Sky's Good Matches Thread (formerly You Decide What Sky Watches)

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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Match #29
Mogur vs. As Charro
2/3 Falls Mask vs. Mask Match

EMLL 54. Aniversario - September 18, 1987

Back to lucha, for a mask vs. mask match with a lot of factors behind it. Mogur is a young up-and-coming tecnico, with As Charro as the veteran rudo. I don't like the latter's chances here, just going off those facts.

We get an opener with pre-match interviews, and it will never not be funny to me that these guys wear their masks with regular people clothes. By the nature of lucha in Mexico at the time, we don't get the opening bell and instead we open with the match already in progress, and As Charro the one in control. Mogur hasn't even gotten his jacket off and he's already getting his head kicked in. And he has a taped shoulder. He's just getting softened up by getting kicked and punched again and again, barely able to get anything back. I know the traditional roles of tecnico and rudo are how they are, but is Mogur going to realise at any point he's being overpowered and start adapting his style to that? Going for holds isn't looking to be working here. BIG knee drop to the outside by Charro! Back in the ring, and a German suplex gets the first fall.

Second fall isn't going much better for Mogur, with a hip toss leaving him rolling around and writhing in pain. He powders out, and yet Charro doesn't bother going for the second top rope knee drop to the outside. The only thing Mogur can get is a slap. Surprised at no mask rip spots yet. It's 1987, I guess, and EMLL was always known as a more conservative promotion. Eventually Mogur does get some offense, with a shot to the torso. And holy SHIT, Charro's selling is even more OTT than Mogur's. The moves are simplistic but the way these guys are flailing all over sells it for me. Charro sells being whipped to the corner like he's been shot in the back but hasn't registered it yet, which is fun. Mogur goes for a crossbody but gets none of it so it just looks like a sideways headbutt. He still manages to get a reverse butterfly hold (?? I think) for the second fall.

Now Mogur has the advantage. The tape cuts here so I clearly missed something, but Mogur's done something to hurt Charro's leg as he's selling like a maniac. THERE is the mask rip spot, for the first time in this match. Why do luchadors do that? Mogur argues with some As Charro fans in the crowd (tecnico behaviour) before ramming Charro's face right into the ring post. Back in the ring, Charro tries a sunset flip but Mogur flails for just the right length of time before chopping Charro in the head. Charro finally gets an edge, dodges a Mogur corner charge and brings his legs under to sunset flip him. It's slightly botched, but it's cool. Tope Suicida! That seemed to hurt Charro more, to be honest. Tellingly, when Mogur finds Charro on the outside, he forgoes the dive, instead climbing through the ropes and hitting a crossbody. Smart stuff.

Both back in the ring, Charro hits a scoop slam but misses the following splash. Instead he knocks Mogur to the outside and hits a top rope splash there. Imagine you're an American visiting Mexico in 1987, this shit would have blown your mind. Charro's back in the ring celebrating on his knees, which is the perfect position for Mogur to get him in the Cavernaria! Classic spot. A really listless German suplex from Charro... Guess the story is that Charro has exhausted himself against the younger talent. He kicks Mogur in the stomach and the commentary and crowd sound scandalised, as if he were kicking him in the crotch. Mogur gets the edge by taking his knee out from under him. He slips on a cradle attempt and Charro looks set up to hit the German suplex, but he doesn't have the strength in him anymore! Instead Mogur gets on top of him to cover him for the three!

Really cool match, healthy mix of spots and story and a really satisfying ending. I should really look into classic lucha more.


The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
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Seeing Toryumon Japan on here was great since it was Dragon Gate pre-Dragon Gate
Really cool match, healthy mix of spots and story and a really satisfying ending. I should really look into classic lucha more.
I can help you any time.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Match #30
Sheamus (c) vs. Big Show
for the World Heavyweight Championship

WWE Hell in a Cell - October 28, 2012


Fate, why must you be so cruel to me? You've given me a match with Big Show, one of the wrestlers I most consistently don't enjoy watching. He's not my least favourite wrestler to watch - that would be Buff Bagwell - but it's a rare time I see a match with Paul Wight involved and think "Yeah, I liked that". In particular, it's this era of Big Show that's often painful to watch, as WWE used him as a big red button marked if in doubt, insert big lad. They'd push it, and he'd come in to ruin everything, often with interference. And when it got into actual matches, it wasn't fun either, as he's always been limited in-ring. Add that to Sheamus, when he was basically just a generic babyface without the stiff brawling edge we know and love today, and I'm sure this one is going to be bad. I also can't help but notice this is at a Cell PPV but isn't in the Cell. At least it's not shoehorned, but it's an odd choice by Vince standards, given that a stip could add an edge.

You'll notice that was a much longer opening than usual. That's because I really don't want to watch this match.

Lobster Head (yeah I know that's not the name, but you know what I'm talking about) is a good theme. That said, I like Sheamus' current theme more. Show's out in a hood while Cole informs us of his ironclad contract that lets him do anything he wants. Yeah... that angle. He cried for Johnny Ace and now he can't be fired. This is a first time matchup, somehow. I reckon that even at the time, it would have felt like it had been done too often.

Sheamus goes for a headlock but Show just lifts him. The next while is just Show wrecking Sheamus with strikes. His chest is red just a minute in, and his own attempts at strikes seem ineffectual. Sheamus sells an open hand chop by Show like he's been shot in the chest. We get a shot of Mr. MitB Dolph Ziggler watching this from the back (side-on, as usual) as if he hasn't gotten his ass kicked by Sheamus again and again recently, so what chance would he have against Show even on a cash-in? Sheamus finally downs Show briefly with a clip to his knee, but Show just rolls out and gets to his feet again. He does get cornered for a bit as he returns to the ring, but he manages to toss Sheamus off (ooh err) and out of the ring. This is dragging already.

Show tosses Sheamus into the barricade then, back in the ring, completes one part of Standard Heel Heat Segment with a rope choke. Dueling chants, but Michael Cole only acknowledges the pro-face side, as per. While Show continues to whale on Sheamus, commentary talks about how he, in his debut match, kicked Hulk Hogan's ass. I think that's a shot at TNA? One more rope choke. Show then snuffs out Sheamus' second wind and tosses him right at the announce team. I think JR got most of that. A Show elbow gets two. Sheamus has gotten NOTHING. His punches are doing absolutely nothing to Show.

Sheamus finally gets his second significant move in, a slingshot shoulderblock, but Show gets up first. Sheamus' momentum is wiped out instantly by a big boot, while commentary talks about how he's one of those men who's born to fight, like Finlay, or... Mr. McMahon. Really? Cole mentions Tebowing. Oh yeah, because it's 2012, when getting on one knee in an NFL game got you positive publicity and not harassment by white supremacists. Sheamus gets some punches in, which Show does not sell, and then leaps right into a Show bearhug. He uses clubbing forearms to power out, but my hope that this match might be less of a slow squash is snuffed out as he tries to SCOOP SLAM the 441-pound man. It ends like you'd expect. Vader Bomb by Show gets two.

Sheamus move count reaches three as he counters a chokeslam into a DDT. Show still kicks out so hard that Sheamus is launched through the ropes. This briefly makes the match slightly more even until Sheamus goes for his ten clubs in the corner; he only gets four before Show catches him. Show then hits a chokeslam for only two, sadly. Honestly though, I'm starting to admire how Sheamus is staying strong. He powers out of a Colossal Clutch and tries to lock in a cloverleaf, but that ends in a pinning predicament and requires Show to kick out. Sheamus is tossed through the ropes again.

Back to Show slapping Sheamus on the outside. Sheamus manages to slip out of a slam into the post, then rams Show into the post himself. Back in the ring, Sheamus dodges a chokeslam, manages to topple Show again, then hits WHITE NOISE!! :mark: I popped really hard for that because I legit forgot Sheamus had an Air Raid Crash, of all the moves, in his moveset.

He then goes for the Brogue Kick, but Show catches it and he lands his KO Punch. I have always seen a plain punch being a finisher as lame. I know he's got big hands and it's realistic and all, but apparently this was all WWE could think of for Show since Kane has to have exclusive access to the chokeslam as a finisher for some reason. Or maybe he's just that limited. Sheamus kicks out and the crowd goes wild. What will put him down at this point? Sheamus finally hits the Brogue Kick, but has to crawl and only gets two. He's going for the second, but another Literally Just A Punch gets Show the win and the title.

You know what? Very watchable. Show's his usual big lumbering slow giant self, but it's nice to have a story like this. Sheamus kept getting up when he was knocked down and it got me into it eventually. I was dreading this being below the "Thundercats Line" as I'm now going to call it, but it's spared. Still not the classic that some people on Cagematch seem to think it is though. Maybe I'm just prejudiced against Big Show.

Marty McFourth

My Strange Addiction
Feb 9, 2020
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That's probably one of my favourite Big Show matches. It exceeded all expectations I thought, and was very hard hitting. Sheamus wasn't that interesting around this time but that match ended up being way better than I ever expected.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Fucking banger of a match and feud that was


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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Fucking banger of a match and feud that was








Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Match #31
Super Delfin (c) vs. MEN's Teioh
for the UWF Super Welterweight Championship

Michinoku Pro Angels Full of Scars - May 5, 1997

We've hit a bit of a milestone, as now exactly 100 unique wrestlers have appeared in this thread, with Super Delfin being the 100th. To be fair, though, I did do a Rumble recently. MEN's Teioh is now the 4th wrestler to appear twice. And speaking of appearing twice, this match was submitted twice to the wheel. I sure hope it's good, considering that! Let's dive in.

Teioh starts out like a MASSIVE fucking heel, tearing what appears to be a format sheet written like a scroll out of the ring announcer's hands, then attacking Delfin and choking him out with his own title belt. Before Delfin's even gotten his jacket off. I like being able to know the dynamic already. He tosses Delfin out, throwing him to the wolves (and by "wolves" I mean "other members of Kaientai"). Showing the difference between Japanese and American wrestling at the time, Teioh doesn't settle for a regular side headlock, but punches Delfin in the throat while doing it. Similarly, instead of a basic rope choke, it's a leg drop to a man whose throat is draped across the ring rope. I don't even feel good calling this a heat segment, this is sick.

Teioh is being an AMAZING asshole, choking Delfin near-out with what appears to be a stripped-off tag rope, then taunting him in the corner. But of course, Delfin makes comebacks as faces do, using the athleticism to match Teioh. Teioh rolls to the outside... where all the babyface representatives of Michinoku Pro beat HIM up! We've already seen in 3 minutes what so many matches can't manage in 15. Delfin slaps on a figure four choke like it's nothing. Teioh gets a lot of elevation after taking a butterfly suplex. Delfin demonstrates a really well-executed single leg crab, that really looks like it's twisting the knee and the ankle. Then multiple figure four leg locks! Teioh needs a Funaki assist to even get the rope break. Dragonscrew, then a third figure four! This is flying by.

He's probably worked the legs as much as he can, now he's moving on to working the head. Given that Teioh's head started out bandaged, that's a very solid plan. Delfin proves he's not above pulling the hair. Hey, a face's gotta do... They take it outside, and Teioh's bloody. Delfin responds by tossing the guy face first into a door. Wow, how evil must Teioh be if Delfin's the good guy? Good guy doing good guy things like making his opponent bleed so much there's streaks of blood covering his face and chest. Less of a crimson mask, more of a crimson executioner's hood (you know the sort of thing I mean). Teioh does that nice sort of flailing, unstable sell that I previously praised Sgt. Slaughter for doing.

Back in the ring now, Delfin is in full control and Teioh's flailing at air. He manages to get a brief bit of respite while Delfin's doing the cornered-punches spot a lot of faces do, by lifting him up and crotching him on the ring ropes. Out comes the Kaientai gang to hurt Delfin again. Teioh's about to use a chair, but he gets it stolen from him and smashed in his face! Oof. At least the chair looked padded? As if that weren't concussion-inducing enough, multiple DDTs! Delfin's made Teioh bleed so much from the head that his own gear is pretty badly stained with his opponent's blood. A Delfin Clutch setup is reversed into a Teioh small package for two. Teioh then hits his chokebomb (which I am amused to learn is called Miracle Ecstasy) but doesn't get the win there either.

We're now back to relatively even. Delfin gets a schoolboy out of the corner which looks cool as fuck. Brainbuster from Delfin, but he can't take advantage and get the instant pin so Teioh survives. Wow, the ring is smeared with blood. Teioh attempts a back-kick low blow counter to a Tiger Suplex, but is blocked and hit with it anyway. Ref is bumped in the resulting kickout, which leads to Delfin getting a visual pinfall with a powerbomb but, of course, not the win. Delfin goes for a backslide, and Teioh manages to get a low blow this time. Miracle Ecstasy, then Teioh pins Delfin with his Delfin Clutch, and we've got a new champion!

Wow. This has to be my favourite match of this thread so far, and this combined with the previous match of his I watched has made me a MEN's Teioh fan. Only being familiar with his WWF work I always saw him as one of the "other guys" in Kaientai, but the two matches I've seen have slapped. I'm thankful for this thread.


Forever on Holiday
Feb 25, 2019
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Are submissions closed?


Apr 17, 2019
Reaction score
The Impact Zone, Scotland
Favorite Wrestler
Are submissions closed?
They were just because someone :side: was suggesting 20 matches at a time and the wheel grew to over 300.

I'll reopen them just because there's interest from a new person.


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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They were just because someone :side: was suggesting 20 matches at a time and the wheel grew to over 300.

I'll reopen them just because there's interest from a new person.

Who was suggesting 20 matches at a time? Like the most I did at once was maybe 3-4 max, and that was like, once when you said you were looking for a certain kind of match.


Forever on Holiday
Feb 25, 2019
Reaction score
They were just because someone :side: was suggesting 20 matches at a time and the wheel grew to over 300.

I'll reopen them just because there's interest from a new person.
It's fine. I will wait until you are way more done.


Forever on Holiday
Feb 25, 2019
Reaction score
Too late, they're reopened now

Go toss in a bunch of deathmatch like you want to
Why do you assume it will be deathmatches? And fine, I will after I get done with my other thread.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Match #32
Maximo vs. Negro Casas
2/3 Falls Match

CMLL Domingos Arena Mexico - January 11, 2015

One thing I find particularly strange about Mexican wrestling is the presence of exoticos. Particularly, the fact that these exoticos are sometimes straight men. In a business where the macho image is respected, why would you willingly camp it up and make yourself basically just a comedy character? Maximo is an interesting case in particular, because he's not just a straight man, he's a Brazo. His father is Brazo de Plata and his brother is Psycho Clown. What happened? I need some insight here.

The sound system at this show is awful, sounds painful. Maximo comes out in a fur coat to pounding techno music that you'd find in any gay club around the world. He just looks happy to be here. Negro Casas comes out with the mini Zacarias, who I'm told by Cagematch previously worked as "Mini Maximo". What a kick in the teeth that must be, huh? They focus entirely too long on the dancing women during the entrance, including after the whistle blew.

Casas has instant control, working the right leg. Including him doing a rope choke, but targeting the lower leg instead of the neck, and that rarest of moves, a raised-knee kneebreaker. Maximo takes a bit of punishment then decides to rest on the outside, but Casas immediately follows and takes his legs out from under him. They linger on a shot of Zacarias bouncing on the ring ropes for no real reason. Casas is doing some great heeling here, mocking Maximo's limping. An STF quickly gets the first fall by submission.

Presumably Maximo's taking a while to get up for the second fall, as they resort to fan cam for a bit. The murder of Maximo's entire leg continues as we get a dragonscrew against the ropes. Casas is even getting stretches and push-ups in, as well as having time to continue to mock the limp in between making it worse. An ankle lock somehow doesn't get a tapout, even with Zacarias lightly stomping on Maximo's back. Maximo gets backed into the ropes, but dodges a Casas big boot and gets his first offense all match with a few clotheslines, and then the inside cradle for the second fall!!


That was honestly my reaction. Like, I know these 2/3 falls matches usually go to the third fall, but I wasn't expecting it to happen given how much of a dominance this is. Guess this is a Maximo underdog story now. I'm down with that. They tape up Maximo's knee during the break, but this just reminds Casas to start working it again. And then when the medical staff brush him off because they're not finished taping the knee, he sprays a gel into Maximo's face! I LOVE this classic villiany. Not cheating because you need to, just cheating for the sake of being an asshole.

Casas guides the referee to watch Zacarias, then starts choking Maximo with a bit of tape. Commentary puts on a stupid screechy voice any time Zacarias is on screen for some reason. Maximo somehow finds enough strength in his legs to get a headscissors takedown and a TOPE SUICIDA!! :mark: Still, Casas manages to get up first (realism) and traps Maximo in a figure four choke on the outside. He then, for some reason, decides to smack the guy's rear. Don't do that. That's how exoticos get their power. Cavernaria is locked in but doesn't get a tap out, Maximo looks absolutely wrecked. Out of nowhere, Maximo manages to pull off a schoolboy pin but only gets two.

Casas makes the mistake of lifting Maximo up, which lets them exchange slaps (Casas sells the ones he takes quite cartoonishly, which is fun). Then... Maximo kisses Casas and it knocks him down. That's what I was afraid would happen. Casas needs a rope break to save himself, which is stupid. Casas gets to the top rope but Maximo pushes him right off. Maximo looks like he's going for another tope, Casas dodges, but Maximo just climbs out of the ring, and hits a crossbody off the apron! I've got to say, that tape on his knee must be working wonders, because it's almost as if it wasn't worked to death for the entire first two falls.

Casas gets control again by baseball-slide kicking Maximo's legs out from under him again and again. Crucifix pin gets a two, but it's a really slow two for some reason. Casas deserved this. Superkick and Maximo is cornered, but he manages to lift Casas out and.... deliver another kiss. A top rope armdrag gets the win for Maximo.

A match of two halves, and in a different sense from usual. The first two falls and the start of the third fall were absolute classic lucha, a genuine contender for my current Top 5, but they managed to pour gallons of cold water all over it near the end, with stupid exotico nonsense. I feel bad rating it as low as I will.