OOC State of The League Address (The Final Thread)

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The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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I say a mix of the TNA and Seth Rollins option since there are people that still want to continue the league. I say something like a soft reboot. Basically, drop all the storylines and start again. While that is happening we can also try to recruit people to get some new blood pumping.


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Piggybacking off a couple of people, I had another idea that I didn't include in the options because I never fleshed it out.
As much as I would hate to do it, it would involve getting rid of the promo aspect of the league (or minimizing it at least) and maximizing The Hierarchy aspect. This would mean that there would also be no "shows" and the league would take on a more competitive and statistical form. Matches would be organized in a sort of bracket or they could be free-form as well, meaning people decide on matches they want to have and report it back with proof.


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Would look pretty bad if I didn't post my opinion on the matter, so here we go. My idea combines a few of the ideas and also adds in some ideas of my own.

  1. First, I would be completely down for soft-reboot that we keep going on, however, I don't think we can do it with the current roster. It just doesn't leave enough variety, forcing us to pretty much have the same matches week after week. Unless we can get at least 4 or 5 new people, everyone is just going to lose their drive again in 2 months. And if we are unable to get enough people to join the league to avoid having the same match cards on repeat every month, then I don't think we should restart until 2K18(as it would be easier to get new people when the new game comes out)
  2. Also, I do agree that the sign-up thread needs to be shrunk down, which I would be more than happy to go through and let you know what I think should be taken out or what could be condensed.
  3. Regarding the idea of lessening the promos or getting rid of the requirement all together, I'd have to say my personal opinion is against this. The reason I stayed in this league over EIF is because I got tired of the competitive aspect of other leagues. This is the only league I know of where the focus is more on story, and I love it. So if we were to mess with that, I can't guarantee that I will stick around.
  4. Another thing I'm set on is that in the future, we need to have a good conversation about any new ideas implemented, because that really shot us in the foot this year, with the hierarchy especially. Ideas can't be implemented when they aren't thoroughly thought through, and the hierarchy showed us that as people were getting pissed off for the first few months because there was no actual system to it. Speaking of which, I still feel like there is no actual system to the hierarchy and that it needs to be talked over.
  5. Finally, this is in regards to the idea of recruiting by posting on random forums, reddit, etc. I don't think it is a good idea to get new members that way. The reason that leagues like EIF survived so long isn't by random recruitment. It is because people got their friends to join. I'm not saying we shouldn't recruit random people at all though, because every now and then one of those random will stick around, but typically they leave when things don't go their way. My point in that is proven by all of the randoms that joined this past year and left after losing their first match, because they thought they were going to be the best.The people who don't care about winning and who came to have fun and promo are going to be the people who were asked to join by a friend (I am a prime example of this, as both EIF and TWF are leagues that I was brought into by friends, not through random recruitment). So that should be the target audience for recruitment, not random forums.


The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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Would look pretty bad if I didn't post my opinion on the matter, so here we go. My idea combines a few of the ideas and also adds in some ideas of my own.

  1. First, I would be completely down for soft-reboot that we keep going on, however, I don't think we can do it with the current roster. It just doesn't leave enough variety, forcing us to pretty much have the same matches week after week. Unless we can get at least 4 or 5 new people, everyone is just going to lose their drive again in 2 months. And if we are unable to get enough people to join the league to avoid having the same match cards on repeat every month, then I don't think we should restart until 2K18(as it would be easier to get new people when the new game comes out)
  2. Also, I do agree that the sign-up thread needs to be shrunk down, which I would be more than happy to go through and let you know what I think should be taken out or what could be condensed.
  3. Regarding the idea of lessening the promos or getting rid of the requirement all together, I'd have to say my personal opinion is against this. The reason I stayed in this league over EIF is because I got tired of the competitive aspect of other leagues. This is the only league I know of where the focus is more on story, and I love it. So if we were to mess with that, I can't guarantee that I will stick around.
  4. Another thing I'm set on is that in the future, we need to have a good conversation about any new ideas implemented, because that really shot us in the foot this year, with the hierarchy especially. Ideas can't be implemented when they aren't thoroughly thought through, and the hierarchy showed us that as people were getting pissed off for the first few months because there was no actual system to it. Speaking of which, I still feel like there is no actual system to the hierarchy and that it needs to be talked over.
  5. Finally, this is in regards to the idea of recruiting by posting on random forums, reddit, etc. I don't think it is a good idea to get new members that way. The reason that leagues like EIF survived so long isn't by random recruitment. It is because people got their friends to join. I'm not saying we shouldn't recruit random people at all though, because every now and then one of those random will stick around, but typically they leave when things don't go their way. My point in that is proven by all of the randoms that joined this past year and left after losing their first match, because they thought they were going to be the best.The people who don't care about winning and who came to have fun and promo are going to be the people who were asked to join by a friend (I am a prime example of this, as both EIF and TWF are leagues that I was brought into by friends, not through random recruitment). So that should be the target audience for recruitment, not random forums.
Random recruitment has been shown to work in said leagues but it's once those people are in and have a good experience is when they bring in their friends.


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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A decision will be posted tomorrow. Keep an eye on this thread.


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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It is now time to lay out my decision for the Xbox One League (a.k.a Saturday Night Ignition)

I have had a week (and then some) to work over every option and weigh the opinions of those that provided one.

Let me start by saying something personal:
This league (and every incarnation of it) has been a part of my life for a long while, longer than most of the people currently in it. The only people that have been involved as long as me, and possibly longer are @impactking and @LukeTheGreatFTW. Two people who have been nothing short of essential to the league. This league has been through the long dead MachinimaPalooza forums (every iteration of that place), the Smackdown Hotel forum, TWF, it had its own website for an extremely short time and most people probably don't recall that, and finally here on WWEF. Whether it was known as Microsoft Mayhem, Exodus or Ignition, the one constant was the stellar people involved. The league has been through MANY management changes and it was even abandoned at certain points. We ALWAYS managed to find a way back on our feet. When CM PuLs3 left, we had Muuuftah. When Muuuftah left, we had YELLOW (@SupaHeeroh), and when YELLOW stepped down, it came to me, Jet Starr (and shortly thereafter I got the help of @Emo as well). YELLOW was hands down the best GM we ever had, and had I not been busy in my personal life, I might have given you a run for your money bro.

The league had been struggling since WWE 2K15. From then, it was a slow decline in members. Yes, some left to the PS4. Some didn't enjoy the way the games were going towards simulation. Some simply moved on from the league. We had new faces come and go (some left before they began). Honestly, even with YELLOW's spectacular effort and guidance, the real league died during WWE 2K16. Under my management, I was attempting to rebuild from the frame that he, and those before him, had laid out.

The plans for this league were big. Provided we had enough members, there might have been a chance. Throughout the course of this game cycle, I had been in talks with many other leagues about collaborating to benefit both leagues and this site in some way. However, just about all of those leagues wanted control over Ignition/its participants in the long run and I could never allow that to happen, regardless of the shape we were in. Those of us left built a community and I'd dare say a family (but one of those families where everyone secretly hates each other). I couldn't let that be taken from us, I would rather we fizzle out with pride, then be taken over and thrown away like trash.

I love this place.
I see many of the league members as brothers.
I write this post with a heavy heart, because since this posts exists, it means that this leagues hectic journey has finally come to an end.

Effective immediately, the Xbox League is closing its doors for good.

I would greatly appreciate if @Solidus could have this place archived in the WWE Games section, because I wouldn't want all of this time erased. If anyone wants to see old iterations of the league, I am positive that the waybackmachine (Wayback Machine) has some archives of the old sites I mentioned above.

On a lighter note, from the ashes of this, something new will rise.
Is it a league? No.

It will share elements of many different things that already exist (and don't exist) on this website.
I hope it will be a good spiritual successor to this place.

I look forward to WWE 2K18 and I look forward to hopefully leading some of you people through something new, should you wish to join me.

With all of this sappiness out of the way, I suppose there's only one thing left to say.

Goodbye, for now.


*george wlk 2 ofice*

george: ur all fiurd nd eviktid!

*george go home*

(Hope people still remember this joke)​
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