
Wrestlers have been on the mic for a long time, even in NWA.....Granted, it wasn't as much as now, though.
No matter what anybody says we all watch wrestling for the entertainment aspect of it. I am sure if we all name our favorite wrestlers of all time names like HBK, The Rock, Austin, Hogan and Flair would all show up at least once. What do they all have in common? A character. The hamburger analogy that Nino made was a good one. Nobody just wants the meat, they want everything that comes along with it that makes it a hamburger.
I grew up with wrestling in the late 80's through the 90's and I really think wrestling today is more like the 70's - early 80's than ever before. The 90's was a giant cartoon while the 2000's has been more of a soap opera. The late 80's and 90's was cartoon characters, comic books, and action figures hell they even had a few cartoons based off the WWF guys. Tatanka, The Million Dollar Man, Razor Ramon, Hulk Hogan, The Macho Man, the GI Joe Sgt Slaughter, ect, ect.
As it's been said the 70's - early 80's had (Taken from Enzo) "Flair was the Nature Boy, Dusty was the "American Dream", Tully was a playboy, the Freebirds were some good ol' Southern Boys. Their gimmicks were down to earth, more human than cartoonish"
That's what we have now and have had really since the end of the attitude era. "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton, John Cena, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, John Morrison, hell even all the rookies in NXT had normal names. The only cartoon characters I can think of still in the WWE is Kane and The Undertaker (Hornswoggle doesn't count, he shouldn't be there anyway...)
I think the problem people have with wrestling now adays, besides the stories sucking, is that we get force fed the same matches year after year. In the 80's-90's there were a ton of main event status guys, the main event always had new match ups. Hell even when Hogan held the title for a year he at least was constantly against new people, give Cena the title for a year and he fights Orton for 6 months and HHH for the other 6. Back in the day Hogan was really the only guy who was calling shots so it was easy to push new people. Was easy for a guy to be a main eventer for a month, back to a midcarder for a month, then back to main eventing a few months later. Now we got 7-8 guys who run things and don't want to loose their spot so we see events like the failed push of Jack Swagger.
Wrestling overall will be better if they just start pushing new guys and start getting a little more fresh.
I think part of the problem is the split roster bullshit. You get the same fucking guys fighting over and over again just because they are on the same show and can only go for a certain title. I liked wrestling better when it was just one big ass roster where they could work with more people in feuds than this same old shit they are doing now. I understand what they wanted to do with the split but it's still the same main guys, anyways, so you might as well make the roster one big one again and try to create new feuds.
Is focusing purely on charisma, instead of trying to turn out and push wrestlers who are decent in a technical sense, killing wrestling?
Is it easier to build a star out of someone who is charismatic but limited in the ring, then it is to take someone who is technically sound and make them likable?
Then even MORE guys are going to get buried every week. The combinations of Taker, HBK, HHH. Cena, Orton, Batista, Edge, Jericho, CM Punk, Rey Rey, Big Show feuds will be endless. No Morrisons, Miz's, Christians, DiBiases, Rhodes', etc will not be able to break into the first list of guys for a LONG time.