Surprised Hatred has not spoken up in this thread yet lmao. Tbh I think Sheamus has had a great reign, some people will hate it but you cannot deny he carries himself well, is 70% of the time great on the mic, and great in the ring. Sure you could play the same old move set card but tbh it's like that with every star that's established because it get's the kids excited quick. I mean he doesn't always end matches with the Brogue Kick even though they're trying to build that, the cloverleaf is good and I still think he should use the finisher he used when he was WWE Champ (high cross?).
I could see him holding the for longer, and have no problem with it. With the Ziggler cash in talk, idk, I think he's ready in ring, but then again his selling seems to be over the top to me, and on the mic/promos I'm not sure. He can cut them, but connecting with the crowd is another thing and if he fails to do that just like champs in the past have his reign could be cut short when he does get it...
I could see him holding the for longer, and have no problem with it. With the Ziggler cash in talk, idk, I think he's ready in ring, but then again his selling seems to be over the top to me, and on the mic/promos I'm not sure. He can cut them, but connecting with the crowd is another thing and if he fails to do that just like champs in the past have his reign could be cut short when he does get it...