Neil Thorn said::dafuq: He doesn't need money. The dude probably has as much money as Shane and Stephanie McMahon.
Doesn't matter, he's stale, and he's not even trying.
Neil Thorn said::dafuq: He doesn't need money. The dude probably has as much money as Shane and Stephanie McMahon.
GTI said:I don't enjoy the New Rock. He looks like he is here for the money, he doesn't do anything with passion anymore, and his promos are remixes of his old promos.
deth said::mad2:
I think it's the fact that he has to be a babyface in this "PG environment" and has other things going on aside from WWE as well.
We'll probably never see the Rock of old, but hey, he's still a hell of a lot more entertaining than most of the current roster.
GTI said:I think you're right. Maybe he just CAN'T be The Rock anymore.
But what pisses me off is people (in the arena and on the internet) that treat him like some sort of god. And that ranges from marks, to smarks to WWE board of directors.
PSachkovsky said:The Rock became as stale and as John Cena. He's probably the second most boring guy on the mic right behind Sheamus.
The Rock used to be entertaining, and screw all of them saying: "They have to go PG," and stuff like that. Did everyone forget that Stone Cold showed a middle finger to Michael Cole in a 'PG environment'?
The real reason is that The Rock, isn't the Great One anymore... He's boring, stale, doesn't even try to improve the feud. Basically, the guy does nothing, NOTHING, to entertain the people. Only dumb kids cheer for this guy. The only thing he's good at, is "bringing in viewers and ratings", and after he'll be gone, that will go back to being the same it was before he returned.
Senhor Perfect said:I think you're confusing the Rock with Cena and Sheamus.
Neil Thorn said:He is a god.. He's just as amazing as Undertaker and Hulk Hogan.
PSachkovsky said:Is The Rock any different from those two this days?
I don't think so...
Senhor Perfect said:The Rock's story, albeit not really pertaining to his feud, was more entertaining than anything Cena or Sheamus have said in years.
Senhor Perfect said:The Rock's story, albeit not really pertaining to his feud, was more entertaining than anything Cena or Sheamus have said in years.
PSachkovsky said:Did you miss Cena/Rock feud? Did you miss Cena owning him over and over and over again when they had a verbal beat-down???
And just for the hell of it:
Cena 2012:
Senhor Perfect said:So reverting to a gimmick he had almost a decade ago isn't stale? Why couldn't he use his current gimmick to get over?
PSachkovsky said:I love people who come up with excuses to hate on Cena, when they have none...
Senhor Perfect said:I could write a paragraph but it would be rehashing everything everyone already knows about Super Cena. Saying the Rock is stale because you think so isn't exactly providing evidence. Saying he does nothing to entertain people is ludicrous, you can have your opinion, but saying that is just baseless.