This is my room. It is not for the faint of heart....LOL. Or the clean freaks. If you are a clean freak, I suggest you not looking, because you will have a conniption fit!! LOL
Behind the Mug there is my stack of old WWE Mags. Then on the shelf is all my stuff how I had it set up when I was in school. Pens, cologne, necklaces, all the shit I needed to get ready for school. Then there is shit I glued to my wall a few years back.
Yes, that door is not in the frame. That door is actually my closet door if you didnt know it was missing too. When I was little I slammed the door and it got stuck shut. So my dad body checked through it. That door of my closet will become the replacement door...someday. Then there is my Scarface blanket I spread over my bed. And a couple pictures above my bed. Also that TV box right outside the door. Its full of trash, as is the box above it. But it was after I had it filled with trash that there is no way to get it out of the hallway now, as we have moved furniture =/. So...I have to figure out something else
The dimmer switch was installed by me and a buddy. We almost forgot to turn the electricity off. We stole it from an abandoned house, and yes thats duct tape holding it to the wall as it was too small to screw where the old one was at. Then that is my cell phone. Probably the most expensive thing I own, it costs over $600 new, why didnt I buy a PS3? I dunno. Then the alcohol. No I am not 21. But shhhhh.
Eleanor! The fridge, is empty

:. Some wood things my buddy made in shop class. My stack of John Grisham books behind that. Then my bed.
Dead computers, trash, trash, and another dead computer. A TV, my wall of fame, hat collection, more junk, the steelers super bowl hat, still in the plastic lol. A ford poster...I dunno why, I hate it at a car show.
There is some more cologne, some spark plugs I havent changed yet, Casino...My tomlinson and brees jerseys, more..errr...Lots more trash/junk. Then my closet and a collage I have hidden to wake my up...damn that Earthworm Jim!
So I guess pretty messy. Well, very messy. I need to clean it but...ehh. I only sleep in there. That is, whatever.
I dont know if it is messier then Kass' because his photos dont show up anymore. But it definitely is messier then everyone elses LOL. I am almost ashamed of myself...but I am not. Also. KNICKY, where did you get that damn clock?!