SWF - Smash Mouth Wrestling Federation

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Evil Austin


Smash mouth Wrestling Federation
Weekly Show Names = Uproar! & Carnage!



throughout the early 1990’s Mr. Colony was training to become a professional wrestling superstar quite possibly the best the world has ever seen, he had trained all over the world but during a dark match in Japan with a masked wrestler he had a freak accident which not only injured his legs but put him on the ‘sideline’ nearly for good. He was put aside off the roster for surgery and was out of action until early 2001’ where he was scheduled for a Ladder match but his legs where re-injured as he landed badly on his ankles and it put all of his pressure onto his knees which caused them to snap. He until early 2004 was sitting at home after being served with more chemotherapy but nothing ended up working no acupuncture or anything in the end he was disabled fully and completely unable to stand up on his own two feet and he had his friends and family move him around in a wheel chair. Mr. Colony, now in 2004 sat at home just like every week and watched Monday night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown as a casual fan of wrestling and he wished there was some way that he would be able to make a return to the ring but he couldn’t he was unable to even put on his shoes without help.

It would take until mid 2006, when the ECW return had happened it made the paraplegic Mr. Colony think for a while he thought to himself about how he one day planned on being in an ECW ring that never really happened and he then thought to himself after many years and months of ECW being out of action and being brought back and better than ever then he said to himself no matter what he can be back and better than ever and just like ECW did he plans on shocking the wrestling worldwide. During the mid – late 2006 period he began to make some phone calls, sign some papers and get some sponsorships from friends, family and soon to be coworkers to start his own business up which will be known to the wrestling world as Smash mouth Wrestling Federation, but that wouldn’t be enough for it to become a global company he even wrote an autobiography of his life which did make some sales which helped the production costs and Sure it would start off small but throughout the past year and a quarter he had grown from a backyard independent company to SWF’s own Spike TV deal on Tuesday nights.

As we fast forward in time and some signings and releases have happened it would be now September 2006 right after SWF had its annual PPV event Wrestle fest. Sure it wouldn’t be as good as the WWE’s wrestle mania but it has currently put them on the map as serious competitors and here are the rosters and alumni coming from all corners of the world from WWE rosters and ROH rosters and even NWA - TNA rosters even signing RVD during the ECW return he was not happy with management rules about the future plans for ECW and as that went on others came along to the roster joining not long after. Mr. Colony had managed to make some promises and contracts where he had the following superstars named for his growing company!

Current Active Rosters;

AJ Styles
Alex Shelly
A - Train
Dave Batista
Big Show
Bryan Danielson
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Benoit
Chris Sabin
Christian Cage
C.M Punk
Colt Cabana
Hardcore Holly
James Storm
Jeff Hardy
Jimmy Jacobs
John Morrison
Lance Storm
Mark Henry
Matt Hardy
Randy Orton
Rob Van Dam
Robert Roode
Samoa Joe
Scotty 2 Hotty
Shelton Benjamin
Ted Dibiase
The Miz
Tyson Tomko
X - Pac

Tag Teams and Factions Currently Running;

Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin
Beer Money Inc – (*James Storm and Robert Roode*)
MNM ‘Joey Mercury and The Miz’

Non – Wrestling Alumni;

Mr. Colony – General Manager + Owner and Founder of SWF
Joey Styles – Carnage Commentating Box
Tazz - Carnage Commentating Box
JBL - Uproar Commentating Box
Don West - Uproar Commentating Box

Pay Per View Calendar for the upcoming year;

January – Genesis
February – Over The Edge
March – Hard Justice
April – Bad Blood
May – Night of Champions
June – Rumble in the Jungle
July – Bash at the Beach
August - Wrestle fest
September - Turning point
October – Unscripted
November – In Your House
December - Seasons Beatings

Last Month’s Wrestle Fest PPV Card Results and Back stories.

World Heavyweight Title Match - Main Event
Samoa Joe © ‘Champion’ Vs CM Punk ‘Challenger’
Winner; Samoa Joe

These two best friends over the past few months have been keeping an eye on each other and having each other’s back, watching each other for protection at times when CM Punk would be assaulted after a match Samoa Joe would run down and make the save and CM Punk would do the same for him. These two best friends were out there for each other until Samoa Joe at ‘Bash at the Beach’ when he won a match in the Main Event retaining his gold against Randy Orton, he had no more challengers after that. Samoa Joe had then beaten Edge, Batista and Randy Orton over the past year and has held his Championship for almost four months now and no one was up for the challenge as he had beaten all that there was left to beat except one.

Mr. Colony the General Manager for Smash mouth Championship Wrestling had announced that Samoa Joe would face CM Punk in the ring one on one for the gold at Wrestle Fest the biggest PPV of the year with two best friends going at it sparks would fly as they had promised each other before the match no matter what we would show each other the best of our abilities and give each other a match to remember for the ages. In the turning points of the match Samoa Joe had hit three consecutive German Suplexes on CM Punk before then locking in his finisher submission choke hold the rear naked choke where CM Punk had tapped out immediately.

Edge Vs Batista
Winner; Batista

Edge was ‘this’ close to beating Samoa Joe for the championship at Rumble in the Jungle, on the road to Wrestle Fest a short weeks ago before Batista had interfered and had cost him the matchup forcing Samoa Joe to win by DQ when Batista had hit Edge in the back with a Steel Chair. This had happened due to a backstage interview with Batista where Edge had confronted him backstage and telling him that he will never be the champion and he would never get a shot at his ‘Edge’s’ gold once he became champion that night when and if he beat Samoa Joe. But that never happened because of Batista’s interference, the very next week Batista was a guest on Edge’s Cutting Edge talk show when Edge got back at Batista and had hit him with one of the ‘stools’ in the show at the closing moments of the promo segment.

Up until now SWF had never seen the likes of Batista take on Edge but now they will get to see it in the biggest stage of them all when they fight in a singles’ match where weapons are not aloud and’ in the end of that explosive matchup Batista had came out on top when he had hit a spine buster and then had gone for the Batista Bomb but by the end of the match Edge was still moving and he was hit by another Batista bomb and then Batista had finally gone for the pin fall on Edge getting the three count.

The Big Show and Randy Orton Vs Sabu and Rob Van Dam
Extreme Rules Tag Team Match
Winners; The Big Show and Randy Orton

At Rumble in the Jungle, in the twenty man over the top rope battle royal to determine the number one contender for Samoa Joe’s title later in the show which in the end turned out to be Edge, but during the matchup Rob Van Dam had made it to the final four along with Big Show, Edge and Ted Dibiase Junior. Rob Van was eliminated by the Big Show only after The Big Show had been eliminated by Rob Van Dam first. What happened was during the match RVD was leaning groggily against the ropes he then had Show running at him going to big boot him over but RVD had ducked underneath it and onto the ring apron where Show had missed and was in a bad way hung up on the top rope sitting there then RVD had gone up to the top turnbuckle and had hit a flying kick to the jaw of Show which had pushed him over to the outside. Big Show then moments later had gotten so mad that he came back into the ring, had choke slammed everyone in the match including the winner Edge and when it was time for him to leave again he had changed his mind stepping back over the top rope and into the ring once again and had choke slammed Rob Van Dam over the top rope and through the announcer tables in the closing moments of the Rumble in the Jungle match eliminating him.

Meanwhile, earlier in the show Randy Orton was scheduled to face Sabu in a single’s contest at the Pay Per View event where the winner did receive a late ticket entry into the Rumble in the Jungle matchup, before the match had started backstage Sabu was viciously assaulted and had then been booted in the jaw and laid out backstage and Randy Orton was declared the winner of the match without Sabu even making it to the ring. Over the coming weeks Sabu and RVD had gotten revenge on their respective opponents and had assaulted them in return backstage and had matches with each other at ‘Bash at the Beach’. Bash at the Beach saw Randy Orton being pinned by Sabu cleanly 1…2…3 after Sabu hit a springboard leg drop from the second rope and it also saw The Big Show being beaten by count out after RVD had gone for a five star frog splash on him but before he could leave the turnbuckle Show had left the ring under the bottom rope and had then decided that was enough and left the arena and didn’t care about being counted out.

Mr. Conley, the general manager thought it would be a good idea to have The Big Show and Randy Orton two guys that have never teamed up in their lives together to team up for the first time at Wrestle Fest to take on Rob Van Dam and Sabu two men who have teamed up many times before even holding the ECW tag team titles together which ironically enough would lead to the general manager changing this match to an Extreme Rules tag team match. This match started out with Sabu and RVD getting the upper hand early in the match coming down to the ring with weapons in hand and using them on their opponents but Show was so dominate in this match that he fended off RVD and Sabu and double choke slammed them through a flaming table for the finish after a long grueling 25 minute match which saw bloodshed from all competitors and what also saw Sabu send Randy Orton through the announce tables with a leg drop from the turnbuckles, RVD get an RKO onto a steel chair and Show being pummeled by shot after shot after shot by RVD and Sabu each wielding Singapore canes.

Chris Benoit vs. AJ Styles
Single’s match
Winner; AJ via Pin Fall

This match began with no hard feelings just a matter of respect, AJ Styles had himself a match against Shelton Benjamin about two months ago, during the matchup AJ Styles had a great showing and at times it looked as if he was going to beat Benjamin but Benjamin did have something to say about that and AJ Styles had came out the loser of that particular night. On the way to the locker room while walking in the hallway he had ran into the in ring veteran and legend Chris Ben-wa, Ben-wa had pat him on the back and told him don’t worry it will all work out and you will have another shot at Benjamin next week don’t give up. AJ smiled and kept walking and as next week came along Benoit had come down to ringside during the matchup to encourage and to cheer on AJ Styles. Benjamin had been thrown over the top rope and to the outside of the ring during one of the hard dropkicks in the grueling high paced match, when Benjamin got up to his feet on the outside he had saw Benoit standing there looking at him and he slapped Benoit, then going back into the ring but when AJ moments later was about to hit his finisher after reversing a few blows by Benjamin and it looked as if AJ was going to win the matchup Benoit had ran into the ring getting revenge and had grabbed Benjamin from behind and had hit a triple German suplex on him in the middle of the ring before AJ had pushed him and said “What are you doing I had the match won?!”

Over the coming weeks Benoit tried to explain to him that he had to do what he had done but AJ didn’t want to hear any of it until last month at Bash at the Beach Benoit and AJ tried to settle their differences and they had faced Elijah Burke and Shelton Benjamin in a tag team contest but after the match when Benoit and AJ had won the match and they had their arms raised high above by the referee AJ Styles then out of nowhere showing a heel turn had clothes lined Benoit down when he wasn’t looking nor expecting it and then had hit the ‘Styles Clash’ on him in the middle of the ring. This set up a first time ever match between the two at Wrestle fest for respect which saw a great showing by the rookie AJ Styles and the in ring veteran Chris Ben-wa each men gave it their all and all their move-sets showing German Suplexes, Backdrops, diving head butts, dropkicks, Pele kicks & a Cross Face which ironically enough almost saw the ending of this match after AJ could not take it anymore and was about to tap out but AJ had grabbed hold of the ropes and about five minutes later into the match AJ had reversed a suplex position and grabbed Benoit's head pulling him down and rolling him up with an iniside cradle and getting the three count.

United States Championship Match
D.H Smith © Vs Matt Hardy
Winner; D.H Smith

D.H Smith had walked into Wrestle fest as the United States Champion, he had held this championship for a mere two weeks only after beating Matt Hardy for it on SWF Uproar two weeks ago in what many people believed to be a complete and utter upset from the rookie Smith, then again Smith had shown time and time again that he should never be underestimated and denied because he is the son of the late great British Bulldog, when Matt Hardy had loosed the belt he was not only in surprise but he was a good sportsman too and he had shook hands with D.H Smith putting the gold on his shoulder and raising his hand just moments after he was hit with his head square on the mat with a pile driver and then being pinned for the three count. The very next week, D.H Smith was in his first title defense against none other than Jeff Hardy, D.H Smith had won the match keeping his gold in tact but later in the show Matt Hardy had won himself a fatal four way with Orlando Jordan, Delirious and Chuck Palumbo to give himself a number 1# Contender spot at Wrestle Fest for the United States Championship, Joey Styles had announced it as the long awaited rematch. The match had started off with the veteran Matt Hardy getting the upper hand with a few kicks to the sternum area and a few clotheslines then followed by a side effect but in the end Smith would get the upper hand when he would once again plant Hardy’s head onto the canvas almost giving him a concussion in the process and receiving a three count and the win.

Evan Bourne vs. Shelton Benjamin
Single’s contest
Winner; Shelton Benjamin

four weeks ago in a tag team match between Shelton Benjamin & Chris Masters vs. Evan Bourne & Paul London, Shelton Benjamin had pinned Evan Bourne on the mat 1…2…3, although he was using the tights and rolling him up unfairly with the aid and leverage of the second rope he had won the match as the referee never saw it. Evan Bourne had asked for a rematch last week and had got what he wished for it was scheduled for Evan Bourne taking on Shelton Benjamin but Evan was about to put him away with his amazing finisher Shooting Star Press and then had hit it, when he had gone for the pin fall on him just sitting on him Benjamin had then grabbed the shoulders of Bourne and rolled him onto his side and had pinned him reversing the pin fall and catching him off guard and winning the match. After the match Benjamin had stomped on him and had said that he is the gold standard and should have gold around his waist now. During this match the third time these two would meet up Benjamin and Bourne had a great back and forth style match in and outside the ring high flying and Benjamin had also worked on him on the mat using his amateur wrestling style background which is second to none. The finish was Benjamin hitting a T – Bone suplex

World Tag Team Championship Matchup
Beer Money Inc. © vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick vs. Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro MNM
Triple Threat Team Elimination Matchup
Winners; Beer Money Inc.

This match started off as the Champions the Beer Money inc. James Storm and Robert Roode had been champions for about three weeks when they had beaten the team of Paul London and Brian Kendrick for the gold on a weekly Uproar event. Londrick have in their contracts a right to a rematch clause against the new tag team champions- James Storm and Robert Roode. But when they had asked for the match the following week being two weeks ago, the champions had denied their match and had said that they do not want to face them anymore in the ring and that was it that was all of their chances. They had then later on instead of getting their championship match had faced MNM Joey Mercury N Nitro in a high paced matchup which saw MNM picking up the win. MNM had gone on to state that they are the best tag team around and should be champions now or at least at Wrestle Fest face Beer Money Inc. for the gold and prove it to the world. The General Manager Mr. Colony had said that everyone has their rightful spot for the number one contender ship for the tag team gold and at Wrestle Fest it will be a triple team elimination match.

Throughout this match the tag team champions were ducking everyone standing on the outside of the ring as the other teams were beating each other up and had their work cut out for them. After the eight minute mark Paul London had hit a shooting star press on Johnny Nitro and then had gone for the pin fall picking up the win and eliminating the team of Joey Mercury and Nitro first. When Paul had gotten up to his feet Beer Money Inc. had rolled into the ring for the first time in this matchup and had taken advantage of a weaken London and had hit consecutive finishers on him and then Storm had gone for a pin fall on him while Kendrick was being stomped upon by Roode, though it was not to be it was still a two and a half could. It was left between the former champions and the current champions London and Kendrick and Beer Money Inc., the team of London and Kendrick got the first shots in with a few rights and lefts but they had then simultaneously gotten kneed hard in the gut and lower plexus area making them go down to one knee and from then it was over Beer Money Inc. had dominated and then had picked up a roll up over a weary and tired former champions and had retained their gold.

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Ted Dibiase Jr. vs. El Generico vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Carlito vs. Orlando Jordan vs. Mr. Kennedy
Winner; Ted Dibiase Junior

Ted Dibiase and Orlando Jordan had qualified after beating Deuce and Domino three weeks ago on ‘Uproar’, followed by the charismatic Enigma Jeff Hardy who qualified by beating Christian Cage in a great match up two weeks ago and later in that specific show El Generico had qualified beating Matt Hardy with a BRAINBUSTER! And last but not least Carlito qualified by beating Sabu when the Randy Orton was at ringside commentary and made the distraction. This match was just a Money in the Bank ladder match which saw some amazing high flying and weapon action and tables being broken, ladders being used and no one in the arena was safe but Ted Dibiase came up in the end of the match and managed to retrieve himself the briefcase after everyone was hurt down around the ring and he was playing possum. Thus Ted Dibiase was now Mr. Money in the Bank!

OCC: On a side note even though the BTB is set in September 2006, some of the tag teams may not have been formed until months later in real life but they were teaming together in SWF for a few months already teams such as, Beer Money Inc.


Moonlight Drive

The backstory is very confusing. He was 'training' for years, no mention of a match, then he returns from an injury after how long, 10 years, in a ladder match? Also, you say he was watching the ECW return in 2006 when he got the idea to start SWF, yet he began making calls in late 2005? Little details like that are pretty important to get right.

Your roster looks alright, I won't judge this till I've seen a show though.

Evil Austin

Preview for this weeks show;


:The Main Event Scene:

With Samoa Joe retaining last night at Wrestle Fest he was victorious over long time best friend CM Punk, he has now held the championship since Bad Blood back in April. Throughout the past few months he has beaten all of the main event scene which consists of Randy Orton, CM Punk, Edge & Batista. Samoa Joe now walks into another SWF Weekly Uproar Show with his title in hands but there is no clue on who will be his next opponent? what does the General Manager have in store for the champ? So Stay tunned to find out.

:The Teacher and the Student:

Last Night in front of the world AJ Styles had pinned Chris Benwa who is quite possibly the most respected and decorated individual in all of wrestling today. Throughout the past couple of weeks AJ Styles has been on a bit of a losing streak which ended at Wrestle Fest. Chris Benoit for weeks has been telling him to focus on his game and don't give up and has been appluading him in the back even though he came up on the losing end of the matchup. With a huge win over Chris Benoit what does the rabid wolverine have to say to AJ Styles? With both men being in the building tonight anything can happen. We could see Chris Benoit shake AJ's hand or even see Benoit and AJ fighting throughout the arena all this and more this week on SWF.

:SWF really is a Big Show:

Big Show and Randy Orton last night had beaten RVD and Sabu in an ECW rules tornado tag team matchup which saw bodies flying everywhere but the end result was the same Big Show double chokeslaming both opponents RVD and Sabu on the mat for the win... A dominate Big Show has said that he "Demands a title shot against Samoa Joe and if Mr. Colony does not give it to him soon it will end up bad for both us." Mr. Colony announced that he would make some ruling as to who is next in line for Samoa Joe's gold this week but if its the Big Show or if it isn't you are gurranteed to here from him tonight.

Things confirmed for this week;

~General Manager Mr. Colony announces the main event scene.
~Shelton Benjamin takes on El Generico
~Sabu & Evan Bourne take on MVP and Chuck Palumbo in tag team action
~And Much Much More.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
The errors in the backstory really throw me off, and a few grammer, and typos in the last two posts. I really like the roster, and Wrestle Fest was a good read. The Big Show seems to be a big player in the game of this BTB, and should have a good program with Samoa Joe for the championship. The BTB is well set out, and very attractive (to readers). One pay per view name really made me laugh

Bash and the Beach

lolwut? Anyways, here are the predictions for the next show.

Shelton Benjamin versus El Generico
I doubt you will think of pusing Generico, so I see a heel win for Benjamin tonight. He just came off a big win against Bourne, and should go on.

Sabu, and Evan Bourne versus Chuck Palumbo, and MVP
Palumbo's a jobber, and he just flat out sucks. MVP should try to make the save at the end, but comes up short with Bourne pinning Palumbo. Sabu and MVP to feud? That would be interesting.

Overall, this BTB looks alright, and I will be reading.


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Not bad, the backstory was ok, and very explained, but as everyone else said, it could of used a bit of re-touching.

I have a great feeling about this BTB, I think this will stick for a long time. I will be reading your first show for sure. Samoa Joe .vs. CM Punk would of been an amazing match, and im glad it was at WrestleFest. Im curious to see what direction this BTB will go in.

I really liked your preview aswell, Samoa Joe the champion really gives this BTB the sharp spike. Il be defently checking in!:)

Evil Austin




SWF Pyro goes off and the Uproar Weekly Show is brought to you by Linkin Park ‘In the End’. (In the End plays on the tron and afterwards the pyro goes off and the crowd go nuts)

It starts with one thing
I don't know why
it doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind

I designed this rhyme
to explain in due time

All I know
Time is a valuable thing

Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
watch it count down to the end of the day

The clock ticks life away
It's so unreal

Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window

Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
Wasted it all just to watch you go

I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when

I tried so hard
And got so far

But in the end
it doesn't even matter

I had to fall
to lose it all

But in the end
it doesn't even matter
I’ve put my trust in you
pushed as far as I can go

and for all this
there’s only one thing you should know

I tried so hard
and got so far

But in the end
it doesn't even matter

I had to fall
to lose it all

But in the end
it doesn't even matter!

*Crowd goes wild

Joey Styles: “Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to Uproar!

*Crowd go nuts*

Joey Styles: “Exactly 24 hours ago we brought to you the biggest PPV extravaganza of the SWF Colander Wrestle Fest.”

*Highlights and Results of Wrestle fest are seen*

~ Samoa Joe is seen pinning CM Punk to retain his title.
~ Samoa Joe is seen celebrating in confetti as CM Punk shakes his hand in respect.
~ Randy Orton and The Big Show are seen having their hands raised after beating RVD and Sabu in an ECW Rules matchup.
~Dave ‘the animal’ Batista is seen pinning Edge on the mat.
~ And Ted Dibiase is seen holding his money in the bank briefcase high above his head in triumph.

*The General Manager Mr. Colony is seen on the Titon Tron in his office in his wheelchair*

Mr. Colony: “Last night was the pinnacle of my dreams; they finally came true after years of heartbreak, sorrow, deals made deals broken, legs broken and on top of that all of that we had this year’s Wrestle Fest which was the highest rated pay per view by SWF in history.

*Crowd pop*

Joey Styles: “Wow that is something right there. Everyone in the back deserves a pat on the back for the hard work they all did last night.”

Mr. Colony: “But I came on screen now not to toot my own horn so to speak and to tell you how much I enjoyed last night’s Wrestle Fest no that was yesterday, today is a totally new year a totally new calendar and a totally new chapter where we have tonight the beginning of an 16 man tournament which I like to call the ‘Gold Rush’ tournament, the tournament will look as follows.”


Mr. Colony: “And that will start tonight!”

*Crowd pop*

Joey Styles: “I can’t wait.”

Mr. Colony: “And Samoa Joe will face the winner at the next month’s pay per view event known to the wrestling world as Turning Point!”

Joey Styles: “Samoa Joe will be watching this tournament carefully I can bet.”

*James Storm’s music hits* James Storm comes down to the ring accompanied by Robert Roode, these two men are the tag team champions and they have the gold around their respective waists before giving the gold over to the time keeper and James gets in the ring for his matchup.

Joey Styles: “I guess we are kicking the tournament off with CM Punk the man who loosed to Joe last night facing James Storm one half of the tag champs accompanied by his partner Robert Roode, who probably will make a vital part in the outcome of this round 1 matchup.”

*CM Punk’s music hits* the crowd goes wild, he runs down to the ring in full force and the little kids in the crowd ‘high five’ him on the way down

Joey Styles: “And here comes James Storm’s opponent, CM Punk! I would also like to point out that Robert Roode is also in this ‘Gold Rush’ tournament and if it comes down to James Storm vs. Robert Roode these two wouldn’t hesitate to go all out on each other for the bigger prize.

‘Gold Rush Tournament’
Round 1# Matchup
CM Punk vs. James Storm w/ Robert Roode


*Bell rings*

CM Punk and James Storm circle the ring a little bit, James Storm and CM Punk then lock up as James Storm kicks him hard in the gut and then grabs hold of CM Punk’s right arm and throws him into the corner of the ring back first, James Storm then runs at the corner going to clothesline him in it but CM Punk moves out of the way and that puts James Storm in the corner, James Storm then gets pummeled with hard shots all around his upper body before CM Punk takes a few steps back and goes for a running knee lift from the second turnbuckle the ‘knee to jaw’ move on James Storm but James Storm ducks underneath his leg and CM Punk goes over the top rope and crashing on the outside of the ring near the ring and crowd barricade, as the referee makes the ten count Robert Roode is stomping away at CM Punk and there is nothing nobody can do about it, the referee gets to the count of about six when Robert Roode picks CM Punk up to his feet groggily and then picks him up in a scoop slam position and throws him into the ring under the bottom rope. James Storm then rolls him up for the pin fall but CM Punk kicked out in the last second to break it up, James Storm then picks CM Punk up by his hair and throws him at the ropes. James Storm leans forward as CM Punk runs at the ropes, James Storm wants to hit CM Punk with a back body drop but CM Punk puts the brakes on and stops at the ropes. He then walks towards James Storm who is still anxiously leaning forward unaware and then clubs him in the back with a hard closed fist which makes him stand up, he then kicks James Storm in the gut and hits a suplex on him in the middle of the ring.

CM Punk then stands up onto his feet, takes one quick look a short glance over at James Storm who at this moment was still on the mat and then without any warning CM Punk left the ring under the bottom rope and began to run after Robert Roode who was being chased around the outside of the ring before Roode rolled into the ring itself and CM Punk then rolled in shortly after under the bottom rope only to be pummeled on and physically assaulted by Robert Roode and James Storm with kicks and punches and hard shots as CM Punk has his body on the mat near the ropes. The referee forces Robert Roode to leave the ring as he is not part of this match legally and James Storm at this time then picks CM Punk up to his feet by the hair on his head yanking him onto a vertical base and then scoop slams him in the middle of the ring, he then hooks the inside leg for a pin fall on his opponent CM Punk who manages to kick out at the count of one and a half. James Storm runs at the ropes and then hits CM Punk with a leg drop in the middle of the ring making CM Punk cough and almost cough up blood as all of James Storm’s weight was put onto Punk’s throat. James Storm then runs at the ropes once more he then on the rebound goes for another leg drop but CM Punk rolls out of the way and James Storm lands on his ass in the middle of the ring in a lot of pain, CM Punk gets onto his feet and then kicks James Storm in the chest with hard impact making him fall back first onto the mat in the middle of the ring. CM Punk then runs at the ropes once more and then base ball slides at James Storm dropkicking him in the ribs while he is lying down as James Storm rolls around the ring in a lot of pain as CM Punk move back onto his feet onto a vertical base.

CM Punk then goes up to James Storm who had rolled to the other end of the ring against the ropes, and had picked him up to his feet. James Storm had then been thrown at the ropes and CM Punk had leant forward on the rebound in hope for a back body drop but James Storm had put the brakes on stopping at the ropes and holding onto them. James Storm then had gone up to CM Punk kicked him in the shoulder as hard as he could and that made CM Punk jump up holding his right shoulder James Storm then ran at Punk but Punk caught him in mid air and slammed him down to the mat below and had then flipped over onto his back and had laid there next to James Storm as he wanted to catch his breath for a moment. After a couple of seconds the referee began to make his ten count for both superstars as they had their shoulders on the mat, at the count of four and a half CM Punk had rolled onto his stomach and in doing so had rolled his arm over the chest of James Storm who was not moving as of now. The referee was about to go down to the mat and make the three count but Robert Roode stood up on the ring apron and distracted the referee much to the hate of the crowd and the crowd heat Roode was talking with the referee as Storm was down for the three count but there was no one there to make the count and the win. CM Punk then had gotten up onto his feet and ran at Robert Roode he then knocked him over the ring apron and he had gone down to one knee on the outside of the ring as Punk turned around and he had then picked Storm up to his feet. CM Punk had left James Storm enough time to regroup and get back into it due to the distraction made by Robert Roode. Storm had then caught Punk off guard with a few hard shots of European Uppercuts and then had kicked him in the gut and had hit a swinging neck breaker on CM Punk, He then had gone for the pin fall on CM Punk but Punk had kicked out at the count of one and a half and the match was still going on.

James Storm had stood up onto his feet, he then had picked CM Punk up by his hair on his head taken him to one knee and raised his other hand as he believes he has this match won as he tries to put CM Punk out with his finisher move once and for all. He kicks CM Punk in the gut and then puts him in between his legs and then goes for a power bomb he lifts CM Punk up in the air on his shoulders and then is about to drop him down to the mat below on the canvas but moments before he then starts to throw rights hands in the top of James Storm’s head making him wobble back against the ropes still holding him high above his head. CM Punk then manages to make James Storm almost drop him onto the mat before CM Punk up in the air leaps over James Storm’s shoulders and just near the crowd barrier he then lands on Robert Roode and takes him down tackling him from the top ring rope the crowd chant love it as CM Punk and Robert Roode are knocked out on the outside of the ring and James Storm is on one knee in the middle of the ring holding the top of his head trying to shake it off.

*Crowd Chant CM Punk, CM Punk, CM Punk, CM Punk*

Joey Styles: “Well that is an innovative way to make sure that Robert Roode is no longer in the match and won’t disturb James Storm anymore.”

CM Punk then at the referee’s count of seven and a half rolls into the ring but half way in James Storm who was waiting for him and taunting him he then runs at CM punk and tries too base ball slides him in the shoulder as he was half way in the ring but CM Punk moves out of the way and James Storm lands on his feet in the outside of the ring as CM Punk starts to throw hard haymakers at him with no end in sight before he grabs James Storm by the arm and goes to throw him as hard as he can at the steel ring steps the unforgiving steel ring steps. But James Storm puts the brakes on and stops half way while running he then turns back around and clotheslines CM Punk with a long of momentum on the outside of the ring, CM Punk gets clothes lined with a lot of authority as he gets sent on his back doing a 360’ in the air near the crowd barrier on the outside of the ring. James Storm raises his arms high above his head as he is proud of his work taunting CM Punk and the crowd as he picks CM Punk up onto his feet and then rolls him into the ring under the bottom rope. James Storm goes in the ring after him and goes on top of him for the pin fall the referee makes the count, 1………2…. But CM Punk got his shoulder up off of the canvas just in the nick of time. James Storm is really frustrated he can’t believe it he goes to scream and almost pull his own hair out of his head but he doesn’t as he then realizes that he must put him away right now before CM Punk can get back into this matchup which is not what he wants to happen. CM Punk then gets picked up to one knee and is about to be put in between the legs of James Storm but Storm then gets back body dropped in the middle of the ring as CM Punk comes fighting right back, James Storm uses the ropes to pull himself back up to his feet as he runs at CM Punk wanting to big boot him down as Punk holds his lower back in pain but CM Punk ducks underneath it and as James Storm turns around CM Punk lifts him high above in the air onto his shoulders and then bang out of nowhere like lightning he hits James Storm with a thunderous GTS. He then rolls James Storm up for the pin fall and soon to be the win as he gets the three count and moves up in the tournament.


Joey Styles: “CM Punk had just moved himself a guaranteed spot into round two of this tournament, and what a match it was.”

*Priceless hits* And Ted Dibiase makes his way down to the ring smiling and holding his new money in the bank briefcase. The crowd gives him a tone of heat along with it.

Joey Styles: “Here comes the man that beat five other men in a ladder match last night to win that briefcase which he probably won’t forget to remind us about.”

Ted Dibiase grabs the microphone in one hand and the briefcase in the other and stands in the middle of the ring and is about to talk.

Ted Dibiase: “Last night in front of all of you I proved all of you wrong!”

Crowd heat

Ted Dibiase: “You all thought I couldn’t do it, you all thought I was the ‘weak’ link in that match but the only thing weak were the lack of competition!”

More Crowd heat as they take offense to that about their ‘faces’

Joey Styles: “That was a bit of a low blow to the competitors last night that put their bodies on the line for each and everyone one of you.”

Ted Dibiase: “Now if last night wasn’t proof enough maybe I will prove it again because this briefcase here (holds it up) gives me a year to pick my spot a year to chose my time when I am ready not when the champion is ready when I am ready to fight him and when I do it will be …… priceless.”

Crowd Heat and Samoa Joe chants afterwards as he is the current champion

Joey Styles: “Hey, Dibiase is right the champion has to be watching his back at all times, he could even pick tonight to fight Joe.”

Ted Dibiase then drops the microphone and leaves the ring during the commercial break and walks slowly to the back – while holding his briefcase high above his head in ‘triumph’.

*The Camera man goes Backstage in the parking lot*

Backstage around the parking lot and the exit area, surrounded by cars there is a table set up and a wooden door placed to the right with no walls or anything. Two stools are at the table with the Acolytes Faarooq and Bradshaw sitting on either end of the table playing cards and smoking cigars the crowd give them some face pops before the team of MNM show up and Mercury and Nitro walk up to them

Joey Mercury: “Hey Nitro, look what the cat dragged in…”

Johnny Nitro: “Hey guys, if you haven’t noticed you’re in the parking lot? This is for cars… (Talking slow as if he is talking to a bunch of thick rednecks)”

Bradshaw: “Don’t you guys knock, or do you just barge in to our locker room?”

Joey Mercury: “What are you talking about, this isn’t even a room it’s just a wooden table and a plastic door on it (as Nitro taps it and it falls over). If you guys want to see what a locker room looks like come visit ours we are the best tag team in the world today and we get luxury items unlike you guys who have to sit around playing cards in a parking lot”

Johnny Nitro: “Yea we are A – Listers”

Faarooq: “Hey! I just finished dealing cards if you guys aren’t chicken why don’t we play are you up for a game?”

Joey Mercury: “Please, why would we be seen hanging around with you wanna bees?”

Joey Mercury then whispers something in Johnny Nitro’s ear and then they sit down smiling and Faarooq deals the cards to all four of them including Bradshaw.

Bradshaw: “You guys want to make this interesting?”

Joey Mercury: “(flips and looks at his cards then at Nitro’s) Yea sure whatever *laughs*”

*the camera moves down to the ring as the music of Christian cage hits* Followed by the music of *Randy Orton* as they enter the ring for the second round 1 matchup.

Joey Styles: “Christian Cage vs. Randy Orton will begin after the commercial break.”

Match – 2
Round 1# Tournament Matchup
Christian Cage vs. Randy Orton


*Bell rings*

Christian Cage the clear face in this matchup had walked up to Randy Orton and then Randy Orton had met him half way in the ring, both men began to throw consecutive hard shots at each other with rights and lefts flying in all directions in the middle of the ring one at a time each man gave a shot to each other as the crowd got into this match early on. Randy Orton then out of nowhere grabs the head of Christian Cage and then pushes it down as Orton uppercuts him in the jaw he then grabs hold of Christian’s arm and throws him at the ropes. On the rebound Randy Orton goes for a hard right shot but Christian Cage ducks underneath it and then starts to throw hard shots of his own before kicking him in the gut and then going for a suplex grabbing Orton’s arms and about to lift him up but Randy Orton in mid air lands behind Christian on his feet still holding onto Christian’s head and then slams his down to the mat with a modified neck breaker. Randy Orton stands up on his feet and then looks down at Christian Cage currently on his back in the middle of the ring and then at the crowd as they give him a bit of heat. Randy Orton then runs at the ropes and on the rebound Christian Cage moves onto his stomach, Randy jumps over him and keeps running at the ropes opposite him and this time on the rebound Christian Cage sprung up to his feet and leapt over Randy who was running for a third time at the ropes before Christian had hit an arm drag on him taking him down in the center f the ring with all of the momentum that Randy was building up while running. Randy Orton then stands up on his feet still with Christian Cage holding his arm now in the corner of the ring, Randy is facing the turnbuckles with his arm put up behind him in a hammer lock bar position Christian doesn’t seem to want to let go anytime soon.

Randy Orton then hits a few hard shots to the side of Christian’s head making him groggy and making his grip hold on his arm weaker, Randy Orton then had turned around when he could and had kicked Christian in the gut as hard as he could. Wasting little time he then grabbed Christian by the body and put him into the corner and began to throw hard shots at him all around the body before being raked in the eye by Christian and being thrown into the corner having them switch places. Christian got up onto the second turnbuckle and began to pummel him with hard shots to the top of the head. Randy Orton ducks underneath Christian Cage and then with Cage still on the second turnbuckle with his back to Orton, Randy Orton begins to club him with hard closed fists in the back before grabbing Cage by the tights and getting him in position for a power bomb from the second turnbuckle but Christian holds onto the top turnbuckle so he won’t be driven anywhere. Randy Orton gives up on a power bomb type move moves back around Christian underneath him and then clubs him in the back a few more times before Christian jumps off of the second turnbuckle turning in mid air and taking Randy Orton down with a flying cross body like move and the referee makes the count but still being relatively close to the corner of the ring Randy was able to get his leg on the bottom rope to break it up before the three count. Christian Cage stands up and brings Randy up to his feet as well groggily by the head, he then throws Randy Orton at the ropes as hard as he can and leans forward but Randy Orton on the rebound jumps over a bent over Christian before a back body drop could be executed and when Christian stands up and turns around, Orton still has his back to him waiting and then out of nowhere goes for an RKO finisher move putting his arm back and grabbing the head of Christian in position for it but Christian pushes Randy from behind at the ropes and on the rebound Randy Orton gets dropkicked down by Christian who goes for another quick pin fall but Randy Orton had kicked out at the count of two.

Christian Cage once on his feet after the quick pin fall had then ran at the ropes as Randy Orton was on one knee and had ran at the ropes but on the rebound Randy Orton had ducked underneath a clothesline and then had went on the other side of Christian and like a flash had gone for another shot at the RKO but Christian had scouted it once again and had grabbed the arm that was going for an RKO on Christian and then Christian holding that arm that was placed around his head, Christian then changed the position of the arm and twisted Randy Orton’s body around with it and had Randy Orton in position for Christian’s finisher the un – prettier. But Randy Orton had then pushed Christian at the ropes and had on the rebound gotten shoulder blocked by Orton, Orton then saw how Christian was on one knee after the shoulder block down and saw how Christian was holding onto Orton’s knee pads trying to pull himself up to a vertical base but Orton had pulled Christian up to his feet and then had upper cut him back down to one knee and had then hit a DDT on Christian sudden and thunderous planting Christian’s head on the canvas mat below. Randy Orton then goes for the pin fall but he only had gotten a two count when Christian Cage had kicked out at the count of two and a bit, Randy Orton had a hard time believing it but then as Christian was on his back in the middle of the ring Orton had gone into the push up position and had punched the floor waiting like a snake for Christian to get up and hit him with an RKO. Moments later when Christian did get up to his feet by the aid of the ropes and had then turned around as Randy Orton jumped at him for an RKO grabbing onto Christian’s head and then bang in the middle of the ring he had hit the RKO and with a smile on his face from ear to ear Randy Orton had gone for the pin fall hooking and grabbing both legs and had gotten himself the three count and the win moving onto the next round in the tournament.


Suddenly as Randy’s arm is being raised by the referee and his music hits the camera suddenly goes backstage as the tron shows out of nowhere Faarooq and Bradshaw getting beat up by Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury, before Faarooq and Bradshaw fight back and Bradshaw hits a spine buster on Joey Mercury on the hood of a car followed by a power bomb by Faarooq through the table on Nitro.

Joey Styles: “Wow, I wonder what must have caused physicality with these two former tag team champions.”

*Backstage in the locker room of AJ Styles*

AJ Styles is seen taping up his thumb and wrist as his former friend former mentor and last night’s opponent at Wrestle Fest the man he beat 1,2,3 in the ring Chris Benoit walks in and AJ stands up to meet him.

Chris Benoit: “Whoa, don’t worry it’s just me *puts his arm around him* I just want to say that I am very proud of your performance last night out there and you really showed me what you can do in a great match. *Pats him on the back hard like a slap*”

AJ Styles: “What are you doing here; you know I have a match with Batista later tonight.”

Chris Benoit: “Yes I know and that is why I had asked the general manager to post pone it for next week.”

AJ Styles: “You did what?!”

AJ Styles stands up and goes face to face with a smiling and happy Benoit.

Chris Benoit: “Don’t worry, I know this match and your opponent you have a lot riding on the match and it won’t be easy that’s why I have asked to face Batista later tonight and I want you to promise me that you will watch the match, you sit here watch the match and learn a thing or two because I only want the best for you in the tournament.”

AJ Styles: “I can take Batista on anytime; I beat you last night and….”

Chris Benoit: “That doesn’t mean anything, anyone can get a one two three victory over anyone it happens but you have to trust me that you still have a lot to learn in that ring before you can become champion and win the tournament which is your goal.”

AJ Styles is getting ticked off and goes to Benoit’s face.

AJ Styles: “Why don’t I show you what I am worth right here and right now?”

*Crowd pop*

AJ Styles Is about to throw a left hook at Benoit who doesn’t even blink and smiles at AJ not even looking at the hand just puts his hand in the way catches AJ’s fist and begins to squeeze it and push AJ Styles down on his knees as he is a lot of pain suddenly. Chris then let’s go and leaves the locker room and slams the door behind him.

Joey Styles: “Well that was weird between the teacher and the student.”

*Shelton Benjamin’s music hits and he gets a lot of crowd heat, he walks down to the ring slowly as he taunts the crowd on his way down as he enters the ring.*Moments later the music of El Generico hits and the crowd goes nuts they give him a standing ovation as El Generico wastes little time entering the ring as he is full of energy and he runs down to the ring high fiving front row kids on the way down as the crowd chant his name as he enters the ring through the second rope and the match starts.

Match – 3
El Generico vs. Shelton Benjamin
Single’s contest


*Bell rings*

El Generico the clear favorite in this matchup goes up to Shelton Benjamin and pulls his arm out in front of Benjamin and asks him to shake hands with him, but Benjamin looks at it for a second grabs hold of the arm and twists it before putting it behind his back in a hammer lock arm bar and then El Generico had thrown a few hard left hand shots with his free hand and tried to make contact with Benjamin who was standing behind him and none of them had made contact with Benjamin and Generico was currently stuck like this before he had a new plan and leant slightly forward and grabbed hold of Benjamin’s right leg pulling it forward making Benjamin fall on his back on the canvas mat in the middle of the ring and let go of El Generico before more damage on the arm could have been made.

Joey Styles: “What a counter, I give him a lot of credit for coming up with something like that against an all American who can counter it all and has seen it all, Shelton Benjamin.”

El Generico still holding the legs he had pulled forward and then turned around still holding the legs and falls down in a figure four leg lock position not quite locked in but still inserting a lot of pain into Benjamin’s legs and lower back. Benjamin thrives in pain as he screams, he tries to reach for the ropes but he is too far away from any corner to get to the ropes and it is useless to even try. Benjamin though refuses to tap out and he just after nearly a minute of being in the hold he manages to turn over onto his stomach and put all the pain and pressure back on El Generico but Generico had let the gold lose and go before damage was done on him. Benjamin held his leg on the mat as Generico went for the pin fall but the referee went down to the mat and by the time he did Benjamin had already kicked out as El Generico needs to do more damage to get a three count. El Generico stands up and runs at the ropes as Benjamin lays there on his stomach, he then on the rebound sees that Benjamin moves into the push up position waiting for El Generico to go past him and keep running but El Generico was smart enough to stop half way and just fall on Benjamin’s lower back and hit an elbow drop but as he was about to hit it Benjamin had rolled away to the corner of the ring and El Generico was holding his right elbow in pain, El Generico walked up to Benjamin in the corner as Benjamin kicked him square in the gut the lower abdomen and Benjamin comes out of the corner and runs at him he then goes to clothesline him down but El Generico dropkicked him instantly down with a huge amount of height and elevation.

El Generico ran at the ropes and then on the rebound Shelton Benjamin ducked underneath him holding himself stomach first onto the mat as Generico kept running, on the rebound this time Benjamin on one knee had taken Generico down with a hard arm drag and then on his side Generico had stood up and then had changed positions grabbing and twisting Benjamin’s arm and putting him in a hammer lock arm bar he then wraps his arms around the waist of Benjamin and goes for a german suplex but Benjamin in mid air lands on his feet behind Generico he then kicks El Generico in the gut and while Generico leans forward momentarily he then runs at the ropes in front of him and on the rebound Generico stood up and they both had the same idea and had clothes lined each other at the same time taking each other down in the middle of the ring. The referee began to count both men out as his ten count began but out of nowhere in the count of six through the crowd Edge had came into the ring and had speared everyone as they were slowly getting to a vertical base and then had stomped away, making more damage on El Generico before hitting him in the head with a steel chair. The referee tries to calm Edge down but he won’t stop as the referee is forced to ring the bell and the match is forced to end early.


Joey Styles: “What on earth is he doing here? It must be to weaken his opponent El Generico next week for the tournament for Turning Point, yes that must be it what a cheating SOB!”

*Backstage in the office of the general manager*

Mr. Colony is seen reading papers and sitting at his desk before the Big Show storms in with a loud bang at the door almost knocking the door down and right off of the hinges. The Big Show storms up to the General Manager who is seated behind a desk and then begins to laugh.

Big Show: “(laughing) So, let me get this straight I am the biggest most valuable athlete you have got I beat two no bodies in an ECW rules match last night put my body on the line and I am not even in the ‘Gold Rush’ tournament while people like AJ Styles or Jeff Hardy get into the Tournament….”

The Big Show Laughs really hard holding his chest, sarcastically and going overboard with the laughter, he then stops and then bangs his giant fist on the table as hard as he can and is mad.

Big Show: “It’s not funny! I don’t see anyone laughing do you? Now put me in that tournament before I get really mad.”

Mr. Colony: “I have already started the tournament, I’m sorry show you’re just too late of an entry to put into the tournament maybe next time.”


Show screams as he flips the table upside down and begins to wreak havoc in the office.

Mr. Colony: “That is enough! Get out right now or I will get mad and you will be suspended indefinitely without pay.”

Show looks at him for a few seconds and then leaves.

Joey Styles: “Big Show doesn’t look like a happy camper.”

During the commercial break the ring is filled with MVP and Chuck Palumbo as their respective entrance music’s had gone off and they had made their way down to the ring followed by Evan Bourne and Sabu who had gotten a tremendous pop from the crowd as this tag team matchup began.

Match – 4
Sabu and Evan Bourne vs, Chuck Palumbo and MVP
Tag Team Contest


*Bell rings*

Sabu and Chuck Palumbo start this matchup off, Chuck Palumbo and Sabu go at each other and lock up with a collar elbow tie up and Chuck being the much bigger man he sends Sabu down to one knee before giving him a hard knee to the ribs which keeps him leaning forward on one knee Sabu then gets thrown at the ropes but on the rebound ducks underneath a hard clothesline shot attempt by Palumbo and Sabu keeps running at the ropes before putting the brakes on and then stopping at the ropes holding onto them. Chuck Palumbo sees him there and then begins to run as fast as he can at him with full intensity going at the ropes Sabu then ducks underneath him and lifts him up and back body drops him over the top tope and to the outside of the ring, MVP leaves the ring apron as he goes out to check on Palumbo and see if he is ok as he stands near him but Sabu had better ideas he then goes to run at the ropes and take all of them down but the referee gets in the way and give him an ear full on why he shouldn’t do it. While the referee is distracted by Sabu, Evan Bourne standing on the ring apron runs across the ring apron and then leaps off of the steel steps and dives at Palumbo and MVP taking both men down. Evan Bourne stands up to the crowd’s pop response which is heard all around the arena, the referee turns around as he begins to count Palumbo out as he is the legal man along with Sabu in this matchup. At the count of three Evan Bourne had picked up Chuck Palumbo slowly and groggily to one knee as he is a very big and heavy man and being ‘dead weight’ it makes it twice as hard to pick up. But by the time the referee counted to four and a half Evan Bourne managed to roll Chuck Palumbo into the ring under the bottom rope and Sabu had covered him for the pin fall as Evan Bourne had went back to his corner on the apron. The referee had made the count, 1……2… But Chuck Palumbo had grabbed the second rope to break up the pin fall.

Sabu after the pin fall was over, had ran at the ropes on the rebound had then hit a hard leg drop on the neck of Palumbo as he was on his back near the ropes. Sabu grabbed Palumbo by the legs and tried to drag him closer to his corner of the ring but the big man had just kicked him in the stomach making him fall back against his corner in the turnbuckles as Palumbo crawled over to his corner to make the tag but MVP was still down from the shot by Evan Bourne earlier in the matchup. As Sabu stands up on his feet Evan Bourne gets tagged into the matchup by Sabu as Evan ran at Palumbo who was sitting against the bottom turnbuckle in his corner but Bourne was caught in mid run as he then was driving face first into the second turnbuckle as he then fell back into the middle of the ring by Palumbo. Palumbo moments later used the aid of the ropes for leverage as he got back up to his feet and began to stomp away at Evan Bourne and kick him while he is down. Chuck Palumbo then picks Evan Bourne up to his feet, Evan tries to throw some shots on Chuck Palumbo while on one knee but it didn’t faze him Evan Bourne just gets grabbed in a belly to belly suplex position and held there in the middle of the ring as Chuck Palumbo squeezes the life out of him with a submission bear hug. Evan Bourne is in a lot of pain and it shows on his facial expressions and how his body is being contorted and squeezed like a stress ball. Evan though starts to head butt his opponent and then out of nowhere began to bite the nose of Chuck Palumbo who then holding his nose had dropped Bourne to the mat. Bourne ran at Palumbo and took him down with a double dropkick using both feet into the chest area of Palumbo making him wobble back against the ropes. Evan Bourne stands up on his feet hits a few shots to Palumbo and throws him at the opposite ropes before running with Palumbo on the rebound and then as soon as Palumbo hit the ropes Bourne was already running at him to clothesline him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring but Palumbo had suddenly hit a hard brawler like punch to the jaw of Bourne which made Bourne go crashing down with his back on the canvas mat below.

Evan Bourne was then stepped on like as if he was nothing as MVP was now this time on the ring apron and Chuck Palumbo with one foot on Bourne’s chest he leant to the side of the ring and tagged into the match his partner MVP. MVP comes into the match as Palumbo goes back onto the ring apron for now, MVP picks Bourne up to his feet and then starts to throw rights and lefts at him before a groggy Bourne in the middle of the ring stands there on spaghetti legs as MVP taunts him and then goes for another hard shot to knock him down but Bourne ducked underneath it and then starts to throw rights of his own at MVP in the middle of the ring and then in one enormous leap he jumps onto MVP’s shoulders and then hits a standing hurricarana on MVP taking him to the ropes on his knees as he is stunned. Evan Bourne goes to his corner and tags in his tag team partner Sabu, Sabu then goes up to the top rope and as MVP is sitting against the ropes in the 619’ position with his head on the ropes but more sticking outwards out of the ring, Sabu goes for a flying leg drop from the top rope over to the back of MVP’s head on the outside of the ring. Sabu leaps into the air but just in the last moment before making the blow to MVP, MVP ducks his head back into the ring and Sabu lands on his feet on the outside of the ring, just as Sabu was about to roll back into the ring and continue the matchup Chuck Palumbo had gone off of his corner and had ran around the outside of the ring and had clothes lined from hell’ Sabu down making Sabu do a 360 turn in the air and land in a bad way on the outside of the ring near the announce tables.

Joey Styles: “Oh my god, what impact that was, blindsiding Sabu like that.”

Chuck Palumbo rolls Sabu into the ring under the bottom rope as MVP rolls him up for the pin fall but Evan Bourne runs into the ring and kicks MVP in the back of the head to break it up at the count of 1 and a half. MVP then takes a few steps backwards as Sabu is on his knees MVP goes for the Drive By kick to take his head off, MVP runs at Sabu and Sabu then gets his head almost taken off of his shoulders, Sabu crashes stomach first onto the mat near the ropes as Sabu gets rolled into the middle of the ring and covered for the pin fall, the referee makes the count. Evan Bourne then at the count of one and a half from his apron gets up onto the top rope and goes for a Swanton bomb like move on MVP to break the count up but MVP moves out of the way and Evan Bourne inadvertently hit his opponent Sabu while on the mat with a Swanton Bomb like move with thunderous effect. Evan Bourne stands up and has a shocked and really upset look on his face as he just took his partner out and when Evan Bourne had turned around he was kicked in the gut and hit with MVP’s finisher the Play Maker. Evan Bourne was down and MVP went for the pin fall once again on the legal man Sabu who is knocked out from that shot by Bourne, and the referee makes the count. 1……….2………3!


Joey Styles: “What a match, When Bourne gets up to his feet he probably would feel really bad about that.”

After all men have left the ring the music of Batista hits and the crowd give him lots of heat as he casually walks down to the ring. A few moments later Chris Benoit’s music had hit and the crowd go nuts as the rabid wolverine walks down to the ring and enters the ring with an eager Batista.

Joey Styles: “Batista next week faces AJ Styles, but tonight he has quite possibly his hardest challenge in a long time Chris Benoit who knows if Batista will be 100% come next week.”

Match – 5
Dave Batista vs. Chris Benoit
Single’s contest.


*Bell rings*

Chris Benoit runs at Batista and out of nowhere showing full force and intensity he runs at Batista and takes him down with a cross armed clothesline he then, goes down to the mat grabs hold of Batista’s left arm and is about to lock him into an arm bar in the middle of the ring but Batista rolls onto his stomach before it could be locked in and Batista the rookie backs into the corner and tries to catch his breath from this fast paced matchup that Benoit is determined to show what he is made of in. Chris Benoit stands up and Batista walks up to him meeting him half way in the ring, they slowly and cautiously take their sweet time to lock up and do the ‘test of strength’ as each man is pushing off one another. Batista the near 300’ pounder gets the early advantage of the test of strength and then kicks Benoit in the gut ending it after a few seconds. Batista then grabs Benoit by the head as he leans forward and puts him in between his legs and very early in this matchup goes for the Batista Bomb his finisher move but Benoit had then grabbed both legs of Batista and pulled them forward making Batista go onto his back on the mat as Benoit goes for a sharp shooter like move but Batista with his thick tree stump like legs pushes Benoit at the ropes backwards and on the rebound Batista gets dropkicked in the jaw as he was in the push up position on the mat, Chris Benoit then picks him up to his feet and puts him up against the turnbuckles in the corner of the ring Benoit begins to chop him down to size if you will, giving him a countless amount of knife edged chops. Batista then gets thrown at the diagonally opposite corners as hard as Benoit could have thrown him but Batista while running put his arms out in front of him stopping at the turnbuckles and holding onto them. With his back to Benoit, Benoit begins to run at him but then suddenly out of nowhere Batista turned around and like a flash ran and speared him down with hard impact.

Batista had gone for the pin fall hooking the inside leg this time for the first pin fall in this matchup, the referee makes the count but Chris Benoit grabs Batista’s arm that is holding his leg and then twists it and while still on the mat puts his legs over the chest of Batista changes position and has him in an arm bar. Batista’s facial expression shows a lot of pain as he with his left arm gives Benoit a few shots to the jaw reaching over and then Benoit’s grip is weakened as Benoit stands up still holding the arm twists it and picks Batista up with it to his feet, Benoit then grabs Batista in a belly to belly suplex position and then sends him over his head flying with it but still holding the right arm of Batista he then picks him back up to his feet almost like a three amigo’s style way but then when locking up with him again Benoit suplexes him with a bridge pin in the middle of the ring using the Northern Lights Suplex on Batista. Batista then kicked out at the count of two and a half. Chris Benwa stood up with Batista in hand and threw him into the ropes, on the rebound Batista and Chris Benoit collided and both men had the same idea to clothesline each other down and as a result of a double clothesline both men are down on the mat, the referee begins to make the ten count.

Joey Styles: “Wow, what impact that was almost like seeing a car crash right in front of my very eyes.”

At the referee’s count of about six, Batista manages to roll his arm over onto Benoit who is still on the mat and Benoit was covered for the pin fall but Benoit had kicked out at the count of two and a half, it had taken a couple of moments but Batista had used the aid of the ropes to pull himself up to a vertical base. Batista had then walked up to Benoit on the mat still, and began to circle him and kick him all around up and down not leaving a ligament untouched. Batista then had leant forward grabbed Benoit by the head as he was with his stomach on the mat and then picked him up to his feet, Batista then took him to the center of the ring and placed him right in between his legs as he went for another Batista Bomb trying to end matchup, Batista lifted up Benoit onto his shoulders and then while in the air Benoit began to attack ferociously with hard shots to the top of Batista’s head making him drop Benoit back down to the mat, Benoit while going down Batista’s front side grabbed hold of the arm that was dropping him and had pushed him down with the arm and began to try and get him down to the mat with the right arm in place for a cross face submission finisher move. Batista on one knee before being sent to the mat with his left arm turned to the side and then went for a hard clothesline shot on Benoit but Benoit had the wherewithal to duck underneath it and end up behind Batista, he wrapped his hands around the chest of Batista from behind and went for some German Suplexes. He is about to go for the first one but Batista being near the ropes holds onto it with both arms and doesn’t let Benoit flip him from behind, Benoit knows he can’t do the move on him so he just lets go and then begins to club him in the back with hard closed fists. Batista then hits a few hard elbows on Benoit making him wobble back and Batista turns around he then grabs hold of a groggy Benoit and throws him hard at the ropes on the rebound Batista leans forward in hope for a back body drop but Benoit puts the brakes on at the ropes and as Batista is leaning forward Benoit walks up to him and kicks him in the shoulder Batista just stands up like the animal he is as if he didn’t feel anything.

Chris Benwa then runs at the ropes behind him once again and this time on the rebound he gets caught by Batista and sent flying and crashing down to the mat with a thunderous spine buster heard around the arena. Batista rolls Chris Benoit up for the pin fall and the referee makes the count, 1….2… but Chris Benoit kicked out at the count of two. Batista is frustrated and can’t believe it, he then goes for another pin fall but Benoit kicked out and then Benoit had kicked out for a third one as Batista begins to punch the canvas mat before standing up and then going up to the referee and backing him in a corner and starts to give him a piece of his mind but Benoit comes up from behind and then grabbing Batista’s leg from behind him rolls him up and goes for a victory roll like pin fall to steal it but Batista had kicked out at the count of two and a half just before the count of three and both men stand up at the same time and look at each other at other ends of the ring, as they walk closer and closer to each other again they lock up and Batista and Benoit start to throw punches at each other as we are back to square one in this very physical back and forth matchup. Chris Benoit ducks underneath a few hard shots by Batista and then is behind his opponent, he then wraps his arms around the waist of Batista and hits three consecutive German Suplexes planting him in the ring on the mat Benoit stands up and moves his thumb across his throat and signals the end is near he moves out of the ring and up to the turnbuckles going for his signature move the flying head butt. Once on the top rope the crowd goes silent as AJ Styles the student of Chris Benoit runs down to the ring and distracts Benoit as Benoit goes off of the turnbuckles back onto the mat and starts to scream at him from the ring before Batista who was given time to recuperate was up on his feet behind Benoit and when Benoit turned around he was spine bustered out of nowhere, Batista had gone over Benoit and rolled him up for the pin fall getting the referee’s three count and the win.


Joey Styles: “I can’t believe what AJ Styles had just done, hopefully it wasn’t intentional.”

After the commercial break Batista had left the ring after having his arm raised by the referee, Benoit was on his knees as he looked up at AJ near the entrance ramp stage area and started to shake his head in disgust. As the camera goes backstage for a segment,

Samoa Joe is seen backstage in the locker room taping his thumb up and getting ready for the main event matchup moments away but suddenly Joe stands up in a happy mood and he stands up to meet CM Punk, once the camera shows Punk standing there the crowd go nuts.

CM Punk: “Now I am going to make this one short and sweet I won’t be long so don’t worry I know you have a big match coming up and I just wanted to say good luck.”

They shake hands.

Samoa Joe: “Thanks a lot man, but I was watching your match earlier tonight and you really impressed me out there and I thought that maybe just maybe we could see you win the tournament and have me vs. you at Turning Point for this title.”

Joe holds title up to Punk’s face.

Crowd goes wild.

CM Punk: So what your saying is you want me and you to go one on one once again just like we did last night at Wrestle Fest as we blew the roof off of the joint and have a rematch at Turning Point?”

Samoa Joe: “Only if you’re up for it?”

Joe and Punk look around and hear the chants by the crowd and have smirks on their faces.

CM Punk: “Well I guess that’s your answer.”

CM Punk leaves.

Joey Styles: “Wow that would be a match I am sure everyone wants to see but there is one problem there is a whole list of guys in that tournament that want it just as badly as CM Punk and well we will see how Turning Point will play out.”

After another short quick, commercial break Samoa Joe’s music hits and he gets a great pop from the crowd as he comes down with the championship the world heavyweight championship nonetheless and his music was followed by Matt Hardy’s music as both men entered the ring ready for Main Event combat.

Joey Styles: “If Matt Hardy picks up a win now it will give him so much confidence going into the tournament next week.”

Main Event Matchup
Samoa Joe © vs. Matt Hardy
‘Non title match’


*Bell rings*

Samoa Joe and Matt Hardy walk up to each other and lock up, Samoa Joe the much bigger and stronger of the two manages to push Matt Hardy back making him back roll into the corner sitting against the bottom rope. Matt Hardy stands up with a smile on his face as he then locks up with Samoa Joe once again Samoa Joe then gets kicked in the gut by Matt Hardy as Matt Hardy begins to throw hard shots at Samoa Joe backing him up a few steps and making him wobble back. Matt Hardy then grabs Samoa Joe’s arm and throws him hard at the ropes on the rebound Samoa Joe shoulder blocks Matt Hardy down before running at the opposite ropes as Matt Hardy lies on his stomach as he then Joe keeps running past him, on the rebound this time Matt Hardy springs up and goes to take him down with a hard clothesline but Samoa Joe stands there banging his chest as Matt Hardy goes for another knock down blow but Samoa Joe ducks underneath it and goes for a back drop suplex from behind Matt Hardy he then hits it in the middle of the ring. Samoa Joe then runs at the ropes and goes for a leg drop on Matt Hardy but Matt Hardy rolls out of the way and then on his feet as Samoa Joe sits on the mat. Matt Hardy then runs at the ropes behind him and goes to boot or dropkick him in the face but his foot was grabbed, caught by Joe as Joe held onto Hardy’s left ankle as he made Hardy on his stomach on the mat as Joe stood up holding it in an ankle lock position but Samoa Joe moves down onto the mat as he then wraps his legs around the left leg of Hardy making it even more painful as Hardy screams in a lot of pain.

Joey Styles: “Look at that tweaked ankle, it might snap any moment.”

Samoa Joe still holding onto the leg and applying pressure has Matt Hardy right where he wants him moments away from tapping out early in this matchup but Hardy stops himself from tapping out as he puts his hands behind his head and bits his bottom lip to try and even out the pain because he just doesn’t want to give up so easily. Matt Hardy reaches then for the ropes but he is just a few inches too far and he cannot reach them. Matt Hardy then puts his hands on the mat and goes into the push up position and Joe stands back up on his feet in the regular ankle lock position as Matt Hardy has been in this hold for over a minute and even if he did get out he won’t be the same for the rest of the match. Nonetheless he will not die; Matt Hardy then rolls underneath Samoa Joe and sends Joe a few steps forward at the ropes Samoa Joe then puts his hands in front of him and stops at the ropes Matt Hardy on one leg uses the ropes to pull himself up to a vertical base on his feet and runs hopping and limping at Samoa Joe and manages to catch him off guard and clothesline him over the top rope and to the outside but Hardy lands on the ring apron and then sees Samoa Joe near the announcer tables on one knee as Matt Hardy dives at him in a cross body position and both men are down on the outside as the referee began to count them out. At the count of four and a half Matt Hardy the one who got the least damage done to him as he was the one inflicting the damage to Joe, had gotten up to his feet and had rolled into the ring and then back out breaking the referee’s count and making him start again. He goes up to Samoa Joe and then picks him up from the floor as he laid there stomach on the ground, he was being picked up by the head and then about to be put on his feet but Joe was playing possum and then starts to throw rights and lefts at Matt Hardy, Hardy goes for a few of his own but Joe ducks underneath one of them and shoulder rams him into the ring apron kidney first making him feel lots of pain as Samoa Joe at the count of three rolled him back into the ring and then went back in himself moments later.

Samoa Joe goes for a pin fall in the middle of the ring, the referee makes the count. 1…..2… But Matt Hardy had the wherewithal to kick out in the last second. Samoa Joe goes back on his knees as he looks around and thinks to himself what to do next. He then sees that Matt Hardy is on the mat near the ropes as Samoa Joe stood up on his feet and ran at the ropes on the rebound Joe then went for a base ball slide move on Matt Hardy in the ribs and then had hit it not sending Hardy out of the ring but still making him hold his gut as Samoa Joe dragged him to the middle of the ring and went for another pin fall but Matt Hardy kicked out before it could start. Samoa Joe grabbed Matt Hardy by the head and then dragged him up to his feet before throwing him into the corner of the ring and running at the corner, Samoa Joe then goes for a hard clothesline shot at Matt Hardy in the corner of the ring leaning against the turnbuckles but Matt Hardy runs at Samoa Joe as Joe was running at him and grabbed Samoa Joe while running and then hit a hard side effect on him and Samoa Joe was sent to the mat on his back. Matt Hardy hooked the leg for the pin fall as the referee made the count, 1……..2….. but; Samoa Joe kicked out in the last moment Matt Hardy is having a hard time believing this as he then stands up on his feet and then opens and closes his fists with his arms out wide going for a finisher move his Twist of Fate finisher, he waits for Joe to get up to his feet and when he does moments later Matt Hardy kicked in him in the gut, grabbed him by the head and then turns him around but Matt Hardy then gets yanked down to the ring to the mat by Samoa Joe and then instantly goes for his finisher the rear naked choke hold on Matt Hardy choking him and wrapping his legs around his body stopping the breathing and blood flow to the brain after a couple of minutes Matt Hardy had been seemingly knocked out as the referee raised his hand and then dropped it to see if Hardy was conscious of not but there was no sign of life as he was put to sleep and the referee rang the bell and declared it to be over.


As Samoa Joe’s hand is being raised by the referee CM Punk is seen on the entrance ramp clapping him on as he gives him a round of appluase then the screen fades to black as the show goes off the air and that is all.

Joey Styles: “Thanks for watching and Good Night.”


BM: I enjoyed very much, Batista vs. Chris Benoit. It was a good match for action, and energy, and it made me feel alive and ready for the Main Event.

WM: Randy Orton vs. Christian Cage. Two fantastic wrestlers, who do nto deserve a match of this quality. This is Main Event worthy, and it was one of the lower down, worse matches of the night.

BP: See below.

WP: I have said this to you before, but your promos would be great, if they made sense. Most promos were grammatically incorrect, and made no sense. All were pretty in character, just the bad grammar pulls it down like an anchor.

AC: Take into consideration, what I have said, and good luck.

Evil Austin


The Ultimate Gamble for SWF!

During the past week- when the recent WWE ECW ratings came in for the most recent ECW episode Tuesday night on Sci-Fi, it had recieved a 0.8 rating for a one hour show it was horrible the fans hated it and have been hating ECW ever since its 'non so ECW Extreme' return a few months back. ECW returned to join Raw and Smackdown as part of the WWE world and instantly began a downfall Tommy Dreamer beat Rey Mysterio for the world heavyweight championship on ONS and ever since then there have been practically no ups in ratings. Could it be because the fact that half of the ECW originals when they found out about the new ECW made by Vince, they instantly jumped ship to SWF? with the likes of Joey Styles, Sabu & Rob Van Dam on SWF ECW was as good as cancelled said Vince in a roomers report.

With this recent news that swept the internet, SWF General Manager Mr. Colony sat and thought about this for a while since Thursday Night after the Tuesday ECW ratings came dropping bye. No one is quite sure why he did what he did, but he went straight onto SWF.com and announced something to do with Monday Night Carnage? What could this mean? Is this another brand to come along with the current SWF Flagship show Thursday Night Uproar?


Breaking News as of Saturday Night!

It was confirmed, during a special one time only confrence meeting in the SWF headquaters building Mr. Colony had announced that he would make another brand for SWF being Carnage. But many questions poped into peoples minds who would be booking the show? what sort of rosters would it have? All those things were answered later on in that meeting when the owner and founder of SWF Smashmouth Wrestling Federations announced that he would as of now make Monday Night Carnage would be a one hour show as of now and would not have its own roster it would have the same roster as Uproar it would just be the aftermath of it.


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Carnage Episode #1: Monday Night Debut


SWF Pyro goes off and the Carnage Weekly Show is brought to you by Slipknot ‘Before I Forget’. (Before I Forget plays on the tron and afterwards the pyro goes off and the crowd go nuts)


Stapled shut, inside an outside world and I'm
Sealed in tight, bizarre but right at home
Claustrophobic, closing in and I'm
Catastrophic, not again
I'm smeared across the page, and doused in gasoline
I wear you like a stain, yet I'm the one who's obscene
Catch me up on all your sordid little insurrections,
I've got no time to lose, and I'm just caught up in all the cattle

Fray the strings
Throw the shapes
Hold your breath

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
I wear you like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to win, I'm just caught up all the battles

Locked in clutch
Pushed in place
Hold your breath

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

My end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade
The end of the road and my end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, OH
* Crowd goes nuts, as the camera shows the audience *

Joey Styles: Welcome to the first ever edition of Monday Night Carnage!

* crowd goes wild *

Joey Styles: Tonight is sure to be amazing, but lets look at the effects of last weeks Uproar!

( Highlights play from Uproar Last Week )

~ CM Punk Defeating James Storm
~ Randy Orton Defeating Christian Cage
~ Benoit and AJ Styles lock up in the lockeroom.
~ Batista Defeating Chris Benoit
~ Samoa Joe defeating Matt Hardy, by viciously choking him out.

* Carnage goes back to Styles *

Joey Styles: As we all know, last week on Uproar, the World Title Tournament started, and the winner will go onto face Samoa Joe for the World Title!

* Crowd roars loudly *

Joey Styles: Lets take a look at the tournament board, and see what matches we have planned for tonight,


Joey Styles: Tonight, AJ Styles will take on Dave Batista, in a attempt to be World Champion! Also, Mr.Kennedy takes on Shelton Benjamin, in a quest to make history.

* AJ Styles music roars threw the arena* AJ Styles comes down to the ring, wearing a dark red hoodie, and the crowd going wild. He enters the ring, and stands on the turnbuckle, raising his hands, and getting lots of cheer, but people in the back giving heat to Styles.

Joey Styles: AJ Styles has amazing movement ability's, I can surely say, he is a future SWF Champion!

* Batista's theme hits!!! * Loud pyro goes off, as people are jumping to take pictures of Batista. He walks down the ramp, and into the ring, as he goes on the turnbuckle, and taunts the crowd.

Joey Styles: Batista is such a strong opponent, im not sure if he is stoppable. This match is going to be un-questionable ladies and gentlemen! AJ Styles doesnt look to confortable, looking at the animal, Batista in the same ring with him.

* Chris Benoit's theme hits!!! * He enters into the arena, as AJ Styles looks confused. He watches Benoit walk over to the commentator table, and he sits, and joins side by side with Joey Styles. Batista smirks at Benoit, as he turns back to look at AJ Styles.

Joey Styles: Hey Benoit, thanks for joining us here, for this amazing match up here tonight.

Chris Benoit: Wouldnt miss it for the world, when I heard AJ Styles was facing Batista, I had to show up, to watch my student perform agaist such an aggressive opponent.

'Gold Rush Tournament'
Round #1 Matchup
AJ Styles .vs. Dave Batista

* Bell Rings *

Batista study's Styles, but Styles rests on the turnbuckle, waiting for Batista to strike. Styles gets off the turnbuckle, and takes this match serious. Batista runs, and right at the beginning, hits a devastating Spear, sending both men atleast 8 feet. Batista throws a few strikes to the head of Styles, and Styles trying to fight off the animal. The ref pulls Batista off of Styles, and tells him to relax. Batista goes back to Styles, and continues punching him in the head, and hammering him in the chest. Batista gets off of him, and waits for Styles to stand back up. Styles grips the ropes, and helps himself up, using the turnbuckle. Batista runs back at Styles, but Styles dodges it, and begins to throw a few punches to Batista. Styles goes to punch Batista again, but Batista dodges it, and irish whips Styles to the ropes. Styles runs back, but dodges the clothsline from Batista, and jumps onto the middle rope, and hits a spinning drop kick to the back of Batista. Batista holds his back in pain, as Styles smiles, and he points at Benoit at the commentator table. Styles kicks Batista in the rib cage, preventing Batista from getting up.

Benoit: I dont know what to say, this match can go any way right now. If AJ Styles uses his techniques I taught him, he should be fine.

Styles grips Batista in a harsh headlock, and Batista screams in pain. Styles is waiting for the sound of Batista tapping his hand on the mat, but Batista puts more pressure on the break, and breaks out of the submission. Batista looks mad, and he runs at Styles, but Styles dodges it, and trips Batista into the turnbuckle. Batista holds his head in pain, as he turns around, and Styles runs at Batista, but Batista grabs Styles, and throws him into the air, and Styles smashes his head into the steel part of the turnbuckle! Styles stands in the corner, feeling somewhat, dizzy. Batista runs, and spears Styles into the turnbuckle, many times, digging his way into the ribs of Styles. Batista shakes the ropes, in rampage mode, as he waits for Styles to stand back up. Styles stands up, and turns around, and Batista kicks him in the gut, and puts his head inbetween his legs, as the crowd goes wild. Batista lifts Styles for the Batista bomb, but Styles dodges it, and flips the Batista Bomb into a Hurricana!

Joey Styles: Wow, what a counter! A.J Styles might have this match in the bag now!

Styles goes to pin Batista, 1.......2......Batista kicks out, and the crowd goes nuts. Styles gets mad, as he climbs the turnbuckle, and is preparing a Shooting Styles Press, and Styles jumps off the turnbuckle, but Batista moves in time, and Styles lands on the mat, stomach first, in mager pain. Batista can not belive, that he dodged it, and he taunts the crowd, by shaking the ropes. Styles knows he is in big trouble now, and he sneaks under the bottom rope, and stands outside the ring, as the crowd boo's. Styles begins to walk over to the commentator table, but Batista slides under the ropes, and suprise attacks Styles. He grabs Styles, and Spinebuster's him right into the side edge of the ring. Styles screams in pain, as Batista irish whips him back into the ring. Batista waits for Styles to get back up, and he goes to kick Styles in the gut, but Styles dodges it, and picks up Batista, and is going to hit the Styles Clash, but its reversed, and Batista gets back, and lifts Styles high in the air, and Batista Bombs Styles!!! Chris Benoit gets off his chair, and runs over to the ring, but as he is in pursuit, the ref is counting, 1.......2......3! Before Benoit has a chance to do anything, the pin is wrapped up.

Your Winner: DAVE BATISTA!

As the bell rings, Batista celebrates his victory, and Benoit enters the ring, and takes AJ Styles to his feet. He helps him out of the ring, and out of the arena, as Batista smiles, and the crowd chants "Batista!".

* Immediatly after Benoit takes Styles backstage, the camera follows them, but AJ stops Benoit in his tracks. *

AJ Styles: Chris, what the hell was that?

* Benoit turns to look at AJ Styles *

Chris Benoit: What do you mean, that?

AJ Styles: You didnt stop the pin, I though you were trying to help me!

Chris Benoit: I was trying bu...

AJ Styles: Its your fault Chris, that I lost agaist Batista, I would of had him.

* Chris smirks, as he prepares to answer back *

Chris Benoit: AJ, dont go there. He had you finished, it was a matter of time befor...

* Before Benoit can finish the sentence, AJ strikes Benoit, with a strong punch to the side of the head. Benoit falls to the ground in pain, as AJ smiles, and walks away *

( The camera goes back to Joey Styles )

Joey Styles: Wow, I cant belive it, AJ Styles just struck his teacher, Chris Benoit! What is AJ doing, he doesnt know that Benoit really couldnt do anything about it. This isnt going to be good at Uproar, I can already tell.

- During Commercial, D.H Smith and Carlito came to the ring, for the next match, the 4th match of the Tournament. -

* Ted DiBiase's music plays *, as he walks down the ramp, holding his Money In The Bank case he won at WrestleFest. DiBiase gives the case to the ref to put away, as he prepares for the match, and eyes down DH Smith and Carlito.

Joey Styles: Ted DiBiase shocked the world last week, when he proved he is championship worthy, by becoming the Money In The Bank holder. I have no idea when he is going to cash in the case? Could it possibly be here tonight?

Triple Threat Matchup
Ted DiBiase vs. Carlito .vs. D.H Smith

* Bell Rings *

DiBiase looks at Carlito and Smith, as he walks into the middle of the ring, and all 3 men are standing in the middle of the ring. DiBiase throws a punch to Smith, but Carlito begins an attack on DiBiase. Carlito grips DiBiase, and irish whips him agaist the ropes, and as DiBiase runs back, Smith tackles Carlito! Smith throws many punches to the head of Carlito, and DiBiase stands behind the action, smiling. Smith gets off of Carlito, but as he stands up, DiBiase strikes Smith! DiBiase helps Smith back to his feet, and irish whips him into the turnbuckle. He hoists him up onto the ledge, as DiBiase is going to hit a High Suplex. Carlito runs at the 2 men, but Smith kicks him in the neck, as Carlito falls right into the middle of the ring, in the way of the suplex. DiBiase hits the suplex, and flips Smith off of the turnbuckle, but Smith lands on Carlito! DiBiase stands back up, and he just realized, that Carlito and Smith collided during impact. DiBiase goes to pin Carlito, 1..........2.........Carlito kicks out at 2, and is suprised to do so. Carlito stands back up, and DiBiase is getting ready to hit his special, The Price Drop, a SWF made up move, but its interupted, cause Smith attacks Carlito.

Joey Styles: Wow, what a match! DH Smith just attacked Carlito, making DiBiase unable to hit his finisher! What a bold move!

Smith chokes Carlito with a headscissors. DiBiase has a smartass smirk on his face, as he walks over again to the 2 men fighting. Carlito wants to tap, but DiBiase kicks Smith in the head, and quits the submission on Carlito. DiBiase grabs Smith, and knee's him in the rib cage, as he irish whips Smith over the top rope. Smith crashes down to the hard floor outside the ring, and he looks knocked out. DiBiase laughs at Smith, but Carlito runs up behind DiBiase, and hits his special, The Backbreaker!!! Carlito's knee's dig into DiBiase's spine, as DiBiase falls out of the ring. Carlito is getting some cheer, but some crowd heat aswell. Carlito crawls under the bottom rope, as he sees Smith and DiBiase both laying out cold, outside the ring. Carlito kicks DiBiase in the head, as he smiles, and walks over to Smith. He jumps high, and knee's Smith in the head, almost giving him a concussion. Carlito picks up Smith, and throws him into the ring, by pushing him threw the bottom ropes, and Smith rolls into the middle of the ring. Carlito walks over, but Smith rolls up Carlito, 1.........2........Carlito kicks out at 2! The crowd goes wild, as Carlito stands back up, and DiBiase lays out cold outside the ring.

Joey Styles: This match is going great, it has lots of intensity, but if I were Carlito, I would watch out for DiBiase. DH Smith is on a role tonight!

DiBiase is trying to get himself back up to his feet, but he is still unsteady from the backbreaker, Carlito delivered to him. DH Smith and Carlito exchange blows, but Carlito gains over DH Smith, and DDT's him into the canvas. Carlito goes to pin DH Smith, 1..... but DH Smith breaks the move easly. Smith stands back up, but Carlito gains a few more punches to the head of Smith, as he knocks Smith back down. DiBiase is climbing back into the ring, as Carlito runs agaist the ropes, and runs towards DiBiase trying to get back into the ring, and dropkicks DiBiase off the ropes, and DiBiase hits the commentator table! Carlito knee's Smith in the head once again, and Smith has got a small cut on the side of his cheek. As Carlito is climbing the turnbuckle, he spots a big man come threw the stage, and walk down the ramp. Its Big Show! The crowd is going wild, and Carlito gets off the turnbuckle, as Big Show enters the ring, and Big Boots Carlito! Big Show looks around the ring, and spots Smith. He walks over to Smith, and helps him to his feet. Smith says "thanks", but is then choked, and lifted high, and Big Show hits his devastating Chokeslam on DH Smith! Big Show taunts the crowd, and the ref has rung the bell, and the match has ended in a DQ. Big Show exits the ring, and walks over to Ted DiBiase, and smiles at him. He lifts the cover off the commentator table, and chokes DiBiase. The crowd goes wild, and he Chokeslams DiBiase threw the commentator table!

Your Winner: No Contest; DQ

After the match, security and referee's are running down the ramp, and into the ring to stop the angry giant. Big Show is getting pushed around by the secuirty, and officials are helping up DiBiase, Smith and Carlito. Big Show goes on a rampage, and slaps the security in the chest, knocking them over. He throws a ref to the steel on the side, holding the fans back, untill the titantron lights up.

* The titantron lights up, as Mr. Colony is infront of the camera, and he looks a bit angry. *

Mr. Colony: Hey Big Show, I dont like you wrecking havoc on my show, so do me and everyone else here a favour, and stop this massacre!

* Big Show smiles, as he punches another security guard. *

Mr. Colony: Thats it, Big Show, pick on someone your own size! I am sick and tired of you wrecking my show!

Joey Styles: I dont think there is a man on earth of his size! He is a unstrikable force in the SWF!

* Big Show pushes all the guards out of the way, as he walks up the ramp, and out of the arena pissed right out *

( Just as big show leaves, the titantron lights with Samoa Joe holding his SWF World Title around his shoulder, and Joey Styles, previously taped interview )

Joey Styles: Thanks Samoa Joe for coming here tonight.

Samoa Joe: Im doing great, just relaxing after a successful Uproar show from last week.

Joey Styles: On Uproar, you faced Matt Hardy, how was that match for you?

Samoa Joe: Matt Hardy isnt a challenge. He is a opponent, not a challenge. I can beat him blindfolded, he isnt wrestling material, and tonight, when I face him and his brother, Jeff, haha, they wont win.

Joey Styles: At WrestleFest, you defeated CM Punk to retain your World Title....how did that win make you feel?

Samoa Joe: How did that win make me feel? Joey, that match will be in my future DVD! That match...is probably one of the biggest in SWF history to this date!

Joey Styles: Ok, but how are your feelings for CM Punk, is he a friend to you?

Samoa Joe: Are you kidding? I dont trust nobody in that lockeroom, but I dont have harsh feelings for CM Punk right now. Our match was amazing, we had the most tense rival! CM Punk isnt my number one enemy right now.

Joey Styles: Speaking of enimes, who are you picking to face Matt and Jeff Hardy tonight, as your partner?

Samoa Joe: Partner? What partner, I dont need a partner to defeat those 2 losers. They made the mistake on challenging me, and I can take them out, without any help. They wouldnt have a chance agaist me, and they dont! Tonight, its just me taking on them!

Joey Styles: One last question, Batista is facing AJ Styles tonight, and both men are great opponents, but if you had to pick one for you to face, who would it be?

Samoa Joe: Well, thats easy. Dave Batista. For one thing, AJ Styles isnt a challenge to me, and two, Dave Batista would be a challenge, and a great match for a PPV. But its clear, that Batista would lose anyways.

Joey Styles: Ok Joe, thanks for coming in today for this exclusive pre-show Interview.

Samoa Joe: No problem, time well wasted.

- During commercial, Mr.Kennedy came to the ring for the next match, as he talked threw the mic -

Joey Styles: Welcome back to Carnage, and as you can see, Mr.Kennedy is out here, waiting for Shelton Benjamin to arrive, as the next match is about to begin.

* Shelton Benjamin's theme hits!! * Benjamin walks down the ramp, as golden pyro shoots into the air. Benjamin enters the ring, and taunts the crowd.

'Gold Rush Tournament'
Round #1 Matchup
Mr.Kennedy .vs. Shelton Benjamin

* Bell Rings *

Kennedy and Benjamin stare eachother down from opposite sides of the ring, and then they circle the ring. Kennedy studying Benjamin, as Benjamin does the same to Kennedy. They lock up in the middle of the ring, as Kennedy overcomes Benjamin, and headlocks Benjamin. Kennedy hears the screams of pain from Benjamin, untill Benjamin breaks the submission, and throws Kennedy down to the canvas. Benjamin twists the arm of Kennedy, as he stomps on the arm of Kennedy. Benjamin elbowdrops Kennedy, and begins throwing more punches to the chest, arm, and shoulder of Kennedy, as he blocks his head from getting punched by the wiled up Benjamin. Benjamin takes Kennedy to his feet, but irish whips him agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, Kennedy lifts his leg high, and boots Benjamin right in the side of his jaw. Kennedy throws many punches to the head of Benjamin, as he hits a fast hard suplex onto Benjamin. Kennedy digs his heel into Benjamin's chest, as he screams in pain, and wants Kennedy to stop. The ref pulls Kennedy off, cause Shelton Benjamin couldnt breathe. Kennedy starts getting mouthy with the referee, as Benjamin tries to get up.

Joey Styles: Kennedy better not get too cocky with the referee, cause the ref is in charge, Kennedy could get disqualifyied!

Kennedy continues to argue with the referee, as Benjamin stands back up, and he runs agaist the ropes, and runs back, and scissor kicks Kennedy in the back of the head, but Kennedy falls onto the ref, knocking the ref out! Benjamin looks worried, as he grabs Kennedy, and pulls him away from nearby ropes, and starts choking him, in a Cripple Crossface chokehold. Kennedy taps, as he is in brutal pain, and cant take the aggressive submission. As Kennedy taps, there is no ref, and Benjamin looks back, and is mad. Benjamin has to break the submission, and he walks over to the ropes, and see's the ref laying flat outside the ring. He climbs out of the ropes, and outside the ring, and helps up the referee. He slides the ref back into the ring, and Benjamin goes in too. Benjamin begins walking over, when Kennedy gets up fast, and drives at Benjamin's legs, and knocks Benjamin over. Kennedy calls the ref to get up, and Kennedy lifts Benjamin back to his feet, as Kennedy irish whips Benjamin into the turnbuckle. Kennedy goes running at Benjamin, but Benjamin flips him over, and Kennedy hangs off, as Benjamin hits the Spider off the ropes!

Joey Styles: Now that ladies and gentlemen is a killer move! Mr.Kennedy may be finished at this point!

Benjamin unhooks the submission on the ropes, and Kennedy falls back into the ring. Benjamin lifts Kennedy back to his feet, and irish whips him agaist the ropes, but as Kennedy runs, Benjamin runs too, to hit a clothsline, but Kennedy moves out of the way, and Benjamin nails the ref with the clothsline! As Benjamin tries to help the ref, Kennedy climbs out of the ring, and grabs a steel chair. Kennedy slides into the ring, and is behind Benjamin with the steel chair. Benjamin turns around, and Kennedy nails Benjamin in the head with the chair! Kennedy goes to pin Benjamin, but the ref is still seeing stars, and cannot move. Kennedy breaks the pin, and forces the ref to do the pin. Kennedy gets mad, and he forces his hand to tap, but Benjamin breaks it. Kennedy stand back up pissed off, and grabs the steel chair again, and stalks Benjamin behind him. Benjamin stands back up, and Kennedy swings at Benjamin, but Shelton dodges it, and spin kicks the chair into Kennedy's face! The chair goes flying out of the ring, and Benjamin see's the ref making progress on getting up. Benjamin goes for the pin, as the ref is couting the pin, 1..............2......................3! Mr.Kennedy takes a loss from Shelton Benjamin, as Benjamin advances to the Second Round!


As the match ended, Shelton Benjamin celebrated, as Mr.Kennedy was helped by officials. The ref looked mad, as he rose the arm of Shelton Benjamin, and Benjamin exits the ring. He tags the hands of fans, as he walks up the ramp, and Kennedy holds his head in pain, as he is helped up to his feet by officials.

* Carlito is walking backstage down a large hallway, when he comes across the SWF Tag Champions, Beer Money Inc. *

Carlito: Hey guys...

Robert: Uh...hey?

* Carlito doesnt have a decent conversation, as Beer Money Inc ignores Carlito. Carlito continues down the hallway, when he comes up to Deuce and Domino in the big parking alley, and he walks over to them. *

Carlito: Hey guys.

Deuce: What?

Carlito: Ah...nothing...just looking at your car.

Domino: Thought you were, nobody can resist looking at it!

Carlito: Now that....is cool!

* crowd goes wild *

* Carlito walks away, as Deuce and Domino take their minds off of Carlito. *

Joey Styles: Nice car! I sure dont have a decent car like that, but it would sure look good with me, haha. Coming up next on Carnage, the main event of the evening, Samoa Joe .vs. The Hardy Boyz! Samoa Joe had a chance to take a Tag Partner along with him, but he refused, and said he could do it alone, can he? We will find out tonight!

- During the commercial break, SWF Carnage aired its first commercial for Turning Point, SWF's next annual PPV -

Joey Styles: Welcome back to Carnage, and the end of the night is near, as the main event is up in just a few moments! But first, let me tell you, that Turning Point in a few weeks is going to be amazing, with all the Carnage going on backstage, flames will spark at the PPV for sure!

* Jeff Hardy's theme plays * as both Matt and Jeff come out, and Jeff's loud pyro shoots into the middle of the arena, lighting up the arena. The crowd is absolutely going wild for the Hardy's, as Matt and Jeff tag fans along their way down to the ring. They both slide into the ring, and taunt the fans, as they get ready for the match, and await Samoa Joe.

Joey Styles: Jeff and Matt Hardy make an amazing team, combining both of their skills, they can sure be a un-stoppable force in the SWF. Lets see if they can take out Current SWF Champion, Samoa Joe by themselves!

* Samoa Joe's theme hits!! * As the crowd goes nuts for the World Champion. Samoa Joe walks down the ramp with his World Title, as he tags a few fans that he can reach. He focuses on Matt and Jeff in the ring, as he goes to the steel steps, and walks up them, and enters the ring. He poses with the title, as he hands it to the ref to put aside. Joe and Matt both stare down eachother.

Joey Styles: Samoa Joe is one amazing athlete, ive never seen such a dominate champion as Samoa Joe before! He has got the skills, the attitude, even the looks to be a World Champion here in the SWF!

* As the match is about to begin, something happends. *

* CM Punk's theme hits!!! * The crowd is suprised in excitment, as CM Punk stands under the titantron, and Samoa Joe looks back, and he smiles, as CM Punk comes down the ramp, and enters the ring. CM Punk is going to be Samoa Joe's partner for the match!

Tag Team Matchup
Samoa Joe & CM Punk .vs. The Hardy Boyz

* Bell Rings *

Joe looks at Punk, as Punk hops into the ring, and Joe stands at the ropes, waiting for CM Punk to strike the hardy's. Jeff starts in the ring first, and the match begins. Jeff and Punk grapple in the middle of the ring, as Jeff overcomes Punk, and starts kicking him in the back of Punks' leg. Punk reverses the kick, and grabs the leg of Hardy, and pushes it down to the mat. Hardy kicks with his foot, and his foot hits Punk's chin, knocking Punk to the canvas. Jeff gets up, and he goes to legdrop CM Punk, but Punk dodges it, and Jeff hits the canvas. Punk runs agaist the ropes, and he runs back, and dropkicks Jeff in the shoulder, hurting Jeff. Jeff holds his shoulder in pain, as Punk springboards off of the ropes, and goes to dig his knee into the chest of Jeff, but Jeff manages to roll out of the way, and Punk hits the canvas hard knee first, making Punk unable to stand for a bit. Jeff goes onto the turnbuckle, and he is going to hit the Swanton Bomb early, but Punk gets up, and Jeff flys threw the air, and splashes right onto Punk. Jeff tags in Matt, and the crowd goes wild, as Matt runs in, and already starts stomping on the arm and leg of CM Punk.

Joey Styles: Look at Matt go, Matt Hardy has been trained for so many years, he one day, will be big in SWF.

Samoa Joe is looking worried, as he watches Matt Hardy destory and take down CM Punk. Matt lifts Punk to his feet, and irish whips Punk agaist the ropes, and as Punk runs back, he goes to hit a clothsline, but Matt dodges it, and Matt flips Punk over the top rope, and Punk crashes to the hard floor outside the ring. Joe climbs over the ropes, and into the ring, as Jeff runs in, and Samoa Joe and Jeff Hardy tackle eachother inside the ring. Matt springboards over the top rope, and over the 3rd rope, and onto CM Punk outside the ring! Joe picks up Hardy, and Samoa Drops him to the mat. Joe runs agaist the ropes, and runs back, and falls on Jeff, hitting a elbow drop to the chest of Jeff Hardy. Matt stands back up, and runs into the ring, and charges at Joe, but Joe dodges it, and uppercuts Matt in the jaw, and Matt falls to the canvas. Joe falls to the ground with Matt, and begins hitting a choking submission on Matt! Jeff is hurt, and he is outside the ring, trying to get back to his feet, as Punk slides under the ring ropes, and enters the ring again. Punk tells Joe to leave the ring, cause they will get DQ'ed, cause the ref is trying his hardest to get Joe out. Joe leaves the ring, and Punk goes, and hits a headlock submission on Matt!

Joey Styles: Once Samoa Joe is started, he will finish, thats why I think he wanted to be alone tonight! He could get the job done by himself.

Matt breaks the submission, and Joe wants Punk to tag him in. Punk tags in Joe, and Joe runs into the ring, and dropkicks Matt in the shoulder blade, hurting Matt. Jeff is still hurt, and he looks worried on Matt. Joe picks up Matt, and takes him to the turnbuckle, as Joe gives one more hard final blow to the head of Matt. Joe lays him on the turnbuckle, and he walks back. Matt is almost knocked out, and Joe goes running at him. Matt dodges it, and he trips Joe into the turnbuckle, and Joe smashes his face into the steel metal on the turnbuckle! Matt falls to his knee's, and Jeff runs in, and runs at Matt, and jumps off his back, and goes flying shoulder first at Joe, and connects with the head of Joe, knocking Joe down to the canvas! Joe is close to Punk, and Matt gets back up, but Joe tags in Punk just in time, and Punk runs at Matt, and swingkicks Matt right in the side of the head, knocking Matt to the canvas. Matt stands back up, but Punk clothslines Matt. Joe goes in to stop Jeff from coming in, and interupting the nice beating, Punk is having on Matt, but Jeff runs to the turnbuckle, and jumps off, and hits the Wisper In the Wind to Joe! Joe is hurt on the mat, and Jeff climbs the turnbuckle to hit the Swanton Bomb, but he is tired, and he brushes his hair back on the turnbuckle, but as this is going on, Punk has Matt lifted on his shoulders, and he throws him off, and hits the GTS on Matt Hardy! Jeff jumps, and hits the Swanton Bomb on Samoa Joe! Punk goes over to Jeff, and lifts him up, and hits another GTS! Punk pulls Matt, and goes for the pin, 1..........2.........3! CM Punk takes the win, and Samoa Joe and CM Punk win the first main event ever in Carnage history!

Your Winner: SAMOA JOE & CM PUNK!

After the match, CM Punk and Samoa Joe celebrate, as their hands are lifted, and Samoa Joe is given his World Title. CM Punk loses focus, as he looks at the World Title that Joe holds up in the air, getting lots of cheers from the crowd. CM Punk walks out of the ring, and tags fans walking up the ramp, as Joe exits after him. Matt and Jeff both stand up, and Jeff holds his back in pain, as Jeff and Matt congradulate eachother. Carnage closes, as the camera shows Punk raising his hands in victory, and Joe holding his title up high.

[ Carnage Closes ]

Evil Austin



SWF Pyro goes off and the Uproar Weekly Show is brought to you by Linkin Park ‘In the End’. (In the End plays on the tron and afterwards the pyro goes off and the crowd go nuts)

It starts with one thing
I don't know why
it doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind

I designed this rhyme
to explain in due time

All I know
Time is a valuable thing

Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
watch it count down to the end of the day

The clock ticks life away
It's so unreal

Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window

Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
Wasted it all just to watch you go

I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when

I tried so hard
And got so far

But in the end
it doesn't even matter

I had to fall
to lose it all

But in the end
it doesn't even matter
I’ve put my trust in you
pushed as far as I can go

and for all this
there’s only one thing you should know

I tried so hard
and got so far

But in the end
it doesn't even matter

I had to fall
to lose it all

But in the end
it doesn't even matter!

*Crowd goes wild

Joey Styles: “Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to Uproar!

*Crowd go nuts*

Joey Styles: “Last Monday Night we saw….”

(Highlights of Carnage placed on the tron)

~Show beating up Dibiase, Smith & Carlito
~Samoa Joe and Punk beating the Hardy Boys
~AJ and Benoit locking eyes
~Shelton Benjamin beating Mr. Kennedy

Joey Styles: “And right there above on the titon tron you also see the Championship Chase Tournament where the winner faces Samoa Joe at Turning Point this tournament so far has been a blockbuster of an event.”


*Randy Orton’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring with a mixed reaction by the crowd*

Joey Styles: “Here comes the man that beat Christian Cage exactly one week ago earning himself a shot at CM Punk in the second round.”

Randy Orton grabs the microphone and begins to speak.

Randy Orton: “Last week I said I was going to do something and I did it. I beat Christian Cage in the middle of this ring and that is a message to everyone out there in the tournament and in the locker room and especially you Samoa Joe that I am out to make an impact and I am out here to win the world heavyweight championship.”

Joey Styles: “He has face the likes of CM Punk next week which will be an explosive match he shouldn’t be too cocky just yet he hasn’t won anything yet.”

*Boos from the crowd they like Samoa Joe better then Randy Orton*

Randy Orton: “Hey chant whatever you want, you all will just be sitting back there and be watching me one by one eliminate everyone here and become the new world heavyweight champion it is my destiny to do so!”

*Boo by the crowd*

Randy Orton: “I can’t wait until Turning Point to take what is rightfully mine because Samoa Joe you are on a ticking clock you are on borrowed time you have four weeks until Turning Point where that title comes home to me Randy Orton.”

Randy Orton leaves the ring.

Joey Styles: “That was making a bold statement to the champ.”

*Chris Masters music hits and he makes his way down to the ring with a quite a large amount of heat from the crowd*

Chris Masters steps into the ring and waits for his opponent.

Joey Styles: “What a physical specimen.”

The music of Paul London hits and he makes his way down to the ring and races down before jumping up onto his feet with a great crowd pop.

Joey Styles: “This man usually is a tag team specialist but without his partner with him let’s see how he works out.”

Match – 1
Chris Masters vs. Paul London


*Bell rings*

Paul London circles the ring as does Chris Masters, Paul London claps his hands together as he gets the crowd chanting behind him before running at Chris Masters who runs at Paul London and in the middle of the ring Chris Masters leans his arm out and goes to clothesline Paul London down on the mat but Paul London ducks underneath it and from behind Chris Masters, London begins to throw rights and lefts into the lower back of Chris Masters before turning him around and throwing him at the ropes. On the rebound Chris Masters the much bigger and wider of the two, knocked Paul London down with a shoulder block and kept running at the ropes, this time on the rebound Paul London sprang up to his feet and knocked Masters down with a high drop kick. Paul London covers Chris Masters on the mat for the pin fall without hooking any of the legs and Chris Masters just kicks out with authority sending Paul London flying back to the other end of the ring. Paul London on his feet doesn’t let Chris Masters get on his feet and goes straight for the attack, he runs at Masters and hits a hard leg drop on him and then runs at the ropes behind him for a bit of momentum and goes for another leg drop but Chris Masters rolls under the bottom rope and to the outside with a smile on his face as Paul London sits on the mat holding his lower back as he missed Masters. Masters from the outside of the ring grabs both of Paul London’s legs and drags him under the bottom rope and to the outside of the ring with him before hitting him with a knock out right hand blow to the jaw putting London down on one knee.

Joey Styles: “Look at this action it has even taken to the outside of the ring.”

Chris Masters grabs hold of London’s left arm and with all of his strength and power throws him as hard as he can into the steel steps but Paul London while running jumps onto the steel steps and then standing on the second step leaps backwards and hits a corkscrew moon Sault on him taking both men down near the entrance ramp. It takes a few moments but Paul London gets up to his feet at the referee’s count of four and groggily rolls his opponent Chris Masters into the ring before going into the ring himself. Paul London grabs the legs of Chris Masters and slowly drags him from the ropes area to the center of the ring before covering him for another pin fall attempt but Masters kicked out in the last moment of the count of two and a bit, Paul London had then stood up had then turned his back to Masters and went for a standing back flip moon Sault into a pin fall. Paul London jumped up and while in the air, Chris Masters put his knee’s up and cracked Paul London in the gut with his knees making him roll around the ring in a lot of pain. Chris Masters gets up to his feet and then picks up Paul London by the shoulders and locks him into the deathly Master Lock!, Chris Masters has him up in the air grasping and being knocked out as he dangles his legs swinging him from side to side. It takes a few seconds of pain but Paul London then puts his feet against the second rope and bounces off of it pushing backwards making Chris Masters fall back on his back in the middle of the ring. Paul London then uses the aid of the ropes to help him up to a vertical base as he holds his head and shoulder area from the damage given by the Master Lock moments ago. Paul London then sees that Chris Masters is on one knee in the push up position he then runs at the ropes and on the rebound dropkicks Chris Masters in the side of the head to put him back on the canvas mat below.

Paul London then leaves the ring through the second rope and goes up the turnbuckles and goes for an Arial like move to try and end this matchup Paul London at the top turnbuckle waits a few seconds as he looks around at all directions of the crowd as they chant his name. Though it was shown that he had waited too long and Chris Masters who was playing possum jumped up onto his feet and then went up to the turnbuckles stood on the second rope and grabbed hold of Paul London’s body and carried him from the top rope over his head to the center of the ring in a ‘gorilla press slam’ position. Chris Masters then slams his opponent chest first onto the mat and goes for a quick pin fall cover on him, the referee makes the count. 1…….2…. but Paul London kicked out his opponent couldn’t believe his eyes as he picked him up by the head and went for another high impact move but Paul London on one knee began to punch Chris Masters in the lower mid section as hard as he can like a machine and make him wobble back before Paul sprung up to his feet and dropkicked his opponent onto the mat. Paul London gets up to his feet holding his head as he then runs at the turnbuckles and goes for a shooting star press when he got to the top rope to try and put his opponent away. He leaps up into the air and is about to hit it before Chris Masters had the wherewithal with move out of the way. Chris Masters then used the aid of the ropes to get up to his feet and lock him into the master lock once again. This time almost instantly the referee rang the bell as there was no sign of life in Paul London and this match was over in a hurry.


Joey Styles: “How devastating is that master lock I can’t believe it.”

*Mr. Kennedy’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.*

Joey Styles: “On his way down to the ring, Mr. Kennedy.”

Mr. Kennedy grabs the microphone and begins to speak.

Mr. Kennedy: “What, Joey, that’s it?”

Crowd boos Mr. Kennedy as the lights dim-men

Mr. Kennedy: “Joey Styles, take notes because this is how you introduce a man of my stature of my capabilities I weigh in tonight at an astonishing 235 pounds standing in at 6 ft tall I am MISTER KENNNEDY! *Goes up onto the top rope* KENNEDY!!!”

Joey Styles: “And this man his opponent had something to say in his backstage interview earlier tonight when asked about tonight’s matchup.”

Justin Roberts is backstage with Christian Cage who seems to be in a good mood.

Roberts: “What are you so happy about Christian?”

Christian Cage: “I am happy because not only will I win tonight’s match with Mr. Kennedy but I will have my best friend with me watching.”

Roberts: “Who is this friend?”

Christian Cage: “You all will find out soon enough.”

Christian Cage is seen walking down the hallway to the tunnel’ where he is about to enter the ring as his entrance music hits.

*Christian Cage’s music hits and the crowd goes nuts as he makes his way down the entrance ramp to the ring where Mr. Kennedy is waiting for him*

Joey Styles: “I wonder who Christian brought along with him tonight?”

Match 2
Mr. Kennedy vs. Christian Cage


*Bell rings*

Christian and Mr. Kennedy walk up to each other as each man gets in each other’s face and begins to talk trash to each other. Kennedy pushes Christian Cage back and sticks his palm in Christian’s face and shows total disrespect before Christian loses it and runs at Mr. Kennedy as he was pushed back a step or two, Christian goes for a hard clothesline shot on Mr. Kennedy but Mr. Kennedy ducks underneath it and then Mr. Kennedy ducks underneath it and turns around only to be hit a few times in the jaw by Christian Cage. Christian Cage continues to throw the rights and lefts backing Mr. Kennedy at the ropes, Mr. Kennedy then rakes the eyes and shows that he will do anything to get an advantage in this matchup, as Christian holds his left eye temporarily blinded Kennedy kicks him in the gut and lifts him up on his shoulders and then drops his throat onto the top rope whiplashing his head back and choking him in the process, Christian Cage drops down onto the mat and is coughing as he got winded in the throat. Mr. Kennedy goes up to him and begins to kick him and stomp away at him; he kicks him in all corners of his body not leaving a body untouched. Mr. Kennedy then picks Christian Cage up to his feet he then locks up with him and in the lock up position he gives Christian a few side elbows to the jaw, Christian then retaliates with a couple of European uppercuts of his own and then throws Mr. Kennedy at the ropes, on the rebound Mr. Kennedy ducks underneath a clothesline attempt by Christian Cage and keeps running and on the rebound this time Christian turns around and holds his knee up and takes Mr. Kennedy down. Mr. Kennedy holds his chest as he got kneed in the rib cages and he then gets lifted back up to his feet, Christian then throws him into the turnbuckles and Mr. Kennedy reverses it throwing Christian at the turnbuckles chest first, Christian bangs his chest on the turnbuckles and then comes wobbling back only to be dropkicked by Mr. Kennedy making him head butt the second turnbuckle as he was kicked in the lower back. Mr. Kennedy then grabs Christian’s tights and a knocked out Christian gets pulled out of the corner and still holding the tights Mr. Kennedy rolls him up in the corner for the first pin fall in this matchup, the referee makes the count but after the one count he stops and sees that Mr. Kennedy has his feet up on the second rope for leverage and the referee ends the count. Mr. Kennedy isn’t pleased but he lifts Christian Cage up and puts his back against the corner, he stands up on the second turnbuckles and continues to physically pummel him with hard shots to the top of the head.

Christian then pushes Mr. Kennedy forward at about the fourth or fifth punch, where Christian then comes running out of the corner and clotheslines Mr. Kennedy down, Christian then picks Mr. Kennedy up onto his feet kicks him in the gut and runs at the ropes while Mr. Kennedy leans forward, Christian grabs hold of Mr. Kennedy’s neck and head area and goes for a swinging neck breaker and nails it in the middle of the ring. Christian goes for the pin fall but he only gets a one and a half count as Mr. Kennedy kicked out. Christian Cage then picks Mr. Kennedy up to a vertical base and kicks him in the gut and once again, he then throws him at the ropes and then Christian leans forward in hope for a back body drop but Mr. Kennedy puts the breaks on and then walks slowly up to Christian and goes for a swinging neck breaker on him after clubbing him hard with closed fists on the back, but as he turns Christian around holding his head and neck area Christian counters it by turning again doing a 360’ and then has him in position for another neck breaker on Mr. Kennedy. But Christian then changes the position of his arms and then has his body ready for the ‘un-prettier’ finisher move planting Mr. Kennedy’s head on the canvas mat below. He goes for it but Mr. Kennedy pushes his opponent Christian at the ropes and then on the rebound Mr. Kennedy on one knee hits a Samoan drop on Christian and drops him onto the mat in the middle of the ring. Mr. Kennedy then jumps up onto his feet and begins to kick away at Christian Cage, Mr. Kennedy had then grabbed Christian Cage by the by the legs and dragged him to the middle of the ring where he is nowhere near the ropes. Kennedy then cautiously goes up to the second turnbuckle and goes for a leg drop on Christian Cage. Mr. Kennedy goes into the air, and just before he could make contact and hit the move on Christian, Christian the ring veteran moves slightly out of the way so Mr. Kennedy would land awkwardly in the middle of the ring shrieking in pain as he sits there.

Christian Cage keeps rolling around the ring towards the ropes as he then uses the aid of the ropes to pull himself up to a vertical base. He then runs at Mr. Kennedy who at this time was on one knee slowly getting to his feet groggily himself. As Christian is running at Mr. Kennedy, he then goes for a clothesline on Mr. Kennedy but Mr. Kennedy had the same idea himself to clothesline Christian and they both clothes lined each other in a double whiplash effect which sent both men to the mat as the referee began to count them out. It would take to the referee’s five count for Mr. Kennedy who apparently got the best of the double clothesline, to use the ropes aid to help him up to his feet. Once on his feet he would then pick Christian Cage up to his feet and throw him into the corner of the ring, although Christian Cage reverses the Irish whip by Mr. Kennedy and then throws him at the corner of the ring where he then runs at the corner and clotheslines him in it before pummeling him with hard shots all around his body with left and rights and a few kicks to the sternum. Christian Cage then goes up onto the second turnbuckle and begins to hit Mr. Kennedy with hard shots to the top of his head before Mr. Kennedy grabs a hold of Christian’s tights and carries him to the middle of the ring in a power bomb position, just before he could hit him with it Christian then hit a hurricarana on Mr. Kennedy after leaning back and that sent Mr. Kennedy rolling to the other corner of the ring sitting against the turnbuckles. Mr. Kennedy then after a couple of seconds stands up onto his feet, shakes it off and then circles the ring with Christian once more as we go back to square one and both men go towards each other and lock hands in a test of strength. Cautiously and slowly they lock up to see which one of them is the stronger of the two, Mr. Kennedy then gets pushed down onto the mat as it looks like Christian has the advantage but he then comes back up and pushes Christian’s back onto the mat.

Christian then puts his knees up as he has his back onto the mat; he puts his knees in between Mr. Kennedy and himself. While still locking hands he then kicks Mr. Kennedy back and stands back up himself on his feet and still holding the arms of Kennedy he then twists the right one and goes behind Mr. Kennedy with a hammer lock arm bar as he holds Kennedy’s arm behind his back. Kennedy then with his free arm his left one starts to throw it franticly behind him in hope to make contact with Christian, but Mr. Kennedy misses it and then after a few more ducks by Christian he does manage to hit a hard elbow to the side of Christian’s head. Mr. Kennedy then has Christian taking a step back holding the side of his head and then Christian calls for the referee to come and have a look at him to see if he is ok, Mr. Kennedy has a smirk on his face as Christian is being attended to by the referee in the corner of the ring, When Mr. Kennedy taunts the crowd as he thinks that Christian is out of it and hurt he then gets dropkicked in the upper back by Christian from behind and Mr. Kennedy is on his knees face into the second rope like a 619’ position. Christian is totally fine as he was faking it and he showed that he can also play the dirty game, Christian then runs at the ropes behind Mr. Kennedy and while Kennedy is groggy he then hits a running knee onto Mr. Kennedy’s head squashing his throat into the ropes and choking it, Christian holds the top rope up as he puts pressure on his knee pushing Mr. Kennedy’s throat into the second rope and choking him as the referee starts the five count but the match continues when Christian lets go at the count of three and a half.

Joey Styles: “Christian just showed Mr. Kennedy that he can play dirty with the best of them just like Mr. Kennedy had placed Christian’s throat into the top rope in the early parts of this matchup it’s just getting him back.”

Christian then comes out of the ropes and lets Mr. Kennedy go as Kennedy falls onto his back onto the mat near the ropes and Christian goes for a quick pin fall on him covering him without hooking any of the legs but Mr. Kennedy gets his hand wrapped around the bottom rope to save himself and the matchup. Christian then stands up and runs at the ropes before Mr. Kennedy could even get out of the corner he then baseball slides him in the ribs while he still holds the bottom rope, Christian then drags Mr. Kennedy’s body to the middle of the ring by the legs and then goes for another pin fall, this time hooking both legs and the referee makes the count. 1……..2….But Mr. Kenney kicked out just before the third count could be made it was really close this time. Christian Cage then picks him up and wants to end this match right here and right now he then goes to kick Mr. Kennedy in the gut but Mr. Kennedy catches the leg by Christian and then Christian hopping on one leg for a few seconds and hits a jumping enziguri kick to the back of the head of Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy is down as Christian rolls him up onto his back for the pin fall but Mr. Kennedy once again kicks out, Christian then picks Mr. Kennedy up to his feet by the head and goes for his finisher move the ‘unprettier’ for the second time in this match he then grabs hold of Kennedy’s head and turns it around with his body and slams him down to the mat with a smirk on his face. Christian then hooks the leg for the pin fall for the fourth time in a few minutes and this time the when the referee makes the count he finally gets the three count and Christian Cage had won the match.


Christian Cage stands up on his feet being happy and weary after this great matchup between two phenomenal athletes and Christian’s arm is being raised by the referee.

Joey Styles: “What what’s going on here that? Could he be the man that Christian was talking about earlier?”

Suddenly as Christian Cage leaves through the second rope and Mr. Kennedy is on the mat, a large possibly 6 and a half foot tall man from the crowd storms into the ring flying past security and begins to stomp away at Mr. Kennedy before picking him up and hitting a hard power bomb on him inflicting more damage.

Joey Styles: “Someone get in there and stop this thing.”

Christian Cage claps him on from the top of the entrance ramp as he leaves through the crowd during the commercial break.

*The camera goes backstage into the locker room area*

the lights are darkened and there is nothing that is seen, it is pitched black darkness until the lights suddenly flicker’ on and all you see is that there is an empty room. Then the camera does a 360’ of the room and no one is seen until the last corner of the room is passed by and a man in a stray jacked tied up in the corner of the locker room is sitting down and he has his head in his knees in the corner of the room. The man rocks back and forth whispering weird things to himself that people cannot make out but after a few seconds the man lifts his head up from his knees and looks at the camera and is seen to be the ‘Monster’ known as Abyss. Abyss after two or three seconds of looking at the camera puts his head back into his knees the lights darken once again and all you hear is the whisper of the Big Show’s name. The camera then moves back down to the announce tables.

Joey Styles: “Well that was weird as hell.”

The Camera goes backstage once more to the GM’s office as William Regal walks in.

Mr. Colony: “Yes what can I do for you Mr. Regal?”

William Regal: “Sir, I know you well and you too me are one of the smartest men in the wrestling industry.”

(Sucking up to him)

William Regal: “(about to say something but gets interrupted)”

Mr. Colony: “look what did you come here for, I know how everything works you try to suck up to me and then you try and convince me that you should be in the main event and trying to get on my good side for a shot at the title look just admit it, that would probably just make your chances better instead of all of this talk that wastes both my time and yours.”

William Regal: “Oh no, Mr. Colony…sir you have got me all wrong I am an Englishman and us Englishman take pride in ourselves and show ourselves in a manner of pride and dignity to our fellow employees.”

Mr. Colony: “Then what was it that you came here for, I am sure it wasn’t for a short chit chat with me and have a cup of coffee, the fact that you are not only wasting my time but you are lying in the process is really aggravating me, so let me end this conversation now and let me just take a guess you either want a title match tonight or you want to me in the tournament well it’s too late for that.”

William Regal is beginning to get a bit upset.

Mr. Colony: “Look would you just get yourself out of my office please, escort yourself out. I have got better things to do and worry about.”
Joey Styles: “Looks like the General Manager doesn’t take anything from anybody, good for him.”

*Highlights are shown of Edge interrupting the Shelton Benjamin and El Generico match last week and hitting El Generico and Benjamin with chairs and spearing El Generico making that match end earlier then expected.*

Joey Styles: “Looks like we have our first tournament match of the evening, Edge taking on El Generico which will be coming up shortly.”

After the commercial break El Generico’s music hits and he gets a standing ovation as he sprints down to the ring high fiving* many kids in the front row along the way down before going up the steel steps and entering the ring.

Joey Styles: “Looks like he is hyped up and full of energy as always, he will need it against a man like Edge tonight though.”

*Edge’s you think you know me music hits and he makes his way down to the ring he gets lots of crowd heat.*

Match 3
‘Gold Rush Tournament Round 1# Matchup’
El Generico vs. Edge


*Bell rings*

Edge runs at El Generico who hits a hard impactful arm drag out of nowhere which puts Edge near the corner of the ring on his side as El Generico holds his right arm and slowly pulls him up to his feet with it before putting his arm behind his back for a hammer lock arm bar. As El Generico applies the pressure behind Edge’s back, Edge tries to move his way out of it he tries to hit a few elbows with his free left hand but he missed them all and only after a couple of moments did the hold get broken when Edge moved forward and with his left hand grabbing onto the top rope when El Generico was forced to let go. Edge turned around with a smirk on his face as if he had out smarted his opponent so far in the early parts of this matchup, Edge ran at El Generico at full speed but El Generico dropkicked him down making him hit the mat with his back, El Generico grabbed Edge by the head and threw him at the corner of the ring where El Generico stands opposite him and begins to hit him with hard knife edged chops. El Generico stands up onto the second rope and begins to club his opponent in the top of the head with hard shots, after two or three shots Edge ducks underneath one of them and goes behind him and clubs his opponent with a few hard closed fists in the upper back. Edge then grabs El Generico by the legs and puts him on his shoulders with an ‘electric chair’ like position and carries him to the center of the ring and goes to drop him down on his back with the electric chair move but El Generico on Edge’s shoulders leans back and hits a ‘tilter world’ hurricarana sending Edge to the corner of the ring a he stands up surprisingly and El Generico and Edge circle the ring once again as the crowd really cheer and get into this high paced matchup.

Joey Styles: “What a high paced matchup; it’s any many ball game now.”

Edge and El Generico walk up to each other and lock up, Edge kicks El Generico in the gut and then throws him at the ropes, El Generico on the rebound puts the breaks on and then Edge runs at him but El Generico ducks underneath it and flips Edge over the top rope, but Edge like a cat’ lands on the ring apron behind El Generico and grabs hold of El Generico’s head and pulls him down throat first into the top turnbuckle making a hard whiplash effect which sends El Generico down to the mat on his back. Edge steps back into the ring and then makes his way to the corner of the ring as he leant forward and began to set up a Spear move on El Generico waiting for him to get to his feet. El Generico the incredible athlete leaps over Edge and ends up behind him as Edge almost hits his head on the second turnbuckle on the other side of the ring. Edge turns around only to be kicked in the gut by El Generico and El Generico took him to the middle of the ring and then grabbed Edge by the head, he lifted his left arm up pointing to the sky and screamed Brain Buster as the crowd went nuts. Edge was lifted up for the move vertically up in the air and just before he was smashed down to the canvas mat below, Edge started to wobble and move his legs and managed to make his way down to the mat and back to his feet Edge then kicked El Generico in the gut grabbed him by the head and went for an ‘execution’ DDT like move. El Generico then in position for it leans backwards and flips Edge over his shoulder and has him in a northern lights suplex ‘bridge’ pin fall. The referee makes the count, 1…..2. But Edge had kicked out, moments later El Generico got up to his feet and then picked Edge by the head up to his feet as well, he throw Edge at the ropes and then Edge had countered it and had thrown El Generico at the ropes and had leant forward for a back body drop but El Generico while running flipped over Edge and rolled him up for a sunset flip pin fall, the referee made the count but Edge had kicked out almost instantly. When El Generico had gotten up to his feet about the same time as Edge, El Generico ran at Edge only to have Edge duck underneath the clothesline attempt by El Generico and then kept running at the ropes behind him and when El Generico had turned around Edge had gone for a spear but Edge had missed when El Generico had moved out of the way and Edge was caught by El Generico and guided out of the ring as he flew out through the second rope near the entrance ramp. El Generico got a great crowd reaction.

El Generico stood there for a few moments grabbing his breath as he then ran at the ropes and on the rebound as he ran in the direction of Edge facing the entrance ramp he then jumped in one enormous leap onto the top rope and from there jumped onto Edge and hit a swinging DDT on the outside of the ring planting his head square on the concrete slab. El Generico stood up moments later as he got a great crowd reaction after he had hit Edge with a suicide dive into a tornado swinging DDT on the outside. The referee began his count, as El Generico picked Edge up by the body and rolled him into the ring under the bottom rope; El Generico went in himself not long after and had gone for the third pin fall in this matchup the referee had made the count 1…..2…. but Edge had hit his leg on the bottom rope and the count was broken up. El Generico stood up and signaled the end of this match as he wants to hit Edge with a brain buster!, Edge was lifted up to his feet and taken to the middle of the ring as El Generico continued to taunt but then Edge had raked the eyes of El Generico making him temporarily blinded and Edge had then kicked him in the gut and hit a suplex on him in the middle of the ring. Edge then picks El Generico up to his feet by the head and throws him into the turnbuckles, on the rebound as Edge ran at him El Generico put his legs up and went up and over him and then grabbed him and rolled him up in the corner with another sun set flip almost catching him off guard and stealing one but Edge had kicked out just before the count of three was made.

Joey Styles: “Another close pin fall by El Generico showing great mat wrestling skills.”

As El Generico is in the corner and has his legs on Edge’s shoulders after the pin fall, Edge kicks back and reverses it he puts his legs on El Generico’s shoulders in the corner and then holds onto the second rope for leverage and as he cheated for another pin fall attempt, the referee made the count without noticing it, 1….2…3! Edge had then rolled out under the bottom rope and walked up to the back with a smile on his face with lots of boos as he cheated and stole a victory in the tournament.


Joey Styles: “Looks like Edge is moving onto the second round, this tournament is shaping up to be an explosive finale.”

Backstage Ted Dibiase walks up to Shelton Benjamin in the back.

Ted Dibiase: “Hey you’re in the gold rush tournament aren’t you?”

Shelton Benjamin: “I am the gold standard, I am the tournament winner.”

Ted Dibiase: “Hahaha don’t make me laugh, I would just beat you up if I was in the tournament you are not even main event material.”

Shelton Benjamin: “But you are not in the tournament are you, that shows how much of a main eventer you are. “

Ted Dibiase is looking upset.

Ted Dibiase: “Yea well, this briefcase right here is absolutely priceless and no matter who is the champion if it is Samoa Joe or anyone on the roster I will cash it in when I am ready and I will become the champion.”

Shelton Benjamin: “The only reason you’re the Money in the Bank holder is because I wasn’t in the Money in the Bank ladder match at Wrestle Fest, you are just lucky.”

Ted Dibiase: “If if if, if only… you can live your life wondering and wishing that you are like me but you can’t because I am not only the Money in the Bank holder but I am simply priceless.”

Shelton Benjamin: “Hey I would wipe that smirk off of your face, because it will be me winning the tournament and it will be me at Turning Point becoming the new World Heavyweight champion.”

Ted Dibiase: “And it will be me who can cash my briefcase in any time I want and becoming the new heavyweight champion.”

Suddenly from behind both men, Samoa Joe turns up and puts his arm around both men’s respective shoulders.

Samoa Joe: “Guys, guys I think you all are getting way too far ahead of yourselves you are each forgetting that I am the current champion and you have to get through me first.”

Loud Crowd Pop

Ted Dibiase continues to wander down the hallway with a smile on his face and the briefcase in his arms as the camera moves down to the ring for another matchup.

“Jeff Hardy’s music hits and the crowd go wild as the charismatic enigma makes his way down to the ring.”

Not long after, the music of “Elijah Burke hits, and he makes his way down to the ring not long after stepping into the ring with Jeff Hardy.”

Joey Styles: “Hey I don’t like the way that Elijah Burke acts, but I respect his accomplishments this guy has over 100 wins in professional boxing and martial arts matches, Jeff Hardy has his hands full tonight.”

Match 4
Tournament Matchup
Jeff Hardy vs. Elijah Burke


*Bell rings*

Elijah Burke runs at Jeff Hardy at full force only to get kicked in the gut and then get a few hard rights and lefts thrown at him. Jeff Hardy then grabs Elijah Burke and throws him at the ropes, Jeff Hardy leans forward as he is in hope for a back body drop but Elijah Burke puts the breaks on and then walks up to his opponent and clubs him in the lower back as hard as he could with a closed fist making Jeff Hardy go down to one knee. Elijah Burke ran at the ropes behind him and then clothes lined his opponent down on the mat, Elijah Burke went for a quick pin fall cover but it was kicked out before it could even start as Elijah Burke then picked Jeff Hardy up to a vertical base by his hair and then threw him into the corner of the ring but Jeff Hardy jumps at the turnbuckles and bounces off of it going for a devastating ‘whisper in the wind’ high flying move but Elijah Burke moves his body back a few steps as Jeff Hardy crashed and burnt on the hard canvas mat below with his back bouncing off of it. Elijah Burke then begins to stomp away at him before grabbing his opponent by the arm, pulling him and dragging him to the middle of the ring and then hooking both legs for a pin fall as the referee went down to make the count. 1....2... But Jeff Hardy had kicked out and Elijah Burke was in shock as Burke stood back up to his feet and then looked around before grabbing Jeff Hardy by the hair and dragging him to one knee, Elijah Burke then gets punched a few times below the belt as he holds his gut and steps back as Jeff Hardy gets back up to his feet, a groggy Elijah Burke runs at Jeff Hardy but Jeff Hardy ducks underneath and begins to throw rights and lefts before grabbing Elijah Burke’s head and slamming it into the canvas mat between his legs with a face planter like maneuver.

Jeff Hardy then grabs him by the arm and takes him to the corner of the ring making him sit against the bottom corner; Jeff Hardy takes a few steps back and then goes for a hard mule like kick to the chest of Elijah Burke, Jeff Hardy runs at Elijah Burke in full speed but Elijah Burke suddenly revealed he was playing possum and from the corner of the ring he rolled out of the ring under the bottom rope and to the outside. Jeff Hardy put his arms out to stop himself from hitting the turnbuckles while running and then when he saw that Elijah Burke was smiling and taunting on the outside of the ring, Jeff Hardy near the ropes in the corner had then grabbed hold of the top rope with both hands and pulled himself up and over the top rope and to the outside of the ring taking Elijah Burke down with some impact getting inflicted to himself in the process. As the referee begins the ten count; 1….2….3….4 But still no sign of life in any man, 5….6… Jeff Hardy and Elijah Burke begin to get into the push up position, Elijah Burke is the first one to his feet and as Jeff Hardy is still weary and groggy on one knee Elijah Burke runs at him going for a boot to the side of the head and hits it taking Jeff Hardy down onto his back. The referee’s count is at eight and Elijah Burke quickly realizes he rolls into the ring and then back out of the ring to make the referee start again on his count. Elijah Burke grabs hold of Jeff Hardy and rolls him into the ring, he then with Jeff on his back in the middle of the ring- Elijah Burke grabs hold of Jeff Hardy’s right leg and then twists it going for some sort of submission style move on him but Jeff Hardy with the other leg kicks Elijah Burke in the lower back pushing him at the ropes, Elijah Burke while running stops at the ropes turns around and doesn’t give Jeff a chance to get a breather he runs at him grabbing both legs and rolling him up for another pin fall attempt but Jeff Hardy using all of his strength pushes his opponent Elijah Burke up to his feet and then turns him around and then holding onto the arms of Burke, pulls him down for a victory roll like pin fall with Elijah’s shoulders on the mat the referee makes the count. 1….2. But Elijah Burke had the wherewithal to kick out.

Jeff Hardy raced up to his feet and saw that Elijah Burke wasn’t staying down and was on one knee with still lots of fight left in him; Jeff ran at the ropes behind him and then on the rebound went for a flying cross body move but he was caught by Elijah Burke and then Burke slammed Hardy onto the mat as hard as he could with a power slam like effect. Elijah Burke then rolled him up for another pin fall but he only got a two count. Elijah Burke stood up and took Jeff Hardy by the hair to his feet with him, Elijah Burke kicked Jeff Hardy in the gut and then hit a snap suplex in the middle of the ring putting more damage on the lower back before going on him for another pin fall trying to tire him out though Jeff Hardy had kicked out once again just before the count of three. Elijah Burke runs at the ropes and on the rebound goes for a base ball slide to the jaw of Jeff Hardy and hits it, Elijah Burke this time instead of going for another pin fall picks Jeff Hardy up and puts his back against the corner of the ring, as Jeff Hardy stands there groggily with his back to Elijah Burke- Elijah Burke walks backwards to the other end of the ring and then goes to hit his finisher maneuver the Elijah Express a double knee shot to the lower back of Jeff Hardy, Elijah Burke is in motion but then just before contact would be made Jeff Hardy hit a back mule kick stopping Elijah Burke in his tracks, Jeff Hardy then turns around and with a groggy Elijah Burke in the middle of the ring he then hits a side effect. Instead of going for the pin fall, Jeff Hardy went to the apron and then up onto the turnbuckles he then leaped into the air and nailed a devastating Swanton Bomb on Elijah Burke and that was it, the referee made the count and the match was over.


After the matchup as Jeff Hardy celebrates on the top rope, a commercial break hits and when the commercial is back on CM Punk’s music hits and he gets a great crowd reaction as he makes his way down to the ring. Followed not long after by the Animal Dave Batista as these two are ready for the Main Event match.

Joey Styles: “And that main event match is next.”

Main Event Match
CM Punk vs. Dave Batista


*Bell rings*

CM Punk tries to get an early advantage going into this match as he runs at Batista, Batista catches him in a spine buster like position and then goes to slam his back down onto the mat but CM Punk while being held by Batista, grabs hold of Batista’s head and holds on and tries to take him down with a DDT like maneuver. CM Punk after a few seconds after trying to drag Batista down realized he couldn’t and Batista was not moving he was just too large. Batista just put under the arm pit and chest area of CM Punk and pushed him up and let him fall down chest first into the canvas mat below with a hard thud CM Punk was holding his chest moving around the ring. Batista grabs CM Punk by the head and picks him up to a vertical base before dropping him back down to the mat for a scoop slam. Batista calls the referee over to him and points at CM Punk as Batista covers him for the pin fall and the referee makes the count, 1….. But just as the referee’s hand was coming down for the second count CM Punk had gotten his shoulder up and off of the canvas. Batista then took CM Punk up by the head, trying to get him up to his feet but CM Punk at one knee began to try and fight back with hard shots going everywhere all around Batista’s chest area. CM Punk then on one knee puts a groggy Batista on his shoulders and then stands up slowly and cautiously as Batista is no small man to lift up. CM Punk takes him to the middle of the ring and is in position for the GTS but Batista starts to move down CM Punk’s back and when CM Punk turns around he gets kicked in the gut, Batista then grabs hold of CM Punk and has him in position for a suplex and goes for one. CM Punk blocks it and puts his foot behind Batista’s foot, CM Punk then with all of his strength lifts Batista up and over and suplexes him in the middle of the ring as CM Punk stands up for a great crowd reaction.

CM Punk then after a few seconds sees that Batista is slowly getting up to his feet, currently sitting on the mat CM Punk runs at the ropes and on the rebound kicks him in the chest with authority putting him back down to the ring. CM Punk covers Batista for a quick pin fall but Batista had kicked out of it barely before the count could have begun. CM Punk stood up after the pin fall and tried to slowly take the animal Batista up with him by the head. He managed to get him partially up to his feet before on one knee, Batista under the arm of CM Punk ran with him to the corner of the ring shoulder blocking him in the corner of the ring against the turnbuckles numerous times squashing his gut against the turnbuckles painfully. Batista then grabbed hold of CM Punk by the arm and threw him at the opposite turnbuckles CM Punk’s back bounced off of the turnbuckles as Batista ran at him from ‘coast to coast’ going for another shoulder block like spear in the corner of the ring but CM Punk moved out of the way and Batista had hit his head and shoulder into the second turnbuckle. CM Punk dragged a groggy Batista off of the second turnbuckle and down onto the mat as CM Punk went for another pin fall attempt but at the count of one Batista had his foot on the bottom rope to break it up. CM Punk had gotten up onto his feet and had taken Batista by the legs to the middle of the ring; he had then while holding the right leg of the big man Batista, CM Punk had turned Batista onto his stomach and locked him into the half Boston crab, a one legged ‘Walls of Jericho’.

Dave Batista is now on his stomach locked into this painful submission hold in the middle of the ring and is screaming in agony as he reaches his arm out in front of him going for a rope break’ but Batista being in the middle of the ring is just too far away to reach the ring ropes and is stuck in this hold for now as he out of exhaustion has his face in the canvas. The referee goes down to one knee and asks Batista is he wants to give up does he quit, and he screams no as he pushes himself back up and tries to drag himself over to the ropes, as Batista uses his animalistic strength to pull himself with CM Punk over to the ropes, CM Punk walks forward back to the middle of the ring as Batista is further away from the ropes. CM Punk instead of standing up has moved down to the sitting position leaning back as Batista is now in even more pain as his leg is being worked on. Batista still refusing to tap out; tries once again to reach for the ropes but it sinks in that he just won’t get to the ropes. Batista then rolls onto his back and CM Punk holds onto the leg as Batista somehow moves on top of him changing positions sitting on top of CM Punk and begins to throw hard rights and lefts at CM Punk as CM Punk with his back on the mat covers up ‘boxing style’. Batista then rolls off of CM Punk and takes a few steps back and begins to lean forward in hope for a spear maneuver to hit CM Punk with. As CM Punk slowly moves up on his feet and turns around, a limping and hurt Batista runs hopping on one leg in Punk’s direction and goes for a spear only to be kicked in the shoulder by CM Punk and then Punk would leap over Batista and goes for a sunset flip trying to pull him down by the legs but Batista grabs hold of CM Punk and picks him up to his feet from in between his legs and then throws him hard at the corner before hitting a few shoulder blocks on him and a few hard body and jaw shots.

CM Punk then begins to fight back and throws hard shots of his own at Batista coming out of the corner with force, CM Punk now closer to the middle of the ring kicks Batista in the gut and then using martial art like kicks to the upper body and chest area as Batista stood there wobbly and groggy on spaghetti legs. CM Punk then went underneath him and tried to pick him up and onto his shoulders but Batista had clubbed him a few times with closed fists in the lower back as he was going to lift him up and then placed CM Punk in between his legs before going for his finisher maneuver the Batista Bomb. Batista with ease lifted CM Punk up onto his shoulders and CM Punk was fighting franticly and trying to punch his opponent Batista in the head and managed to get a few shots on but Batista just dropped him hard onto the mat with a trampoline like effect and CM Punk had been hit with a thunderous Batista Bomb as Batista rolled him up hooking the inside leg for the pin fall and the referee made the three count and it was all over.


Joey Styles: “What a match, I hope these two meet up again sometime in the tournament?”

*Show goes off the air*

::::Oh and just on a side note I know we are technically double posting but we are keeping to a schedule Monday Carnage and Thursday Uproar no matter what.::::


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Uproar review

I skimmed through the past two shows and they seemed good. Good choice for an opening song. I like how the show recaps are done. This tournament is looking great.

Orton promo- It was good, but there were some run-on sentences.

Masters vs. London- I hate Masters so much. The match itself was pretty good. I thought that it would be a quick squash, but London got a good amount of offence in.

Christian promo- Short, but good. I think you need to put things like commas into some of your promos.

Christian vs. Kennedy- This was a great match. Enjoyable all the way through. This is a match that I'd really like to see in real life, and I think that you captured what it would be here. I'm looking forawrd to seeing who the mystery dude is.

Abyss thing- Weird. This story could be interesting.

Colony/Regal promo- It was a bit hard to follow at times (really don't know how else to say it). It was a good way to get over the character of Mr. Colony.

Edge vs. El Generico- Another great match. Niether man looked bad coming out of this one. Hell, I'd say that it got over Generico more than Edge. Match of the Night.

Ted/Shelton/Joe promo- Good length, but it was kinda stiff at times.

Hardy vs. Burke- Some fast paced action in this one. Theres something that I have to recommend; I think that you use the wrestlers full name to much. Try switching between their first, last, and full name when refering to them.

Punk vs. Batista- A pretty good match. Not to happy with the ending (Punk > Batista), but all in all it was a good match.

AC- This is a pretty interesting show. If you don't already I'd type out your show in Microsoft word before you post it here because then it could catch some of the grammar errors that get posted. I'll check out your next show. Thanks for the POI reviews, sorry that this took so long.


BM- This is a hard decision, the four last matches were all great TV matches. I'm going with Edge/Generico here, cause as comic said, it did a good job of putting over both men. Hardy/Burke a close second but all of those matches meshed well.

WM- Mastersquash. Well, extended squash. If you're putting Masters over to be as dominant as he was in the WWE, then I think London gtot too much offense in. I was tempted to say the main event here for the simple fact that Batista won, but alas... alas...

BP- Tis a tough decision as all your promos are pretty average and need working on. Im going with Regal/Colony as you did an okay job of elaborating the charachter of an introduced superstar.

WP- Orton interview. Cliche after Cliche here. I want a real Orton promo, not Generic heel #46389 saying Generic line #59372.

AC- Grammar. As ^ said you should use MS word to help sort out some spelling grammar (though spellcheck can be a bitch, it is still vital). You also over explain in your promos. Here's some examples:

*Boos from the crowd they like Samoa Joe better then Randy Orton*

Duh, this doesnt need explaining.

(Sucking up to him)

Obvious again, not needed.

So yeah, work on your promos and grammar, matches are pretty solid though as elly said, alternate between first namse, surnames and nicknames when referring to wrestlers. 6/10. Hope you improve.

Smackdown is posted. WWE 2009- Fast Forward to Future.

I duhmand ruhviewz~! :shifty:


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Carnage Episode #2: Turning Point Reached


SWF Pyro goes off and the Carnage Weekly Show is brought to you by Slipknot ‘Before I Forget’. (Before I Forget plays on the tron and afterwards the pyro goes off and the crowd go nuts)


Stapled shut, inside an outside world and I'm
Sealed in tight, bizarre but right at home
Claustrophobic, closing in and I'm
Catastrophic, not again
I'm smeared across the page, and doused in gasoline
I wear you like a stain, yet I'm the one who's obscene
Catch me up on all your sordid little insurrections,
I've got no time to lose, and I'm just caught up in all the cattle

Fray the strings
Throw the shapes
Hold your breath

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
I wear you like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to win, I'm just caught up all the battles

Locked in clutch
Pushed in place
Hold your breath

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

My end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade
The end of the road and my end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a world before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, OH

* Crowd goes nuts, as the camera shows the audience *

Joey Styles: Welcome to another edition of Monday Night Carnage!!

* Crowd is on their feet, going wild for this event *

Joey Styles: Thanks for joining us, and lets take a look back at last week on Thursday Night Uproar!

( Highlights play from Uproar Last Week )

~ Randy Orton addressing the fans
~ Chris Masters beating Paul London
~ Christian Cage defeating Mr.Kennedy in a hard fought match
~ Edge Defeating EL Generico
~ Jeff Hardy defeating Elijah Burke
~ Dave Batista finishing off the show, by defeating CM Punk in the Main Event

* Carnage goes back to Styles *

Joey Styles: As previously heard of on SWF.com, Jeff Hardy will face AJ Styles in the main event tonight at Carnage!

* Crowd goes wild *

Joey Styles: Last week on Carnage, we saw Shelton Benjamin and Dave Batista move onto Round 2, tonight, we see Matt Hardy .vs. Rob Van Dam, and Sabu .vs. Robert Roode!


* Sabu's theme hits!!! * Sabu makes his way down to the ring, getting lots of cheer from the crowd.

* Robert Roode's music plays * as Roode comes down the ramp with James Storm at his side. Roode looks at Sabu, eyeing him up before the match.

Joey Styles: This is sure to be a big match tonight, Sabu and Roode are ready for action!

'Gold Rush Tournament'
Round #1 Matchup
Sabu .vs. Robert Roode /w/ James Storm

* Bell Rings *

Sabu and Roode look at eachother from the turnbuckle, as James Storm stands by the side of the ring, watching Roode in this matchup. Sabu and Roode lock up in the middle of the ring, as Roode overcomes strengths of Sabu, and tosses Sabu straight into the mat, as the impact is heard threwout the arena. Roode stomps on the arm of Sabu a few times, trying to weaken him. Roode runs agaist the ropes, and runs back, but Sabu slides under the legs of Roode, and turns around, and Sabu dropkicks Roode! Sabu stands back to his feet, and goes to Roode, and joists in a headlock, cutting out the breath of Roode. James Storm runs in, and kicks Sabu in the back of the neck, breaking the submission. The ref sends Storm out of the ring, as fans boo. Storm fights back, as Roode climbs out of the ring, and pulls Sabu out of the ring fast, as Sabu smashes his head into the hard floor outside the ring. Roode continues to punch Sabu, as the ref is being distracted by James Storm. James gives up, and exits the ring, and the ref turns around, and Roode runs into the ring, as Sabu almost lays lifeless outside the ring from a brutal beating.

Joey Styles: What a match this is! Is Sabu ok enough to get back in the ring at the count of 10?

The ref is counting on Sabu to get back into the ring, as Sabu bleeds from his forehead. Sabu enters in the ring at the count of 8, as the ref stops the count, and the crowd cheers. Roode goes back, and starts beating on Sabu once again, punching him several times in the head, as the ref runs over, and gives Roode a break. Sabu stands back up, wobbling, as Roode runs, and hits a hard mager Clothsline to Sabu, smashing him to the canvas. Roode smiles, as he taunts the crowd, and goes to pin Sabu, 1........2........Sabu kicks out at the count of 2! Roode looks mad, as he stands up, and looks down at Sabu with anger. Roode kicks Sabu in the shoulder, making his shoulder hurt aswell. Roode gets lots of fan heat from the crowd, as Roode continues the assault on Sabu. Roode lifts Sabu back to his feet, as he irish whips Sabu agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, Sabu dodges it, and springboards off the ropes, and moonsaults onto Roode, knocking Roode flat down to the canvas. Sabu gains strength, as he throws lots of lefts and right's to the rib cage of Roode, as James looks confused, Sabu trips Roode, and Roode smashes his chin into the canvas. Sabu hits his taunt, as he begins climbing the turnbuckle.

Joey Styles: Sabu all of a sudden gained main power, to take over Robert Roode in this matchup! Sabu is on a role!

Roode stands up, and attacks Sabu on the turnbuckle. Roode climbs the turnbuckle with Sabu, but Sabu quickly thinks, and he jumps onto the shoulders of Roode, and wraps his legs around, and hits a hurricana off the turnbuckle! Roode doesnt know where he is, and Sabu gets amazing cheer from the crowd, as the whole stadium is in the hands of Sabu. Sabu goes to pin Roode, 1........2..... James Storm puts Roode's hand on the rope, breaking the pin. Sabu looks mad, as he grabs the rope, and springboards over the top rope, and he lands on James Storm! James is hurt, and Sabu begins assaulting Storm with many punches. Sabu is pulled by the hair from Roode, as Roode tosses him back into the ring. Roode runs agaist the ropes, and runs back at Sabu, and big boots him right in the jaw, knocking Sabu to the mat. He goes for the pin, 1.........2.......Sabu manages to kick out at 2! Sabu is lifted off the mat, as Roode is going to do a bodyslam, but its dodged, and Sabu flips Roode to the mat with his legs, and hits the Camel Clutch on Robert Roode! Roode is in large pain, and Sabu apply's more pressure. Roode cant take the pain, and Storm is hurt outside the ring, non able to help Roode, and Roode taps out to the finisher. Sabu advances to Round 2 of the tournament!

Your Winner: SABU!

As the match ended, Sabu celebrates, as his hands are held up high by the ref, and Storm brings the Tag Titles to Roode, and helps Roode up. As Sabu walks up the ramp, Beer Money Inc hold up the SWF Tag Titles, as they celebrate in the ring, but Roode keeps complaining about his back.

* As Roode and Storm hold the titles, the camera goes to a parking lot, where a limo pulls up. The door opens, and its AJ Styles! *

* crowd goes wild *

* As AJ Styles is walking, and he shuts the limo door, he walks into Jeff Hardy. *

Jeff: What do you think your doing here AJ?

AJ: Hey, im here for a match, thats it! I dont want nothing to do with this show, so im only here to get this match done.

Jeff: Styles, why did you even bother coming? Your going to lose, so give it up.

AJ: Yeah right, we all know who the loser is Jeff!

Jeff: Its you, you lost last week to Dave Batista on Carnage.

AJ: You and your brother lost to Samoa Joe and CM Punk last week also, so dont just say stuff to me.

Jeff: Your mad, cause you know im better than you!

* AJ Styles throws a punch at Hardy, and Hardy fights back. Styles pushes Jeff into a few large empty water jug containers, and they all tumble over the parking lot. Jeff throws Styles into a steel ladder, placed on the side of a wall. Chris Benoit is seen running down the parking lot, as he breaks up the fight, and holds Jeff back. Styles goes to punch Jeff, but Jeff ducks, and decks Benoit right in the jaw. Jeff kicks Styles in the rib cage, and tosses him into a steel garage door. Jeff helps up Benoit, and they both continue on, as Styles cougfhs, and tries to restore his breath. *

Joey Styles: Wow! AJ Styles just got brutally assaulted by Jeff Hardy! And it looks as to me, Chris Benoit is on Jeff's side! After that large punch from Styles, Benoit must want to take out Styles!

- Commercial goes, as it shows a recap of last week's Carnage, its Monday Night Debut. -

Joey Styles: Welcome back to Monday Night Carnage, and we just saw something amazing backstage a few moments ago, as Hardy and AJ went into brawl mode. Benoit came to the rescue, but was decked from AJ! I am suprised at AJ right now.

* Christian Cage is seen backstage, as Tomko is with him, and he has been previously tapped *

Cage: Hey, im Christian Cage, and last week, I formed the Christian Coalition, with a former buddy, who is once again with me, Tyson Tomko!

* Tomko comes out into the screen *

Tomko: Haha, I bet none of you fans saw this coalition coming! Me and Cage have been talking alot lately, and this idea popped into our heads, and now, were here to take over SWF!

Cage: That being said, last week on Uproar, I put alot of fight, into beating the crap out of Mr. Kennedy, it was the best match of the night! Bigger than Batista .vs. CM Punk!

Tomko: Im here to warn Beer Money Inc, Samoa Joe and D.H Smith, cause in no time, me and Christian will have taken over all the championships in SWF, haha!

* The titantron shuts off, as people are excited about the Christian Coalition. SWF goes back to the ring, where the next match is about to start. *

Joey Styles: Welcome back, and up next is a match that still seems unfair. Big Show taking on Deuce and Domino in a handi-cap match.

* Deuce & Domino's theme hits!!! * Deuce and Domino walk down the ramp, getting lots of fan heat from the crowd. Deuce and Domino dont look prepared, and its like they are not taking the match seriously. They take off their large jackets, and wait for Big Show.

Joey Styles: Im not sure about this match, Deuce and Domino are smiling! They wont be for long.

* Big Show's theme hits!! * His pyro goes off, as Big Show walks down the ramp, getting the whole arena on his side. He gets lots of cheers, as he walks into the ring, and looks down at Deuce and Domino.

Handi-Cap Match
Big Show .vs. Deuce & Domino

* Bell Rings *

Big Show stands in one corner, as Deuce and Domino are in the ring at the same time, deciding on what to do. Big Show runs up to the 2 men, but Deuce and Domino dodge Big Show, and Deuce starts throwing punches to the rib cage of Big Show. Big Show grabs Deuce, and tosses him to the turnbuckle, as Deuce almost smashes his head on the turnbuckle. Big Show starts getting attacked by Domino, but as time comes, Big Show again, grabs him, and headbutts him in the head, knocking Domino to the canvas. Big Show goes to pin Domino already, 1.......2.......Domino suprises the fans, and breaks out of Big Show's pin. Big Show lifts him back to his feet, as he pushes him into the turnbuckle. Big Show tells the fans to be quiet, as he slaps Domino right in the chest, as the slap can be heard from the cheapseats. Deuce gets back up, and runs at Big Show, and hits the back of his legs, knocking him down to the canvas. Deuce goes to pin Big Show, 1........Big Show automaticly kicks out at 1 easly. Big Show gets back up, but again, Deuce keeps his eyes set on Big Show, and continues nailing blows to the rib cage of Deuce. Big Show out of nowhere, throws a ginormous punch to the head of Deuce, knocking him straight out cold to the canvas!

Joey Styles: Wow, The Big Show is so dominate in size, im not sure Deuce or Domino will be able to overcome the angry giant!?

Big Show smiles at Duece, as he lays flat out on the mat. Domino dropkicks Big Show, but it doesnt even effect Big Show, and Domino just falls back first to the canvas. Big Show picks up Domino, and he lifts him high above his head. Big Show gets lots of cheer from the crowd, as he walks over to the right hand ropes, and hoists Domino over, and throws him high over the ropes, as Domino lands on the hard floor outside the ring. Domino holds his shoulder in pain, as he lays flat outside the ring. Big Show looks back at Deuce, and he goes over to Deuce, as the crowd chants, "Big Show!". Big Show lifts Deuce over his head, and walks over to where Domino just took a crash landing, and throws Deuce over the top rope also, and Deuce lands on Domino, as both men strike hard, and Deuce is in serious pain. Big Show taunts the crowd, as the crowd cheers on Big Show. Deuce and Domino are both injured outside the ring, holding almost all their body parts in screaming pain. Big Show climbs out of the ring and walks over to the injured men, as the screaming crowd around him wants to damage Deuce and Domino more. Big Show goes to Joey Styles, and rips off the top of the announcer table, and throws it onto Deuce and Domino.

Joey Styles: Woah! That was the closest ive ever been to Big Show, and I hope im never closer again!

Big Show grabs Domino, and lifts him back up to his feet. Domino is wobbly, and Big Show chokes him, as he is going for his special, the chokeslam. Big Show lifts Domino high up, and throws Domino threw the announcer table, as the loud crash can be heard even backstage. Domino is out for the rest of the match pretty much, and Big Show grabs Deuce, and lifts him back to his feet, as he rolls him back into the ring. The ref doesnt know if to stop the match, but Big Show elbows Deuce in the head, cutting him open, and releasing blood. Deuce is laying on the mat unconsious, as he chokes Deuce aswell. He waits for loud cheer, as the crowd goes nuts. Big Show lifts Deuce high, and Chokeslams him to the canvas! Deuce is also out aswell for the rest of the match, as Big Show goes to Deuce, and starts the pin, 1...........2..........3! The Big Show takes the win of this dominate match, as Big Show celebrates, and he steps over Deuce, and holds his fists high in the air, above Deuce. As the match has ended, referee's, and SWF officials have ran out to help Domino and Deuce, as Big Show exits the ring.

Your Winner: THE BIG SHOW!

After the match, Big Show celebrates, as he holds his hand high. Big Show exits the ring, as everyone in the arena is taking pictures of the large giant.

* Jeff Hardy is seen doing push-ups in the lockeroom, as Chris Benoit enters the lockeroom *

Jeff: Hey Benoit, you ok from that shot earlier today?

* Jeff stops doing Push-ups, and stands up, and sits on the bench, drinking water. *

Benoit: Im fine, AJ just got a cheapshot on me, il give him his later tonight.

Jeff: Haha nice, AJ has truely pushed the line with me, im going to take him out tonight, and show him, that SWF Carnage isnt a place for him!

Benoit: Thats great. But I will be on your side during your match tonight. Like, supervising the match, give you some helpful tips.

Jeff: Thanks man, you know, why did you even train AJ? Hes a fricken jerk! Me and you make a better team.

Benoit: Maybe so, but I trained AJ well, and tonight, your going agaist my student, and im sure, you will beat him down, if not, il take my chance!

* crowd cheers *

Jeff: Dont worry Benoit, I know you trained him well, but im Jeff Hardy, Im one of the biggest high flying superstars in the SWF today! Im sure Ive got a mager chance agaist him. We will talk in a bit ok, I got to go talk to Colony for a few.

Benoit: Ok, think of some helpful tips to get you the victory tonight.

* Jeff walks out the door, as Benoit sits on the bench, and starts thinking, as he gets down, and starts doing push-ups. *

- Commercial Break shows the commercial for SWF Turning Point, LIVE in 2 weeks. -

Joey Styles: Welcome back to Carnage, and there are only 2 matches left, and coming up next, is the final match for Round 1, Rob Van Dam .vs. Matt Hardy!

* Rob Van Dam's theme hits!!! * His pyro hits, as he walks down the ramp, and he tags fans along the sides. He enters the ring, and does his taunt.

Joey Styles: RVD is an amazing athlete, and he has a 50% chance of taking out Matt Hardy here tonight.

* Matt Hardy's theme hits!! * Matt Hardy walks down the ramp, getting lots of fans screaming his name, as he tags fans walking down the ramp. He enters the ring, and RVD and Matt look eye to eye.

'Gold Rush Tournament'
Round #1 Matchup
Rob Van Dam .vs. Matt Hardy

* Bell Rings *

RVD and Matt both look at eachother, as they circle the ring, and RVD studdies Matt, and Matt does the same. Matt and Jeff both run at eachother, and grapple in the middle of the ring. Mat dodges the grapple, and walks behind RVD, but RVD dodges it, and walks behind Matt. RVD irish whips Matt agaist the ropes, and Matt runs back, and RVD lifts Matt, and swings him in the air like a propeller, and smashes his back on his knee, injuring Matt alot. RVD jumps, and spins in the air with his feet, as he hits Matt. Matt gets back up, but RVD gets Matt, and dropkicks him hard with the heel of his left leg. Matt gets back up, and RVD runs at him, but Matt dodges it, and kicks him in the gut, and twists RVD's neck, so he is leaning backwards, and Matt DDT's RVD's head into the canvas! RVD struggles in pain, as he tries to get back to his feet. He gets up, and Matt goes to hit a elbow drop standing up, but RVD dodges it, and goes to hit a boot to the chin, but Matt dodges it, and pulls RVD's leg closer to Matt, and Matt hits a half Suplex, smashing RVD hard to the canvas. Matt picks up RVD, and again hits another Hard Spinning Neckbreaker! Rob Van Dam holds his shoulder and neck in pain!

Joey Styles: Rob Van Dam is sure indouring alot of pain right now! Matt is just ripping him to shreads!

Matt is getting half of the crowd cheering on him, as the other half is giving Matt heat, cause they are in favour of Rob Van Dam. Matt smiles, as he walks over to the turnbuckle, and climbs it taunting the crowd. Rob Van Dam just gets up, as Matt is still climbing the turnbuckle. Matt jumps right away, but RVD pushes Matt in the air, and Matt lands on the canvas hard, as the bang is heard all over the arena. As Matt lays on the ground, RVD jumps up to the turnbuckle, and does a backflip, but Matt dodges it, and RVD hits the canvas aswell. Both men get up in a large struggle, and go face to face once again. RVD smiles, as he does his taunt with his thumb, as he karate kicks Matt right in the side of the face, knocking Matt right down to the canvas like a dead fly. RVD starts throwing many punches to the head of Matt, as he lays on the surface, injured. Both men get back up, as they circle the ring again. Matt holds his jaw is super pain, and RVD smiles, as he looks at the painful face of Matt. RVD runs at Matt, but Matt trips him, and RVD trips into the steel part of the turnbuckle, cracking open the face of RVD! RVD holds his face in superior pain, as he rolls under the ropes, and tumbles onto the smashed up commentator table from the Big Show match earlier in the show.

Joey Styles: Rob Van Dam is starting to inflick damage on his opponent, Matt Hardy, but Matt looks to be doing a better job!

RVD is bleeding from his cheek, as he lays infront of Joey Styles outside the ring. Matt stands at the rope, as he waits for RVD to stand back up. The ref is already at 4 for the outside of the ring countdown. RVD stands up at 6, as Matt springboards over the top rope, and he goes flying, but RVD rolls out of the way, and Matt hits a loose peice of the commentator table, as he lands! The crowd worries that Matt is really injured, and that he may not be able to move for the rest of the match, after landing back first on the shaddered peices of the commentator table. RVD grabs Matt, and rolls him back into the ring, as RVD starts to climb the turnbuckle. The crowd is going wild, as RVD hits his taunt, and he leaps off of the turnbuckle, and goes to hit the 5 Star Frog Splash, but Matt dodges it, and RVD hits the canvas ribs first, and smashes his face also into the mat! Matt stands back up, using the ropes to help himself up, and he stocks RVD, as RVD is on his knee's, trying to find out where he is. RVD stands up fully, and Matt kicks him in the gut, and goes to hit the Twist Of Fate, but RVD dodges it, but Matt gets him back in, and hits his finisher, the Twist Of Fate! RVD is out, and Matt goes for the pin, 1.........2.........3! Matt Hardy wins the Tournament Match, and advances to Round 2!

Your Winner: MATT HARDY!

After the match, Matt comes out of the ring hurt, holding his back in pain, as he celebrates by tagging fans. Matt walks up the ramp, as he gets more cheers from the crowd. Rob Van Dam claps for Matt, as he thought it was an amazing match, and well fought.

* The video cuts to the titantron, where Randy Orton is seen previously taped. *

Orton: Hey fans of Carnage, and SWF. Im here to address something. Something similar to last week's segment, with me in the ring at Uproar.

* crowd goes quiet *

Orton: For the past week, ive been telling everyone, how on Uproar this thursday, im going to defeat CM Punk, and move onto the fatal 4 way at the next Uproar before Turning Point.

* crowd goes wild for CM Punk *

Orton: There isnt a hope in hell for CM Punk, and thats why im going to end his career, sooner than he planned! Im not only going to become SWF World Champion, but im going to take down CM Punk and Samoa Joe with me.

* crowd boo's *

Orton: You dont belive me? Watch Uproar on thursday night. Mr. Colony, im taking over SWF, and their isnt a damn thing you, the fans, or anybody can do about it, cause im simply the future, and the present of this busniess. My name will be all over the walls at the HQ, my name will be all over the Hall Of Fame, Me, Randy Orton!

* crowd gives lots of heat to the frustrated Orton *

Orton: My final words, im going to be in a match next week here on Carnage, and just to make sure you guys know what the hell im capable of, im going to take on the greatest damn challenge their is in SWF, and thats Samoa Joe! Next week, ME Randy Orton! Im going to take on Samoa Joe! And once I beat CM Punk at Uproar....SWF will be in the era...of...ORTON!

* Randy Orton smiles, as the titantron clicks off, and SWF Carnage goes to a commercial. *

- SWF previews some of its superstar merchandise, like the Mr.Colony wrist watch, only available at SWF.com! -

Joey Styles: Welcome back to the final half of SWF Carnage!

* crowd goes wild *

Joey Styles: What a night its been here at Carnage, and lets take a look on the winners of the night so far.

( Highlights go of the past night in Carnage )

~ Sabu Def. Robert Roode ( Advances to Round 2 )
~ Big Show Def. Deuce & Domino
~ Matt Hardy Def. Rob Van Dam ( Advances to Round 2 )

Joey Styles: The Main Event is up in any moment now, but next week here LIVE on Carnage, Randy Orton .vs. Samoa Joe!

* AJ Style's theme hits!! * AJ Styles walks down the ramp, tagging fans, as he gets alot of crowd heat. He enters the ring, and taunts the crowd, and looks happy.

Joey Styles: AJ Styles looks happy, just after earlier in the show, when he decked Chris Benoit!

* Jeff Hardy's theme hits!! * Pyro shoots out into the middle of the arena, as Jeff Hardy runs down the rampway, and into the ring, as Chris Benoit walks down the ramp with him. Benoit stands ringside, as AJ Styles and Benoit look mad at eachother. Jeff pushes AJ, as AJ and Jeff lock eyes in the middle of the ring, and are both mad at eachother.

Main Event
AJ Styles .vs. Jeff Hardy /w/ Chris Benoit

* Bell Rings *

Benoit stands ringside, as he watches AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy in the 2 turnbuckles. Benoit talks to Hardy, as AJ runs at Jeff, but Jeff dodges it, and throws AJ into the turnbuckle, and starts throwing mager punches to the head of AJ. AJ is trying his hardest to block the flying punches coming from the extremist, Jeff Hardy. Jeff runs to the other turnbuckle, as he runs back to dropkick AJ, AJ runs at Jeff, and clothslines Jeff in mid-air! AJ gets some fan heat, as AJ smiles at the crowd, and taunts Jeff. Jeff gets up, and grabs the legs of AJ, and Jeff hoists AJ over his shoulders, as Styles crashes down to the canvas, and Jeff goes for an early pin, 1..........AJ already kicks out at 1. Benoit walks back and fouth, pacing outside the ring. Benoit cheers on Jeff, and is instructing him on what to do, as AJ spin kicks Jeff right in the jaw, knocking Jeff down hard! AJ laughs, as he points at Benoit, and thanks him for teaching him special moves. AJ walks over to Jeff, and locks the Cripple Crossface, as Benoit tries going into the ring, but the ref wont let him. Jeff is getting choked to death, as AJ apply's more pressure. Jeff's face is turning purple, as the crowd goes wild.

Joey Styles: Jeff Hardy may be in serious trouble here. AJ was taught how to do a pefect Cripple Crossface by his former trainer, Chris Benoit!

Jeff Hardy grabs onto the rope, as Styles still holds onto Jeff tight, and the ref is trying to break up the pin, as he begins the DQ count, 1............2.........Jeff is almost passed out, holding onto the rope, as Styles applys extra pressure. 3................4.....Styles lets go of Jeff, and Jeff lays on the canvas hurt, and dizzy. Styles runs agaist the ropes, and runs back at Jeff, and dropkicks Hardy out of the ring, and outside the ring, landing on the hard floor. Styles runs, and uses the ropes as a ledge, and jumps clear over the top rope, and he goes flying at Jeff, but Jeff grabs him in mid-air, and without holding him, he tosses Styles onto the barricade, smashing his face in. The crowd behind the barricade go wild, as they are taking pictures of Styles. Styles gets mad, as he lays on the floor. Jeff runs, and jumps onto the barricade, and jumps like a atomic drop, but Jeff locks his legs around the head of Styles, and hits a hurricana on Styles off the barricade! Benoit runs to the action, as he looks at Styles on the floor in pain. Jeff grabs Styles, and irish whips him, but Styles dodges it, and irish whips Jeff into the steel post of the turnbuckle outside the ring, as Jeff bounces off the post!

Joey Styles: Ow! Thats going to hurt tomorrow morning. This match is turning hardcore, get some more refs!

Styles walks over, and he grabs a chair, beside Joey Styles, and he unfolds it, and walks over to Jeff, but Jeff kicks Styles in the gut, and Styles drops the chair. Styles lifts Jeff back to his feet, as he throws one more big punch to Jeff. Styles irish whips Jeff into the steel steps, as Jeff hits knee's first, knocking him to the hard floor. Jeff is in serious pain, as Styles runs over, but Jeff lifts him, and DDT's Styles onto the steel steps! The crowd goes wild, as Jeff starts to climb the turnbuckle, and he taunts the crowd, and takes off his shirt, and throws it in the crowd, as he leaps off, and hits a Swanton Bomb on Styles onto the steel steps! The crowd chants, " Holy Sh*t!" lots of times, as the crowd cant belive this exciting and brutal main event. Jeff is in pain on his back, and he can barely stand. He picks up Styles onto his feet, and throws him back into the ring. Jeff slides back into the ring, and goes for a pin, 1........2..., but Styles puts his foot on the rope, breaking the pin. Styles gets up, and so does Jeff. Jeff goes to punch Styles, but Styles runs agaist the ropes, and spin kicks Jeff right in the back of the head, knocking Hardy to the canvas. Styles looks at the turnbuckle, as he climbs it, and he leaps off the turnbuckle, and he hits his finisher on Jeff Hardy, the Shooting Styles Press!!! AJ Styles goes for the pin, 1............2............3! AJ Styles takes the win in this matchup, and its his first ever main event win in SWF!

Your Winner: AJ STYLES!

After the match, AJ celebrates in the ring, as he gets up. Chris Benoit looks mad, as he runs, and slides into the ring, and locks face to face with AJ Styles. Styles slaps Benoit in the face, as the slap can be heard from the cheapseats. Benoit holds his face for a quick moment, but then Benoit retaliates, and he throws a devastating blow to the head of AJ Styles, suprising the crowd, and knocking AJ Styles down to the canvas like a damp sock. Benoit climbs out of the ring, helping Jeff Hardy, as Carnage closes, Jeff and Benoit hold their hands high, as AJ lays knocked out on the canvas.

[ Carnage Closes ]