Sweet Mother Of God NOOOOOOOOOO

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New Member
Sep 9, 2009
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Thank you! I was saying that a year ago. Everything about Cody is better than Ted, lisp aside.

I agree also. I think Cody is better than Ted. I really don't see why everyone is so big on how Ted will be more success than Cody. I think Cody has just as much of a chance.


Nov 30, 2007
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Asheville, NC
Cody does a Moonsault. Ted doesn't. Cody wins.

(But seriously, I'm with the Cody FTW people.)


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
In my opinion, if they didn't give it to Shawn then no one else should end it. Especially a young guy like Dibiase, yeah, him breaking the streak will give him a huge push but you never know if he'll just leave later on like Brock did

That's exactly WWE's problem though. They were so reluctant on pushing younger guys cause they thought they would take the Lesnar/Lashley route. They should be hesitant, but not this hesitant.

On topic, I say leave the Streak alone. As some said, this is Taker's legacy. When he gone, which seems to be coming up real soon, he wont be remembered for his title reigns, he'll be remembered as the guy that struck fear in his oppenents hearts. The master of the Hell in a Cell, The man that has the most "insert word here that I can't think of" in sports entertainment (says WWE anyway), going. If WWE wants to keep that intact, keep the streak going. But if they were going to have someone beat Taker, it should be a young person, someone who would capitalize on it more. If an older guy does it, say HBK, within a year or 2 he'll be out the door as well. It should a younger guy, someone who still has years left in them, and more than likely someone they expect to keep heel for a long long time.


Thank you! I was saying that a year ago. Everything about Cody is better than Ted, lisp aside.

Well Cody could use a solid finisher. Crossroads is good but so many people have used it. Ted definitely has the better finisher with Dream Street.


This isn't like MMA where you go undefeated and can keep that record in the record books forever. This is where the team decides year after year to have this man, no doubt a good wrestler, win. Just because he was one of the better wrestlers in this generation doesn't mean he deserves a record which would most likely last forever. There will be many more wrestlers in the future who will probably be as good or even better than the Undertaker. But everytime any of them mounts some sort of streak in WM, people will just say it's nothing compared to Taker. Putting a loss at the end at least opens the possibility that somebody will eventually beat his record.
Dec 23, 2008
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They need to let him get to 20-0 and then retire him. That needs to be *HIS* record, plain and simple. Someday when I'm an old grandpa, maybe we'll see someone good enough to beat the streak. I just dont want to see a loss on the end of that streak. He needs to stay undefeated.


What do you think about Dibiase possibly ending Taker's streak, Teddy?



There aren't too many unspoiled things anymore in the wrestling business...or too many things that the older fans can hang on to. There is no reason to end Taker's streak for anyone's sake. It's not as if Taker will be known for his many title reigns...because he has hardly any. This is Taker's legacy..let one of the last legends go out with his legacy in tact.
And to say the streak means nothing unless it used to put someone over is just ridiculous. That's like saying Flair's retirement match was pointless because it didn't put anyone over.

And seriously, who the fuck is Ted Dibiasi? The kid as done fuck all since being in WWE besides for the last two months. By the looks of it Taker doesn't have much more time left in the business...maybe 2 more Mania...and that even seems like a lot at this point. If you can make people care about Ted Dibiasi THAT much within a year than I'd say the guy is damn impressive enough not to need to end the streak to get over.

Wrestling isn't about title reigns or streaks. Just ask HBK. Wrestlers are rarely remembered for their title reigns or streaks. They are remembered for the moments they produced. Legends are remembered for the matches they participated in, win or lose. Look at Michaels, he will be most likely be remembered for 3 matches, The first ladder match, the match against Taker, and the match against Flair. He lost 2 of those. Take Austin, he will be remembered for losing to Hart and his fued with McMahon, not for how many title reigns he had.

Winning streaks and title reigns are for the sole purpose of putting wrestlers over. When a wrestler has reached a certain level, they drop belts and lose their streaks because, number one, they don't need them anymore and, number two, they can help elevate others.

Trust me, Taker losing at Mania will not damage his Legacy whatsoever. People will remember the fact that he went undefeated at Mania for 16 years, not that he lost his last match.

Flairs retirement was a bit different. Much like Mick Foley, a win over Flair wasn't going to get anyone over anymore because he had become a comedy act. It got to the point were a win over Flair meant next to nothing.

People like DiBiase because they see a lot of potential in him. Much like Orton 5 years ago. Its wouldn't be insane to say that DiBiase will be a midcarder for life. It also isn't insane to say that Dibiase could become the next Orton or Cena. Personally, I wouldn't mind a newcomer like DiBiase stepping up to take on Taker at Mania, if he is given a good push with wins over some Main eventers like HBK or HHH. People are always bitching and moaning about "new blood" and "creating new stars" Here is a chance to try it out. He may drop the ball, he may run with it. There is always risk involved when you are looking for a high return. Thats just the way the world works.


They need to let him get to 20-0 and then retire him. That needs to be *HIS* record, plain and simple. Someday when I'm an old grandpa, maybe we'll see someone good enough to beat the streak. I just dont want to see a loss on the end of that streak. He needs to stay undefeated.

You know the problem? If he goes 20-0, if anybody ever wants to beat that, it won't be because that wrestler was the best. it would be because since his first wrestlemania, he must be groomed to beat that. He would then have to be fit for every single Wrestlemania. He would have to stay at the company more than 20 years. Pretty damn impossible.

Great One

What..? How does that even make sense? One has to be in the company as the long as the other to beat them? Lmao.

Anyways, Dibiase won't end his streak, this report is just bullshit and being overspeculated. Honestly, if Randy Orton couldn't end it WM21, no one probably will. And that's the way it should be, imo.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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Im all for keeping the streak TBH. I think Taker should bow out with the streak intact. The problem i have with someoone breaking it to go over is They make a mistake with the wrong guy and that would be a shitter IMO.