chris Sabin and Robert Roode both get to their respective feet instantly; Robert Roode lays the first strike on Chris Sabin and then knees him in the gut making him lean forward with pain. Robert Roode then grabs his opponents head and then hits a hard swinging neck breaker in the middle of the ring whiplashing his opponents head onto the canvas with a hard thud. Robert Roode then goes up to his feet and then to the corner of the ring where he steps up onto the middle turnbuckle and drops a hard fist to the fore head of Sabin. Sabin rolls around the ring holding his head in pain for a few moments before Robert Roode came over and covered him for a pin fall; 1………..2………3!

Winners Beer Money Inc

Don West: “Well it looks like Beer Money Inc have themselves a shot at MNM a rematch for the SWF tag team championships.â€

JBL: “And that right there Joey is why these two were the champions before; they are the best tag team around in SWF and they make it look easy.â€

Don West: “I thought that The Motor City Machine Guns did put up a good fight and gave it their all.â€

JBL: “But you don’t win awards and titles by coming second and giving it a good try.â€

During the commercial break the ring gets set up with the MVP’s VIP lounge which begins after the commercial break with a bang as MVP makes his way down to the ring with a suit and his coveted United States Championship hanging around his waist. He enters the ring not long after going through his entrance tunnel grabbing the microphone and hosting the interview segment.

MVP: “This is once again the United States Champion; the one and only MVP the highest paid superstar in the Wrestling world today and here once again with a new guest on the V.I.P lounge.â€

Crowd give him heat

MVP: “Hey this is as close as you all will get to being the VIP on the V.I.P lounge, my guest here is the man I beat twice once to get this title and once again to retain it…he is….-“

Bryan Danielson makes his way down to the ring accompanied by a roar of the crowd as he storms down to the ring with his music playing behind him.
MVP and Bryan Danielson go face to face, nose to nose.

MVP: “As I was saying; my guest at this time is Bryan Danielson who apparently has the nerve to interrupt the host of this broadcast…he should be thankful that he is even in the ring with me right now in the VIP lounge and he should be overwhelmed and should go down on his knees and be thanking me…MVP for getting in the ring with him at Unscripted and making him look good.â€

Bryan Danielson: “Are you done? Is it my turn to talk now or are you still going to run your mouth about absolute crap?â€

MVP: “Hey I am the one who is meant to ask the tough questions here I am the host and I am the United States Champion… Now Bryan what does it feel like to lose to me twice in a row?â€

Bryan Danielson: “What?! What kind of question is that? I have got one for you, how did it feel to know that I had you beat by knockout before that referee ended by DQ in your favor you knew damn well that I had you on the mat with the STF and it was over.â€

MVP: “But I didn’t tap and that’s why I am the champion not…..youâ€

Bryan Danielson: “If you are such a great champion why don’t you put it up against me one more time? Unless you are scared to get your ass handed to you once again?â€

MVP: “Hey you should watch your mouth you are in my ring in my lounge and you go by my rules, you are not the champion I am and I chose when I want to defend this or not.â€

Bryan Danielson: “So what will it be?â€

MVP then grabs his microphone and hits it on Danielson’s head making him go down to one knee before MVP took a step back and knocked him out cold with a drive by kick.

MVP leaves the ring without answering his challenge.

Backstage in the interview area Jimmy Jacobs has the microphone and begins to speak

Jimmy Jacobs: “Rob Van Dam! You are not out of the woods yet; you are not safe yet because whenever you go down to the ring whenever you hear them chant your name….Rob….Van….Dam whenever you step into that ring for a match you will be reminded about how I physically destroyed you at Unscripted. I left you in a crimson mask and you are nothing but a fake; you are nothing compared to your hype and you couldn’t go in the ring when it mattered. Rob I have been thinking about this long and hard all over the past week and I kept telling myself maybe it was a mistake? Maybe it was just a bad day for RVD? A onetime thing? I thought about giving you another chance but I humiliated you so bad at Unscripted that I will let you be. But RVD remember your time has come to pass the torch, you are nothing of what you used to be and I proved that by beating you! You can tell yourself all you want that it isn’t true but face facts that you are old, washed up and defeated.â€

Jimmy Jacobs drops the microphone and leaves the set.

Matt Hardy’s must then hits straight away after and the man that never dies makes his way down to the ring accompanied by a standing ovation by the crowd as Matt Hardy attempts to earn himself a spot into the Elimination Chamber matchup.

Don West: “Well looks like we have ourselves an Elimination Chamber qualifying matchup which is sure to be an explosive one as Matt Hardy has his work cut out for him here tonight.â€

Suddenly Voices hits and Randy Orton makes his way down to the ring as he is ready to take on Matt Hardy who is stretching and pacing in the ring.

Match – 2
Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton
Elimination Chamber Qualifying matchup

Bell rings

Matt Hardy runs right at Randy Orton who ducks underneath a clothesline forearm shot going right at him; Matt then turns around to have Randy lock up with him and then go for a Suplex. Matt though blocks it and moves his leg around the legs of Randy Orton and then hits a suplex of his own. Matt gives Randy Orton a couple of kicks while he was down before running at the ropes behind him and hitting a base ball slide dropkick to the mid section of Randy Orton making him fall out of the ring and to the outside near the crowd barrier. Matt takes a few moments to get the crowd behind him and soak up the chants made by the people in attendance around the arena. During this time a groggy Randy Orton made his way up to one knee and began to make it to a vertical base up on his feet before Matt Hardy stood on the side of the ring holding onto the top rope with both hands. Seconds later Matt Hardy with a great face pop behind him elevates himself over the top rope and to the outside of the ring and takes Randy Orton down with a cross body. The referee begins his ten count as he sees both men down on the outside of the ring.

At approximately the count of four and a half Matt Hardy held onto the ring apron and began to make his way back into the ring to break up the count. Meanwhile his opponent Randy Orton was only in the push up position on his knees and hands and was yet to make any significant signs of life. Matt though broke the count by leaving the ring once again and then grabbed Randy Orton and slowly lifted him up and rolled him back into the ring. Matt tried to end this one early and stood up on his feet holding both arms out wide and clenching his fists signaling the Twist of Fate. Once Randy Orton did get up to his feet Matt went to kick him in the gut but Randy caught the leg and Matt was in a world of trouble hopping around the ring on one leg. And everyone knows that a one legged man in an ass kicking contest never wins; Matt Hardy though goes for a hard enziguri kick to the side of the head on his opponent but Randy Orton saw it coming and ducked underneath it; still holding onto Matt’s leg Matt had his back turned to Randy Orton now and Randy hit a couple of clubbing shots on his opponent in the lower back.Randy Orton then let go of Matt Hardy and before Matt could even attempt turning around and doing something and showing offense; Randy Orton grabbed Matt’s head from behind and hit his own version of a back breaker as Matt Hardy fell down to the mat in a lot of pain. Randy Orton began to choke him out; but he was forced to let go at the count of four otherwise he was then disqualified. Randy then stood back up and moved around Matt Hardy’s body and began to stomp him, doing a full turn of Matt Hardy kicking every limb and body part he could, adding insult to injury.

Randy Orton then ran at the ropes behind him and on the rebound went up onto his tippy toes and then dropped a hard knee to the head of Matt Hardy. Randy Orton stopped him from sitting up by pulling him back down to the mat and then covered him for the first pin fall in this fast paced contest. 1......2. But Matt Hardy continues to show life as he was able to kick out at about the count of two. Randy Orton continuously hit punches to the already worked on forehead of Matt Hardy before taking a step back with a fearsome look on his face; Randy Orton ran at Matt Hardy and booted him in the side of the head knocking him out cold. Matt Hardy was on the mat with a faraway look in his eyes as they were glazed over into the side of his head. Randy was pacing around the ring before going for the pin fall. 1………………….2………….3! And it was over Randy Orton won the match and qualified for the Elimination Chamber.

Winner Randy Orton

JBL: “Yes, Yes, Yes! Randy Orton the man of destiny will enter the Elimination Chamber and defeat Samoa Joe in a mere three weeks.â€

Don West: “How are you so sure he will win?â€

JBL: “That look he had in his eyes and the recent winning streak he has had with Edge, leaving a trail of losers behind him is what a real champion does.â€

Don West: “Well the only thing that is sure that there will be a hell of a match at In Your House.â€

JBL: “It will mark history as Samoa Joe’s 7 month long title reign will come to a screeching halt.â€

The camera moves backstage to the locker room of Christian Cage; he is met with a mixed crowd reaction as he is seen talking and discussing with his partners Tyson Tomko his problem solver and Lance Storm.

Christian Cage: “In Your House is where the Christian Coalition and it’s peeps really shine, this is going to be the night where we headline and win the Elimination Chamber.â€

Crowd gives a good reaction

Don West: “That could very well happen.â€

JBL: “He shouldn’t get too far ahead of himself, he hasn’t qualified just yet.â€

Christian Cage: “At the Elimination Chamber with or without help in that monsterous cage I am going to go in there and clean house and do what I do best….â€

Christian Cage: “The Elimination Chamber will become instantly classic with me in it.â€

Lance Storm: “What about us?â€

Carlito then walks by holding his favorite apple and everyone turns and looks at him

Carlito: “You in the Chamber? That’s not cool at all; now Carlito in the chamber…….now that…..that’s coolâ€

Tomko: “NO!â€

Ted Dibiase’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring accompanied down to the ring with his MITB briefcase high above his head. Ted though gets lots of boos on his way down but doesn’t seem to give a damn.

Not long after Shelton Benjamin makes his way down to the ring with a standing ovation and a lot of energy as the former all American is ready for action with a pin fall victory over him before.

Match – 3
Shelton Benjamin vs. Ted Dibiase

If Shelton wins he takes on Dibiase at In Your House for the Money in the Bank Briefcase
Bell rings

Shelton Benjamin and Ted Dibiase take a few moments to try and feel each other out before Ted Dibiase came up to Shelton Benjamin and attempted to lock up with him; but then Shelton Benjamin moved underneath Ted Dibiase and then around behind him and locked his arms tightly around Ted Dibiase’s waist. Shelton Benjamin attempted a German Suplex on his opponent but Ted hit a side elbow shot to the ear of Benjamin which gave him some time to get out of the hold. Ted Dibiase then backed his opponent into the turnbuckles in the corner of the ring and kept ramming him into them numerous times hopping that his grip would have weakened. And it had; Shelton Benjamin was forced to let go and Ted Dibiase smirked as he turned around and gave Shelton a few hard rights and lefts in the corner of the ring. Shelton then came back with a few of his own before switching positions and having him in the corner of the ring against the turnbuckles. Ted Dibiase got out of the corner only after raking the eyes of Benjamin making him temporarily blinded as he backed a few feet away holding his eye. Ted Dibiase then ran at him going to take him down with full force but Benjamin countered it with a hard arm drag which sent him flying to the other end of the ring.

Shelton Benjamin held onto the right arm of Ted Dibiase and brought him back up to his feet with it; Shelton Benjamin brought him slowly over to the side of the ring as Benjamin attempted to use the ropes and springboard off of them to his advantage but he took too much time to do so and Ted Dibiase moved his free arm over Benjamin and had clothes lined him back down to the mat. Ted Dibiase took a second to shake off the ‘cobwebs’ and then began to kick Shelton Benjamin while he was down. Moments later Shelton Benjamin was hoisted up to his feet and then thrown at the ropes as Ted Dibiase leant forward on the rebound Shelton Benjamin leap froged over him before continuing to run at the ropes in front of him and when Ted Dibiase turns around he takes Dibiase down with a flying lariat. Shelton Benjamin then waits for Ted Dibiase to get up to his feet before dropkicking him down and going for the pin fall; 1………2… but Ted Dibiase had kicked out.

Shelton Benjamin then brought Dibiase up to his feet with a hand full of tights he then threw him into the turnbuckles and Shelton Benjamin backed up before running at him at full pace and hitting a Splash move on him. Making him go down to one knee; Shelton Benjamin then kicked him in the gut and hit a belly to belly over head suplex on him sending him crashing down to the center of the ring and Benjamin had gone for the pin fall. 1…………..2………3!

Winner Shelton Benjamin

Don West: “Looks like Benjamin vs. Dibiase is confirmed for another PPV blockbuster but this time Benjamin has earned himself a right to possibly win the Money in the Bank briefcase.â€

JBL: “One he won’t win that but two why should Ted have to put it on the line? Ted won it fair and square at Wrestle Fest not Benjamin.â€

Don West: “But Benjamin has three pin fall victories over Ted and that says something doesn’t it?â€

JBL: “It only says that Benjamin is lucky not that he should be the Money in the Bank holder.â€

Backstage in the General Manager’s office the Big Show is seen sitting at his desk with his arms crossed.

The Big Show: “I have some good news and bad news for the SWF viewers at home.â€

The Big Show: “The good news is I am out of the Elimination Chamber!â€

The Crowd then goes nuts

Don West: “What?â€

JBL: “Whoa? That’s an announcement right there.â€

The Big Show: “So officially the two participants so far are Randy Orton and Samoa Joe the champion and I am officially out of it and out of the match. Now onto the bad news for the Champion or whoever wins the Chamber.â€

Don West: “I wonder what this could be?â€

JBL: “I bet it is going to be big.â€

The Big Show: “The winner of the Elimination Chamber whomever it may be Samoa Joe or someone else is going to have to do Double Duty at In your house because straight away after with no toilet or rest break they are going to have to defend it against me!â€

Crowd gives heat

JBL: “And I was right it was big.â€

Don West: “That isn’t fair?! He just pretty much confirmed himself an easy title win, he left the Chamber to face the winner afterwards knowing they will be bloody and beaten down already.â€

JBL: “It’s smart on the GM’s part.â€

The Big Show: “So good luck to everyone in the Elimination Chamber as I will be watching from the back.â€

Don West: “Well meantime folks we are ready for the biggest Uproar main event in a long long time, we have ourselves the 15 foot demonic structure lowering as we speak.â€

JBL: “This steel cage match is going to be huge.â€

Don West: “Let’s take you back and relive the history between AJ Styles and Chris Benoit to how they got here tonight.â€

-- Hype was shown for the Steel Cage match highlighting their illustrious feud over the past 5 months.

Crowd goes wild and continues to go wild as Chris Benoit’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring banging his chest and showing respect to the crowd

Don West: “Chris Benoit is going to go into that cage and do what he does best beat down his opponent. AJ Styles better be ready to get in there with the Wolverine a caged animal.â€

Not long after AJ Styles music hits and he gets lots of heat; AJ the phenomenal one makes his way into the cage standing opposite the man he faced at Unscripted…Chris Benoit.

Main Event
Chris Benoit vs. AJ Styles
Steel Cage

Bell rings

AJ Styles and Chris Benoit take a moment or two to look around at their surroundings as it begins to sink in that they are surrounded by a 15 ft high unforgiving steel cage. AJ Styles and Chris Benoit move towards each other in the center of the ring and slowly and cautiously try and lock up in a test of strength arm battle. AJ Styles gave Benoit a hard knee to the mid section before following up with multiple rights and lefts. AJ Styles then grabbed Chris Benoit’s arm and attempted to throw him at the ropes but Chris had reversed it and had thrown AJ Styles at the ropes instead. On the rebound AJ Styles came off with momentum and went for a hard clothesline shot in mid air; but Chris had grabbed AJ’s arm pulling him down and going for a crippler cross face. AJ Styles was suddenly moved down to one knee by Chris Benoit as AJ was having a hard time trying to hold onto a vertical base; AJ though rolled forward turning the momentum against Benoit and sending him to the corner of the ring with an arm drag. AJ Styles then smiled as he slowly taunted while walking up to Chris Benoit as he was sitting in the corner of the ring. Chris was kicked a couple of times in the mid section before being slowly lifted up to his feet and then thrown at the other turnbuckles diagonally opposite.

Chris Benoit’s chest hit the top turnbuckle and was winded as he rebounded off AJ then ran at the ropes opposite Chris Benoit and leaped onto the middle rope and spring boarded off of it; turning in mid air and hitting a form of a Shinning Wizard kick to the jaw on Benoit to take him down. AJ Styles then spots the door the exit of this Cage he begins to walk towards it in hope to exit and win this match early on but Chris Benoit had suddenly grabbed hold of AJ’s leg and AJ was not able to continue moving; Benoit would not let go as he then slowly moved up to one knee and had chop blocked his opponent down in the middle of the ring. Still holding onto his leg he attempted to turn him over and lock in a deadly Sharp Shooter submission hold. He almost had it in but AJ Styles was able to bring Chris down and have him rolled up in an inside cradle; Chris kicked out instantly.

AJ Styles and Chris Benoit got up to their respective feet at about the same time; Chris came lashing out with thunderous chops taking AJ Styles down and making his chest bright red within seconds. Chris then grabbed his arm and hit a hard snap suplex on the canvas in the center of the ring. Chris then sat on top of AJ and hit multiple punches to the jaw hitting numerous jabs coming from sides, right and left as AJ was forced to cover up. AJ Styles then gave Chris a hard low blow from behind making him fall to the side; there are no disqualifications in this contest and it was perfectly legal. AJ Styles gets up to his feet and the crowd give him a ton of heat; AJ though doesn’t give a dam and then slowly begins to climb the chamber to try and make his exit.

AJ would be about half way up the cage before Chris was able to get up to his feet; he then raced over to AJ who was frantically trying to get up there before Benoit would be able to stop him. Benoit though was able to get over to AJ in time and began to club him in the back as he was standing on the middle rope for leverage. Benoit then had him groggy and like a shark smelling blood in the water he then wrapped his arms around AJ and amazingly hit a five or six foot High German Suplex to the center of the ring. Benoit continued to race up the cage as AJ was motionless in the center of the ring; with a roar of the crowd Chris Benoit the ravenous Wolverine was standing high above the steel cage on the top yet to make his way down. He took a moment to look down on AJ Styles before making his decision.

Benoit then out of nowhere risked his body and his opponents body by leaping into the air back into the middle of the ring and hitting AJ Styles with a thunderous ring shattering flying head butt 15 feet in the air. Both AJ and Benoit’s head’s cracked open and blood was seen. Benoit though moved his arm across AJ moments later and he got the 3 count and the win as the show went off the air and Chris Benoit got a standing ovation by the crowd.

Winner Chris Benoit

[Show goes off the air]


Confirmed card for In Your House
‘The Night of In your face action where all matches are contested under extreme rules.’

SWF World Title Match
The Big Show vs. TBA – Winner of the Elimination Chamber

Elimination Chamber match
SWF World Championship

Samoa Joe © vs. Randy Orton vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA

Shelton Benjamin vs. Ted Dibiase (M)
Money in the Bank Briefcase on the line

World Tag Team Championship matchup
Miz and Morrison © vs. Beer Money Inc
‘Extreme style of contest is yet to be announced’


May 9, 2007
Reaction score
BM: The Main Event- Very exciting to read and lots of fast paced action as I had expected.
WM: I honestly don't think there was one. All of the matches were fun to read and the lengths were good.
BP: I am a fan of the VIP Lounge and again this week was no disappointment. Very fun to read and it got right to the heart of the whole promo unlike some who just babble on about nothing.
WP: I'm going to go with the promo in Christian's Locker Room. It wasn't bad and I liked it, but kinda slowed down the show a little.
AC: Good show and I like the storylines you got going. In Your House is building up to be a pretty good PPV event and I can't wait. Keep up tje good work and feel free to drop some advice or predictions at WWE: Raw VS. Smackdown 2009!


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Carnage Episode #9: Triple Threat Qualifyers



SWF Pyro goes off and the Carnage Weekly Show is brought to you by Slipknot ‘Before I Forget’. (Before I Forget plays on the tron and afterwards the pyro goes off and the crowd go nuts)


Stapled shut, inside an outside world and I'm
Sealed in tight, bizarre but right at home
Claustrophobic, closing in and I'm
Catastrophic, not again
I'm smeared across the page, and doused in gasoline
I wear you like a stain, yet I'm the one who's obscene
Catch me up on all your sordid little insurrections,
I've got no time to lose, and I'm just caught up in all the cattle

Fray the strings
Throw the shapes
Hold your breath

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
I wear you like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to win, I'm just caught up all the battles

Locked in clutch
Pushed in place
Hold your breath

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

My end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade
The end of the road and my end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, OH


* Randy Orton's theme hits!! * Randy Orton makes his way down the ramp, as some of the crowd cheer, while most of the arena boo's him. He enters the ring, and grabs a mic, as the crowd shuts up fast.

Tazz: Welcome to Monday Night Carnage, and right now, Randy Orton is out here.

Joey Styles: I wonder what he has to say, that is so important, he comes out here in the beginning?

* Orton looks around the arena *

Orton: Over the past few weeks, ive been on a role.

* crowd boo's *

Orton: SHUT UP! Let me start with Carnage a few weeks ago, before Unscripted. Me and Edge beat everyone that came in our way. We even beat CM Punk at Unscripted.

* crowd gives off alot of heat *

Orton: Rated RKO is the face of SWF, and you all know it. If I wanted too, I could of ended the career's of both Samoa Joe and CM Punk last week on Carnage! But, I decided to just win the Elimination Chamber qualifying match instead on Uproar last week.

* crowd boo's more. *

Orton: Im the third entrant into the SWF Title Elimination Chamber match at In Your House. Samoa Joe now has no chance to keep his championship. He can beat CM Punk at Turning Point, he can beat Dave Batista at Unscripted, but when he faces Randy Orton, the story changes!

* crowd gives off alot more heat *

Orton: You call continue to boo, but once you see the SWF Championship around my waist, there will be nothing to boo about! I promised CM Punk back in September, that I would become champion before he does. Im still going to win that bet Punk, and at In Your House, the Orton legacy will begin!

* Randy Orton's theme hits again, as he drops the mic on the mat, and he looks around the arena, as the crowd gives him alot of heat. He exits the ring, and walks up the ramp, with an evil grin. *

Tazz: What a start to Carnage, Randy Orton addressing the SWF fans.

Joey Styles: Well, tonight, Randy Orton will be in a Triple Threat Match, with all 3 Chamber qualifyers! Samoa Joe and Big Show.

Tazz: What a match that will be, also tonight, Rob Van Dam will take on the prepared Carlito, who said he can beat RVD.

Joey Styles: And the match everyone is looking forward to, the Elimination Chamber qualifying match, Batista .vs. Christian!

* Hardcore Holly's theme hits!! * Hardcore Holly walks down the ramp, with X-Pac holding the Lightweight Championship at his side. Hardcore Holly enters the ring, as he gets lots of cheer's from the crowd.

* Chavo Guerrero's theme hits!!! * Chavo walks down the ramp pissed, after last week with him and Scotty 2 Hotty. Guerrero enters the ring, and he poses, as the whole arena boo's him. *

Match 1-
Singles Matchup
Hardcore Holly .vs. Chavo Guerrero

* Bell Rings *

As the match begins, Holly and Chavo circle the ring, but Holly has no hezitation, and he runs up to Chavo, and starts hammering on him, with hard blows to the head. Chavo shoves Holly back, but Holly continues on Chavo, throwing many punches to the head of Chavo. Holly knee's Chavo in the chest, and hits a snap suplex! Chavo screams in pain, as he holds is back. X-Pac smiles, as the crowd cheer's on Holly. Chavo stands back up, but Holly runs, and clothslines Chavo back down to the canvas! Holly grips Chavo in a hard headlock, as he waits for Chavo to tap. Chavo somehow grabs onto the ropes, and the ref starts to count. 1.......Holly decides to let go fast, and he throws Chavo back to the canvas. X-Pac claps, as he is impressed by the beating, Holly is giving Chavo. Chavo stands back up, and Holly grabs him, and lifts Chavo up high, as he goes to bodyslam Chavo onto the turnbuckle, but Chavo dodges it, and he slips out of the lift. Holly turns around, and Chavo throws a hard punch to the jaw of Holly. Chavo irish whips Holly agaist the ropes, and as Holly runs back, he goes to clothsline Chavo, but Chavo moves out of the way, and Chavo hits a dropkick to Holly!

Tazz: Chavo Guerrero was getting beat by Holly, now Hardcore Holly is getting beat by Chavo!

Chavo kicks Holly in the face a few times, trying to weaken the brawler. Holly gets back up, as he grabs the foot of Chavo. He pushes his foot, sending Chavo's body into the other turnbuckle. Holly runs, and goes to do a running cross body, but Chavo dodges it, and Holly hits the metal part of the turnbuckle! Chavo rolls up Holly for the win, 1..........Holly kicks out at 1! Chavo runs at Holly, but Holly grabs onto Chavo, and throws him up high in the air, as the crowd goes wild, and Chavo falls onto the canvas, almost being lifted 6 feet high. X-Pac holds his title, as he watches the carnage from outside of the ring. Holly chokes Chavo with his boot, as he presses it agaist his neck. Holly runs agaist the ropes, and he runs back, and elbow drops Chavo! The crowd goes wild, as Holly is about to execute his finisher. Holly grabs onto Chavo, and is ready to hit the Hollycaust, but its dodged, and Chavo hits a spinning DDT! Holly holds his head in pain, as he gets back up. X-Pac slides in his championship belt, and he stands on the ropes, trying to get the ref's attention. Before the ref notices the belt, he notices X-Pac. X-Pac is argueing with the ref, as Chavo grabs onto the title.

Joey Styles: Oh no! Chavo Guerrero has grabbed onto the weapon, while X-Pac wanted Holly to grab it!

Chavo runs at Holly with the championship in his hand, and he strikes Holly in the head with the plate belt! Holly crashes to the canvas, as X-Pac looks pissed. The ref goes for the pinfall, 1.........2......X-Pac grabs onto the ref's legs, and pulls him out of the ring! X-Pac punches the ref in the head, knocking him to the ground. Chavo holds his head, as X-Pac runs into the ring, and kicks Chavo in the back! He grabs onto the lightweight championship, and starts smashing Chavo's head into the title belt, atleast 20 times. Holly grabs onto Chavo, and hits his finisher, The Alabama Slam! Chavo has some blood starting to flow from his forehead, as the crowd goes wild. X-Pac irish whips the ref back in, and demands the 3 count to start. The ref starts, as Holly goes for the cover up to Chavo, 1......................2.....................3! The ref lays on the ground, holding his head, as Hardcore Holly wins the match.


After the match, Hardcore Holly gets his hand raised, as he looks down at the carnage of Chavo Guerrero. X-Pac smiles, as he holds the Lightweight championship over Chavo's layed out body. X-Pac escapes the ring with Holly, as Scotty 2 Hotty, and Rikishi walk down the ramp. Scotty has a mic, as Rikishi stands beside Chavo's body.

Scotty: Chavo Guerrero, you dont look so good?

* crowd cheers *

Scotty: Ive just came to bring some news to your attention.

* Rikishi grabs Chavo *

Scotty: Next week on Carnage, your going to face me and Rikishi in a Handi-Cap match. If you win, X-Pac has promised a Lightweight Championship match the week after!

* crowd goes wild *

Scotty: We all know your not going to win. Rikishi, give him an example for next week.

* Rikishi stands Chavo, but Scotty quickly interupts Rikishi, and smashes Chavo in the head with the mic!! *

Tazz: What!! Scotty 2 Hotty just clocked Chavo with the microphone!

Joey Styles: Next week, here live on Carnage, it will be Chavo Guerrero .vs. Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi.

Tazz: And if Chavo wins, he will get a Lightweight Championship match agaist X-Pac, the night after In Your House!

Joey Styles: Coming up next, Carlito will face Rob Van Dam!

- Commercial -

* Bryan Danielson is seen infront on the camera, as there is a black backround behind him *

Bryan: Last week MVP on Uproar, you had your little show you call a VIP lounge. You trashed me, and tonight, im here to say only a few things. One being, that since you did that, ive been given permission to ask you for a title shot agaist you at In Your House. But, we all know you will accept, cause your not afraid. Or are you? Are you afraid of me, cause im bigger and badder than you are Montel. Two, I want my title back. The United States Championship belongs with Bryan Danielson, not some washed up wanna be like you MVP! So, if you decline this invitation, I will put you threw a mindless hell.

Joey Styles: Well, Bryan Danielson putting MVP on the spot, and he wants an answer tonight!

Tazz: Bryan cant do that, its up to MVP, and even if he says no, he doesnt have to do busniess with Bryan.

Joey Styles: Coming up next, its a heated rivalry, Carlito .vs. Rob Van Dam!

Tazz: It all started last week on Carnage, when Carlito said he could beat RVD, and Jacobs, but the reason he lost, was because he wasnt prepared.

* Jimmy Jacob's theme hits!! * Jimmy Jacobs walks down the ramp, as he gets some cheer's, but some fan heat aswell. He sits beside Tazz, and puts on a headset.

Tazz: Its a pleasure to have you here Jacobs!

Jacobs: Thanks Tazz, but im truely here to watch Rob Van Dam humiliated by Carlito!

Joey Styles: We will just see about that, haha.

* Carlito's theme hits!! * Carlito walks down the ramp, as he holds an apple in his hand. He enters the ring, as the crowd boo's Carlito!

Jacobs: Carlito will win this match, RVD has no talent once or ever. I beat him, proving he is the worst in this busniess.

* Rob Van Dam's theme hits!!! * His pyro goes off, as he enters the stage. RVD walks down the ramp, as the whole arena cheers for him. Carlito looks mad, as RVD enters the ring. Carlito quickly attacks RVD, beginning the match.

Match 2 -
Singles Matchup
Carlito .vs. Rob Van Dam

* Bell Rings *

RVD and Carlito both walk in circles in the ring, as Carlito stretches his arms. They collide in the middle of the ring, as RVD gains over Carlito, and he kicks him to the side of the head, almost knocking over Carlito. RVD grabs onto the leg of Carlito, and legdrops it, making Carlito scream in pain. Jimmy Jacobs looks on with an evil look from the commentator table, as he wants Carlito to win. RVD runs agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, Carlito ducks under him, and flips him over his shoulders! RVD crashes to the canvas in pain, as he goes to stand back up, but is ambushed by Carlito. Carlito throws about 8 punches to the head of RVD, trying to weaken his head. RVD kicks Carlito in the chest, pushing him off of him. RVD slides under the ropes, and grabs onto the foot of Carlito. He pulls, as Carlito falls inside the ring, as RVD pulls of his foot, pulling Carlito out of the ring. He hits face first to the floor, as he holds his jaw in pain. RVD hops onto the barricade, as he does his thumb taunt. Carlito stands back up, and RVD goes to leap off of the barricade, but Carlito pushes him, and RVD falls into the crowd behind the barricade! RVD stands back up, he jumps onto the barricade, and suprises Carlito, and leaps off of the barricade, landing on Carlito!

Joey Styles: What high air by Rob Van Dam! You dont see that everyday?!

RVD stands back up, as he slides into the ring, and the ref counts for Carlito to go back in. Carlito gets in the ring at 7, as RVD dropkicks Carlito back outside of the ring. RVD runs agaist the ropes, and runs back at Carlito, and fly's over the ropes, and goes to land on Carlito, but Carlito moves, and RVD goes right threw the Announcer table! RVD hits Jacob's with his foot accidentaly, and Jacobs starts to bleed from his lip. Carlito smirks, as he looks at the carnage that RVD just caused. The ref makes sure RVD is ok, and he orders that he is still able to compete. Carlito kicks RVD in the neck, wanting him to give up. Carlito helps RVD back to his feet, as he irish whips him back into the ring. Carlito goes for the pin, 1............2......RVD kicks out at 2, as Carlito cant belive it, and he goes for another pinfall, 1..........2......RVD kicks out at 2 again, and Carlito tries one more time, 1........RVD kicks out at 1 this time! RVD tries standing back up, and Carlito brings RVD into the middle of the ring, and he smiles, as he turns RVD around, and hits his finisher, the Backbreaker by Carlito! The crowd boo's, as Jacobs claps for Carlito. Carlito goes for the pin, 1.............2.......RVD kicks out at 2!!!

Tazz: Wow! Rob Van Dam kicked out of a Backbreaker! Thats impressive, this is why Carnage is the most watched show in Television on Mondays!

Carlito cant belive his eyes, and neither can Jacobs. Carlito picks up RVD again, and hits a Second Backbreaker, injuring RVD! Carlito goes for the pinfall, 1............2...........RVD rests his foot on the rope, as the ref cuts the pinfall! Carlito holds his head, in dis-belief, as Jacobs looks pissed. Carlito kicks RVD in the head again, trying to injure him as much as possible. Carlito lifts RVD up to his feet, and puts him on the turnbuckle. Carlito climbs it with RVD aswell, and Carlito sets RVD up, to hit a Backbreaker off of the turnbuckle! The crowd goes wild, as Carlito leaps to hit the move, but RVD holds onto the turnbuckle, and Carlito smashes to the canvas! The crowd goes nuts, as RVD stands on the turnubuckle, and is ready to hit the 5 Star Frog Splash! RVD jumps off of the turnbuckle, and hits the 5 Star Frog Splash on Carlito! The crowd goes wild, as RVD goes for the pin, 1.............2.......Jacobs puts Carlito's arm on the rope! RVD starts argueing with the ref, as Jacobs runs into the ring, and he decks RVD! He starts beating on RVD, as the ref rings the bell, and RVD wins by DQ!

Your Winner by DQ: ROB VAN DAM!!

After the match, Jimmy Jacobs mouths off to RVD, as RVD lays out on the canvas cold, after the brutal punch from Jacobs. Carlito looks suprised, as he holds his heads in rage. Carlito walks up to Jacobs, and they start mouthing off to eachother. Carlito shoves Jacobs, and Jacobs smiles. Carlito order's Jacobs to get him a steel chair to hit RVD. Jacobs gets out of the ring, and grabs a steel chair, folding it. He slides into the ring, and he stands in the ring with the steel chair. Carlito asks for the chair, as Jacobs swings at Carlito, and knocks Carlito out! RVD stands back up, and Jacobs hits RVD in the head with the steel chair aswell!!! Jacobs holds onto the chair, as he grabs a mic.

Jacobs: You all just saw me knock out these 2 losers.

* crowd boo's *

Jacobs: I have an announcment to tell you all tonight. The fact is, im better than Carlito and Rob Van Dam, but the only way to prove that, is if I can prove I can beat both in the same match!

* crowd chants, "Jacobs sucks!" *

Jacobs: And at In Your House, next week live on SWF PPV, it will be Jimmy Jacobs taking on Rob Van Dam.....and Carlito in a Triple Threat match!

* crowd goes wild! *

Jacobs: Carlito and Rob Van Dam have no chance on beating me, cause im simply the best there is in this busniess!

* Jimmy Jacob's theme hits again, as he exits the ring, dropping both the chair and the mic. Jacob's gets alot of fan heat, as SWF Carnage goes into commercial break. *

- Commercial -

Tazz: Welcome back to Monday Night Carnage, and what an announcment earlier by Jimmy Jacobs!

Joey Styles: Triple Threat Match at In Your House, Jimmy Jacobs .vs. Carlito .vs. Rob Van Dam!

Tazz: Well, coming up next, its going to be a huge match Styles!

Joey Styles: Your telling me! Dave Batista takes on a member from the Christian Coalition, Christian!

Tazz: Im not sure, Batista doesnt really have any backup, but Christian certainly does!

* MVP is seen backstage infront of the camera, as he holds the United States Championship around his shoulders. *

MVP: Bryan Danielson, I saw your invite for the match at In Your House, and you actually think im going to decline? Hell no! Im the highest payed entertainer in this busniess, and im going to fight everyone, and beat everyone, till im SWF Champion! So Bryan Danielson, it will be MVP .vs. you for MY championship at In Your House, cause im not afraid of you. Im actually glad you challenged me, cause I was about to do the same. This title belongs to me, and me only! The past holders like D.H Smith, and Chuck Palumbo ruined the title, till I came in! And if you get hold of it, the whole championship is killed!

* MVP stands there, as the title shines off of his shoulders. *

* Backstage, a limo is seen pulling up in the parkade *

Tazz: What the hell, who could this possibly be?

* As the door opens, Randy Orton comes out, as the crowd boo's. *

Joey Styles: Its the legend killer, Randy Orton! Who is in the main event tonight here on Carnage!

* Randy walks down the hallway, as Jeff Hardy walks into him, and the crowd goes wild *

Orton: Jeff, what the hell do you think your doing?

Jeff: Im here to watch you get squished by Samoa Joe and Big Show!

* crowd goes wild *

Orton: Who the hell do you think you are, to come infront of me, and threaten me, before my match?

Jeff: Let me tell you something Orton, im Jeff Hardy! The extremist of SWF! And if there is an Elimination Chamber at In Your House, then I should of been the first one in!

Orton: Im going to win the chamber match, and tonight im going to prove that, when I beat Samoa Joe and Big Show!

Jeff: Remember Orton, last week on Uproar, Big Show left his spot open for the Chamber match. Its only a matter of time, before I take it!

* crowd goes wild *

Orton: It doesnt matter!! ( crowd boo's ) Im going to be Champion, and im going to accomplish it, wether these stupid fans like it or not! Im the future, im the present....Samoa Joe is the past! And you Jeff...your nothing!

* crowd boo's *

Jeff: Watch your back Randy, cause when "I DO" get into the Chamber match, I will beat you down. I will make sure you cant compete for the match!

* crowd goes nuts, as Jeff walks away, leaving Orton smiling. *

* Christian's theme hits!!! * Christian, Tomko, and Lance Storm walk down the ramp. Christian talks to the coalition, as he enters the ring, and Storm and Tomko stay ringside. The fans boo the coalition, as Christian awaits the arrival of Batista.

* Batista's theme hits!!! * Batista walks onto the ramp, as his Pyro goes off. He walks down the ramp, and he goes into the ring, as Batista poses on the turnbuckle.

Match 3-
Singles Matchup
Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match
Christian .vs. Dave Batista

* Bell Rings *

Batista and Christian circle the ring, as Tomko and Storm stand outside of the ring. Batista runs at Christian, and spears him into the turnbuckle, as he starts spearing Christian into the turnbuckle, hammering his head into the ribcage of Christian. Batista backs up, letting Christian fall to his knee's. Batista picks up Christian off of the mat, and he irish whips him agaist the ropes, but as Christian runs back, he jumps up high, but Batista catches him. He slams him to the canvas, hurting Christian. Batista runs agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, but Christian dodges it, and Batista elbow drops the canvas! Batista gets kicked by Christian a few times in the spine, as Christian pounds Batista, trying to weaken the animal. Christian lifts Batista back to his feet, as he irish whips him into the turnbuckle. Christian runs at Batista, but Batista hoists Christian over the turnbuckle, and he crashes to the hard floor outside of the ring! Christian holds his shoulders in pain, as Batista goes to exit the ring, and beat on Christian, but Tomko and Storm start to beat on Batista. Batista tries to fight his way out of the carnage, but Tomko kicks Batista in the temple of the head, knocking him to the floor. Tomko smiles, as the ref tries getting Tomko and Storm to stop fighting with Batista.

Tazz: Batista is getting beat down by the Christian Coalition! I dont think anyone can last a beating like that!

Batista throws a few punches to Storm, but Tomko pushes Batista back down. Christian walks over, as he kicks Batista in the rib cage. All of a sudden, the crowd is heard going wild, and MCMG run down the ramp, and start beating on Tomko and Storm! Shelly and Sabin beat on Tomko and Storm, as they fight on the ramp. Christian throws Batista into the steel steps, as Batista looks in pain. Christian grabs Batista, but as he goes to throw him into the steps again, Matt Hardy hops the barricade, and kicks Christian in the gut, and hits the Twist Of Fate!! Batista holds his back, and his leg, as he picksup Christian, and hits a Huge Spinebuster to Christian on the hard floor! The crowd goes wild, as Batista irish whips Christian back into the ring, and Christian stands back up, but Batista spears Christian hard to the canvas! Batista grabs Christian, and helps him back up to his feet, as Christian stumbles around, almost dizzy. Batista kicks him in the gut, and goes to hit his finisher, The Batista Bomb! He lifts Christian, and hits the finisher! The crowd goes wild, as Tomko and Storm go to rescue Christian, but are pulled back by MCMG and Matt Hardy! Batista goes for the pinfall, 1..........2..........3! Dave Batista defeats Christian!

Your Winner: DAVE BATISTA!

After the match, Matt Hardy and MCMG celebrate, as they stand in the ring with Batista. Christian and his coalition look mad, as they walk up the ramp. Batista exits the ring, and walks up the ramp.

* Randy Orton, Samoa Joe and Big Show are seen walking down hallways in cut-screens, as Carnage Main Event is next! *

- Commerical Break -

Tazz: Welcome back to Monday Night Carnage, and were almost done the night.

Joey Styles: It has been a great evening for Carnage, and its about to get better!

Tazz: Right Styles, The Main Event is up soon, and Randy Orton has promised he will be SWF Champion next sunday!

Joey Styles: After Batista got into the Chamber, we now know that Joe, Orton and Batista will be in it so far.

Tazz: Big Show is smart, after he decided he gets a title shot after the match agaist the winner, its un-fair, but smart!

* Big Show's theme hits!! * His pyro goes off, as Big Show makes his way down the ramp, getting a few cheers, but mostly boo's. Big Show enters the ring, as he holds his hand high, and more pyro shoots.

* Randy Orton's theme hits!!! * Orton walks onto the stage, as the whole arena gives Orton heat. Randy Orton walks down the ramp, as he eyes up with Big Show. Orton enters the ring, as he poses on the turnbuckle.

* Samoa Joe's theme hits!!! * Samoa Joe walks onto the stage, holding the SWF Title around his shoulders. He walks down the ramp, as the crowd goes wild. Joe enters the ring, and he holds the title high, as Orton and Big Show stare him down.

Main Event -
Triple Threat Matchup
Samoa Joe .vs. Randy Orton .vs. Big Show

* Bell Rings *

Joe and Show both look at Orton, as he slides out of the ring. Joe and Show tell Orton to get back into the ring, but Orton backs away. Joe throws a few punches to the head of Show, but Show slaps Joe in the chest back. Show pushes Joe into the turnbuckle, and starts slapping Joe in the chest with his mighty slaps. Orton watches on in horror, as Big Show demolishes Joe. Show drives Joe's head into his knee, knocking Joe to the canvas. Joe grabbed onto Show's leg, and he tried lifting Show up, but it was no use, and Show kicked Joe in the head with a huge big boot! Orton holds his head outside of the ring, thinking he doesnt want to be in this bloodbath match. Show steps on Joe's neck, as he uses the ropes for pressure. Show points at Orton, as he grabs onto Joe. Joe starts to fight back, as he runs agaist the ropes, and Joe runs back, and Big Show hits Joe with a powerful Big Boot! Show grabs onto Joe, and chokes him in the neck with his huge hand, as he goes to hit a Chokeslam on Joe, but Joe dodges it, and brings Show down to the canvas with a headlock! Joe lets go, as he starts kicking Big Show to the side of the head, waiting for Show to stand back up.

Tazz: Samoa Joe is starting to fight back, but Randy Orton is clean! He hasnt been touched yet, he has the greatest advantage in this match!

Joe irish whips Show into the turnbuckle, and he runs at Show, and elbow's him in the jaw! Joe grabs onto Big Show, and tries to bring him ontop of the turnbuckle, and he ends up lifting the giant. He goes to hit a suplex, but Show chokes Joe! The crowd goes wild, as Joe tries breaking out, but Show chokeslams Joe off of the turnbuckle, as he hits the Canvas hard! Orton punches Joe in the head, as Orton backs up from the ropes. Show gets off of the turnbuckle, and he grabs onto Joe. He throws him over the top rope, to where Orton is standing. Orton kicks Joe in the head, as he backs away, and is going to Punt Joe! Orton runs, but Joe dodges it, and Orton's leg hits the steel steps! Joe grabs onto Orton, as he struggles, and he gets irish whipped into the ring, infront of Big Show! Orton stands up, as behind him is Joe, and infront of him is Show. Joe goes to punch Orton, but Orton ducks, and Joe decks Show! Show backs up, after the impact punch. Orton slides out of the ring, as he holds his leg in pain. Joe pulls Big Show, and he irish whips him agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, Joe clothslines Big Show!

Joey Styles: What a power clothsline by Samoa Joe to Big Show!

Joe runs out of the ring, and he chases Orton. Orton slides into the ring, and he goes to Punt Big Show before Joe can get a hold of him, but as Orton runs at Show, he chokes Orton! He lifts Orton high in the air, and chokeslams Randy to the canvas! Joe runs, and Samoan Drops Orton to the canvas! Joe goes for the pin, 1............2......Big Show breaks the pin at 2. Joe grabs onto Big Show, and he irish whips him agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, Joe grabs onto Big Show's leg, and locks in a painful Samoan Submission on the leg of Big Show. Show wants to tap, as he struggles to get out, and Orton runs, and he Punts Joe in the head! Joe falls to the canvas, out cold, as Orton goes to pin him, 1...........2.......Big Show breaks the pinfall again. Orton stalks Big Show, as he is wanting to hit a RKO. Big Show turns around, and Orton goes to hit the RKO, but Big Show dodges it, and he goes to chokeslam Orton, but Orton dodges it again, and Orton hits a huge RKO to Big Show! Joe is still out from the Punt, and Orton goes for the pinfall, 1...........2.............3! Randy Orton takes the victory in the main event!

Your Winner: RANDY ORTON!!

After the match, Orton has a evil grin, as he gets his hand held high by the ref. Big Show cant belive that Orton RKO'd and pinned the champion.

* Dave Batista's theme hits!!! * Batista runs down the ramp, as he runs into the ring with momentum, and he Spears Randy Orton!! Batista runs again, and Spears Big Show to the canvas! Batista shakes the ropes, as he turns around, and stalks Samoa Joe. Joe gets up, and he turns around, and Batista Spears Samoa Joe!

Tazz: What! Batista has taken out all 3 men!

Joey Styles: Amazing power droven into the ribs of Orton, Show and Joe!

Tazz: What an ending to our show! Thank you everyone for watching, we will see you next week for the final episode of Carnage before the PPV!

* Batista is seen posing on the turnbuckle, as Carnage goes off air *

{ Carnage Goes Off-Air }

Current PPV Card for SWF: In Your House!

SWF World Title Match
The Big Show vs. TBA – Winner of the Elimination Chamber

Elimination Chamber match
SWF World Championship

Samoa Joe © vs. Randy Orton vs. Dave Batista vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA

Money in the Bank Briefcase on the line
Shelton Benjamin vs. Ted Dibiase (M)

Carlito .vs. Rob Van Dam .vs. Jimmy Jacobs

SWF U.S Championship
Submission Match
MVP © .vs. Bryan Danielson

World Tag Team Championship matchup
Miz and Morrison © vs. Beer Money Inc

Evil Austin


SWF Pyro goes off and the Uproar Weekly Show is brought to you by Linkin Park ‘In the End’.
(In the End plays on the tron and afterwards the pyro goes off and the crowd go nuts)

It starts with one thing
I don't know why
it doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind

I designed this rhyme
to explain in due time

All I know
Time is a valuable thing

Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
watch it count down to the end of the day

The clock ticks life away
It's so unreal

Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window

Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
Wasted it all just to watch you go

I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when

I tried so hard
And got so far

But in the end
it doesn't even matter

I had to fall
to lose it all

But in the end
it doesn't even matter
I’ve put my trust in you
pushed as far as I can go

and for all this
there’s only one thing you should know

I tried so hard
and got so far

But in the end
it doesn't even matter

I had to fall
to lose it all

But in the end
it doesn't even matter!

*Crowd goes wild*

Don West: “Welcome ladies and gentleman to another weekly edition of Uproar, SWF’s flagship broadcast.â€

JBL: “And we are drawing ever closer to the next upcoming SWF PPV, in your house.â€

Don West: “Which is going to host the first ever SWF Elimination Chamber match with a surprise match afterwards with the winner facing and defending their newly won title against the Big Show.â€

JBL: “Good luck with that.â€

Don West: “I agree it isn’t fair but there is nothing anything anyone could do about it; he is the General Manager and he makes the rules around here.â€

At this time the entrance music of Jimmy Jacobs hits and he makes his way down to the ring posing on the entrance ramp; he gets lots of heat as he does that.

Don West: “And here comes the man that has been on quite a roll as of late having defeated Rob Van Dam in a hardcore rules match at Unscripted.â€

JBL: “Ever since that night he has shown nothing but dominance and he looks great doing it.â€

Don West: “But his opponent here tonight to kick off this show is not going to be an easy one.â€

A few seconds later on the music of Colt Cabana hits throughout the PA system and the crowd gave him a great face pop reaction as he sprinted towards the ring while tagging a few front row fans on the way down.

Match – 1
Jimmy Jacobs vs. Colt Cabana

Bell rings

the match starts off with Jimmy Jacobs and Colt Cabana locking up in the center of the ring; both men seem equally matched until Cabana moves underneath him and behind him. Colt Cabana then hits a couple of hard closed fists to the back of Jimmy Jacobs before Jimmy had leant forward; grabbing the leg of Cabana and pulling it forward; making Colt Cabana fall on his back in the middle of the ring on the mat. Jimmy Jacobs raced on top of him as he began to hit a few shots on him before stomping on him while he was down. Jimmy Jacobs then grabs Colt Cabana up to his feet and then throws him at the ropes; leaning forward on the rebound Colt Cabana moves over Jimmy Jacobs with a leap frog and then keeps running at the ropes ahead of him. When Jimmy Jacobs turns around he gets taken down with a hard dropkick to the mid section.

Colt Cabana covers him for the pin fall but Jimmy Jacobs kicks out instantly; Colt Cabana grabs his opponent and brings him slowly up to his feet before throwing him at the ropes and holding his arm out wide in hope for a clothesline shot to take him down on the rebound. Though on the rebound Jimmy ducked underneath the clothesline attempt and on the second rebound he was caught by Cabana who turned him inside out with a thunderous power slam in the middle of the ring. Cold Cabana grabs his opponents legs and tries to turn him over and lock him into a Clover leaf submission hold one of his patented maneuvers but it was blocked by Jacobs who rolled Cabana inwards for a cradle pin fall trying to catch him off guard.

Cabana was almost taken down for the three count before he was able to kick out at two and a half; both men were at their respective feet at the same time before Jacobs kneed him in the mid section making him bend over and Jacobs backed up at the ropes where on the rebound he hit a hard swinging neck breaker. He then went up to his feet again and backed at the ropes before hitting a standing leg drop on his opponent. He was about to cover Cabana for a pin fall before he turned his attention up to the entrance ramp where he saw Carlito standing there. Carlito taunted him and made the distraction long enough for Cabana to roll him up from behind with a hand full of tights in a school boy like pin fall for the three count and Jimmy Jacobs was out smarted and he did not look pleased afterwards during the commercial break.

Winner Colt Cabana

Don West: “Looks like Cabana walks away here with a win.â€

JBL: “But he was going to be beaten if it wasn’t for Carlito.â€

Don West: “Well you always say a win is a win.â€

The camera moves backstage to CM Punk who has the microphone in hand ready to speak his mind.

CM Punk though receives a long face pop before he could even begin talking over the crowd as he smirked it in and was enjoying this.

CM Punk: “Tonight I am going to fight for the right to enter the Elimination Chamber.â€

The crowd goes wild

CM Punk: “Now don’t get me wrong; this doesn’t make me a shoe in as the champion…this doesn’t mean I am in the clear yet…because everyone knows I have been on the downside of quite a few losses as of late in fact Edge and Randy Orton won’t let me forget about it.â€

Crowd gives heat

CM Punk: “And just for the record I haven’t won at a Pay Per View in a long long time…it all started back at Wrestle Fest the grandest stage of them all when I faced my good friend and my great enemy Samoa Joe right there in the middle of the ring and I was defeated…I was then defeated once again in the rematch at Turning Point… And even more embarrassing was the loss to both Edge and Randy Orton in one night at Unscripted the other week.â€

CM Punk: “But as of late I have been doing a bit of soul searching what can I do to end all of this? Why is this happening? What is going on with the Punk’ster? And I came to this conclusion….and everything made perfect sense. I am destined to win my first ever SWF Heavyweight championship at In Your House in the Elimination Chamber match and you want to know why?â€

CM Punk: “Because it is going to be in Chicago Illinois my home town and all my friends and family will be there to witness history in the making!â€

Crowd goes nuts but then suddenly stop to boo Randy Orton who walks by and stops to talk to Punk

Randy Orton: “Destiny? Win? Championship? The only things I agreed with you right there was the fact that you are on a losing streak. Destiny and title wins are my accolades when you think of Randy Orton you are reminded of history you are reminded of the fact that I am the third generation superstar the only one in SWF for that matter and it is my destiny to end Samoa Joe’s 6month long title reign.â€

CM Punk: “If anyone is going to get the job done it is me!â€

Randy Orton: “Well good luck out there qualifying because I handpicked your opponent myself…. I have already qualified and am already one step closer to fulfilling destiny.â€

Don West: “Wow strong words for both men, the only thing certain is that Samoa Joe is in a world of trouble come In Your House.â€

JBL: “He sure is.â€

Don West: “What I want to know is who Randy Orton handpicked for CM Punk’s qualifying matchup later on tonight?â€

JBL: “I can’t wait for that.â€

Don West: “But I guess we won’t have to wait long because CM Punk is on his way out here because his match is right after the commercial break.â€

The roof then gets blown off of the joint when CM Punk makes his way down to the ring in a serious mood ready for action ready for his unknown opponent. As he bounces around the ring up and down getting ready stretching and pumping himself up.

JBL: “Who is his opponent?â€

Don West: “I have no idea?â€

There is a slight pause before the music of the one and only Shelton Benjamin hits and he makes his way down to the ring with a decent face pop as well CM Punk looks ready as he waits for him in the middle of the ring

Don West: “Wow Shelton Benjamin, I have to hand it to Randy he knows how to pick them.â€

Match – 2
CM Punk vs. Shelton Benjamin
Elimination Chamber qualifying matchup

Bell rings

Shelton Benjamin kicks CM Punk in the gut and then throws him at the ropes, CM Punk reverses it and throws Shelton Benjamin at the ropes after putting the brakes on. On the rebound CM Punk leans forward aiming for a back body drop but Shelton Benjamin puts the brakes on and then goes up to Punk and then hits a swinging neck breaker in the center of the ring. Shelton Benjamin then grabbed CM Punk by the legs and drags him to the other end of the ring to the corner of the ring. Where the steel ring post is in between both of his legs Shelton Benjamin stands on the outside of the ring. Shelton Benjamin holding one of Punk's legs then grabs it and slams it on the side of the steel ring post. CM Punk is screaming in agony. Shelton Benjamin then does it again with the other leg before rolling back into the ring. Shelton Benjamin has the advantage going into the early parts of this match up as he grabs Punk by the arms and takes him to the middle of the ring, he hooks the leg for the pin fall and the referee makes the count. 1………2.., CM Punk kicked out.

Shelton Benjamin picks up CM Punk and throws him at the ropes on the rebound Shelton Benjamin leans forward bending over but CM Punk just jumps over him and keeps running. On the rebound this time Shelton Benjamin catches him and sends him flying with an arm drag to the other end of the ring. Shelton Benjamin and CM Punk stand up on their respective feet at about the same time as Shelton Benjamin smiles and runs at CM Punk who in the side of the ring, ducks underneath the clothesline and underneath Shelton Benjamin, Punk had lifted Shelton Benjamin up and over the top rope and to the outside of the ring crashing and burning near the crowd barrier.CM Punk then left the ring and went out after Shelton Benjamin, who was given enough time to recuperate and ended up playing possum when he hit a few hard shots on CM Punk making him back away before he raked the eyes of CM Punk. He then threw him hard at the steel ring steps; CM Punk was then dragged into the center of the ring just in time to break up the referee’s ten count and continue the matchup.

CM Punk then gets lifted up to his feet and kicked in the get as Shelton Benjamin then grapple locked up with him before hitting a snap suplex on the canvas mat below in the center of the ring. Shelton Benjamin covers him for the pin fall but Punk was able to kick out at one. Shelton Benjamin is about to stand up onto his feet but was then tripped over by CM Punk when he pulled his leg down ready for an STF but he moved him over clubbing him a few times before locking him into the Anaconda Vice. It wasn’t long before Shelton Benjamin did tap out and we had ourselves a winner.

Winner CM Punk

Backstage in the hallway MVP is seen walking around with the United States Championship on his shoulder in a good mood before he walks into Hardcore Holly.

MVP: “What do you want?â€

Hardcore: “Nothing, but it seems that you are nervous?â€

MVP: “What are you talking about?â€

Hardcore: “Trust me I can see straight through you, you are shaking, your hair is standing up on the back of your neck and you regret accepting to the match with Danielson.â€

MVP: “Rubbish, I am not afraid of no man…. Do you need me to remind you on who I am?â€

Hardcore: “No I am just going to continue walking but remember you can’t hide it in forever, one of these days Danielson is going to catch up to you…..â€

Hardcore keeps walking behind MVP before turning back around and scaring him from behind giving him a fright.

MVP almost jumps out of his shoes.

MVP: “Dam it.â€

Not long afterwards the music of the hardy boys blast through the arena and they are met with a great reaction as they make their way down as a team high fiving kids along the way. Jeff and Matt seem focused on their tag team contest against the champions.

Don West: “This match is sure to be a rocket buster.â€

JBL: “A one sided one as well.â€

Don West: “Why?â€

JBL: “The champions have it easy.â€

Don West: “And your basis for thinking that is?â€

JBL: “They aren’t the champion’s plain and simple, champions equal greatness in this industry and if you don’t have one you aren’t great you are worth squat.â€

Don West: “Let’s just see what the in ring work is like and let that do the talking okay?â€

JBL: “What’s there to talk about?â€

The music then hits of MNM as Miz and Morrison pose on the entrance ramp making their way down slowly receiving rays of heat as they carry with them their coveted tag team gold around their waists.

Match – 3
Jeff and Matt Hardy vs. John Morrison and the Miz

Bell rings

Jeff Hardy and the Miz start this matchup off for their respective teams; Jeff Hardy goes to lock up with the Miz but that was stopped when the Miz grabbed Jeff’s head and pulled him into a side head lock applying pressure. Jeff though pushed the Miz from behind at the ropes where on the rebound with momentum, the Miz was able to shoulder block Jeff Hardy down to the mat. The Miz smirked as he then was about to drop a knee into Jeff Hardy while he was down but the rainbow haired warrior moved out of the way just in time and sprang up onto his feet before taking the Miz down with a hard double dropkick. Jeff Hardy grabbed the left leg of the Miz and began to drag him to his corner where he was stomped on for a bit before Jeff high fived Matt Hardy into the matchup. Matt came in with a lot of energy hitting a couple of kicks and then dropping a hard elbow to the heart of the Miz before covering him for the pin fall where the Miz would eventually kick out at the count of one.

Matt brought the Miz up to his feet and then threw him at the turnbuckles a neutral corner, when the Miz hit his back against the turnbuckles Matt came running at him going for a hard clothesline shot in the corner of the ring but the Miz then moved out of the way and took a few steps back measuring his opponent as Matt was groggy against the turnbuckles now. The Miz then ran at Matt Hardy and took him down with a hard clothesline shot to the turnbuckles and then threw him down to the middle of the ring on the mat. The Miz then dived at his corner and tagged in John Morrison; John Morrison came into the ring and a spinning leg drop capo-era style on Matt Hardy in the middle of the ring before covering him for a pin fall. 1……..2… but Matt was able to kick out.

John Morrison then stood up and left the ring as he left he also gained lots of boos and chants from the crowd but he continued to stagger up to the top turnbuckle as he was aiming to take Matt Hardy out with a high flying maneuver. John Morrison then leaves the ring in the air ready for a Spinning Corkscrew drop but Matt Hardy was able to move out of the way and dived at his corner to tag in his brother and tag team partner Jeff Hardy. Jeff came in and then jumped up to the top rope as Morrison was still down on the canvas in pain; he attempted to show Morrison how a high flying move was done as he left into the air for a Swanton Bomb and nailed it. Though before going for a pin fall; the Miz came into the ring as he needed to do something about this and ran and was able to clothesline down Jeff Hardy and then eventually Matt Hardy as he tried to run in and help his brother.

The Miz then grabbed Matt Hardy and both men brawled out in the middle of the ring before Matt was able to kick him in the gut and go for the side effect. Matt then gets elbowed in the side of the head a couple of times before being kicked in the gut by the Miz and then the Miz had hit a hard swinging neck breaker to take him out and then kicked him out from under the bottom rope. Meanwhile Jeff Hardy was waiting behind him and turned him around before kicking him in the gut; John Morrison was on one knee at this time and Jeff Hardy was able to take the Miz out of the match for the time being with a hard Twist of Fate. When Jeff Hardy stood up on his feet and took a moment or two to soak in the face pops he was met with a hard forearm by Morrison who then raked the eyes and hit a hard finishing maneuver the Moonlight Drive before getting the three count and the win.

Winners John Morrison and the Miz

Don West: “What a tag team matchup but the champions got the better of the brothers here tonight.â€

JBL: “And that right there is why they are the champions.â€

Don West: “I can’t argue with that.â€

Don West: “After that last commercial break of the evening; we are going to show you highlights of the explosive rivalry between AJ Styles and Chris Benoit which has spanned over the past half year.â€

~ Chris Benoit has been seen accompanying AJ to the ring for managerial purposes and help

~ AJ gains a few victories with his arm raised by Chris Benoit after the matchup

~ AJ wants to prove that he is better than Chris and doesn’t need him anymore facing him at Wrestle Fest and beating him.

~ Chris Benoit claims it was a fluke

~ Both AJ and Chris Benoit are in the Turning Point tournament but lose

~ AJ Styles blames Chris Benoit and Chris does visa versa

~ AJ and Chris are in a fatal four way at Turning Point and let off a bit of steam

~ AJ and Chris attack each other after matches and backstage with vicious brawls which needed to be broken up instantly

~ Both AJ and Chris have another encounter in a Falls Count Anywhere match at Unscripted

~ Chris won with a German suplex through a hard table backstage leaving AJ folded up like an accordion in a pile of heap.

~ AJ and Chris have a Steel Cage match at Uproar one week ago

~ Chris wins the battle but both men lose the war as both men were battered, bloody and bruised after Chris hit a flying head butt on AJ from the top of the cage 15 feet high in the air as the show went off the air.

Don West: “And we have both men with us via satellite from their respective home towns live here tonight….how are you guys?â€

Both AJ Styles and Chris Benoit are seen in casual clothing with a split screen interview via satellite; both men also see each other on the TV monitors from their respective areas and they not only see their rival but a taped up one as Chris and AJ have taped up wounds around their shoulder and head areas.

Chris Benoit: “I am doing alright, could be a lot better.â€

AJ Styles: “Speak for yourself.â€

Chris Benoit: “What was that? Was it some sort of threat? Because if I were you I would rethink that, the last two times we stepped in the ring with each other you were left in a pool of your own blood.â€

AJ Styles: “And Chris Benoit don’t forget the time that I pinned you cleanly in the middle of the ring at the grandest stage of them all at Wrestle Fest back in August.â€

Chris Benoit: “So? If you look at the score board its 2 – 1 in my favor.â€

AJ Styles: “And that’s supposed to mean something to me?â€

Chris Benoit: “Well you are the one who has been going on and on about wins and losses.â€

Don West: “Guys guys, can we conduct this interview as planned?â€

AJ Styles: “Cram it West…â€

AJ Styles: “So Chris I guess you and I have some unfinished business.â€

Chris Benoit smirks a toothless grin from ear to ear

Chris Benoit: “Name the time and the place and I’ll be there.â€

AJ Styles: “The doctors say I will be ready to compete 100% full and healthy come Seasons Beatings in a month and a half’s time.â€

Chris Benoit: “What about In Your House?â€

AJ Styles: “What no! I am not ready by then it wouldn’t be fair.â€

Chris Benoit: “Well you are the one making the challenge to me and you aren’t ready?â€

Crowd goes wild

Chris Benoit: “I’ll be here next week whether you will be or not and if you really want to face me one last time to end it all, I’ll even let you pick the matchup…just show up with your ass next week for the contract signing.â€

AJ Styles: “Fine if you insist but it’s your funeral, it will be a ladder match.â€

Chris Benoit begins laughing as the crowd goes nuts

Don West: “Well I guess that ends the interview, that’s for your time guys.â€

Not long afterwards the music of the Big Show hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Followed by the music of Dave the Animal Batista who gets a great reaction for the main event matchup scheduled next.

Main Event Matchup
The Big Show vs. Dave Batista

Bell rings

This matchup starts off with a lot of locking up and the two pit bulls push each other back and forth trying to show strength and overcome one another but they are equally matched and no one was able to move one another or budge. The Big Show though decides this is enough of that and begins to hit a few hard right hand shots with him but Batista retaliates back with a couple of his own. Batista then ducks underneath a right arm shot by the Big Show and tries to outsmart him and turn around behind him but the Big Show comes swinging around with a knockout punch which makes Batista come crashing down to the mat below. The Big Show then smiles, as he takes a step back and walks over Batista driving all of his body weight into the chest of the animal as he steps over him.

Big Show then grabs Batista by the arm and hoists him up to his feet slowly; he then throws him with all of his might at the ropes and on the rebound Batista goes to shoulder block him down but he couldn’t and these two giant men just stare at each other after banging into each other; the Big Show then laughs as Batista goes for it again running at the ropes behind him for momentum. Big Show tries to outsmart him and clothesline him down holding his forearm out wide but Batista ducks underneath it and on the rebound keeps running back at him. Suddenly when Big Show turns around he is speared out of nowhere shocking the world as the crowd goes nuts for it. Batista then stands up and has himself an adrenalin rush as he is all pumped up after taking Big Show down with a spear that he wants to do it again just to make sure that he is down and out.

Batista moves a few steps back into the corner against the turnbuckles and gets ready for it; it doesn’t take long for Big Show to get up to his feet and even quicker for Batista to begin charging at him. Big Show though had it scouted and moved his arm out in the way of Batista and began choking him out; he had him in position for a choke slam. But before lifting him up in the air going for the move, Big Show was being counted out by the referee for choking Batista. 1………..2……..3…….4…………5! The referee was about to go and ring the bell via DQ before Big Show dropped Batista down to the mat, pushed the referee and reminded him that he is the GM. He is the law around here and he can fire him, and the referee didn’t do anything to stop the Big Show.

Big Show then turns around to meet Dave Batista who was on one knee and then caught the Big Show by surprise by lifting him up barely and slamming him down to the mat with a thunderous ring shaking spine buster. The Animal then went for the pin fall…1…….2…..3!

Winner the Dave Batista

[Show goes off the air]


Confirmed card for In Your House
‘The Night of In your face action where all matches are contested under extreme rules.’

SWF World Title Match
The Big Show vs. TBA – Winner of the Elimination Chamber

Elimination Chamber match
SWF World Heavyweight Championship
Samoa Joe © vs. Randy Orton vs. Dave Batista vs. CM Punk vs. TBA vs. TBA

Shelton Benjamin vs. Ted Dibiase (M)
Money in the Bank Briefcase on the line

United States Championship matchup
MVP © vs. Bryan Danielson
Submission matchup

World Tag Team Championship matchup
Miz and Morrison © vs. Beer Money Inc
Elimination Tag Team matchup

Triple threat match
Carlito vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Rob Van Dam


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Carnage Episode #10: Hardy's Suprise



SWF Pyro goes off and the Carnage Weekly Show is brought to you by Slipknot ‘Before I Forget’. (Before I Forget plays on the tron and afterwards the pyro goes off and the crowd go nuts)



Stapled shut, inside an outside world and I'm
Sealed in tight, bizarre but right at home
Claustrophobic, closing in and I'm
Catastrophic, not again
I'm smeared across the page, and doused in gasoline
I wear you like a stain, yet I'm the one who's obscene
Catch me up on all your sordid little insurrections,
I've got no time to lose, and I'm just caught up in all the cattle

Fray the strings
Throw the shapes
Hold your breath

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
I wear you like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to win, I'm just caught up all the battles

Locked in clutch
Pushed in place
Hold your breath

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

My end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade
The end of the road and my end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, OH


* The camera circles the arena, as it shows many crowd signs, some about This Sunday's SWF PPV: In Your House! The camera then points to Tazz and Joey Styles! *

Tazz: Welcome to SWF Monday Night Carnage! Im Tazz, and my partner, Joey Styles!

Joey Styles: Thanks Tazz, and tonight is the final Carnage...before In Your House!

Tazz: The match everyone is waiting for, is a huge main event, Samoa Joe & Chris Benoit .vs. AJ Styles & Randy Orton!

Joey Styles: Also, Jeff Hardy and CM Punk qualified on Uproar last week, and tonight, is the final qualifyer!

Tazz: Thats right Styles, it will be Worlds Strongest Man, Mark Henry agaist The Rated R Superstar, EDGE!

Joey Styles: The opening contest is going to be great too, it is Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi .vs. Chavo Guerrero!

Tazz: Remember, if Chavo Guerrero wins, he gets a Lightweight Championship match here live next week on Carnage!

Joey Styles: If Scotty 2 Hotty, and Rikishi win, they get a SWF Tag Championships match next week agaist the winners this sunday!

* Chavo Guerrero's theme hits!!! * Chavo walks down the ramp, as the crowd boo's him. Chavo waits at the turnbuckle for Scotty 2 Hotty, and Rikishi to come down the ramp.

Tazz: Its 2 agaist 1, how fair is this?

Joey Styles: Chavo is going to have to put up a great fight to win this match!

* Rikishi's theme hits!! * Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi walk down the ramp, as Scotty does some weird dance down the ramp. They both enter the ring, as Chavo prepares for the match.

Match 1 -
Handi-Cap Matchup
No.1 Contendership for Lightweight Championship, or SWF Tag Team Championships
Chavo Guerrero .vs. Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi

* Bell Rings *

Scotty and Rikishi both stand in the turnbuckle, as Chavo stands at the turnbuckle. Chavo runs at Scotty, but Rikishi kicks him in the ribs. Chavo falls to the ground, and Scotty stomps on the head of Chavo. Rikishi grabs Chavo, and picks him up into the firemans carry. Chavo elbows Rikishi in the head, and climbs off of him, but Scotty attacks Chavo. Chavo fights back, but is overpowered by Rikishi's clothsline. Rikishi holds Chavo to the canvas, as Scotty hits a flying legdrop off of the turnbuckle, landing hard on Chavo! The crowd cheers, as Chavo looks in pain. Rikishi jumps up in the air, and bellyflops onto Chavo, but Chavo dodges it, and Rikishi hits the canvas! Chavo stands back up, and Scotty goes to hit a spinkick to Chavo, but its dodged, and Chavo lifts Scotty onto his shoulders, and flips over, smashing his body into the canvas! Chavo stands back up, and he dropkicks Rikishi back down to the canvas! Scotty grabs the leg of Chavo, and twists it, making Chavo fall to the canvas. Scotty elbows Chavo in the leg a few times, before Rikishi stands back up. Scotty tells Rikishi to stand on Chavo's knee, but Chavo moves his leg out of the way, preventing Rikishi from stomping on it.

Tazz: This is pure torture! I didnt think Rikishi and Scotty would do this to Chavo!!?? How is Guerrero going to be able to win?

Chavo tries getting away from Scotty, but Scotty leglocks Chavo. Rikishi falls on him, hitting a Elbowdrop to the injured back of Chavo. Chavo struggles trying to break out, but fails. Rikishi puts Chavo's head into the turnbuckle, as Rikishi taunts the crowd. Chavo kicks Rikishi in the back of his leg, knocking him over. Scotty runs at Chavo, and dropkicks him into the turnbuckle! Chavo holds his chest injured, as Rikishi grabs Chavo and lifts him up high, hitting a bodyslam. Scotty climbs the turnbuckle, as he is looking to copy Chavo, and hit a 5 Star Frog Splash, copying the finisher from Chavo. Scotty jumps, and hits it on Chavo, making Chavo injured more! Scotty smiles, as he tells Rikishi to climb the turnbuckle, and hit the 5 Star Frog Splash! The crowd cant belive their eyes, and Rikishi begins climbing the turnbuckle, as Scotty holds him down to the canvas. Chavo kicks Scotty in the head, as Scotty flies into the ref, knocking both down. As Chavo is injured, X-Pac comes running down the ramp, and he runs in with his title, as Scotty runs at him, but X-Pac smashes Scotty in the head with the steel championship! Rikishi looks worried standing onto of the turnbuckle, as X-Pac shakes the ropes, and Rikishi falls onto the ropes, hurting his crotch. X-Pac hits Rikishi in the head with the steel championship aswell, knocking him outside of the ring. X-Pac slides under the ropes, as Chavo puts his hand over Scotty, 1.........2..........3! Chavo Guerrero defeats Scotty and Rikishi!


After the match, X-Pac looks back at Scotty, as he holds the Lightweight Championship high. Chavo smiles, as he thanks X-Pac, but still signals that he will be champion.

Joey Styles: What just happened!!!

Tazz: X-Pac turned on Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi!

Joey Styles: Wait, now its X-Pac .vs. Chavo Guerrero for the Lightweight Championship next week LIVE on Carnage!!!

Tazz: How amazing is that! But coming up next, its MVP, the US Champion taking on Dave Batista! Thats next!

- Commercial -

Tazz: Welcome back to Monday Night Carnage, and right now, a match is about to begin.

Joey Styles: Right, it will be Batista taking on US Champion, MVP! MVP is up agaist Bryan Danielson this sunday for the title!

Tazz: Well, Batista is in the Chamber this sunday! That match is the match everyone is looking forward too.

Joey Styles: You are right, but wait...something is happening backstage.

* Randy Orton is seen viciously attacking Samoa Joe, as he beats on him by his limo. *

Orton: You think your the wrestler of SWF huh?

* Orton punches Joe in the head, knocking him to the floor *

Orton: Joe, how does this feel heh?

* Orton kicks Joe in the ribs *

* All of a sudden, Chris Benoit appears from the camera, and attacks Orton. AJ Styles jumps out of the limo, and elbows Benoit in the back of the head. AJ and Orton both stand there, as they look down at the carnage of Joe and Benoit. *

Orton: Joe, this isnt over! This Sunday, im taking your championship!!!

* Orton spits on Joe, as AJ steps up to Benoit *

AJ: Benoit, this is also just the beginning for you, cause tonight, me and Orton are going to beat you, then im going to end you at In Your House!

* AJ walks off with Orton, as they run. SWF officials make their way to Benoit and Joe, and aid them. *

Tazz: Wow, Benoit and Joe were just attacked!

Joey Styles: I wonder whats going to happen about the main event now?

Tazz: We also have confirmation, that tonight, Jeff Hardy will be here to make an announcment!

Joey Styles: I wonder what he has to say? Jeff Hardy is a true main eventer.

* Batista's theme hits!! * As the crowd goes wild, as Batista walks onto the ramp. He hits his pyro, as the whole arena goes nuts for Batista. He walks into the ring, as he taunts everyone on the turnbuckle, and poses. He waits for MVP to come out.

* MVP's theme hits!! * He comes to the ramp, as he has the U.S Championship around his waist. His pyro goes off, as he walks down the ramp. He enters the ring, as he studies Batista. He gives his championship to the ref, as he puts it aside.

Match 2-
Singles Matchup
Dave Batista .vs. MVP

* Bell Rings *

Batista and MVP both circle the ring, as they get cheers from around the arena. Batista goes to attack MVP, but he moves to the side, dodging the Animals attack. MVP and Batista circle the ring again, but Batista runs, and MVP is unable to dodge the attack, and Batista spears MVP into the turnbuckle! Batista digs his head into the ribcage of MVP, spearing MVP into the steel turnbuckle. MVP throws a few punches to Batista, trying to get him off. MVP slaps Batista in the face, as Batista grabs MVP, and throws him across the ring. MVP gets back up, as he slides out of the ring. He holds his jaw, as he looks around him. MVP grabs Batista's legs, and pulls him, as Batista falls to the canvas. MVP slides back into the ring, and starts viciously attacking Batista. MVP grabs Batista, and goes for the pin, 1..Batista kicks out without any worries. The crowd goes wild, as MVP starts throwing more punches to the head of Batista. MVP stands back up, and he runs agaist the ropes, and as MVP runs back, Batista runs, and Spears MVP to the canvas! Batista starts throwing many powerful punches to the head of MVP, as he helps MVP back to his feet. Batista throws MVP agaist the ropes again, and as he runs back, Batista hits the Spinebuster on MVP!

Tazz: MVP is going to be screwed, if he doesnt pull his act together. Batista has him in a huge target right now.

Batista signals that he is going to hit his finisher, on MVP as he shakes the ropes. Batista runs back, and but MVP kicks Batista in the chest, knocking him down to the mat. MVP helps Batista back to his feet, but as MVP goes to hit his finisher, he kicks Batista in the gut, as he goes to hit it, but Batista lifts MVP, and slams him neck first to the canvas. Batista goes for the pin, 1............2......MVP kicks out at 2 suprisingly. Batista holds his back in pain, as MVP is out on the floor. Batista picks up MVP to his feet, and goes to hit the Batista Bomb to MVP. Batista lifts MVP to his neck, but MVP grabs Batista by the neck, and drives his head into the canvas! MVP smiles, as he taunts the crowd. All of a sudden, as MVP is about to hit his finisher, Bryan Danielson hops the barricade, and grabs MVP's foot, and pulls him out of the ring, and throws a huge punch to the head of MVP! Bryan throws MVP into the steel steps, as he irish whips MVP back into the ring. Batista warns Bryan, as he grabs hold of MVP, and puts MVP's head in-between his legs. He lifts up MVP, and hits a Batista-Bomb on MVP! Batista goes for the pin, 1............2..........3! Dave Batista takes the win, as Bryan Danielson smiles.

Your Winner: DAVE BATISTA!

After the match, Bryan Danielson smiles, as he walks up the ramp, taunting MVP. Batista holds his waist, as he looks at Danielson, and smiles back, as he looks at the beaten MVP laying on the canvas. Batista grabs the U.S Championship and throws it overtop MVP. He exits the ring, as Batista's theme hits. He walks up the ramp, as MVP looks up at Batista, as he grabs onto the championship.

* Christian is backstage, as Matt Hardy is seen chatting with him. Both men look pissed, as Christian and Matt Hardy are fighting. *

Matt: Its on then Christian, il fight you, but with MCMG aswell!

* crowd goes wild *

Christian: I get my Coalition then aswell.

* crowd boo's *

* All of a sudden, Tomko and Lance Storm run in, and attack Matt Hardy. Tomko and Lance beat up Hardy, as Christian smiles. *

Christian: How does it feel Matt? Getting beat on? This is what you did to me last week!

* Christian boots Hardy in the head *

* Then, Alex and Chris come running in, and they tackle Tomko and Lance Storm! Christian tries to pull them off, but Matt attacks Christian. MCMG lay out Tomko and Storm, as Matt hits his Twist Of Fate to Christian on the cement floor! *

Matt: This Sunday, its Me, and Motor City Machine Guns taking on your stupid Coalition.

Alex: Good luck.

Chris: Haha.

* Matt Hardy and MCMG walk away, as the Coalition lays out on the floor *

Tazz: Wow! Thats what I call a beating for your career!

Joey Styles: Well, coming up next, it will be Edge taking on Mark Henry, for the second last spot in the EC Chamber.

Tazz: Tonight is Mark Henry's debut, and he is getting a major chance here tonight, to start off his career!

Joey Styles: If Henry wins, his career is set, which would bring him to high stats here in SWF.

Tazz: After the break, we will see Edge take on Mark Henry, NEXT!

- Commercial -

Joey Styles: Welcome back to Monday Night Carnage, and the final Carnage before In Your House!

Tazz: The PPV has an amazing card, which I cant help, but get excited for!

Joey Styles: The First Ever SWF Elimination Chamber, This Sunday!

Tazz: There is still 2 spots left, but after this match coming up next, there will only be 1 left.

* Edge's theme hits!! * Edge gets alot of boo's, as he walks down the ramp. He stops half way, as his Pyro hits. He slides into the ring, as he poses on the ropes.

* Mark Henry's theme hits!! * He walks onto the ramp, as the crowd cheers, but some boo. Henry walks down the ramp, as he enters the ring, having Edge a bit worried. Henry holds his fists high, as Edge stares the Worlds Strongest Man down.

Match 3-
Singles Matchup
For 5th Spot in the Elimination Chamber match This Sunday
Edge .vs. Mark Henry

* Bell Rings *

Henry and Edge both circle the ring, as they collide in the middle of the ring. Henry grapples Edge, as he pushes his palm of his hand agaist the shoulders of Edge, making Edge scream. Edge throws a few punches to the head of Henry, before irish whipping him agaist the ropes. As he runs back, he goes to clothsline Henry, but Henry dodges it, and Henry clothslines Edge! Henry puts his foot on Edge's neck, as he presses, hoping to make Edge submit. The ref brings Henry off of Edge's neck, as Edge coughs. Edge is brought back up to his feet by Henry, but as Edge stands back up, he kicks Henry in the gut, and hits a early Edgecution!!! Edge goes for the pin, 1............Henry breaks out at 1!!! The crowd goes wild, as Edge cant belive it. Edge picks up Henry back to his feet, and kicks Henry in the gut again, and is going to hit a second Edgecution, but Henry dodges it, and flips Edge over his shoulders, as Edge lands on the canvas hard! Edge lays on the canvas, as Henry runs agaist the ropes, and he runs back, but Edge suprises Henry, by standing up, and running at the running Henry. Edge Spears Mark Henry early on in the match! Edge then smiles, as the crowd boo's.

Joey Styles: Edge is hitting some good moves Early in the game! I wonder if Edge will be able to pin Henry??

Edge goes for the pin, 1.............2......Henry kicks out at 2. The crowd cant belive it, and Edge looks suprised again. He starts throwing some punches to the head of Henry, trying to get his head weakened. Henry headbutts Edge, making Edge dizzy. Henry picks up Edge, and hits a devastating Bear Hug!!! Edge starts to faint in the arms of Henry, as he applys more pressure. Henry lets go of Edge, as he falls to the canvas hurt. Edge lays there, as Henry goes for the pin, 1............2........Edge kicks out at 2. Henry gets back up, and he runs agaist the ropes, and runs back, and jumps up in the air, catching some decent air for a big guy. He bellyflops onto Edge, almost knocking Edge out. Henry goes for the pin, 1............2........Edge kicks out amazingly at 2! Henry picks up Edge off his feet, and he hits the Worlds Strongest Slam to Edge! As Henry goes for the pin, Edge locks in a headlock to Henry! It starts to hurt Henry, as he is ready to give up, but Henry locks in a leglock at the same time! The fans dont know what to expect, as Henry and Edge both cant take the pain. Henry and Edge both apply more pressure, but take more pain. Edge breaks out, and he holds his legs in pain. Edge stands back up, as Henry gets up on the other side of the ring. Henry runs at Edge, but Edge Spears the Worlds Strongest Man! He goes for the pin, 1...........2..........3! Edge takes the win, and defeats Mark Henry!!!!

Your Winner: EDGE!

After the match, Edge smiles, as he holds his hand high. Henry lays on the floor after the vicious Spear. Edge climbs out of the ring, as he is all excited, and he smiles, as the fans boo Edge. Edge signals that he will be SWF Champion This Sunday, as the camera goes backstage.

* Samoa Joe is seen holding his championship, as he waits for Chris Benoit to come in. *

Joe: Where is Benoit, he was supposed to be here about 15 minutes ago?

* Samoa Joe sits on the couch *

* someone knocks on the door *

Joe: Oh, come in Chris, hurry it up.

* Jeff Hardy walks in, as the crowd goes wild *

Jeff: Wait...Benoit....Im not Benoit?

Joe: Why are you here, I need Benoit??

Jeff: Im here, because my announcment tonight, as to deal with you! You see, this announcment I have to announce is big, and it also deals with your Championship.

Joe: Great, cant wait to hear it. Wait, have you seen Chris Benoit by any chance?

Jeff: No, but I did see AJ Styles walk past his lockeroom. Its not normal he is there.

Joe: I bet that creep did something to my partner!

Jeff: Well, I wish you luck....and I wish you luck at denfending your title at In Your House in that Chamber match.

* Jeff walks out, as Joe holds his head, worried about Benoit. *

Tazz: And the match is next!

- Commercial -

Joey Styles: Welcome back to Monday Night Carnage, and coming up next is our Main Event!

Tazz: Chris Benoit and Samoa Joe take on AJ Styles and Randy Orton!

Joey Styles: What about Chris Benoit, he didnt show up?

Tazz: Who knows, but were about to find out!

* AJ Style's theme hits!! * AJ Styles walks onto the ramp, as the crowd boo's him. Styles walks down the ramp, as he doesnt tag any fans. He enters the ring, and he poses for the crowd, as the fans boo him durasticly.

* Randy Orton's theme hits!! * Randy walks onto the ramp, as their is a big smile on the face of Orton. Orton walks down the ramp, as he smiles a bit more, but the fans boo him. Orton enters the ring, and AJ and Orton talk in the ring.

* Samoa Joe's theme hits!! * The SWF Champion walks onto the ramp, as he holds the SWF Championship up high. He enters the ring, as he looks raged at Orton and AJ.

* Chris Benoit's theme hits!!! * He doesnt show up, as Joe looks mad. Benoit all of a sudden walks down the ramp with a bandaged eye, he walks down raged with a steel bat. Orton and AJ clear the ring, as Benoit runs into the ring, but is stopped by the ref. Joe doesnt know what happened to Benoit, but Benoit gives the bat to the ref. AJ and Orton smile, as they look at Benoit's eye.

Main Event;
Tag Team Matchup
Samoa Joe & Chris Benoit .vs. Randy Orton & AJ Styles

* Bell Rings *

AJ starts off in the ring, as Joe starts off in the ring. Benoit holds his eye in pain, as Orton smiles. AJ and Joe collide in the middle of the ring, as Joe overcomes AJ. AJ breaks out of Joe's headlock, and AJ irish whips Joe agaist the ropes. As Joe runs back, he clothslines AJ to the canvas. Joe locks in a armlock to AJ. AJ tries breaking out, but Joe locks it in stronger. Orton threatens Joe, as Joe lets go of AJ, and gets in Orton's face. Orton smiles, as he trash talks the champion. Joe walks over, but AJ spinkicks Joe in the head, knocking Samoa Joe to the canvas. AJ goes to pin Joe, 1......Joe kicks out at 1, as AJ continues an assault on Joe, with many punches to the head of Joe. AJ tags in Orton, as Orton steps in, and starts stomping on the knee of Joe. Orton helps Joe back up to his feet, and he grabs him by the head, and smashes his head into his knee, knocking Joe back to the canvas. Orton helps Joe back up to his feet, as Orton hits the backbreaker on Joe! Orton taunts Benoit, as Benoit runs into the ring, and jumps on Orton! Orton fights Benoit off of him, as AJ Styles springboards off of the ropes, and legdrops Benoit in mid-air!

Tazz: Wow! What a match this is! Samoa Joe is getting back up, watch out Orton!

Joe grabs Orton, and throws him down to the canvas, as AJ runs to attack Joe. Joe throws AJ over his shoulders, as AJ lands on the canvas. Joe grabs Orton, and he bodyslams him to the canvas, as Orton screams in pain. Joe puts his foot on Orton's neck, as Joe puts pressure on his neck. AJ wants to come in, but Orton cant tag him. Benoit wants a tag, as Joe goes to walk over, but Orton grabs Joe's leg, and pulls Joe away. Joe grabs Orton, and he hits a Muscle Buster!!! Joe tags in Benoit, as the crowd goes wild, and Benoit begins to climb the turnbuckle. AJ looks worried, as Benoit leaps off of the turnbuckle, hitting his Diving Headbutt, as it connects with Orton! The crowd goes wild, as Benoit goes to hit the Cripple Crossface, but Orton doesnt let him. Orton dodges it, and he elbows Benoit in the injured eye! Orton stands up smiling, as Joe looks mad. AJ all of a sudden jumps onto Joe from the ring, and lands on Joe, sending both stars outside of the ring. Orton stalks Benoit, as Benoit stands back up, and Orton RKO's Benoit! Randy Orton goes for the pin, 1..........2..........3! Randy Orton takes the win, and defeats Chris Benoit and Samoa Joe with AJ Styles!!!


After the match, Randy Orton and AJ Styles celebrate, as they both get their hands held high. Orton smiles, as he looks down at Samoa Joe injured. Orton goes for the Punt, as the crowd boo's. As Orton runs at Joe to hit the Punt, Benoit hits a running clothsline to Orton! AJ Styles starts beating on Chris Benoit, as a theme hits.

* Jeff Hardy's theme hits!! * Jeff Hardy walks onto the ramp, as he holds a mic in his hand, and looks happy. Randy Orton, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Chris Benoit all look at Jeff, as the fans go wild.

Jeff: Samoa Joe, I told you that I have a suprise. And this is a huge suprise.

* crowd goes wild *

Jeff: You see, times running out to find someone to fit the last spot in the Elimination Chamber match in about 6 days away, me and Big Show have been talking. He doesnt care who goes into the Chamber.

* crowd boo's Big Show *

Jeff: So, thats why he assigned my as the FINAL Member!!! Into the Elimination Chamber match for the SWF Championship!!

* crowd goes wild!!!! *

Jeff: So Samoa Joe, good luck this Sunday!

* Jeff holds his arm high, as Joe looks suprised, and Orton has an evil grin, as he looks back at Joe's title. Benoit and AJ are seen face to face, as Carnage cuts off air. *

{ Carnage Goes Off-Air }

Current PPV Card for SWF: In Your House!

SWF World Title Match
The Big Show vs. TBA – Winner of the Elimination Chamber

Elimination Chamber match
SWF World Championship

Samoa Joe © vs. Randy Orton vs. Dave Batista vs. CM Punk vs. Edge vs. Jeff Hardy

Shelton Benjamin vs. Ted Dibiase (M)
Money in the Bank Briefcase on the line

Carlito .vs. Rob Van Dam .vs. Jimmy Jacobs

6-Man Tag Team Match
Christian Coalition .vs. Motor City Machine Guns & Matt Hardy

SWF U.S Championship
Submission Match
MVP © .vs. Bryan Danielson

World Tag Team Championship matchup
Miz and Morrison © vs. Beer Money Inc

Evil Austin

SWF : News, Updates, Roomers and Spoilers

- SWF is entering it's third Pay Per View that is held on Television via the IWF; SWF is celebrating it's acheivements with it's one of a kind In Your House Pay Per View held from Chicago that will have a card full of matches that have some sort of special meaning or gimmick; for example the Elimination Chamber that is 36 feet in diameter ready to bust people open. The first ever Elimination Chamber for that matter as well and it will all be held on Sunday, there are still quite a few tickets and seats that are yet to be sold so get your hands on some and call your local providers or order the Pay Per View live this Sunday night. But be sure not to miss a heart beat of the action.

- SWF's General Manager the Big Show has taken liberty and taken over the Company after he 'eliminated' his nemesis Mr. Colony back at Unscripted. The Big Show though has tried to run the company but at an unfair advantage to his needs for Samoa Joe's title. first taking himself out of the Elimination Chamber match not wanting to get his hands dirty and then facing the winner of the championship match minutes later once they are almost physically unable to compete. The locker room backstage doesn't seem happy about it and most people feel it is un fair that they might never get to the Main Event with someone like the Big Show running the program and want to be released of their contracts and fast.

Some other people would have prefered to take matters into their own hands and confront the Big Show in a mannor which may have resulted in a fight but that was only roomers nothing was solid or confirmed. Though nonetheless the Big Show adressed these comments and roomers on his status as the General Manager and said the following.

"If they don't like it they can leave, plain and simple. I am not running a democracy here to fit everyones needs. But you know what I in four weeks am going to hold a three hour special show instead of SWF's Seasons Beatings Pay Per View in which I will adress this matter more indepth and in which I may also have to do some firings and some shaking up on the rosters. Which may result in some happy faces."

- SWF would also like to send it's deepest apolagies on the November 14th Thursday Edition of Uproar. The last stop before In Your House. SWF had a full card and list of events ready for the night and even an arena full of people but the majority of wrestlers that were furious at the condition of the business and the SWF General Managers decisions favoring his needs wanted to run a mutiny clearly this didn't please the viewers who recieved a refund and free merchandise for their troubles before being sent home.

Though any good producer or general manager for that matter knows that the show must go on and instantly the news, roomers and spoilers were sent to the SWF.Com site and the last minute matches that were meant to be announced at the Uproar event were announced online.

Here is the final confirmed In Your House PPV Card for this Sunday live at Chicago; feel free to make predictions or drop comments. I will post a full preview on each match later on.

SWF World Title Match
The Big Show vs. TBA – Winner of the Elimination Chamber

Elimination Chamber match
SWF World Championship
Samoa Joe © vs. Randy Orton vs. Dave Batista vs. CM Punk vs. Edge vs. Jeff Hardy

Ladder match****(info below)
AJ Styles vs. Chris Benoit

Shelton Benjamin vs. Ted Dibiase (M)
Money in the Bank Briefcase on the line

Carlito .vs. Rob Van Dam .vs. Jimmy Jacobs

6-Man Tag Team Match
Christian Coalition .vs. Motor City Machine Guns & Matt Hardy

SWF U.S Championship
Submission Match
MVP © .vs. Bryan Danielson

World Tag Team Championship matchup
Miz and Morrison © vs. Beer Money Inc

the final match between these two the Tie Breaker.
The Winner retreives the breifcase holding a contract that guarantees them a spot on the roster and that the Big Show can not fire them in his 3 hour special in which he announced a few shake ups will be made.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
SWF World Title Match
The Big Show vs. TBA – Winner of the Elimination Chamber

Elimination Chamber match
SWF World Championship
Samoa Joe © vs. Randy Orton vs. Dave Batista vs. CM Punk vs. Edge vs. Jeff Hardy

Ladder match****(info below)
AJ Styles vs. Chris Benoit

Shelton Benjamin vs. Ted Dibiase (M)
Money in the Bank Briefcase on the line

Carlito .vs. Rob Van Dam .vs. Jimmy Jacobs

6-Man Tag Team Match
Christian Coalition .vs. Motor City Machine Guns & Matt Hardy

SWF U.S Championship
Submission Match
MVP © .vs. Bryan Danielson

World Tag Team Championship matchup
Miz and Morrison © vs. Beer Money Inc


May 9, 2007
Reaction score
SWF World Title Match
The Big Show vs. TBA – Winner of the Elimination Chamber
After the pain of the chamber it will be impossible to take Big Show on!

Elimination Chamber match
SWF World Championship
Samoa Joe © vs. Randy Orton vs. Dave Batista vs. CM Punk vs. Edge vs. Jeff Hardy

Ladder match****(info below)
AJ Styles vs. Chris Benoit

Shelton Benjamin vs. Ted Dibiase (M)
Money in the Bank Briefcase on the line

Carlito .vs. Rob Van Dam .vs. Jimmy Jacobs

6-Man Tag Team Match
Christian Coalition .vs. Motor City Machine Guns & Matt Hardy

SWF U.S Championship
Submission Match
MVP © .vs. Bryan Danielson

World Tag Team Championship matchup
Miz and Morrison © vs. Beer Money Inc

sounds like a good PPV can't wait and i'll tune in for this man


Feb 18, 2009
Reaction score
SWF World Title Match
The Big Show vs. TBA – Winner of the Elimination Chamber

Elimination Chamber match
SWF World Championship
Samoa Joe © vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. CM Punk vs. Edge vs. Jeff Hardy

Ladder match
AJ Styles vs. Chris Benoit

Shelton Benjamin vs. Ted Dibiase (M)
Money in the Bank Briefcase on the line

Carlito .vs. Rob Van Dam .vs. Jimmy Jacobs

6-Man Tag Team Match
Christian Coalition .vs. Motor City Machine Guns & Matt Hardy

SWF U.S Championship
Submission Match
MVP © .vs. Bryan Danielson

World Tag Team Championship matchup
Miz and Morrison © vs. Beer Money Inc

Evil Austin

SWF- Smash mouth Wrestling Federation Presents:



JBL: “Oh my god, what has Big Show done?â€

*Big Show is seen pushing Colony in front of the moving car*

Tazz: “What the hell does he think he is doing?!â€

* Big Show smiles, as the camera turns off *


Big Show: “I’m now officially, the replacement for Colony!â€

Joey Styles: “You got to be kidding me?â€

Big Show: “That’s why; I’m making an Elimination Chamber match at In Your House.â€

*The Chamber is shown*

Big Show: â€For the SWF Championship! â€

Narrator: “What will happen, when the most vicious superstar.....â€

* Randy Orton's RKO is seen hitting on many superstars *

Orton: “I’m the most deserving superstar of the championship!“

Narrator: “The most extreme superstar.... â€

* Jeff Hardy is seen hitting the Swanton Bomb off a ladder *

Narrator: “The most dominate superstar... â€

* Samoa Joe is seen body slamming Batista *

Joe: “I will be SWF Champion for a long...long time! “

Narrator: “The most powerful superstar.... “

* Batista is seen spearing Big Show and Samoa Joe *

Batista: “I will become SWF Champion; after I drill Samoa Joe threw the bullet proof glass! “

Narrator: “The hometown boy.... “

* CM Punk is seen hitting the GTS to Edge *

CM Punk: “At in Your House, I’m in my hometown, where ill capture the SWF Championship! “

Narrator: “The Rated-R Superstar.... “

*Edge is seen spearing Matt Hardy and AJ Styles*

Edge: “Samoa Joe, I will end your reign as SWF Champion! “


(The 6 men are shown)

Narrator: “5 WILL BE ELIMINATED! “

(Superstars are seen covered in blood)

Narrator: “1 WILL WIN! “

(Orton is seen posing on the turnbuckle)


CM Punk: “I will not let my family, and friends who will be watching down!!! “

CM Punk: “At In Your House; you are all in MY HOUSE!â€

* The 6 superstars are seen, as the video cuts *

*Crawling By Linkin’ Park plays on the screen, as the PPV begins. *

crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
fear is how I fall
confusing what is real

there's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
this lack of self-control I fear is never ending
controlling/I can't seem

to find myself again
my walls are closing in
(without a sense of confidence and I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
so insecure

crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
fear is how I fall
confusing what is real

discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me
against my will I stand beside my own reflection
it's haunting how I can't seem...

to find myself again
my walls are closing in
(without a sense of confidence and I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
so insecure

crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
fear is how I fall
confusing what is real

crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
fear is how I fall
confusing confusing what is real

there's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
consuming/confusing what is real
this lack of self-control I fear is never ending
controlling/confusing what is real

* And now...Monday Night Carnage and Thursday Night Uproar Present..........IN YOUR HOUSE!! *

* Pyro goes off, as the crowd goes nuts for the opening of SWF's PPV! The camera circles the arena, showing many signs that the fans are holding. The camera then goes down to Uproar's commentators, JBL and Don West!

JBL: “Welcome to In Your House, and tonight were in for some huge matches! “

Don: “Well, if you look above us, you can see the huge Chamber hanging above the ring! “

* The camera shows angles of the hanging Chamber *

JBL: “The Chamber match is the match I’m looking forward to! Can Samoa Joe continue his reign as champion? “

Don: “I’m not sure, but everyone here is behind CM Punk, this is his hometown, I’m sure he wants to win! “

JBL: “It doesn’t matter if it’s his hometown Don, Punk could still lose to anyone. “

Don: “Well, we can just see about that, I’m sure Punk is going to put up his greatest fight tonight. “

JBL: “Also, whoever wins the chamber tonight, will face Big Show for the championship! “

Don: “Let’s take you over now to our partners for tonight, Carnage's own Tazz and Joey Styles! “

Styles: “Thanks Don and the match I’m looking forward to is AJ Styles .vs. Chris Benoit in the Ladder Match! “

Tazz: “That match is going to be extreme, but also will the 6-Man Tag match, between the Coalition and MCMG and Matt Hardy! “

Styles: “Also tonight, Ted Dibiase defends the MITB case he won at Wrestle Fest against Shelton Benjamin. “

* MVP's theme hits!!! * MVP bursts threw the blow up tunnel, as the US title shines around his waist. MVP stands on the ramp, as his pyro hits. He enters the ring, and holds the championship high.

JBL: “MVP, is the future of this business Don, he has true championship power. “

Don: “Well, this is a submission match and I’m not sure if MVP can handle a tough submission match that Danielson is sure to give to him? “

* Bryan Danielson's theme hits!! * Bryan walks down the ramp, as he tags fans along the sides. He enters the ring, and he taunts the crowd. MVP looks at Bryan from the ropes, as the ref holds up the championship.

Match 1-
Submission Match

United States Championship
MVP © .vs. Bryan Danielson

* Bell Rings *

MVP and both Bryan Danielson at this time lock up in the middle of the ring, MVP breaks the lock up to point at himself in the chest and to remind Bryan Danielson that he is the champion and he reminds him of his credentials. Bryan Danielson just slaps him hard knocking the taste out of his mouth, MVP tries to return it with a slap of his own but Bryan Danielson ducks underneath it, moves behind his opponent and then hits a hard back drop in the middle of the ring. Bryan Danielson then runs at the ropes and hits a hard base ball slide to the ribs of MVP that knocks him over to the ropes. Bryan Danielson then moves up to his feet once again and then slowly brings MVP up to his feet on a vertical base with him by the arms. Bryan Danielson hits a few right hand shots on him as he made him groggy against the ropes before MVP kicked him in the gut and retaliated with a few of his own. MVP then gets grabbed as Danielson then wraps his arm around his chest and goes for a Belly to Belly suplex, MVP hits a few head butts but wasn’t able to stop Bryan Danielson as he then sent MVP flying over his head with an over throw Belly to Belly suplex. Bryan Danielson then walked over to MVP who was sitting on the mat in the corner of the ring and was going to lift him once again back up to his feet. Bryan Danielson though gets his head bounced off of the second turnbuckle when MVP grabbed a hold of his tights and pulled him in. MVP crawled out of the corner and then took a step back; ran at his opponent and booted him in the skull….hitting a drive by kick.

MVP then goes over to Bryan Danielson and grabs him by the foot; he drags him to the center of the ring before stomping away at him ferociously. MVP then runs at the ropes and then goes up and drops a hard knee to the skull of Bryan Danielson. MVP then automatically covers him for the pin fall but then looks at the referee and gets upset when he refuses to count him out. It’s a submission matchup’ he reminds MVP, and MVP goes up to his feet and grabs Bryan Danielson and hoists him up to his feet as well. He then throws him at the ropes and moves around Danielson, he then grabs his already hurt head and locks him into a deadly sleeper hold. As Bryan Danielson tries as hard as he can to make it to the ropes, and holds his arm out in a last hope before he would be choked out. Bryan Danielson drops down to one knee as his time is running out; his face becomes red like a beetroot and its becoming hard for him to breath. Bryan Danielson though was able to tough it out and move back up to his feet on a vertical base, MVP holds onto the hold tightly, refusing to let go forces Bryan Danielson back down to his knees. The referee moves over and checks on Danielson, raising his arm once above in the air and dropping it. There was no sign of life; he then does it a second time but this time he has an adrenalin rush and races back up to his feet where he backs MVP against the turnbuckles. He bangs MVP’s back against the corner a couple of times before MVP was forced to let go and Danielson walked forward holding his head.

When Danielson turned around, MVP charged towards him but Danielson saw it coming and used the momentum of MVP to turn him around and send him flying with an arm drag. Bryan Danielson held onto the arm and moved his legs across the face and chest area of MVP while lying down as he locks in the Cross Arm Bar. MVP is in a lot of pain and tries all he can to reach for the ropes and move around the ring but he could not. Seconds later on MVP moves his free hand over to Danielson and punches him in the jaw a couple of times weakening the hold and his grip. Danielson at that time let go and both MVP and Danielson were at their respective feet at the same time. Danielson threw MVP at the ropes and MVP was hit with a standing dropkick on the way back. Danielson then grabbed the arm once again of MVP and made MVP sit up; Danielson ran at the ropes behind him with while running he had hit a hard boot to the lower back of MVP. MVP then falls back down to the mat as Bryan Danielson stomps away at him for now; Bryan Danielson turns him over onto his stomach and then grabs both of his legs and locks him into a Boston Crab. MVP is in a whole world of pain but doesn’t want to lose his coveted title and refuses to give up. MVP reaches for the ropes but it is just out of reach; he is inches away but still not close enough.

Bryan Danielson then let’s go of one of the legs and moves over onto MVP’s back, he grabs hold of MVP’s face and locks in an STF. MVP though was now able to crawl slightly over to the ropes and Bryan Danielson was forced to let go. MVP went for a breather and rolled under the bottom rope and to the outside; as Danielson watched him he then ran at the ropes behind him and leaped over the top rope and suicide dived over at MVP taking both men out. Due to the Submission only rules there are no count outs and both Bryan Danielson and MVP are down on the entrance ramp for multiple seconds before Bryan Danielson showed some signs of life. Bryan Danielson eventually does make it to one knee and grabs MVP and rolls him into the ring under the bottom rope; Bryan Danielson enters the ring not long afterwards to go out after him and continue the damage. Bryan Danielson grabs the legs of MVP and goes to turn one of them around and ultimately go for a figure four leg lock. MVP kicks Danielson in the lower back at the ropes and then on the way back takes Bryan Danielson down with a clothesline. MVP then grabs Bryan Danielson by the legs and taunts the crowd as he locks in a figure four leg lock, Bryan Danielson shows tremendous amounts of pain as he tries to turn MVP over onto his stomach reversing the submission hold but he could not and resulted in tapping out.

Your Winner and Still US Champion: MVP!

After the match, MVP celebrates, as he gets his hand raised by the ref. MVP holds the US title high in the air, as he exits the ring. MVP walks up the ramp, as he taunts Bryan. Bryan holds his chest in pain, as he looks at MVP exiting the arena.

* Tony Chimel is backstage with The Rated R Superstar, Edge! *

Tony: “Edge, I want to know, do you think you can outlast 5 other men tonight in the Elimination Chamber? “

* Edge smirks *

Edge: “Could I? I could last a whole Rumble of 50 guys! But tonight, it’s for the SWF Championship, and I’m going to anything to take what’s mine! “

Tony: “Randy Orton commented on you’re earlier in the week, saying that he will take out anyone in the chamber, even if it means taking out you Edge. What is your response? “

Edge: “Orton, were friends, were tag partners, but that all ends tonight, but for 1 night only. I proved on Carnage, that I am the best, and when that SWF Championship comes around my shoulders, there will be nothing to say but this, I am the heart and soul SWF! “

Tony: “What if you don’t win? “

* Edge quickly loses his smile, and gets an evil look *

Edge: “What kind of interview is this? Hey Mr. Chimel, go get a damn life, because you obviously haven’t been paying any attention to my matches in the past weeks. I earned my spot into the chamber, and I’m going to win!“

* Edge walks out mad, as Tony smirks, and holds the microphone in his hand, waiting for the camera to go off-air. *

Tazz: “Wow, Edge freaked out on Tony, I think Edge will have a good chance of winning tonight’s Chamber, what about you Styles? “

Joey Styles: I’m not sure, but we would like to hear from you fans, who do you think will win the chamber? Text your choice to 44993! “

Tazz: “I wonder what the results will be. “

* Carlito's theme hits!! * Carlito walks down the ramp, as he holds an apple in his hand, and he gets a few cheers from the crowd. He enters the ring, and puts the apple aside.

JBL: “Carlito is a sick mindless guy. He spits food in people's faces, it’s disrespectful, and he shouldn’t be allowed to carry "fruit" to the ring. “

Don: “That’s what Carlito is known for! Ha-ha. “

* Jimmy Jacob's theme hits!!! * Jimmy Jacob's walks down the ramp, as boo's go all over the arena. Jacobs walks down the ramp, and into the ring, as he looks at Carlito with a mean look.

* Rob Van Dam's theme hits!!! * His pyro hits, as Rob Van Dam walks down the ramp smiling, as he tags fans along the sides. The crowd goes wild, as RVD runs into the ring, and poses on the turnbuckle for the fans.

Match 2-
Triple Threat Matchup

Carlito .vs. Jimmy Jacobs .vs. Rob Van Dam

* Bell Rings *

Carlito and Jimmy Jacobs both look at the face in this matchup; Rob Van Dam who is standing in his corner. Jimmy Jacobs and Carlito look at each other and then at Rob Van Dam who is readying himself in the corner of the ring to take both of them on. Carlito signals over at Jimmy Jacobs to tell him to go after RVD first and Jimmy walks casually up to RVD in the corner; but he had turned his back on his opponent Carltio who came up behind him and hit a finishing Back Stabber in the lower back with the knees onto Jimmy Jacobs within seconds of this matchup. Jimmy Jacobs rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope and to the outside, possibly taken out of this matchup for a while as Carlito and Rob Van Dam begin trading shots with rights and lefts flying at high speed. Carlito then grabs Rob Van Dam and throws him at the ropes; he goes to take him down with a hard clothesline but Rob Van Dam base ball slides through the legs of Carlito and stands up behind him. RVD from behind pushed Carlito at the ropes but Carlito held on and RVD back rolled’ to the middle of the ring. Carlito ran at Rob Van Dam as he was on the mat but RVD ended up tripping Carlito over with a drop toe hold, face first into the canvas. Meanwhile Jimmy Jacobs is slowly moving and showing some sort of life on the outside of the ring. Rob Van Dam raced up to his feet while Carlito had his stomach on the mat and then hit a standing spinning leg drop to the back of Carlito’s head doing a full turn in the air.

Rob Van Dam then stood back up onto his feet and grabbed Carlito with a hand full of his hair; he slowly brought him up to his feet. He then threw Carlito at the turnbuckles but Carlito stopped half way and then reversed it; he then Irish Whipped Rob Van Dam at the turnbuckles and Rob Van Dam put his hands out to stop and not hit the turnbuckles in the corner. When Carlito ran at Rob Van Dam from behind, Rob Van Dam hit a hard elbow shot to Carlito before jumping onto the second rope and then turning in the air with a cross body that takes Carlito down in the center of the ring. Rob Van Dam hooks the leg in the cross body position and the referee then makes the count. 1………….2…. but Carlito did kick out. Rob Van Dam at this time stood back up on his feet and left Carlito on his back; he ran at the ropes behind him and rolled forward making his way over to Carlito aiming for a Rolling Thunder. He then hit the move on Carlito and Carlito rolled out of the ring under the bottom rope to catch his breath. Carlito must have forgotten about Jimmy Jacobs as Jimmy was right behind him on the outside; Jimmy Jacobs grabbed him from behind and went for a German Suplex but Carlito landed on his feet behind him and then turned Jimmy Jacobs around, he was about to hit a south paw but Jimmy Jacobs kneed him in the gut and grabbed him by the tights. He then drove him over to the steel ring steps and made him crash into them. Jimmy Jacobs rolled into the ring and began circling the ring with an eager to compete Rob Van Dam.

Jimmy Jacobs and Rob Van Dam run at each other as Jimmy Jacobs attempts one of his patented maneuvers the Spear but Rob Van Dam uses his educated feet to kick him in the shoulder stopping him in the middle of the ring. Rob Van Dam then grabs Jimmy Jacobs by the arm and throws him at the ropes where Rob Van Dam goes to kick him in the gut on the way back. Jimmy Jacobs though catches the foot and Rob Van Dam goes for an enziguri kick to the back of the head and nails it. Jimmy Jacobs then falls down to the mat as Rob Van Dam then signals a Five Star Frog Splash as the crowd goes wild when he leaves the ring and goes up to the top rope. Once he is on the top rope though, Carlito is up on his feet and pushes him to the center of the ring landing on his neck. Carlito then rolls into the ring and covers Jimmy Jacobs who happened to be playing possum at the time, Jimmy Jacobs rolled Carlito up with a small package and the referee came down for the count. 1………….2……….3!!

You’re Winner: JIMMY JACOBS!

After the match, Jacob's smiles, as he looks down at Carlito and RVD. He poses, as he exits the ring, knowing as if he was going to win. The crowd boo's in Jacobs, as he is all happy with the pin fall. RVD and Carlito can’t believe it, and Jacob's exits the ring.

* Miz and Morrison are seen backstage, as Miz is washing the title with a cloth, and, shining it, as Christian, Tomko and Lance Storm walk by *

Christian: “Miz, what the hell are you doing? “

* Miz looks confused *

Miz: “What? What’s the problem? “

* Morrison and Miz look at each other, as they don’t know what’s going on *

Christian: “You’re shining your title? Its fine as it is. “

Miz: “But you see, it needs to be nice and clean, for when we wear it on our waists when the match is over. “

Morrison: “We don’t want to be dirty like the other filthy wrestlers in the back.â€

* Storm and Tomko laugh *

Christian: “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. “

Miz: “You are just all jealous that we have gold and you all don’t.â€

Morrison: “So be jealous.â€

* Christian walks off, as Tomko and Storm follow him, still laughing, as Morrison and Miz put the clean titles around their shoulders, and walk towards the entrance. *

- As the promo ends, Tony Chimel is seen backstage with another contestant in the Elimination Chamber, Jeff Hardy! -

Tony: “Hey Jeff, were trying to do an interview with all the Chamber entrants, let’s hear from you. What do you think of tonight’s Chamber match for the SWF Championship? “

Jeff: “It’s not great. I’m not happy with that Big Show did. He took himself out of the chamber, but he still won. He still got a chance to fight for the title tonight. “

Tony: “What do you think about CM Punk, he is in his hometown tonight, do you think you will be able to win? “

Jeff: Chimel, everyone here in Chicago is cheering for CM Punk, because it’s his hometown, but you got to remember, it doesn’t matter about being in your hometown. All the matters, is if your good, or you’re not. Punk is challenge. “

* Crowd cheers *

Tony: “He is, but do you think Samoa Joe will lose his title, and to who? “

Jeff: He will lose his title tonight; there is no way he will win, with me in the championship match tonight. This is my playground, and Samoa Joe is in my game, so it’s only good if I play the game right. That means, I will be beating everyone tonight, and I will face Big Show, and I will be SWF Champion after the whole PPV ends!

* Crowd cheer's, but some boo as they would prefer Punk over Jeff *

Tony: “One final question, what do you think about Matt Hardy teaming with Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin? “

Jeff: “ It’s no problem, Matt has been provoked by the Christian Coalition, and tonight, me and my brother will both walk out with victories! “

* Jeff walks away, as Tony ends the interview. *

* MNM's theme hits!! * John Morrison and The Miz walk onto the ramp, holding the "cleaned" Tag Titles. They put them on their shoulders, as they walk down the ramp, getting a lot of boo's, but some cheers. They enter the ring, and hold the titles high.

Tazz: “Morrison and Miz are a cocky tag team, they are great champions though because they can get the job done. “

JBL: “Tazz, are you kidding me? They will lose the titles here tonight, just watch. “

* Beer Money Inc's theme hits!! * Robert Roode and James Storm walk down the ramp, as they want the Tag Titles badly. They stare down MNM, as they enter the ring, getting some cheers, but some boo as well.

Match 3-
The Rematch Clause

SWF Tag Team Championships
MNM © .vs. Beer Money Inc.

* Bell Rings *

John Morrison and Robert Roode begin the matchup for their respective teams. John Morrison and Robert Roode lock up and Robert Roode hits a couple of hart elbow shots to the side of Morrison’s head before grabbing his arm and throwing him at the ropes. On the rebound John Morrison ducked underneath a clothesline attempt and on the second rebound with more momentum he was able to take down Robert Roode with a hard flying lariat. John Morrison then stands back up onto his feet and begins to stomp away at Robert Roode; he then runs at the ropes and on the rebound hits a hard base ball slide to the mid section of his opponent. John Morrison lastly grabs the head of Robert Roode, brings him to one knee and tags in his partner the Miz before holding him in place for the Miz to give him a kick into the mid section. John Morrison moved over to his corner on the ring apron. The Miz taunts as he then hits a couple of hard side elbow shots which keep Robert Roode on his knees in the corner. The Miz pushes him over before holding onto the top rope, jumping up and dropping a hard knee into his chest area. The Miz covers him for a pin fall but it would turn out only to be a one count. The Miz then grabbed Robert Roode by the head, threw him at the neutral corner and then taunted as he attempted to clothesline him against the turnbuckles. Robert Roode though moved out of the way as The Miz hit his chest on the corner of the ring and came wobbling backwards in time for Robert Roode to hit a back drop in the center of the ring. Robert Roode went over to his corner and tagged in his partner James Storm.

James Storm then runs at the ropes while the Miz is on one knee and goes to take him down with a boot on the way back but the Miz moves out of the way and then from behind grabs James Storm by the tights and tries to roll him up. 1………2… but James Storm was able to kick out and this match was still going. James Storm then moves up to his feet at about the same time The Miz does and the Miz runs at James Storm, James Storm ducks underneath a clothesline attempt by the Miz, moves behind him and grabs his head. He then grabs his leg and takes him down to the mat with a side Russian leg sweep to the canvas mat below. James Storm and the Miz both begin to crawl to their respective corners at the same time and moments later receive tags at the same time. Both James Storm and the Miz crawl to their ring aprons as we are back at our starting points where Robert Roode and John Morrison step into the ring, Robert Roode runs at John Morrison and kicks him in the gut going then at the ropes and is about to hit a running knee lift. John Morrison though moves his head out of the way and when Robert Roode turns around he kicks him in the gut grabs his head and hits a swinging Moonlight Drive. He goes for a pin fall; 1…………… at this time James Storm is about to step into the ring but the Miz runs at him in the corner and hits his special modified clothesline where his feet land in between the middle and top rope. 2…………3! Robert Roode was eliminated, also seconds later on Miz ended up covering James Storm receiving a three count adding insult to injury. And the match was over.

Your Winners and Still SWF Tag Team Champions: MNM

After the match, MNM celebrate, as Miz and Morrison hold the titles high. Miz and Morrison exit the ring, as James Storm tries to attack Miz. As MNM walk up the ramp, Storm and Roode look down at them from the ring, as the camera cuts to a promo.

* A limo is seen pulling up into the parking lot, as the crowd doesn’t know who it is. *

JBL: “I bet its Colony, he has to come back sometime? Am I right? “

Styles: “Why would it be Colony, there are still other superstars to come to the ring, besides Colony is still in the Hospital. “

* As the door opens, AJ Styles comes out of the limo, as the crowd cheers for him. AJ walks down the hall, as he walks farther down with his luggage. AJ then crosses the path of Ted Dibiase, as Ted holds the Money in the Bank case. *

Ted: “AJ, you’re in a Ladder match tonight, don’t you think you should be more prepared? “

AJ: “It’s against Benoit. And if anyone knows Benoit the most, it’s me. I don’t need to prepare for him, I am going to win, and the world will watch me take Benoit out. “

Ted: “But dude, it’s a ladder match! Actually; never mind it’s your funeral.â€

AJ: “Just promise me you will watch while I take him out will you?â€

* Crowd boo's *

AJ: “Ted, I am a main eventer, I’ve beat some of the big guys around here, and you’re telling me to prepare for Benoit? You should go prepare for Benjamin, because you don’t want your Wrestle Fest win to go to waste, now do you? “

* Ted smirks *

Ted: “Good luck AJ. Don’t be upset if you lose, because it will be your own fault! “

* Ted Dibiase walks off, as AJ nods his head, and tells himself that he isn’t worth it. *

Tazz: “AJ Styles .vs. Chris Benoit later tonight folks! “

Don: “That match JBL, is a match I’ve been waiting for to happen for the past 3 weeks! “

JBL: “Ever since Big Show announced the first ever SWF Elimination Chamber, that’s the match I’ve been all over. “

* Tony Chimel is backstage with another Elimination Chamber entrant, SWF Champion, Samoa Joe! *

* Samoa Joe walks into the camera with the title around his shoulders. *

Tony: “We recently interviewed Edge and Jeff Hardy tonight, and we would like to hear from you Joe. “

Joe: “Hurry up; I need to prepare for my match. “

Tony: “We will do our best, ok, what it is like being in the first ever Elimination Chamber tonight? “

Joe: “It’s pumping adrenaline into my veins every time I breathe. I’ve been waiting for this match since Unscripted, and I really want to win the first Chamber match in SWF history. “

Tony: “What about Big Show, he has been a pain for you for a while? “

Joe: “Big Show is crossing the line with me. First, he is in the Chamber, now he has a free pass to the SWF title tonight, after the winner is badly beaten. Show won’t win, I can tell you that right now. “

Tony: “What do you mean Show won’t win? “

Joe: “He is too confident that he will win the championship tonight. When someone like him is like that, their chances of winning dig deeper than the core. I want to win tonight's chamber, then kick Big Show's ass. That’s my plan. “

Tony: “Decent plan. One final question, do you think CM Punk, you have teamed with him quite a bit since your big fight a few months ago at Wrestle Fest. Will he win tonight? “

Joe: “Possibly. If anyone had to win besides me, I would choose Punk to win. It’s not because it’s his hometown, its cause he is a great fighter. I’m going to fight my hardest in this battle, because I know the match is going to be hell. “

Tony: “Thanks for the time Samoa Joe, and good luck tonight. “

Joe: “Thanks Chimel. “

* Samoa Joe walks out, as the camera switches off, and is looking at the ring. *

* Matt Hardy's theme hits!!! * Matt Hardy walks down the ramp, as he gets the whole arena cheering. Hardy enters the ring, as he looks happy, and he slides into the ring, posing on the turnbuckle.

* Motor City Machine Gun's theme hits!! * Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin walk down the ramp, as Matt claps in the ring. Alex and Chris run into the ring, as they both stand on the turnbuckles, as the crowd goes wild.

Tazz: “MCMG and Matt Hardy, when you combine those 3, you get a victory. “

* Christian's theme hits!! * As Christian, Tomko and Lance Storm make their way down the ring. Christian runs into the ring, as does Storm and Tomko. The 6 men all back mouth each other, as the match is about to begin.

JBL: “Christian Coalition is powerful, were talking about Tomko here, that man is going to do some serious damage. “

Match 4-
6-Man Tag Team Matchup

MCMG & Matt Hardy .vs. Christian Coalition

* Bell Rings *

Lance Storm and Alex Shelly start this matchup off; Lance Storm runs at Alex Shelly and attempts to take him down with a hard right arm clothesline shot but Alex Shelly ducks underneath it and decides to run at the ropes in front of him as Storm has his back turned to him. On the rebound Lance Storm did a standing leap from over him and the second rebound he was taken down with a hard arm drag that sent him to the side of the ring. Alex Shelly slowly moves up to his feet and then does a cart wheel changing the positions ultimately moving Lance Storm’s arm behind him and holding him in for a hammer lock arm bar. Lance Storm then leans forward, grabs hold of Alex Shelly’s leg and pulls it forward making him fall on his back. Lance Storm then notices him on the mat and decides to run at the ropes where on the rebound Alex Shelly stays down on the mat for yet another rebound where he this time leap frogs over him but Lance storm out smarts him and while Alex Shelly waits for him to run at the ropes behind him once more he stops turns around and grabs hold of his mid section from behind.

He then goes for a German Suplex in the middle of the ring but Alex Shelly shows great athleticism and lands on his feet behind him where he kicks him in the back of the leg and runs at the ropes behind him gaining momentum and speed where he then chop blocks Lance Storm onto the mat. Alex Shelly then grabs him by the bad leg, drags him over to his corner and then tags in Matt Hardy who comes in with a lot of energy and stands in the middle of the ring bouncing from left to right with his arms out wide signaling that he was going for the Twist of Fate. Once Lance Storm did groggily and slowly get back up onto his feet he was kicked in the gut and then grabbed by the head as Matt Hardy attempted to turn him around and slam him down to the mat. Before he could he was pushed from behind at the ropes where on the rebound Lance Storm grabbed him by one of his legs lifted him high up into the air and slammed him face first into the canvas mat below with a one man flap jack. He slowly covered him for the pin fall hooking the outside leg as the referee came down for the count; 1………………2… but Matt Hardy got his shoulder up in time to break it up. Lance Storm then moved up to his feet where he grabbed Matt Hardy by the arm and took him over to his corner where he tagged into the match the monster, the problem solver Tyson Tomko who came in stomping Matt Hardy to a pulp in the corner.

Tyson Tomko lifts Matt Hardy up to his feet with ease and throws him into his corner where he hits Matt Hardy with multiple boxing right and left hands to the chest area. Tyson Tomko at this time takes a few steps back and charges right at Hardy where he attempts to take his head off with a Big Boot. Matt Hardy had the wherewithal to move out of the corner just in time and crawl over to his as Tyson Tomko is tied up in the corner with one leg over the top rope. Matt Hardy manages to tag Chris Sabin into the match as Christian tags himself in slapping Tyson on the shoulder. Chris Sabin runs at Christian as he was half into the ring and manages to dropkick in him in the leg making him fall off of the ring apron and back to the outside of the ring. Lance Storm then entered the ring and attempted to help his partner by locking up with Chris Sabin but Alex Shelly ran in as Chris Sabin lifted him up for a scoop slam. The crowd went nuts as he moved him in position for their tag team ‘push’ finisher as Alex ran at the ropes and they hit the move on Storm. Meanwhile Tomko turned around and double clothes lined both Chris and Alex down in the center of the ring, Christian was on one knee as the referee was currently at a five count. Meanwhile Matt Hardy ran in and tackled Tyson Tomko out of the ring through the middle rope and both men went to the outside.

Chris Sabin and Alex Shelly high fived each other as they then ran at the ropes and simultaneously dived to the outside of the ring and took Christian out with an aerial take down. The referee was forced into beginning his count once again as Chris and Alex rolled Christian into the ring mere seconds later. Lance Storm though was waiting for them and managed to kick Alex in the gut and take him down with a hard Snap Suplex. He grabbed hold of Chris Sabin but he fought him off with multiple punches and kicks before dropkicking him and making him fall through the second rope. Chris Sabin took a moment to attract the reaction from the fans chants and taunt them to their delight. But wasting time was his downfall as Christian grabbed him by the arms, turns him around and out of nowhere with hard impact had hit the Un-prettier. Christian received lots of heat as he then went to cover Chris Sabin for the pin fall; 1………………..2………….3!


After the match, Christian smiles, as he exits the ring, and Tomko and Storm continue a beat down on MCMG and Matt Hardy. Alex low blows Tomko, as Matt kicks Storm in the gut, and hits a Twist of Fate! Matt kicks Tomko, and hits another Twist of Fate to both men! Christian holds his head, as he exits the ring. Matt and MCMG smile, as they tell Christian to come to the ring. Christian doesn’t, as he exits the arena, and Matt and MCMG exit the ring.

* Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi are seen backstage, as they look pissed from their loss at Carnage last week, to Chavo Guerrero. Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi walk down the hallway *

Rikishi: “Why are we here? “

Scotty: “I’m looking for Chavo, I’m so mad that we lost to him! “

* Scotty stops, as he is raged *

Scotty: “You know what, the next superstar I see, and I’m going to beat him down so badly, that.... “

* As Scotty says that, Big Show appears behind Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi. They both turn around, and looked shocked *

Show: “You’re going to beat me down? Give it a try. “

Scotty: “Uhhh, I meant the next superstar. “

Show: “No, you meant me. “

Scotty: “No, no sir. I didn’t, just.........hey Rikishi, don’t you have that meeting? “

* Rikishi looks confused, as Scotty runs away. Rikishi looks at Big Show, then walks in the direction Scotty ran in *

Show: “Freaks. “

* Show walks off, as he looks happy. People are wondering why he is so happy, as the camera cuts. *

* Tony Chimel is seen in a alley, where there is lock rooms. Batista comes out of one, as Chimel catches the animal for an interview. *

Tony: “Hey Batista, can I ask you a few questions? “

Batista: “Let’s get this over with. “

Tony: “Thanks, what do you think of Big Show making himself in the SWF title match after the Chamber ends, and there is a winner? “

Batista: “Big Show is going to get what he deserves. When I win the Elimination Chamber tonight, and end Samoa Joe's reign as SWF Champion, I will fight Big Show, and beat him down, going into Season's Beating's, SWF Champion! “

Tony: “What about CM Punk? This is the big question? “

Batista: “What about CM Punk? “

Don: “Does Batista not know that CM Punk is from Chicago, Illinois? “

Tony: “CM Punk is from Chicago, this is his hometown, and do you think he will win? “

Batista: “No. I think he will be the first to go. CM Punk is being confident, because it’s his hometown, but that doesn’t matter. I’m going to win the SWF Championship tonight! “

* Batista walks off, before Tony could finish the interview. *

Tazz: “Batista just exited the interview on his own terms! I wonder what’s going to happen in the Chamber tonight Joey? “

Styles: “It’s going to go down as a big match in SWF, but up next, Ted Dibiase defends the MITB case against Shelton Benjamin! “


Dibiase: “I will win the Money in the Bank ladder match! “

* Dibiase is seen fighting the other competitors. *

Joey Styles: “Jeff Hardy is going to win it; he’s going to grab it! “

* Dibiase is seen pushing the ladder over, knocking Hardy out of the ring *

Joey Styles: “No Way! All the other men are out, this can’t be! “

* Dibiase grabs the case, and unhooks it, winning the MITB match *

Dibiase: “I did the impossible, I overcame everyone and won the match! “


DiBiase: “It seems as if, Shelton Benjamin wants my case... “

* Benjamin is seen hitting his pyro on a show *

Joey Styles: “Well, Benjamin .vs. DiBiase right now at Turning Point! “

* DiBiase is seen clothes lining Benjamin *

DiBiase: “I did whatever I could, do defeat Shelton.... “

* Shelton Benjamin is seen hitting the T-Bone Suplex to DiBiase! *

Joey Styles: “What! DiBiase is going to lose. “

* Benjamin is seen pinning DiBiase, winning the match *

Benjamin: “It wasn’t any surprise; I beat DiBiase at Turning Point. “

* DiBiase is seen holding the MITB case high *

DiBiase: “I will not let my case get lost to you Benjamin! “

* Shelton is seen round house kicking DiBiase *

Tazz: “What will happen, when the case is on the line here tonight at In Your House? “

DiBiase: “I will continue my road to becoming SWF Champion, when I please.“

* DiBiase is seen big booting Benjamin *

Benjamin: “I will not let myself lose this match! “

* Benjamin is seen hitting the T-Bone suplex on DiBiase *

JBL: “What will happen, when these 2 meet at In Your House for the MITB case!?? “

* Benjamin and DiBiase are seen face to face *

[Camera cuts]

* Shelton Benjamin's theme hits!! * His pyro lights off, as the crowd goes wild for Benjamin. Benjamin walks down the ramp, as he tags fans. He enters the ring, and he poses for the crowd, as he signals, that he will win the case tonight.

* Ted DiBiase's theme hits!! * DiBiase walks onto the ramp, gripping his MITB case in his hands. He walks down the ramp, as fans boo him. DiBiase enters the ring, as he holds the case high. He gives it to the ref, as the ref sets it aside.

Match 5-
Singles Matchup
Money in the Bank Case on the Line

Ted DiBiase (M) .vs. Shelton Benjamin

* Bell Rings *

Both Shelton Benjamin and Ted Dibiase Junior look at each other before circling the ring a total of three times. They then locked up in the center of the ring; Shelton Benjamin pushes Ted Dibiase back at the ropes before throwing him hard at the opposing ropes. Ted Dibiase stops half way and throws Shelton Benjamin at the ropes instead. On the rebound Ted Dibiase lifts his knee up and hits a hard knee into the sternum of Shelton Benjamin and as a result Benjamin is on the mat holding his mid section in pain. Shelton Benjamin was then grabbed by the head and Ted Dibiase lifted him up to his feet slowly and cautiously but Shelton Benjamin moved Ted’s arms out of the way and began pummeling him with multiple shots rights and lefts sending him staggering back a few steps to the middle of the ring. Shelton Benjamin then throws him at the ropes and this time goes for a hard clothesline, Shelton Benjamin though doesn’t connect when Ted keeps running at the ropes after ducking underneath his fore arm. And on the rebound Shelton Benjamin was able to hit a hard Samoan Drop on his opponent catching him in mid running motion. Shelton Benjamin laid on his opponent for the pin fall; 1……….2 but barely at the two count Ted Dibiase kicked out with authority and lots of energy left to fight.

Shelton Benjamin at this point of time moved up to his feet and brought Dibiase up to his feet along with him by the arm; he twisted it doing a full turn with the arm and then moved it behind his back with a Hammer lock arm bar on Dibiase. Ted Dibiase began to squirm and tried to hit an elbow or two on his opponent but he could not, instead he was able to grab onto Benjamin’s head and bring him down for a jaw breaker a variation of a Stunner. As Shelton Benjamin stood there groggily on spaghetti legs Dibiase ran at the ropes and attempted on the rebound to take him down but Shelton Benjamin out smarted him and took him down with a Power Slam in the center of the ring. Shelton Benjamin slowly moved back up to his feet where he left the ring and went for something he doesn’t often do a high risk maneuver from the top turnbuckle. Shelton Benjamin is about to move his legs into place and go into the air before Ted Dibiase raced up to his feet and saw this opportunity to gain the advantage in the matchup.

That’s exactly what he did when he shook the ropes and made Benjamin’s legs go one way and the other go the other in a very painful position. Shelton Benjamin then in pain falls forward in the Tree of – woe with his legs caught up in the turnbuckles and his head almost hitting the mat. Dibiase ran at him and wanted to boot him in the skull but Benjamin lifted his head up and Dibiase did not connect. Shelton Benjamin was then clubbed in the back a few times and then Dibiase grabbed hold of him and brought him down to the ring with a back drop from the top rope to the center of the ring.

Ted Dibiase covered him for the pin fall; 1……………2… but Shelton Benjamin did get his shoulder up and off of the canvas in time. Ted Dibiase at this time moves up to his feet slowly and partially exhausted, he begins to stomp away at Shelton Benjamin and not leaving a limb untouched. Ted Dibiase then runs at the ropes behind him and hits a hard knee to the face of Shelton Benjamin after jumping in the air and dropping the knee. He then moves his elbow across the face of Benjamin and covers him for another pin fall as Benjamin kicks out even before the count of one showing he would need to do more than that to put him away. Ted Dibiase then grabs Benjamin slowly by the head. Ted Dibiase then went for his finishing maneuver the double arm under hook DDT that he likes to call the Price Drop. He hooks one of the arms in place before Shelton Benjamin came up turning around, doing a 360’ with the arm and grabbing his head in the process. He then dropped him down to the mat with a thud for his finishing maneuver. Shelton Benjamin smiled as he almost took Dibiaseies head off with that maneuver and then he hooked his leg for the pin fall. 1…………2……3!

Your Winner, and New MITB Case Holder: SHELTON BENJAMIN!

Tazz: “I can’t believe my eyes! Ted DiBiase has lost his MITB case that he earned at Wrestle Fest! “

* Ted DiBiase holds his head in shock, as Benjamin holds the case high! The crowd goes wild, and DiBiase asks the ref if he is dreaming. The ref shakes his head, as DiBiase is almost ready to cry. Benjamin exits the ring, and holds the case with excitement! The crowd is going nuts, as Benjamin exits the arena. *

JBL: “I never thought I would see Ted DiBiase lose the case to someone, but it just happened! “

* Tony Chimel is backstage, as CM Punk comes into the camera, and the whole arena goes wild *

Tony: “CM Punk, the whole arena has been waiting for your interview, what you have to say about tonight’s Chamber match, in your Hometown? “

Punk: “I will not let my family and friends down here in Chicago tonight! “

* Crowd goes wild *

Punk: “I will defeat Samoa Joe tonight, and take the SWF Championship ...like I promised Randy Orton; I will be champion before you ever are! “

Tony: “Randy Orton and Samoa Joe seem to be on your mind right now, what about Big Show? “

Punk: “He is next. I am going to prove to the world that I’m a true superstar here in SWF, and win the SWF Championship. I’m going to go onto face Big Show minutes after, and beat him 1, 2, 3! “

Tony: “The match is so close to happening, it’s about 30 minutes away, how do you prepare for this kind of match? “

Punk: “That’s an easy question, you don’t. How do you prepare to be in a hell-like chamber, called the Elimination Chamber? I bet the other guys aren’t prepared, because I’m not, and I’m going to win....being un-prepared! “

* CM Punk walks off, as the crowd goes nuts. *

Don: “Coming up next, it’s going to be an epic battle of the ages! “

Joey Styles: “Chris Benoit .vs. AJ Styles in a Ladder match! “

* Chris Benoit is seen backstage, as he holds his fist in front of his chin, as he sits on a bench, staring into the floor. He is thinking, and hoping nothing bad happens tonight on his match, as a promo hits for the match.


Joey Styles: “Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time for AJ Styles .vs. Chris Benoit...on the grandest stage of SWF! “

* AJ is seen walking down the long ramp. *

Colony: “Benoit and AJ will fight, till there is absolutely nothing left in them! “

* Benoit is seen entering the ring *

Joey Styles: “Only 1 man can win! “

* AJ Styles is seen picking up the win! *


AJ: “Benoit, I’m going to win the championship match for Unscripted tonight! “

* Benoit is seen entering the match *

Benoit: “Styles, he doesn’t know what he’s walking into, I’m going to destroy him bit by bit. “

* AJ and Benoit are seen fighting in the Fatal 4 Way *

Joey Styles: “Oh My God, Benoit has taken out AJ Styles! “

* Batista is seen picking up the win! *


Tazz: “It’s going to be insane, a Falls Count Anywhere match, between 2 big SWF Superstars! “

* AJ is seen throwing a chair at Benoit *

JBL: “One of these 2 men won’t be the same again!? “

Benoit: “AJ, I’m going to end your career! “

* Benoit is seen hitting the Cripple Cross face on AJ *

Joey Styles: “He did it! Chris Benoit has won the Falls Count Anywhere match! “


Benoit: “AJ has crossed the line, and tonight, I’m issuing a challenge! “

* Benoit is seen abusing AJ *

AJ: “Benoit, I accept your challenge, but I got one of my own!! “

* A ladder is shown in a spotlight *

AJ: “It’s my specialty. “

* AJ is seen flying off ladders *

AJ: “You and me...in a Ladder Match! “

Don West: “No Way, Benoit is opening his death sentence! “

Benoit: “I accept! “

Tazz: “Oh My God! What’s going to happen at In Your House, when these 2 men destroy? Each other in a Ladder Match!? “

* AJ and Benoit are seen face to face, as camera cuts. *

[Camera cuts]

* Crowd goes wild *

* AJ Style's theme hits!!! * AJ walks out onto the ramp, as pyro hits. AJ walks down the ramp, as he looks up at the ladder that is standing in the middle of the ramp. AJ runs under it, as he thinks he doesn’t need luck. He runs into the ring, and signals that he will beat down Benoit.

* Chris Benoit's theme hits!!! * Benoit walks down the ramp, as he also looks up at the ladder. He climbs a few stairs, as the crowd goes wild. Benoit points at AJ, as he stands on top of the ladder. Benoit climbs down, and he walks around the ladder, and runs into the ring. AJ and Benoit look face to face, as flashes from camera's flash everywhere in the arena, lighting it up.

Match 6-
Ladder Match

AJ Styles .vs. Chris Benoit

* Bell Rings *

AJ Styles and Chris Benoit look at each other at the opposite ends of the ring; staring a hole into each other trying to get into each other’s head. Then AJ Styles points up to the roof as he sees the briefcase; that is dangling above which holds a free ticket to Uproar to guarantee him a spot on the roster. AJ Styles then looks back and around the outside of the ring at the Ladders surrounding them. Chris Benoit at this time moves towards AJ Styles who meets him in the center of the ring. AJ Styles then moves towards Benoit and they locked up; AJ Styles tried to hit a few side elbow shots in and as a result Chris Benoit retaliated with a few of his own before chopping him back a few more steps as AJ is pushed against the ring ropes. AJ Styles then gets hard Irish Whipped at the ropes where on the rebound Chris Benoit was attempting to take him down with a hard shoulder block. AJ Styles ducks underneath and when Chris turns around he gets punched hard with a hard forearm shot to the jaw before AJ ran at the ropes behind him and attempted to take him down. Chris Benoit though grabbed him in mid running motion swung him around and nailed him with a tilter-world Back breaker in the middle of the ring.

Chris Benoit then moves his thumb across his throat and then signals a Flying Head butt, Benoit wastes very little time making this match physical. AJ Styles lies on the mat as Chris Benoit leaves out to the ring apron and then steps up onto the top rope and moves his body into position ready to leap into the air and take risk. Chris then moved up into the air and then was about to hit the move until AJ Styles was able to move out of the way and not get hit with the move. AJ watched as Chris bounced his head off of the canvas mat below with a hard thud that kept him down for the next few minutes as AJ Styles used the ropes to aid himself up to a vertical base. AJ Styles then left the ring and walked over to one of the steel ladders that is possibly around ten feet tall. He pushes it up, folding it in and then rolls it under the bottom rope and into the ring. He places it against the turnbuckles placed firmly and cautiously as Chris Benoit holds his chest and slowly moves up to his feet behind AJ.

AJ finishes what he was planning on doing and turns around only to have Chris Benoit kick him in the gut and begin chopping him ferociously away as he backs AJ Styles against the Ladder that is set up against the turnbuckles. AJ Styles then ducks underneath of the chops and moves around Chris Benoit putting him in the corner. He goes to take a step back and then run at Chris Benoit but Chris ducks underneath and grabs AJ Styles’ legs in the process then half flap jacking him onto the Ladder and catapulting him into it. AJ Styles holds onto the Ladder and catches it like a cat standing a few feet above Chris Benoit as Chris begins to club him in the lower back, AJ Styles dives into the air and goes for a cross body on Chris Benoit but he moves out of the way and AJ hits his body area on the mat in the center of the ring as Chris Benoit then grabbed the Ladder and threw it onto AJ’s back making it fall onto him.

Chris Benoit then leaves the ring and goes out for yet another Ladder and rolls that into the ring under the bottom rope and pushes it next to an AJ Styles who is lying underneath a Ladder in a world of pain. Chris Benoit though decides not to enter the ring quite yet and lifts up the bottom rope for some more weapons that he can get his hands on and retrieves himself two steel chairs that he throws into the ring and a Trash Can with a Trash Can Lid. One of the Steel Chairs rolls next to AJ Styles and he grabs onto it as he is slowly moving into the push up position at this time. Chris Benoit doesn’t see the Chair in his hands and goes and grabs AJ by the head and lifts him up to his feet, AJ Styles smirks as he in the sitting down position smacks Chris in the side of the head with the chair from behind and Chris falls down to the mat.

AJ Styles then leaves the ring stands onto the ring apron and holds onto the top rope as he waits for Chris Benoit to groggily move up to his feet to take him yet again down with a flying areal forearm. Chris Benoit is on his feet moments later on and AJ spring boards up to the top rope and then leaps into the air amazingly though Chris Benoit was soon revealed to be playing possum. He grabs a Trash Can lid just in time and smacks him in the face with it. AJ Styles is busted open as he lands awkwardly on his stomach seconds later on, Chris Benoit then takes a few moments to take a breather and he leans against the ropes casually. Once he was back into the matchup he stomped on AJ for a few seconds and then moved over to the second ladder that he put into the ring minutes ago.

Chris Benoit places the ladder up right, exactly underneath the briefcase holding a contract guaranteeing them a job on SWF Uproar in four weeks time at the SWF Special. Chris Benoit takes a deep breath and slowly begins to climb it slowly rung by rung; it almost seems like a life time away from Chris Benoit. Meanwhile AJ Styles is motionless next to the Ladder on his back and it looks as if Chris Benoit has this matchup won. Once Chris Benoit had climbed four rungs up with still two and a half left to go, AJ Styles began to squirm and show some forms of life. AJ Styles knew that he couldn’t climb up in time as he was on one knee but instead he stood up, ran at the ropes behind him and dropkicked the side of the ladder. Chris Benoit then moved flying to the outside of the ring and went straight through the announcer tables with a thunderous thud hitting the mat, Chris Benoit was left in a pile of heap in wires and table.

AJ Styles then looked up at the briefcase and rung by rung he began to climb up to the top, Chris Benoit chants began to fly throughout the arena but they knew that he would not be able to do anything to stop him as they then began to boo AJ Styles as AJ smiled a smile from ear to ear as he drew ever closer to the briefcase. AJ Styles then retrieved it fell down to the mat and it was over.

You’re Winner: AJ STYLES!

After the match, AJ lays on the canvas, as he looks happy. His hand is held high, and he stands on the turnbuckle, celebrating. AJ slides out of the ring, as Benoit lies out in the ring. AJ walks up the ramp, as Benoit is getting help by SWF officials.

* Tony Chimel is backstage, with a microphone *

Tony: “I’m here with my final interviewee of the night, he is in the next match, Randy Orton! “

* Crowd boo's, as Orton enters the camera *

Tony: “Orton, the crowd obviously isn’t behind you tonight, but what are your thoughts on CM Punk who could be your toughest competitor out there, and ultimately the Chamber itself? “

* Orton smirks *

Orton: “Tony, do you actually think Punk has a chance tonight? Me and Edge beat him down at Unscripted, and were sure as hell going to do the same to him tonight. Their hometown hero will be ended, when I win the SWF Championship tonight, before he ever does in his career! “

* Crowd gives off a lot of heat *

Tony: What about Samoa Joe, the champion?

Orton: I was waiting for you to say him Chimel. The point is this; Samoa Joe's reign will NOT continue tonight, and I’m going to make sure of that. In fact, before I eliminate Punk, Samoa Joe will be first on my list!

Tony: And your thoughts on Big Show?

Orton: “Big Show, you better be ready tonight, cause after the Chamber is over, and my Legacy begins as SWF Champion, I’m going to take you out after the match is all said and over. Show, you think you’re the big man; well I’m taking your place! You have never been SWF Champion in your life, and you never will! I will accomplish something you have been working on for many years now. Show, I will end you as well! “

* Orton steps out of the camera, as Tony waits there for the camera to click off *

JBL: “Wow, Orton is in a mood tonight, not one I would like to cross anytime soon! “

Don: “You’re absolutely right, but what about the Poll we issued earlier in the PPV? “

Tazz: “Who do you think will win the Chamber, Joe, Punk, Batista, Orton, Edge or Hardy? “

Joey Styles: “You all texted your votes, and here is the results!... “

* The screen pops up, with the pictures of 6 superstars. A grey background, with the chamber. The results pull up like this: *

Samoa Joe - 17%
Randy Orton - 22%
CM Punk - 43%
Edge - 1%
Batista - 10.6%
Jeff Hardy - 6.4%

JBL: “What kind of results are those? CM Punk got the highest with 43? What the hell are these fans smoking? “

Tazz: “Edge got the lowest, well...with 1! “

Don: “It also looks like, in second place, is the Legend Killer, Randy Orton! “

Joey Styles: “Coming up next, is the big match, the First ever SWF Elimination Chamber. “

* Crowd goes nuts, as the whole arena stands *

(The Elimination Chamber is seen being lowered onto the ring. The crowd all stand, as more pictures are taken. )

* Jeff Hardy's theme hits!!! * His pyro hits, as he comes down the ramp. He is all hyped, as he looks at the chamber. He walks slowly, as he walks up to the steel steps. He walks into the chamber, and looks around at his surroundings. The ref tells Jeff to get into the little mini-chamber, as the Jeff walks in, and the ref closes the door, and locks Jeff in.

Joey Styles: “Jeff must be wondering, what the hell am I doing here? Ha-ha. “

* Edge's theme hits!!! * Edge walks onto the ramp, as he looks at the huge chamber, then his pyro hits. Edge walks down the ramp, as the crowd boo's him. He looks at the chamber, as he enters up the steps, and into the large chamber structure. Edge looks at Jeff, as he taunts him. Edge is put into the second mini-chamber, and locked in by an official.

* CM Punk's theme hits!!! * The whole arena goes nuts, as their hometown hero comes onto the ramp. Punk holds his fists in the air, looking happy. Punk walks down the ramp, as he tags all the Chicago fans and family. Punk stops at the steel steps, as he pauses, but then goes up the steps, and enters the chamber. Edge and Jeff look at Punk, as Punk enters the third mini-chamber, as family and friends watch him get locked in.

* Samoa Joe's theme hits!!! * Pyro hits, as Samoa Joe walks onto the stage, holding the SWF Championship. He holds it high, as he sets it on his shoulder, and walks down the ramp, looking up at the large chamber. Joe climbs the steel steps, and enters the chamber, as he looks around. He climbs into the ring first, and holds the championship up high. Joe is sent to the last mini-chamber, and locked in, as his title is taken from him by the ref.

JBL: “Don’t give it to the ref; he will probably just crown himself champion for god sakes! “

* Randy Orton's theme hits!!! * Orton walks onto the stage, as he has an evil look on his face. Orton walks down the ramp, as fans boo him to the ring. Orton looks up at the chamber, as Orton stares at CM Punk and Samoa Joe. Orton enters into the chamber, as he stands on the turnbuckle closest to Samoa Joe, and does his signature pose. Orton stands in the ring, waiting for his starting opponent.

Tazz: Wait for it; I think we all know who this is!

* Dave Batista's theme hits!!! * Batista walks down the ramp, as he pauses, and hits his pyro. He enters down the rest of the ramp, as some fans cheer, but some boo. CM Punk chants are heard in the arena, and Batista looks up at the chamber, as he enters it. The main Cage door is locked, as all 6 men are in. Batista poses on all 4 turnbuckles, causing heat with the 4 locked players.

Match 7-
Elimination Chamber
SWF Championship

Samoa Joe © .vs. CM Punk .vs. Edge .vs. Jeff Hardy .vs. Randy Orton .vs. Dave Batista

* Bell Rings *

Suddenly as the bell rings each man in the ring and in the cage take a moment or two to take a look around at their surroundings and to get used to the area in which they are going to be released into. They will need to adapt fast as they will need to go all out and all on the line if they want to win and walk away with the SWF Heavyweight Championship here tonight and each contestant knows that. Then Batista and Randy Orton lock eyes and we have officially started this matchup off. Randy and Batista run at each other locking up in the middle of the ring as they brawl like there is no tomorrow each landing a shot in before the other and it is back and forth for a few moments before; Randy Orton was able to rake the eyes of Dave Batista and ending this brawl fest in the center of the ring. Randy Orton then kicked him in the gut and threw him at the ropes where on the rebound Dave Batista was able to take Randy Orton down with a hard clothesline which made him spin in the air and turn inside and out. Batista then eyed Samoa Joe who was standing in the cage cell near him and flexed his biceps and chest muscles trying to show him off. Samoa Joe told him to bring it as Randy Orton was brought up to one knee by Batista and then thrown out of the ring through the middle rope. Randy landed on his side on the steel ground surrounding the ring. Batista then slowly stepped out of the ring and after him; He saw Randy Orton on one knee as he moved up to him and went to bring him up to his feet. Randy Orton came up retaliating with a couple of hard upper cut shots before a knee to the gut. Randy Orton then grabbed Batista’s head and early on in the matchup the unforgiving steel cage was being used in effect on someone as Batista was then hit with a hard DDT on the cage floor. Randy Orton stands up with a slant in his back and a faraway look in his eyes as he instantly moves down to all four’ and attempts to take Batista out with a devastating RKO onto the steel. Once Batista was on one knee back on his feet; Randy Orton jumped on him grabbing the head of his opponent and was about to bring him down for the maneuver. Batista though pushed him forward and when Randy Orton turned around he then charged right at Batista going to take him down possibly with a clothesline. Batista though ducks underneath and hits a hard back body drop and brings Randy Orton over the top rope and back into the center of the ring.

At this time the countdown hits and the crowd begin to count along with the clock; 10……..9…….8…..7 at this time the crowd begin to chant the name of CM Punk as they want to see their home town hero the home town boy in the matchup. 6…….5…..4…..3 Batista at this time entered the ring and went after Randy Orton who was on one knee but was then brought down to the mat with a hard kick to the ribs by Batista. 2…..1…. And the lights dimmed to darkness as the crowd went silent. And then cheered with the cage opening for the rainbow haired warrior as Jeff Hardy was entered into the match, Jeff came into the ring with a lot of energy as he came in through the middle rope and eyed Batista on the other end of the ring. Jeff Hardy moves towards Batista who meets him in the middle of the ring and they go face to face and exchange a few words. They then simultaneously turn to Randy Orton who at this time was slowly using the ropes to help pull himself up to his feet and it seems that they have made a pact to work together and team on Randy Orton which would not be good for the legend killer. Batista and Jeff Hardy move up to Randy Orton and begin to club him and kick him while he leans against the ropes. Not giving him any sort of breathing room; Jeff throws him at the ropes and then moves out of the way as Randy runs into Batista who spears him in the ribs. Randy Orton rolls around the ring almost coughing up blood as he was met with a hell of a lot of impact. As Jeff and Batista think that they have taken Randy Orton out for most of the matchup; they then begin to circle the ring and then eventually lock up on each other. Jeff is the first one to make a move as he kicks Batista in the gut and then grabs his arm and goes for a Suplex on him. Batista though is just too dominant and too large to be thrown around like that and Batista just suplexes Jeff in a reversal in the middle of the ring.

Dave Batista then moves up to the ropes and begins to shake them and receives a good face reaction as he signals the Batista Bomb for Jeff Hardy. Before turning around and pulling the inevitable thumbs down for his opponent. Randy Orton was able to groggily come up behind him and hit a standing dropkick sending him out of the ring through the middle rope and to the steel. Randy Orton then leaves to go out of the ring and move after him to continue the attack on him. Randy begins to stomp away at him while he was on the mat before lifting him up to his feet and then hitting a hard European Upper cut to the jaw. Meanwhile Jeff Hardy was standing idly by watching all of this before deciding it was enough as he ran at the ropes behind him; then dived through the middle rope and took both Randy Orton and Batista out. Jeff Hardy looked around as the countdown began once again from ten to one as did the chants for CM Punk to enter the matchup. Meanwhile though Jeff Hardy grabbed Dave Batista who was beginning to get tired and weary as he started this matchup off some ten minutes ago, Jeff managed to kick him in the gut and then grab his head and hit a hard Twist of Fate on the steel. Batista seemed to be knocked out cold as Jeff Hardy rolled him up for the pin fall. 1……..2……3! And Batista was eliminated. At this time Edge was let free and the Rated ‘R’ Superstar came into the match as Batista was forced to leave. Edge and Randy Orton the two members of Rated RKO look down at Jeff Hardy as this doesn’t look good for him. Edge grabs him and picks him up before holding his arms back as Randy Orton began to punch and slap away at the Rainbow haired warrior.

Jeff Hardy attempted to fight back with a few hard side elbow shots to Edge to make his grip weaken on him before kicking Randy Orton in the mid section. He attempted to do it again but Edge just grabbed his hair from behind and yanked him down to the steel with a hard whiplash like thud almost pulling the hair out of his head. Randy told Edge to go for a spear and to take him out; Randy Orton held Jeff Hardy up to his feet as Edge took a step back. Moved the hair out of his eyes and ran at him. Jeff Hardy leap forged over him and Edge kept running out of instinct and managed to spear Randy Orton. Edge was shocked and wanted to lean down to help him out but Jeff Hardy took advantage of that and grabbed a hand full of tights in hope to roll him up for the pin fall and eliminate yet another superstar from the matchup. 1……..2… but Edge was able to kick out. Jeff Hardy then slowly moves up to his feet as does Edge but Edge gets the upper hand making the first move as he was able to low blow Jeff Hardy and then grab his head and throw him into the unforgiving steel, grabbing it and raking his head grating it against the steel cage busting him wide open before throwing him down to the mat. Edge then raises his arms in taunt. Jeff Hardy though in pain begins to crawl away and ultimately back into the ring through the bottom rope.

Edge then turns around after taunting the crowd through the cage and re enters the ring after Jeff and once again goes to Spear him this time in the ring. When an unaware Jeff Hardy turns around and sees Edge running right at him Jeff moves slightly to the side; grabs the arm and shoulder area of Edge and sends him flying into the turnbuckles before running up to the top rope and taking Edge down with a hard whisper in the wind. Meanwhile the countdown continues with another ten too one clock on the screen. The crowd chant both for Samoa Joe the champion and CM Punk as those two are the ones who are left in this matchup that have yet to enter the ring.It was Samoa Joe who would be the next entrance into the match; the reigning SWF heavyweight Champion who would enter the ring this time and go right after Jeff Hardy who was the man up on his feet. He would kick him in the gut and then hit a hard belly to belly over head suplex before bringing him up to his feet once again and kicking him in the gut. He then grabs the Rainbow haired warrior and lifts him up onto his shoulders with a cradle suplex but then drops him down on his head area for a hard Muscle Buster. He then rolls Jeff Hardy up for the pin fall. 1………….2……..3! And Jeff Hardy was eliminated. Samoa Joe then stood up onto his feet and then eyed Edge who was slowly beginning to get up to one knee. He ran at Edge and clothes lined him in the corner of the ring against the turnbuckles; and then threw him at the ropes where Randy Orton was slowly beginning to get to a vertical base on the other end of and they banged heads. Randy Orton fell back down to the steel on the outside as Edge came walking groggily back staggering backwards towards Samoa Joe who was eagerly awaiting his arrival.

When the time was right; Samoa Joe grabbed Edge in a modified version of a sleeper hold and then brought him down to the mat once he wrapped his legs around Edge’s chest and ribs area giving him very little opportunity to be able to breathe. Samoa Joe had Edge in a sleeper hold with a grape vine locked tight and it wasn’t long before Edge began to fade away and he had the far away deadly look on his eyes. Edge was then pronounced knocked out as the referee raised his arm and dropped it a total of three times and as a result Edge was eliminated. Samoa Joe was on a roll…. Though the countdown began for the very last time and CM Punk chants where louder than ever as the home town hero the home town boy was ready to enter the match. CM Punk seconds later entered the match and ran up to Randy Orton on the outside of the ring; lying on the steel near his cage. Samoa Joe at this time took a moment to rest up and heal up in the ring as CM Punk grabbed Randy Orton and had hoisted him up to his feet. Randy was able to hit a low blow on Punk stopping him from any plans he had to do on Randy Orton. Randy Orton then grabbed the head of CM Punk and had sent him flying at the cage he just moments ago came out of; CM Punk was Irish whipped hard against the cage and had hit his back against it hard. CM Punk then dropped down to one knee as he leant against the glass and a psychotic look on Randy Orton began to shine and this did not look well for the home town boy CM Punk.

Randy Orton took a couple of steps back before taking a run up and punting CM Punk in the head; knocking him out cold and possibly giving him a concussion. CM Punk though was sandwiched between Randy’s boot and the glass and if it wasn’t bad enough the impact cracked the glass cage and CM Punk was bleeding profusely. Randy Orton then eyed Samoa Joe who told him to bring it as Randy came into the ring after him and these two locked up. Randy Orton kicked Samoa Joe in the gut and attempted an RKO out of nowhere on Samoa Joe but Joe was able to push Randy forward at the ropes where on the rebound he would be taken down to the mat with a hard Power Slam. Samoa Joe then attempted to wrap his body around Randy Orton’s and go for the same finishing submission hold he had held on Edge minutes ago but Randy Orton sensed it coming and quickly squirmed up to his feet with him piggy backing’ Samoa Joe to the turnbuckles and banging him against them back first a couple of times. Randy then turned around and hit a few hard fists against Samoa Joe before going to the other end of the ring and running straight at him.

Samoa Joe ducked underneath the clothesline attempt and had him in position for a Rock Bottom sort of move in the corner but he likes to call it the ST Joe. He hits it having Randy Orton roll up like an accordion as He then covered Randy with both legs for the pin fall; 1…….2……3! And Randy Orton was eliminated. The crowd then went nuts as they knew the Champion Samoa Joe was left to face the home town hero, the home town boy CM Punk. These two have had battles and wars over the past couple of months and they have to go through each other to win the match and it won’t be easy. The only problem though for Punk and the crowd is that CM Punk hasn’t moved since having his head punted through the glass cage on the outside by Randy Orton some five minutes ago.

Samoa Joe cautiously moved out of the ring stepping through the middle rope and going out after CM Punk who was on one knee at this time trying to shake off the cob webs’ that in his case was a face full of blood a crimson mask with broken glass hanging around the floor. Samoa Joe stands for a moment to look around at the fans around him that are chanting his name along with Punk’s. There is a mixed crowd feel; but the crowd would give Punk 100% of the reaction when it was revealed he was playing possum the last few moments holding his forehead and over reacting the pain. CM Punk then catches Samoa Joe off guard as he runs at him springing up to his feet and hitting a running high knee lift to the jaw that he does. Samoa Joe though out of instinct puts his arms around CM Punk one under his legs and one around the head area and when he went for a bull dog CM Punk was lifted up and dropped down for a vertical back breaker.

Samoa Joe then grabbed CM Punk by the hair and brought him into the center of the ring. Samoa Joe then grabs CM Punk from behind and grapples him ready for a German Suplex. CM Punk though puts his leg around Samoa Joe and turns around; he then lifts Samoa Joe up on his shoulders for a fire – mans carry and then goes for a GTS a Go to Sleep. Samoa Joe the valiant champion attempts to get out of it but he could not and the crowd blew the roof off of the building when CM Punk nailed the GTS on Samoa Joe. CM Punk out of exhaustion then rolls Samoa Joe up for the pin fall. 1………2…… but amazingly shocking the world wide. Samoa Joe is able to kick out. CM Punk could not believe it and was ready to pull the hair out of his head.

At this time CM Punk then moves up to his feet and goes to put him away with one last burst of energy with one last devastating maneuver. He grabs Samoa Joe and brings him up to his feet and begins to kick him like there is no tomorrow’ he takes him down to one knee with multiple round house and high kicks martial arts style. Samoa Joe though ducks underneath one of them and brings CM Punk up for an electric chair and holds him in the air for a few moments taking the sweet time to savor this possible victory. CM Punk then rolled down Samoa Joe’s back and rolled Samoa Joe up for a sunset flip; Samoa Joe at the count of two and a half rolls backwards and moves up to his feet with both of CM Punk’s legs in hand and moves him over with a half Boston Crab not quite locked in fully. Though enough to inflict the pain necessary for CM Punk to tap out and Samoa Joe dropped down to his knees as the confetti rained from above and Samoa Joe was once again victorious.

Your Winner and Still SWF Champion: SAMOA JOE!

After the match, the whole crowd goes wild, but some boo, as Samoa Joe retains his SWF Championship. Joe holds the title high, as the Chamber is raised. Joe holds the title in the air, as the crowd can’t believe that Joe survived as Champion threw the hellacious Chamber.

JBL: “My god, Samoa Joe has just retained his SWF Championship!!! “

Tazz: “I’m amazed; I thought for sure, CM Punk had this match in the bag! “

Don: “Samoa Joe will take on the 500 Pound, Big Show! “

Joey Styles: “Samoa Joe doesn’t look so good, are you sure that he will be able to take out Big Show? “

JBL: “If all goes well, Big Show will win tonight. Samoa Joe has held the title for too long now! “

* Big Show's theme hits!!! * As Samoa Joe rests on the turnbuckle holding the SWF Championship, Big Show walks down the ramp smiling. Joe looks at Show, as he enters the ring, and he taunts the crowd.

Tazz: “I’m not sure if Samoa Joe is going to be able to tame the giant? “

Main Event -
Singles Matchup

SWF Championship
Samoa Joe © .vs. The Big Show

* Bell Rings *

As soon as the Confetti ended; Samoa Joe moved up his feet Samoa Joe used the aids of the ropes and even then he could barely make it to a vertical base. But there was nothing he could do about it; the title was forced to be put up on the line once again against the General Manager himself the Big Show who was standing in the ring opposite his opponent. As the bell rang Samoa Joe took a deep breath and with a pissed off look on his face ran at the Big Show who just laughed as he stuck his arm out in the way and got him ready for a choke slam. The Big Show was about to lift him up before Samoa Joe was about to hit a few head butts on him and a couple of shots to the mid section to make his arm loosen – Samoa Joe then kicked him in the gut and ran at the ropes behind him as the Big Show met him on the rebound with a hard big boot to the jaw to take him down.

The Big Show then grabs Samoa Joe and throws him against the turnbuckles; Samoa Joe was then slapped in the chest by the Big Show with his giant, gigantic oven mitt like fists that made a slap that was heard around the arena which made Samoa Joe drop down to one knee. The Big Show then lifted him up again and told everyone to be quiet as he wanted to hit him one last time. But just before Samoa Joe was able to duck underneath it and come out with a flurry of fists and boots as Show was in the corner. The Big Show then pushes back Samoa Joe and he rolls backwards to the center of the ring. The Big Show runs at him going to clothesline him over but Samoa Joe forwards rolls around him and shows his speed but there can’t be much left in the tank and eventually Samoa Joe was caught and then thrown around the ring with a huge hip toss. The Big Show begins to then stomp away at him before going down for the pin fall. 1…………2……. But an exhausted and drenched out Samoa Joe managed to put his foot on the bottom rope to break it up. The Big Show was beginning to go red in the face and then left the ring to go after the steel chairs at ringside. The Big Show began to be counted out but then he rolled back in the ring wielding a Steel Chair in hand – The referee tried to reason with him but he could not persuade him or do anything. The Big Show waited for Samoa Joe to move up to his feet before rattling and scrambling his brains with the steel chair. Once Samoa Joe was up to his feet the Big Show swung right at him; Samoa Joe out of instinct ducked underneath it and then rolled the Big Show up with an inside cradle. The referee made the count. 1……………2……….3! And Samoa Joe overcame the odds as he once again proved why he is the best in the world.


Joey Styles: “Oh My God!!!! “

Don West: “Samoa Joe survived the Elimination Chamber, now the Big Show!! “

Tazz: “This man is a god! He is just un-defeat able. “

JBL: “Wait a minute Tazz, Randy Orton beat him on Carnage in a singles match a month ago! He is beatable! “

* After the match, Samoa Joe holds the title up high, as he is tired as hell. Samoa Joe exits the ring, as the crowd is going wild for the SWF Champion. Big Show looks surprised, as he bangs on the mat. As Samoa Joe holds the championship, Big Show looks pissed, as his face turns red, and he punches the turnbuckle. In Your House goes off air! *

[SWF PPV, In Your House goes off air]

Quick PPV Results:

MVP © Def. Bryan Danielson (Still U.S Champion)
Jimmy Jacobs Def. RVD & Carlito
MNM © Def. Beer Money Inc (Still SWF Tag Team Champions)
Christian Coalition Def. MCMG & Matt Hardy
Shelton Benjamin Def. Ted DiBiase © (Benjamin wins DiBiase MITB case!!! )
AJ Styles Def. Chris Benoit (Ladder Match )
Samoa Joe © Def. Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Edge, CM Punk, Batista (EC Chamber for SWF Championship)
Samoa Joe © Def. The Big Show (Retained SWF Championship )

Credits --
Evil Austin - Matches, Posting - bolding, coloring etc.
wwerko619 - Promos, Commentary, Layout
Thanks for reading.


May 9, 2007
Reaction score
Sorrry about the late review just toke me a while to read.

BM: I would have to say the Chamber match. It was very exciting to read and full of action. Very good.
BP: I liked them all and they all helped hype the match. I espicially liked the flash backs though. If you just started reading this thread and wanted to know wat was going it helped!
WM: As with all PPV's I read it's hard to find a bad match, but I am going to say the Carlito/ Jacobs/ RVD match. I just couldn't get into there wasnt loads of action, but enough to make it a match.
WP: none of them. I liked them all and they all did a good job at hyping that next match or the matches later on in the show.
AC: Overall I was happy with the show. Lot's of action and it had surprises around every corner, espicially Joe retaining his World title! Keep up the good work.


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Carnage Episode #11: In Your House After-Math



Carnage Episode #11 is presented to you, LIVE in American Airlines Centre in Dallas, TX!

SWF Pyro goes off and the Carnage Weekly Show is brought to you by Slipknot ‘Before I Forget’. (Before I Forget plays on the tron and afterwards the pyro goes off and the crowd go nuts)



Stapled shut, inside an outside world and I'm
Sealed in tight, bizarre but right at home
Claustrophobic, closing in and I'm
Catastrophic, not again
I'm smeared across the page, and doused in gasoline
I wear you like a stain, yet I'm the one who's obscene
Catch me up on all your sordid little insurrections,
I've got no time to lose, and I'm just caught up in all the cattle

Fray the strings
Throw the shapes
Hold your breath

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
I wear you like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to win, I'm just caught up all the battles

Locked in clutch
Pushed in place
Hold your breath

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

My end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade
The end of the road and my end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, OH


* Camera circles the arena, as the crowd goes wild. The camera then turns to Commentators, Tazz and Joey Styles! *

Joey Styles: Welcome to Monday Night Carnage #11, and what a night we have.

Tazz: Its the after-math of In Your House, last nights SWF PPV!

Joey Styles: The PPV was a huge success, check it out.

[ Recap Airs of all the matches and results of In Your House PPV ]

Tazz: I cant belive Samoa Joe lasted 5 other guys, the beat The Big Show!

Joey Styles: Its amazing, and what also shocked me, was Shelton Benjamin took Ted DiBiase's case!!!

Tazz: Ted DiBiase won the case at WrestleFest, and now he lost it to Shelton Benjamin last night...what a waste for DiBiase!

Joey Styles: Its a big waste, a waste that might of costed Ted DiBiase the SWF Championship.

Tazz: Tonight, its a Re-Match, SWF Champion Samoa Joe takes on The Angered Big Show.

Joey Styles: Also tonight, last week on Uproar, SWF announced the First Ever SWF Draft Show, taking place in 3 weeks!

Tazz: So, X-Pac the Lightweight Champion will take on Chavo Guerrero, for the championship tonight!

Joey Styles: Also, Rated RKO takes on Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi, the winners will earn a SWF Tag Team Championship match next week LIVE on Carnage!

* Jeff Hardy's theme hits!! * Jeff Hardy walks onto the ramp, as his Pyro hits. He walks down the ramp, and enters the ring, as he poses on the turnbuckle.

Tazz: What a match to kick off Carnage, Jeff Hardy .vs. CM Punk!

* CM Punk's theme hits!! * CM Punk walks down the ramp, as he crosses his arms. He enters the ring, and poses on the ropes, as Jeff and Punk look eye to eye.

Match 1-
Singles Match
Opening Contest
Jeff Hardy .vs. CM Punk

* Bell Rings *

Jeff and Punk circle the ring, as they collide. Jeff gains over Punk, and headlocks Punk in a standing grapple. Punk dodges it, and throws Jeff down to the canvas, but Jeff pushes Punk with his feet, sending Punk to the canvas. Jeff stands back up, and he runs at Punk, and throws his whole body into Punk, knocking Punk into the ropes. Jeff runs agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, Punk slides under the legs of Jeff, and as Jeff turns around, Punk spinkicks Jeff in the temple of the head. Punk stands back up, and he stomps on the ankle of the warrior. Punk goes to lift Jeff, but Jeff dodges it, and punches Punk a few times in the ribs. Jeff runs agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, Punk turns around, and Jeff hits a hard dropkick to the chest of Punk, knocking Punk to the canvas. Jeff springboards off of the ropes, and he goes to do a flying crossbody, but Punk dodges it, and Jeff hits body first to the canvas. Punk helps Jeff back up to his feet, and he irish whips Jeff into the turnbuckle, but Jeff dodges it, and he flips Punk onto the canvas, by twisting his arm. Jeff climbs the turnbuckle, and he stands on the second rope, going to hit a flying legdrop.

Tazz: If Jeff Hardy hits this move, CM Punk could be out for the rest of this match!

Jeff leaps off of the second rope on the turnbuckle, and goes into the legdrop position, but Punk dodges it, and Jeff slams ass first into the canvas. Punk dropkicks Jeff in the back, as Jeff holds his back in sheer pain. Punk helps Jeff back up to his feet, and he irish whips Jeff agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, he scoops Jeff out in the air, and bodyslams Jeff to the canvas! Punk goes for the pin, 1..........Jeff kicks out at 1. Jeff tries to get back up, but Punk goes to lock in a headlock, but Jeff dodges it, and slips out. Jeff stomps on the back of Punk. Jeff runs agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, Punk gets back up, and he boots Jeff in the jaw, knocking him to the canvas. Punk goes to pin Jeff, 1...........2....Jeff kicks out at 2. Jeff stands back up, and he runs at Punk, and he clothslines Punk down to the mat. Jeff stomps on the chest of Punk, as he grabs onto the ropes, and flys up in the air, and goes to slam onto Punk, but Punk puts his knee's up, and Jeff lands on Punk's knee's, and Jeff is in lots of pain. Jeff has a bad look on his face, as Punk helps Jeff back up to his feet, and he lifts him for a GTS. Jeff gets off of the shoulders of Punk, and he DDT's Punk hard head first into the canvas!

Joey Styles: Jeff Hardy looks like he took a hard hit. He looks as if something has been broken in his body??

Jeff stands back up, and he runs agaist the ropes, and he springboards off of the ropes, and hits a modified lionsault on Punk! Jeff taunts Punk, as he begins to climb the turnbuckle to hit a Swanton Bomb, but Punk gets up, and pushes the ropes, as Jeff splits on the turnbuckle! Punk climbs the turnbuckle with Jeff, and throws a few punches to the head of Jeff. Punk goes to Suplex Jeff off of the turnbuckle, but Jeff pushes Punk off, and Punk crashes to the mat! Jeff leaps off of the turnbuckle, and hits a Swanton Bomb on Punk, hitting the finisher! Jeff goes for the pin, 1...........2........Punk grabs onto the ropes with his hand, breaking the pin! Jeff climbs the turnbuckle again, looking to hit a second Swanton Bomb, and finish off Punk, but as Jeff leaps into the air, Punk moves, and Jeff hits the canvas hard back first! Punk smiles, as he goes onto Jeff, and helps him back to his feet, and lifts him for GTS, and he hits it on Jeff! The crowd goes wild, as Punk goes for the pin, 1..........2.......Jeff kicks out at 2! Punk all of a sudden, pulls Jeff away from the ropes, and locks on his second special, the Anaconda Vise! Jeff is almost out cold, as he taps, and CM Punk is the winner of the match!

Your Winner: CM PUNK!

After the match, CM Punk celebrates, as he gets his hand held high by the ref. Jeff stands back up, as Punk turns around, and Jeff and Punk look eye to eye. Jeff opens his hand, and offers a handshake. Punk shakes Jeff's hand, as Punk begins to exit, Jeff pushes Punk out of the ring, as Punk crashes to the hard floor. Jeff smiles, as he holds his hands high, and points at Punk, and signals that he will beat him next time.

* Tony Chimel is backstage, as he is infront of the camera *

Tony: Im here with my guest at this time, he lost in the Elimination Chamber last night, Randy Orton!!

* crowd boo's, as Orton walks into the camera mad *

Orton: Chimel, lets make this quick, ive got a beating to give to 2 punks later tonight.

* Crowd boo's, as Tony looks suprised *

Tony: Ok, Orton....

Orton: Tony, what did I say, I said hurry up. Here il help you.

Tony: Ok bu....

Orton: Shut up! I dont like how you introduced me Tony. The Loser of last nights Chamber match??? You think I lost? I was the biggest winner last night, and even though I was eliminated, I am still a champion. You interviewers are hired by the blueberry Big Show, who doesnt know when to stop eating?

* Crowd boo's *

Tony: But...

Orton: Im not finished. You all say that im not a champion, but watch me become a champion next week. Cause tonight, me and Edge are fighting 2 useless men, Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi, who lost to Chavo Guerrero last week. It doesnt get any lower than that! And after we beat them, were going to take out MNM, and become the new SWF Tag Team Champions...just in time for the draft.

* crowd boo's loudly *

Tony: One la...

Orton: And to top it off, Samoa Joe thinks he is huge, just cause he beat Big Show and 5 others last night? Watch him get beat down tonight, by Big Show. After Samoa Joe is all beat up, im going to take him out personally, so that he can never compete for another championship match again!

* crowd boo's, as Orton walks out of the camera, leaving Chimel behind. *

Joey Styles: Rated RKO .vs. Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi coming up next!!!

- Commercial -

Tazz: Welcome back to Monday Night Carnage, and during the commercial, something happened backstage with X-Pac and Chavo Guerrero!

Joey Styles: Lets show you a clip.

{ A clip airs of Chavo and X-Pac talking, when Chavo tells X-Pac, that he is going to take him out tonight, no matter the restrictions. }

Tazz: They will be fighting tonight for the SWF Lightweight Championship!

* Scotty 2 Hotty's theme hits!!! * Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi come down the ramp, as the crowd goes wild. Scotty and Rikishi enter the ring, as the crowd cheers, but some boo, and cheer on Orton and Edge.

Tazz: The fans have mixed emotions about this match Joey Styles!

* Rated RKO's theme hits!! * Randy Orton and Edge walk down the ramp slowly, as they look at the Tag Team in the ring. Scotty and Rikishi look down at Rated RKO, as Orton and Edge run into the ring. They look at Scotty and Rikishi, as the match is about to begin.

Match 2-
#1 Contender's Match for SWF Tag Team Championships Next Week!
Tag Team Matchup
Rated RKO .vs. Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi

* Bell Rings *

Edge starts out in the ring, and Rikishi starts out in the ring, as Orton has a smirk on his face. Edge and Rikishi circle the ring, as they collide in the middle. Edge sneaks around Rikishi, and grabs him by the neck, and smashes him down to the canvas. Edge stomps on the hand of Rikishi, as he kicks him in the side of the chest. Rikishi tries getting up, but Edge just pushes him back down. Edge laughs, as Scotty jumps in the ring, and starts throwing many punches to the head of Edge. Edge falls to the mat, and Scotty continues the attack on Edge. Orton runs into the ring, and he clothslines Scotty! Rikishi goes running at Orton, but Orton trips him, and Rikishi smashes his head into the steel turnbuckle. Orton stands on the ropes, as Scotty lays out outside of the ring. Edge is stalking Rikishi, as he is about to Spear him. Rikishi stands up, and he turns around, and Edge goes running at him, but Rikishi dodges it, and Edge is throwing into the turnbuckle! Rikishi cant tag in Scotty, and he tells him to get onto the ropes. Orton runs into the ring, and he dives at the legs of Rikishi, knocking him down to the canvas. Orton pulls him into the middle, preventing Rikishi from tagging.

Joey Styles: This isnt fair, the ref is distracted by Edge, as Randy Orton tears apart Rikishi!

Edge grabs onto Rikishi, and goes for the pin, 1..........2......Scotty grabs onto the foot of the ref, and pulls him out of the ring. The ref warns Scotty, as Scotty wants a tag. Edge gets mad, and he walks over to Scotty, and gets in his face. Edge shoves Scotty, and he falls off of the ropes. Rikishi stands back up, and he grapples Edge's back, and throws him over his shoulders, as Edge lands on his back hard on the canvas, after the German Suplex. Edge tries to reach Orton's tag, but Rikishi kicks Edge in the temple of the skull. Rikishi sits on Edge, and he starts throwing many punches to the head of Edge, waiting for blood. Scotty cheers on Rikishi, as he wants a tag. Rikishi goes to tag Scotty, and the tag is made. Scotty climbs the turnbuckle, and he taunts Edge, as he leaps off of the turnbuckle, going to hit a elbow drop, but Edge dodges it, and Scotty smashes his elbow into the ring canvas. Edge tags in Orton, as Orton runs into the ring, and he Punts Scotty right in the rib cage!! The crowd boo's, as Scotty coughs in pain. Orton kicks Scotty in the head, but on the top of his head, it wasnt a Punt. Orton gets down on his knee's, and starts throwing many punches to the head of Scotty.

Tazz: Rated RKO is just decimating Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty. I almost feel bad, Scotty 2 Hotty is hopeless right now.

Orton walks around Scotty, as he is waiting for him to get up. Edge smiles, as the crowd all boo Rated RKO. Scotty tries fighting back, but Orton keeps kicking him in the head. Orton stalks Scotty, as he is getting ready for an RKO. Scotty stands back up, and Orton goes to hit the RKO, but as he is in mid-air, Scotty pushes Orton into Edge! Edge falls off of the ropes, and Orton crashes to the mat. Scotty hits his Finisher on Orton, called The Worm! The crowd goes wild, as Scotty goes for the pinfall, 1..........2....... Edge grabs the ref's foot, and pulls him out of the ring, and Edge decks the ref in the jaw! Scotty jumps over the top rope, and he collides with Edge, as the crowd goes wild. Rikishi goes in to attack Orton, but Orton is faking it, and he gets up, and he RKO's Rikishi! Orton is going to Punt Rikishi, but Scotty is worried to go into the ring. As Scotty turns around, Edge Spears Scotty outside of the ring! Edge grabs Scotty, and he irish whips him back into the ring. Orton pushes Rikishi out of the ring, and Orton runs, and Punts Scotty 2 Hotty! Orton smiles, as Edge and Orton have evil smirks. Orton goes for the pin, as the ref gets back into the ring...1...........2..........3! Rated RKO take the win, and next week they face MNM for the SWF Tag Team Championships!

Your Winners: RATED RKO!

After the match, Orton and Edge both smirk, as their hands are held high by the ref. Edge exits the ring, as Scotty lays out in the ring hurt, and so is Rikishi. Orton and Edge exit the ring, as they signal that they will be SWF Tag Team Champions next week.

* Chavo Guerrero is backstage, as he is preparing for his match. He is doing push-ups, as he is counting. *

Chavo: 32....33......34......35

* crowd boo's *

* Jeff Hardy walks up to Chavo, as Chavo see's him. *

Chavo: 38......39....Oh, hi Jeff......89.........90.....91.....92...

Jeff: Chavo, im not here to watch you do fake push-ups, im here to wish you luck.

Chavo: Really, thanks man.

Jeff: yeah right!!! Chavo, you have no chance agaist X-Pac.

Chavo: Hey, yes I do. You see, X-Pac won that title, because he cheated, and tonight, its time to prove that with his first ever title defense since he won it.

Jeff: Well, I lost to CM Punk tonight, but in a few weeks at the Draft, I will be in a match. Fighting for my spot here on Carnage, since I truely think Carnage is the A-Show in my mind.

Chavo: Are you kidding? Thats about as much crap, as it is me losing tonight. Uproar is the big show here in SWF, it was the first show to air on SWF.

Jeff: What makes it special? Huh Chavo?

Chavo: Welll, I told you. The first ever show of SWF, before Carnage!

Jeff: Ok. Carnage held the first ever title change on a weekly show, being MNM. Carnage has 10 episodes, including tonight it will be 11. Uproar has been slacking on those, Uproar only has like, what...6?

Chavo: It doesnt matter about that stuff, all I know is that tonight I am going to be SWF Lightweight Champion! Then I will continue my legacy on Uproar!

Jeff: Goood luck with that.

* Jeff Hardy walks away, as Chavo gets back down to doing push-ups. *

Tazz: Chavo Guerrero .vs. X-Pac is next, but I want to know Joey, what do you think about SWF's Draft PPV in a few weeks?

Joey Styles: The draft was just recently announced. Im not sure what is planned, but all I know, Carnage and Uproar will have seperate rosters.

Tazz: Well, we just figured out, by the orders of Big Show, CM Punk and Jeff Hardy will battle at the Draft PPV!

Joey Styles: What an amazing match! Both are good competitors in the ring.

Tazz: They are, but after the break, it is the SWF Lightweight Championship Match!!

- Commercial -

Joey Styles: Welcome back to Monday Night Carnage, and the recent news, CM Punk .vs. Jeff Hardy at the next SWF PPV, which is a special, Draft Show!

Tazz: I dont understand how the Draft is going to work, but I cant wait!

Joey Styles: Speaking of cant wait for, Samoa Joe battles Big Show in the Main Event tonight, after Big Show's loss last night, is Joe too tired to compete tonight?

* Chavo Guerrero's theme hits!!! * Chavo Guerrero walks down the ramp, as he signals to the audience that he will beat X-Pac tonight. He enters the ring, as he poses on the mat.

Tazz: Will Chavo Guerrero win his first championship here in SWF tonight??

* X-Pac's theme hits!!! * The crowd goes wild, as X-Pac walks onto the ramp with the Lightweight Title around his waist. X-Pac walks down the ramp with a smirk, as he enters the ring, and holds the title high.

* The ref holds up the title *

Match 3-
Singles Matchup
SWF Lightweight Championship
X-Pac © .vs. Chavo Guerrero

* Bell Rings *

X-Pac and Chavo circle the ring, as the crowd chants X-Pac. They collide in the middle of the ring with an intese lockup. X-Pac prevails over Chavo, but Chavo dodges it, and he pushes X-Pac off, and X-Pac is irish whipped agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, he jumps at Chavo, and elbows him in the jaw! X-Pac runs agaist the ropes, and goes to backflip onto Chavo, but Chavo puts up his knee's, and it smashes X-Pac in the ribs with his knee's. Chavo stands back up, and he starts stomping on the hands and feet of X-Pac, trying to weaken his arms and legs. X-Pac trips Chavo with his legs, and he gets back up, and he moves Chavo into the turnbuckle, as his head rests on the second turnbuckle pad. X-Pac backs up, and he runs at Chavo, but Chavo dodges it, and X-Pac hits his leg on the turnbuckle, as Chavo runs, and dives, hitting the only standing leg, supporting X-Pac, and he crashes ass first to the mat. Chavo kicks X-Pac in the side of the head, as he continues his savage beatdown, Chavo helps X-Pac back up, and he irish whips X-Pac agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, he dodges Chavo, and hits the Spinning Wheel Kick!

Tazz: Wow! What athleticism by the Lightweight Champion, X-Pac! He is sure putting on a great fight agaist Chavo Guerrero tonight.

X-Pac stands back up, and he looks down at the beaten Contender, Chavo. X-Pac begins climbing the ropes, as he is getting ready to hit a Moonsault. Chavo gets up, and he shoves himself into the ropes, making X-Pac lose his balance, and he splits on the turnbuckle! Chavo smiles, as he locks X-Pac in for a German Suplex off of the turnbuckle. X-Pac is groggy, and Chavo has him in the hold, but X-Pac dodges it, and he throws a hard punch to the head of Chavo. He fights Chavo off, and he ends up throwing Chavo back down to the canvas, but he lands on his feet. Chavo pushes X-Pac, and X-Pac goes flying off of the turnbuckle, and he lands outside of the ring onto the hard floor. The ref begins counting, and Chavo stands in the ring, pretending that he is champion. Chavo is taunting the crowd, as X-Pac runs right back into the ring behind Chavo. Chavo turns around, and X-Pac runs at him, and hits a Running Flying Clothsline to the head of Chavo! X-Pac gets up on the turnbuckle again, as the crowd goes wild, and he hits a moonsault off of it, but Chavo moves out of the way, and X-Pac hits the mat hard ribs first! Chavo is outside of the ring, as he smiles, and the crowd boo's Chavo.

Joey Styles: Chavo Guerrero is safe, after that Moonsault! X-Pac might be in trouble now!

X-Pac lays on the mat in pain, as Chavo grabs his arm, and smashes it into the steel turnbuckle beside him. X-Pac screams in pain, as he holds his arm. Chavo climbs into the ring, and he grabs onto the top rope, and jumps up, and drops his knee on the head of X-Pac, hurting him alot. Chavo pulls X-Pac into the middle of the ring, and Chavo climbs the turnbuckle. Chavo goes to hit the Frog Splash, but X-Pac gets back up, and Chavo leaps off, hitting a flying legdrop! The crowd boo's, as X-Pac lays out cold in the middle of the ring, and Chavo begins to climb the turnbuckle again. He is at the top, and he jumps off to hit the 5-Star Frog Splash! X-Pac rolls out of the way, and Chavo hits the mat hard! The crowd goes wild, as X-Pac stands back up, and he stalks Chavo. Chavo stands back up, and he turns around, and X-Pac hits his Finishing manouver, the X-Factor! The crowd goes wild, as X-Pac goes for the pin, 1...........2.........Chavo hits his leg on the rope, breaking the pin at 2. X-Pac looks pissed, and he brings the groggy Chavo back to his feet, and hits a second X-Factor in the middle of the ring! Chavo is out, as X-Pac goes for the pin, 1..........2..........3! X-Pac defends his championship agaist Chavo Guerrero!

Your Winner, and Still SWF Lightweight Champion: X-PAC!

After the match, X-Pac celebrates, as he holds the title high. Chavo lays on the floor, as he cant belive he lost his chance at the title. As X-Pac goes to exit the ring, Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi run down the ramp, and attack the champion. Scotty throws X-Pac into the barricade, and Rikishi takes his title. Rikishi hands Scotty the title, and he waits for Chavo to stand. Scotty runs, and hits Chavo over the head with the belt!!! Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi stand in the ring, as Scotty holds the Lightweight Title high. They exit the ring, as they walk up the ramp, and Scotty throws the belt onto the ramp.

* Big Show is seen mad in his office, as he sits in the chair, and he throws the paper into the wall. As Big Show has this moment, Chris Benoit enters the room. *

Benoit: Big Show, I heard alot of noise, whats going on?

Big Show: I still cant belive I lost last night, im bigger, better and stronger than Joe is!

* Benoit nods his head, as he steps back a bit *

Benoit: Show, Joe is a good champion. Yet, I think I know what to do.

Big Show: What?

Benoit: Leave him alone. He had 2 hard matches last night, and he outlasted both. Shouldnt you give him a break?

Big Show: Do you know who I am? Im the General Manager of SWF as we speak, so NO! Im not giving him a break, he works for me, and if I lose tonight, I will make sure he is making his next trip down the ramp in a wheelchair!

* Benoit has a shocked look on his face, as Big Show gets up out of his chair, and storms out of the office. As Benoit walks out of the office, he walks down a hall, when AJ Styles approaches him. *

* crowd goes wild *

AJ: Last Night Benoit, the Ladder match put our differences aside, and we had a great battle. I cant wait to be on Uproar, and I was hoping that we could not be rivals anymore.

Benoit: This is a trick. Im not making an alliance!

* AJ shakes his head *

AJ: No, not an alliance. Friendship. Cause, for all we know, we might end up on the same brand for the rest of our careers. Were going to need to deal with eachother.

Benoit: What? If your going to Uproar, im going to Carnage, cause I sure as hell dont want to be friends with you. I got hurt last night from you, and I am not ready for us to be friends.

AJ: Fine, be that way. But remember, im going to the A-Show. Where AJ Styles belongs. You come to Uproar aswell, im going to beat you like I do every other time!

Benoit: We will just see about that, now will we?

* Benoit walks down the hall, as AJ holds the case to Uproar *

- Commercial -

Tazz: AJ Styles looking to make friends with Chris Benoit, but it didnt happen!

Joey Styles: Are you suprised? They have been fighting for months. Not just 1 night, they all of a sudden are friends.

Tazz: I figured Benoit would decline. AJ beat him last night, and at WrestleFest, how do you be friends with someone, that tried to end your career?

Joey Styles: Well, up next, its Samoa Joe .vs. The Big Show in the Main Event in a non-title match!

Tazz: What a match that will be, im excited to see what happends here.

Joey Styles: Im worried for Samoa Joe. He is tired after last night, how is he going to fight a Raged Big Show???

Tazz: A miracle. Thats what Samoa Joe will need.

* Big Show's theme hits!! * His Pyro goes off, as the crowd boo's him. Big Show walks down the ramp, as he looks mad. People all boo Big Show, as he is un-liked. He enters the ring, and stands at the turnbuckle, waiting for the champion, Samoa Joe.

Joey Styles: Is he even going to show up?

* Samoa Joe's theme hits!! * Samoa Joe walks onto the ramp with the SWF Championship, and a bandage over his back. He isnt walking properly, as he walks down the ramp. The crowd go wild for the reigning champion, as Big Show looks mad. Joe enters the ring, as he hands the title to the ref.

Main Event-
Singles Match
Non-Title Re-Match from SWF In Your House
Samoa Joe .vs. The Big Show

* Bell Rings *

Joe and Big Show circle the ring, as Joe is bandaged in the head, and the chest from last night's PPV. Big Show runs at Joe, but Joe dodges it, and he goes to clothsline Big Show, but Big Show dodges it, and he lifts Joe up, and bodyslams him back down to the canvas. Big Show steps on Joe's injured chest, as he apply's alot of pressure to the chest of Joe, as he puts all 500 pounds on the champion. Big Show grabs Joe, and helps him back to his feet, as he irish whips Joe agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, he Big Boot's Joe in the skull, knocking him flat to the mat. Joe holds his head in pain, as Big Show goes for the pin, 1............2....Joe kicks out at 2! Big Show gets alot of boo's in the arena, as he walks back over to Joe, and he steps on his neck. He holds onto the ropes, as the ref counts Big Show, 1..........2.........3.........4..Big Show lets go before he is Disqualifyed. Big Show lifts Joe back to his feet, but Joe dives, and crashes into the leg of Big Show, making the giant lose balance, and he falls to the mat. Joe locks Big Show in a leglock, as the crowd goes wild for Samoa Joe's momentum! Joe apply's more power to the leglock, as Big Show screams in pain.

Tazz: Big Show was decinigrating Samoa Joe, but now the Champion is making a comeback!

Big Show tries fighting back from the leglock, but he wants to tap. Joe breaks it, and he stomps on the chest, and arms of Big Show. He runs agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, Big Show grabs hold of him, and hits a arm-carry slam. Big Show taunts the crowd, as he walks back to Joe, and he helps him back up to his feet. He chokes Joe, as the crowd boo's, and Big Show is setting up his Finisher, the Chokeslam! Joe gets out of it, and he Spears Big Show head first! Joe looks shocked, as he goes ontop of the turnbuckle, and he leaps off looking to hit an elbow drop, but Big Show rolls out of the way, making Joe land his elbow first into the canvas. Big Show smiles, as he helps Joe back to his feet, and he trips Joe back, and Big Show sticks out his knee, and Joe falls on the hard knee of Big Show, almost cracking his skull open! Big Show smirks, as he goes for the pin, 1..........2..........Joe kicks out just before the 3 count! Big Show looks pissed off, as Big Show legdrops Joe. Big Show lifts Samoa Joe back to his feet, and he Chokes Joe! Joe is helpless, and he tries to fight back, but Big Show lifts him up in the air, and Chokeslams the Champion!

Joey Styles: Samoa Joe is finished! Big Show just executed a Chokeslam to him, how can he get out of this Carnage now??

Big Show goes for the pin, after the devastating Chokeslam from Big Show, 1...........2..........Joe kicks out at 2 and 3 quarters! The ref's hand was an inch from making the 3 count! Big Show looks raged, as he grabs Joe by his head, and he smashes it into a nearby turnbuckle. Joe fights back, and he throws many punches to the head of Big Show. He sets Big Show on the turnbuckle, as he throws more punches to the head of Big Show. He grabs Big Show in a firemans carry, and he walks over into the middle of the mat, but Big Show is too much weight for him, and Big Show falls ontop of Joe! Big Show looks mad, as he legdrops Joe's head into the canvas! Big Show helps Joe back to his feet, and he irish whips Joe, but Joe dodges it, and irish whips Big Show agaist the ropes, and as Big Show runs back, Joe hits the STJoe on Big Show! Joe is in major pain, and he can barely move. Big Show stands back up quickly, making Joe in trouble. Big Show helps Joe back to his feet, but Joe tries to hit a Muscle Buster to Big Show, but before he even executes anything, Big Show dodges it, and hits his Finisher, the Right Handed Knockout Hook! It knocks Samoa Joe out cold, and Big Show goes for the pin, as he stands, and sets his foot on Joe's injured chest, 1..........2..........3! Big Show defeats the SWF Champion, Samoa Joe, but it was a non-title match.

Your Winner: THE BIG SHOW!

After the match, Samoa Joe lays out on the mat, as the SWF Championship is put over Joe. Big Show grabs it from the ref, and he holds it high. Big Show looks at the title, as he puts it around his waist. Flashes all around the arena are seen, as Big Show raises his hands with the SWF Championship. Show throws the belt back over Joe, as he exits the ring, and walks up the ramp smiling. Just as Big Show is about to exit the arena, Big Show is seen falling to the floor, as Batista Speared Big Show on the ramp! Batista taunts Big Show, as Batista exits the arena, leaving the crowd wild and in shock.

Tazz: What!

Joey Styles: Batista just Speared Big Show to the metal ramp!

Tazz: Batista is helping Samoa Joe, cause he knows the condition the champion is in.

Joey Styles: Thank you for joining us tonight, and we will see you next week here on Carnage!

* Big Show is shown layed out on the ramp, as Samoa Joe is on his knee's, looking at Big Show inside the ring. *

[ Carnage Goes Off-Air ]

Current PPV Card for SWF Draft!:

Draft Pick Match
Jeff Hardy .vs. Chris Benoit

* Later, announce who represents what brand *