Being Mount Rushmore
Memory Lane
- Owens, Bucks have a TV out by the pool, out in Rancho Cucamonga, watching old matches, including the picture above.
- They reminisce on being champs together, which leads Owens to be a little sour
- Owens throws Brandon in the pool to feel better
- The Bucks wonder where Super Dragon has gone, but Owens says Roddy went out to look for him after Super Dragon never came back grom what he claimed was "putting a hit out on the ol Stinger"
- Merch freak Nick Jackson appears plugging an new Rushmore shirt
- Matt says they accept DIY's ladder match, but they will regret that challenge and they will feel the full force of Mount Rushmore crushing them into submission
- Owens gets serious and utters nasty threats and guarantees the bucks are retaining while he's the leader of Rushmore.
-A knock at the backyard door is heard and 3 men walk in...It's Cole and ReDragon.
-Cole says he wants to talk to the Bucks alone but they say nah and Owens steps up to him
- They stare each other down and Owens tells Cole whatever he needs to say he can say it now
- Cole smiles, taps Owens on the shoulder and says " Looks like you got things under control. We'll talk soon" and leaves
The Bucks and Owens are left confused.