What kind of money?
I wouldn't have a clue. Fairly comfortable amount though. It is Sting after all.
What kind of schedule?
Similar to The Undertaker. No full time but only around major PPVs. At 51 years old and based on his accomplishments already he doesn't need the full time schedule.
What kind of title reign or none at all?
One title reign wouldn't hurt. After all, he's never held a championship with WWE so why not.
Who would you specifically want to work with?
I can think of at least 5 feuds off the top of my head that I'd like to see Sting in with WWE. Could definitely come up with more than that if I really sat down to think about it. But perfect time to be there to help the youth movement.
I don't know who to ask for at WM, but whatever. Pay me.
Nice to see you have your priorities.
I know people are creaming themselves over a Sting/Taker match at Mania this year, but will people really be satisfied with the amount of time given to build the feud leading into Mania, say around 5 or 6 weeks? Personally I think it would be a pretty hasty decision to do it at this years Mania and would be better suited to next years when they can develop the feud for however long they want that can lead into the ultimate blowoff.
I agree completely. Sting/Taker is something that needs time to build up. Interactions here and there to tease it, then give it a good few months to really build a fued together. Next year's Mania would be a definite. This year though as much as I'd love to see a Sting match, I'd honestly settle for a random appearance at Mania and have him beat up someone. I'd still mark out.