I mean just have one show [or one A-List show], and before people jump on me about the roster being too large for that, the point is there is far too much dead weight on that roster, and as Troy has mentioned before they struggle to find enough for everyone to do, so if they did cut SD, they would have to do some major trimming.
1. I think people are against the idea of losing Smackdown, just because they are use to it being there, but for me the experment has failed. Same thing happened in WCW when they introduced Thunder, now I know Thunder was always more for the B-Level talent, but the fact remains it was another two hours a week, where a alredy overworked creative had to come up with something new. Now at first SD wasn't such a problem for Vince, partly because when it first aired, WWF was still on a high, and business was going so well, and so that just carried over onto another two hour show, and people didn't care because they were enjoying the product so much.
2. Now an arugment could be made that if they never split the two brands, then they wouldn't have this problem, because by having one set of talent on one roster and another set on the other [even though the rules have long since gone out the window], then in effect they are asking people to choose, of course a lot of diehard WWE fans will watch both, but then again a lot of people won't, they will choose to watch one or the other. When the they first started roster split, I thought it was an exciting idea with so much possible for the future. I liked the idea of the shows trading talent, of them trying to push SD as a different kind of brand to Raw, and I liked the competive nature, and the idea of once a year having them face one another to see who the better brand was, but for a number of reasons which I won't go into here they have blown that, and IMO it is too late to turn it around, so it is time for a rethink.
3. And yes of course at the moment deezy Superstars is a middle of the road weekend show, but thats the point of this thread, than it could be more than that if they use it to push the younger talent, and actually create feuds for them on that show. Now at the moment, it would be a problem because like has been said, it would just be a third brand, but that is another reason to get rid of SD, then if you wanted to do this with Superstars it wouldn't be a problem. Smackdown struggles because WWE try to convince people than it is another version of Raw, Superstars wouldn't have that problem. Surely it is more productive to run one A-Show and one B-show, but a B-Show which has a greater purpose, than just showing highlights, and matches that don't mean anything.