SWA: Revival

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The Rated R CMStar

Dibiase JR vs. Sydal
Ted seems to be in it for a big push, so this could very be the start of it.

Gaunlet for Tag Team Championships LAX
Title is not changing hands in here.

JBL vs. The Undertaker
If I am not mistaken this two feuded in the "original" SWA. I see JBL picking up the win to pick up this feud and make it longer.

IC TItle Match Jeff vs. Matt
I could see Shannon Moore screwing Jeff, however I see Jeff Hardy overcoming every odds and winning the match and the championship.

Chris Sabin vs. Samoa Joe X DV Title

World Heavy Titlte Michaels vs. HHH vs. Edge
I could see Edge winning the belt as the shocker, moving on then to HHH vs HBK non title and Edge defending against...but it will not happen. HBK retains and lives up for yet another month.

SWA's PPVs are always amazing, and I know this one will deliver as well.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Here's my short review's for the last two Anarchy's. I really don't have time to write to full one's man. Sorry :sad:

Best Match: Triple H versus Edge definatley. A reverse, as your working Edge hard to get him in main event status, and its good to have him win. Even with interference, a win's a win. Michaels assisting the win is also a good thing, as it adds fuel to the fire known as their rivalry.
Worst Match: Hate choosing. All were great man, but I'd say the tag team match. But even that was amazing, so that tells you something.
Best Promo: All were really good. The one about Shamarock was VERY realistic, and I quite frankly loved it. The JBL one was also amazing. I can't believe how well rounded you are Andrew. I will go ahead, and say the JBL one actually. The match being set up is going to be truely a blockbuster man. I can't wait.
Worst Promo: I can't choose.
Additional Comments: Great show, I have to say bro. You are advancing the feuds amazingly. Joe, and Sabin should be good, and so will JBL, and Taker. Amazing show Andrew.

Best Match: Jeff Hardy versus Kennedy for sure. The ending was shocking, I can't believe how fast Hardy retaliated from that Kenton Bomb. Hmm, lol but on another note: The number one contenders match was also very good, and really kept me wondering who is winning. I knew Sabin would win though thats why its not getting BM.
Worst Match: I'd say the opener. It was good don't get me wrong, but the other matches really blew it out of the water.
Best Promo: I have to say the closing contract signing. Good to see Edge in the main event, and I can't wait for the match itself. HBK on top yet again is pretty awesome. I can't wait for Hallowfest man.
Worst Promo: I can't choose.
Additional Comments: Again, what a show. This is really showing how amazing Hallowfest is going to be. I can't wait at all. Its going to be off the hizzle! Lol, but anyways. Great job Andrew.

Moonlight Drive

wondering who is winning. I knew Sabin would win though thats why its not getting BM.


Anyway, here are your predictions Andy

HBK vs HHH vs Edge
Edge will win the belt at the next PPV, but I think it'd be too much of a rush for him to win tonight

Joe vs Sabin
Cause you love Sabin so much

Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy
V1! V1!

JBL vs Taker
Deadman pwns

Anybody but the Queers

DiBiase vs Sydal

Evil Austin

sorry about that Andrew not reviewing your last show earlier but seeing as your on camp and the hallowfest won't be for at least a week and a bit Ill take this time to review the most recent show as promised a few days ago.

LAX vs. London and Kendrick Was a very high paced match up and I loved the first paragraph with Homocide and Kendrick as it showed that Homicide can be very agile for a big man with victory rolls and such and Kendrick can be a great competitor against someone of the size of Homicide. I was hoping for the match to get maybe a paragraph or two more as I really enjoyed it and I hope to see them go at it again in the gaunlet and then we get a great long match. Really good job with this one.

Triple H Promo This one a one phrase one liner promo was short and sweet and though wen't straight to the point, the fact that he was helping and giving advice to Dibiase was a bit of a a weird one to me as like why would HHH help Dibiase? but I do want you to slowly push Dibiase into high card level and I see over time you are probably going to do so.

Matt Hardy vs. Matt Sydal Was a great match up Matt Hardy using Shannon Moore as an aid is clearly keeping him in character and it also showed that Matt Sydal kept the action on Hardy and he can keep up with someone like Matt Hardy. I say good job and after the match it was good that Ted DIbiase did come out after the talk with HHH and it showed that he wants an intercontinental title match in the near future which I hope he gets would be a great read.

AJ vs. Shelly vs. Sabin - X Division Contender match WOW! Great action as would be expected with all three men coming into the match I would have thought that SHelly and Sabin would work together against AJ but most of the match that was not the case and it showed that you expect to make the Motor City Machine guns single competitors and overall that match was a great read kept me on the edge of my seat. Great action and never a dull moment.

JBL Promo "Shit hole of a town" wow he should have gotten lots of boos and bleeped for that lol. JBL and a HEW Contract now that is interesting maybe this whole deal with SWA and HEW isn't over :shifty: maybe just maybe something is going to go down. Great promo by the way everything in character and kept me interested with what is going to happen next.

Jeff Hardy vs. MR. Kennedy Was a bit of an strange finish not what you would expect but the finish but it made you think that the next ppv it could turn out to be a fatal four way Kennedy claiming he wants another shot with Hardy and Matt and then Dibiase squeezing himself into it. Looks very intersting but the match itself great action and great main event lived up to the expectations and good job with this one worth the read.

Triple H, Andrew Walker and Michaels promo was a good promo the contract signing and then Walker annouced the triple threat with Edge in the last moment I do feel that was a shocker and I have feeling that Edge will come out on top this sunday or Shawn I just can't see Trip's doing it lol. But good promo overall and kept Hallowfest intersting.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
I just asked myself the same thing. I meant to say that I had a feeling Sabin would win, although I wasn't to sure.

HBK vs HHH vs Edge

I'm not really predicting what would happen but more, what I want to happen. HBK gets really hurt, and the title gets vacant so Edge can pick it up.

Joe vs Sabin
Samoa Joe should last another set of weeks before dropping the title. Maybe Sabin wins it on Anarchy?

Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy
A good face win should even things out with the heel mania going on.

JBL vs Taker
I'd say via DQ, then he gets a worse match with "The Deadman" at the next ppv.


Londrick, and LAX are my choices. Match should be good, and I believe should open up the show setting a good pace.

DiBiase vs Sydal
Eh, I really don't have an idea. Both are pretty well matched, and the match should be good.


Opening match: It started off very competitive with my probably the two most suited guys in the ring, it flowed nicely and near the end LAX seemed to much in control to lose. It was a great choice of match to open with and was a good read which keeps me interested in the rest of the show.

HHH/Ted Jr: Interesting, average little promo but just the right length, I wonder what Ted will do from here?!

Hardy Vs Sydal: It was great from the very first second with Sydal go AIR BOURNE lol. These two mixed quite well together, alot of great action going on in this match and I really didn't know who was going to win from the start of the match, Shannon Moore being down there always made Hardy be the favourite though and it was a good way of getting more heat by making Moore help him get the victory. The finals should be good with Matt Hardy Vs ???

Ted Jr: Good brutal attack that he done and the promo afterwards was alright. It could have been a little longer and gone into more deatil but it was nothing bad, their match at the PPV could be good. Maybe he will be doing something with HHH in time to come, a possibility there.

Vampiro promo: Pretty in character promo and it was quite intesting. I like how you didn't fully give away what has happened and I sense a comeback from Kane sometime hopefully.

X-Division #1 Contender match: What can you expect from you with these three high flyers lol. Best match of the night so far and will be VERY hard to top this throughout the show. Flowed well as you would think and the action throughout this match was great and kept me excited until the very end. I thought Sabin would get the win since he has sort of been feuding with the X-Div Champ Samoa Joe but even though I guessed the outcome the match was still interesting! Great match and Sabin/Joe at Hallowfest will be awesome.

JBL/Walker: Another great JBL promo, I am liking what you are doing with him. You got his character right and the whole contract story is working well. Him Vs Taker should be great!

Jeff Hardy Vs Mr Kennedy: Another great match, Kennedy and Hardy's styles mix well which made this match even better. It was a good length and I was shocked at the end when you gave Hardy the cheap win, Hardy Vs Hardy in the finals of the tournament should be good and I am still deciding who I think will win. Good match although Kennedy winning would have been better imo :D

Contract signing: This was really a bit of a let down. I thought you would have made it much longer and given the three some harsh words about one another but it was pretty basic and short, it may have been because you were going away for a while but I don't know. It was in character but there just wasn't really that much building for their title match, also, HBK and HHH pretty much didn't care about Edge being in the match because they were staring at each other the whole time but I understand since they are more heated in the feud. Could have been better.

AC: Good show Andrew, most of the feuds were continued well and your Hallowfest is looking great. This show had some great matches but the promos were a little step down from last weeks but still quite good. I can't wait for the PPV!

HallowFest Predictions!

Dibiase JR vs. Sydal

I think you made him look better on the anarchy for a reason, you will be giving him a slightly push imo so he should be getting the win but I want Sydal to get it. Could be a good match but their styles are quite different lol.

Gauntlet for Tag Team Championships

LAX will be winning this gauntlet imo, they had a good build up win over Londrick on Anarchy and they will hopefully get the win. This will be an interesting match!

JBL vs. The Undertaker

Well JBL has been having problems with management (Andrew Walker) so I have a feeling he will lose this esp since Taker is coming back for this. Should be a good match and an intesting one.

IC TItle Match Jeff vs. Matt

I really didn't know who to choose so I based this one prediction on who I like more which is Matt and him having Shannon Moore by his side is a good sign for me. I am looking forward to this one...

Chris Sabin vs. Samoa Joe X DV Title

I really didn't know who to choose, Samoa Joe hasn't really been on Anarchy to much and Chris Sabin has been, he has also been winning quite alot which could make him the favourite but I can't help but think Joe hasn't been on much for a certain reason so he is my choice for this match. This could very well steal the show!

World Heavyweight Title Michaels vs. HHH vs. Edge

This is pretty much a definite good match lol. HBK and Edge can put on a great match and I enjoy reading/watching their stuff, not so much HHH but he is bareable. I think Shawn will retain again and then the feud will split off with just him and HHH with Edge going down to feud with someone else although I am not to sure. Either way, this will be good!


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score

Jim Ross: "Hello everyone and welcome to SWA's first return Pay Per View Hallowfest! We are coming to you live and tonight is going to be a night remembered for many years to come! We are bringing you the greatest talent in some of the most exciting match ups in this industry!"

Jerry Lawler: "Your not kidding. We are the cream of the crop here in the SWA! Riots is gone, Anarchy is here, and tonight is going to be our celebration of victory! Come on J.R. I can't wait anymore let's get things started."

Jim Ross: "Well folks I agree with King, we should get things underway. Starting off the night with a bang. We are finally going to crown an Intercontinental Champion for the finals of the tournament are here. Not to mention it is going to be Brother vs Brother. Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy are going to face off one on one. Well as close to one on one as we can get I suppose with that little MF'er Shannon Moore sure to be lurking around ringside."

Jerry Lawler: "Hey! He is a Mattitude Follower! Of course he is going to be there to support his leader Matt Hardy and you know J.R. you should watch your tongue before Matt Hardy comes up here and gives you 5 across the eyes!"


Lillian Garcia: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is the Finals of the Intercontinental Championship Tournament. The winner of this match shall be crowded the New Intercontinental Champion! Introducing first from Cameron, North Carolina being accompanied to the ring by Shannon Moore, weighing in at 225 lbs Matt Hardy Version 1â€￾

(Matt Hardy appears on the stage and throws up the V1 sign and Shannon Moore stands behind Matt Hardy throwing up the V1 sign with both hands and hopping up and down. Matt walks down the ramp with Moore tailing close behind. Matt turns and walks up the steel steps and Moore hops up onto the ring apron and spreads the ropes for Matt. Matt enters the ring and walks over to the ropes and stands on the bottom rope and leans against the top rope and throws the V1 sign once again.)

Lillian Garcia: “Introducing from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 215 lbs; He is the Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy!â€￾

(The lights go out as Jeff appears on the stage. The paint on his arm and forehead glow as he dances at the top of the stage. Jeff walks down the ramp touching the hands of the fans. Jeff slides into the ring and walks to the corner and poses as he stands on the middle rope.)

Both men move in and lock up in a collar elbow tie up. Jeff grabs the arm of Matt and ducks under and holds Matt in an arm wringer. Jeff moves behind Matt and locks in a hammer lock. Matt ducks down and reverses it holding Jeff in a hammer lock. Matt moves up and holds Jeff in a side head lock and smirks as he wrenches it in more. Jeff moves back against the ropes and pushes Matt off. Matt bounces off the ropes and Jeff moves to the middle of the ring and bends down. Matt grabs Jeff in a front facelock and signals for the Twist of Fate but Jeff grabs the wrist of Matt and spins out of it. Jeff still holds onto the wrist of Matt and pulls him in for a short arm clothesline but Matt ducks under it. Matt reaches up and grabs the head of Jeff and drops him down with a neckbreaker. Matt stands up and looks down at Jeff and shakes his head. Matt bends down and grabs the head of Jeff and picks him up to his feet. Matt grabs the wrist of Jeff and holds him in an arm wringer. Matt ducks under Jeff’s arm wrenching it again. Jeff front flips forwards and lands on his back on the mat. Jeff that nips up to his feet and wrenches the arm of Matt. Matt reaches up and grabs the hair of Jeff and pulls him back to the ropes. The referee is trying to get Matt to release his grip but than Matt pushes Jeff off. Jeff runs across the ring and bounces off the ropes. Matt moves to the middle of the ring and drops down to the mat. Jeff steps over Matt and continues to run across the ring. Jeff bounces off the ropes once again and Matt rises to his feet. Matt side steps a bit and manages to catch Jeff with a hip toss. Matt throws up the V1 symbol and than signals for Jeff to bring it as Jeff sits up.

Jeff gets up to his feet and suddenly Moore runs across the ring and hooks the ankle of Jeff. Jeff turns around and Matt suddenly runs up and catches Jeff in a school boy pin. The referee drops down and counts 1.…and Jeff kicks out. As Jeff is getting up to his feet, Matt grabs Jeff in a front facelock once again and goes for the Twist of Fate yet again. Jeff spins with it and both men face each other. Jeff kicks Matt in the mid section and goes for the Twist of Fate. Jeff turns around and Matt shoves Jeff off. Jeff runs towards the corner and Matt takes a few steps forward. Jeff runs up the turnbuckles and leaps off the top turnbuckle and goes for the Whisper in the Wind. Jeff gets to his feet and reaches down and picks Matt up to his feet. Jeff connects with a few right hands than takes Matt down with a double leg take down. Jeff keeps a hold of Matt’s ankles and leaps up and hit’s the double leg drop to the lower extremities of Matt. Jeff rolls to his feet as Matt sits up holding his groin. Jeff grabs the ankles of Matt once again and puts Matt on his back. Jeff moves around to the head of Matt and leaps up drops both of his legs behind Matt’s in his unique pinning maneuver. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2 and Matt kicks out. Both men get to their feet at the same time and Jeff runs back and bounces off the ropes. Jeff hits Matt with a flying forearm shot. Matt is knocked down and Jeff looks down for a second before running forward to the ropes. Matt rises up to his feet as Jeff bounces off the ropes. Jeff catches Matt with a wrap around clothesline driving him down to the mat. Jeff floats over for the cover and the referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Matt kicks out.

Jeff sits up and rises to his feet. Jeff picks up Matt to his feet and holds his wrist. Jeff attempts to whip Matt across the ring but Matt reverses it and pulls Jeff into short arm clothesline. Matt bends down and picks Jeff up to his feet quickly. Matt scoops Jeff up and body slams him down to the mat. Matt measures and drops an elbow across the chest of Jeff. Matt yells at the referee and the referee drops down and counts 1.…2.….and Jeff kicks out. Matt sits up in frustration and gets to his feet. Matt picks Jeff up to his feet and pushes him into a corner. Matt connects with a few knife edge chops Suddenly Jeff grabs Matt by the head and pulls him into the corner. Jeff answers back with a few knife edge chops of his own before Matt catches Jeff with a thumb to the eye. Jeff backs up and as he takes his hand away from his eye, Mat charges an nails Jeff with a clothesline. Matt drops down and covers Jeff and the referee counts 1.…2 and Jeff kicks out. Matt gets to his feet and begins to pick Jeff up to his feet when Jeff connects with a few right hands to the gut. Jeff runs to the side and bounces off the ropes. Jeff charges at Matt but Matt sidesteps and catches Jeff in a sleeper hold. Jeff reaches up and wraps his arms around the head of Matt and drops down hitting Matt with a jawbreaker. Matt releases the hold and backs up across the ring holding his jaw. Jeff gets to his feet and charges at Matt and attempts a clothesline but Matt ducks under it. Matt turns and grabs Jeff around the waist an gets his head under the arm of Jeff and nails the back suplex. Matt gets to his feet and walks over to a corner. Matt hops up and stands on the middle rope and points at Jeff. Matt leaps off attempting the leg drop but Jeff rolls out of the way.

Jeff gets to his feet first. Jeff reaches down and picks Matt up to his feet. Jeff pushes Matt up against the ropes and goes to whip him but Matt reverses it and grabs Jeff behind the head. Matt runs and tosses Jeff over the top rope. Jeff holds onto the top rope and skins the cat and flips back into the ring. Jeff turns around only to be hit by Matt with a running clothesline knocking Jeff over the top rope and crashing into the arena floor. Matt moves away from the ropes and falls on his knees and the referee turns to attend to Matt. Shannon Moore rushes across ringside and connects with a running punt to the ribs of Jeff. Jeff rolls over onto his back and Moore straddles Jeff and begins to reign down punches on Jeff. Shannon Moore gets up and runs across ringside away from Jeff as the referee turns around. Matt gets to his feet and exit’s the ring through the middle and top rope. Matt bends down and grabs Jeff by the head and picks him up to his feet. Matt grabs the pants of Jeff and tosses him into the ring. Matt slides into the ring and immediately covers Jeff. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Jeff kicks out. Matt stands up and picks Jeff up to his feet. Matt grabs Jeff in a front facelock and Jeff wraps his arms around the waist of Matt and runs forward, backing Matt into the turnbuckles. Jeff connects with a shoulder block and backs up. Jeff throws a kick the mid section of Matt Hardy and Hardy slides down sitting on the mat. Jeff steps up to the second turnbuckle while holding onto the top rope. Jeff leaps up and connects with a swinging dropkick to the sternum of Matt Hardy. Jeff rolls up to his feet and grabs the leg of Matt hardy and pulls him a bit away from the ropes and covers him. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Matt kicks out.

Jeff gets up to his knees in disbelief and stands up. Jeff gets up to his feet and grabs Matt by the hair and picks him up to his feet as well. Jeff throws a right hand and it connects. Matt staggers back a bit but answers back with a right hand of his own. Jeff staggers back and comes back with a right hand that Matt ducks under and grabs Jeff around the neck and arm. Jeff suddenly throws a few elbows that connect with the side of Matt’s head. Matt releases the hold and Jeff back away from Matt. Jeff throws a kick but Matt catches the foot of Jeff. Jeff looks up and connects with the spinning mule kick to the chest of Matt. Jeff gets to his feet and walks over to the corner and exit’s the ring onto the apron. Jeff begins to climb the turnbuckles as Matt lays on the mat holding his chest. Jeff stands perched on the top turnbuckle and leaps off going for the Swanton Bomb but Matt rolls out of the way. Matt uses the ropes tog et up to his feet and walks over to Jeff and bends down and picks him up to his feet. Matt grabs Jeff in a front facelock and goes for the Twist of Fate but once Matt turns around Jeff slips out and catches Matt with a backslide. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Matt kicks out. Both men quickly get to their feet and Matt connects with a kick to the mid section. Matt puts Jeff’s head between his legs and goes for a power bomb. Once Jeff is on the shoulders of Matt, he hops down and goes for a sunset flip. Matt drops down to his knees pinning Jeff’s shoulders to the mat. The referee drops down to count and Matt leans forward towards the ropes and Shannon Moore runs around and grabs the hands of Matt giving him more leverage. The referee counts 1.…2.…and the referee sees what is going on.

The referee stops the count and breaks the pin up and begins to lecture Moore while leaning through the ropes. Matt pulls the referee away from the ropes and begins to argue with him. The referee shoves Matt back and Jeff gets to his feet and moves behind Matt. Jeff catches Matt in a school boy pin once again. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Matt kicks out. Matt gets to his feet first and begins to stomp furiously on the back and head of Jeff Hardy. The referee pulls Matt away from Jeff. Matt grabs the shirt of the referee and pulls him into the corner facing away from Jeff. Moore rolls into the ring with a steel chair. Moore measures and hits Jeff right between the eyes with the steel chair. Moore rolls out of the ring and Matt lets the referee go. Matt walks over and puts his foot on the chest of Jeff and tells the referee to count. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Jeff kicks out. Matt stands there astonished as Jeff gets up to his knees bleeding from the forehead. Jeff holds onto the pants of Matt trying to get up. Matt picks Jeff up to his feet and holds him in a front facelock. Matt turns and hits Jeff with the Twist of Fate. Matt immediately covers Jeff and the referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…3!

Lillian Garcia: "Here is your winner and new Intercontinental Champion, Matt Hard Version1!"

(Shannon Moore runs to the time keepers table and grabs the Intercontinental Championship. Moore slides into the ring and holds up the belt. Matt Hardy snatches the belt away from Moore and begins to celebrate. Moore stands right beside Hardy pointing to him as he celebrates.)

Jerry Lawler: "Alright! We finally have an Intercontinental Champion we can be proud of! Matt Hardy is our Intercontinental Champion!"

Jim Ross: "It's a downright shame if you ask me. That little MF'er got involved so many times it was ridiculous! Jeff Hardy was screwed in this match and you damn well know it!"

Jerry Lawler: "I am sick of you making excuses J.R. Jeff lost now shut up and celebrate the reign of V1 like me and the rest of the world!"

Jim Ross: "Well anyways folks, I am getting word that we are going backstage to Todd Grisham who is standing by with Ted Dibiase.

(Camera cuts to Todd Grisham standing alone holding his microphone.)

Todd Grisham: "Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is Todd Grisham and I am standing here backstage with the man who viciously attacked Matt Sydal on the last edition of Anarchy, Ted Dibiase."

(Camera pans over to Ted Dibiase standing next to Grisham.)

Todd Grisham: "Now Ted, everyone is wondering why you suddenly decided to take it out on Matt Sydal by beating you fair and square in the Intercontinental Championship Tournament."

Ted Dibiase: "Triple H spoke to me and gave me the motivation I needed. He opened my eyes and made me realize that this company and everyone in it should be worshiping me. I am a 3rd generation Superstar and already hold more prestige than just about anyone here. I am greatness personified. And Matt Sydal cheated me out of my destiny at becoming the Intercontinental Champion. And for that he had to pay the price for what he did. Because as my father once said everyone has a price and you know what, for every action someone has to pay a price and I am going to collect here tonight!"

(Dibiase walks away from Grisham and the camera suddenly pans to Triple H sitting in his locker room with his fists taped. Triple H is punching his hand with a a serious look upon his face. Suddenly Edge walks into the locker room and Triple H turns around to see him.)

Triple H: "What in the hell are you doing in here?"

Edge: "Hey Hunter relax, I just came in here to clear things up between us. Look it was Walker's idea to add me into this match not mine."

Triple H: "Why in the hell should I believe you? In fact whats stopping me from simply beating the living hell out of you right now so you don't even make to the amtch tonight?"

Edge: "Hunter, I am not going to come between you and Michaels. I know you two got issues to work out. I am simply going to stay out of it. I won't even be in the ring alright. Just wanted you to know that."

(Edge backs out of the locker room and Triple H stands there with a fierce gaze watching Edge leave.)

Jim Ross: "Strong words from Dibiase and quite shocking statements we just heard from Edge. Edge saying he did not even want in the World Title match tonight? I find that hard to believe. Edge dropped the Intercontinental Championship jus tto pursue the World Title!"

Jerry Lawler: "Well if Edge said so than it must be true! I bet Walker is jsut trying to make himself more popular by adding such a great headliner like Edge into the mix."

Jim Ross: "Well we are going to find out later tonight when we reach the World title match. But coming up next we are going to have a match of epic proportions. In fact it is going to be a match for the ages. JBL, the man who comes out to trash the SWA each week saying he wants to go back to HEW. He is going to have to answer to the Deadman, The Undertaker."

Jerry Lawler: "I cannot understand why JBL would say those things. Anarchy could use his greatness but than again he did turn his back on us at Crossroads....I guess we are just going to have to wait and see what happens."


Lillian Garcia: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, he weighs in at 290lbs from New York City, New York. I present to you John Bradshaw Layfield, JBL!â€￾

(JBL’s limousine appears next to the stage and half of JBL’s body appears out of the sunroof waving at the fans with his cowboy hat on and his black windbreaker jacket. JBL bends down back into the limo and the driver opens the door as JBL exits. JBL stands and waves at the people as he walks down the ramp. JBL walks to ringside and climbs up the steps. He steps on the ring apron and wipes his feet and than enters through the ropes. JBL walks to the middle of the ring and waves at the people once more before the lights going suddenly dark.)

Lillian Garcia: “And his opponent from Death Valley weighing in at 305lbs he is the Phenom the Undertaker!â€￾

(The lights go dark in the arena as a gong fills the arena. The Undertaker appears on the stage under a blew light as his music thunders throughout the arena. The fans cheer as he slowly begins his descent down the ramp with an emotionless face. Undertaker stops at the end of the ramp staring into the ring and he slowly turns and walks to the steps. The Undertaker climbs the steps and stands on the top step in front of the steel ring post. Undertaker pauses for a moment before shooting his hands into the air and the lights come on with a thunderous boom. Undertaker steps in between the ropes and enters the ring. The undertaker looks up at JBL and rolls his eyes in the back of his head as he removes his hat and trench coat.)

JBL and Undertaker lock up in a collar elbow tie up and Undertaker grabs the wrist of JBL and locks in a wrist lock. JBL falls to one knee and Undertaker drives his elbow into the shoulder of JBL. Undertaker ducks under the arm of JBL wrenching the arm a bit more. Undertaker walks backwards pulling JBL with him to the corner and Undertaker sits on the top turnbuckle and begins to step up on the ropes but JBL lands a right hand to the face of the Undertaker. JBL lands two more right hands and a knee lift to the chest of the Undertaker before grabbing him from behind the head and dragging him out of the corner. JBL grabs Undertaker in a front facelock and lands a swinging neckbreaker on the Undertaker. JBL quickly gets to his feet and stomps Undertaker in the middle of his back as he sits up. JBL picks up the Undertaker to his feet and locks in a wrist lock. Undertaker retaliates with a straight right hand to the face of JBL followed by a knee lift to the chest. Undertaker pushes JBL up against the ropes and whip shim but JBL reverses it. The Undertaker bounces off the ropes and JBL picks up Undertaker and slams him down with a sidewalk slam. JBL goes directly into the cover and hooks the leg. The referee counts 1…2…and the Undertaker manages to get a shoulder up off the mat. JBL immediately gets up and exits through the ropes and walks along the ring apron. JBL climbs up the turnbuckles and stands perched on the top rope and waits. The Undertaker gets to his feet and looks at JBL who launches himself off the top rope and lands a flying shoulder tackle on the Undertaker. JBL rushes to his feet and runs back and bounces off the ropes. JBL drops an elbow on the chest of the Undertaker and tells the referee to count. The referee counts 1…2…and the Undertaker kicks out.

Undertaker and JBL get up to their feet at the same time but JBL lands a right hand to the face of Undertaker which sends him into a corner. JBL rushes the Undertaker and lands a clothesline. JBL follows that up with a knee lift to the abdomen. JBL takes a few steps back and lands a big boot to the side of the head of the Undertaker. Undertaker squats down but JBL picks him up to his feet and lands a right hand. JBL whips Undertaker across the ring into a corner. Undertaker stumbles out of the corner and JBL charges at him. Undertaker side steps JBL and takes him down to the mat with an armbar. Undertaker applies the hold for a moment before letting go and rising to his feet and stomps on the bicep of JBL. Undertaker stomps on the arm of JBL a few more times before he rolls onto his side and Undertaker lands a stomp on the face of JBL. Undertaker picks up JBL to his feet and wrings his arm and locks in a wrist lock and than Undertaker than lands an uppercut to the bicep of JBL. Undertaker backs up to a corner and sits on the top turnbuckle and than climbs up and stands on the top turnbuckle. Undertaker walks along the top rope and leaps off and lands old school on JBL. Undertaker walks around stalking JBL as he slowly rises to his feet. JBL gets to his feet and Undertaker walks up to JBL and grabs him around the neck and lands the Complete Shot. Undertaker rolls JBL for the cover 1…2…and JBL kicks out of the pin. Undertaker rises to his feet and leans down and sits up JBL. Undertaker grabs one arm of JBL and locks on a triangle choke. Undertaker synchs in the choke some more as JBL’s arms go limp. The referee walks over and picks up JBL’s hand and lets it drop 1. The referee picks up JBL’s hand again and lets it drop 2. The referee picks his hand up one more time and as he lets it drop JBL gets his foot on the bottom rope and the referee makes the Undertaker break the hold.

Undertaker releases the hold and rises to his feet. Undertaker reaches down and picks up JBL to his feet and whips him into a corner. Undertaker walks towards JBL but receives a boot to the face. Undertaker backs up to the middle of the ring and JBL exits the corner and walks toward JBL only to receive a big boot to the face. Undertaker backs up across the ring as JBL crawls back to the corner and uses the ropes to help himself up. Undertaker runs at JBL and attempts a running big boot but JBL ducks and the Undertaker straddles the top rope. JBL lies on the ground for a moment as Undertaker straddles the top rope. JBL crawls on his hands and knees and chop blocks the one leg of the Undertaker who than falls to the mat next to JBL. JBL rises to his feet and begins to stomp on the head of Undertaker. JBL picks up Undertaker to his feet and lands a boot to the mid section of Undertaker and pushes him against the ropes. JBL whips Undertaker across the ring and JBL bends down but Undertaker stops, drops to his knees, and lands an uppercut to the throat of JBL. Undertaker slowly rises to his feet and lands a right hand to the wobbly JBL. JBL leans back and launches a right of his own to the face of the Undertaker. Undertaker bounces back landing three unanswered shots to the face of JBL which knocks him down to the mat. JBL rolled to his side and uses the ropes to rise up to his feet. The Undertaker pushes JBL against the ropes and whips him across the ring but JBL reverses it. Undertaker bounces of the ropes and ducks under a clothesline attempt from JBL. Undertaker bounces off the ropes once again and leaps into the air and clotheslines JBL.

JBL crawls towards a corner as the Undertaker gets to his hands and knees and to his feet. JBL rises to his feet and stands in the corner and Undertaker stands across from him in the opposite corner. Undertaker charges at JBL and splashes him in the corner. Undertaker walks away back to his corner as JBL hooks the top ropes to stay standing. Undertaker keeps walking than runs at JBL again and splashes him in the corner once again. Undertaker walks away and turns around in the middle of the ring and JBL stumbles out of the corner. Undertaker picks up JBL onto this shoulder and walks him over to a corner and drops him down with the snake eyes. Undertaker runs to the ropes and bounces off of them as JBL stumbles out of the corner. Undertaker lands a big boot to the face of JBL and JBL bounces on the mat as the Undertaker collapses to the ground. Undertaker rises to his feet and holds up one open hand waiting for JBL to stand. JBL crawls towards the ropes and uses them to climb up to his feet. JBL slowly turns around only to get the Undertaker’s hand wrapped around his throat. Undertaker lifts JBL up and chokeslams him down to the mat. Undertaker falls to his knees and covers JBL. The referee counts 1…2…and JBL kicks out. Undertaker rises to his feet and picks up JBL to his feet and picks him up onto his shoulders. JBL shifts his weight and lands on his feet and runs backwards and bounces off the ropes and Undertaker turns around. As soon as the Undertaker turns around he is caught with a clothesline from hell by JBL. JBL lies on the ground for a moment next to the Undertaker and than rolls on top of the Undertaker. The referee counts 1…2…and the Undertaker kick out.

JBL slowly gets to his feet as does the Undertaker who than stumbles to the corner. JBL walks to the Undertaker and lands a right hand to the face of the Undertaker. Undertaker reaches out and grabs JBL by the throat and pulls him into the corner and begins to unleash a series of right hands to the face of JBL. Undertaker whips JBL to the middle of the ring and than whips him back into the same corner. JBL runs chest first into the top turnbuckle and than turns around and throws up a big boot as does the Undertaker and both men fall to the mat. The referee begins to count 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…and both men manage to get to their feet. JBL leans back and bounces off the ropes and attempts to clothesline the Undertaker but Undertaker ducks under the clothesline and once JBL turns around the Undertaker picks him up onto his shoulder. Undertaker pulls JBL in front of him with his arms locked around his waist. Undertaker than drops JBL down on his head with the Tombstone piledriver. Undertaker crosses the arms of JBL and rolls his eyes into the back of his head. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…3!

Lillian Garcia: "Here is your winner The Undertaker!"

(Undertaker kneels down and the lights go out and the blue spotlight shines down on him as he reaches up.)

Jim Ross: "JBL has finally been silenced thanks to the Phenom!"

Jerry Lawler: "Well he got what any traitor deserves a good ass kicking! Maybe now he will change his tune about SWA."

(Camera pans to Todd Grisham once again.)

Todd Grisham: "Todd Grisham again and I am about to be joined by the New Intercontinental Champion Matt Hardy Version 1!"

(Matt Hardy steps in with the camera frame with the Intercontinental Championship draped over his shoulder. Shannon Moore is behind Grisham and Hardy patting Hardy on the back.)

Todd Grisham: "First of all congratulations on becoming the Intercontinental Champion in a very intense match up with your brother Jeff. But first of all most people are already talking about how you won the title..."

Matt Hardy: "I won this title thanks to my never say die Mattitude. My unrelenting drive to be the best."

Shannon Moore: "And thanks to me right Matt?"

(Matt looks at Moore stunned and pie faces him into the wall.)

Matt Hardy: "I won this title you hear me! I DID! And if you want to doubt me again you will find yourself left bloody and beaten just like Jeff!"

Shannon Moore: "Yeah your right. You did it Matt!"

Matt Hardy: Now as I was saying...and if to prove I was the best it meant walking over a good for nothing brother you better believe I would do it and I did. I showed who the better of us was, not that there was any doubt in the first place. I mean come on, how many times have I been called a junkie? How many times have I burnt down my own house? How many times have I been suspended from a company for being pathetic and unable to maintain my life. I am the one who deserves the success. Who do our parents praise and shower with devotion? Me because I am the one they can be proud of. Now everyone in the world can show me their devotion to Matt Hardy because my reign as Intercontinental Champion is going to be epic! It is the era of V1! And if anyone has a problem with it, why don't you just meet me in that ring..."

(Matt walks away and Moore quickly follows.)

Jim Ross: "A rather disturbing scene from Matt Hardy. Well coming up next, we got the Tag Team Gauntlet match for the World Tag Team Championships! And you have to wonder how in the world can the Hart Foundation keep their titles when facing 4 other teams in one match?"

Jerry Lawler: "Well the odds are stacked against them. but they can come out on top. Everyone else in this match are either sucking blood, sucking down burritos, on the edge of retiring, or just plain sucking. So I foresee them blowing through this match no problem!"

Jim Ross: "Well before we get started the rules should be explained. Two teams are going to start this match. One man from each team will be in the ring like a regular tag match. When one of those teams is eliminated via pin fall, submission, count out or disqualification they will be sent to the locker room and another team will take their place. This will go on until their is only one team left standing and they will be crowned the World Tag Team Champions!"


Lillian Garcia: The following contest is the Tag Team Gauntlet match. Introducing first from Introducing first Billy Gunn and Road Dogg, the New Age Outlaws!â€￾

Road Dogg: “Oh you didn’t know? Your ass better call somebody!â€￾

(The crowd pops as both of them appear on the stage and go to opposite ends playing to the crowd. The meet back in the center of the stage and pose. They start down the ramp again)

Road Dogg: “You damn right! You see it’s me, it’s me it’s that D-O- Double G. Back once again with that B-A Double D!â€￾

(The New Age Outlaws enter the ring and Road Dogg climbs the turnbuckles and looks out at the crowd while Billy Gunn poses in the middle of the ring.)

Road Dogg: “Cut our music! Welcome to the Dogg House. Where the outlaws always gotta do it, Doggy Style! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, the SWA proudly brings to you, it’s next Tag Team Champions of the World! The Road Dogg Jesse James, The Bad Ass Billy Gunn and we are the New Age Outlaws!â€￾

Billy Gunn: “And if your not down with the New Age Outlaws, We got two words for ya!â€￾

(The crowd screams Suck It! Gunn tosses the microphone to Lillian aas they stare to the ramp.)

Lillian Garcia: “And their opponents making their way to the ring, weighing in at 456 Teddy Hart and Harry Smith, The New Hart Foundation!â€￾

(Teddy Hart walks out onto the ramp in his bright pink sparkling pants. Harry Smith walks out behind him flexing in short tights holding a Canadian flag. They walk down the ramp. Teddy walks up the steps and Harry sets the Canadian flag down by the steps and hops onto the ring apron.)

Billy Gunn and Harry Smith start out in the ring. They both lock into a collar elbow tie up. Billy pulls Harry into a side headlock. Harry pushes Billy off and Billy bounces off the ropes. Billy knocks Smith down with a shoulder block. Billy drops down for the cover immediately and the referee counts 1 and Smith kicks out. As Smith gets up, Billy grabs him in a side headlock take over and holds him down on the mat. Harry reaches down and hooks the leg of Billy and rolls him over and holds him in a cradle. The referee counts 1.…and Billy shifts his weight back to a sitting position. Billy rises up to his feet while still holding Smith in a side headlock. Smith pushes Billy off once again and Billy bounces off the ropes. Smith hit’s the ground and Billy steps over him but stops in the middle of the ring. Smith gets to his feet and Billy throws a right hand. Smith blocks the right hand and than arm drags Billy down to the mat. Smith holds onto the wrist of Billy and picks him up to his feet. Smith wrenches the arm of Billy but Billy connects with an elbow to the gut of Smith. Billy grabs the wrist of Smith and wrenches it. Billy drags Smith over to his corner and tags in Road Dogg. Road Dogg connects with a kick to the mid section as Billy holds him in the arm wringer. Road Dogg grabs the wrist of Smith and wrenches it once again. Smith flips forward and lays on the mat. Smith manages to get his legs around the ankle of Road Dogg and drop toe holds him down to the mat. Smith floats over and grabs Road Dogg in a side headlock. Smith stands up still holding Road Dogg and he drags him over to his corner. Hart tags himself in and enters the ring.

Smith drags Road Dogg over to the ropes and than grabs his wrist and whips him across the ring. Road Dogg bounces off the ropes and Smith drop toe holds him in the middle of the ring. Hart runs to the side and bounces off the ropes and connects with a low dropkick to the side of Road Dogg’s face. Smith exit’s the ring and Hart sat up Road Dogg. Hart connected with a kick to the back of Road Dogg. Hart than ran forward and bounced off the ropes. Hart ran at Road Dogg and connected with a dropkick that landed directly in the face of Road Dogg. Hart got to his feet quickly and walked over to Road Dogg and pick him up to his feet. Hart grabbed Road Dogg in a double underhook. Hart bends down and than send Road Dogg up and over with a double underhook suplex. Hart gets to his feet and walks over to the side of Road Dogg and he turns his back to him and suddenly leaps up and connects with a standing moonsault onto Road Dogg. Hart hooks the leg of him and the referee drops down to count 1.…2 and Kip James lands a kick to the back of Hart’s head breaking up the count. Hart gets to hi feet and as Kip is exiting the ring, Hart connects with a right hand. Road Dogg is up to his feet and walks up behind Hart and grabs him from behind and lifts him up. Road Dogg drop Hart down with a back suplex and quickly goes for the cover. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2 and Hart kicks out. Road Dogg gets to his feet and picks Hart up to his feet and pushes him into his corner. Road Dogg reaches up and tags in Billy Gunn.

Billy enters the ring and Road Dogg and Gunn each grab and arm and pull art out of the corner and than push him back into the turnbuckles. They both pull Hart out of the corner and into a double arm clothesline. Gunn drops down and covers hart. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2 and Hart kicks out. Gunn picks up Hart and pulls him into his corner. Road Dogg backs away as Gunn begins to pummel Hart with right hands. Hart blocks one and answers back with a right hand of his own. Hart than throws and elbow back that connects with the jaw of Road Dogg. Gunn moves back in and eats another right hand. Hart throws back another elbow that connects. Hart than runs forward trying to reach his corner but Gunn catches him and carries him over into a corner. Gunn whips Hart across the ring and Hart hit’s the turnbuckles. Gunn charges and as he closes in, Hart lifts himself up to sitting on the top turnbuckle. Gunn crashes chest first into the middle turnbuckle and Hart hooks his legs under the arms of Gunn. Hart sunset flips forward and has Gunn’s shoulders pinned to the mat. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…3!

The New Age Outlaws have been Eliminated!

Homicide and Hernandez run down the ramp and slide into the ring. Hernandez cuts off Smith by hitting him with a clubbing forearm to the back as he is entering the ring. Hernandez shoves Smith down to the floor as Homicide knocks Hart down with a clothesline. Homicide stomps on Hart and than runs back and bounces off the ropes. Once Homicide is close to Hart, Homicide drops down and leg drops Hart. Homicide covers Hart and hooks the leg. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Hart kicks out. Homicide gets to his feet and grabs Hart by the head and drags him over to his corner. Homicide tags in Hernandez and Hernandez enters the ring. Both men underhook one arm of Hart and double arm drag Hart into the middle of the ring. Hernandez looks down at Hart who is on his hands and knees crawling towards his corner. Hernandez steps on the back of Hart and drives his chest into the mat. Hernandez turns Hart over and sits him up. Hernandez begins to connect with straight right hands to the face of Hart. Hernandez walks over to Smith and taunts him. Smith starts to enter the ring but stops himself. Hernandez moves to Hart and grabs him by his throat with both hands. With one swift movement Hernandez pulls Hart up to his feet from a sitting position. Hernandez lifts Hart into the air with a double hand choke. Hernandez walks across the ring and tosses Hart into his corner. Hernandez reaches in and tags in Homicide. Homicide enters the ring and connects with a kick to the mid section of Hart. Homicide than just grabs Hart by the throat and blatantly chokes him in front of the referee. The referee counts 1.…2.…3.…4.…and Homicide releases the hold.

Homicide backs away and snap mares Hart to the middle of the ring. Hart rolls over onto his hands and knees and Homicide grabs him in a front facelock and lifts him up to his feet. Hart connects with a few right hands to the gut of Homicide backing him up but Homicide connects with a forearm smash across the back of Hart. Homicide turns around to face Smith but Smith leans over the ropes and nails Homicide with a forearm shot to the face. Hart gets to his feet and leaps up and connects with a spinning wheel kick to the face of Homicide. Both men lay on the mat and start crawling towards their corner. Hart leaps up and tags in Smith. Hernandez rushes into the ring without being tagged and Smith runs in and connects with a low drop kick to the knee of Hernandez. Hernandez drops down to one knee and Smith grabs him by the head and pants and runs forward. Smith tosses Hernandez between the middle and top rope and down to the outside. Smith turns around as Homicide is getting to his feet. Smith runs towards him and connects with a clothesline. Homicide gets back up quickly only to be knocked down with a clothesline once again. Homicide gets to one knee and Smith is waiting behind him. Homicide gets to his feet and Smith turns him around. Smith connects with a kick to the mid section of Homicide and scoops him up onto his shoulder. Smith walks forward and turns around and connects with the running power slam on Homicide. Smith hooks the leg and the referee counts 1.…2.…3!

LAX has been Eliminated!

Kevin Thorn and Gangrel of the Brood run down the ramp and slide in the ring. Thorn rushes in and spears Smith down to the mat. Gangrel runs along ringside and nails Hart with a clothesline. Thorn pulls Smith into a corner and begins to connect with right hands. Gangrel begins to stomp on the back of Hart on the outside. Gangrel picks up Hart and tosses him into the ring underneath the bottom rope. Thorn tosses Smith out of the ring. Thorn walks over to Gangrel who slides into the ring as well. Both men grab an arm of Hart and lift him to his feet. They push Hart against the ropes and whip him across the ring. The both go for a double clothesline but Hart ducks underneath it and bounces off the ropes once again. Thorn and Gangrel turn around only to be hit with a flying cross body from Hart. Gangrel slides out of the ring and Thorn and Hart both get to their feet and Hart connects with a few right hands. Hart runs back and bounces off the ropes and hits Thorn with a spinning wheel kick. Hart gets to his feet as Thorn is on his hands and knees. Hart leaps up and connects with a dropkick to the face of Thorn. Hart gets to his feet and reaches out. Smith tags in and enters the ring. Hart and Smith grab Thorn by the arms and lift him up to his feet and push him against the ropes. They whip Thorn across the ring and Thorn bounces off the ropes. Thorn runs towards the Hart Foundation and they both hip toss Thorn down to the mat. Hart exit’s the ring and Smith picks Thorn up to his feet. Smith connects with a European uppercut and Thorn leans back against the ropes and Smith connects with yet another European uppercut. Smith kicks Thorn in the gut and grabs him in a front facelock and drags him over to his corner. Smith tags in Hart and Hart enters the ring.

Hart kicks Thorn in the ribs. Thorn is hunched over and Hart snap mares Thorn down to the mat laying down. Hart leaps up and leg drops Thorn across the throat. Hart covers Thorn and the referee drops down and counts 1.…2 and Thorn kicks out. Hart gets to his feet and grabs Thorn by the head and picks him up to his feet. Hart tags in Smith and Smith enters the ring and connects with a kick to the mid section of Thorn. Smith grabs Thorn in a front facelock but Thorn answers back with a low blow as the referee is getting Hart out of the ring. Thorn grabs a hunched over Smith and drags him over to his corner. Thorn reaches over and tags in Gangrel. Thorn puts Smith in the corner and Gangrel enters the ring and begins to pummel Smith with right hands. Gangrel grabs Smith in a front facelock and pulls him to the middle of the ring and drops him down with a DDT. Gangrel covers Smith and the referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Smith kicks out. Gangrel picks up Smith and drags him over to his corner and kicks him in the mid section. Smith than throws a right hand to Gangrel and than hits Thorn with an elbow. Smith charges out of the corner and knocks Gangrel down with a clothesline. Thorn enters the ring and nails Smith with a clothesline to the back of the neck knocking him down. Hart charges into the ring and meets Thorn in the middle of the ring and both of them exchange right hands. Hart begins to win the exchange but Thorn connects with a knee lift to the gut of Hart and tosses him out of the ring through the middle and top rope. Smith gets to his feet and turns Thorn around. Smith begins to connect with right hands on Thorn. Gangrel comes up behind Smith and pulls him into a school boy pin. Gangrel hooks the tights and the referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…3!

The Next Generation Hart Foundation have been Eliminated!

London and Kendrick run full speed down the ramp and slide into the ring. They are met by Thorn and Gangrel and begin to exchange right hands. London and Kendrick begin to win the battle and both of them leap up and hit Thorn and Gangrel with dropkicks at the same time knocking them out of the ring. London and Kendrick stand in the ring calling for them to bring it. London exits onto the ring apron and Gangrel enters the ring. Gangrel rushes to attempt a clothesline but Kendrick ducks underneath it. Gangrel turns around and Kendrick begins to unleash a series of right hands until Gangrel connects with a knee lift to the gut of Kendrick. Gangrel backs Kendrick into a corner and throws a right hand but Kendrick blocks it and answers back with a right hand of his own. Kendrick sits up onto the top turnbuckle as Gangrel backs up. Kendrick leaps off the middle rope and does a front flip and grabs the head of Gangrel and nails a blockbuster. Kendrick immediately goes for the cover and the referee counts 1.…2.…and Gangrel kicks out. Gangrel slides out of the ring to recover as Kendrick stands in the ring. The referee starts his count 1.…2.…3.…4.…5.…6.…7.…8.…9.…and Gangrel enters the ring and Kendrick gets up and Gangrel runs at Kendrick and knocks him down with a hard clothesline. Gangrel walks over to London and lands a reverse elbow and knocks London off the ropes once again. Gangrel gets to his feet and turns to a now standing Kendrick and lands a European uppercut. Kendrick bounces back against the ropes and ends up bouncing right into the arms of Gangrel once again. Gangrel wraps his arms around Kendrick and suddenly sends him over with an overhead belly to belly suplex.

Gangrel stands and poses for the crowd as Kendrick crawls to a corner and uses the ropes to get to his knees. Gangrel walks towards Kendrick with a vicious grin and Kendrick leaps up and lands a low dropkick to the knee of Gangrel. Gangrel falls forwards and lands with his head slamming against the middle turnbuckle. Gangrel moves over resting his head across the middle rope. London runs along the ring apron and lands a running dropkick to the side of Gangrel’s face. Kendrick rushes over and tags in London. Kendrick and London walk over to Gangrel and they both whip him across the ring. Gangrel bounces off the ropes and runs right into a double hip toss to him to the ground. London covers Gangrel and the referee counts 1…and Gangrel kicks out. London sits up and picks up Gangrel to his feet and drags him over to a corner and slams him face first into the top turnbuckle. London turns Gangrel around and snap mares Gangrel down to the mat and lays him down. London turns to the ropes and jumps onto the second rope, springboards off and lands a leg drop across the neck of Gangrel. London goes for the cover and the referee counts 1…and Gangrel gets a shoulder up. Thorn attempts to get into the ring but the referee stops him. London gets up to his feet and attempts to pick up Gangrel to his feet, but Gangrel lands a low blow on London. Gangrel gets to his feet and walks over and tag’s in Thorn. Thorn enters the ring and Gangrel is holding Kendrick up. Thorn charges and Kendrick ducks out of the way. Thorn hits Gangrel with a big boot and London climbs up to the top turnbuckle quickly and leaps off hitting Thorn with a missile dropkick. Thorn is wobbly on his feet and Kendrick runs at Thorn and gabs him around his head. Kendrick runs towards the corner and runs up the turnbuckles. Kendrick hit’s the Sliced Bread on Thorn and drops him right across the gut o Gangrel. Kendrick positions Thorn to be right on to of Gangrel and London ascends the turnbuckles. Kendrick holds their feet and London leaps off for the Shooting Star Press. London comes crashing down on Gangrel and Thorn. Thorn rolls off of Gangrel and Kendrick quickly covers Thorn. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…3!

Lillian Garcia: “Here are your winners and the new World Tag Team Champions, Paul London and Brian Kendrick!â€￾

Jim Ross: “Do you believe in miracles!?! London and Kendrick are the new World Tag Team Champions!â€￾

Jerry Lawler: “I cannot believe it! They cheated! They don’t deserve to be champions! They are just kids! Someone get down here and fix this!â€￾

Part 2 will be coming up soon!

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Matt vs. Jeff - a great way to start the PPV with the Intercontinental Championship match. I really liked the match and the chemistry between the two with Shannon joining.

Dibiase and HHH Promo - I don't know but I have a feeling this two will form an alliance in the future.

JBL vs. Undertaker - A nice back and forth match with a predictable ending by letting JBL lose. I wonder what's next for JBL and so does Taker.

Matt Hardy Promo - A hype for the new IC Champ, it also adds something to his feud with his brother.

Tag Team Gauntlet - The best match among the three imo, I was quite surprised seeing the Hart Foundation get eliminated by the New Brood, I know they were currently having a push but I was still shocked lol... but good to see L&K win the titles and not the New Brood and now I doubt they will go to a feud.

Part 1 is good and I know Part 2 will be better, I am looking forward to it.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Hardy vs Hardy - Great way to start off your show with a match like this. It was a very competitive matchup. lots of nice spots and moves here, and the flow was pretty great. Good win by Matt Hardy here, he should be a pretty good IC Champ.

DiBiase - Good promo with him now on the side of HHH. I couldn't catch the past shows, so this seems like a pretty good plan you have set.

HHH & Edge - Simple Edge promo with him being the sneaky devil that he is. I expect something big out of him later in the show.

JBL vs the Undertaker - I'm not the biggest fan of both of these guys, but I have to say that you made it readable. It got kind of boring in the middle stages of the match, but the end of the match picked up. I wasn't expecting JBL to win here.

V1Hardy promo - Another promo that was nice, hyping up Matt's reign as IC Champ.

Tag Gauntlet - Pretty good match here, and each section of the gauntlet was broken up nicely. There really isn't that much to say here, but it was good. London & Kendrick as tag champs should be pretty nice, you have some good teams to compete with them in the future.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy: I liked that you started off pretty technically, rather than just having these two jumping around staright off the bat. You dodged the common mistake, but you're no noob. Shannon Moore's run in was kinda early I thought. It would have been more dramatic to have him run in at a crucial time, but whatever. You still used him well throughout the match. The spot with the referee seeing Moore and Matt cheating was pretty cool, and a good nearfall. Moore and Hardy brutalising Jeff (moore with the chair) shows that they don't care what they have to do. Nice heelish work. Good opener.

Ted DiBiase promo: Nice promo, it looks like Ted is in line for a nice push, which I like, of course. Ted is someone who could be big in the future, and hopefully he's big in SWA.

Edge/Triple H promo: Decent, although shortish. Edge is obviously just trying to be a bit of a snake here, emphasising his heelishness.

Undertaker vs JBL: Started slow, and stayed slow throughout. This one really didn't interest me. It was just two guys really using big boots, right hands, and some occasional grapples. Their movesets were right, and you wrote it to probably the best to which you could. The two are just unable to produce something that I would consider watching. You did a good job, but it still was nowhere near as good as the first match.

Matt Hardy promo: lol. I love the egomaniac Matt. His never say die Mattitude ftw! BTW, hsi parents can't shower him with praise. His mum is dead, so he only has one parent. If you didn't know, now you know.

Tag Team Scramble: I'm surprised you had the NAO start out with the Hart Foundation. NAO suck, and the Hart Foundation were heel champs, so I really expected them to come in late and pick up a cheap win. The match was pretty good, and I was glad you didn't let one part drag on too long. Instead, it was good. Short and sweet for each part. Londrick winning the titles is a bit of a shock, as they used to be jobbers. Them vs Hart and Smith should be a good feud, if used properly.

AC: Good start Andrew, let's see where you go from here. The main event should be great, looking forward to it.


Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Looks good so far, I'll review both parts as soon as part two is posted. Hope it is coming soon.


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
(camera cuts to Shawn Michaels kneeling in front of his locker praying. Suddenly the locker room door opens and Michaels stands up and turns around and sees Edge.)

Edge: "Shawn, I didn't mean to disturb you but I had something I needed to get off of my chest. You see, I did not want to be in this match tonight. I know you and Hunter have a lot of personal issues to sort out in the ring tonight. And I just want to let you know that I am not going to come in between you two because it is none of my business."

(Edge extends his hand to Michaels and Michaels looks down at Edges hand and than grabs it and they shake.)

Shawn Michaels: "Edge, I don't know who you think you are trying to fool here. But I have been around the ropes many times and I know all the ins and outs of most of the guys who walk down that ramp. And if you think for one second I am going to turn a blind eye to you in that ring, you got another thing coming. Because the second you come at me, you can expect for me to knock your teeth down your throat."

(Edge lets go of Michaels hand and backs up to the door.)

Edge: "Like I said Shawn, I got no part in this."

(Edge exits the door and it closes behind him. Edge smirks as he walks down the hallway.)

Jim Ross: "One has to stand in awe of the actions of that snake Edge."

Jerry Lawler: "Snake? How in the hell can you say that? He is going around giving Triple H and Shawn Michaels the respect they deserve! And you call him a snake?"

Jim Ross: "You know damn well Edge is looking out for one person and that is himself. Well folks coming up next we are going to witness some of the youngest and fastest rising stars in the SWA. Ted Dibiase is going to face Matt Sydal.

Jerry Lawler: "You know this Dibiase kid is cut throat and will do anything to get what he wants! I can't wait for him to show this jumping bean Sydal what real wrestling is."


Lillian Garcia: “Introducing first from St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 160lbs Matt Sydal!â€

(Matt Sydal appears on the ring and walks down the ramp pointing out at the crowd. Sydal runs and leaps up and dives through the bottom and middle rope and rolls into the ring. Sydal hops up onto his feet and smiles.)

Lillian Garcia: “And his opponent from Tampa, Florida weighing in at 210lbs, Ted Dibiase!â€

(Priceless fills the arena as Ted Dibiase walks out onto the stage showcasing his body as he walks. Dibiase walks along ringside and walks up the steel stairs. Dibiase enters the ring through the middle and top rope.)

Both men move to the center of the ring and Sydal goes for a collar elbow tie up but Dibiase moves to the side and connects with a knee lift to the mid section. Sydal hunches over and Dibiase connects with a clubbing forearm to the back Dibiase picks Sydal up to his feet and connects with a right hand and pushes him back into the corner. Dibiase connects with a knife edge chop to the chest of Sydal. Dibiase grabs the wrist of Sydal and attempts to whip him across the ring but Sydal reverses it. Dibiase hit’s the turnbuckles and walks away from them holding his back. Sydal leaps up and connects with a dropsault to Dibiase. Sydal quickly gets to his feet and rushes over and picks Dibiase up to his feet. Sydal connects with a kick to the thigh of Dibiase. Dibiase hunches down and Sydal leaps up and connects with an Enzui-Giri. Sydal moves over and quickly covers Dibiase and the referee drops down and counts 1 and Dibiase immediately kicks out. Dibiase rolls across the ring and gets to his feet holding the back of his head. Sydal stands there ready as Dibiase takes his time getting to his feet. Both men circle the ring and move in and lock up in a collar elbow tie up. Dibiase pulls Sydal into a side headlock and Sydal wraps his arms around Dibiase and moves back against the ropes. Sydal pushes Dibiase off and Dibiase runs across the ring and bounces off the ropes. Sydal moves to the middle of the ring and arm drags Dibiase down t the mat. Sydal holds onto the arm of Dibiase as he sits on the mat and gets in a shoulder lock. Dibiase rolls to his side and gets to his feet. Sydal releases the shoulder lock and holds the wrist of Dibiase holding him in an arm wringer. Sydal wrenches the arm of Dibiase and connects with an elbow to the bicep.

Dibiase backs away from Sydal and leans against the ropes. Sydal charges but Dibiase ducks down and back body drops Sydal over the top rope. Sydal manages to grab the top rope and land on the ring apron. Dibiase walks to the middle of the ring smirking and as he turns around he sees Sydal and he charges. Sydal leans over the top rope and connects with a forearm shot to the face of Dibiase backing him across the ring. Dibiase backs up and Sydal leaps up to the top rope and springboards off. Sydal grabs Dibiase around the head and drives him down to the mat, hitting the Swan Dive DDT. Sydal rolls Dibiase over and hooks the leg. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2 and Dibiase kicks out. Sydal gets up onto both feet and bends down and picks Dibiase up to his feet and connects with a knife edge chop. Sydal runs back and bounces off the ropes. Dibiase leaps up at the last second and connects a with a hard clothesline to the face of Sydal. Dibiase crawls over to Sydal and instead of going for the cover mounts him. Dibiase beings to reign down straight right hands to the face of Sydal. Dibiase gets to his feet and picks Sydal up to his feet. Dibiase lands a right hand to the face of Sydal and pushes him back against the ropes. Dibiase grabs the wrist of Sydal and whips him across the ring. Sydal bounces off the ropes and runs right into the arms of Dibiase. Dibiase immediate pops his hips and sends Sydal over his head with and overhead belly to belly suplex. Dibiase stands up and shows of his physique to the crowd as Sydal lays on the mat arching his back up.

Dibiase walks over to Sydal and picks him up to his feet. Sydal suddenly stands up and pushes the arm of Dibiase away and connects with a few right hands. Dibiase backs up and Sydal spins and nails Dibiase with a spinning back kick. Dibiase hunches over and Sydal runs full force and bounces off the ropes. Dibiase stands upright and is caught with a spinning wheel kick. Sydal quickly gets to his feet and bends down and picks Dibiase up to his feet. Sydal vertical leaps up and is on the shoulders of Dibiase. Sydal reigns down a few punches to the face of Dibiase and than performs a hurricanrana. Sydal is still sitting on Dibiase pinning his shoulder down and reaching back hooking his leg. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.… and Dibiase kicks out. Dibiase rolls across the ring and goes under the bottom rope and walk along the outside. Sydal walks up to the ropes and leaps up over the top rope and lands on the ring apron with his back to Dibiase. Sydal leaps up to the middle rope and goes for a springboard moonsault. Dibiase moves out of the way and Sydal goes gut first across the fan guard rail. Sydal is draped over there and Dibiase runs at Sydal and rives his knee across the head of Sydal. Sydal is suddenly jerked to the side and falls back into the ringside area. Dibiase walks over and picks Sydal up and lifts him up off the ground and drops his chest across the barricade once again. Dibiase grabs the tights and head of Sydal and tosses him into the ring. Dibiase slides into the ring and covers Sydal. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Sydal kicks out.

Dibiase gets to his feet and looks at Sydal who is on his hands and knees. Dibiase measures and ran forward and kicks Sydal directly in the ribs. Sydal gets onto his back and than rolls over to the ropes and uses the middle rope to get onto his knees. Dibiase gets behind Sydal and puts him through the middle rope and than grabs him by the chin and pulls the back of Sydal across the top rope. Dibiase pulls Sydal away from the ropes and keeps him on his feet. Dibiase turns Sydal around and lands a kick to the mid section. Dibiase grabs Sydal in a front facelock and throws his arm over his head and lifts Sydal up for a vertical suplex. Dibiase drops down and hit’s the move and easily floats over and hooks the leg. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Sydal kicks out. Dibiase gets to his feet and picks Sydal up to his feet. Dibiase scoops Sydal up but Sydal keeps the momentum going and lands on his feet behind Dibiase. Sydal grabs Dibiase around the waist and pulls him back and rolls him up. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Dibiase kicks out. Both men quickly get to their feet. Sydal runs towards Dibiase and Dibiase throws a hard clothesline that sends Sydal flipping in the air and slams down to the mat. Dibiase walks over and covers Sydal. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Sydal gets a shoulder up. Dibiase gets up to his feet and bends down and picks Sydal up to his feet. Dibiase slaps Sydal in the face and Sydal answer back with a kick to his thigh and than follows it up with a kick that connects with the head of Dibiase. Dibiase falls down to the mat and Sydal falls down to his hands and knees.

Dibiase and Sydal slowly get to their feet around the same time. Dibiase charges at Sydal and Sydal throws a flying knee to the chin of Dibiase. Dibiase stumbles back and drops down to one knee. Sydal runs back and bounces off the ropes. Sydal runs at Dibiase and leaps up and connects with a spinning hurricanrana. Dibiase lays flat on the mat and Sydal walks over to the side of Dibiase and turns hi back to him. Sydal leaps up and goes for a standing moonsault but Dibiase gets his knees up and drives them into the chest of Sydal. Sydal backs up and leans against the ropes holding his chest and Dibiase gets to his feet behind Sydal. Dibiase walks up and grabs Sydal in the Million Dollar Dream. Dibiase pulls Sydal to the middle of the ring and connects with the side Russian leg sweep. Dibiase rolls over in a camel clutch position with the Million Dollar Dream still latched on. Dibiase sits lower and pulls back harder and Sydal taps out.

Lillian Garcia: "Here is your winner by submission, Ted Dibiase!"

Jerry Lawler: "Haha! I knew it! Dibiase comes out on top thanks to the Dream Crusher! The jumping bean has been grounded for good!"

Jim Ross: "Indeed Dibiase came out with a clear victory over Sydal with those vicious sequence of moves he calls the Dream Crusher. A very impressive showing for his PPV debut here in SWA."

Jerry Lawler: "Yeah don't be hopping on his bandwagon now because I was right J.R. Besides the second you hop on anyones bandwagon, there is no room for anyone else haha!"

Jim Ross: "Real class act there King...anyways folks, we are going to keep things rolling here with our next match up and it is a growing personal rivalry for the X Division Championship. It is going to be Samoa Joe one on one with Chris Sabin!"

Jerry Lawler: "We all know Chris Sabin is the best except you J.R. We all know how you fat people stick together like the rolls on your guts do after a trip to the fridge! But now we will see true greatness in action!"


Lillian Garcia: "This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the X Division Championship. Introducing first, The reigning and defending X Division Champion. From the Isle of Samoa, weighing in at 260lbs, the Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe!"

(Samoa Joe appears on the stage with the X Division Championship around his neck and orange and black trunks. Joe walks down the ramp with his hand hops up onto the ring apron. Joe enters the ring through the ropes and takes the towel off his neck. He cuts his throat and points it to the camera.)

Lillian Garcia: "Introducing the challenger from Chicago, Illinois weighing in at 215lbs Chris Sabin!"

(Hail Sabin fills the room as he appears on the stage wearing his black sweater. Sabin lifts up his hand and point to his palm. Sabin slides in under the bottom rope and rises to his feet. Sabin walks over to the middle of the ropes and stands on the second rope pointing and gestures for the title to come across his waist.)

Both men circle around the middle of the ring staring at each other. Both men lock into a collar elbow tie up and Joe breaks it and goes for a right hand. Sabin ducks under the right hand of Joe and connects with a knife edge chop. Joe stands there unaffected staring at Sabin. Joe answers back with a knife edge chop of his own. Sabin clutches at his chest and backs up against the ropes and rests on one knee. Joe stands in the middle fo the ring staring a hole through Sabin. Joe walks towards Sabin as he stands and attempts another knife edge chop but Sabin ducks under it. Sabin backs across the ring and Joe walks towards Sabin and locks into a collar elbow tie up. Joe easily backs Sabin into a corner and the referee calls for the break between the two. Joe slowly backs up and Sabin quickly slides out of the corner and stands in the middle of the ring. Joe walks towards Sabin and they both lock into another collar elbow tie up and Joe grabs Sabin in an arm wringer. Joe backs Sabin up against the ropes and whips Sabin across the ring. Sabin bounces off the ropes ducks under a clothesline attempt from Joe. Sabin bounces off the ropes once again and attempts a shoulder block on Joe in the middle of the ring and Joe just stares at Sabin unaffected by the shoulder block. Joe begins to talk a bit of trash staring at Sabin and Sabin backs up against the ropes and attempts another shoulder block. Joe is once again un affected. Sabin decides to try and bounces off the ropes. Once Sabin is off the ropes, Joe connects with a running kick to the jaw of Sabin. Sabin rolls on the mat to the corner. Joe walks over to Sabin and picks him up to his feet in the corner.

Joe grabs the wrist of Sabin and attempts to whip him across the ring but Sabin reverses it. Joe hit’s the turnbuckles in the corner and Sabin runs at Joe and connects with a flying forearm to the jaw of Joe. Sabin backs of the corner looking at Joe who stumbles out of the corner still on his feet. Sabin walks to Joe and attempts to pick him up for the Cradle Shock, but he cannot lift Joe off the canvas. Joe connects with a knee lift to the face of Sabin that knocks him down to the mat. Joe reaches down and grabs Sabin by his hair and picks him up to his feet. Joe connects with a knife edge chop and backs Sabin up against the ropes. Joe whips Sabin across the ring and Sabin bounces off the ropes. Joe runs towards Sabin attempting a clothesline but Sabin ducks under it. Joe continues running and bounces off the ropes the same time Sabin does. Sabin and Joe runs towards each other and Joe connects with a spinning wheel kick to the jaw of Sabin. Sabin lies flat on the amt holding his face as Joe sits up and looks at Sabin. Joe gets to his feet and grabs Sabin by the hair and picks him up to his feet. Joe connects with a head butt to the face of Sabin and Sabin backs up into a corner. Joe whips Sabin across the ring and Sabin’s back hit’s the turnbuckles. Joe runs towards Sabin and connects with the running knee lift to the face of Sabin. Joe backs away and Sabin falls down and his head rests against the bottom turnbuckle. Joe looks out at the crowd and than walks in front of Sabin and drives his foot across the face of Sabin and than runs back across the ring. Joe bounces off the ropes and runs across the ring and drives his foot right across the face of Sabin. Sabin rolls out of the corner holding his face once again. Sabin lies back first on the mat in the middle of the ring. Joe walks to Sabin and sits him up.

Sabin is still holding his nose but Joe connects with a knife edge chop to his back. Sabin sits up right and reveals that he is bleeding from his nose. Joe than connects with a straight kick to the chest of Sabin knocking him back down onto the mat. Joe runs back and bounces off the ropes runs towards Sabin, leaps into the air, and drives his knee across the throat of Sabin. Joe goes for the cover and hooks the leg. The referee drops down and counts 1...2...and Sabin gets a shoulder up. Joe sits on his knees and looks at the referee before rising up to his feet. Joe sits Sabin up and grabs his head and twists it to one side in a neck wrench. Sabin sits up to one side and rises up to his feet as Joe keeps the neck wrench locked in. Sabin connects with a few elbows to the gut of Joe finally breaking the hold. Sabin runs to the side and bounces off the ropes. Sabin runs towards Joe but Joe bursts towards Sabin with energy and knocks Sabin down with shoulder block. Joe walks over to Sabin and sits him up and once again locks in that neck wrench. Sabin moves to the side and sits on his knees. Sabin begins to rise to his feet and connects with an elbow to the gut of Joe. Joe keeps his vice like grip on the head of Sabin and pulls back slamming Sabin back down onto the mat. The referee admonishes Joe and tells him to watch the hair. Joe walks back over to Sabin and picks him up to his feet. Joe grabs Sabin in a front facelock and than throws his arm over his neck. Joe lifts Sabin up for a vertical suplex. Joe takes a few steps forwards and than falls back connecting with the suplex. Joe sits up and crawls over to Sabin.. Joe places his forearm across the bloody face of Sabin and hooks the leg of Sabin. The referee drops down and counts 1...2...and Sabin kicks out.

Joe rises up to his feet and looks down at Sabin as Rolls onto his stomach and rises up onto his hands and knees. Joe picks up Sabin to his feet and connects with a right hand followed up by a knife edge chop. Joe connects with a series of right hands and knife edge chops that back Sabin up into a corner. Joe connects with one more big right hand and Sabin falls face first on the mat. Joe looks down on Sabin and begins to pick him up to his feet. Once Sabin is on his feet hunched over, Sabin connects with three right hands to the gut of Joe followed up by a right hand to the face. Sabin connects with another right hand to the face of Joe but Joe retaliates with a right hand to the face of Sabin. Joe grabs the arm of Sabin and turns him around against the ropes. Joe attempts to whip Sabin across the ring but Sabin reverses it. Joe bounces off the ropes but his arm hook the top rope and stops him in his tracks. Sabin runs towards Joe but Joe back body drops Sabin over the ropes. Sabin holds onto the top rope and lands on the ring apron. Joe turns around and Sabin pokes Joe in the eyes. Joe walks to the middle of the ring and turns around. Sabin springs up to the top rope and connects with a springboard dropkick to the chest of Joe. Sabin crawls over to Joe and covers him. The referee drops and counts 1...2...and Joe kicks out. Sabin rises to his feet and picks up Joe to his feet as well. Sabin connects with a knife edge chop and follows it up with a spinning back kick to the gut of Joe. Joe is hunched over and Sabin runs to the side and bounces off the ropes. Sabin leaps up and double stomps the back of Joe driving him into the mat. Joe rolls over onto his back and Sabin runs to the ropes once again and exits out onto the ring apron.

Sabin springs up to the top rope and than leaps off and connects with the springboard leg drop on Joe. Sabin hooks the leg of Joe and gets on top of him with the lateral press. The referee drops and counts 1...2...and Joe kicks out. Sabin quickly hops up to his feet and backs the referee into a corner arguing with him that it was a three count. Joe slowly gets up to one knee, and Sabin turns and picks up Joe all the way up to his feet. Sabin attempts to pick up Joe for the Cradle Shock unsuccessfully once again. Sabin lifts as hard as he can and manages to get Joe off his feet for a second but Joe floats over behind Sabin and grabs him in a waist lock. Joe sends Sabin over with a German suplex and bridges it into a pin. The referee counts 1...2...and Sabin manages to get a shoulder up. Joe gets to his feet breathing hard as he rises to his feet and walks over to Sabin. Joe picks up Sabin to his feet and pushes him back against the ropes. Joe whips Sabin across the ring and Sabin bounces off the ropes. Joe snatches Sabin up and drives him down to the mat with a power slam. Joe stays on top of Sabin and the referee counts 1...2...and Sabin kicks out once again. Joe sits up and looks down to Sabin who is wiping the blood from his face. Joe rises to his feet and picks up Sabin to his feet. Joe pushes Sabin back into a corner and whips him across the ring. Sabin hits the turnbuckles and Joe charges at Sabin. Sabin connects with a spinning back kick to the chest of Joe once again and Joe stops in his tracks and turns around . Sabin runs out of the corner and to the ropes Joe is facing. Sabin leaps up to the second rope and springboards off it and turns in mid air catching Joe in a tornado DDT.

Sabin drives Joe’s head into the mat and goes for the cover. The referee drops down and counts 1...2...and Joe gets a shoulder up. Sabin rolls over onto his hands and knees and wipes the blood from his nose. Joe is rising up to his hands and knees as well but Sabin rises up to his feet first. Sabin picks up Joe to his feet and connects with a knife edge chop. Joe connects with a punt like kick to the gut of Sabin. Sabin leaves his feet for a second and than is hunched over. Joe quickly shoves Sabin’s head in between his legs and lifts him up. Joe slams Sabin down with a power bomb. Joe keeps his hold on Sabin and pins his shoulders to the mat. The referee counts 1...2...and Sabin gets his shoulders up. As Sabin kicks out, Joe steps over one leg and locks in an STF on Sabin in the middle of the ring. Joe has the STF locked in and Sabin’s right hand is shaking ready to tap as his body slowly crawls towards the ropes. Sabin reaches out and Sabin is inches away from the rope when Joe breaks the STF and grabs the reaching arm of Sabin and pulls back. Joe’s leg shoots over and around the head of Sabin, Stretching the arm. Sabin scoots with his legs and he wraps his legs around the bottom rope. The referee calls for the break and Joe releases the hold and sits there on his hands and knees looking at his blood covered forearms wondering how Sabin did not tap. Joe rises to his feet and bends down and picks up Sabin to his feet. Once Sabin is on his feet, he connects with right land to the lower extremities that the referee does not count as a low blow. Joe is hunched over and Sabin bends down and finally picks up Samoa Joe onto his shoulders for the Cradle Shock. Sabin is attempting to cross the legs of Joe when Joe slides off Sabin’s shoulder behind him.

Once Joe is on his feet he grabs Sabin in a rear naked choke. Sabin runs forward and drops down suddenly. Joe crashes face first into the middle turnbuckle. Sabin gets to his feet quickly and runs across the ring. Sabin measures and runs at Joe. Sabin leaps up and connects with the hesitation dropkick to the back of Joe’s head. Sabin gets to his feet and stands behind Joe waiting. Joe gets up to his feet holding the back of his head. Joe turns around and Sabin connects with a kick in the gut. Sabin picks Joe up onto his shoulder and you can see the strain in his face as he holds him up. Sabin crosses Joe’s leg and than drives him down to the mat with the Cradle Shock. Sabin holds the hook on Joe’s leg and the referee drops down. Sabin screams to count and the referee counts 1.…2.….3!

Jerry Lawler: "There is a god and he hates the tubbys! Chris Sabin is the X Division Champion once again! Did you see the amazing strength Sabin had to pick Joe up and Cradle Shock him down to the mat!?!?"

Jim Ross: "Indeed Chris Sabin is once again the X Division Champion and may god have mercy on us all on Anarchy when we see his ego explode to monumental proportions."

Jerry Lawler: "He should have a huge ego for the accomplishment he jsut did! The last time Joe was lifted off his feet against his will was when the bulldozer carried him home from the hospital!"

Jim Ross: "Please excuse the annoying ignorance of my colleague here folks. He is in a rare mood it seems. But coming up next, it is going to be the World Heavyweight Championship match. The Triple Threat Match that is definitely going to be an epic battle."

(The camera cuts to Triple H walking down the hallway with a determined look on his face. Dibiase walks right up to Triple and stops him.)

Ted Dibiase: "I proved myself out there tonight. Now I think it is time for you to prove yourself."

Triple H: ""I don't have to prove myself to any damn body because I am the King of Kings and if you want to keep your head on your soulders you will get the hell out of my way so I can go and win my World Heavyweight Championship."

(Dibiase looks at the fierce gaze in the eyes of Triple H and steps aside. Triple H walks past Dibiase and continues down the hall.)


Lillian Garcia: “The following contest is the Main Event of the evening and is for the World Heavyweight Championship. It is a Triple Threat Match and is No Disqualification. This match is one fall to a finish. Introducing first, from Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 270lbs, The Game Triple H!â€

(“The King of Kings†by Motorhead fills the arena. The lights in the arena go dark as a sole light shines on the stage. Slowly from underneath the ring, Triple H rises on a platform with a bottle of water in his hands. Triple H looks down for a moment before beginning to walk down the ramp. Triple H walks along ringside and hops up onto the ring apron. Triple H takes a drink of water and throws the bottle into the audience. Triple H spit’s the water above him as he flexes. Triple H than spits it out onto the crowd. Triple H enters the ring and walks over to a corner where he gets onto the second rope and flexes again.)

Lillian Garcia: “And his opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Weighing in at 240lbs. He is the Rated R Superstar, Edge!â€

(Smokes begins to shoot up from underneath the stage in front of the entrance way. Edge comes out from behind hind it in his trench coat and runs from one edge of the stage to the other. Edge walks down the ramp looking at Triple H with an arrogant smirk. Edge slides into the ring underneath the bottom rope and stares at Triple H. Edge stands and takes his coat off.)

Lillian Garcia: “Now introducing from San Antonio, Texas. Weighing in at 225lbs. He is the World Heavyweight Champion. The Heart Break Kid. Shawn Michaels!â€

(HBK appears on the screen as his music fills the arena. HBK appears on the stage in black and white attire. Michaels has the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. Michaels stands on the edge of the ramp and kneels down. Michaels prays and than looks to the sky as the pyro shoots out from behind him. Michaels hops up to his feet and walks down the ramp slapping all the hands of the fans. Michaels hops up onto the ring apron and enters the ring. Michaels takes the World title off and sets it on the mat. Michaels leans on one leg and squats down. The pyro shoots off behind him once again.)

All three men are staring at each other. Edge moves in quickly like he is going to charge but backs up and leans against the turnbuckles. He signals for Triple H and Michaels to go at it. Triple H and Michaels walk up to each other in the middle of the ring and stare at each other. Both men lock into a collar elbow tie up. Triple H pulls Michaels into a side headlock and than moves around and holds Michaels in a hammer lock. Michaels ducks under and ends ups behind Triple H holding him in a hammer lock of his own. Michaels than moves up and holds Triple H in a side headlock. Triple H wraps his arms around the waist of Michaels and backs up against the ropes. Triple H runs forward and tries to push Michaels off but Michaels holds onto the side head lock and slides on one knee on the mat. Both men slowly rise up to their feet and Triple H wraps his arms around the waist of Michaels and backs up against the ropes once again. Triple H pushes Michaels off and Michaels runs across the ring and bounces off the ropes. Michaels hits Triple H with a shoulder block knocking him down. Michaels runs to the side and bounces off the ropes. Triple H rolls onto his stomach and Michaels steps over Triple H and runs across the ring. Michaels bounces off the ropes and Triple H, who is on his feet, nails Michaels with a back elbow shot to the face. Triple H stands there looking down at Michaels who is sitting up holding his jaw.

Triple H walks over and picks Michaels up to his feet and nails him with a right hand. Michaels immediately answers back with a knife edge chop. Triple H answers back with a right hand but Michaels immediately counters with yet another knife edge chop. Michaels starts a flurry of knife edge chops backing Triple H up against the ropes. Michaels grabs the wrist of Triple H an goes for the whip but Triple H reverses it. Michaels bounces off the ropes and as he is running towards Triple H, Triple H side steps and grabs the head of Michaels and runs with him. Triple H tosses Michaels over the top rope but Michaels hangs onto the top rope and stop himself before he hit’s the floor. Triple H turns and sees this and walks over to the rope and as Michaels begins to skin the cat He grabs Triple H around the head and pulls him over the top rope and sends him crashing down to the arena floor. Michaels skins the cat back into the ring and does a strut. Edge hops up onto the ring apron and Michaels turns around and charges at him. Michaels hits Edge with a forearm shot knocking him down to the arena floor once again next to Triple H. Edge and Triple H begin to get up onto their feet. Michaels leaps over the top rope and Edge and Triple H back away up against the guard rail and turn their backs. Michaels holds onto the top rope and lands on the ring apron. Michaels leaps up to the middle rope and leaps off. Edge and Triple H turn around just in time to be hit with a springboard cross body from Michaels. Triple H and Edge lay on the arena floor as Michaels gets up to his feet and slides back into the ring.

Edge gets to his feet first and walks to the ring apron and slides into the ring. Michaels meets Edge before he can stand and picks him up and connects with a knife edge chop. Michaels pushes Edge against the ropes but Edge reverses it. Michaels bounces off the ropes and as Edge moves to the middle of the ring, Michaels knocks him down with a clothesline. Triple H gets to his feet and slides into the ring. As Michaels is bending over to pick Edge up to his feet, Triple H runs forward and grabs Michaels by the head and tights. Triple H turns Michaels around and tosses him out of the ring to the arena floor through the middle and top rope. Edge crawls over in front of a corner and Triple H turns around and walks towards Edge. Edge leans forward and grabs the tights of Triple H and pulls him forward. Triple H goes face first into the middle turnbuckle as Edge gets to his feet and stumbles back a bit. Triple H gets to his feet and Edge walks over and lands a right hand. Triple H is dropped to a knee. Edge stands and waits as Triple H gets to his feet once again. Edge takes a few steps in and nails Triple H with a hard right hand dropping Triple H to his back. Triple H lays near the bottom rope and Edge walks over and stomps on his chest. Triple H rolls onto the ring apron and Edge leans over the top rope and grabs Triple H by the hair and drags him up to his feet. Triple H suddenly grabs the head of Edge and drops down hanging Edge’s throat across the top rope. Edge falls back and is on his back in the middle of the ring. On the other side of the ring, Michaels climbs onto the ring apron and than ascends the turnbuckles. Michaels measures and leaps off the top turnbuckle and connects with an elbow drop to the heart of Edge. Michaels hooks the leg and the referee counts 1.…2 and Edge kicks out.

Michaels gets to his feet and picks Edge up to his feet. Michaels connects with a knife edge chop and runs back towards the ropes. Triple H leaps up and pulls down the top rope and Michaels goes over the top rope and down to the arena floor. Triple H walks over and quickly picks Michaels up and grabs his wrist. Triple H whips Michaels as hard as he can and Michaels goes crashing into the steel ring post. Michaels lays out on the arena floor and Triple H slides inside the ring. Edge is across the ring with his back to Triple H holding the top rope. Triple H walks over and turns Edge around. Triple H connects with a few right hands and grabs the wrist of Edge. Triple H attempts to whip Edge across the ring but Edge reverses it. Triple H bounces off the ropes and Edge bends down in the middle of the ring. Triple H stops himself in front of Edge grabs him by the head. Triple H leaps up and than connects with the face buster. Edge stands upright and Triple H runs back and bounces off the ropes. Triple H runs towards Edge and connects with a hard clothesline. Triple H drops down for the cover and hooks the leg. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Edge kicks out. Triple H bends down and picks Edge up to his feet. Triple H drags Edge over to a corner and connects with a few right hands. Triple H grabs the wrist of Edge and whips him across the ring and Edge crashes into the turnbuckles. Triple H charges at Edge but he grabs the top ropes and lifts his feet up and Triple H runs face first into the boots of Edge. Triple H backs up to the middle of the ring with his back to Edge. Edge runs out of the corner and bounces off the ropes in front of Triple H. Edge runs but Triple H catches Edge and lifts him up and slams him down to the mat with a spine buster. Triple H immediately covers Edge and the referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Edge kicks out.

Triple H gets to his feet as Edge begins to stir. Triple H picks Edge up to his feet and grabs him in a front facelock. Triple H lifts Edge up for a vertical suplex but Edge shifts his weight and lands on his feet behind Triple H. Edge grabs the neck of Triple H and drops down pulling Triple H with him and slamming his head into the mat. Edge reaches up and hooks a leg of Triple H and the referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…and Triple H kicks out. Michaels is shown getting to his feet on the outside with blood running down his face. Michaels slides into the ring on wobbly feet and Edge gets to his feet. Edge moves towards Michaels but is met with a knife edge chop followed by a scoop slam. Michaels walks over to Triple H and bends down and picks him up to his feet. Michaels connects with a knife edge chop and scoops Triple H up but Triple H floats over and lands on his feet behind Michaels. Edge is getting to his feet and Triple H shoves Michaels towards Edge. Edge lunges forward and spears Michaels. Triple H walks over to Edge who is getting to his feet. Triple H connects with a right hand to the face of Edge but Edge answers right back with a right hand of his own. Triple H counters with a huge right hand that sends Edge back a few steps. Triple H walks towards Edge and Edge turns and connects with a big boot to the side of Triple H’s face. Triple H backs up towards the ropes and falls through the middle and top rope. Edge drops down to a knee and holds his jaw for a moment. Michaels rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope and Edge turns and sees him. Edge gets to his feet and walks over to the ropes and exits through the middle and top rope and hops down to the arena floor. Edge turns Michaels around and connects with a right hand. Edge grabs the head of Michaels and drags him over to the announcers table. Edge drives the head of Michaels into the announcers table and Michaels stands right back up almost rejuvenated and grabs the head of Edge and drives it into the table.

Triple H crawls back into the ring and sees Edge and Michaels by the announcers table and walks over to those ropes and exits through the middle and top rope. Triple H lands on the arena floor and walks towards both of them. Edge and Michaels turn around at the same time and each bend down and hooks a leg of Triple H and flapjack Triple H chest first into the announcers table. Edge and Michaels get up to their feet and Edge connects with a rake to the eyes of Michaels. Edge grabs Michaels by the hair and tights and rolls him into the ring underneath the bottom rope. Michaels slowly gets to his feet trying to wipe the blood away from his eyes as Edge hops onto the ring apron and climbs the turnbuckles. Michaels turns and faces the corner where Edge is perched on the top turnbuckle. Edge leaps off and hits Michaels with a missile dropkick. Edge crawls over to Michaels and covers him 1.…2.….and Michaels kicks out. Edge slaps the mat and looks over at Michaels who is trying to sit up. Edge gets to hi feet and walks over and grabs Michaels by the hair and picks him up to his feet. Edge nails Michaels with several right hands backing Michaels up into a corner. Once Michaels is in the corner Edge doesn’t stop hammering Michaels with right hands. Michael falls to the mat wit his head against the bottom turnbuckle and Edge grabs the top rope and begins to stomp the chest of Michaels. Edge bends down and grabs Michaels by the head and picks him up to his feet. Edge drags Michaels to the middle of the ring and grabs him in a front facelock. Michaels suddenly grabs the waist of Edge and does a drop toe hold.

Edge falls face first into the mat and Michaels moves down to the upper body of Edge. Michaels locking in the crossface and pulls as hard as he can. Edge is in the middle of the ring and reaching out for the ropes. Edge inches his way to the ropes and his arm reaches up ready to tap. Edge continues to inch his way to the ropes and finally grabs a hold of the bottom rope. The referee pulls Michaels off of Edge and Edge immediately rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope and clutches at his shoulder. Triple H stands by the time keepers table holding a steel chair and looking right at edge who has his back to Triple H. Edge turns around and Triple H swings the chair and it cracks off the skull of Edge. Triple H drops the chair and drops to a knee holding his rib cage. Triple H looks in the ring and Michaels is slowly getting to his feet. Triple H rises to his feet and slides into the ring. Triple H moves in towards Michaels and throws a right hand But Michaels moves to the side and grabs the arm of Triple H and pulls him down to the mat. Michaels locks in the crossface of Triple H and pulls back. Triple H reaches out and tries to inch his way to the ropes but Michaels pulls back even move and Triple H’s arm begins to go limp. Michaels continues to wrench the crossface in as Triple H becomes motionless. The referee grabs the wrist of Triple H and lifts it up. The referee lets it go and it falls to the mat. The referee calls out 1! As he grabs Triple H’s wrist and releases it. It flops down again and the referee calls out 2! The referee picks up the hand of Triple H and drops it but Triple H stops his hand before it reaches the mat. Triple H in a burst of energy pushes himself and crawls and manages to get a hold of the bottom rope.

The referee pulls Michaels off of Triple H and Michaels stands up. Michaels walks to the corner using the ropes to stand as Triple H begins to stir. Michaels lifts his arm signaling for Triple H tog et to his feet. Michaels lifts his foot and stomps it down to the mat again and again calling for Sweet Chin Music. Triple H slowly gets to his feet and Michaels moves out of the corner and throws the super kick. Triple H ducks underneath the kick and Michaels turns around only to be kicked in the mid section. Triple H shoves Michaels head in between his legs and hooks his arms. Triple H leaps up and nails Michaels with the pedigree. Triple H immediately rolls over Michaels and covers him. The referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…but stops as he sees Michaels managed to get his foot on the bottom rope. Triple H gets to his feet and screams at the referee and than turns and looks at Michaels. Triple H walks over to the ropes and exit’s the ring. Triple H drops down to a knee and looks underneath the ring and pulls out a sledgehammer. Triple H stands there staring at it for a moment. He turns and is suddenly speared by Edge. Edge gets onto his knees and sees Triple H on the arena floor and than grab the sledgehammer. Edge holds the sledgehammer up and slides into the ring. Edge stands there as Michaels uses the ropes to get up to his feet. Michaels face is a crimson mask and Edge is measuring. Michaels finally gets to wobbly feet and turns around. Edge charges at Michaels with the sledgehammer and Michaels suddenly throws up his foot and connects with the Sweet Chin Music. Michaels flops down on top of Edge and the referee drops down and counts 1.…2.…3!

Jim Ross: "Against all odds Shawn Michaels retains the World Heavyweight Championship! Despite being a bloody mess and being out numbered. He overcame every obstacle in his way! Is there anything that can stop our World Heavyweight Champion? Well folks we will see you on Anarchy and thank you for watching Halowfest!!!


Best Match
The Main Event was EPIC. The ending was amazing with everyone thinking Edge is going to hit Shawn Michaels with that Sledge Hammer square between the eyes but at the last moment Michaels lifts his leg up connecting with the Sound of Sweet Chin Music. BUT, I am going with the Tag Match, like I said to you on MSN, any one who can keep a match like that in order, and with so many people in it, deserve a medal. Plus it was a great match.
Worst Match
None at all, I mean seriously, worst match? Nay!
Best Promo
Tie between Matt/Shannon and Dibiase. Both great promos. I loved that fear that Shannon had when Matt had him against the wall, it made him seem like a Super Heel, tbh. And the Dibiase promo was in character, and you had a real strange feeling, as if every word had a ton of emotion and feeling in it.
Worst Promo
Additional Comments
Great PPV, I highlighted the best things, and there were no worst things. All I can say is take into consideration what I said to you on MSN, and make your promos slightly longer.
WTF?? Moment
tie between Michaels managing to get the sweet chin music on Edge at the last minute and the FlapJack through the table on Hunter Hearst Helmsley.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Edge/HBK promo - it eventually add some hypes to the main event.

Sydal vs. Dibiase Jr. - I actually liked the match, a nice back and forth with a usual heel ending. Good to see Dibiase wins it but :( for Sydal, lol..

Sabin vs. Joe - A shocker for me to see Sabin win the X Division. I know what he did in your past shows that put him over but I still haven't seen him winning the title in this event. You are definitely a Sabin Mark lol... I am looking forward to a Styles/Sabin or Shelley/Sabin feud!

HHH and Dibiase - it adds some hint that they will form a stable :hmm:

HBK vs. HHH vs. Edge - One word will definitely describe this match, "EPIC!". The best match and definitely another match of the month candidate here. HBK just PAWND the two and I really liked the ending. Now, I can't see HBK will lose the title in months!

Overall: Another great PPV from you Andrew, I enjoyed reading it from the start to the finish. Good Job!

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Edge & HBK - kinda like the promo with HHH, which is understandable. a pretty solid promo there, hinting him backstabbing someone.

DiBiase Jr. vs Matt Sydal - a good match, and it seemed pretty well thought out. the pace changed depending on who was in control, and that's pretty interesting. I'm pretty surprised you had DiBiase win, but the thing with HHH earlier in the show had it make sense.

Joe vs Sabin - pretty awesome match you had here. nice showcase of Joe and Sabin's style. I really thought that Joe was going to dominate here, but I was wrong. Big upset here, I wasn't expecting Sabin to win at all. Sabin's run should be OK, and I see bigger things destined for Samoa Joe.

HBK vs Edge vs HHH - amazing match. everything from bell to bell fit pretty well, and it told a story. everyone get their offense in, and the whole match was back and forth and exciting. it started off nice, got a little slow in the beginning, but the end was pretty good. lots of kickouts, and near falls at the end, pretty amazing stuff there. another surprising finish, I was really thinking HHH would walk away champ. I'm looking forward to what else this feud has.

Final Thoughts - Great overall PPV. I loved all of the matches, and they all seemed pretty interesting. All of the feuds look like they can go on longer. I'm looking forward to what's next, it seemed like a huge PPV. promo side was a little short the second half of the show, but the matches made up for it. Great job, this should get nominations for PPV of the Month.