
The only good part about Michaels/Undertaker II is that I could legitimately see Michaels being a dick and beating the Undertaker.
Edge is probably ready to go right now
B. he will be guilty of insurance fraud if he does as he cashed in a huge claim sometime back since he was unable to make a living in his profession not being able to wrestle and whatnot.
I'm wondering about this because Curt Hennig had the same deal with the same company (Lloyd's of London) and he got paid out from his back injury but still somehow managed to come back and wrestle later. I'm not certain as to how he did it but I don't see why if Bret could go somehow he couldn't pull off the same thing.
Vince w/some combo of young guys (Sheamus and McIntyre perhaps) vs Bret w/the Hart Dynasty
No need to see HBK/Taker again. Its lost all of its luster. And throwing them in a possible Vince/Hart angle would waste Taker/HBK. Neither of those two should play second fiddle to anyone at Mania
I'd like to see something like this;
Cena vs Taker <-- This match would be a HUGE draw
Orton vs DiBiase vs Rhodes
Edge vs Jericho
Vince w/some combo of young guys (Sheamus and McIntyre perhaps) vs Bret w/the Hart Dynasty
Dont know wherethat came from but I like the other matches.