Typical/10 episode.
It was nothing special (shocker). Just like I expected it to be.
- Decent openning segment with HHH. I like the stipulation Team Cena was given, but chances of 'em getting fired the next night on RAW amount to zero. :dawg:
I'll be rooting for Team Authority, though. Here's to hoping 'LOLCENAWINS' doesn't happen!
- Ziggler vs Rusev was a decent back and forth match.
- I LOL'd so hard when Stardust asked something like 'Did you know, Mr. Cole, that Mercury and Venus don't have any moons?' and JBL replied 'What about your anus (Uranus)?'. That was hilarious.
- Mizdow stealing the show again and outshining The Miz. When Mizdow launched himself into Gold & Stardust, the way he did that whole part was hilarious. I'm also glad that he's so over with the crowd, soon will WWE take notice of that and the potential he's got and give him a well deserved push.
- Dean Ambrose's survival kit and Bray Wyatt's promo. I am really loving this feud, even though it hasn't been getting its full attention (on RAW) that it truly deserves! I'm looking forward to seeing their match at Survivor Series, as well as the continuation of their feud afterwards.
Negatives + The 'I don't give a fuck about this' segment:
- Everything else.
Been reading that the Wyatt/Ambrose stuff is worth going out of your way to see on Smackdown despite being easily ignorable on Raw. Confirm, deny, ignore?