AMA Shinzo Omega v. Brian Zewbowski

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Shinzo Omega v. Brian Zewbowski

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Comrade Khan

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The screen flickers briefly before the picture focuses quickly showing the Against Medical Advice logo in the middle of the screen. Stylistic font appears below the logo and spells out Power Hour with Mona Darling, and in gold trim, Championship edition. Retro poppy synth music bops in the background as the flashy introduction screen trails on for a few more seconds.



After showing a few production credits, we now switch over to inside the AMA studios. We can observe a brightly lit set with tall blinding lights on rolling metal poles. A large oak desk sits in front of a dark yellow wall, mounted with a medium sized television screen situated on the viewer’s left hand side. The desk is dark brown and appears extremely sturdy and professional; a multitude of papers scattered across give it a slightly more chaotic vibe, however. Sitting behind the desk in none other than Against Medical Advice’s spunky reporter Mona Darling, sporting a neon and almost lime green pleather suit jacket, a frilly white dress shirt topped by a razor thin black tie. Her infectious smile radiates as the camera centers and focuses on her, her cheeks rose with blush, teeth fully exposed and eyes cutely squinting behind large oval shaped glasses. She fumbles for a moment and brings up a small microphone on a black stand in front of her and adjusts it for a moment. She then looks up at the camera once more and opens the show.


Mona Darling: Welcome all my lovely wrestling freaks and geeks to AmA’s Power Hour. I’m your esteemed host, as always, Mona Darling, and what a pleasure it is to have all you here with me tonight because let me tell you we have a very rare, once in a lifetime edition of the Power Hour today! That’s right you guys, it’s a special Championship edition of the show, as we are speeding through the atmosphere towards Manifest Destiny! And for those who are just tuning in for the first time, AMA will crown it’s inaugural, first ever World Champion in a total of THREE! That’s right folks, you heard me right, THREE matches that will ultimately decide who will have the ultimate honor of being called the first champion. Isn’t that exciting?

Mona exudes her usual charm, closes her eyes shut and claps rapidly while letting out a faint high pitch screech, fully embarrassing her cuteness. The camera loves her. She smirks, adjusts her glasses and lines up a stack of paper in her hands before continuing.

Mona Darling: It goes without saying that we have quite the colorful and terrifying characters here in Against Medical Advice, and the final four remaining competitors in the Championship tournament certainly all fit that bill. On one side of the bracket, we have Killer Kandi, my female crush if you must know, who’s as tough and sharp as a diamond. She’s going up against Max Maverick, the definition of exuberance and newest member of the dubious Hamad Agency. With how much we have seen Shabazz Hamad slither backstage and poison the minds of any performer who will listen, I think it’s safe to assume The Hamad Agency will have something up their sleeve once again to try and tip the odds in their favor much like they did last week. Killer Kandi will have her work cut out for her, but this Kandi Stan is all in, you can do it girl!

Mona Darling nods as her gaze shifts to her ear piece. She smiles to the right in the direction of the production teams and focuses back to the camera.

Mona Darling: On the other side of the bracket, we have what is probably the most intriguing and mysterious matches in the entire tournament. I’m of course talking about The End, Shinzo Omega, taking on Brian ‘Humanity’ Zebowski. Two men rooted in a lot of the occult and the unknown. Two men who walk two very different paths, yet are currently fated to come to an explosive collision at Manifest Destiny. Brian managed to defeat Liberty at Rush Hour, but he did so with unwanted interference after being pestered for the better part of the evening. Who knows if that continues next event?

Mona: In contrast, at Rush Hour Shinzo Omega managed to survive the behemoth Norman Namatjira by count-out, but that came at some cost. After what we assume is a pay off backstage from Shabazz Hamad, The Darwhali Warrior mercilessly attacked Shinzo Omega’s leg and knee, crashing his entire gargantuan frame onto it as it hung on the ropes. What kind of shape is Omega going to be in? All great questions, and fortunately for you I’ve actually managed to, after much pestering and prodding, to land us an exclusive 1 on 1 interview with The End! It’s quite rare Mr. Omega likes to do these types of formal interviews, but he will be joining us exclusively here on The Power Hour via satellite, right now!

A few moments pass and the television screen to the left of Mona eventually flickers and lights up. We see the grim outline of a shadowy figure. The overlay fluidly changes to a side-by-side template, similar to most online podcast interview formats, with Mona Darling on the left and Shinzo Omega on the right, separated by a white border.

The camera is zoomed out originally in front of Shinzo and we see his appearance in full. The immediate standout is his right right, heavily taped from his ankle to an inch above his knee, with a black knee brace with hinges encasing his meniscus. He is sporting onyx colored dress pants with faint gunmetal gray vertical stripes and leans on his left foot but it’s rather clear he is doing his best possible effort to mask the discomfort and imbalance currently radiating through his limb. A tightly fitting charcoal dress shirt envelops his chest and shoulders, holding in place a black and dark purple diagonal pattern tie. The tie centers and thin silk gray vest and buttoned up to just below the neck. Resting on top of this somber ensemble is a meticulously pressed jet black jacket, perfectly fitting across every angle of his shoulders and arms, and defining his menacing frame to perfection.

The camera focuses more on his face and zooms in. Shinzo looks into it, his patent stoic stare burning the very souls of the viewers on the other side of the television screen. He calmly brings his right hand to his face, a pair of old, metallic frames in his grasp. He slides them on his face, large oval lenses framed in golden metal stems. He then slowly runs his hand through the middle of his skull and brushes over the streak of hair down the middle of it. He cracks a rare playful smile and addresses the camera.


Shinzo Omega: Good evening Miss Darling. Thank you for having me.

Mona Darling: Ou la la, so formal! Call me Mona, please!

Mona visibly blushes and flicks her wrist and right hand in a stop-it motion.

Mona Darling: Let’s get right into it. It’s rare for you to engage in interviews and generally you like to keep to yourself outside of the squared circle. Why don’t you like to show the public more of Shinzo Omega?

Shinzo shrugs his left shoulder and presses the left side of his lips together, clearly giving the question some thought.

Shinzo Omega: That’s a fair question I suppose. The best answer I can give you, Mona, is that Shinzo Omega prefers actions over words. Now that might come off a little ironic given we’re currently airing an interview, but I think my track record generally speaks for itself. I’m not here to revel in the admiration of the public to feed my ego, that would go against everything The End stands for, don’t you think? When I need to get a message across, it’s never fallen on deaf ears, and I believe that the Omega faithful and detractors alike know this to be a universal truth: The End is always there and ready to strike from the darkness. That’s one of the reasons why I’m so dangerous.

Mona Darling shivers visibly as Shinzo’s deep and hypnotizing voice resonates in her earpiece. She quickly gathers herself.

Mona: Danger is certainly something that seems to follow you around. Let’s go there and talk about the elephant in the room. We saw the wrap and the brace. We all saw what happened after the match after Rush Hour. How badly are you injured, and more importantly, how is this injury going to affect your game plan going into these two matches? Are you not afraid you could cause permanent damage or have it fail you and cost you the match? We have some footage in fact, take a look and give us all your thoughts, the juicier the better!

While Mona’s gleeful energy radiates on the left side of the screen, Shinzo’s gaze switches from stoic to a much more intense and fiery stare, as if his frozen barrier had suddenly melted into a puddle. His eyes widen and his pupils slightly expand as his left side winces ever so slightly showing some irritation as the video plays back and we see Norman set Shinzo’s leg up on the rope, climb the turnbuckle and violently slam his frame down on his exposed knee. We go back to Shinzo’s face who has now turned a few shades of red. However as quickly as the rage comes up, he slowly closes his eyes, takes a long breath, and re-opens them. His cheeks no longer flush. He clears his throat.

Shinzo Omega: First and foremost, Norman, and more importantly, Shabazz Hamad, I’m medically cleared to compete at Manifest Destiny. It’s going to take a lot more than a cowardly targeted attack to stop The End from manifesting his own destiny, and that’s winning the AMA Grand Championship. Every single time in my career, hell, in my whole existence, I’ve faced adversity. Whether that be through physical restraints and torture or attempts at weakening my mental state or focus, I’ve faced much worse than a sore knee.

Shinzo smirks viciously and stares far into the camera, directly speaking to whoever is watching at the moment.

Shinzo Omega: I’m disappointed in you Norman. I’m disappointed that you chose to listen to the words of a snake and threw away what I would describe as the best match I’ve had in my AMA career. You proved yourself to me and to the wrestling world that you are indeed a warrior. And while it wasn’t your time, you could have chosen to walk the path of honor…But you chose the way of the coward, and mark my words, we will see each other again. Watch your back.

Mona suddenly jumps in.

Mona Darling: But Shinzo, I’m sure you’ve seen the footage. What do you think about The Hamad Agency offering Norman a bonus for the hit on you.

Shinzo: It’s pretty obvious Shabazz Hamad and Shinzo Omega aren’t done with each other, not by a long shot. His operation, however, is falling apart. We saw this last week at the end of the show where not only did Pariah fall, but Shabazz failed in controlling the situation. The cracks are showing inside the walls of the agency, and it won’t be long until I break through those very walls myself and tear it down once and for all. But for now, I have to focus on the task at hand, and that’s wrapping championship gold around my waist and bringing forth the new era in AMA.

Mona Darling: Well said, and great segue into our next topic. Your semi final opponent is Brian “Humanity” Zebowski. We’ve seen his unorthodox style and two-fold personality cause havoc for his opponents and he’s seen great success with that. We’ve also seen him interact with various other groups, such as Malice and The Residence showing great interest in him, and to top it all off the enigmatic Aka Yurei interfered in his quarter finals match, directly helping him secure the win. How do you prepare for someone like that?

Shinzo shakes his head from side to side dismissively and once again shows his patented confident smirk .

Shinzo Omega: Mona, quite frankly you’re right. Brian, or Humanity, whichever form he wants us to see whenever it’s the most convenient for him, is certainly the most challenging opponent I’ve faced up to date in this tournament. But I’ll start by saying that unlike Mr. Zebowski I have never required others to fight my battles. I’ve earned my spot on top of the mountain!

Shinzo: I don’t have any respect for the way he won his last match and I personally would have kicked each and every Malice members’ head into the rafters the moment they dared step ringside to interfere. It’s a shame as well, as there’s a lot of noble things to like about Brian Zebowski. Much like myself. Brian has struggled with himself, his self control and his attempts to divert that pain into a positive. He’s an accomplished wrestler with a lot of heart, and quite frankly, against a different opponent, he would be the favorite here.

Shinzo’s facial expression grows extremely cold and stoic, his gaze like a screaming arrow piercing through granite.

Shinzo Omega: But his opponent is The End, Shinzo Omega. And Brian, I want you to look at me and listen to every word I’m about to tell you.

Shinzo removes the glasses from his face and places them in his suit breast pocket.

Shinzo Omega: The reason you will meet The End of your journey at my hand is simple, you lack focus. You are juggling two worlds Brian, and it’s all going to come crashing down for you. Your heart is in Sleepy Oak, that much is clear. And what is worse, you’ve aligned yourself with one of the most vile and corrupt organizations ever known to man. The Catholic Church. You are chasing a demon with a grifter masquerading as an immortal priest in an attempt to save the world.

Shinzo slowly brings his hand together and claps slowly, emotionless.

Shinzo Omega: Do you even hear yourself? Do you want to be a hero so badly? Do you want to rid yourself of Humanity so badly you’ve fallen into a deep psychosis to justify your sickening actions? Well Brian, it’s time to open your eyes to what is standing in front of you, because right now I am The Demon you are facing and I’m going to send your ass straight to hell if you blink even for a moment.

Shinzo pauses briefly and takes a breath, then brings his hand in a praying motion in front of his lips.

Shinzo: The difference between us Zebowski is while you are running around playing hero, I’ve been here, putting in the work every day. Doing actual good by slaying real monsters like the filth coming out of the Hamad Agency. Righting wrongs. Fighting tangible enemies and more importantly, sharpening my edge. Every loss and victory has made me stronger than before, every horror I’ve been through before has shaped me into who I am today. Shinzo Omega has never been more honed in, more focused or more driven to achieve his destiny. That’s simply not something you can match me on Brian.

Shinzo walks in closer to the camera menacingly.

Shinzo: I’m not leaving that ring at Manifest Destiny until my goal is complete and I raise the World Championship above my head. So Brian, bring Malice, bring The Residence, hell, bring a whole damn army because you’re going to have to kill me and drag my lifeless corpse out of the ring without that golden belt.

The End stops and regains his composure, fixing his tie in the process and looking back at the camera with extreme confidence.

Mona Darling: Wow! Strong statement. Shinzo, you talk a lot about how it’s your destiny for you to become the first world champion. Why does that mean so much to you and what does it take to be a champion in your mind?

Shinzo Omega: This all goes back to what I was saying about Brian Zebowski lacking the focus and the tools to be championship material. How can one who cannot even control a part of himself have the strength to withhold the pressures of being a World Champion? How can a man who’s daydreaming about priests and churches in 1922 put the entire company on his back and represent it on a worldwide stage? I, on the other hand, have been preparing myself both physically and mentally every day to this very moment. Every minute in those cells as a stolen orphan child, every drop of blood and ounce of sweat. All the broken bones, the shattered dreams and the constant nightmares. Every physical and mental sacrifice I’ve made to date has not only prepared me for the inevitability of this moment, but it’s also made me the best version of myself, and that’s the Shinzo Omega that stands in front of you today. Battered and bruised but unrelenting, unstoppable and undeniable. The End is my name for a reason and that’s because there is no man that is beyond me. I am the final stop, and I proudly stand there alone.

His monolog continues, his voice slowly rises in volume in a crescendo while the room harmoniously dims and flickers at the end of each poignant sentence. His right eye hueing in crimson ever so slightly as the verbal barrage rages on like a wild tornado on a dry plane.

Shinzo: It started all the way at Maiden Voyage on that fateful night in April, Mona. The moment Pariah sent Sawyer Xavier’s head through the glass window of a sitting vehicle, I made a vow to the AMA faithful to rid this festering and corrupt organization currently crawling with blood sucking leeches and vermin. Ever since then I’ve also been true to my word. I’ve never backed down since and have kept my promise up until now. Whether they bashed my face in with broken glass, tried to knock me out, or tried to break my leg after a match? I’m still here, ready to fight. That’s what it means to be a World Champion: to never ever stop fighting for what you believe in, no matter the cost. And what I believe in is that I’m the only one with the strength and conviction to hold that title. At Daytona beach, I’m fulfilling my destiny and bringing The End to the status quo!

Shinzo’s eye is visibly blood red as he reaches the apex of his speech, and immediately returns to normal upon a nonchalant blink.

Mona: We’re sorry for some of the audio visual glitches there folks, seems we’re dealing with some weird interference!

Mona moves her head away from the microphone and looks away from the set to a producer, she shakes her head in disbelief.

Mona: Due to our technical issues, Mr. Omega I think we will end it there. Don’t miss Manifest in Daytona Beach as Shinzo Omega, our guest tonight, attempts to be the first ever AMA Grand Champion and it all starts with his semi-final match against Brian “Humanity” Zebowsy! Anything you’d like to leave us with, Shinzo?

Shinzo simply chuckles with a cheshire grin widened from ear to ear.

Shinzo: Bonam fortunam, Humanitas
(latin; Good Luck, Humanity)

The feed coming from Shinzo Omega goes blank abruptly.

Mona Darling: Well, that’s it for this championship edition of the Power Hour, thank you to our mysteriously handsome guest, The End, Shinzo Omega for being our guest this evening and promoting Manifest Destiny, our biggest event up to date! Don’t miss it! For AMA, I’m Mona Darling saying, keep those dukes up! See you next week folks!

The theme music begins as credits roll at the bottom of the screen. Mona Darling shuffles some papers around and looks a bit distraught looking towards her producers. The logo shows in the middle of the screen but is distorted and looks to turn black and red in the shape on an eye. The music warps in a droning, familiar tune.

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Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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“When I discover who I am, I'll be free.”
-Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man


Part V:

I Am That I Am

You know, people often ask themselves "Who am I?". Nobody really contemplates that sort of stuff though, do they? It’s such a simple question after all. Not really, actually; it’s a loaded question, one with so many meanings. It’s never just so simple, is it? When one should find themselves really deep-diving and dissecting such thoughtful topics, some unknown idea unthought previously will no doubt crop up. It’s a nagging feeling that always leads people down a path to no more understanding who they are than they had when they began. Truth be told, I’ve held off on asking myself such things after much time for fear I may not actually know the answers… and sadly, that revelation has not made things easy for me.

Who am I? That question can mean so many things. “What is my name?” is one interpretation. It’s the simplest one, and perhaps the easiest to understand. Yet there are times when I find myself struggling to find that answer. What even is my name? I know I was born Brian Sean Zewbowski, but… is that even my name anymore? Or is my name Humanity now? Everyone refers to my own body with that name; that blasted name that thing inside me goes by. There are some days that I simply don’t know what my name is. There are some waking moments where I can never tell which name is mine. Is my name Brian? Or is it Humanity? Perhaps it’s neither, and after all this time, I’m actually some whole different person who’s just mentally unwell. Yeah, maybe that’s it! Maybe Brian and Humanity are just a figment of some man’s imagination, created for their own entertainment. The long and the short of it is a simple “I don’t know”. It’s to the point, and it’s the truth, and it scares the hell out of me.

Another meaning is of course, “What do I do?” Everyone does something or nothing, as a matter of factly. They either have a job, or they don’t. What they do is who they are; Steve the Accountant, Bob the Fireman, Christopher the Cook, it’s not only a job, it’s a title. A title is important in society; it is how people base their interactions with many folks. A president is treated with reverence and respect, a fireman is beloved and thanked for their service, and the lowly service worker is ridiculed and grounded into the dirt. So when I ask myself, “What do I do?” it almost seems so simple… and yet I find myself hesitant. What is my title, anyways? Am I a professional wrestler, a master of slams and stretching? It would almost be so easy to chalk it up to that, but my life simply isn’t that easy. If I really was just a professional wrestler, perhaps no misfortune would gather itself around my life. If I was just a wrestler, there wouldn’t be this thing within me; maybe I wouldn’t have become a physically drug-addled mess. Perhaps I wouldn’t have been divorced with my own daughter never seeing me. Maybe if I was just a wrestler, none of this otherworldly crap would be raining down upon my head. Unfortunately, I don’t know if the title of a wrestler is befitting me… some days, I feel as though the jester for the universe. A clown to be laughed at and besmirched. It never rains, but it pours. I simply don’t know by what title I am, or by what right I have to claim such titles; I simply know that they apply.

The third interpretation to such questions is also more complex and more thoughtful: “Who am I as a person?” There are many people who are so different. There are leaders, there are followers, there are the brave, the cowardly, the deaf, and the blind. Those are traits that define a person. They are what makes someone inherently them. Their name, and their title, can change. Their inherent traits can rarely change, as it stays with them for most of their natural-born life. For me though, I know not who I am. At one time, I believed I was master of the world; the greatest, the best of the best. I won at the amateur level and was an All-American in wrestling. Now though, I feel as though a servant to the gods. Their uncaring and despondent nature reveals themselves manipulative and arbitrary. This thing inside me brings me orders, and I follow, though reluctantly. How can I truly be a master when I am commanded by another? Am I perhaps a servant? Who I am as a person is unclear, and it continually brings despair into my life through indecision and discontent. What are my own traits, after all?

“Who am I?” can also of course mean something as harrowing as “am I even a person?” What does it even mean to be a person? What sort of identity is there to have to prove to yourself that what you are is human? That’s a multi-faceted and difficult answer to truly think of. It can mean a lot of things… but the keyword is identity. To have identity is to be human. Sadly, I do not know what identity I contain to truly call myself human. This thing inside me is beyond humanity, despite its cognomen. Humanity, a fun name, but not very indicative of Mortis’ true nature; how can they be human if they have never experienced true mortality. Sentience is but one indicator of humanity, but animals simple and complex all have some semblance of sentience. It requires far more than just pithy sentience to acquire humanity. What divides humans from those immortals and inhuman beings that wander far past the earth and into the universe itself? Is humanity really the only form of advanced mortal intelligence out there even? It’s a difficult question to ponder… I suppose the simple answer is I don’t even know if I truly am human when one supposes my new biological makeup, part man, and part immortal dread god.

Of course, “Who am I?”, in the context of all previous questions, brings up one more question that leads me begging for answers to everything else. “Am I in control?” To have control is perhaps a signifying trait of humanity. We are in control of what we can do with ourselves. Though we tie ourselves to the whims of others, we have choices, we can make decisions, we have the power of hindsight to draw from and to improve ourselves in our endeavors. When one loses all of those things, are they really in control, and by extension, are they really human? In the past, a slave was thought to not be human, for they were not in control. I often wonder this to myself… I share this body with another, more powerful than I am. Is he truly the one in control? Am I merely a slave inside my own body? Let me tell you, sometimes I don’t feel in control. I wake up terrified and ready to cry to god because I’ve awoken in an unfamiliar place. After some time, I’ll realize it wasn’t so unfamiliar… it was my own home after all, for god’s sake. I feel scared and alone, even with a crowd of people watching me in that ring. It is the only place I used to feel safe, but as time went on, and that thing became more prevalent, that feeling of safety died. Have you ever felt alone with so many eyes staring at you? To feel so small? I remember that feeling all too well. It strikes me, even now at this hour of greatness; so close to glory while my opponents in this tournament would wish to see me fall. I suppose the answer is I don't know if I am in control of myself or not.

At times like this, some introspection is needed to calm down and refocus oneself. What I need is a little exercise to remind myself I am here, and I am alive. Though I rant and rave, it is good to speak one’s mind, beyond the ridicule of others. I understand that there are those detractors who feel that when I speak, I run for too long; though there are my supporters in the world, who genuinely seem to enjoy when I speak to the masses. This little exercise will do me a world of good, regardless of other people’s opinions. Where does one begin though? I suppose where I need to begin is back then, the day I met that thing now residing from within. It changed everything about me, from some kid with no care in the world, to what I am now– if I can even understand this form of mine, that is. When Mortis entered my life, I was but a young kid, rough around the edges, impressionable, and damn stupid. This stupidity is what nearly killed me, and allowed that thing to follow me back to the world of the living.

I remember most details of that day, but not necessarily what had caused it. I was 15 years old, a foolish idiot and an ignorant one at that. I had friends, and I was somewhat well-liked by the majority of students in my school. There was this one person though. His name will never be important to the story, but upon reflection, I wonder where he is today. Has he ever found peace in himself, despite his violence and hateful nature? Does he perhaps struggle with the question “Who am I?” like I do? Those are questions I may never know the answer to, but it doesn’t necessarily bother me. He and I fought more than once before, and it was by his hand that I ended up meeting this thing now inside me. You could say he is the catalyst of my problems. One too many fights and he became more violent than ever… I didn’t see it coming, but all I remember is the crowd gathered around and the voices crying out in horror as I felt a bludgeon against my head. He hit me with a shovel, and violently too. I fell into a deep pool, and all I remembered was sinking down into the water as I stared up, seemingly paralyzed by this violent blow. I couldn’t breathe, and I thought it was the end for me, or so I thought.
Unknown Location, April 20, 2002


It was there that I looked up in this odd consciousness, I could feel the light fading the deeper I went into the water. The next thing I know, I was falling; falling from where I know not. I won’t lie though, it was oddly peaceful. Perhaps death is like this in some fashion? Everyone sees it as horrible and destructive, but it’s a cycle of life after all. It is the finality of it all, that perhaps some are fearful of. There are those who don’t wish to die, and would like to go on forever… but that isn’t what this is about, is it? As I fell, I was fully aware; I could see myself slowing to a crawl as if time slowed down. Inevitably, I hit the ground with a sloppy thud. A voice called out to me from afar. It wasn’t just afar though, it was all around. An echo chamber of this tonal beckoning. As I sat up and turned my head, this void of surreal darkness appeared before me. From beyond, there was only darkness, yet I could see in its entirety. The voice beckoned me to come once more, and entranced by curiosity and desire, I followed. Through the bright darkness, I finally came across a stony seat and table, misshapen and near moss-eaten. Like thunder, and yet like a gentle whisper, the voice called out.

???: “Be seated and I shall come.”

This voice was strangely familiar, yet it felt as though I had never heard it before. Hesitantly, I made myself seated on the farthest end of this stone circle. With a wisp of black smoke, a figure formulated from across this place. Before my eyes, I witnessed a great conflagration from the smoke, a fiery window into nothingness. As the fire died, the figure standing across from me became more visible. With awestruck fear, I beheld him, a face of eerie conspicuousness, and a body twisted, elongated, and sharpened by time. As if looking back from a terrible mirror of distortion, I saw… me. I was looking at my own twisted and dark reflection. This thing stared into my soul, as I stared back into it, unable to turn away from this horrible demonization of reality. As his mouth fell agape, my own voice followed, drenched in static and feedback as though a broken amplifier followed the words.

???: How sad it is that we must meet in these… circumstances. Do you know where you are, child?

Brian: I don’t know what is going on. All I remember was I was drowning, and now I’m here. Who are you?

The figure ran his hand against the table, picking some peat moss left on it, before lighting it ablaze and brushing it off. This figure used not candles, matches, or lighters to bring the moss to flame… but merely his fingers. It was a show of force, and he was signaling that he was in control and that I was at his mercy if he so deemed to be in a charitable mood. It was mere fear and terror divine that pleased him, and I so willingly gave him his due.

???: You may call me… well, whatever you wish.

I drew a blank, not able to muster a name until the last second. I don’t even remember why I came up with that stupid name, but alas, it was a name that stuck, as miserable and unreflective of the being as it was. How could I name something so inhuman… that.

Brian: Humanity then, I will call you Humanity.

The figure twisted his expression to contemplation before giving out a hardy laugh. He stood up and gave a wretched smile towards me, broken and empty of all joy in the world, but filled with the implication of being impressed with my blase answer.

Humanity: A very ill-fitting name, but I like it very much. It has class, it has a little more feeling to it. So it shall be, child. You may wonder where you are and why it is you are here in the first place? I’m not one to mince words, frankly, child; this is the domain of darkness, a world between the living and the dead.

Brian: You’re full of shit, you’re telling me I’m dead or something?

Humanity: Word to the wise, boy, hold your tongue and don’t act high and mighty in the face of someone who decides your fate. As it stands, you are no longer living, but you are not quite dead. That is where I come in, dear boy.

Brian: You? Either I’m dreaming, or I really must be dead–

Humanity: You may think of this world as a dream of sorts, dear boy. Those that lay dying do dream before they pass. Fortunately for you, I have followed your life very carefully. Not to mention, I have seen what is to come with you. You have the potential for greatness.

Brian: So much for potential considering I guess I’m at the point of dying, huh? Also, stop calling me dear boy, my name is–

Humanity: Not so fast, there is an opportunity for you to continue your life if you so choose. As for your name, I already know it, there simply is no need to say it.

Brian: Fine then, have it your way. What opportunity are you even talking about?

Humanity: Have you any idea how terribly boring it must be in this world of nothingness? It’s difficult enough to find pleasant conversation and entertaining activities in this place. I have been here for years, and I wish to leave it once more. You, dear boy, are my opportunity. You are the first to come into this place in decades, and what you see is merely what is here. This meeting place, and the great expanse of emptiness. I must admit, it is terribly dull to wait. I wait no longer, however. You are my exit. You are my way out. Permit me a piece of yourself, so that you may live, and I may leave.

Brian: That sounds like an easy deal for an idiot. You’re the same as the devil, asking for the souls of others so that you gain more power. What makes you think I’d say yes?

The being laughed right in my face. It was a horribly distorted and demented laugh, and I understood the name of the game right then. This wasn’t some dream, and this wasn’t just a hallucination before death. I was facing some terrifying figure that was sentient. His horrible reflection of my face should have tipped me off enough, but by God, that laugh shook me to my core.

Humanity: Do you think you have any power in this place? Any agency of your own? The way I see it, you have no choice. You either accept my demands, or you die and never return to the land of the living.

Brian: What will you do if I accept? What is your goal?

Humanity: I merely wish to entertain myself in the world above. To return to the land of the living so that I may entertain myself with those same peoples. If I may be frank, I’m bored and want some excitement outside of this realm for once. Don’t blame me for suffering from such “human” moods; having known your species for so long, it was inevitable I would “adopt” their ideas and even accrue many of their ideals at some point.

Brian: Hold on, you're telling me your whole spiel comes down to the fact you're bored and just want entertainment.

Humanity: Oh, excuse me, have you been stuck in a plane of nothingness for over 13 years since the last guy you were a part of happened to pass on? Look at this child, so high and mighty. Now give me your body so we can get out of here already.

Brian: Just a moment… suppose I refuse?

Humanity: Death is all that awaits you if you refuse, boy. I don't see how you being so youthful would wish for that. It truly is a simple decision.

At the time, I panicked and thought there was another way out. I don’t regret the decision I ended up making, because I knew that even as slight a chance as there was, I could leave alive. Surely Mortis would be entertained by the idea of a duel.

Brian: I challenge you then! If all I have is a choice, then I want the chance to leave without taking you with me. It isn't an unreasonable demand.

Humanity: You challenge me? A mere child standing against that who would seal his fate so easily?

That twisted figure came closer towards me and twisted a toothy grin in my direction, a cackle of horrible intent following behind. He clearly was impressed by this last-ditch effort I had thrown out there.

Humanity: You have such spirit– Very well then. I grant you but one opportunity, the chance to leave here alive without me. But be forewarned, if you lose, I will return with you; a deal is a deal, and in this world, it cannot be broken.

Brian: If it's all I have to get away from you, then I'll gladly take it.

Humanity: I decide the conditions then… and we shall battle in one of the oldest games known to your species… chess!

I should have known back then that clearly Mortis liked differing interpretations of Death, and this was merely his way of getting at my goat. Unfortunately for him, I never actually had seen the Seventh Seal, where Antonius Black challenged Death to a game of chess. The similarities between the movie and this situation were interestingly similar, however, and had I realized at the time, I know not how I would have reacted. In retrospect, my fate was sealed the moment that dread god called for chess. I merely didn’t realize that the person I was before would be gone forever in the place of this new form.

Brian: Why chess, exactly?

Humanity: It is a game meant for the wise, the witty, and for those who are strategically minded. I have no doubt this will be a very enlightening game, boy!

The thing sat back across this moss-eaten stone table, and with a flick of the fingers, a fiery blaze spread across the mesa. The flames licked and lapped at me, but they didn’t sting; this world and that thing would not permit me to come to harm; was it perhaps I couldn’t actually be harmed in this place? After all, this place was like a world for the comatose; not some Nightmare on Elm Street dream world. As the flames died down, a twisted and distorted board appeared, with wiry and sharpish crystal pieces placing themselves upon it… it was as it looked to be: A chessboard, ready for play. A devilish and malicious smirk draped itself across that thing’s face, and a long, broken finger pointed towards me.

Humanity: As the challenger, I shall permit you the white pieces, and the first movement, may the better man win.

With that, the game began. It was my last chance to save my identity, to keep myself whole, and I was going to play for my life. I moved a pawn forward and awaited his move; after some time, the small conversation began. Hopefully, I could have garnered some clarity and understanding as to the nature of this thing.

Brian: Tell me, who are you exactly?

Humanity: I go by many names, though I do thoroughly enjoy your interpretation for me. Understandably though, you may need to be more specific with that line of questioning, it can mean a lot of things.

That statement he made really made me understand that the question wasn’t as simple as previously believed. I, a young teenager having found myself in this situation, asked that dread god the question with many answers. As our pieces moved during our conversation, I noticed I was at a slight advantage, primed for a better position compared to its pawns and knights. I had to keep my expressions at a minimum, so as not to give them any ideas.

Brian: Alright, what is it you do?

Humanity: Well, aside from being bored in this plane of darkness, I merely exist. Men through history have worshipped me as some form of deity for their own religions though. I care not for people’s own interpretation of my existence, it matters not. Have you ever imagined what it is like to live forever? To be beyond the shackles of mortality?

Brian: Not really, I’m 15, I don’t really think about those sorts of things. But I find it interesting you don’t really have an identity, huh?

Humanity: Identity is a mortal concept, I have names, I have titles, but identity is subjective in the mind of man. People’s identities change with time, and some change them themselves. In due time, that will become more of a commonality than you will realize. People will find their true identity, not just that which society tells them they should be.

Brian: I don’t understand a single thing you’re talking about.

Humanity: That was the idea, dear boy, after all, the point was to confuse and distract you. Especially since you made a grave mistake.

Just like that, his chess pieces moved and struck, taking out key pieces on my board. I could not believe my eyes. Just like that, that slight advantage was gone, and I was on the losing end. I realized the mistake I made; I was about to be humbled by this dread god. Who I would be before would be lost forever. I still fought… I fought against the tide of failure, even if I knew I couldn’t win.

Brian: Why do you need me in particular? Couldn’t you take anyone else?

Humanity: I spoke on it before, you have potential, and I enjoy your fight. You weren’t just chosen by me arbitrarily. You were destined for this. To become my vessel. Do keep battling though, it only endears me further.

Brian: Was all of this pre-determined? Nearly dying? Just so you could take control and escape?

Humanity: There are no pre-determined deaths in the world, things happen for a reason, but never are they planned by some divine power.

Brian: You just said earlier I was destined for this… certainly you had to have some control over the outcomes.

Humanity: You ask very important questions, but perhaps you are not quite ready for the answers to them. In due time, you will discover them yourself… when you are ready, of course. With that, I feel it is time to end this little charade, my dear boy.

With a clink, I watched with horror as his queen forced my king into a checkmate. It was the end, and I knew it. It was all over. My identity and who I was before were about to be wiped away in favor of this dread god. My face fell in dismay as I buried my head in my own hands. I lost; God forbid whatever it was this horrible thing was going to do to me. I felt a hand, cold and rigid clasp my hand. As I looked up, the face which was once distorted and horrifying, settled slowly into a picture-perfect reflection of myself. The only difference I could see was sharper expressions, and those brown beady eyes staring directly back towards me.

Humanity: You fought to the end, and I must admit, I found myself rather entertained by you; perhaps I need not control you entirely. After all has been said and done, you are your own person, and the fact you fought to the bitter end I praise you for. However, it is time for us to leave this plane together, Brian Zewbowski. You may call me Humanity if you wish, now that it is… slightly fitting for my name.

A bright flash of light struck us and a bright miasma pierced the dark world surrounding us. I could feel our beings pulling together, and the next thing I knew, there was nothingness once more. I was not in the plane of darkness anymore. My eyes were simply closed; it was a struggle to peel them open, but when I did, I awoke to the tiles of a ceiling. They were white and sterile, so unlike that place I had been before, this ceiling looked to be untouched by the cold hand of death. As it happened, I was in the hospital. Someone pulled me out and saved me, and I had actually been in the hospital for a few days… I didn’t understand how much time could pass so quickly, but I know now that time is a strange thing in other planes of existence. It was the beginning of this new form of mine. The Brian Zewbowski of old was dead, and it was at that moment that I lost track of the answers to “Who am I?”.


When I think about it, I never realized much how much positive recognition I was receiving from Mortis. Those words that thing spoke in the end, especially calling me by name. It knew my name and he called me by it once; looking back, it was a sign it recognized me even then as my own person. Even with the conflagration and combination of our beings, perhaps it was true that there was an identity I still contained.

Years went by and though I never really had answers to this seemingly easy question, I was still able to contain that thing inside of me for a while. Every so often he would make his presence known… it was like losing a part of yourself in the heat of battle, to lose control, and to see that whatever it was that was controlling you had its own power over you… it was terrifying, I will not lie. Shinzo knows all too well about nearly losing control. He and I are actually more alike than I’ve thought. We both struggle with our identities and I imagine more than once, he has asked himself these questions I pose to myself.

Of course, as time went on, we all could see where it lead. I’ve almost done it all, it seems. I’ve won wrestling championships, I’ve been a King of the Hardcore Match an unprecedented 5 times; I went undefeated at CWA’s own Five Star Attraction… I’ve been a tag team champion everywhere I set foot, barring the AMA. There is just one thing I haven’t truly done: Win a world title. On my resume there is a “world title”, but the EWA was not the big leagues, in the true sense of the word… I have never gotten so close to winning it all like this, with the eyes of the world watching. With the universe set to behold this tournament reach its awaited climax, I sit and contemplate the truth to who I am. Everyone in this thing knows the importance of becoming the first world champion in AMA history, none more than I.

While these contemplations and irrational thoughts flooded through my head, there was another person who felt they could jump-start that small electrical circuit in my brain that gave me the reason to find the answers to my problems. I hadn’t seen them in years, but they had watched me grow from what I had been, into what I am now. Though from afar, they still cared and rooted for my success in secret, my ableness to finally overcome my addictions, my failures, and everything that had dragged me down. Even with the universe laughing at me and pulling me towards the deepest pits of despair, they had pride and genuine elation as they saw me rise from the ashes. I was to them, a man clawing back from the dead to become everything they had thought I could be.
Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, Florida, the night of Manifest Destiny

I remember the moment that turned my thoughts around and made me begin to find the answers within myself. It was a moment of pride from another person; perhaps the most important person in my life. I had been in my locker room, stuck in a rut, wondering how I could motivate myself in this upcoming match against Shinzo… not only that, how could I keep myself motivated to see things through to the finals. These fleeting thoughts kept me distracted from attaining the dream I had fought so hard for. Sarah had entered my locker room to get my attention. At the time, she obviously wished to warn me, but I was too stubborn until it was too late.

Sarah: Hey Brian, you got a minute, there are some folks that wanna see you.

Brian: Can they wait until after this match?

Sarah: You’re gonna want to see them now.

Before I had even a chance to speak, my ex-wife entered through the door. Stacy Kobain, who I hadn’t seen in years since the divorce. Her casual clothes still looked striking on her. What the hell, you know, she was almost the same age I am, and she certainly didn’t look it. Her expression was somewhat stern and unmoving, however. She did not feel it necessary to see me; what could she have been here for, I wondered at that moment.

Brian: … Well, now I see what you mean. Stacy, nice to see you again.

Stacy: Hello Brian; it’s–... been a while.

Brian: It has been a while, hasn’t it. I guess you’re here to support me in this important moment of my life, aye?

Stacy: I’m not gonna lie, Brian, I don’t know about myself. You’ve changed though, that much I can tell. Sarah’s told me all about what you’ve been up to. You’re clean, have a new perspective on life, and hell, you’ve managed to accomplish so much recently. I have to admit I’m impressed with you, Brian. I’m not here to see you though; someone else is, and she asked that she see you in private.

That last sentence did something to my heart, I must admit. I could feel it beating so damn fast, man. The blood pumping through my body ran so cold as if I was deep-frozen in that moment of anticipation. It… was something I had been waiting for for so long. This was “her” we were talking about.

Brian: … You don’t mean–?

Sarah: This is so exciting, Brian~! You get to see her again! Now you better behave, mister.

Stacy tapped Sarah on the shoulder and pulled her through the doorway, leaving it open. A few long, anguishing seconds passed… and then “she” entered through the door, closing it behind her. Lo and behold, before my eyes were my flesh and blood; it was the daughter I hadn’t seen in years: Celestia. She grew so much, I almost didn’t recognize her; it was her eyes though. Those beautiful blue eyes looked at me with awe and an exciting flurry of emotions. Admittedly, seeing her made me lose my own emotions for a second. We stared at one another in solemn silence, before her mouth opened, and broke that agonizing silence.

Celestia: Hey, dad– It’s me.

Brian: Of course it’s you, Celestia– You look so grown-up last time I saw you, but how could I ever forget the face of my beautiful girl?

We struck ourselves out in a warm embrace. The beating of our hearts met at that moment. We both had not seen each other for so long, but we both knew there was still love for one another. After so long in this tight hug, we pulled away, I had been desperate to know why she was here, why now? Perhaps I already knew that answer though. Why wouldn’t I know it? On the day of the biggest moment of my life, next to my daughter’s birth, why wouldn’t she come to see me? I suppose it was my desperation to hear the words from her own mouth. Her face, which had grown so much but still had those soft cheeks, brunette hair, and beautiful blue eyes, looked up at me with such happiness.

Brian: You’re here to watch me out there, huh?

Celestia: No duh, dad! Do you think I’d miss this moment for anything else in the world?

I couldn’t believe I heard her right the first time. My daughter specifically came to see this moment of mine, a light in the darkness of my despair with all those damnable doubts. What had I done to deserve her love and appearance, after all? I was a deadbeat dad; I was a nobody, I could have been a nobody to her; here she is gracing me with her presence though. Was I really worth it?

Brian: I– Never realized… It’s just, I never was… the best father after all these years. It was always just you and your mother; I was barely ever around.

Celestia took her hand and wrapped it around mine. It was significantly smaller than mine, though, of course, I was significantly taller than her. 6’6” is nearly a whole head taller than 5’7”, admittedly. That was such an insignificant detail though; it was her soft touch that embraced my hand that moved me.

Celestia: Dad– You have been through a lot in life. I used to be mad at you for so long until I finally learned what you suffered through. You’re not a terrible person, you’re like anyone else. You made mistakes and yet… I watched you come back and get stronger.

Brian: You… watched me?

Celestia: Mom always told me that you were going through a tough time, but when you came back in the ring, I had to see if you had finally gotten better. Sarah even told me how better you’ve become. I knew if you ever got to this point, dad, I’d be there for you.

Dammit, if I didn’t cry before, I swear I cried then. I felt those tears coming from my own eyes; she wiped them away with her gentle touch. I had not cried in a long time, I don’t even remember when. I have awoken scared, frightened, and terrified at night, but never have I cried… perhaps when my own father died was the last time I truly cried. I simply don’t know…

Brian: You don’t really mean that, Celestia… I was a deadbeat and a no-good rotten father.

Celestia: Even then, the mistakes of the past don’t make you who you are now. What you do to move past those mistakes is what makes you who you are now.

She struck at the matter; if there was any doubt she would ever be my own daughter, those ideas would have been dashed immediately at that moment. She definitely was just like me in some ways, quick and insightful.

Brian: Who I am… I must admit… sometimes I don’t really know who I am. Even now, I struggle with that question.

Celestia: Dad, you’re such an idiot. Who you are is someone who… I’m proud of, not for what they were, but who they are now.

An arrow pierced my heart with those words attached. She said what I had hoped and prayed she would someday say to me, and she said it so willingly. I needed this; it was refreshing and it gave me something new to find solace in.

Brian: Celestia– say that again. Please…

Celestia: Dad… I’m proud of you. I’m proud to be your daughter. No matter what happens tonight, win or lose… who you are, dad… is a champion. You’re a champion, after all you’ve been through, and how time after time you continue to get back up. You’ll always be a champion to me. Now, why don’t you go out there and win the whole damn thing for me?

That was it! That was what I had been looking for all along. Who I was, my own identity, it was spoken by my own daughter. Her pride for me gave me not only the strength but the answers to my despair. It was her hope in me that changed things.

Brian: … Thank you, Celestia. You’ve helped me solve something that… I’ve been searching for years to figure out. I promise to win all of it for you!

I won’t lie, I didn’t want her to go, even for a moment after that. We ended up talking and talking, and I learned so many interesting things about what she had been up to. She herself was actually interested in this business of slams and stretches. She was proud enough of her own father that even she wanted to become like me. Though she was still too young to perform just yet, I promised her I’d teach her everything I knew. Mortis was… oddly quiet that night. Every once in a while he would speak up, but perhaps he understood that I needed this time alone, without his inhuman influence pushing me in a direction. He was… giving me control.


So after much introspection and looking back on the beginnings of this confusing affair, and the newest development in this world, I suppose the question, “Who am I?” returns itself. When I think of the meanings of this complex and harrowing question I had asked when I first began this long-winded ramble that others will no doubt feel conflicted upon, I feel that now I am qualified to answer such questions.

“What is my name?” I know now that this question is not a matter of one answer or the other. I need not choose between Brian Zewbowski and Humanity… I am both names. It is a part of my identity, and it is how people come to know me. There is no great shame in admitting that some days I know not which name to go by, but now I understand that I need not choose; I can be both at the same time, and it is an acceptable practice.

“What do I do?” has been clarified, and brought some semblance of affirmative nuance to my understanding of what it is my title is. I am both a professional wrestler, and I am the universe’s jester. I embrace both titles at once, for I will make the universe laugh, because, behind every misfortune, I will wrestle my way out and come out stronger. The universe can throw all its hate and all its venom towards me, but the spirit of a wrestler only dies when I do, and I intend to live a long, long, time.

“Who am I as a person?” has been simplified for me, and I know now that there is not one trait that makes people who they are. It is the multitude, the sum of their parts that are what makes people different from one another. I make my own demands, and when called upon, I will follow the will of Mortis. I am both a master and a servant in my own body. It is an equal partnership in this fleshy vessel, my will is not so weak that I merely obey with quiet cowardice. I have the agency to lead Mortis in some fashions myself.

“Am I even a person?” After much thought, and after some time to reflect, this question has an answer that may explain my being. I am a person insomuch as I am a mortal being born with identity; my identity is my name, my title, and my traits, all combined, they define me and separate me from others. Yet I cannot be a person, for the being inside me has taken a piece of my “soul” and is a part of me. That thing is inhuman and immortal, incapable of being a “person”, for a dread god cannot be a person, but a thing. Should one ask me if I am a person, I shall respond simply: I am both human and inhuman.

“Am I in control?” Though this being, Mortis, is a part of me, and though it has the ability to control my body, I am able to reason with it and declare my own intentions. This body has been mine before they entered, and whilst we argue and may fight, he is no more in control than I am out of control. I say to those who ask me with wide-eyed seriousness, I am a man who is both fluttering between control and no control, for I know my duty in this world.

So in the end, those I face off against in that championship tournament will no doubt be asking themselves “Who am I?” and though they may not be plagued with such indecisiveness and perturbations as I, I think even momentarily they will think to themselves who they truly are. When they come to face me, they will look upon me and they will shift that question upon me. Shinzo, Killer Kandi, and Max Maverick will ask me, even if non-verbally, “Who are you?” This question, placed before me, will need no long-winded ramblings, no poetic prose, and it sure as hell will not need a second thought as I stare them in the eye with the determination of the world on my shoulders.

I am Brian “Humanity” Zewbowski: and I am a champion.

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Want to know what happened after the interview? Role Play #2 is over here!

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