I'd like to see both Bubba Ray & Devon, Sting, SCSA, The Rock and Kevin Nash (again).
To be honest, I'd mark so hard if Zayn and Balor showed up.
But it's such a far-fetched thought, I won't even hope for this.
To be honest, I'd mark so hard if Zayn and Balor showed up.
But it's such a far-fetched thought, I won't even hope for this.
Zayn is said to almost certainly be a participant this year... possibly Neville as well.
I see Neville and Kalisto entering, even Breeze, perhaps. But we'll see how it goes.
Zayn entering would be dope, tho.
I think the reigning champion in NxT should get automatic entry into the Rumble. Would be a nice perk to add to that championship.
I'd say Neville is the more likely of the two to be entered in the Rumble, personally I don't want more than 2 at MOST coming up from NXT so Neville/Zayn or Neville/Kalisto would be the only two pairs I'd care to see, maybe Breeze or Enzo/Big Cass next year.
After making his return to wrestling in live events two weekends ago I can totally see David Otunga having a spot in the Rumble.
Y U H8?I wouldn't care to see him back, honestly. I'd rather see Brad Maddox.
Y U H8?tunga:
Nah, I ain't hatin'. I just don't think how bringing him back would be of any significance.
He'd probably be gone the next day, so... He can stay gone for all I care.
Idk they seem to want to do something with him from what I'm hearing but they can't figure out what.. He can't simply just be popping up at house shows and battle royals every now and then.. I'd like to see Otunga have a mid card run for a short time randomly this year.